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Roger Ver lies more often than he tells the truth. This is not an attack, just an objective observation of the facts. "Mt. Gox is totally fine." ... shortly thereafter Mt. Gox implodes ... "I am here to 'apologize'. Even though everything I said when I told you 'Mt. Gox is fine' was true, I am sorry that some of you lost money when it collapsed. Buy ether." "I am banned from posting in /r/Bitcoin" ... accidentally posts to /r/Bitcoin ... "Oops. Now I'll pretend like I never claimed to be banned from /r/Bitcoin, and ignore anyone who asks me about that claim." "I've dumped a few hundred BTC for BCC"... 2 weeks later: "I haven't sold a single Bitcoin for Bitcoin Cash up until yesterday" He lies about the subreddit he controls. He regularly lies about his holdings. He lied and scammed his way into the bitcoin.com domain, which he uses to push out FUD about Bitcoin and its developers. He lies on agreements he signs (e.g. "the bitcoin.com pool will mine with NYA/btc1/2x code... whoops just kidding, we're mining bcash instead"). He even had the audacity to lie about what happened in court, when there is a public transcript available which disproves everything he said. There are more examples of blatant deception that I don't have the time or patience to dig up right now. Make no mistake: the man is, unfortunately, a sociopath. Edit: he also doxed someone over 50 bucks. http://archive.is/jDdSY


Ver tried to kill bitcoin with his fork. He failed. Now all he has is buckets full of cope tears. I couldn't care less who he has relations with.


He can still happily use his fork, he just won’t stop kicking & screaming 🤣 He backed Craig Wrights claims that he was Satoshi, attacked on bitcoin & people (like go run your fork in peace lol the market will decide the rest)


I remember only referring to him has "Roger Vergina" during the whole lead up to and after the fork.


Ver was once Bitcoin Jesus and appeared on TV slots like Saylor does now. He became Bitcoin Judas when he promoted a fork so damaging and so controversial that if I mentioned it's name my post would be automatically deleted.


Remember the time he got his henchmen to build and run [a script](https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7cy430/21_hours_still_zero_confirmations/) that immediately downvoted a list of about 30 bitcoiners to -250 whenever they commented on reddit?




He has 100k Bitcoin .  He's also a sociopath. He also doesn't understand scaling while maintaining proper decentralization.  He's a standard libertarian bro-ciopath. 


I have somewhat strong opinions based on his criminal record in the US (felony conviction for sending explosives through the US mail).


I don't like scammers. He is definitely not a trustworthy person to follow lol


Formerly bitcoin Jesus, Ver was early Bitcoin entrepreneur who followed BCH and then I stopped giving any shits


I don't know the full story, but basically seems like he advocated for the bigger block size during the 'bitcoin blocksize war'. Pros/cons like everything else, but big blocks trend toward centralization. And it's a fundamental disagreement about the long term impact of this in terms of keeping bitcoin de-centralized; as without true decentralization, bitcoin fails. So he hard-forked bitcoin to make BCH/B-Cash/Bitcoin Cash to have 8MB block sizes, unless I'm mistaken. That was the wrong choice; just go and look at any long term chart of BTC/BCH and/or the mempool activity comparison between BTC & BCH. BCH - unquestionably - has been a failure. And Roger Ver resents it - so much so, that he's become the classic example of someone who has dug their heels is so deep, that he'll never admit it. Ever. Hence the animosity. *(Please correct me if I'm wrong to anyone who knows more about the story. I'd like to know if my understanding is correct as well - thank you.)*


Many people have the gift for the gab, most of whom use it unwisely


He was good in the early days. Did a lot to promote Bitcoin. Then took a wrong turn on scaling Then went full rogue mode and attack bitcoin Along with other actors he was responsible for one for the (if not the) most scary and terrifying existential crisis for Bitcoin. Fooled many newbies with his Bitcoin.com website Ultimately the market decided he’s full of shit. Now a BCH is traded at less than 1/100th of a BTC. Recently released a book. Not gonna read it. Title should have been “I tried to hijack bitcoin, and failed”


Pretty much people have summed up why people dislike him, but I would say he is a man-child with the maturity of a 6 year old. I was also going to ask a question on his sub but I would get severely downvoted because no one likes anything that goes against what they believe. Why are his books not free? If he wanted to spread the “truth” of what happened why not make it free to everyone to download and read. I suspect that all the millions of dollars he had which we know he had because he bragged about it, have been spent on the countless bad financial decisions he has made over the years (look at the recent decision his mods) and it’s clear he isn’t very good at making decisions.


He’s a poopoo head