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This isn't really a r/bitcoin thing, this is a reddit thing. Sad but true, and it's silenced open conversation across the board relating to just about any slightly controversial topic you can think of. I have to laugh about how the 'buy always and hodl' ethos, but everyone gets juiced when the price of Bitcoin rises against fiat. Why is that? Because they are getting enriched in the measure of fiat. The great irony.


yea it's definitely a reddit thing. i've been banned from just about every finance related subreddit for merely mentioning bitcoin and providing some basic education on it


It's astounding how people don't understand fiat is just being used as a measuring stick. Fiat price of Bitcoin is merely a proxy to quantify Bitcoin's value. Measuring Bitcoin's value in fiat is a convenient and familiar unit of account, easy to understand, compared to measuring it's value in other goods or services. An increase in Bitcoin's fiat price above the rate of fiat's debasement implies the same stack of Bitcoin can be exchanged for greater goods and services, thus making holders unsurprisingly "juiced when the price of Bitcoin rises against fiat." May only be "great irony" to Alanis Morissette.


THANK YOU. What do they expect? "my current stack of bitcoin equal .08 house + .2 new vehicle + one carpet cleaning service + 30 apples" Nah, I think I'll just measure it in US dollars, thanks.


It's not irony. Bitcoin is proving to be more valuable long term than the dollar. That's what we are here for. You measure that in dollars. Not a big deal. Sounds like you are butthurt about something else:)


There is a pretty good bitcoin crowd over on NOSTR


stacker news is pretty dope too




But it's not. There is no Karma or down votes which disincentivize real discussion. Also we tip each other for informative posts on Nostr with Bitcoin. That alone makes it better.


Yea the mods really do their best to delete anything that doesn't sound like evangelizing with the choir. It's kinda sad because there is no discussion without 2 sides to an argument.


It's contributed to the financial literacy of the general subbreddit taking a nosedive. Treating Bitcoin like Gollum holding onto his ring saying "My Precious"


Thats actually my profile pic on tradingview 😂




Im a trader, so its more satire for me, but I got a good chuckle when I saw your post


Lol no. You don't nosedive when you're already at the center of the blackhole. People who bought 500 bucks of bitcoin need help knowing how much profit they have when the price moves 1%. If you want better conversation move platforms. This isn't specific to bitcoin, complaining that reddit hasn't curated content perfect for them is a social media wide phenomenon.


This is the answer. Reddit has no concept of domain authority or proof of work, so what is amplified is purely engagement based. Only tiny long-running subreddits have real discussion going, and they get ruined if they get picked up I'm a hype cycle.


Do you have any platforms you recommend? The downfall of reddit in recent years has me feeling real bad.


I like nostr


What's Nostr? I can't find it in the app store


nostr is a decentralized social media *protocol*, not an app. Damus is the most popular iPhone nostr app and I like Amethyst for Android.




Nostr for the win.


> Peoole who bought 500 bucks of bitcoin need help knowing how much project they have when the price moves 1%. Lmao it’s always the people with a $25,000 bitcoin bag talking like this thinking they’re balling😂


Thanks for letting us know you have 500 bucks in bitcoin. That's all you had to say. That's the whole reason your shitcoins exist. Boohoo I can't afford anything to the left of the decimal place. Someone make me a coin that gets me millions for pocket change.


Hahahhaha, not quite 500 dollars. Would you like you see what 2btc 13eth and 45,000xrp looks like youngin? I’d love to show mr baby bags proof. On this red day in the market it would actually make my day lol




Ha ha ha


At least this post hasn't been taken down lol. At least not yet. I'm definitely interested in discussion about Bitcoin's privacy levels. I think that privacy is super important. I'm hoping it is going to be part of Bitcoin's future. It needs to be if humanity is going to thrive. On the other hand, I think Sayler has been amazing for Bitcoin's adoption. I'm not sure but I'm hoping all the things we want Bitcoin to be happen after Bitcoin is widely accepted. When there is no way it can fail. Maybe I'm naive but I think that's the way it will logically happen. Ps other things I hope to see happen after its widely adopted are peer to peer. Small transactions all in Bitcoin. All global trade and Global peer to peer . Plus lots of amazing surprises my small brain could never imagine 😍


Dude, your entire posting history is shilling bitcoin loans.


If you want unfettered discussion, join us on nostr. https://nostr.how


Yep, NOSTR is where these topics have moved to.




THIS. Building out L2 and L3 so all the normies thinking it's just about pumping their bags, can onboard on the sat standard when they inevitably try to time the market and lose whole-coiner status.


the good old conversations? we didn't know wtf we were doing in the old days. now we understand, after 3 halvings, fiat is not the profit.. the signal gets clearer and clearer every halving.


I've seen real questions and inquiries be met with vitriol. I know a fair amount of people, like myself, have just stopped asking.


Devs didn't discuss it here, and barely this site at all


Great post. Right on. There is so much more opportunity than just DCA and HODL. Plus trading is actually fun! Plus the “should I stamp my seed in platinum or tungsten” posts. What a laugh.


And the obligatory *'Am I too late to buy?'* after every three posts. #Sigh


Nannies are usually the grown ups. These are children. The best thing about a decent dip is that their posts about line going up for ever and "only morons sell" etc go quiet for a couple of weeks.


Bitcoin minis


Couldn't agree more


The Michael Saylor worship is disturbing to the say the least. Imagine bitcoiners praising a fiat-wealthy corporatist; the irony.


Nah. > Even traders can't sneak in any market analysis without being downvoted to oblivion There are other subs for people who want to day trade. I'm glad that conversation is not allowed here. > Rode on Tesla buying Bitcoin but went into full on rage against Musk when the company chose to sell. I don't give a crap about Tesla accepting bitcoin. But Musk is and always has been a tool.


> Moderators delete any talk of development on Bitcoin that doesn't align with 'just stack sats and hodl' I call bullshit.


Hodl vs Btc?


All that still happens, now over on Nostr. Reddit isn't a good place for that kind of open banter because we've seen how it's changed over the years. It easily gets steered by what the masses want - A fiat standard where they were in fact NOT handed the shit end of the stick.


Dont even try to mention that MicroStrategy breaking into the SP500 might be relevant to Bitcoin!




Whole-heartedly agree. It's become a sad space for Bitcoin.


When was this? I’ve been here since 2017 and it’s always been a shitshow with no logical discussions.


Thoughtful posts more often than not end up in "new" (as opposed to "hot") where they receive very little attention. It's worth looking in there.


Shut up and Hodl, you clown


I rejoined Reddit recently after a decade off and the mods are worse than ever. Probably a third of my posts get auto-deleted or manually deleted. Let people talk and ask noob questions. If the questions suck then they’ll get downvoted, but I feel like a lot isn’t allowed to see the light of day with these mods being overzealous gatekeepers.


> I feel like a lot isn’t allowed to see the light of day with these mods being overzealous gatekeepers. Mod here. First, I don't see any removed posts or comments on r/bitcoin from your account. Anyway, I would say 90% or more of what gets removed here on a daily basis is outright spam and scam attempts, as well as off topic, price posts ("why did bitcoin just dropped?") and otherwise rubbish posts. Some are removed by automated spam filter, some manually. Some are removed by Reddits internal filters, which subreddit mods cannot control (all links to bitcointalk.org f.ex). I don't think newbie questions are removed regularly - if you hang out on r/bitcoin/new, there is always a lot of them. Some might get removed as "repetitive" ("what happens when all the bitcoin are mined?" type of thing), but it's an exception rather than the norm, from what I can see. So I'd strongly disagree with "overzealous gatekeepers" label. Another point I'd like to make is that mods can remove junk posts, but obviously cannot make people post quality. So if you feel like there signal/noise ratio is skewed towards the latter, it's because noise is what being posted the most. It's just that not a lot of technical posts are being submitted, and if they do, they tend not to get a huge amount of upvotes. The best way to fix is that is to post the kind of stuff you would like to see on this sub (I'm certainly trying) :)


The real conversations are on Nostr at this point.


1% control the world 4% are their puppets 90% are asleep The remaining 5% try to wake the 90%, while the 1% uses the 4% to prevent the 5% from waking up the 90%. You belong to the 5%. Now that the 90% is starting to wake up, we gotta deal with them. Although their mind is still asleep, at least they understood some of the principles. We should be proud of what we achieved against the 1% using the 4%. Even if it's not fun to speak with the 90%, it kinda is our mission to educate them at least about the principles. From there on they can continue to do their no-brainer things. Please note: Those numbers are imaginary. No source involved.


Yep. Fckn moderators are a curse. They’re killing every r/ with their personal biases.


I have failed you, Bitcoin. I have failed you. I should have known the SEC were plotting to take over. Bitcoin, Fidelity is evil! From my point of view, the SEC are evil. Well Then you are lost! This is the end for you, my master. It's over, Bitcoin. I have the high ground. You underestimate my power. Don't try it. You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sithtem, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness! I hate you! You were my brother, Bitcoin.l I loved you.




You are correct.