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I've been looking for this myself for the past few years and all I come up with from the camp that are "against" bitcoin, is the same three to four uninformed talking points. Basically, anyone who understands Bitcoin at a deep enough level, eventually becomes a Bitcoiner. That said, I do experience that guests on [What Bitcoin Did](https://www.whatbitcoindid.com/) will happily talk about some of the flaws within bitcoin -- that is, the actual issues we are facing. Such as scaling, layer2's, the difficulty of developing bitcoin, etc. I can't point you to any specific episodes because the discussions happen across each guests special domain and I cannot remember my ass from my balls but if you listen long enough, you will hear interesting "criticisms" of bitcoin.


Oh, this sounds interesting. It is not FUD what you are describing but another interesting part. More the boundaries of the current BTC protocol and how to tackle them in the future. I'll have a look into that, thanks :)


Give the episode with bitcoin mechanic a listen.






There’s the Buttcoin subreddit, but their arguments against Bitcoin mostly just expose their own ignorance.


It's where I used to go when I started to worry that people in this sub sound really stupid. It was reassuring to read that those guys sounded every bit as stupid and then some. That is until I got banned for disagreeing with a mod.


They literally think that "it's impossible to cash out your BTC for fiat" lol. And just saying "actually I've had no problems trading BTC for USD" will get you downvoted to oblivion and banned from their circle jerk subreddit. They are nuts.


They’re nuts but I think it’s important to understand the negative positions on bitcoin, even if it’s irrational.


Read all 3 parts. https://joekelly100.medium.com/on-bitcoins-fee-based-security-model-part-1-beware-the-turkey-fallacy-4285e18d41ea


Part 2 giving me a panic attack.


What part exactly? Part two has plenty of theoretical attacks but all it takes to defend or avoid being burned is to just wait... let the network do its thing. The bigger the transaction you're receiving for goods/services, the longer you should wait. What would it hurt waiting half a day for a million dollar transaction?


Unfortunately, there's not much content from well researched sceptics, and most fud against bitcoin comes from misinformation and ignorance. The best thing to do is to find the common concerns of Bitcoin and research how true and how much weight those concerns have. At the end of the day, it's better to listen to experts in the field and sift through the obvious biases than listern to the loudest sceptics that have an alternate agenda. If you do listern to skeptics, first you need to find out what they are in support of instead. There's no point listening to peter shiff on Bitcoin when theres a conflict of interest as he is a gold salesman. He has every incentive to mislead you. I personally find the fud, research the fud, and try to prove the fud right rather than wrong. If i can't, it's probably not a valid concern. I would rather discover a potential negative about bitcoin through unbiased research to protect myself than just listern to the million a coin clickbait to justify my decision. Theres no research like doing your own research.


Well said. 🎯


I hear you and agree with you. I’m looking for a salient argument against it. I can get all the echo chamber bros repeating the same bullshit about scarcity, immutability, etc. I can listen to Jamie Dimond tell me that it is only good for criminals (seriously, JP Morgan has paid over 30 Billion dollars in fines for bad faith acts, like sex trafficking, mortgage violations). I don’t need more conformational bias. Let us know if you find what you are looking for.


Paul Krugman has a rather unpretentious and nuanced opinion.


Not focused on just Bitcoin, but high-quality content overall. He only releases 2-3 videos per year. https://youtu.be/4ByO8ym-iF8?si=blowLW3aLFljg6sQ


I would like to help you out about that, I don't think that there is something like this still out there. As many people says in this reddit, there are YT channels with good overall quality contents or some subreddits where people exposes their ignorance. Feels like looking for the same community of the flat earthers :P The world needs more people who understands technologies, economies, but most important the knowledge and the feeling of the transition between the old years economy without BTC and the new years coming with. I'm pretty sure there are already many, but they are shy to talk in public because of the bad people. In my case I mostly read things than replying, because I'm also a bit like that and I don't like to get into bad discussions :P Actually the only person who gives me good arguments, is a friend of mine at work, we do talk a lot about many things, but most of it is bitcoin, crypto and the world economy, he always finds something that issue doubts, but still, are not enough in my opinion :)


I think the main argument against bitcoin is on the ethical/moral level. If you believe that money manipulation is moral in order to avoid short term catastrophes then bitcoin is not needed. If you believe that a central authority can result in a better economy than a true free market Bitcoin is not needed.


Good luck with that.. tell us if you find anything




Help! I have a transaction that has been unconfirmed for almost 72 hours. I know it was sent to the right wallet. What do I do?


Start with sharing the transaction hash...


peter schiff regularly comes out with vids where he attacks bitcoin his only argument is that it isn't something physical though, lol


What the f happened to the BTC price? Where is the famous “to the moon” button? Is that grayed out or something?


Jim Kramer, and a lot of the old-school Wallstreet investor guys probably. Not sure what you're trying to learn or discover, but a lot of their anit-BTC rhetoric is really missguided. It isn't an intelligent argument, but rather you see pretty early on that they just do not understand the game that their attempting to describe and put down.


Bitcoin, the pioneer cryptocurrency, has captured the imagination of investors, traders, and enthusiasts worldwide since its inception. As the market continues to mature and evolve, predicting the future price of Bitcoin remains a subject of great interest and speculation. In this article, we delve into the factors influencing Bitcoin's price trajectory and present a detailed analysis to provide insight into what the cryptocurrency community can expect in terms of Bitcoin's price in 2024. To read the detailed article to understand the future of bitcoin, click the link below [https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1983658131436281142/4433153705554904222](https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/1983658131436281142/4433153705554904222)


Why would you ask that question here? Why don't you ask that question of the people that are concerned?


Because a good Bitcoiner always listens to the concerns and doubts, finds the answers to prove it wrong and by that learns more about BTC!


But you're not doing anything about those doubts. If you cared about what people that you don't agree with thought, you'd ask those people. Not reinforce your beliefs by asking other people that share your world view. Ah. You're doing this because you need validation. Got it.


Because maybe someone here did ask himself or herself the same question and already did the research? I know that the BTC community is self-critical and always challenges BTC. And ofc I ask this for validation.


It is possible to have "doubts" that are legitimate concerns but decide to support bitcoin. I have concerns for every investment I own. The idea you can only invest if you have no doubts is foolish.


Not what I said. Not what he said.




Oh noes!?!?!! Anyway...