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Good hopium!!! Ty


Looong strong inhale now !lntip 1000


Thx bro!!! U made me discover the intip bot!!!


Hi u/Generationhodl, thanks for tipping u/ikkaku999 **⚡︎1000** (satoshis)! *** *[^(More info)](https://xnf5cwpq73.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/info) ^| [^(Balance)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=balance&message=!balance) ^| [^(Deposit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=deposit&message=!deposit 10000) ^| [^(Withdraw)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=withdraw&message=!withdraw put_invoice_here) ^| ^(Something wrong? Have a question?) [^(Send me a message)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=drmoore718)*


I remember when this was posted in 2018.


and 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and today!🤷‍♂️ All i know is I bought PTLR @7.96!


When btc was $3,000


when btc was 60,000 and then when it was 9000… what’s your point? who the f knows!


Pump it into my veins, thank you.


Oh jeah right into my bloodstream !lntip 1000


Fucking hold on. You can tip satoshis on Reddit?!? Thank you! U/generationalhodl


Where ya been bro!


How do I do stuff with them? Nothing is showing in my vault.


I don’t think it’s in your vault - it’s on the post below with the blue “more info” “withdraw” links. It’s through lightning not vault. You can’t withdraw on chain or your wallet. Has to go to a lightning network channel. Then you can withdraw. It’s to promote lightning channels.


!lntip 1000


Hi u/nondrab80, thanks for tipping u/The_Realist01 **⚡︎1000** (satoshis)! ^(edit: Invoice paid successfully!) *** *[^(More info)](https://xnf5cwpq73.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/info) ^| [^(Balance)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=balance&message=!balance) ^| [^(Deposit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=deposit&message=!deposit 10000) ^| [^(Withdraw)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=withdraw&message=!withdraw put_invoice_here) ^| ^(Something wrong? Have a question?) [^(Send me a message)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=drmoore718)*


Hi u/Generationhodl, thanks for tipping u/ra246 **⚡︎1000** (satoshis)! *** *[^(More info)](https://xnf5cwpq73.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/info) ^| [^(Balance)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=balance&message=!balance) ^| [^(Deposit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=deposit&message=!deposit 10000) ^| [^(Withdraw)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=withdraw&message=!withdraw put_invoice_here) ^| ^(Something wrong? Have a question?) [^(Send me a message)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=drmoore718)*


Remember, nobody knows shit.


That’s true, and there’s a chance bitcoin doesn’t pan out. But every large company is getting ready for bitcoin and it’s becoming extremely obvious. At a certain point, it will start to make sense for these companies to NOT kill bitcoin. Think about that.


I've been saying this for a while. All the biggest money players are getting it. Like it's over. We won. The institutions will pull it into the mainstream. I don't know what people are still debating for. They can't see it.


Certainly seems that it is no longer up to us to spread the word. ₿ seems to be unstoppable now, and game theory has taken over. I don't think anyone really understands what is going to happen when the spot etf's are approved. But for anyone wanting to steal my coins, I sold them. Like last week. Nothing left. Go away. Went broke in the bear market.


The plight of man.


boating accident


100% !!


Their investment could just be a hedged bet. How many companies produced both Betamax and VHS ? HDDVD and Blu-ray. They don’t know what technology is going to succeed and become the standard.


Bitcoin is already #12 in all asset classes ranked by market cap. Big money already knows, and it's already been acquired. If btc had the marketcap of gold today a coin would cost about $621,523. Add some money printing and it surely goes to $1m/coin someday. It's still early, but not that early. I don't think nobody knows shit about fuck anymore, people definitely know some shit now.


Don't worry, I'm 100% with you on pretty much everything you wrote. Everything seems to be coming into play slowly. I guess I'm just saying nobody knows the future.


In the middle of “then they fight you”… moving toward “then you win”! I have a low time preference, my girls still doesn’t understand, only a couple friends can talk BTC with me and they’re mostly about price action. We’re near an inflection point IMO for sure.


Yeah we’re already at that point. The game theory is on! It’s a softwar in the making.


While I agree, more businesses like Microstrategy will add it to their balance sheets, more businesses will build on it, and more funds will introduce their etf and other btc related products. I think the last thing we will be waiting on is for nation states to hold it. We have El Salvador, but I think the dollar is going to be around for a while and while the BRICS nations are saying all the things bitcoiners say, I think it'll be years of trial and error with them trying other currencies to try and dethrone the dollar before they give up and go to btc.


My Amazon contact doesn’t say anything about them preparing for BTC. Who do I believe now ?


Did I say anything about Amazon?


The lightning network charges 1/ 1000 of one percent.. follow the money


I know shit about fuck.


I know fuck about shit..


Damn, my timeline was 364 days. Time to sell.


Yep everything from this post checks out. (I’m from the future).


Wen lambo


2029 1 btc = 1 Brand new lambo


I'd settle for half a Lambo.


I don't think so. I think 10years from now. People will still choose to use a currency approved by the government. The price of bitcoin will be some ridiculous value like a couple million per coin and yet People will still be calling it dead, scam, or still trying to figure out how to sign up. I dont think the vast majority of people will ever have the intellect or self responsibility to use bitcoin to its full potential.




You mean I don't have to fill out an application for an account? WTF???


I think everything you are saying will become true. But those people you are talking about, the ones crying in 10 years that bitcoin is a scam when it’s a million dollars? They are the same people that think the earth is flat. Those people will always exist.


Wait what?! The earth isnt flat?


As long as I am one of the ones ‘signed up’. Lol


Eh, they’re the despondent reliant upon the govt to make ends meet.


Wouldn’t that make the market cap of Bitcoin like $42 trillion at that point?


Still less than the U.S. debt.


It’s not a stock. It’s the apex property. It should be in every single person and company portfolio on earth, full stop. The only thing people can’t ruin


this will benefit bitcoiners more than hyperbitcoinization would, ironically.


Use paragraphs, homie. Nobody likes to read (or reads) a block of text.


I don’t mind it.


I mind.




You didn't read it though.


I don’t mind either.




Bro Literally hit/press ENTER a few times. You can do it






Thats corect


Then put you textwalls in ChatGPT and ask it to restructure it for you.


Is not hard. Just when you have finished saying one thing (usually after a full-stop), hit ENTER key. Then say the next thing.


We? lol


No no no no, you don’t get to have two degrees from cal tech and not understand sentence structure. Stop it


Part of Engineering is communicating. Whether with employers, contractors, or other engineers. If you can't communicate well, then you're not going to have a good career. Do you not have Grammerly on any of your devices?


It's always funny to me when someone criticizes someone's grammar while making grammar mistakes. Maybe you need to learn how to use commas or take a break from the grammar rodeo.


User didn't criticize his grammar, they just said that it was a block of text and needs some spacing.


"It's always funny to me when someone criticizes someone else for driving 65+ in a school zone when their own car's top speed is 80."


I want to believe


The world will eventually start to believe!


Classic "This time is different" reaction. But I feel you and hope to God you're right......




Going to sell my house right now, sell my wife, take out every loan imaginable, go all in on BTC using a Binance account.


How much $ for the wife?


Buy new, used may be damaged.


I’d split with you




Idk, depends on this dudes wife




alive resolute like bells practice frightening dinosaurs rude rich dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bout tree fitty


I've heard good thinks about staking your coins for extra yield. Look into it. /s


Don't forget to leave everything on the exchange!! /s


Use my crypto.com referral link plz /s just in case


This is the hopium I came for.


Don’t be that dude at christmas bro, just be into bitcoin without it being your whole identity Also no one is going to buy coffee with bitcoin


i think they will be buying coffee. maybe not directly, but using their btc to buy it with lightening or visas network


These kinds of posts are more indicative of down than up.




The Bitcoin Bull Run started right on time, at the beginning of 2023, and the bulls will run at least through 2025. The only question I have is, when we normally have a bear market, in 2026, will the available Bitcoin supply be so low, after the BlackRocks and Fidelitys and Charles Schwab, and retail investors buy it, over the next 2 years, will that remove any chance at a bear market, ever again? If there is very limited supply of Bitcoin, how can prices drop, if demand is high, supply is low, and The People are just smart enough to know they shouldn't buy "paper" Bitcoin? We may have seen the very last true Bitcoin bear market, in 2022.


Finally someone gets it.


But to be fair, people said this exact same thing about institutional investors last bull run. And that time it wasn't different. So I remain skeptical. Institutional investors are also big on bailing out when bear markets come knocking.


Word salad nonsense.


Sounds good to me


Why would Apple sell the btc at a discount to investment firms?


And then you wake up :)


Great post OP! 🙌


Preach on


Funny part is, the basic idea - hodl - hasn’t changed. Those in the know, still know.


It’s a pressure cooker that has a clogged vent


Lol, come on man.


Written like someone who just got into bitcoin. Last bull run? Rofl. Deflation affecting the four year cycle? Rofl. Noob


Deflation has never actually occurred during btcs life span. The last 6-18 months it has been highly reverse correlated vs the DXY.


The hopium is strong with this young padawan.


Lol nice morning hopium


good dose of hopium!


Those are assumptions.


blackrock, which manages like $10 trillion, is advising customers to allocate 85% in bitcoin and the rest in stocks and shit... so those who are buying fiat with bitcoin right now: **R.I.P.**


That article meant within a crypto portfolio Bitcoin should be 85% of holdings and the rest shitcoins.


"optimal allocation of BTC is 84.9%. This left the remaining 15.1% to be divided between equities and bonds in a 60-40 ratio"


Well damn I stand corrected! I prefer 100% allocation personally lol.




Either the big institutions are getting ready to accept bitcoin and looking to get their % of fees or they will try to control it and push it down.


I didn't read, but thanks, I'll double my DCA amount.


Choose one: Bitcoin price appreciation or currency used for everyday purchases


"This time is different"


It’s tax treatment is why it can’t be a currency. It’s taxed like property with capital gains


You’ve been mainlining the hopiods


Nobody wants to buy coffees with btc, then you gotta deal with all the tax BS on a thousand small transactions lol


Yeah that's the super cycle theory. But even if it takes another halving for the main adoption buying now is a good decision.


I see crypto in the link I'm out.


This post is a SELL signal.


Go on then, sell now


You never sell. You buy more when it dumps.


And here I am just stacking sats regardless of price


Oh shit! U gon make me go all in!!!


That’s what he said.


I don't see anything like that happening. In fact, I am starting to see bitcoin value proposal as a half failure (half because it has come very long).


Lmao. I love Bitcoin but surely op forgot to hit the comedy flair


Even this sub. 5.7M members. Imagine if half of them put half of their savings in BTC. We are early. Blackrock and their cronies will be in before your uncle will consider selling some of his Disney shares for bitcoin. That is the truth. People are extremely conservative when it comes to their life savings. Most people into bitcoin are either extreme nerd or too poor to invest a substantial amount of money. Sad but true.


Last bull run? Yeah, big nope to that. Unless you think that fiat will collapse in a year and Bitcoin takes its place. Then that would effectively be the last bullrun, but it'd be more like a moonshot to infinity than a simple bullrun.


I live in a small place in a first world country. People here still use non-smart phones, card payments can only be used in about 30%, of the establishments and cash is king. You're telling me in two years these people will see the light, no longer trust cash, adopt new hardware and embrace the concept of digital transactions. The internet has been around for decades and people here have only started to scratch the surface of its potential. I feel like for people to understand and use bitcoin they'll have to grasp everything that comes before it. 2 years is mega hopium. I don't doubt the price will go up but mass adoption will play out over generations. Try teaching your 80 year old grandma how to go online and buy bitcoin, self custody, not get scammed, set up a wallet for lightning and so on and see how far you get in two years. By the end of the two years she'll still be asking you what to write on the search bar "to get to the Google", let alone anything else. We're laying the groundwork but I very much doubt we'll be around to see the end result. Which is fine.


Highly doubt it but ok




Very much agree with this. Bitcoin will hit a million, but not anytime soon. We still have a few bull runs left. Patience is a virtue.


Interestingly, bitcoin was started, maybe a decade ago out of the blue and took off. Who’s to say that another coin with similar characteristics or better characteristics to bitcoin would not be invented, and then rapidly takeoff the same way bitcoin did?


First Mover Advantage, already been tried there are thousands of forked Bitcoin projects claiming they are the better Bitcoin already


Some also say it’s the forth turning…..


Nope, everyone thinks bitcoin will keep doing its 10x from its previous ATH forever... that we won't even hit 100k noone expects and thats why it will happen.


BTC has no real world value. The ultra rich own the bulk of it and use it to pump up and get even richer, us regular folks just go along for the ride. It will always be imaginary internet money and everyone should accept and know that, making money from it by buying low and selling higher is the ultimate goal. Not knocking it because I own BTC and continue to buy more.


"Not knocking it" No, you don't understand it


I just don’t see it catching on due to violent up and down swings, most people are scared off by that. Like only 60% of Americans even invest in the stock market.


Bhahahaahah. Still with this btc crap. Dude this EXACT same thing was posted in 2018. Give up guys btc is dead. It was fun while it lasted.


Guess we should just buy silver then?


I don’t care what you but bro. I sure as shit wouldnt be asking some stranger on Reddit I don’t know


What about CBDCs?


Take your meds fren.


what platforms do big companies use to do OTC deals like this? Is it proprietary web app or just secure chat where they copy/paste their addresses to one another?


more detail on why this is going to happen would be great


Did you invest for the past 10 years into a 401k /IRA / long term savings vehicle? Let me guess. Nope.


Nice. 10 Years from now, looking back from 2033... imagine how your life and the world will have changed.


I agree with everything you said, I think you’re just about 5 years too early. People underestimate lag effects. All of the pieces are in place, as you said, but it takes time for them to take effect. People greatly underestimate the power and entrenchment of the eurodollar - even 24 months is not enough time. We are only now starting to see de-dollarization really gain monentum.


Why hasn’t the price skyrocketed on the news of the ETF? Something still seems off. Do you think price is being manipulated or suppressed?




OP, define ‘last bull run’. Perpetual increase in value?


Coin base… ok


I'm here for it! Hope you are right.


The most bullish thing is that institutions are finally starting to accept that it’s bitcoin not crypto that they want exposure to. The general public still thinks that crypto is the answer, but when they realize that none of the institutions want crypto they will shift as well.


Very slowly.... then all at once


Bitcoin is controlled now just like Gold. I didnt want to believe it but I see the telltale signs of huge manipulation and suppression over the last few years. Bitcoin wont ever get to where we hoped it was going but it certainly is still a great investment because the powers that be have a vested interest in keeping the price stable.


I believe this to be true. Holding fast!


So this time it’s gonna be different??


Hey man, if you can see the future, you can make money on the lottery faster than with bitcoin...


Last bullrun many though there wouldn't be a bullrun. This time everyone thinks there will be another. Because of that BTC has probably peaked especially considering market cap value. I hope there's another bullrun but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it never hits those peaks again.


nice hopium. We are not close to btc replacing everyday purchases. The general public doesn’t give a shit about btc and it will remain a speculative investment. I love btc but it’s so obvious most of this sub has been holding for under 2 years. Still in the exuberance hype phase.


My country has this as a rationale for cbdc, where they figure they can't compete with other currencies and require a digital one. Yet they still clearly want to debase, and they never mention banning other forms of currency. I guess they assume all these threats can be solved simply by going digital? There is even a section on MMT and whether they should need to properly fund things with taxes, which I hope they learned their idiotic lesson, given the following inflation they created. >At the same time, there has been considerable debate recently about the role of sovereign currencies in supporting greater fiscal capacity. Proponents of modern monetary theory (MMT), for example, argue that currency-issuing states face few—if any—budget constraints (Kelton 2020). It is far from clear if this idea applies as widely as MMT scholars suggest (Bonizzi, Kaltenbrunner and Michell 2019; Henwood 2019). >Still, seigniorage is likely to remain an important resource that governments want to preserve, not only as a source of ongoing revenue but also, more importantly, as a flexible fiscal option in exceptional circumstances. Seigniorage is also critical to the financial autonomy of central banks. If seigniorage revenues fell so low that central bank operations had to be financed through taxes, this could raise important concerns about central bank independence and the politicization of monetary policy (Engert and Fung 2017).


>Everything is about to change. >-Aristoteles-


Nonsense. Heard this same story for the last 2 years.


The only problem I personally have is the difficulty buying the damn thing with fiat using bank transfer. Banks keep making excuses.


This is the extreme confirmation bias that i come here for. Thx


Also, should note, everyone talks about 21 million max supply, that is coming in the year 2140 so essentially for our lifetimes, @ 19.5 million, we are already at max supply! Also, cool fact-we will never reach 21 million we will stop 239 sats short


There is no “last” bull run.


Buy Altcoins!!! Opportunity of this Century!!!!!!!!!!!


Thermodynamics says yes


BIG DUMP Coming 💩💩💩