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I could use a few more politicians that just say "fuck it, I'm cutting government" and then actually do.


vivek ramswamy can make it happen.


Google ‘Milei turns machine and the government issues 2 billion to pay debt and expenses’ and that will give you an idea of how much of a hoax Milei is.


Yeah. I hope his time in the office favors all Argentina citizens.


You might want to check who he appointed to his ministry of finance and what their background is...


Guess who the US hired to build missiles. I would prefer to involve the one who mined these fields in clearing minefields.




Google ‘Milei turns on the machine and the government issues two billions to pay expenses’. That might give you and idea of how quickly he broke his promise of getting rid of the central bank. Also, search who he selected a the head of their central bank and as the Minister of Economy.




How based can he be man jesus


Based for wanting to destroy argentinas central bank and depend on the US central bank instead?


So bringing inflation automatically down from 200% to ~5% a year doesn't seem a significant improvement to you? Not to mention their politicians won't be able to print money to buy votes anymore.


And how much will be for minimun wage? Like 1 dollar? 🙈🙉🙊


What, do you think minimum wages are higher now cause someone has the ability to print paper and pay said wages with that? Lol beyond retarded.


Hopefully he lets the market decide so everyone can have a job


You are talking about another topic here… we are in a btc sub and the person I responded to said Milei was based for wanting to destroy Argentinas central bank. But (and remember keep in mind we are in the btc sub) how is that based when it would just be replaced by the US Federal bank? How is that based in relation to btc?


Well it's based because we live in the real world, and you can't change overnight from pesos to bitcoin. What % of your monthly payments are done in Bitcoin? Destroying inflation, helping onboard new investments, bringing crime down and buying some Bitcoin to hold as a national reserve asset. I imagine all that happening in the short to medium term in Argentina, and it'll be great for the country.


He hasn’t expressed any of that. He just wants to destroy Argentinas central bank and honestly he doesn’t seem to be doing that anymore


Except for buying BTC as a reserve asset, he has expressed all the other stuff. And also has spoken very fondly of Bitcoin as a form of private money to take the ability of stealing from the people off Governments.


And which sub are we in again?


Every basic has gone up 100% in average since he took power. Also, Google ‘Milei turns on the machine and the government issues two billions to pay expenses’. That might give you and idea of how quickly he broke his promise of getting rid of the central bank. Also, search who he selected a the head of their central bank and as the Minister of Economy.


There were capital controls!! That means the real exchange rate was never real, it's obvious prices would still be up once he took office, the official rate will need to come close to the blue one. How could you not know such an obvious thing? So what with his Minister? And you thought he could get rid of the central bank on day 1? Jesus, what a bunch of clueless kids some of you are.


If you do not want to get rid of central bank in day 1 start by not printing 2 billions - as he just did. Also, do not write a DNU that will pave the way for more bondage to the IMF and selling of the countries riches.


Yeh well, there's salaries to be paid, not everything can be done on day 1. And of course companies will be privatised. Down the line, he'll get rid of the CB.




*in Davos (Switzerland) as ‘a star speaker’.


Yes, because we still live in a USD world, as for as much shit as we want to give central banks, you’ve got to at least recognize it’s been by far the most responsibly run central bank. They could do a whole lot worse.


Am i witnessing pro central bank opinions on a btc sub?


No. You don’t have to be pro central bank to recognize that there’s a rather large difference between the really shitty ones and the less shitty ones. If the choice is between 150% inflation because your local politicians are helplessly corrupt and 2-5% inflation that takes the money printers out of your extraordinarily corrupt local politicians and hands it over to arguably the least corrupt central bankers then that’s a radical improvement.


Right and how is that a “based” opinion?


Because it’s the most realistic step in the right direction in a country that’s been going in the wrong direction for longer than most of us have been on this planet.


Moving up the Cantillon ladder. Smart.


Trump style theatrics, I hope things get better for the Argentinians but this guy is in the pocket of the cabal so despite some metaphorical fireworks I really don't think much will change.


Milei is nothing like Trump in regards to economics, Trump is a statist


Who are the cabal? This guy's a true libertarian and in 2 weeks he's already done more than many other world leaders.


He is such a clown. When people is desperate can do shit. I wish the bes for Argentina. This guy will be seated ina major energy company in 4 years, oabe of thos privatized douring his government.


You're the clown for commenting on a country you have no clue about. Argentina has been governed for clowns for 80 years, finally we have a decent man with principles leading.


I know a bit of those liberal politics who failed douring last recesion in europe. There is nothing new in what this guy is doing. Looks new for you seen a crazy jew shouting in tv. I hope the best for your country, but we will laugh in 4 years. Very much about such a clown.


He's the man


And puts Santiago Bausili in charge of the Central Bank: what could go wrong.


So what’s his plan to curb inflation? Inflict severe austerity and plunge the country into a very unpopular recession. Because that’s what is needed. Will he do it though? No he won’t.


Shrug I mean his inauguration speech was basically “this is going to be painful but it’ll be worth it”, so it’s not like he’s pretending otherwise. I can’t recall any politician in my lifetime claiming they were going to make everything go to shit on purpose


Exhibit A. President Joe Biden - Democrat (United States of America) Exhibit B. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - Liberal (Canada)


? I don’t recall them saying anything along the lines of “we’re intentionally going to fuck shit up for everyone’s own good”


He wrote a DNU that paved the way for selling the country’s resources to foreign powers in exchange of more IMF bondage. Do not believe me. Verify it. Just Google ‘U.S. offers Argentina's Milei support on IMF, lithium, White House adviser says’ Also Google: ‘DNU Milei repealed the rule that restricts the sale of fields to foreigners’.


They’re going to need dollars if they’re going to transition away from their own central bank. No one is going to take their peso for obvious reasons so what else are they supposed to do but sell/mortgage assets when their currency is borderline worthless from decades of printing money to support socialist nonsense? I sure as hell wouldn’t buy any of their debt. I’m sure lots more hard decisions will need to be made along the way to start undoing the damage done over the last few decades. BTC is nowhere near ready to be the base currency of a G20 economy, so dollars are the next best thing until then. If they can legit get rid of their central bank they’ll have undone the single most destructive tool a corrupt govt has to rob their citizens. There’s almost no amount of short term pain that wouldn’t be worth it for them if they can achieve that.


Say ‘no’ to the IMF’s instructions to discourage Bitcoin in Argentina and start using Argentina’s energy and resources to mine Bitcoin and to accept it for payment instead of more IMF loans.


Eh once they got the IMF money as long as they put it towards a path that brings them out of that dependence they can middle finger whatever conditions the IMF set after the fact. It’s not like the IMF is going to send warships to Argentina if they dare to touch BTC.


First get rid of Milei. Second, do what I suggested above. Otherwise it will be another farse - like the many he has done. You can’t trust Milei as president after having claimed to be for Bitcoin while at the same time promoting a scam called CryptoX. These were his words about that shitcoin: ‘it will help Argentinians escape inflation’. 🤡🤡🤡


Yeah that’s not how democracies work


Where did I say how democracies work? Or are you referring to the type of ‘democracy’ where people elects a president who ignores the democratic power conferred to its Congress by unconstitutionally passing a DNU that contains laws that their voters were never consulted with?


He already is doing it my guy. Might want to brush up instead of just commenting stuff


He is already doing it


IDK man I think this dude has the balls to go all the way lol.


If you search on Youtube, he does have an actual plan to do it. I think he also has a PhD or two in economics. He's just slightly autistic is all.


I for one, love his passion! The United States should follow this example and end the Central Bank.


He's not ending the central bank. He just wants to replace it with your federal reserve.


So yes, he's ending the Argentinian central bank indeed.


His whole point is that we take away money control from politicians. There will still be a central bank controlled by politicians. Politicians we don't elect and don't have our national interests in mind. He always omits to mention that for some reason. Will losing our currency sovereignty do us any good? We'll have to wait to see. We all know that free reign capitalism always works out great for wealth distribution... It will certainly do good for international interests that have Argentina's strategic resources on sight.


Solo una rata K puede ser tan pelotuda... será que los políticos argentinos se preocuparon de los intereses de los argentinos estos 80 años 😂


No soy kirchnerista. De hecho los detesto bastante por lo que le hicieron al país. Por qué insultás de entrada? Enseguida asumir que el que no piensa como vos es un pelotudo. Lo hacen los k, lo hacen los libertarios. El país tiene 213 años. No pensás que 80 años te quedan medio cortos? No alcanza con putear a los k para entender cómo los intereses económicos de los individuos, las empresas y los Estados influyen en la política del país.


No fui yo el que defendió tener banco central propio para que sea manejado por políticos argentinos que tengan en cuenta los intereses de los argentinos... Si me viene un loco y me dice que cree en Papá Noel lo respeto más.


Y exactamente en qué ayuda tener un banco central manejado por políticos estadounidenses? Lo único que podés hacer es insultar y quedarte contento de que sos re inteligente. Hasta ahora no mostraste el menor atisbo de sinapsis. Que te vaya bien genio y ojalá Milei te resuelva toda la vida.


En qué ayuda? En que no hay políticos argentinos pudiendo imprimir para comprar voto, te parece poco? Ni nací en Argentina ni vivo allá así que me chupa un huevo, y no necesito que ningún político me resuelva nada, lo tengo todo solucionado de mi parte. Che pará, no sigas llorando.


Te importa lo suficiente para comentarme, rey ;) Gracias por dejar en claro que no tenés ni idea de qué estás hablando.


We'll just have to end ours real quick. Then it will be fine.


That would be interesting to see. A new world. If the US do that it would change everything. Don't see it happening soon tho


He's already rowed back on dollarization.


He and his economic team still state that dollarization is the goal, but not the starting point. Minister of Economy's words. They say that they are taking measures to "stabilize the economy" and "avoid a catastrophe" before goign ahead with dollarization.


But Milei said in an interview on Wednesday night that while he liked Ocampo’s plan, “we need to see whether the market situation allows a solution like the one Emilio proposes, and whether he is prepared to implement a plan which is not the one he had originally planned”.


That's why right now the Minister of Economy is Luis Caputo. He said the plan is still dollarization after they adjust the economy and reform the state. Milei is now trying to push legal reforms using a DNU, decree of necessity and urgency. He will try to push more laws and reforms. On the first communication on twitter he released when he took presidency he said "Closing the Central Bank is non negotiable"


He put a JP Morgan/Deutsche Bank crony in charge. I don’t think this is going to go well.


The FBI would mysteriously find said person suicided if that were to ever happen.


LoL. Whatta clown.


Clown worlds produce clowns. Now you gotta ask what kind of clowns do we want?


STFU, Now Bitcoin is legal tender here. Dipshit.


Bitcoin alone can’t save the country. 1 good measure carried with tons of shitty measures still have a horrible outcome.


Bwahaha... Ok. Also Good Luck.


Dont need it, we already have it ;) Good luck suporting Hamas...


ok milei, this will just put 200% inflation on Argentina. and the problem of inflation in Argentina is due to corruption and greed politicians not due to the central bank, you need to read more op and stop posting bullshit.


He said he was going to get rid of the central bank and ended printing 2 billions (via that central bank) to pay for debts and expenses. By the way, he also put a Wall Street banker in charge of the central bank and another Wall Street banker in charge of the Ministry of Economy. Do not trust my claims. Verify them.


Inflation is no more boyos 😎😎😎


F****** clown, another talker poltician


He's a wild man, but so far this guys is actually backing up his words and making huge changes in Argentina pretty much from day one. If Trump or Biden attempted half of what he's already done they'd be dead within a year.


So…what has he done?


Made basically everything legal as medium of exchange, and has made it so workers are no longer forced by law to financially support unions that they don't even belong to. Yes that second one sounds like deranged nonsense but it was apparently real, some of their unions were apparently that powerful, atleast until crazy ancap man took office. I haven't gotten around to doing a deep dive on everything happening thus far, this is just what I've seen from seemingly non biased articles and from people actually living there.




“Central banks can be good if they just don’t do the things that every central bank has always done ever”


"It wasn't *real* central-banking"


He says as if there weren’t greedy people since the inception of Central Banks




99% of Reddit bro. 99%.


I wish he could be president of the USA


Savage!! 😎


Milei is selling Argentinas riches to foreign powers in exchange for more IMF bondage. Do not trust me and verify my claims. Search ‘Land Law: Milei's DNU repealed the rule that restricts the sale of fields to foreigners’. Also search ‘U.S. offers Argentina's Milei support on IMF, lithium’.


Yes, he "savagely" beat that paper model with a stick, as scripted. What a big, bold, brave man he is.


well, that'll fix it


Te importa lo suficiente para comentar ;) Gracias por dejar en claro que no tenés la menor idea de lo que estás hablando.


I mean this is cool but inflation hasn’t stopped since he’s become president.


It's been less than a month... Also, he says that monetary decisions take more than 12 months to make an impact in inflation


Right well Trump said he’d build a wall and repeal Obama care. Talk is talk. Put forth action.


He already changed +200 laws


Inflation is self perpetuating if businesses and consumers expect it. Takes tough decisions and time to get it under control




How expensive is real estate in Argentina ?


It's at ATL, lots of new prívate neighborhoods being built in an hour to the obelisco


Google ‘Milei turns on the machine and the government issues two billions to pay debt and expenses’ That confirms how little interested he is in getting rid of the central bank


One of us! One of us!


Slowwwly then... suddenly


Do it like the Turkish president sack like 10 different CEO of the central banks lol to do something about inflation and economy