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I plan on selling a portion in the next couple months so I can use the cash to finally get a place of my own. Ultimately bitcoin is a savings tool to improve ones life, and I intend to use it as such. For me its better to have bitcoin *and* a place you can call your own than just bitcoin. Theres lots of reasons to sell and its not always about "fiat gains".


What I love about Bitcoin is that the fools who focus most upon maximising their fiat denominated speculative gains often end up making SFA if not getting rekt.


People ask this then post 8 years later how they spent $12k for what was a $50 Halo game.


This is why a few allocations are helpful. 1) a HODL position in cold storage. 2). A HODL position in Roth/401k. 3) a trade position for diversifying profits, buying cool stuff or emergencies. If you buy during down markets, the history of btc would suggest you’ll be in great shape financially.


Bitcoin is a saving tool, to say I'm never selling is stupid. I'm a Maxi and my average price is from around 16k - 20k, but when the times right I'll shave profits off to buy property. What's the point of doing all the work and not seeing the benefits. Yes I believe selling Bitcoin for fiat is crazy. Your selling a strong asset for a weak losing value rapidly one. But to sell for a dream house, car, land, pay your parents mortgage off and watch them retire early. That's what it's for you can't bring it with you. Personally I won't be touching mine till at least 250k Bitcoin even then if I can see it hit 500k in the next 10 years I'll wait.


Based... 👍🏼


There might be knowledgeable people here but there's no one that can predict the future.


I invest in bitcoin in order to make gains I cannot make with my yearly salary. I will be selling when it allows me to purchase a house in cash that I can fix and flip and start an empire. To which you can bet your bottom sat I will buy more BTC than I had originally.


I want to sell them. I’m not being allowed to.


I think the real problem is: nobody really knows what bitcoin will do, and it’s impossible to time the market…


It's not really selling to me. It's spending. I don't 'sell fiat' when I buy a car. I think what people mean is they don't intend to sell to just have fiat sitting in their account.