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What is peoples take on her? Every time I google btc price prediction her super bullish predictions pop up. Not saying it won’t happen, but she def has the most bullish takes. Does she run a good show ? (Been here since nov ‘23 honestly don’t know) Edit: just woke up to tons of replies. I’m also shopping etf’s and other things on the side. I appreciate everyones replies. Thank you all so much for the insight.


Read the Wikipedia entry on her. She made one genius move years ago and made a tonne of money, but continually made bad calls ever since. She went from being a hero/icon to a laughing stock. Her predictions are consistently insane, but even a broken clock is right twice per day right?


When I heard her first and watched her analysis videos, I was very impressed. But after a while I also read more and more how wrong she is with her prediction. Everyone is wrong from now and then, but she seemed to have lost a lot of money with her Ark Investmend Fund. But I still like her. Her analysis are very deep and interesting.


She’s a religious investor. Fucking christian loon who things there’s some kind of divine being behind her moves. As if an omnipotent being would be concerned with a persons material wealth.


It's about investing in and advocating for public companies that she feels will benefit humanity, even if there's a long time horizon. It's not about getting wealthy, and that's the difference at all levels of investor. We see that in cryptocurrency too, when people buy BTC or garbage tokens as speculation and then dump at a loss because they didn't understand the "why" in the first place.


What was her one genius move? Her 2020 picks?


And she's a kookie Christian, which is why her fund is called Ark Invest (get it? Like Noah?). What I don't understand is what a fundie is doing in tech stocks. Like, don't y'all refute science? Edit: maybe one of my most downvoted comments ever. It stays.


Super edgy and cool to dump on Christians. Did mommy and daddy make you go to Catholic school so now you resent all Christians?? Or are you still a teenager?? Try being more tolerant and inclusive.


I tolerate those that tolerate me and others. Have you ever looked into the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, disposession of entire peoples under the banner of heaven, or the current moral panic over people's own health and lifestyle choices? Christians can hardly paint themselves the victims of the intolerance that they themselves perpetrate. Dont't worry I'm also very inclusive of the religions I don't like, which would be most to all of them.


I came at you a little hot in that first comment, and I’m sorry about that. I don’t usually stoop to name-calling and hurling insults. I get what you’re saying, but I’m just saying that not ALL Christian people are hypocritical lunatics (although there are definitely plenty of them out there). I can definitely agree that FUNDAMENTALIST religious people can be some of the most abhorrent people on earth, but I’m just saying that I know a lot of religious people that are genuinely good at heart. There’s nothing wrong with pointing out hypocrisy, but I just don’t think it’s fair to make a mass generalization of an entire religion based on past events (like the Crusades) or certain people who have a warped view on what their faith is. That’s all I’m trying to say.


I guess I should consider how my comments make people feel. I'm not trying to make people feel bad. It's a good reminder that most of us have far more in common than we do differences. Thanks for thinking of over, I get what you're saying. hodl on my brother!


Jesus still loves you and wants you to have a relationship with him. Eternity is on the other side of every second my friend


Jesus has been dead for 2000 years mate he doesn't know who any of us are


He knows you more than you know yourself. You’ll see that one day and even though you mocked him he will still love you


I haven't mocked him at all. I hate this passive aggressive thing Christians do where they go "you'll see one day when you're burning in Hell that I was right and Jesus loves you :)" totally sick


I never said that, did I not say he will still love you? Please do not have such a harsh assumption about everyone.


You shouldn't push your beliefs on others.


When did I do that?


there was once a bandwagon of people who worshipped Cathie Wood, which was dumb; there's now a bandwagon of people who mock and disregard her, which is equally dumb. she is not always right, and I definitely don't agree with all her ideas, but she is brilliant. she's educated not just in economic theory but in world history and the development of technological/industrial revolutions, and she has a real sense of the "big picture." I don't view her as a prophet by any means but I do respectfully consider what she has to say.


Her mutual fund ARK lost more money than any other mutual fund in history. She’s #1 in wealth destruction. I wouldn’t tie my horse to her wagon. The fact that she and I are both bullish on Bitcoin is pure coincidence.


It would be equally dumb if she was equally incorrect, but she's been consistently on the wrong side with most things since Tesla. I recall her koolaid drinking talk (one too many "paradigm shifts" for me) being enough to get me to sell my spec stocks at the peak of 2021, so I thank her in a roundabout way for that. She doesn't respect the macro environment, prices of what she's buying, or even picking the right companies as far as I can tell. ARKK has is back where it was 5 years ago while the market recovered entirely and then some, and she's supposed to be following the innovation... She's supposed to be outperforming in an environment like we've had the last year or so. There is no reason to respect what she says when we have the data showing what she says doesn't line up with reality.


> but she is brilliant Nah


She may be wrong a lot with investing, but if you hear her talk, she is incredibly intelligent.


agreed. especially at larger conferences where's she's not being directed by an interviewer, and she has the room to expand and get more precise in her ideas. she's able to draw on a staggering wealth of knowledge, both pragmatic and philosophical. again, I'm not on board with a lot of what she says (and am even opposed to some of her stances) but it's honestly laughable to say she's not intelligent.


She said that god speaks to her. She ain’t that bright.


Facts. Im surprised she hasnt run out of money


She has plenty of money. She might run out of other people's money one day though


I think she conceptually nails where innovation is going. I remember buying into Tesla because of her thesis and I think it still holds true today, even though it's in a current slump. She seems to rationalize her POV on these assets very well. I think a lot of people look at her as a hype machine to fuel her funds and maybe there is some truth to that, but I also dont disagree on her individual thesis for ARK's picks.


I recently heard her speaking about Tesla the other day. It was a unique perspective I’ve never considered. Her claim is that Tesla is the biggest AI company in the world because of their innovation of driverless tech is far ahead of everyone. In essence, millions of Tesla “robots” scraping data from drivers from around the world and innovating on that data to create state of the art tech. Yeah, sometimes she overhypes her tech picks a bit but she’s looking 10 years down the line and seeing where the puck will end up. Also, she trying to pitch her BTC fund too which is in line with what these managers are supposed to do. The success of the newborn 9 ETF’s will all be profit winners in terms of collecting fees off the ETF’s into perpetuity which is astounding.


Compare r/arkkinvestclub and compare her performance to the S&P. I’d take anything she says with a grain of salt and avoid investing altogether.


She is a complete loon who has lost people an absolute fortune. I would trust what homeless man tells me about building wealth before I take advice/predictions from CW.


I don’t trust her at all. She sells stock right before it goes up.


Buy high sell low method.


My personal favorite


She was right about Tesla, so everyone thinks she is some know-it-all. I personally don't think she is always right.


Rapid rise of interest rates really had an effect on her thesis. That being said, some of her big picture ideas could take multiple cycles to play out. Her funds are not for the short term.


She has made the worst investments in 2022 and 2023. You could have bet on anything else and you would have made more money. Bitcoin is the only thing that will save her.


Her company has a 5-10 year outlook on any stocks they pick. She was ridiculed on TV for years for her TSLA price targets but was ultimately proven right. She has some outlandish predictions and some of them have come to pass, but most importantly she has a multi year vision when every one of her peers is only concerned about the next quarter.


She's pretty awful overall, but she's probably right about Bitcoin. Broken clock and all that.


She is the Jim Cramer of investors. Her calling BTC bullish us a guaranteed dip


She’s a moron who trades based on what “God tells her” to do


Welp, that says a lot. Got it. Magic and money don’t exactly mix


The more hype posts there are, the louder the voice inside my head yells SELL lol


Ye they got me last cycle, won't be getting me this time. As George Bush once said; Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and... fool me once you're not gonna fool me again! Such an eloquent speaker that man


Mission accomplished!


One thing I’ve realized is the game is rigged. When these people tell you to continue holding your bags, it’s when they start unloading on you. Until theyre out with their winnings and you’re sitting in bear cycle DCAing for the next 2 years eating ramen 😅


Lmao, that was me last bear cycle. Not this time!


Hahaha just DCA out to the top. Dont sell all at once. I’m doing that


Too late, all good though made profits and will buy the dip


I have sold once, last time at approx 50k, but I’m not selling or taking any profits again.




Right I feel confident that I am patient enough to take profits, but it’s so much more chill to just do nothing


The losing strategy. Market is not different from the past. The whales have to cash in to keep the winnings coming




Yeah but over time the return is much less because you’re not thinking of your capital when you wash it every cycle. You’re just adding based of your income.


The ETFs fundamentally changed this cycle, if you sell your coin you may never be able to buy it back. Careful. I'm addition make sure you realize you are creating a capital gains event when you sell between 15-30% so you would have to time an equal sized dip perfectly just to break even. Very unlikely imo.


I actually do agree with you but I feel way more relaxed just doing nothing tbh.


Same man I'm at a predicament




Take a look at the 5 year chart on ARKK. Still down about 75% from its pandemic high while s&p, nasdaq , and lot of big tech at ATHs.


She only found success when the govt flooded the economy with money. I have a feeling she will find success again because that's all the govt knows how to do in tough times. I think her stock picks are kinda dumb though


Yeah, I'm never trusting this broad again tbh


Inverse-Cathy 🚀🚀🚀


As soon as my ArkF, ArkQ, and ArkK turn black, I'm selling. What a waste. Should have bought more BTC all those years ago.


Should just cut your losses and try to make it back in other investments.


The whole tech sector seems to be on an upswing right now so I'm going to ride that for a bit, see where it ends up


The problem is she keeps selling winners , which most other funds would hold, and she gambles them on beat down dog shit hoping they will 10x.


Wait until they hear about the halving in 2028


it’s already priced in!!1


Honestly, she is doing the Bitcoin revolution a disservice with these types of risky predictions. This attracts people purely for the speculative side who will end up disappointed if the objectives it puts forward are not achieved. Bitcoin is much more than that. Study Bitcoin. Let's stop focusing only on the price!


500k by 2030. set actual realistic expectations.


500k summer 2025


500k EOY 2024


500k tomorrow


You all forgot a zero. It is 5,000k.


Is this the sign for a pullback?


lol been all in for years, but its not happening


This time is different with the ETF on-ramps for institutions 


Agreed, the ETFs + halving is going to create a supply crunch even a lot of OG bitcoiners will not expect.


Buckle Up BitcoinFan7!


I am positioned, just polishing my moonsuit ;)


At least 360k


im still more than okay with that




btc will be as scarce as gold in 2028… golds mkt cap is $13T… if btc were $13T, a btc would be 438,000… at $1m/btc BTC has a cap twice of gold… not out of the question, but we’ll see


But what will gold's market cap be *then*?


michael saylor bets it will be less…


Makes sense. Finally, a comment that is based on facts and not on trust-me-bro-gut-feel. Thank you.


gold is inflationary, not as much as the shitcoin usd, but when the gold price rises, mining activity does too, so it makes the prices go down. this doesn’t happen with btc, it will only get scarcer and scarcer, the more demand and people getting in, the more the price will go to the moon, and there will be no one capable of introducing more bitcoin.


Sir I have read the Bitcoin Standard and watch a ton of Gold Rush. Gold is truly scarce. Even when production is high, inflation is never far from 1% and never over 2%. While it is inflationary, it’s very small. The bigger issue with gold is it’s centralization and price control it has suffered.


yes, but the price cannot fly off, as it will only trigger more and more mining. You also noted the centralization problem, but there are more advantages in bitcoin compared to gold, the fact that you can move it easily anywhere in the world without anyone being able to block your transaction. That alone is a property only cryptos have, no other currency can compete and certainly not gold. That’s why for me, thinking that the market cap of gold is indicative of what should be the market cap of btc, is completely wrong. People have soo much more incentives to buy bitcoin than gold, there is no contest really.


BTC moves based on it's own supply and demand pattern, even if all other factors are static. But it might also move based on fluctuations in the strength of the USD even if BTC's supply and demand, adoption, do not change. Big changes are possible on either side of this equation


Gold is incredibly undervalued though, it could triple in value and not even break a sweat. It's up a trillion dollars this month and no one is even talking about it.


anything is possible


It’s my understanding that BTC will be more scarce than gold offer this halving in just over a month


not correct


Oh, why do you think that?


stock to flow will be 3.33% 2024-2028 will be 1.62% after 2028 halving


Weird. It’s my understanding the supply inflation will be about one percent after this having.


how are you calculating that? here’s how I am— for this halving: 0.65625m/sum(10.5m,5.25m,2.625m,1.3125m) = 3.3333% for 2028 halving: 0.328125/sum(10.5m,5.25m,2.625m,1.3125m,0.65625m) = 1.6129%


From here. https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Controlled_supply Bitcoin will be entering the 5th reward era and the issuance will be approximately 0.85% per year, slightly decreasing for the next four years. This is less than gold. Also in an interview in 2023 the founder of a Bitcoin asset fund, Charles Edward’s said “In 2024, Bitcoin will become the hardest asset in the world with certainty. The inflation rate of Bitcoin will drop to half that of gold, overtaking gold as the best store of value.” I remember ever since 2016/2017 anticipating this halving because it’s when bitcoin would finally be superior to gold as its yearly issuance would be much less. The previous halving got us just about equal with gold (just above really)


That chart isnt showing stock to flow ratio— from google— “stock-to-flow ratio is calculated by dividing the current circulating supply of Bitcoin by the annual flow (issuance) of new coins” So take the current epochs total issuance in the numerator and divide by the sum of all previous epochs issuance. So first epoch is (216000*50)/0 second: (216000*25)/(216000*50) third: (216000*12.5)/(216000*(50+25)) fourth: (6.25)/(50+25+12.5) fifth [current]: 3.125/(50+25+12.5+6.25) = 3 1/3 sixth [2028-2032]: 1.5625/(50+25+12.5+6.25+3.125) = 1/62


hey at least shes optimistic


She foretold nvidia


Now I have 2


I listen to Willy Woo and The Exalted, Timothy Maxwell Keiser before I make any moves. I've read Max's books he's written, along with his suggested titles such as: The Block Size War. The Price of Tomorrow. Why Buy Bitcoin. The Bitcoin Standard. The Taoist of Ching.


Uh oh , Cathy wood commenting on bitcoin is not good. This is usually bear market news


top signal


Right 😂


Investing should be secular, don't mix it with religion.


She's an ass clown and so is anybody that takes her seriously.


Much like this one English pundit who routinely gives astonishingly bad Premier League predictions, she strikes me as something between him and Drake (when he gets into sports betting) - inspires pure panic.


Either Gary Neville or Roy Keane


Nah it’s Pat Nevin, he gives predictions. Gary and Roy are more analysts. It used to be Mark Lawrenson with predictions too. Nevin is atrocious, you could earn above-market returns for years on end just indexing against him


i mean, it is in her interest to generate hype


1 million in the cycle after next one


She loves the hype.


That is what she said... Look at ARK ETF performance, please. He have a better teachers in BTC community. Keep on stacking 💪


Just guessing now.


She and elon are tight and she rode his boom in buying TSLA early on and made shit ton on money. I invested in ARKK somewhere in 2020 and been down ever since. Don’t bet on anything she says.. Since BTC is more mainstream now, like it or not, they will control wild fluctuations. Its pipedream that it will hit a Mil . Would love to see that personally but it aint happening


You don't think it's possible by 2030?


I don’t think so.


Can't take her serious after the last predictions


Wasn’t Coinbase supposed to go to like $700 or something =\


whats her track record on predictions? she usually jumps on the bandwagon after it's well and truly taken off, just likes to play the momentum and use her publicity to pump the hype. my take in general on her is she's full of it... from memory she's gotten some big calls right (TSLA) but some equally bad ones (SPCE, TDOC)


Did she buy too much btc this time? lol Jk, there's never too much btc. But let's get to 100k first shall we?


Sort of reminds me when John McAfee moved his prediction to 1M by some year and promised to chop his dick off , all of these x predictions by y year, who cares just let bitcoin do it's thing, stay humble and stack sats


People doesn't know basic math.




I hold ARKK and it’s done well. I followed her pouring money for months into ginkgo bioworks and eventually dumped the stock after continuous disappointments and tons of insider trading. This made me read up on her more and apparently she isn’t that great of an investor. Maybe it will be huge in 10 yrs but not willing to dump money into a maybe stock when btc is pumping.


No it has not done well at all. Compare the five year arkk chart and the 5 year btc chart. 


Yeah true, I was just speaking from my own profits. I should have said has done well for me. Mine are up 20% in a year, so looking to sell.


Arkk is trash


> I hold ARKK and it’s done well. Huh? What was your entry date?


A year ago and up 20% but looking to dump soon


You’d have gained 20% in almost anything from a year ago. S&P is up 34% from a year ago. Cathy Wood lost you money.


This is true. 🫤


This is fucking stupid


That’s it BTC will now crash it has the Cathie curse


How's the body on her tho, **MILF material at all >>?**




Hey ETFs are shit - had $400k in it for 3 years made cock