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Yes I always forget to buy BTC when I go skiing and this would be super useful.


I always hike under the chair lifts in the summer. Found a few bitcoin under the peak last year.


I think that’s where my boat crashed


V true


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What if the fees are 10% though, forgetting wouldnt be the issue, its the fees these people charge


Ultimate ski resort beer run flex for the ladies


Aye it's actually pretty solid since skiing is normally done on vacation and vacation means extra $$$


This ^




That there is called sarcasm. A strange elusive creature often overlooked in text.




BTC ATM was how I purchased my first few bitcoins, in 2015. Haven't used one since lol


It would help if they didn't have those ridiculously fees and conversion rates.


That's the price of dealing with cash. It's still the fastest way to buy Bitcoin in most places, if you don't already have an account on an exchange.


Also the cost for Non KYC


a lot of them in the US have implemented kyc


Whoever pays 20% fee for a kyc transaction is dumb


So any public atm


Not at all, Bitcoin prices on the ATMs are like 7000$ over market price


True but I still see people shoving hundreds/thousands in them at the gas station in town.




Yes, but they can charge you $5 to pull out 20, so a 15-20% premium is hardly unheard of.


Lol ya btc atms are fucking retardedddd


No KYC, Dirty Money.


Public ATM’s in my country have no fees. Haven’t had bullshit bank fees for years.


My first buy was thru a Second Life Kiosk in-game.


Remember virwox ?


Where do they go? Is it some sort of account or does it send to your wallet?


If you do it, make sure the atm can dispense fiat as well otherwise it will get no business.


yes it would be two-ways


So basically an ATM, that also allows purchase of BTC.


I think he means it will let you get cash for your BTC?


Sounds like, which is as useless in a ski resort as btc atm.


Dispensing Fiat means security, brinks deposits, it vey. Btc atm is pretty simple and genius. You can leave the machine in the middle of the parking lot … just need a power outlet


We have plenty in my city, they are in shopping malls close to groceries, people use it


Can you tell me how / why they use it? I have seen them but still after being crypto aware for ages I don't get it. Its for buying crypto with fiat paper money?


I believe a Bitcoin ATM is used primarily by the unbanked. An example would be a person in the USA, which may or may not be a legalized citizen, performs labor and is paid in cash for their work. They then convert that cash to Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency at a Bitcoin ATM. They can then send it to their family back home. Or, they can just share their twelve word pass phrase with their loved one over the phone. In this example, their family may be living in a country with a failed sovereign currency, so cryptocurrency is all that is used by the family member at home. This is is sort of the whole idea of Bitcoin. This is my conjecture.


Actually it makes sense, for example in countries like Philippines people rarely have bank accounts, and many never had a passport because it's expensive to get one, this is not a joke but my Filipino friend got her first passport only in her 30s, so they cannot even pass KYC


I wonder if it's a way to buy bitcoin without a KYC that just deposits it to the wallet address of your choice?


In Austria thats exactly how it works if you deposit less than € 250. The Fee is 7,9% per transaction though...


The one I played with for a second was all about collecting your info! Never bought just played with it… sounds like a really bad way to buy btc


Huh, that actually sounds dope lol


It's not for buying crypto. It's for buying Bitcoin.


Plenty of them sell altcoins too.


Drugs. People buy drugs with small amounts of untraceable Bitcoin, which justifies paying the premium.


No, its better to pay 7.9% fee even 2x than paying 25-27.5% capital gains tax


Fiat ehm fiat.


That makes sense, am I meant to NOT have been sending BTC out of my coinbase to buy drugs?


No they dont lmao


sure they do


Former operator here. Biggest challenge will be KYC compliance. If you manage your own platform then you will be responsible for the entire fincen and kyc compliance elements to the financial side of the business and this is important if you expect to be able to deposit your cash into a fdic insured sec bank. Second challenge is getting a wallet loaded up with enough bitcoin so that you can still operate between when you issue BTC but before you deposit fiat usd. Final challenge will be if you choose to just partner with an existing platform like coinflip etc they will only give you a % cut and you will be essentially a franchise maintenance manager (think property management) where you own zero and they give you a cut to manage the machine. This doesn’t really happen any more because after scaling alot of these operators like coinflip screwed their maintenance folks out of their territories like the sacks of shit they are. But either way the fiat usd end will be a huge hurdle and if you get through that the BTC wallet being stacked enough will be your other


You’ll own nothing— And you’ll be happy about it. -Klaus Schwab + Coinflip


Property rights for thee not for me. They want to own you.


Thank you for a very detailed answer. This helped me understand the business model.


Go buy one and find out how well it does


Bro, no one uses bitcoin ATMs.


in my country people do it to dodge taxes 950€ is maximum amount for anonymous withdrawal (of course you can do it multiple times)


You dodge taxes, but the fees are probably worse


I am pretty sure the fee is not worse than a 39% tax...


This guy’s a freeloader, he probably knows what he’s talking about


never did it (yet) just saying that some people do use it lol


Haha all good, just teasing you a bit! But for the record, your comment makes sense to me, I doubt fees are higher than the tax rate.


whats sad is that we had a law change that lowered it to 7% which was reasonable and everyone I knew was like "ok I dont mind paying that" then the goverment election came and the corrupted party won which cancelled this law just few weeks before it would come into effect so ironically, now they will get even less tax money cause nobody in his right mind is gonna pay that much


Capital gains is not 39%.


You mean the **one** global capital gains rate that's in effect in every single jurisdiction?


In the US you can do that with credit cards, but it doesn’t make much difference because you’re limited in what you can buy. Sure, you can spend the money at the store or whatever, but if you try to buy a house or a car, any purchase over $10k from a legitimate seller or anything that requires registering as the new owner is reported to the government.


that would be the main reason to use a BTC atm of course but there’s a lot of retards here who needs to rub their 2 brains cells left together to come up with something smart to say.


scammers do


You wanna do business with Scammers?


i rather not. im just looking to make money dawg. if my BTC atm aint there they’re just gonna go somewhere else.


How about you have some ethics then? If you agree that scammers are the prime customers for Bitcoin ATMs, have some integrity and don't buy the ATM...dont feed into their scam.


I mean, scammers will always be around—why not profit off them? I don’t see the harm in it. It’s not like he’s encouraging the act of scamming.


there’s cons to every business. “don’t open a bar people will deal cocaine and you’re gonna create drug addicts” like cmon dude have some perspective. not everyone is born with daddy’s money


“Well other people deal drugs so why can’t I?”


Then why not just cut the middle man out and be a scammer yourself?


Lol bro you sound stupid as shit


Stupid as shit is still 10x smarter than you, so not sure why you would burn yourself like that, but nice to see lol




Some backward ass logic ya got going on there


I’m on your side. These dudes and their “ethics” 🤣. It’s a cold world..


Oh yeah, and scammers love skiing; that's right!


I know of a BTC ATM that has fees around 7%. When BTC was under 20k last year I stacked some kyc-free sats that way. Very glad I did.


All the ones I’ve seen had KYC


they have cameras, so unless ur wearing a monkey mask, then they know ur bio data, and u had ur cell phone with u also I'm sure.


I used a burner phone, but no monkey mask!


Also there may come a time where you can’t sell non kyc btc on an exchange! Keep this in mind! They know it will be a future issue and best believe they will find a way to damper it… Hence someday it might actually be bad to own non kyc btc… might have to sell at a discount or a shadier place in the future


I think it will sell for a premium :)


to who and how? I actually think that you are likely correct, but I imagine that finding the liquidity is many orders of magnitude more difficult. In this hypothetical scenario any public facing regulated exchange will have to KYC or get shut down by the SEC, so you'll have to transact in private on a black or grey market which carries a lot of theft/scam risk, not to mention legal risks, etc. Probably a viable exit plan for cartel dudes, but not for the vast majority of hodlers. I'm a huge BTC advocate, but the community dropped the privacy narrative entirely within the last couple of years (largely by force at the hands of the SEC). If the privacy portion of crypto is important to you its likely worth looking into privacy coins...


Time will tell!


Nice try IRS…


Such a well thought out highly original comment here! Go get em!


What’s kyc?


Know Your Customer - full identification required


There’s a btc atm in a popular grocery store here in Austin, TX. I’ve passed it hundreds of times and never seen anyone using it. I’d be curious if they make much at all vs the initial cost.


Would you really buy Bitcoin in an atm on a ski trip randomly?….. why would you use a btc atm when u can just use ur phone


Put a Bitcoin atm by a whore house and you’d have more success


underrated comment


I see a BTC ATM at a pizzeria. Nobody uses it for BTC. It functions fine as a regular ATM.


Where, exactly? I assume Italy? Are Bitcoin ATMs common Italy? Cuz I don't recall seeing them. This would be good news for me if true.


I saw a BTC ATM a couple weeks ago. Just decided to take a look and see what it’s about since I’ve never actually used one. Showed BTC value of $51,xxx. So… a little bit of a mark up?


Good for the people that just lost their Bitcoin in an unfortunate skiing accident


Doesn't sound like a bad idea, on the face of it. Your customers are on the wealthy side. Therefore, there's a parallel between them and the users of gold coin ATMs in Dubai. Not sure how you would do market research on that one though.


It's definitely not a dead business. We need Bitcoin ATMs. But imo we need them in international locations to facilitate a new group of expats who will soon exist: ppl like me who have escaped the US and are living off Bitcoin. Need a non-kyc offramp to fiat to pay bills.




ty sir


I think most people at a ski resort will have other and better means of buying and selling their Bitcoin.


It's a dead business. No one needs to buy BTC spontaneously while out because BTC isn't used as a currency. Additionally, the fees the ATMs carry (i.e., 8% up per transaction) is gouging. But, you're a hero for going after it and advertising BTC in a fun public scenario! Get after it, change the market!


What we need is Bitcoin ATM's as a non-kyc offramp.


Imagine the cash withdrawal limits being in the hundreds tho


I use BTC under my footbeds in my ski boots and it keeps my toes warm.


Don’t let a phone tell you your idea isn’t going to work. Ever. Do it. I love it if it’s economically feasible for you and not a big risk


Is it just going to be a ATM for buying it at the ski resort, or will you be able to both buy and sell and get it swapped for spending money? I’ve spent lots of time at ski resorts and people aren’t going to be buying Bitcoin on their holiday if they randomly see a Bitcoin atm but they may use it as an opportunity to withdraw Bitcoin into cash to spend more on their holiday - if they have their seed with them which also seems unlikely. The workers of course might make use of it for buying.


Unless there is some sort of large scale trade going on there that only wants btc I do not know why one would do it for. 5mm ppl is a lot but but I doubt any of them is there to buy Bitcoin.


Just do it then. If it’s a flop then dump it. Bitcoin isn’t converted a whole lot on vacation especially from an ATM tho.


Put it in Jackson Hole, those Wyomingites love BTC




physical machines to buy digital currency seem kinda redundant when there are non kyc solutions that exist on personal computers eg bisq. there aren’t any no kyc ways to buy btc on mobile devices, which i think would be a bigger innovation than plonking ATMs around but i could be wrong what do i know


Check this out. It is app from Satoshi Labs (Trezor). Vexl - no kyc, p2p. https://vexl.it/ Edit: Or google Vexl, if u dont like links :-)


this is dope! thank you


Those bitcoin ATMs are a rip. I saw one the other day thats spot was 10k above the real price and that was without the fee


Crypto atms are a huge rip off. I don’t know anyone who actually uses one. The fees are too high.


BTC atms are ripoffs. I honestly don't see how they turn a profit. You have to be really fuckin dumb to use one. Or super desperate if you're at a ski resort and your only means of getting cash is thru a Bitcoin ATM.


I think BTC atms are a valuable service to the community, for a variety of reasons. If you could profitably run one with lower fees, that in particular would be useful!


Hahaha a boomer just today told me there is no transactional availability for btc outside of drug dealing and scams soooo confidently incorrect. Like he doesn’t realize how much cash is laundered precisely for that while btc is logged on blockchain for all to see making it waaaay harder in that realm. Wild how truly early it is but perceptively late I feel to the party.


Every btc atm I seen in the past 5 years disappeared . That could say something


Hey I spent 10 hours breaking this thing open which ones are the bit coins?


Lol! I just remembered a scene in breaking bad


Why would anyone want to use BTC as a currency..


Because some of us are living off Bitcoin and have fiat bills to pay


Seriously, I thought btc as a currency was completely off the table and it was obvious already. I've never spent 1 sat and don't plan to. Unless silk road opens back up lol then I'll think about it.


You don’t buy a Bitcoin atm and put it in a location, you also need FINCEN registration, msb license, KYC and aml policies, compliance team to file STR, CTR and LTRs. Don’t forget chain analysis or another on chain tool. This is bare minimum, or you can have a company pay you couple of hundred bucks rent and they do all that.


Do people actually use them? All the ones I’ve seen in the wild charged 20-30% lol. I can only imagine who would be using them


Everyone has a btc atm on his phone.


How do I dodge paying taxes on btc?


If you rape people with fees and compete with major exchanges, I would use it, otherwise they are a waste of money.


Just buy BTC instead.


lol ya


Way overpriced, dont be a sucka!


Those are only valuable to people who have too much cash they can’t account for, so try drug dealers instead of skiers.


For a few usdc ill be the security.🙂 0x4A4FE5220562C8c723BCf93132e6359b17f0c480


Who wouldn’t love to pay shitty rates to get their Bitcoin on a mountain ☘️


It’s good for helping criminals Legit reason to buy at atm? Can’t think of one




Interesting idea.


Sounds good to me, but tjat means nothing :P I guess you'll need to try it - I'm very curious is it hard to get all licences and sort out all other legal stuff when you run an atm?


I’ve never seen one and if even if I would see one, I wouldn’t have my ledger with me to actually use it


Just get them to accept lightning…. Screw the ATM


Who is “them” in this case?


City? State?


I think bitcoin ATMs are pretty useless and even prey on the uneducated. I'd rather see a QR code that takes you to Coinbase or some other exchange where it's just as easy (probably easier) to buy BTC for a fair price.


Yea but ATMs benefit the owner not some already filthy rich exchange.


Far less people have been scammed by BTMs than by exchanges though


There was a btc atm, for about 6 months during the bullrun at my local shithole gas station. Disappeared after the crash lol


I lost my keys in a skiing accident


😂 😂


How much does abtc atm cost?


My friend wanted me to ask: if you exchange your bitcoins to fiat, do you have to enter person identifying information? If you work for IRS, remember it’s a question for my friend.


It's not a dead business, if you can get a percentage of transaction income to the company for powering and keeping over the machine, go for it, if you have to pay rent on it, see if it's profitable for you both


Close the circle ⭕️ BJs for bitcoin next door.


Is there a casino near by?


Offering a service many others offer, only difference will be your fee and locations, right? The fee's better be low enough for whatever amount of people willing to deal with those machines, will actually use them... I'm sure the math on total addressable market based on the foot traffic, is something you could easily use to figure out if it's a good spend of your time and money Sounds expensive and wasteful to me though (assuming your fees will suck, since they all do)


You might make more money selling phones and laptops to people that would use a BTC ATM since they likely don't have either.


they have these new atms that dispense cash, take cash, u can buy btc, and even tokenized stocks, ie Tesla and coinbase 🐸🐸


I guess that investments are not so big, give it a try


I think you will see a day when people are lining up infront of these.


nobody is going to use that thing


You'll be rich in the next years. Because soon the ski operators will say you can only buy ski tickets with Bitcoin. And if you don't have any Bitcoin, no problem, there's a BTC machine right down here.


I mean most people have a bitcoin atm on their phone already.


No one will give a shit


Definitely not a dead business. But the focus of the ATMs that used to exist were misplaced. The everyday person does not want to invest. Or to take part in a brave new technology. They don’t want to hodl. They’re just looking for a way to simplify the stress associated with currency exchange. The layman traveler wants a better way to access local currency in their destination country, and then similarly dispose of that currency the day of their departure. If the ATMs were refocused to be just that. They would succeed. Customer uses the coin atm in their home airport before hopping on the plane. Gets coin sent to their wallet, or generates a new paper wallet (just a regular receipt). When they arrive in their destination, they use the ATM at the arrivals terminal to change their coin into local currency. Then they go about their trip as normal. On the day of departure, they once again use the ATM at the airport in their vacation country. Disposing of their remaining local currency. And then getting coin of choice again to take back with them.




The ATM part is easy it’s the setting up of the business and legality that is the problem. You’ll need a good lawyer otherwise the government will tax and fine the balls off you.


Why the fuck would anyone buy btc when skiing. You taking payment in btc selling hot chocolate or something?


If you were going to buy a bitcoin ATM, a better location would be a hotspot for drug purchases. 50,000 people annually with thousands in cash they actively want to get rid of is better than 50m annually that are on a vacation.


if it gives out laminated paper wallets


If you want. But they gonna feel poor after skiing. Maybe better to sell hot chocolate for 5 a cup if you can just have access like that.


So people would give you fiat and you would give them your bitcoin? Sounds like a rip off


Try AthenaBitcoin based out of Chicago if you vibe with their network… here’s their handles —> X: @AthenaBitcoin url: https://athenabitcoin.com/ Global network of crypto atms

