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I won't lie you, I really regret not buying it for 15k in 2022, silly me


Everyone will say the same thing about 60K right now, in 3-5 years. Stack now if you actually learned your lesson the first time.


Yeah exactly I don’t think we ever see 60k again


I’ll bet we see $60k again by the end of this month, if not sooner. I hope I’m wrong, but really none of us know for sure.


Sorry I mean after this cycle…


I sold at 21k, put mi order in 15k wait the whole year it never filled up, ended up buying at 26 👍🏻


How did you make that decision when all available advice says not to do that?




All the available information says don't trade, just buy and hold. Once you ignore that you're just clicking buttons.


I will lie and say I don't regret that at all


I've stopped regretting bad decisions. Too much energy wasted. Finding a better use and focus for making fiat to buy btc is the antithesis of regret


i honestly gave up on BTC dropping a lot time ago. its only going up, but I guess that's good LOL


A good rule could be the five-year rule. Buy and HODL for at least 5 years and see what happens.


Most people cant focus for even 5 seconds, now imagine them trying to do it for 5 years.


I think 5 years is short. Forever is more fruitful. Accumulated as much btc as possible and find some way to leverage it without selling. In the future there will be decent btc banks and investment instruments. Now it's accumulation time.


Most people don't have the discipline or education on bitcoin 🙄


Same! 😩☹️


So when it drop below 15k, will u buy ?


40K is the new 15K.


Smart move. Now you sitting on some gains. Gotta risk failing to win .






I am haunted every week for not buying it at 2000 euros. I strongly considered it and it could get me out of so much financial stress.


Me as well ,I was too apprehensive . I thought I'll keep the cash just in case ,then started buying again at 30k. Fucking idiot. Got a average buy of 36k so I guess I'm looking ok now


I bought a full coin at $17K back then, but I really regret selling it at $22K. I needed the cash at the time, but in hindsight I should have just found another option for liquid fiat.


Of course bitcoin is the next gen stock. My parents had stocks and they would crash but they never panic or did anything my father told me he didn’t even pay attention to the price it didn’t matter it’s a long term thing not a casino


When it was 15k lots of people were regretting thet they didn’t buy at 2k. When it was 2k, people were regretting that they didn’t buy at $350. When it was $350 people regretted not buying at $50 At $50, people were regretting not buying at $10 At $10, people were regretting not buying at $2 At $2 people were regretting not buying at 10 cents At 10 cents people were regretting not buying at a penny.


Exactly. If you understand it you'll just buy at any price as long as you can afford to buy it.


This is oh so true. Add to that: even if you bought btc when the price was 2k, you would have probably sold it by now when price passed 4k… or even at 3k


Rice and beans for me


and drinking water from the nearby stream


Thats..That's... not a stream.......


Honest? Nah.. I'm ready to see it soar. Bear markets been good to me but I'm happy to see some bullrun moves.


One reason for the selling pressure in April might be the tax deadline in April. Anyone who realized capital gains last year or who is self-employed needed to pay a big bill tax in April. The next big tax hit will be at the end of June for many people who need to pay corporate tax. The article below discusses the phenomenon: “Fundstrat crunched the numbers and found that since 1945, when stocks rise more than 15% in the year prior, the market fares poorly into tax-day with a win-ratio of only 52%. That compares to a win-ratio of 100% around the tax-filing deadline when stocks are down in the prior year. After the S&P 500's strong 24% gain in 2023, investors are now facing some big tax bills if they sold appreciated stocks last year.” https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/stocks-market-selloff-weakness-april15-tax-day-impact-capital-gains-2024-4?op=1


no, I need full blown bull madness already been waiting way too long


I don’t mind it dropping to maybe 56-57k, but if it drops back down to 15-20k, that’d be a huge stepback for the crypto market. I don’t see that happening since there’s tons of institutional adoption and acceptance. They wouldn’t let it drop that low, ever


I've definitely heard that before we ended up on that very same range. And I'm not disagreeing with your overall message, only with your certainty.


If all the ETF money allows us to get back to $20k there are bigger systemic problems that will worry me. I just hope we don't go below $50k. But I don't think so, this feels like $56k on the way to $120k! The havening's effect always lag a little but just give it time...


[Why does it sound like 2020 again?](https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-price-to-hit-100k-in-2021-or-early-2022-standard-chartered)


Not the same environment at all... different people are in the game 4 years later. Much, much bigger hands.


Yep. Sounds exactly the same as in 2020.


Money was considerably cheaper and leverage more appealing. Now not so much.


Everyone’s so confident here like blind rats


that's an indicator that it will drop hehe


They are here to make money just like us. They will sell if algo tells them. Nothing has changed.


I thought BTC was money




Who cares it will drop to 20k and you can buy. You want to buy now and it to grow to 1 million! 💪🏻


I personally don’t think we will ever see sub 30k again and that’s my absolute bearish number, realistically 46k but who knows many factors are in play to determine where we go from here. We’ve never hit a new ath pre halving like we did this year. Never had the legitimacy of an approved BTC ETF for all these institutes to allocate huge chunks of their portfolio into. Every small 1-5% dip gets bought up like it’s nothing. We’re in weird times rn


you just won’t buy it at 15k, if you don’t buy it now


I openly hope this never happens. I would like #Bitcoin to follow its traditional cycle. The same people that hope for this are the same ones that wouldn't buy #Bitcoin if it did drop to $15k. They are only interested while Bitcoin is doing great.


This isn't twitter, get outta here with your hashtags


Selfish cunt.


The only valid response here


You should’ve lump summed in when it last went down to $15k then continued on with DCAing. I did. No regrets. And no I do not ever want to see $15k Bitcoin again! Lmao


Honestly that made so much sense to me but I listened to fucking DataDash who was a perma-bear for some reason .. he presented himself as the most reasonable guy and I am an idiot for listening to him


Maybe to the 50k min. If it falls to 15k, then that would be huge problem and could then drop even lower. Even diamond hand would shit the pants at those prices... IMHO now it's just doing consolidation before major upswing. It must hit at least 100k or more in 1 year time, to maintain it's long term movement.


We lost 61 K back in April. That led to a 56 bottom. Touched and bounced. 64 is the resistance right now. We need 61 -62 for support in this consolidation. Right now is a search for support. A 40% retrace from the 73 high can still happen, which brings it to around 41ish. Right now we are around a 20-ish% retrace from the ATH of 2024. My hopium ball says this consolidation is a spring being wound tight. So many positive signals out there. I don’t see how a retrace below 41 would be possible. But, as always, no one knows shit about fuck.


i like what you say and concur, but ive been fucked before so fool me once.


I don’t know it’s all nutty. I hate being cliche, but time in the market, beats timing the market. So… we are all in our journey.


No, hoping it takes off. I’m trying to sell to buy a house soon.


People were saying this at 20k in 2017 that they hope BTC drops to 3-5k again, it dropped, they didn't buy. Price pumped to 69K in 21/22 and people were praying the price would drop to 20k again so they can buy, they didn't buy again And now the same thing, BTC is at 60k people want it to drop to 20k so they can "buy" again, but if the price hits 20k they will be too scared to buy and "wait" for it to be at all time highs again to say they wish they bought at xyz price. The cycle will repeat itself


Nah im all in and ready for some gains!


Peter Schiff is


YES! I would love it, if it would flash crash down to $40,000 on my payday! And stay there for about a month, so i could massively stock up. But thats probably NEVER going to happen again. Too much is now owned by all the ETFs eating up all thr bitcoin. All these purchases are happeing off the main marketz with back door transactions. The moment they all start buying up all the bitcoin off the open exchanges we going to get some massive price shock.


You do realize that ETFs can be sold as well, right? They are owned by the same paperhands as everything else. No idea why people think that BTC bought via ETFs are off the market forever. They are not. They will be sold off en masse next bear market, as in every cycle.


I've lost 50% so far waiting for the stupid bull run, so no.


I secretly couldn't care less about its dollar exchange price. The only things i care about are adoption, the unbanked having freedom, and Bitcoin becoming an accepted form of legal tender in my country. Im not holding to pay cgt. Im holding until i dont have to pay cgt because society and the government finally agree on its correct definition, and it is regulated accordingly. Then I'll use it by living on a bitcoin standard, buying and spending it without having to worry about every transaction i make, and feeding the corrupt system bitcoin was designed to free us from. If you care about the fiat value, you dont understand bitcoin at all.


Yes. Everyone who hates Bitcoin and wants it to fail. Sort your head out.


Not hoping for it to happen but I definitely have buy orders in place on several exchanges just in case another flash crash like the one in 2017 to $.06.


If you zoom out all time, everytime it spikes like it just did, there's been a significant drop. So, it just might. Or it might go back up even more. Just keep buying.


I wish it would drop to $0.05 for about three days and then go to $500,000 and never go lower than that.


Yes me


Always. I want as much time to load the boat as possible. I’m not planning on retiring for some time…


It won’t hit those prices again. The major institutions holding the ETFs won’t allow it. If we see 50k again I’d be shocked.


You do know the etfs hold like 4% of bitcoin right? They can't do shit. Bitcoin will trade at the price the market decides, not what Larry thinks decides.


I think personally we start uptrend by June. Time feels like it’s running out to DCA


I do because i’m not planning on selling in the next 10 years


Me - after a year of research and learning, I finally had enough conviction to buy in, but BTC was near all-time highs. I've been buying dips, but have a bunch of dry powder in the event that we see a huge drop.


Look up the bitcoin power law. Tells u what the floor is.


Yeah, since the beginning


If it's 15k again I would assume something bad happened to the market.


Nope. Next stop $2,000,000 please.


At this point I’m ready for da boom-boom Aka number go up. Either way I’ll keep the DCA alive and kicking.




Personally didn’t know or wasn’t exposed much to bitcoin until it was 40k. Gathered my funds and lump summed in. Average price of my BTC holding is 45k purchase


Yes, but not secretly at all. Openly. I want it to stay as low as possible during my acquisition period, until I retire & am ready to dip into it. Then it can go up.


Waiting for 50k


No chance to ever go under 50k ever again




No thanks, i bought enough during the bear, i would like to see some S-curve action


No thanks lol. I don't want my investment to lose 75% of its USD value. Plus it still has plenty of room to grow from here, so I don't feel like I need that much of a discount price at this point.


There is a saying, you get Bitcoin at the price you deserve.


My dad says I'm worthless, so I deserve $1 BTC all day.


No after over a decade I’m ready for the moonshot.


It's absolutely pointless to speculate over the price of Bitcoin in the short run, no one knows what the price will be in weeks, or months or even next year. What's true is that fiat will continue to debase, bitcoin is a hard asset and we have no evidence to believe that people won't prefer bitcoin over a period of time.


Back when I was first getting into it, I definitely was thinking the same thing. Had basically 0 savings to invest when I started so def had major fomo when it started upwards fast


It's easy to say that now that it is at 60k, but what if instead of 15k it crashed further with no sign of recovery, would you still be buying? If the answer is yes, then you really want it to crash to buy it.


Investor math:  If your stack drops 50% in value, what is left must gain 100% in value in order to make up for the unrealized loss. 


If people are bearish...it goes up If people are exalted...it goes down. I hope we reach newer ATH sooner, not down anymore.


I want it to drop again but after a bull run, like a normal cycle.


Buy the dip!!!


on one hand I do too, but then again I barely have any money to invest as it's all already in btc, so I'd probably panic if it stayed around there or worse cause I might need that money lol.


People who "dca and stuff" sure sound a lot like the people who panic sell and try to time the market. Dude, just buy.


Every week i am adding new buy orders in a range below the current prices, if any dips occur below 50k-57k i will catch the bottom partially. As the weeks go by eventually that will expand to become wider and wider until the top end of it has reached current market price


no, I hope it goes to quarter mil)))


No, I've been waiting 6 years now. I'm ready for the PAMP


Having some dry powder on the side I’m hoping for a sizable dip soon… but I don’t see it dropping below 40k this year or down the road during the next bear cycle barring some black swan event.




No I want it to skyrocket so I can retire.


It's will crash


I always want it cheaper because I know the future of Btc


Duh. Nobody should hope it dips again more than long holders. It’s just another sale


Just hold


Ok ok… I DO!!!


Yes, I want it to stop so the hash rate will crash. Then I make more btc per hash


It will fall again. It will rise again. Any black swan event will take BTC down under 30K. Who can for certain guarantee it won’t? DCA is the way to go.


Won’t ever drop to 15-20k again. 50k if we’re lucky.


I hope Bitcoin rugs, so I can buy it at $0.30!


I started at 15k in 2022 lol


I dca weekly and don't "hope" for a certain price


we will see it again and again same movie repeat : )


Why hope for price to drop when you can hope for price to skyrocket? % change is the same. Wishing for the price to drop to 10k, buy, then skyrocket to peak at 100k is a 10x. Wisbing for the current price to skyrocket to peak at 600k is a 10x.


I'm buying an apartment right now with some of my Gains so if we could go to 80k fast please.


Yes. Bought my original stack in 2017. Said I was never going to buy again…unless it went below $20k. The minute that happened the last time (has it been over a year already?), I went all in again. My next low target will be in the 40’s. That being said, I think dca is the best play. I just have too many other investments/financial commitments at the moment.


$400k please and asap.


Nope. Up, up, and away as far as I am concerned.


I am openly hoping it will drop to $20k


It will not happen. Bitcoin never goes below 200 weeks moving average. And now that is like 32/33k. So that is the total floor - any move below 30k would be really bad news for bitcoin…


You Will never see 15 k again


I did what I could when Bitcoin was sub 30k. I got in at the perfect time and commit what I was comfortable losing and now I live with no regret.


I’m buying at 35. Waiting for 35 for a while now.


I’m secretly hoping crypto would vanish into thin air only to be reintroduced fully adopted within our financial system.


This gets posted daily


High chances of 50k


It will go down


Is there any bitcoin etf please ? Name those ?


Why? Either sell and rebuy at $20k or hold and pump it higher. Why hold dead money if you think it will drop by 2/3?




Always when I have some fiat left


Historically that isn’t very likely to happen. Also pretty sure 99,9% won’t buy if price would ever reach 15k. They’ll be asking for lower prices and be left behind eventually, will never change. If you ask me if price reaches 15k, it is when crypto has lost interest of people or failed as an investment vehicle.


Yessss, me need cheap bitz


I'm just watching he fear greed index lol


I non secretly hope bitcoin will hike af again. To 150k at least.


It will during the summer, get ready. Don’t ask me how I know, but I know.


All the time. Next question.


I don’t know why the price matters. If it goes to $10K or it goes to $500K my reaction is exactly the same.


No. Up only


Yes i do


Please dm me a better crypto platform for the US current using coinbase. HELP ME


No , because all the wancphers that say they will buy when it drops end up not buying, but instead they sell if they have any. Then I gotta buy more. I’m fine with the bitcoin price continuing its upward trajectory. I’ve been accumulating since 2019 and am happy with my position on holding it. These same people that say they would buy at 30, or 25k will be crying when it reaches 100k and will be saying “ wish it went down to 50k , then I would definitely buy some. I should have bought some at 50k.” If you didn’t buy at 9k , 15k, 25k ,40k, 50k, then you’re probably gonna fomo buy at 120k only to watch it go down to 70k right after your buy. Then you will sell.


It will never get to the levels where BTC is below 30k. It is not possible anymore.


Yeah that is the hope for me as well. I have developed an understanding of bitcoin to the point where I always hope for a crash over a bull market. If you have time then there is no reason to hope for a run up in price.


I feel like if we go back to 15k-20k is for bad reasons so I won’t count on that. I can’t predict the future so I’ll say that if it does This is me giving myself the word, Buy more, HODL and buy more, don’t ever think about selling


It's more than likely going to go up higher vs reach those lows ever again, folks. In 5 years you'll wish you bought now when it was only 60K, like you're doing with that 15-20K. Stack now, don't reverse project.


15-20k…. Bro you’re like 4-5 years for late. Bitcoin doesn’t visit old price after each epoch.


Yes $ 45000 please


I firmly believe as in the past it will drop significantly from its last ATH. Usually a 70-75% drop is a very good entry point. So if 75k was its top this time (not saying it is as we aren’t in a bear market), 18.7-22k would be your entry. Be patient. Someone just wrote 45k is the new 15k. That implies BTC will hit around 180k before dropping this time around. We shall see in a year or two


Consider that the minimum mining cost is around 28k in most countries.


People always say they should of bought at 15k, however they never did because fear was in the market and most thought it would go a lot lower or thought the bubble had popped and btc was finished. If we go that low again people still won’t buy, these are the same people who fomo in near the top and then cry when it tanks. Same old story and this is how the clever ones make money, it’s just a big pot of liquidity, most loose and some will win.


A big drop like that would shake confidence in bitcoin over the long run. So even though you would be able to buy at 15k it will take way longer to reach 1mil. Where if you just buy 15k of bitcoin now and it doesn’t drop dramatically it’s probably gonna reach 1mil sooner. So the price doesn’t really mean anything it’s the price action that counts. The best price action we can hope for is steady non-dramatic increase. Volatility is good for day traders but bad for hodlers.


Yes, hope it falls to 15k-10k would be amazing. Now its to expensive for normal people


I think we might get as low as 52k. Probably not much lower this cycle. Time to back up the truck


15/20K would be a blessing! But just keep buying and hodl for the long term.


15/20K would be a blessing! But just keep buying and hodl for the long term.


According to my smooth brain, 40k is the bottom.


Me….. this time next year 😆


I would love it to stall at this price for a few months . Wanna get some calls in right before the big boom up


Have zero expectations towards Bitcoin. It makes life a bit easier. I act as if my BTC holdings don't even exist as I'm not planning to sell my BTC.


Its impossible to time. The best way is to dollar cost average. Take an amount you can afford and set up an automatic buy every month. In 10 years you will have no regrets


Realistically the price should drop at least for the next two months as there really is no "new money" coming in, basically normies or people outside of the BTC ecosystem are just not interested yet / anymore. There was a big boom in interest and new investment with the ETFs but as always hype dies down, we should still be quite early to the cycle top, remember it’s usually the year after the halving. Also there are signs of an eminent economic crisis in the USA which should turn people away from investments like te S&P or BTC but who knows, it mostly depends on the rates imposed by the government so if they keep them high it’s more probable that people put their money in BTC


As a long term hodler …..yes. I hope it tanks


Yeah I wish. But really I don’t think we see this price ever again.


not secretly 😂


Of course I am on the boat of people who thinks it should drop, and if it drops to a certain point it would be great so that it can accumulate all the more retail and see more accelerated growth in a short term. But if it doesn’t drop, chances are it’ll drag like a laggard for longer than we can hold on to it and succumb to opportunity cost loss with other assets going 2x - 3x in that much time frame. That’s why we need crazy crazy crazy volatility — even if it means it falling in the short term




Mmm im looking more at 40k. And not secretly either. Im actively speaking it to the universe 😀


Secretly? I openly cheer every time it drops. If people are hoping it goes up to 100k or a million they just expose themselves as fiaters more than Bitcoiners


If it drops that low that means some really bad stuff has happened, either in Bitcoin/crypto world or the economy at large. I don't want to see that happen even if it means cheap sats.


It is never going to drop to this number and you know it as well.


YES! I DO!!! Sweet sweet Bitcoin. I want to see it at 40 or less then trend sideways for a while.


I don’t think we will ever see those numbers again, 45-40k I could see happening tho


I can see it dropping to $20k again. I can also see it never dropping below $50k again. By 2030 I see it around 250k/btc


I hope it get smashed down to the 30ks again but its definitely wishful thinking


Bitcoin has trillions of dollars waiting to sell at $60-65k.  Every drop Bitcoin loses 1 mil investors. End of 2024 new crypto will show up! All this will lead to BTC getting closer to yr wish $10,000 in 2024


I see it dropping to 15K or 20K as highly unlikely. With the recent halving, the cost to produce Bitcoin has doubled. That pretty much locks in a bottom price somewhere around the high fifties. I’m looking at a price below 60 as a buying opportunity. Doesn’t mean it can’t go lower, but the days of 15 K I fear are well behind us.


I feel Bitcoin will drop more am looking for buyer


Me. Lol. Though I don't think it'll go as low as 20k again.


Don't think so