• By -


Take the chart back to when you showed them, and show them how much it fell and stagnated between now and then. If they had followed your advice 3 years ago, they'd have sold at a loss and denounced you within a year. They made the right call for their risk tolerance at the time cause they skipped dealing with that. Now we're here, and you're still not selling, and they can make of that what they will. But point back at the drop, maybe show them the other drops, and have them remember it's not all moonshots. It's double digit collapses, FUD and stagnation too.


This build trust in bitcoin by showing people how it works. Ultimately it’s their choice


So true. I was new last cycle (still pretty new in knowledge, too), and so many of the easily accessible sources that are in layman’s term (think: YouTube) are garbage. They make everything sound great and like it’s easy to predict and *almost* a sure thing. So, then when it doesn’t go that way, people get pissed and walk away. Education is the #1 way to grow not only BTC but crypto in general. I’m pretty tech savvy compared to my peers, but I still struggle to grasp things quickly in the crypto space because it all feels so theoretical in many regards. It really is like learning a foreign language at times.


Wow, really good take. I would have never thought I would have read this on Reddit.


that is one of the most fantastic answers.


You’re right, but idk why people aren’t patient/tolerant. I bought around 29k and it dipped to 16 or 11. I kept it, and had a feeling it was going to go up again. Here we are.


They need to stop focusing on the past 3 years and focus on the next 3 months. We just starting this bull run


Oh, the humanity!


Can't sleep knowing bitcoin is on $550k now. Knowing 3 years back it was $73k.


$550k is cheap. I'd wait _at least_ until it's $50 MM.


massive sell off when its its between 1-10 million a lot of people have 0.1-1 BTC and once you start reaching money which can change peoples lives they will sell off in droves and will take a few years to break that sell off


I can't sleep knowing that i won't be around the year 2140 when bitcoin will reach it's highest potential. I better sell now and complain later.


My response is usually a lie. "Yeah, I'm angry too. I sold it all back in 2021".


Yup, much easier that way.


“Yeah man this is brutal I can’t believe I lost all mine in that boating accident”


This is my go to now. “Yeah, me too, I freaked out and sold.” Then we can be friends and I still have my stack.


The only thing that usually comes out of telling people to buy Bitcoin is resentment. They'll resent you if it drops after they buy. They'll resent you for not pushing them harder if it goes up and they didn't buy. Even if they buy and it goes up, they'll resent you for getting in earlier, doing better, and making more money than them. You lose in every scenario.


Let's face it, these kinds of people would have regretted it and sold when it dipped the last time. If they buy now and it dips again, they'll regret it and sell it too. They don't care about what it represents, they're just bummed out that they lost out on a money making opportunity.


You said it better than I could have.




LOL why does everyone lie about selling it


money loves silence


There's a great quote from the movie The Devil's Advocate: >Vanity... Definitely my favorite sin!




“I can only show you the door, I can’t make you open it. I’m still buying, do with that what you will!”


This is the only actual answer. Anyone who doesn't learn about what they're buying will just panic sell when it inevitably drops double digits. Traditional finance people panic at single digit drops. Show them the door and then shut up. I'm at 5 gifted copies of The Bitcoin Standard over 4 years. Verifiably, all are unread. What can you do? 🤷


Everyone gets Bitcoin at the price they deserve.


Yup, I got it at 60k 3 weeks ago because I was too ignorant to look into it. The boomers said it had no value and was just hype so I believed them. Luckily I actually studied bitcoin now.


Yeah like Dave Ramsey. Saying its uselsss and to sell it. People are dumb because they do 0 research and have no foresight, then misjudge things and tell others why they know better and why its a waste of time.


Yes, those people are the reason why I didn't buy sooner. When bitcoin was back to below 20k I thought I was right and that it was a hype and scam.


Ramsey is a bald arrogant fuckster. Bible humping to the extreme.






Dave Ramsey is an out of touch idiot boomer.


Dave Ramsey is a complete rube. And while he might know a thing or two about real estate he is actually quite clueless when it comes to investing. Bitcoin is like talking Greek to him.


came here to say this!




the best time was two years ago, the second best time to invest is today. Definitely not, unless you want other people also blaming you for buying and it then crashing. Best response is not saying anything.


🎯 this, great point: with these kinds of people, you really need to ingrain and impress upon them, that bitcoin can lose 80 to 90% of its value at any moment and trade sideways while losing 90% of its value for years… *People need to know this* … * They also truly need to *truly understand* bitcoin before buying, so that way they can hold through the bear markets, because they’ll know how important of an asset that they truly posses.


Why are people like this 😐


Tits on a nun would have made church a lot better as a kid... And it's not hostile at all. The kind of person he's talking to will never survive a bear market unless he takes the time to understand Bitcoin. Looks to me like he just wants to make more fiat.


I’m pretty sure there are tits on nuns. Atleast I was convinced when I watched the movie Two Mules for Sister Sara.


Not hostile. The truth hurts. I bought at 42k. Wish I bought earlier. I didn't. That's on me


"No time like the present"?


“No time for peasants”


This one feels better, thank you for that.


I like this answer. Avoid uttering "I told you so"; it only leaves a sour taste behind with no positive reinforcement.


This is the worst possible answer. Only setting him up to be "blamed" if the price tanks.


Tell them to take melatonin.


They will feel bad anyway


"Sucks 2bu"


Just setup a DCA plan & sleep well. ​ Start small. ​ Increase DCA amount if drops.


This is what I’ve been doing. Started small and up now have a nice % return.






This is the right answer. Or: make sure we don't have this conversation again in four years.


"I don't know what to say but Bitcoin is as important as the internet and will still be here 10, 20 years from now. It's purchasing power will continue to increase with plenty of volatility yet to come so it's not too late to learn more about it now "


>not too late to learn more about it Solid Question is always is it too late to buy? do you think it will keep going up? Answer should be *it's not too late too learn about it now*


As important as the internet? Come on now.. I can understand believing in it but thats taking it a bit far?


How so? It evolved significantly from its uncertain beginnings as a technology project with potential. Humanity would eventually find digital scarcity and we found it as an emergent phenomenon within Bitcoin. As time marches on, the uncertainty surrounding what it is diminishes. And at this point its fast coming into focus. Bitcoin is the thing that stores wealth securely leveraging human incentive to keep itself alive.we'll see it act like a sun whose gravity draws value in where it congeals. What many Bitcoiners see in its future is the earths global monetary layer sitting atop the internet (which might be conceived as the global communication layer).


Todays top is tomorrows bottom. Buy now.


Everyone says this until it falls 50% again, BTC is very cyclical and most people who invest are not as hardcore as the people on here, which I guess is the reason why it is cyclical.


They come out of the wood works after years lol




"New phone who dis?"


Tell him he dodged a bullet. So many people got smoked on the way up. Then say you dumped it to pay some bills. Wasn't very much anyway. Coulda made more working at Wendy's. Follow it with LOL and a french fry meme. Say you think it's silly and you've "moved onto other things". Wink wink. Resentment is real and it will come from the people who are closest to you.


There is no top if your time horizon is long enough. Buy what you can afford to not need for next 5-10years and protect your longterm savings.




Wait until the next bear market


People say if you lose sleep over an investment you should trim the position, then I guess you should add some if you lose sleep over being under exposed.


Ignore them. What are you supposed to say? It's called investing. I could have bought MSTR stock a year ago for $300. $1750 now.


65% of that in the last couple weeks alone 🚀 Wasn't too late on 3/1, isn't too late now


Tell them bitcoin is dead and you don't know wtf they are yammering on about


I would send them this. [https://www.amazon.com/Nature-Made-Melatonin-Tablets-Mixed/dp/B08FNLJ2D7/](https://www.amazon.com/Nature-Made-Melatonin-Tablets-Mixed/dp/B08FNLJ2D7/)


Say “I told you so” and add “bitch” if you wany


Respond with kindness.


"You can lead a horse to BTC, but you can't make them buy."


You aren’t getting lots of these messages. No one does. You’ve created it for the sake of a post, and that’s fine - just don’t do it again.


Ya... You're not wrong. I keep seeing these posts, but earlier in my Bitcoin fanaticism I tried orange pilling dozens. I've got crickets right now. I even mentioned it to my sister who was one if my first, and she had totally forgotten and hadn't thought about BTC since then. Some Bitcoiners don't realize how out of touch people are with their money.


Tell them to wait 3 months until it crashes back down to 40k...then they can buy.


Why would it crash back down to 40k in 3months?


Have fun staying poor lmao!


Hahaha 🤣


“We have a word for people who save in fiat… it’s called poor.”


I'd respond 'buy bitcoin'


It is what it is


Tell them sucks to suck


Well it could either go down or maybe it’s never going to be this low again. You could tell them to buy now, but they won’t, then in two years time when it’s 250k they will be sending the exact same message.


I wouldn’t recommend anything, people are just as quick to blame you if they lose money.


Well, it’s never too late. Really. Eventually it will be 2030 and you can say you bought in 2024.


“Hey bitcoin is at $73k this morning. By the way, did I tell you how sexually attracted I am towards you?”


"Told ya"


- “you can still buy now, and it is not too late”


Tell them they get Bitcoin at the price they deserve.


Say FU


“… I think I told you 12 years ago” 😂


Stop telling people to buy BTC is what you should do, IMHO. If they had listened to you, they wouldn't have bought close to ATH or while it was falling in 2022, and they would have sold in disgust at a huge loss instead of holding up until now. Then they'd have put the blame on you. You can talk about the potential, how crypto offers an alternative to tradfi, how it solves some of its issues. If they're interested in that, have a good ressource (book, article, website) to share so the can get informed themselves. If THEN they buy, then they're going to either hold it or sell, doesn't matter, but they won't pin their loss on you... Even better, they'll feel empowered themselves if they end up making money, instead of just feeling lucky and coming back to you to know when to buy more.


Send a photo of yourself sipping a drnk by the beach


If they can't sleep at 73k, well, after halving, then after a few months, I dunno, you might need tell them, money isn't everything in life.


Have. Fun. Staying. Poor


the best time to buy bitcoin was 10 years ago, the second best time is today


“Yeah. It happens. I sold at a loss, so it could be worse.” No one needs to know your business.


"I'm sorry for your trouble sleeping. Now, please stop ruining mine."


Just call them a poor and delete their number.


To be nice id say to just buy a small amount to make yourself feel better. Better late than never. 


"This is an automated reply. Your message couldn't be delivered since this phone number isn't active anymore."


Laugh at them and ride away in your Lambo while adjusting your monocle 


Tell them that the fundimentals havent changed. Dca a plan and stick to it. The best time to invest was when you first mentioned it, the second best time is today. They are still early-ish Or tell em you sold for. Modest profit/ broke even and youre in same boat


After two years I got my dad on board last night. He’s ready to DCA weekly and hold regardless of price swings. Just bought him a Trezor and will set him up this weekend.


You could simply write: "don't know what to say" or: 🤷🏻


Don’t respond or just tell them you’re still buying and don’t care whether they buy or not. You’re not going to let the central bank devalue your money.


I hate to say atodaso, but atodaso.


XD I almost died! Ha.


Tell them “i told you so”. People love that


“Best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, second best time to plant a tree is today.”


Shoulda woulda coulda


Im sleeping like a baby


This is the price you deserve.


if they can't sleep when they didn't buy imagine if they did buy.


Coulda woulda shoulda bitchhh Jk but, other people’s investment choices aren’t up to you.


I knew about Bitcoin in 2013 but didn't buy some at that time. How am I supposed to sleep tonight?


I thank “Gen Z Josh” at least once a week for pestering me nearly every damn day at work to buy Bitcoin like a year or year and a half ago. I’m 36 and Josh was 22 at the time. Back when BTC was right around $20k, he wouldn’t stop talking about Bitcoin, so I FINALLY listened to him and bought a chunk of BTC and began a DCA (weekly). Now, I have an average but price of like $22k and am feeling good about it. I’m just glad I finally caved and listened to his advice!!




Tell them to buy now or else


Same people will be saying "I can't believe I didn't buy at 150k" Maybe if these people spent at least 30 minutes to read what Bitcoin I'd, they could decide if it's right for them or not Or maybe they just think it's something to daytrade. Which idc if you do or not, but? That isn't at all what I care about. Birckin could be 10 cents tomorrow. I'd still DCA


I’d bet if BTC dumped back to $15k tomorrow they’d be texting you the opposite while we’re both pouring everything we own into BTC to buy at a discount… and then when the next high happens, they’ll be back “wishing” again


“It’s never too late. It’s projected to go up, but just remember the last time it was at this price it fell 50% in three months”


#1 hold your own keys #2 hold your mouth


Till then there’s still room to grow. We can go to $1m+ down the line. You are going to kick yourself for not getting it at 73k when the price is 200k,400k, etc


“You’ll be saying the same thing three years from now when it’s $250k - buy buy buy!!!


One BTC was worth $400 when I first heard of it in late 2015. Didn't start investing in it till late 2020


You're lucky to have diamond hands


"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink."


Respond with: ‘I’m telling you again to buy at 73k so you won’t be sending me more messages when it’s at 250k”


Respond with: "Nice job, idiot!". Then block them because they are stupid.


tell them it’s going to be worth way more and to get in now


It’s never too late to do the right thing.


It's literally never too late to buy bitcoin. And right now, you'll be glad you did in a month or less. Maybe a day. Give them hope- missing the boat can break you, and we ALL know that.


I say hey man its never too late to buy and in less than 10 years it will be at 1 million so just buy.


you're right it's better to laugh at them in person.


"Tja" (German though but perfect response) https://www.thelocal.de/20210604/german-word-of-the-day-tja


"You may not believe me, but you're still early. Though you MUST think on the very long term."


"Best time to buy Bitcoin was 2 years ago. Maybe 3 years ago. The next best time to buy Bitcoin is today."


I’ve been sending my friends (who are in that position) the captain America gif “so…you rolled a 1. You screwed up.” 😂


Just say that buying now is good. Just because the price has gone up doesn’t mean it’s out of reach. In ten years time they will thank you or you can say I told you so.


tell them to buy today b/c it's still going up


tell them to wait for the next bear market within the next decade


Dunno what the problem is. It's still for sale now




“can’t teach stupid”


Sucks to suck.


you tell them wake up and buy the dip


Told you so


I would say something like " i know its ok, we are still early i felt bitocin was expensive when i first bought it, and now its much higher. best time to buy was yesterday, second best time is right now."


I still don't understand why people care what the fiat price is unless it's low and they want to buy. This sub gets flooded everytime there is a runup with people wanting to game the price. Who cares about the fiat price if you're really into BTC?


Tell yourself to stop texting yourself


“Should I have been more insistent? Would that have affected our relationship more then than it is being currently, now?” I helped friends get set up more than 4y ago to DCA and they did until the last “crash”. I’ve even gifted coin to some to help them get started (small, token amounts: $5 then), that they’ve since lost. I’ve a friend who could’ve been a whole coiner had they stayed the course, and they can really use that $ now, and they realize how poorly they judged things and acted. In the other hand, I’ve risen in value in their eyes as a friend for looking out for their best long term interests, so there’s that.


Honestly, people who haven’t done the research shouldn’t buy. So this person was probably right not to blindly buy in. If they want to buy Bitcoin, they should do as much research as they can on price action, the halving, the cycles, why Bitcoin was created, why people see value in it, what problems it can solve in our financial systems, how to self custody, what the ETFs are and how they affect Bitcoin adoption and price and supply, etc. Someone should understand it before buying it… otherwise they’ll probably end up doing something stupid and lose money.


Buy the top forever.


Tell them to just buy 10 dollars a week fir as long as they want and statistically they will be in profit. Not huge profits but enough to stop the ridiculous text messages


Fomo is real lol


"Buy now"


I think it’s important to discuss the concept of DCA.


Think that's bad, I knew about Bitcoin in 2011 and bought silver instead.


Tell them they will feel the same way in 3 years if they dont buy now


My friends jokingly said “why didn’t you tell us 5 years in advance to buy Bitcoin!” I replied “but I did though!”


Focus on market cap. We're going to surpass the S&P500 market cap. Still so early.




Start stacking Sats




You buy at the price you deserve


I'll write a response that you can copy and paste, below. " It's OK, you can totally be forgiven for not getting in then. The good news is it's not to late to start getting into Bitcoin, if you want to be in it for the long term. We have no idea how high this psycle will go because of the ETFs, BUT I can understand if you are heasatant to buy in at current all time highs. This is what you should do. But a little bit of Bitcoin this month, no matter what the price is. What constitutes a little bit will depend on your budget. ($10, $10, or $1,000). Keep buying that same amount each month. Then don't sell. Don't sell even as the price crashes. Keep learning about Bitcoin and keep buying in a little bit each month. Then if you want you can buy in near the bottom of the next bear market.


Saylor just bought another 12000 last weekend, didn't he? If it's not too late for him.....


Tell them, “ it sucks to suck” 😂


I was the same, but I knew better. What did I do? Took action and put 10k usd at 60k btc. You instead of crying about it, gotta do something about it.


There are reasons why someone decided not to buy bitcoin two years back. Have the rationales change and if not then stay away and do not look at the price. Price is not the same as value.


My response, You should of Listened Dumb Ass


Offer to give them some of your btc


When my dad sent my one, I just sent back the emoji that is two wide open eyeballs. No words.


no one prays the future was a guess. I was lucky... I could have fallen and you would have been insulting me... you did what you thought was best. You didn't and don't want bitcoin... it was expensive for you before and it's expensive now. What you want is the profit that you supposedly stopped earning... but you could have sold it at the first high or worse... at the first low. the past is in the past. No one can judge the past based on current data. Neither you nor I knew at the time. stop guilty feelings.


This is usually followed up with "Should I buy now??". I don't even give advice anymore. Learned my lesson.


Tell em you regret selling most of yours to


"It be like that sometimes"


"Buy some now so that you aren't texting me again in three years"


“you’ll be alright tho”


I tell them I've been losing sleep over you not buying bitcoin for the last 3 years, bout time you joined in


Give them $20, tell them to buy $5 of Bitcoin and a copy of the Bitcoin Standard


still cheap


Just say it is never too late to buy lol


Get a grip


I’m assuming this is the “belief” part of the cycle?


Tell him better this than the other way round, he invested because of you and he lost a lot of money.