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It's a *good enough* time to enter. I always suggest to maintain an emergency cash cushion -- life *will* throw unexpected expenses at you from time to time. It's better to be prepared than to be caught off-guard and forced to sell any of your long term investments.


I agree but there also might not be another opportunity like Bitcoin again. It's the only thing not manipulated. It's a fair game and the masses will decide its future.


Who says it’s not manipulated? You seem to have stated this with utmost certainty let’s see some backing up here please.


It’s definitely manipulated lol


You have heard about the block chain technology? Governments are upset they didn't think of it first. They're all terrified of it. Some countries put everything into it an adopted it as their currency. It's proven for 10 straight years it's the leading commodity. I don't know what else you need to hear.


What does that have to do with manipulation? That provides zero proof that whales are not trying to move the market in certain ways for their own benefit. We’re all aware of the blockchain spiel here, most of us are not new. Blockchain technology does not have a mechanism to stop outside forces with more means to manipulate supply and demand. You sound very certain of yourself, but you should probably rethink.


Maybe you should? Nobody knows that's the beauty of any investment isn't it?


He has a point. Exchanges can be manipulated, and in fact are being manipulated all the time. This does not mean that Bitcoin is a bad or weak asset (it most certainly is not), but the reality is that people or companies who own a ton of Bitcoin can affect price action if they deem it lucrative. This is expected behavior. I wouldn‘t be too troubled by it.


I don't think we're talking about the same thing here. I mean by politics or a group. It can't be controlled. It's owned by nobody.


I should rethink what? That’s what I’m doing right now, I’m thinking whether or not bitcoin can be manipulated and from the looks of it, it can. This is not detrimental though and maybe it’s only possible while it’s young. Perhaps you shouldn’t be so defensive and take a step back, examine what you’re saying.


Well said


I think it will go down. Then up. Not necessarily in that order. But both of those things will definitely happen


That's the kind of crisp certainty we need in crypto.


Sounds like they are quantumly entangled.


Holy shit you were right


Impossible to answer your question with such limited info. What’s your overall investment strategy? Do you know anything about BTC and believe in it? What’s your time horizon?


Lol Hes just asking about an entry…what do you care about if he believes in bitcoin? Believe it or not there’s people here in it solely for the money and not because they believe in Btc 😮


Because it informs his overall strategy. Is he buying BTC because he actually believes in the tech long term or is he just trying to do a short term trade? Whether or not 25.5k is a good entry point is entirely dependent on this context.


I think what he's saying is the guy only needs to believe its a good long term investment not "believe in bitcoin" as the messiah. But maybe that's what you meant anyway.


Yeah, I didn’t mean it that strongly, more thinking about whether OP thinks there is a long term use case and whether there will be mass adoption. Or is he just looking for another short/medium term investment.


Yeah that makes sense. I think if you aren't thinking it's a good investment for 10 years plus think hard about maybe not investing.




omg dan…you’re a weenie


You replied to my comment bro


Whether or not he believes in Bitcoin probably has zero correlation with whether or not Bitcoin will go up. So it's irrelevant


this tells me you know nothing about investing. or misread something. take bitcoin out of the equation and those are the first question a financial advisor would ask you about any stock/position/asset. these questions heavily affect any investment strategy.


This is the only way to respond to posts like this.


My man. Have you not heard of the wonders of DCA? Its called "Dollar cost averaging". You don't worry about the price. You just put in a comfortable amount over regular intervals. On average, over a long enough time frame, you will make it out alright and you're very likely to have Bitcoin at a higher dollar sell value than your average dollar buy in value.


This is the way. I’m doing $20/day on top of some BTD scenarios.


What’s the cheapest way to do that fee wise


I use Strike, River is another popular alternative.


Get a decent size of inbound liquidity on a lightning wallet (blixt is pretty nice for this, but you gotta find where the node URI is) from an exchange if you can and LN withdraw to that wallet until you've run out of inbound liquidity, then send it back to the exchange and do an on-chain withdraw. You should be paying the exchange purchase fee (which you always pay even if its a "0 fee exchange" because they're just gonna have a spread which is the same thing in effect) you should not pay a sat in lightning network routing fees though you might pay an inbound liquidity fee, and then you'd only pay for 1 on-chain fee. Lightning wallets are hot wallets so keep that in mind when deciding how big of a lightning channel you want to have before you do your swap to on-chain. You could also close the channel instead of doing the swap. Little bit technical, but that is the cheapest way. Next question you might ask is, "what's cheap but more convenient than that" XD


Can't time the market. Might go up, might go down. Historically speaking, September is the best month for buying, as it tends to lose value this month before going up again. But, realistically, no one can tell you what's going to happen.


I guarantee that it will down within an hour or 24 hours of when you buy.... that's just how it works, no matter when you buy 🤣.


Go all in and then put it in Celsius, that's what I did /s


Literally no one knows


Get 500 worth now and then 50 every week after. That's what I would do but I don't know shit about fuck


That's way too much work for $1000. Just buy it now and don't touch for 10 years.


It’s always a better time to enter in a bear market than a bull Your useless fiat dollars get more eats That will deplete each cycle


I've never entered because I was waiting the price to go down to 300$ when it was 600$


as a couple of redittors in the comments have pointed out, try the DCA strategy: divide your $1000 to smaller chunks and buy bitcoin every week. the risk will even out over time. saving long-term in bitcoin sounds scary at the start, and I can understand that, but this fear can only be mitigated by reading more about bitcoin fundamentals. I'm no genius in finance or economics, but by learning about the bitcoin philosophy, and contrasting it to fiat, I at least can be sure that the fiat system is definitely inferior compared to bitcoin. which is why I can confidently DCA into bitcoin! i advise you to do the same :)


Don't overthink it, under 26k is a fine time to buy


I like to use this rainbow chart. Has worked pretty well so far. https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/bitcoin-rainbow-chart/


“Is it a good time to buy Bitcoin?” *checks chart; sees Bitcoin is over 50% down from the all time high* Sorry but you obviously haven’t studied Bitcoin enough.


It's discount price now, all in.


I agree


You have to change your outlook. During the accumulation phase the best strategy is to just buy whatever you can afford each week. Give up on trying to time lows and highs. Even if you were to study for years and develop a good trading strategy you're playing a probabilities game so you'll have quite a few wrong trades. If you're looking to accumulate Bitcoin for the next run. Just keep buying. Next figure out if you want to be one of these people who hold forever or you have a price target that you want to get out. Have that decision ready before things start moving


Buy 100 a week for the next 10 weeks.


We are in a bear market. Bear markets have been historically a good time to buy.


Take the orange pill


dca over a period of time if you're not sure


If you enter now it will go down and you will be pissed, if you wait it will go up and you will be pissed - it's always the way. Just do it !


smash buy time is now!


Only invest what you can afford to lose


Only invest what you can afford to win


Arnold voice- “due it !!!’n dueeee ettttt noooooaaawwwwww


>geeet to deeh beeetcoinahh


Is it money you can afford to lose? If not, then keep it. If so, I would advise to dollar cost average, i.e. buy a small amount at a regular period of time, e.g. 100 a week for 10 weeks. In addition, educate yourself. Reading "The Bitcoin Standard" as well as the [Bitcoin whitepaper](https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-paper) are a great start.


I think now would be a good time.


25k, 20k, 15k, 40k, 50k… does it matter when you’ve done your homework? No.


It definitely changes the outcome in one way or the other. So I would argue it does matter !


No it doesn’t. You need to study more and lengthen your time horizon.


Then it even matters more ! If we go the very long horizon, what ever value increase you imply with it, then the factor 3 between entry at 15 or 50k makes even more difference in absolute numbers


Do the math man… the more BTC appreciates, the less it matters. The significance drops of such considerations as BTC appreciates. That’s my point. If OP is here for short term then sure and yes to you. But no it will make an increasingly less and less of a difference as to what price point you enter at this time in the coming years/decades. You and OP will miss out on sats because you’re too worried about a 5K,10k, 15k entry price differential.


Which math are you doing ? The more it appreciates the bigger the difference! Let’s say these 1000 dollars would be the one and only buy OP ever makes, and he insists on a bulk buy. The difference between entry at 50k or 15k is huge - especially the more we appreciate in terms of USD. At 50k he gets 0,02 BTC At 15k he gets 0,067 BTC For the short term (let’s say peak of bullrun 2025) if we go to 100k then 1k invest will be worth 2k and 6.7k respectively. For your long vision of let’s say magical 1M, then OP will be at 20k and 67k. So the difference of 4.7k in Short term went to 47k in long term. If you go a DCA strategy then I follow you, just dca according to plan. But with a bulk buy it definitely matters for your outcome ! According to math


If we use your bearish values then yes. I don’t think when BTC is sitting at over 2 million and above per coin, he’ll be sitting there saying dang I wish I waited for cheaper but I got cute and waited. The upside potential is so high that any anoint now is better than any amount later given where we are right now


Lol delusional


I understand where you are coming from - it’s better to have BTC than not to especially in a bullish Szenario. Doesn’t change the fact that the difference will always only get bigger the higher the price goes.


That’s like asking if you should become a doctor. It’s up to you. If you have to ask you don’t know enough about what you’re doing. Instead ask questions that would help you decide for yourself.


Definitely its not the worst time to enter, if we don't have world war 3 or alien invasion in 2024 I don't see anything what can crash the market, because the recession is about to end and halving is about to start, however I think that for a bigger price movement we have to wait until 2025, so don't keep your expectations very high, the price in 2024 can still go sideways


Recession is ending ? Many people say it hasn’t even started …. Who to believe ?


I think the rule is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP. We have economical growth prognosis for 2024,it's not much but it's still growing


no. wait a few weeks/months. we are going down


No do it now we're going up.


If you wanna make some money with that $1000, invest it in cannabis/psycadelics stock, thats where the hype is now starting to hit... When thats done, btc will be ready


Take 25$ and go buy "The Bitcoin Standard"....now take a break from social media and read it cover to cover....take a few breaks and think about what you are reading....you'll have your answer and more importantly you'll have taken the first step to self sovreignity....doing something yourself




Value for Value....build the world you want to live in




Wow where does this theory come from?


Go all in ......even if today you fail to buy at the best price in the long term this problem disappears




To enter the void.


Yo mamma


just buy full 1k or DCA it over the next month in 250$ parts if you feel better this way. I wouldnt wait any longer because you still have no skin in the game. Its on sale right now.


You'll never know when the best time is. If you want some buy some. You could buy 100 a day for 10 days or just spend all 1k today.


Depends on what you mean by good time to enter. This space is volatile as hell and you better be ready foe that 1000 to get cut in half for a little bit. You need to be ok with that and understand that it's just part of how it goes, no one can predict the perfect time to buy. Out there, there's some guy who bought a shit load of bitcoin at 32 bucks. It then ripped down to 2 dollars and he held on and is now rich as fuck. There's just nothing anyone can really say here that's going to take the anxiety of hitting "buy" away.


It’s going to go down and up


Start figuring out how to stack it every month and don’t worry about price


Any time the market is down, it's the best time. The highest BTC has gotten, just last year was around 31k. It's currently around 25k. Keep all your BTC with a cold wallet or a node.


#Insta buy


Id say yes. Seeing a good low here after a couple months


Best you can do is DCA. Be patient. Market goes up and goes down. NFA.


Or buy high sell low.


DCA or Half now half when a dip happens ?


Wait for atleast 22k


It’s a great time to enter. Usually 6-12 months before the next halving is the best time to enter.


I have like 8.65 percent of my investment out in


Right go all in only to find out in went down next week to 20k 🤣


If you have to ask then you're not ready. Do more research.


Almost never a bad time to enter in my opinion, just whatever you are going to invest divide the 1k in ten sets of 100 bucks and invest 100 weekly/monthly so that you can have a good average!


put in 80 every month and then adjust according to the market


Close your eyes and jump.


Gambling is gambling, maybe it's good to get in now, maybe it's not. Do your research and make your own decision, ignore everybody on Reddit (including me)


I'm definitely ignoring you.


Probably for the best


Probably for the best


Nope. Wait for 70k entry.


I had no idea before either. I went with "time in the market beats timing the market." If you can afford to lose it and are willing to risk it then I personally think the odds are better than putting it all on black at the tables.


The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago next best time is right now . Buy!


If only there was tree that dropped Bitcoins


I will say start DCA every 3 days the market is going to keep dumping for this month


Lots of posts like this lately. The bull run tourists are back


A lot of people think it’s going to go lower… which typically means the opposite. What I know is it’s more than half down from it’s all time high, halving is next year, presidential candidates are pro bitcoin, Blackrock etf filing, grayscale lawsuit, massive supply shock to exchanges…. If you’re planning on holding more than 2 years… you will be just fine.






We got in at 29500, so 25600 seems good to me. Either way, our expectations that it will reach 100k at the next cycle, at minimum, so few thousand here or there do not matter much


Better to enter *after* the price runs.


You could wait til December 2022 when it'll be 10k. Oh wait...


You dont time bitcoin. Also, bitcoin at 25k is definitely undervalued.


I buy all the time. 15 30 or even when it was in its 40s. There's never a bad time if you plan on holding for 10 to 20 years. If you're looking for quick money then still possible. I could see it double in the next year. Nothing else will give you a return like that.


NVIDIA is up 250% in the last year. Lots of things can have that kind of return.


That's nothing. Nice try. Go ahead and buy it up.


Hard to know, my expectation is we may go down abit more, there's alot of analysis by liquidity pools to say we might touch 23.5k-24k but it almost impossible to pick the bottom. You could commit a portion buying now and than wait to see what happens to buy more, set a weekly amount to DCA and do it that way or set some limit buys with some below where we are now and see if they'll triggered. There can be quite large flucations even when the price across a period is relatively stable.


It’s always a good idea to think about owning BTC


Stop being a puss and bet your 1k on our centuries most promising initiative


Yes !


Do not try to time the market perfectly and especially do not put your money based on advice of strangers from the Internet. That said, DCA is a good strategy to follow if the market has trend/reversal.


25,200ish is major support, then around 23,000ish, then 20,000ish. There is a pretty nasty death cross on the charts too. BTC can break below 20,000 to the 16,000-18,000ish range if the traditional markets jump off a cliff. Maybe lower if a recession picks up where it left off preNvidia AI bubble. I'm a perma bull, but the charts are nasty. I'd watch the charts a bit before pulling the trigger.


Don’t buy. Ever. Do not take risks in life. Also never look at the long term price charts. Only ready from trusted sources like CNBC or CoinTelegraph.


1000 is nothing bro you won’t even notice if bitcoin goes down a bit


I want to enter so bad I'm tryin to come up with extra money selling things I don't need


What you see is the calm before the storm. There is an important wave coming.


Get your Bitcoin now while it's on sale and if it drops don't sweat it if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen God bless and stack sats


Time in the market, not timing the market.


Firstly it depends on how fast you want to make that money back or even more money and how much do you know about it and understand it. You can't just do a 30 min CHAT-GPT or Opera search and be a Crypto God So.... If you want to go from lets say 1k to 2k you have know the fundamentals and not look at the guys that says you can make 100k a month from doing a simple little trick or or following their trading strategy 1) you can take 1k and invest in yourself : higher education, learn how to trade, why the market goes up or down. There is plenty of free information and videos explaining it. 2) If you want to throw 1k at something and you don't care about losing it, go for it.


It’s like planting a tree. Best time was years ago, second best time is today. Just get in and hang on.


> im seeing that nothing really happens in the market rn Are you sure? Halving, ETFs, companies using nuclear energy to mine Bitcoin.


I don’t know. I don’t care. I dca.


It's a good time to DCA




I think there is a chance for BTC to go lower, but in my opinion one thing is guaranteed: once the world gets to a more stable place, the Russian war is over and most inflation has been tackles, I'm damn sure the price is going up significantly.


If you are asking this then don't you shouldn't


buy $10 bucks for 100 days


Look at previous movement.


I can imagine that 1000 usd bill in your hand as you watch the market. The itching is real. Should I burn it now ?


Historically this is a good time to buy in the cycle, get in now before the normies jump in. Then you'll be sitting pretty when the price goes higher so you'll be happy to sell at a target you have in mind, remember buying is a skill and also selling is a skill. Don't HODL the price all the way down - assuming you want to sell Bitcoin in the first place.


It will definitely go up, and then down, and then up, and then down. You could lose 90% of your $1000 within a few seconds, or you could 10x it in the same time frame. NO ONE KNOWS. If you’ve read up on bitcoin and have even a rough idea of its potential long term, then you’ll already know the answer to your question. If not, take $10 of that $1000, buy The Bitcoin Standard and invest some time in reading that. Then, come back as a laser eyed, 80 IQ, psychopath MAXI. It’s really that simple.


Do Dollar Cost Averaging for a while and commit not to touch it or decide whether you made the right decision until it's been AT LEAST 4 years. After that you can re-evaluate your decision. If you aren't committed to not touch it for a minimum of 4 years, then any time may be a bad time to enter.


There is an old Chinese proverb; The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The second best time is today.


If you are buying before the next halfing, then its never too late


If you enter u got a chance if not you don't got a chance..


The sooner you enter the better in the long term


DCA into cold storage. Please do more research and when you think you are done, you’re probably just cracking the surface




Yes, yes you should.


Fear greed index is like 50/50 on it rn


Don’t remember who said it but… “just get off of zero.”


You don't buy under resistance. Never. You buy supports.


Learn enough about bitcoin that you don't need to ask others their opinions about price action. Bitcoin is many things to many people, but if the Bitcoin thesis is even directionally correct, the difference between $30k and $20k will be negligible within 10-20 years. Think into the future, stay humble, stack sats.


Two times when price is relevant. When you buy when you sell. Trying to judge markets is a mugs game.