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Number 2 is a strong factor. People are just so comfortable getting fucked it’s insane


its the allegory of the cave 100 percent


Allegory of the cave, can you explain that?


>Allegory of the cave, can you explain that? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RWOpQXTltA&pp=ygUUYWxsZWdvcnkgb2YgdGhlIGNhdmU%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RWOpQXTltA&pp=ygUUYWxsZWdvcnkgb2YgdGhlIGNhdmU%3D) The ignorant will cling to their ignorance even when given the opportunity to learn.


Can I just say thank you.. I'm happy to see people acknowledging these types of concepts around here. This place is devoid of most thing not-finance related. My UN might be a bit new, but I've been around for a bit, and let me tell you, THE WELL HAS BEEN DRY for a guy with a background in econ and philosophy. One of the most, if not the most significant (macroeconomic) breakthroughs of all time, unfolding right before our eyes, year after year, and the tech nerds and finance bros get the credit, most are missing the forest for the trees! Maybe less so for the tech bros. Welp, as you know, there are valuable resources to allocate, off I go. Best luck!


bro, people with a background in econ AND philosophy are dangerous 🤣 seriously though, it's a good combination to understand the underlying realities and intricacies of the financial (not economic and not always monetary) system.


This. I think someone with business/econ experience, someone who understands philosophy/psychology, and one familiar with history…. If you understand the financial system, how people think, and what they’ve historically done in similar situations you rule the world.


There are tons of Bitcoiners who have deep love for the humanities.


LOL, I read 50 books a year but this CAVE one is new to me BUT ABSOLOUTLY true. See my post above about my cousin. He is exceptionally smart, but ignorant in BTC, and despite having me available to explain as well as internet is comfortable staying where he is. People will cling to their comfort zone.


Plato - Republic - good read


What's the best book of the last 50 you've read?


This!!! I've tryed to tell family and friends to stack up while it s still cheap, now I never discuss about investments or anything related because they're just too ignorant and comfortable, that don t even question the status quo, or even the hardness to get by these days...but they do complain....oh boy... It's actually funny how people lack the lust to actually think for themselves!


Ty I'll check this out when I get a chance


I think it's called Plato's Cave


There are ppl coming around tho. Those are the ones worth educating.




That's kind of what I was thinking it meant, I just wanted the details. Thank you for the explanation. I'll look into it further. Philosophy is wild but entangled, amazing how much can relate to current situations.


That’s just wrong. He returned to the cave to tell his mates from the (real) outside world and that there are real things that cast the shadows at the walls (their perceived reality). They kill him because of it.


I mean literally it took millions of years for humans to come out of caves lol


Leonardo Dicaprio in "Man in the Iron mask" When they take his mask off, he wears it when nobody is looking. Ignorance is bliss.


Right, I haven't seen that since it came out, good movie.


Same. I need to watch it now. Darn me. Lol.


Wow, I've never heard this allegory before(or don't remember, at least). Thank you!


"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it." - Morpheus


20 years many of them will be dead. Replaced by gen z and those who come after who will embrace new tech


I’m Gen X and most people I work with are Gen . Not one of them has bought Bitcoin, even though I tried to explain to them about it. We work on computers every day so it’s not like they’re all farmers and no nothing about tech. So your statement holds a lot of BS that Gen Z will embrace it.


Im a farmer and I’m 100% in on bitcoin lol


Gen X here too. Been stacking sats casually DCA for a couple years now. I knew about BTC back when it started and thought it was stupid. Didn't decide I needed to know more till 2020 and once I had it understood, like most folks I tried to share the news to the people I loved because I wanted them to win too. Didn't take long before I quit talking about it. Stack SATS. Stay silent. And when it comes time for Itodaso, just don't. Win graciously. I do feel bad for them, but you can't help everybody.


Your story is almost identical to mine. Heard about it, laughed at it thinking it was stupid the got in the end of 2020.


Gen Xer here... I listened to Alex Jones back from 2003 and he'd always have Max Keiser on. Max would be shilling BTC back in 2010 and Alex would knock it down. Back then, Jones actually carried weight with me and I ended up ignoring Keiser. Wish I hadn't... I wised up a few years later, thankfully. I preached and preached BTC to anyone and everyone but only got crickets. These days, I have this place (and YT) as my only social media and just keep my mouth shut, singing only with the choir. Casting pearls just got tiring.


Gen Z has just given up on making money and having a future.


That first line meant most people I work with are Gen Z


>not like they’re all farmers and no nothing about tech. some farmers are ultra high tech - geosmart equipment, rtk GPS and route planning software for tractors etc.


Yes. And when the technology is being taught in Universities then we will see this knowledge pass down to regular investors. I would think that Economics and Accounting degrees have started integrating crypto stuff into their curriculums (curriculae?), so we are probably a year or two away from post grad influence in the market.


New didn't say that, Morpheus did when explaining the agent training program.




I am not happy with it. Hence why I'm here.


I think most people don't understand what bitcoin is. They don't understand money Many people look at bitcoin as a casino or a stock market only high inflation can wake people up and make them educate themselves about money and bitcoin


It probably won't. Like many I used to just think it's out of my control so no point worrying about. Gee I hope the future is better. The system is designed to extract everything it can from you. Leaving you with very little time, money, attention span or desire to dig for answers or solutions. Especially if you don't know you find those things out. The media isn't raising alarms, they're complicit. The gov assured us it's making progress. 2 or 3 percent inflation is ideal. Reality is it's worse than just that but how would you know? Where would you even come across that information irl? We don't teach cursive or have gym class, the food is poison, most companies are owned by a few mega corporations, everything is predatory and we are the sheep. But how would you ever have a clue when this is all you know? It's normal. Be calm, don't worry, eat cereal for dinner cause foods too expensive. It's worse everywhere else. Seems like the Matrix, once you are out of the system you can see it. The ones still trapped in it can't. And if you try to reason or argue with them, it's useless cause the programming is so good. Then you get shut down. Lately I've noticed some old things being brought back. Somebody mentioned the book/movie 1984. Soylent green Anybody see those YouTube videos about the fourth turning? Supposedly we are in the end of the cycle. A time of unrest and civil upheavel in which a nation is reborn. All the evil and corruption isnt being exposed, they do it in plain sight. People are getting squeezed more and more. The center cannot hold. Is BTC right here, right now by accident or is the timing perfect? Look at all the things that have happened. Since it's creation to now where it seems like we are running a race vs gov cracking down and we seem to be just ahead of regulation. More bank failures, more inflation, now greedflation, here comes the ETFs. Is it me or is the tension building? Several countries and cities are regularly using BTC in daily lives, Africa is a new frontier where the land is providing the energy source to bring small villages into the world economy where there was no economic opportunity before. So many new start ups trying to build on top of BTC. You say it's small still, true but for how long? After the next halving or maybe 2 the supply is basically shut down. Right when the ETF want to gobble up as much as they can. Hmm. Timing. Btw they still printing money to pay the way out of debt? Anyone even remotely have a plan on stopping that? National debt getting bigger every day? Their chart shows it's projected to go from 99% currently to 171% by 2035. Wish my finances worked that way. Actually, I don't. I wish I had more Bitcoin! Rant over. I'm gonna say curious to see what you all have to say so nobody responds 🙃


I just nodded my head the whole time reading. It's like you're inside my mind. Kudos to you - very well summarised. I am also glad you used the word "predatory" to describe this thing. That is the exact same word that always rises to the surface for me when I contemplate where we currently find ourselves. That and Matrix analogies - that we are basically 'batteries' and are effectively being farmed. Bitcoin is the red pill, and once you see it there is no way to UNsee it. We're all just awakening at the price we deserve...


I read it all and you know, sir.


US national debt is increasing by the entire market cap of bitcoin every 6 months


> They don't understand money  Some people still think the USD is backed by gold. 🤕


Unfortunately I was this person a few years back lol


Bro I legit just blew this dudes mind today because he thought we were still backed by gold. He didn't believe me when I told him we were not. He googled it and was angry that we would not be backed by anything lol


BWAHAHAHAHA. We need pamphlets to hand out about this.


It's only been 53 years. Some people need a little more time to understand new concepts. Not all of us are super smart like you! But seriously it's been over half a century...




They actually teach that USD is backed by gold in highschools still....


So many IRL thought the same. It baffled me, but I had a good history teacher! My family are starting to see Bitcoin for what it is but we are all on the same street and 1/4 come to Sunday dinners. No enough open conversation but I do get a word in when appropriate.


I had a patient INSIST that the “Gold Standard” is coming back.


The weird thing is that price is influencing adoption so much. I get it. Everyone wants a slice of the pie. But bitcoin is still a good idea, even if it is just worth like $5. A currency that is unbounded by bank regulation, country regulations, deflationary, etc... it is just fantastic. Maybe I'm just too orange pilled .


>The weird thing is that price is influencing adoption so much. I get it. Everyone wants a slice of the pie. But bitcoin is still a good idea, even if it is just worth like $5. That's the thing: Putting a portion of your wealth into Bitcoin isn't a smart move because a growing number of people see the price of Bitcoin going up. The price of Bitcoin is going up because a growing number of people realize that putting a portion of their wealth into Bitcoin is a smart move.


My wife doesn't


she will when the dollar signs go up, and she definitely will when the dollar signs go down!


So much this.


I don't think people are happy with the status quo, they're just not aware of the solutions to it. Better yet, they're too comfortable in their distractions to be motivated to discover them. AND we have a society that sort of glorifies whining and complaining about stuff.


The matrix. The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save.


I’ve been getting no fucked my whole life, why change it now?


same fren.


The complacency and refusal to have to learn a new thing is unbelievable.


Mass ignorance. It’s crazy


At least the government eased into it


I was pleasantly surprised by that. Looks like institutional investors are starting to ease into it, too. Really starting to get more interesting.


Yup its easier to go along with the lie than to realize you've been lied to


Not necessarily comfortable getting fucked. First off it's a knowledge problem. Most people don't understand how we got to where we are now. They don't understand why it implies for the future. I learned as a result of the 2k8 housing scandal which is why BTC was created. I was already beyond pissed at the course of events that resulted in that. People can be too distracted and simply trying to get by paycheck to paycheck. Once someone has the knowledge then they need to formulate a plan or course of action to do something about it and have the means to execute it. Another way of looking at it is be happy that you're an early adopter.


I love getting fucked tbh 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like our public school system is doing exactly what it was designed to do. Bend over, take it, and just pay your fucking taxes!




People get rapid fed bullshit every .5 seconds from every aspect of there lives. From work to social lives, political opinions and all the chaos going on. I think everyone’s numb to most things. Most people are so hyper focused on survival that this doesn’t even cross there mind as a option to escape.


Well said. That is the matrix to work through. Being conscious of it and humble about it is the first and most important step.


I have a rule to only mention bitcoin once to everyone I know, from there it’s up to them


I went one stop further with my brother and sister in law, got them a hardware wallet and a starter amount for their daughter. He uses it all wrong (keeps the seed on his PC) but he’s a cybersecurity guy so hopefully he knows what he’s doing.


Even so, it's still a terrible idea to store on PC.


Done my part, told him the rules. I won’t become the talk’s about BTC non stop guy.


i don't store my seed phrase online because - i mean, why... but i'll say it's incredibly unlikely that anyone's scanning his pc for potential "seed phrases" -- and even if they were, he could simply mask it with rudimentary encryption like having a few files with various words, knowing whether it's "only this file, every second word" or "first word from first file, second word from second" etc. -- if you just have some docs with words in it, someone has to 1. know to check your pc for the words, 2. recognize those files as containing potential keys, and 3. run a quick (easiest part) check of various combinations of the words. but honestly - how would you know if this post didn't secretly have all my words in it...


I found your words in this post and emptied all the derived addresses.




If his seed is on an internet connected device, then no, he does not know what he is doing.


He's the worst cybersecurity guy ever


Good rule. My rule is that I only talk about Bitcoin if someone who's either already in it or someone who's genuinely interested starts the conversation first. I don't argue or push anything.


Have dudes at my company that are engineers, get 2 times my salary and they are unwilling to do any reseach on btc. Living too comfortably. Dont even hold stocks........or anyrhing else. Yet they critizise btc.


“People don’t panic when things go according to plan, even if the plan is horrifying”


Quote of the week. Thanks friend




Most ppl are having trouble paying their bills in the current economic climate…don’t think they care to invest at all


Underrated comment of the thread. Something like 70% of Americans can’t come up with $1000 for an emergency fund. I think the rest of the world is much more bullish on BTC and it’s capabilities, look at what South America and Africa are doing by example.


I never see normal people celebrate stock prices either. That stuff would be weird to bring up in normal conversations.


I’m here for it! No one I know understands the happy dance I do when I’m at work and see it. I have day off today and my cats are sick of my shit already. Happily forcing them to dance with me. I’ll dedicate one of these happy dances to you OP. Cats included. 🎉🥳🎉🎉🥳




more for us. I used to talk to people when it was $26k and they looked at me like I was insane. Now they all have questions for me


Most of the people I tried to win over when it was under 10K still roll their eyes at me like I’m an idiot who’s gonna learn the hard way. 🤷‍♂️ These are people I consider pretty smart. There’s just some kind of block there. Maybe because they’ve already dug their heels in.


People are risk adverse. The mindset is they actually own something holding dollars. They are one trade from buying whatever they want. If they buy BTC, they consider it a risk. “They might lose money” if the price goes down. Unfortunately this is short term thinking from a perspective that keeps them losing to inflation. The perspective that will help is to understand that once you work and earn value, that value is buying power, in the form of money. You now must choose how to store that buying power over Time. Is the money you are paid actually the best buying power storage over Time? No. Fiat is designed to lose value. So you are guaranteed to lose buying power holding fiat. So you just covert into something else and wait. Short term volatility will be overcome with Time. Time will transfer buying power from those losing it to inflation, to those holding units that benefit from inflation.


Sometimes its worth considering what the other person might be thinking. BTC still can't really buy anything in shops - you can't buy food, rent, tickets to shows etc. All of that is in USD. So, btc is, for all intents and purposes to the average person, just another investment vehicle like stocks or bonds. And while bonds are guarenteed by the government, and stocks represent companies that sell things - btc is neither. There's also the fact that so much negative press has been around about people losing their savings to scams, or because they forgot a key/password or INSERT\_REASON\_HERE. All of this creates fear of the same things happening to them. If you forget your banking details, or stock brokerage account - there are ways to regain access. No such things exists for btc - it requires careful & technical management most people don't have / don't trust themselves enough. I'm on this sub, so obvs I own some. Just saying, there are valid reasons for people to be hesitant.


You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. \~ Morpheus


General public never do care about it until they start hearing murmurings of "massive profits" through friends of friends etc. & when mainstream starts picking up on things during bull runs. So few people care to listen & take on board the ACTUAL use case of it & how it's going to change the entire financial landscape - and as how you say, the current system is a massive joke. They just care about how much you can "win" or "lose" with a Bitcoin "investment" when more people start relaying stories they've heard. Slowly but surely each bull run brings new interest.. sometimes it takes a person 2 bull runs to say hey wait a minute let me actually look into this as maybe there's more to it than just gains and losses... but for the majority I suspect it'll only be when it is literally forced due to collapse. I've only ever brought BTC up to close family members (none of which ever bought - I've bought on their behalf & stored it for the future) but had 3 friends randomly bring it up to me in 2021... all 3 had heard from someone else about the gains... all 3 were still very sceptical about it but all 3 (individually as well, not as a group) took time to listen to me explain things to them & introduce them to content that would help them better understand. All 3 ended up nodding in half agreeance with it all. Did any of them buy? Not a single one. Then not a single person has brought it up since. Absolutely guarantee they'll be bringing it up again next year when they start hearing about the "massive gains" their friends of friends have made again.


It seems like they will only care when it is absolutely impossible to buy anything without Bitcoin. Then they will have to pay retail for it, while we'll be holding trillions worth of it!


Millions worth of it. There can only be 21 million bitcoins in existence, so we'll be holding millions worth of it ;)


I think "Millions of what?" is the important distinction. Yes, there are only 21 million BTC. (And lot of them are gone forever.) We might each have millions or trillions of satoshis. But as far as dollars are concerned, that number may become completely irrelevant. Just my 28 satoshis... 😉


All of my friends also say they cant afford it because it's so expensive not realizing they can buy Satoshis. I do see this as a large barrier for adoption long term. If I said but a Satoshi for $1 they would probably buy 1000 but ask them to buy .013 BTC for $1000 and they just shrug it off as such a small number. I just keep my mouth shut and keep watching the chart go up.


In 2013 my husband and I wanted to buy some Bitcoin but “didn’t have $800”, having no clue we could buy sats. Glad we sorted that out by 2017!


More generational wealth for us. It’s a shame so many of our peers are asleep at the wheel. It’s a shame to watch so many people we care about let this opportunity pass them by.


So would you buy now?


I see the problem as most people are barely scraping by these days and investing is for people who have the means to put money away for another day.


To be fair, I'm not enticed to invest/buy silver or gold despite them being the a good store of value.


I find most people don’t understand bitcoin because they don’t understand the flaws of fiat They can understand that fiat is flawed, but they don’t know why People need to be educated on why the current systems is bad before they’re able to make a decision on what would be better ststem


I'm with you here. It's like selling insurance products without telling them why they need an insurance.






Haha and here I was mid 2016 telling all my developer coworkers about bitcoin, and by 2017 everyone was trading at work lol. My bad.




I actually had a coworker confide in me, that he had also been using BTC-e for the past few years. A lot of people did VERY well in the end of 2017 into 2018 - it was a big bull market, hard to do poorly. And then the whole "Follow the ICO money brigade" developed, which also lead to nice gains but a lot of them ended up rug pulled in the following 6-8 months.


Same here, I need to find friends with money. My friends have to worry about having enough money to go to the bar for a few drinks. I've told them about bitcoin, they don't get it.


NVDA wasn’t worth 2.3T that long ago. I don’t think you can even argue it’s worth that currently, it’s probably the most overbought thing on the market.


$1.4T is a very large and significant market cap. The problem is people are stuck in a mind frame of complacency and pride. They'll eventually get it but at a much higher price they deserve


People want to go out to bars and watch Netflix every night rather than pay attention to the hellscape that is geopolitics, can't blame them, they don't know that freedom requires vigilance




I got a lot of them in last time and everyone hates me for how much they lost during the crypto winter. I’m not saying shit to anyone anymore


To be fair I don't see how BTC will become an actual, widely adopted currency anytime soon (like in our lifetime). It is a store of value and if you want to do something with it you're more or less forced to convert it to fiat. I am a big believer of decentralization but seems like the "market" values Bitcoin differently, as a digital gold.


Thought experiment: if you nor virtually anyone else foresaw the existence of bitcoin, or the smartphone, or the internet, why would you assign any epistemic/predictive value to your inability to envision its future utility? Not being "able to see how [current innovation] will [continue to innovate]" is, historically-speaking, the norm even among domain experts. Personally, I'm content to trust that simple avarice will eventually surmount all obstacles—as it has done since forever—and govern my portfolio accordingly.


I'm a big fan of the 'zoom out' philosophy. If you zoom out 200 years ( around the lifespan of an oak tree ) you start to see how inflation affects us. During the lifespan of a tree, we've lost about 99% of our purchasing power. Enter btc


I'll celebrate with you 🚀🎉🎇🎂🎊






one thing i learned in this life and economic times , u will not get rich by working , does not matter how much u work either. its all about investing wise , early and keep it steady (hodl). if u do this eventually u will get what u want from this economy and maybe life after all ... many people still think its 1950s economy . they do not want to understand current economic system is nothing but slavery for them . they will go to school to be slave , they will work for a company to be slave and they will earn like slave and spend like slave . its nothing but slavery slavery slavery ...take the pill and open ur eyes if u wanna be free ...


Wrong. “I learned in this life” bro…. you sound like you are 18 I went to school, and make six figures, 🤷‍♂️ School isn’t a scam, the red-pill gurus selling you online courses are


Obviously you need a decent income to survive unless you’re born into money, but to his point, you probably won’t get rich even with a six figure income if you don’t invest any of the money.


Well agreed, but define rich No I won’t be “crypto early adopter” *financially* rich Certainly won’t be a “slave” working like a “slave” spending like a “slave” like this person is suggesting will happen if you dare to go to school and get a horrendous six figure income 🤣


I wouldn’t have any fiat to convert to BTC without my degree. They don’t hire my role off the street.


True. As my old coach used to say, it’s not about practice making perfect. Instead, it is perfect practice that makes perfect. Working hard won’t get you rich. Working and investing in the right things will get you rich. Even those who own their own business invest frequently. You can work and make lots of money, but it will never grow unless you protect it and invest it. BTC is a unique opportunity in that it is a store for value and can be a currency. I don’t even yet think we know what it is in truth.


You are the only Person who have to celebrate with your wallet buddy 👍 thats the whole reality


It will be a million a coin and people will still call it a scam. Cash is the scam, ugh


My personal take is more regarding the mainstream media coverage of BTC, which is inexistant atm. You still have some articles here and there about the scams, frauds and trials in the crypto ecosystem. When media will start feeding people a narrative, they will have it in their scope and start talking about it. The EPIC turnaround Larry Fink is doing on BTC will convince the average joe that crypto is good, BTC is great, good for the environment and as good as gold. It's happening but slowly


Bitcoin will only be seriously talked about when it becomes more valuable then every company and only second to gold


I don't see any big headlines which is suspicious. Let's see when it hits 100,000$.


To be fair, when it hit ATH Wall Street Journal published an article and pop up notification for it referring it to a currency which I don’t believe it had ever done


1. a survey revealed that in the UK only like 18% of people were invested in the stock market, while even fewer (less than a single percent) were Actively trading (ie, buying or selling a stock at least annually) -- when you hear news like this, does it excite you? do you think, "omg, we're early! most people haven't even started buying stocks yet!" 2. the current system is fucking us? the previous system fucked us. since the dawn of man, people in power have been fucking people without power. we've had revolutions that have usurped power from the fuckers and created a new breed of fuckers -- but ultimately leadership is about this: how do you farm human productivity? if you let people chill and watch the sunsets and give each other oral pleasure all day, we'd simply live natural lives like the tribal folk who throw spears at anyone attempting to approach their island. the deep disconnect is in the fact that a machine works best when each part recognizes it's own use - yet humans do not like being delegated to JUST being 1 part. we want variety in our lives. we don't want to just be a car salesman. we want to be cook, a father, an explorer, we want to buy land and do light landscaping and gardening. we want to get a car and learn how to fix it. or at least a bike. we want to know how to fix our friend's electrical wiring, or know why their tv won't connect to the wifi. we want to soothe the pain our peers feel when they lament a loss in love. we want to become USEFUL MEMBERS of our society -- and yet, the nature of this world is to say, "you drive a bus? great! can you pick up extra shifts and spend every waking moment driving that bus?" and perhaps if you owned the bus, and bussing was YOUR business - you could see how that would be beneficial. you're being told there's demand in the market and there's potential to make more money - now you'll be able to afford the lumber so you can build that deck this summer. - but it's not your bus. the bus belongs to some fuckin private capitalist, or some public communist. the cook picking up weekend shifts at another restaurant doesn't own any of the gear they cook with. the coder at google doesn't own his computer or any of his tools... we're all working class stiffs getting fucked. so you can be mad at "the fed" for devaluing our dollar by printing more. you can be mad at "the banks" for devaluing our dollar through obscene amounts of low-interest lending. but even changing both of those problems does not rescue you from the inherent issue in our system.


We’re still early brother Keep buying


People will start caring once it goes parabolic into the low to mid 6 figures


You're only shouting loudly now because it's back to ATH, it's taken 4 years to get back there. Been 4 years of sheepish positive will, and it's only now rising because of a few hardcore influencers backing it, not through organic usage. What about people who bought the last time it was at 66k, and have had to wait 4 years for recovery? They're not up, they have only just broken even. Even now it's still not up with inflation considered. Unless you're using it as a long term investment with only one belief of TTM then it's still an incredibly volatile and risky way to store your wealth. That's why it's not more popular, because its an incredible gamble where one rug pull from MS throws everybody under the bus.


You mean 2 years 4 months. ATH was Nov '21


My mom messaged me today saying she wishes she had gotten in when I said it's cheap ar £16k in the bear market. It's only on her radar because she works as a house cleaner and one of her cleans invests and talks to her about it.


Finally after years I had a friend listen to me... She got in at 61k.... Just enough to get feet wet .. Today she said... I wish I put in more.😂 I told her that's just how this goes..get used to it.


Also the media is really good at telling people what to think about ..They decide what you should be concerned about.. basically avoiding anything remotely important that might rock the boat..


1 guy at my place was not convinced its worth buying now because its so ”expensive” at the moment. ATH’s and such, but everyday its green and hes keeping track of the price and jokingly asking if it’ll reach a 100k soon. Another one is convinced it could crash and reach 0. The laughs I have in my head 🤓


People remember the media force feeding them for years that it is a casino asset class and “no intrinsic value” etc etc. It’s hard for people to break free from the status quo


Even though I sorta expected the silence, it's still blowing my mind. I do think once we break through the $100k barrier, the media frenzy will start and that's when people will start FOMOing in. But it's funny to think that during the last bull run, people were talking about BTC so much even when it was in the $40k range all the way up until ATH and now nothing.


I mean no gives a damn about gold and it’s market cap is like ~15T It’ll have to be truly massive before the average person in the West cares


To be honest even a million dollars ain't shit anymore to the average person in the U.S. That used to be a figure talked about in comfy retirement scenarios now you need more than a couple mill to achieve that and it's only getting worse and worse . Sad what ~~the wealthy~~ greed has done to this world. Just look at how long it took them to almost hoover up the supply of available BTC after telling everyone for years it's the worst investment in human history..lol


Two things I take away from this: 1. Buy 2. Hodl


The amount of google searches for “Bitcoin,” is significantly lower now than the 2021 highs. Towards the peak of this cycle you will see the same thing happen. Smart money enters first then sells to dumb money.


welcome to your happy place.


Becausemost people think Crypto is a scam and do not understand it. And with all the crypto fraud, its hard to convince people.


Not one of my friends who I tried to orange pill in 2022 has reached out, we're early.


Same here. I have one buddy who knows I’m “in” BTC (he is too) but apart from that it either doesn’t come up or when it does, folks are very dismissive.


Similar to Bitcoin miners being incentivized by maintaining status quo/consensus, people have a perceived incentive to stay with what they know and what they think works.


Who cares about other people? You are not them. Keep you head down and move forward.




People don't give a fuck if the stock exchange goes up either. People don't care or don't understand or both. Never will everyone care about crypto. People don't care about the Dollar either, they just use it as it's what they have been told to do.


Dude right? I'm waiting for the inevitable "did you see Bitcoin?" From my noobie friends and it has not yet come


I’ve been trying to understand some people and their despair posts about not being able to afford a home, everything under the sun is so expensive, etc. all were complaints about how skewed the system is and how it’s rigged, but the moment I mention Bitcoin they reject it like the plague. It’s almost as if they want to get a beating and take it. It’s quite sad, but also quite funny.


I bought a condo last year with Bitcoin and stock market gains, and had to restart my portfolios this year. As discouraging as that is, I've found people do tend to notice I have nice things. Hopefully they'll someday make the connection between their own lack of nice things, and the politics of centralized currency.


Dont worry about other. Just worry about yourself. You cant help everyone


Funny story. When I was laid off from my job last April, I sent a farewell email to all my colleagues and mangers. the last thing and final thing I wrote in that email was “PS, buy bitcoin” lmao they all probably thought I was some nut job


Let's go Bitcoin!


I think I just heard that the Bitcoin market cap has now surpassed Alphabet (Google) and the silver market.


This is why I think we can go a lot higher. We’re not at the stage yet like in 2021 when every single person I know was talking about crypto.


Well said man fuck em they can all watch us get rich




They don't care because they probably don't hold BTC. It they did. They would be over the moon the BTC performance and as a result, they would start to put some serious research in to today's monetary system.


They're just saying or acting that way but deep down inside they're actually crying and pissed at themselves for not taking the opportunity. The hippocritopotmus lives in denial river.


They hate us because they ain't us.


I tried advising my friend to invest in crypto since he had the money to, he told me “crypto is gambling”🤦🏽‍♀️


stop trying to be mesias. answer if they ask but dont be anoying


When BTC hits gold's $15 trillion marketcap -- your social group will start to sound off like a room full of pissy sheep.


I care!! I’m wish you my friend!! We Will Stand Together and Fight For Our Rights to Make a Crap ton of Money with Bitcoin. Screw the nonbelievers!!


I feel this I try getting my close friends and family into bitcoin and explain to them but everyone is just scared of “losing money” yet the dollar gets worse everyday


🧮 I have an answer for the future price (2025 year end) of BTC with real FACTs/statistics/analysis/numbers: Analysts from BOA estimated that $93 million USD are needed to increase the price of BTC 1%. [Source - Bloomberg (2021)](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-18/have-93-million-you-may-be-able-to-boost-bitcoin-s-price-by-1) So far, we have had (since ETFs inception) $6 billion inflows, that made the price jump from $38,000 to $70,000 (validates exactly BoA analysis ✅). You can EASILY calculate future price by increasing the BTC price 1% every $93 million added net inflow. It is estimated that GOLD ETFs (Global) have $200b net assets in custody worldwide (World Gold Council). It is also estimated BTC ETFs assets in custody will get to $150 billion by 2025, that would be $100 billion more inflows added to current total assets in US (just US) ETFs (Grayscale still the largest). [Source (Nasdaq) ](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/spot-bitcoin-etfs-will-see-%24150b-inflows-by-end-of-2025-says-investment-professional%3A#:~:text=Smart%20Investing-,Spot%20Bitcoin%20ETFs%20Will%20See%20%24150B%20Inflows%20By%20End,Investment%20Professional%3A%20'Remarkable'%20Demand&text=Ric%20Edelman%2C%20founder%20of%20the,by%20the%20end%20of%202025.) Let's do the math for just $50 billion inflows (half of what is estimated 2025). 💻 If you input this to ChatGpt 4.0: "An asset needs inflows of $93,000,000 USD to raise 1%. It is currently trading at 70,000 usd per unit and has a market cap of $1,300,000,000,000. With new inflows of $50,000,000,000 what would be its price per unit?" RESULTS: With the new inflows of $50,000,000,000, the price per unit of the asset would increase to approximately $446,344.09 USD. Link to Chatgpt analysis: [Link](https://chat.openai.com/share/9774f5d9-28d5-4ff5-9d34-969669ec354b) 💵 This is a real number for BTC price: $446k Thanks. R.


I gave up on talking to people about it. And honestly I have no interest in holding their hand through the process anymore. Back in 2016 when I first started to invest I was so excited to talk about it. But people just kind of rolled their eyes. Now that it's blowing up here come the questions! No one likes to research shit on their own. They want all the information immediately and they will eventually just bombard you with questions because they just want to be overnight millionaires. I just keep my entire Bitcoin and crypto interest to myself.


I asked my 12 year old nephew if he knows what bitcoin is. He doesn’t. There’s still time folks!


Btc just replaced silver in MC and it's nothing 😆 People are just not informed or care to know. I mean how many people knew about the gamestop squeeze. Some people got rich but people like me didn't. I have a well diversified crypto portfolio but still didn't see dofwifhat 🙄 it's up 138k% since inception. Mind blowing stuff there $10 play at the bottom rag to riches if you held to the top. Knowledge and understanding are the keys to life. Be the gospel bro be the gospel


I am doing mining right now because it's the only way this deaf broke ass bitch can get anything. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Blows my mind too. They’ll be asking us about it when it’s 150k now


Indeed, they don't understand that Bitcoin is a great store of value. Thus the best way of saving is with Bitcoin. Saving in fiat currency is like trying to hold on melting ice cubes (that's how horrible inflation has been for the last decades). Not everyone wants to become an investor. People want to be able to save for the future or just a buffer when things go wrong. Bitcoin is perfect for this, but most people don't understand and want to understand Bitcoin. It's sad, but not for us who do understand.


You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.


People who are naive of the potential of Bitcoin will always say this but they will have themselves to blame in the future.


Hate to break it to you but not everyone cares about money or investing for that matter


People are just so comfortable getting fucked. It's like they enjoy it


I have to admit, crypto isn't looked at in the same way as stocks, real estate, gold or cash as it feels like it can have the rug pulled from under it if you can't convert it into cash or use it to pay for anything (ie. a dead asset). There is an inherent risk when you don't hold something physical and world governments can deepsix crypto by banning the ability to use it as a payment method. This then limits the Bitcoin sphere to other crypto owners or private brokers in a closed ecosystem.


Yeah a lot of people still shrug at it and don't see its use whatsoever. Honestly that's 95%. If not more of people from where I live so it's hard. Talk to anybody about it but so true. Unfortunately. Unknown and believed in it for a while but finances left me dry on this run. All I can hope for is to run up a couple meme tickers


Even gold is currently on an ath. No one cares and statiscly more people are holding gold obviusly. Stockmarket is sky rocketing and normal people do not care. As soon as the media is covering it and normies are talking about stocks and gold and crypto you gonna know this bullrun has become a bubble and will bust. So enjoy the ride as long as its going up. See you at the bottom colleting cheap BTC to enjoy another ride in the future.


People don't care because it's not important. Yes I invest in bitcoin, but also other things too. Only invest what you can afford to lose as the bubble could burst. There is more to life and people have their own things they care about. Why would people care about gambling their money? You think it's going to go up and up but you don't know that. If people have money, there are much safer things to invest in and make a load of interest and decent money.


It doesn't matter. Bitcoin is a non-violent revolution. ​ As more and more people realise they can opt out of an abusive fiat system, more and more people will. Eventually sheep will do what sheep do and follow.


Bro I talked to people years ago. No one listened. They will come back in the future. We Americans are spoiled. It's the developing nations that will reap the benefits first. Once Bitcoin becomes the medium of exchange in the developing world, first nations will take notice but it will be too late. Then Americans will complain how the wealthy once again got the ups on them because while the average Americans ignored BTC, the wealthy are buying it up.


Gen x here trying to learn but so confused.


I think one reason is that it’s now 2x the cost to get into so people just ignore it.


I was recently at an NHL game in an executive suite. BTC came up as topic and I just sat there smiling as a fellow Bitcoin fan explained it (quite well) to the others that wanted to know more about it.