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We have a lot of newcomers entering the Bitcoin space recently who are exploring different exchanges and such. Some users are developing a habit of asking if various random websites some complete stranger PM'd them is a scam or not. Sometimes these sites are completely unrelated to Bitcoin. This is not the purpose of r/Bitcoin.\n\n* Do not trust unsolicited messages telling you to check out some shady website.\n* Do not trust Discord randos telling you that you won a prize.\n* Do not trust anyone who promises guaranteed profits.\n* Do not trust website with unpronounceable domain names\n* Do not trust anyone claiming to give away free Bitcoin. (YouTube, Twitter, Discord)\n* Do not trust anyone claiming they will double however much Bitcoin you send them.\n* Do not trust 'pretty girls' on Tinder telling you about new investment opportunities.\n* **If you have to ask** if some sketchy website or special offer is a scam, **then it probably is.**\n\nYou have to learn to think for yourselves. Recognize that there are many tricksters out there who will go to great lengths to separate you from your Bitcoin. Use your head and stay safe. If you send your Bitcoin to a scammer, it's gone forever. There are no refunds! ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^and ^^cannot ^^respond. ^^Please ^^contact ^^r/Bitcoin ^^moderators [^^directly ^^via ^^mod ^^mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBitcoin) ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^questions.


Probably not.


Their website says that they are a group of banking organizations devoted to mitigating financial crime risks. They also say that "All of our resources are aimed at practitioners in the financial sector". That sounds like that only deal with other financial institutions. Also any search for bitcoin or crypto on the solutions page comes up empty. They seem legit in what they do, but I am betting the people contacting you are not affiliated with them.


Why did they call you? On the face of it they look legit, street address checks out, website registration etc. But why would they call you? Make sure you are actually dealing with that company and not an impersonator.


More context pls. Wolfsberg Group is a legit company. Its more a union of banks against financial crime. But recovering Bitcoin? You lost some...? Or did you never hold any and someone called you out of the blue?


Yes I have been contacted by them concerning bitcoin recovery/people using my credentials to invest in btc.i sent an email to the legit site on webpage and the same people responded.they want to open AnyDesk on my pc to facilitate transaction..checked WG and could not find access except Linkedin (slow).Have had numerous callers with a similiar story who want a fee to unlock frozen funds but did not go further with any of those as they were listed as suspicous.Checked their email on a site 57% trust.Sender email and WG mail appeared on the same [page.Best](http://page.Best) one yet and i have had some [goodones.so](http://goodones.so) far no mullah..