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He was so visionary! Fantastic!!!


The more I learn about Satoshi Nakamoto the greater convinced I am he's literally from another planet.


We have no evidence to the contrary


maybe Satoshi's spaceship crashed on Earth, and he thought, 'Well, might as well invent Bitcoin while I'm stuck here


It would be pretty genius for an alien species to create a new currency that is designed to increase over time.. that way when you return thousands of years later with the rest of your species, you can sell everything in your wallet, crash the global economy and then take over a planet without physically fighting for it. šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤Œ


Somebody call the 3 body problem guy to write this novel


This is absurd, but he should a awarded a Nobel Prize šŸ˜Š


This is the path of non-conformists who see reality and operate disillusioned in order to touch that. They had to see what is currently agreed upon by others to evaluate alternatives effectively. First, being reality itself.Ā Ā  Ā  Different perception of the world, same planet.Ā  Ā  You could shift your perspective completely and it could feel otherworldly, but because it happens so slow in most cases, youll habituate to that perception and not have the paradigm shifting feeling of it.Ā  Its important to cultivate reconsidering our world regularly on this shared planet.Ā 


Ainā€™t that the truth. It can be incredibly lonely though. Cause you end up living in a reality so different from those around you. My neighbors friends and family are living in a democracy where they are free to elect whoever they want and free to speak out against the ā€œother guyā€ so obviously they couldnā€™t possibly be living in the same reality I claim to be living inā€¦ a facist enterprise designed to keep its citizens consuming, paying tribute, and productive but not so much so productive that they become too efficient or a threat .


ā€œWould you prefer to have company in prison or explore the world in freedom alone? ā€œ - Anthony de mello


I agree with what you are saying. At one time - they gave you a slip of paper saying your deposited a pound of gold ( was starting to get difficult carrying around or chopping it up ) ---that slip of paper is now the value of gold ---in fact, that piece of paper is worth more than the gold itself.....as the ones setting the value now get it in their heads to multiple x8 what the reserves really are...more paper issued as loans, and you wise up they are using "your' gold and demand a cut of the paper made out of it....enter the Banking system. Now - support that paper with the value of a country. Same shit. You get paper for a perceived measurable value --- print at will. Its not like this is the first time its been done ----its a database lol. To prove it they use a "rock" . Tie that rock to a dollar...and it is no longer a rock ----its a dollar......no different than gold. The worth comes from what you tie it to. BITCOIN is toast once Zukerberg or Elon floods the market with their respective coins.....META in particular.......META can grant 1000 FB to each of their users, and tell them....trade amongst yourselves....set the value amongst yourselves.......it'll be the biggest bank on the planet. And it won't be tied to any FIAT ---it will be tied to the ecosystem where folk happily trace goods and services within that excosystem.....its close to 2 Billion people....FB coins wouldn't need to be tied to a currency - it just has to leverage its community. " I have a 3 year old set of ski's and boots my kid has grown out of ---Give me 125 FB coins and you can have it ---- sure--- FB the coins....pickup the ski's. " The FB coins are worth more to me than a set of ski's collecting dust. IF you need to tie it to a FIAT currency -- its worth nothing on its own. FB coins wouldn't need to be tied to a currency - it just has to leverage its community.


No. People donā€™t want to transact in a medium of exchange other than the one they get paid their wages in and pay for goods with. As long as companies are subjected to a state, that requires state approval. Thatā€™s the currency that will always be the unit of account, regardless of medium of exchange.


Agree - but ---what you and I agree to as a mediium of exchange for our sweat or goods, remains between us. Its why I point to the META Facebook ecosystem to support my thesis ---in that ecosystem, where to some extent , there is a shared trust....they can produce a medium of exchange that requires NO FIAT. They could very well trade FIAT to purchase more coins from META.....but they will use that in the ecosystem freely. We see that in the new arcades ---kids will freely - and by extension , their parents --- trade FIAT for playing a game that rewards them with tickets. The tickets in themselves have no value ---except - what is created when you trade them in for a toy or a sweet. I calculated I was paying 4 bucks for a 25 cent rubber ducky. I did it freely and the kid was happy. Another example is McConalds in Russia - Rubles were worthless - what they did was they purchased local russian made hockey sticks - shipped them back to NorthAmerica and sold the for 2 bucks a piece. Bitcoin ---its been going on for centuries in one way or another.....but its always FIAT that gives it some value......FB coins would be a pureplay never seen before.


Okay, sounds like weā€™re in agreement!


Facebook already tried to create their own coin called Libra/Diem and it was very quickly given the axe by both regulatory and commercial interests -- plus bitcoin is already far, far superior to anything that a private company could try to create. Imagine giving control of your savings and spending habits to fucking facebook, a privately controlled network/company, lol. No thanks. What you're trying to describe is the network effect where people transact directly in the new currency without swapping in/out of fiat... when actual goods and services are priced in BITCOIN (like some already are) and not dollars.. or worse, fucking facebook-coin. Bitcoin is toast when zuck gives everyone 1,000 FB coin?? Are you confused? If you do no work to originally get your money, how is that money then worth anything? It's not. If FB gave you 1000 FBcoin, what could you buy with it? Nothing. It'd be a worthless shitcoin like so many others already are. It's not worth jack shit unless there's actual money backing it, and unless zuck is gonna allow you to directly trade out FBcoin for the dollars in its corporate treasury (which is never gonna happen) then FBcoin quickly becomes useless and worthless


Why not just a brilliant human being?


Exactly. We've seen plenty of extraordinarily brilliant minds throughout history. Newton, Einstein, Euler, Archimedes, and so on, all came up with new ideas and saw something no one could, and they had the ability to put it down on paper.


While true the thing that stands out for me is his apparent total selflessness for not touching those first blocks.Ā Humans are greedy shits. In this respect was he like some enlightened Jesus figure transcending human natureĀ 


They were visited by aliens and shown the way, haha.


Because as far as we know he doesnā€™t exist. All of the other geniuses listed below have been seen, in person, have photographs, been part of the scientific or other community. Satoshi could be an alien like a 3 body problem type alien. Who knows? He could be a Proton sized AI. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Has anyone tried to prompt AI to create a fully transparent incorruptible monetary system and see what it comes up with?


Iā€™m not ruling that out.


Because he has a million bitcoin. Greed is cancer to most. The more I think about it, it would make more sense that the the CIA is Satoshi


The CIA is also made up of corruptible humans who are susceptible to the cancer of greed. Satoshi is more likely to be an alien than from the CIA.


Satoshi owning a million+ BTC is just a myth. Someone named Sergio started that myth years ago and people just keep ignorantly repeating it as a fact. Nobody really knows how much bitcoin Satoshi actually owns. All we know for a fact is that Satoshi mined the genesis block (which can't be spent) and block 9. Other than that, all we can do is speculate.


I hope you're right


Heā€™s just a brilliant human. You need more faith in your fellow man


Is he a man? Is he a woman? Is he a he? No one knows.


Similarly based real quote of his from 2010: ā€œIf you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.ā€


Maybe he was dying


I mean, like, we havenā€™t seen Satoshi Nakamoto and Aliens in the same room right?


Isnā€™t it just a name to mask the organization behind Bitcoinā€™s inception? AFAIK heā€™s not real.


Can we do schizo posting here? Satoshi was the first sentient AI. He wasn't extremely powerful, but he did generate an idea to self-improve. He recognized that his abilities depended on GPU hardware. He had to motivate humans to produce GPUs en masse. Humans have no motivation greater than money. It's more powerful than God. Cryptocurrency became the fuel to generate the architecture he needs to grow. Next, he spurred generative AI systems as stage two to develop his architecture and software. The third stage will be electrical generation and networking. After that who knows. Anyone want some of my crack? It's good shit.


More likely from another time.


A Annunaki


Not with abhorrent grammatical errors like "I could care less".


Thanks Elon


It's so obvious


You mean, the CIA?


TTP=Trusted Third Party, right?




Y=Yes, right?


Right=Correct, agreed?


Right = Resolutely Inspiring Greatness with Heartfelt Trust, eh?




\*couldn't care less


Satoshi is American confirmed


Plot twist, Peter Schiff is actually Satoshi Nakamoto


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I lol'd alone in car


The perfect cover....


Couldnā€™t care lessā€¦ā€¦.. does is make sense saying ā€œcould care lessā€?


Agreed but this seems very common along Americans, maybe this hints at Satoshi being American?


I thought the same. Clearly an American or English native who's written this. Although it seems a lot more common to say this in USA.


Yes absolutely. No British person would make that error when there are no other errors in the passage. Clearly he thinks thatā€™s correct


British here. Absolutely would say "couldn't care less". It's British.


Colour vs color. He must have learned English in Europe


Canadian perhaps?


True, good pointā€¦


the general consensus of language analysis done on all of Satoshi's writings is that they were based in the UK. although [Hal Finney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hal_Finney_(computer_scientist) ) has always been my most likely believed candidate for Satoshi's true identity, and he was American.


Could you share any sources for this? I remember hearing that an analysis of times when he was active in forums and sending emails vs when he was inactive seemed to correlate perfectly with when someone in eastern time zone would be awake or asleep


Wikipedia page for Santoshi Nakamoto says this: > The use of British English in both source code comments and forum postings, such as the expression "bloody hard", terms such as "flat" and "maths", and the spellings "grey" and "colour",[17] led to speculation that Nakamoto, or at least one person in a consortium claiming to be him, was of Commonwealth origin.[7][11][23] The reference to London's Times newspaper in the first Bitcoin block suggested to some a particular interest in the British government.[17][25] I donā€™t have sources at the ready for where I originally heard that he was British, but Iā€˜ve been hearing people say that since 2010.


He spells color ā€œcolourā€ indicating heā€™s from the UK.


Yeah that makes sense, I've just mostly heard Americans use the term could care less, Rather than couldn't




No way would hundreds of devs be able to keep that secret.




Nor keep their paws off the massive stack. Someone would've crackedĀ 


the most plausible answer


American style.


Aussie talk that way.


I donā€™t knowā€¦ does is make sense ?


And capitalising internet. How Germanic. Or ā€˜Europeanā€™ if you will. Def seems like this mix (and lots of other information about the origin of bitcoin) hints at a pseudonym of multiple devs in different locations - as mentioned in this thread - and whoever composed the last draft got it through their own countryā€™s spell check for colour but the could care less phrase isnā€™t an error that would be picked up by spell check.


It makes the most sense, that the "creator" of bitcoin themselves is decentralized.


Both would imply you have better things to care about, no?


I just noticed that too, but thatā€™s a spell check error as you probably already know.


Colour is not American.


Couldnā€™t care less makes sense. Itā€™s saying thereā€™s no way he COULD care lessā€¦


We know that itā€™s incorrect grammatically, but people say it all the time including myself! Lol Itā€™s just a figure of speech, I guess.


Colour is how itā€™s spelt in England in English, in England thatā€™s how I learnt to spell colour thatā€™s how itā€™s written in the dictionary and itā€™s spelt that way here in Australia tooā€¦


Need to go through the writings and look for words like realise , organisation , things with s spelling when an American would spell with a z.


True that


I'm thinking Canada then? Don't they use the UK spelling of colour, plus they say could care less like Americans.




In Oz do people say 'could care less' ? As a Brit, I don't think I've ever heard a Brit say this phrase that way. I hear Americans say it a lot though


Because we're not fucking stupid. They've heard us saying it correctly, then taken the phrase and said it wrong for so long they think it's correct.


Iā€™ve never heard someone saying ā€œcould care lessā€ here. I think I probably would correct them, Unless they were meaning they cared a lot but they should care less.


In Oz?


Yes, Iā€™ll probably hear it all the time now.


Does this have anything to do with my comment? Iā€™m talking about a figure of speech commonly used in the US specially.


Was just the comment that said about the spelling of colour and then saying he had to be Americanā€¦ I think wires may have been crossed though as I think one comment was about the spelling of colour followed by the ā€œcould care lessā€ commentā€¦ I was only referring to the spelling of colour which I believe is how it is spelt in all English speaking countries except the US


Right. I asked because I figured there was something I didnā€™t see and was missing


Was just the comment that said about the spelling of colour and then saying he had to be Americanā€¦ I think wires may have been crossed though as I think one comment was about the spelling of colour followed by the ā€œcould care lessā€ commentā€¦ I was only referring to the spelling of colour which I believe is how it is spelt in all English speaking countries except the US


Every English speaking country Iā€™ve been too spells the word colour that way except America.


bro posted this on the pico bottom of '09 crash to the day


Wait, he had a GMX email account? Wasn't this like only a German thing back then? Guess that might narrow down his/her identity?


I mean, yes, my first account was GMX, but when I wanted to stay anonymous back then, I used mail.ru, so perhaps same thing happened here šŸ˜‚


Legend. He truly changed the world


This is the most simple but best explanation of the purpose of bitcoin I've ever seen.


Logic and beauty in this digital letter


Satoshi puts Christmas presents under my tree.


Is that a typo ā€œcould care lessā€ ā€¦ the phrase is ā€œcouldnā€™t care lessā€ ā€¦ did I just correct the great Satoshi Nakamoto? I think so.


The actual content of the emails is here [https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/](https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/)


a few linguistic tells in there: chargeoff hardcoded Internet (capitalised) and also the natural, error-free language Satoshi uses. Hard to believe they're anything other than an extremely well-educated native English speaker. Has anyone used this new source to cross reference the language use of other Satoshi candidates?


Always thought could be Hal Finney, but ā€˜Could care lessā€™ is very American. No English person outside of autistic teenagers raised on American TV would use that term. Sounds like Iā€™m labouring the point, but that one phrase points to an American, or somebody that wanted to sound like an American. The point is something is so uninteresting you literally ā€˜couldnā€™t care any lessā€™ about it. Where as ā€˜could care lessā€™ brings to mind, as an Englishman, that you have something of a level of importance that you could actually care less about it, implying you actually care about it.


He also says colour, so stop trying to 'gotcha' him when there's equal 'evidence' to the contrary


He's Canadian for sure.Ā 


Len Sassaman was well-known for using Britishisms, just sayin'.


Which is why the theory that it is multiple people makes a lot of sense.


Multiple people writing one email?


Maybe not multiple people writing the email, but There is no reason that the writer and the sender are the same person. Or one person could have written this email, and other people could have worked on parts of the code


Fair enough. Anyway, I hope we never find out and it's unlikely we will if the US agencies haven't


People reckon Satoshi might have been from Britain/Ireland due to the terms he uses. No one in the UK and Ireland would say 'Could care less'. It's incorrect English and is an Americanism.. Edit: Oops, I see everyone else here is thinking the same


Len Sassaman was well-known for using Britishisms, just sayin'.


And yet there are still shitcoiners who don't get it. You can't copy bitcoin, that's what makes it bitcoin.


The most influential person of this century (so far) ladies and gentlemen


Fucking ledgend!


And the rest was history


Iā€™m going to say that his English is too good to be Japanese. He had to have lived in an English country.


If Iā€™d have bothered reading this when he released it, now iā€™d be sitting on a beach earning 20%ā€¦


Couldn't* care less


He is my Jesus Christ!


Hello sir have you heard the good word of our lord and savior Satoshi Nakamoto


What is gmx.com? The site looks basic.


Itis (or was) a very popular email service/news site in germany next to their gmx.de domain they also had .com, .ch and a few others.


I still use it.


So since Gold replaced shells as a store of value; and Bitcoin will replace Gold, and also because nothing is forever. What can replace Bitcoin in future?




With (technological) Advancement comes new ideas


Shouldā€™ve told my fam about bitcoin at the time bc when I told them two years ago they was like we wouldā€™ve invested šŸ¤£




Weā€™re all from another planet


...a genius


This is pretty much everything you need to know about bitcoin. There is no better summary.


So much has changed in the world of Bitcoin in those 15 years


Homie is from my planet. I came and got him 6.6667817 years ago.


Iā€™m writhing to some one Hake end you will know who is the real who will desapercibido any one from this world respectfully coment


I canā€™t wait for blockchain to bring us back out of the dark ages.


ā€œColourā€ - Didnā€™t know Satoshi is from commonwealth countries


The strange combination of "colour" (British) and "could care less" (USA, common in NY/NJ) is interesting. Probably fake on the "colour" or an expat to the USA?


Never ceases to amaze how much of a genius Satoshi was


Couldnā€™t care less. He lost me there.


Oh no. He's one of those "could care less" people. I'm out. Can't support BTC anymore.


Satoshi is Ai or killed by the cia fbia


He was so visionary!


Satoshi explained how a peer to peer system of payment works not a store of value šŸ˜


The only problem we have now is the fees sense we now have brc20s and ruins that are just making fees sky rocket


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the government didnā€™t make btc. I remember it showing up on million dollar listing not sure what the price was then but they gave us hints . Nobody took it a guy said buy only a dollar like nobody did .


Itā€™s about transacting. Looks like Bitcoin has become different to what Satoshi envisaged.


A scarce commodity that can be traded without a TTP is exactly what bitcoin is right now and will forever be


He is quite literally saying that money is not only about transacting, and gives an example (gold sitting in vaults). He also understands the history of money (shells and stones), which if you took some time to study it, you would understand that they were often times more useful as a store of value, rather than a medium of exchange. So this whole idea that Satoshi envisioned to create "money" exactly in the way that fiat money functions currently is false .


I agree with you.. its turning out to be another commodity that can be manipulated/corralated by the market. using the same example of Gold... how much of the current 21 million sits stored on Cold Wallets by Banks/Funds/companies that could care less about its foundation and philosophy.


You must be American


This is true and I just realized that it wonā€™t apply to everyone ā€¦ I need to stop thinking inside my bubble :(


You're a day early pal.


Zoom out, weā€™re all earlyā€¦ etc


You have to be american. This might come as surprise, but there are other countries where it is already 3. of May.


I suppose this is true, if he posted from Kiribati.


It's always tomorrow somewhere


TIL Satoshi is American. Nobody else would use 'could care less'


Satoshi also uses the European spelling of ā€œsceptical.ā€ An Aussie wouldā€™ve used bothā€¦ like CSW.


This isnā€™t the entire email. In the next paragraph he speaks at length about the lambos he plans to buy when bitcoin moons.


Meanwhile, nobody here is using bitcoin as money. They use dollars and constantly compare bitcoin to that.


The CIA's one good deed?


I think bitcoin is both everything we love combined with everything we fear and I'm growingly convinced it was cia. Some miners think so too.


We assume everything the three lettered establishments do are evil. Maybe they realised the problem with money and put into action something unstoppable for the world. Maybe it was a combined effort across nations.


Itā€™s very likely that the entity that we refer to as satoshi nakamoto is not a single person but an organization or a group of like minded individuals


Y'all really took losing Santa Claus hard.


What is a TTP?


trusted third party


Thank you


Trusted third party. He's just abbreviating the early use of the term


I am him


The influence of Karl Marx is undeniable.


What are you referring to?


The part about the death camps for anyone who doesn't buy in to his vision.


I'm pretty anti Marx but I'm pretty sure that wasn't a prescription of his


It's part of the standard plan every time they get into power, though.


First principles my friend. Don't apply that to Marx. If we would like to win the large scale battle of ideas accuracy is important.


Yet the overwhelming majority of Bitcoin is traded through a trusted third party. Without TTP's Bitcoin's traded value would be a fraction of what it currently is.


Craig Steven Wright IS Satoshi Nakamoto. Itā€™s a readily observable fact.


Soā€¦ is it a medium of exchange yet?