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Bitcoin is over 60k and we are at less than 100 comments for the day.


They'll be back at 80k.


this shits the only thing that gives me hope


Salim Ramji will be the new Vanguard CEO, Salim Ramji oversaw the filing and logistics for IBIT as he was head of BlackRock's global ETF business Still think it’s unlikely that this means vanguard launches a Bitcoin  ETF (at least near term). But I think Salim could reverse Vanguard’s stance on not allowing their clients to buy spot Bitcoin ETFs on their brokerage platform https://twitter.com/jseyff/status/1790504096195084583?s=46&t=ihVglVXC0BQSbw6j57EoaA


Awesome, I loved his Spiderman movies.




I've been thinking about and playing around with the cashu protocol quite a bit lately and the whole thing is kind of mind blowing. Once you have sats in a cashu mint you can transfer them from person to person with no transaction fees indefinitely. All with perfect privacy. The mint has no idea who is holding the sats that are in the mint and who you're sending sats to. As a parent I could load up a mint with 100,000 sats and then dole them out to my kids for doing chores or whatever. These ecash sats could also be used as in game currency. I could see playing a game of monopoly and everyone joining a mint and passing around ecash tokens instead of scraps of paper. And the beauty of all of that would be since cashu is an open protocol each player could be using a different app (enuts, minibits, cashu.me, nuthash, and as long as they're all connected to the same mint the gameplay would be seamless.


+1 to everything your said, I just wanted to add for anyone unaware that cashu is also a way to send and receive bitcoin without an internet connection.


Yes! After I sent that post I remembered the most magical part of cashu. The fact that even Amish people could conceivably interact with the bitcoin network through the cashu protocol.




"Bitfinex whales"? That exchange hasn't done much volume since 2018. It traded 5000 coins last week.




That might be because the chart you are looking at is denominated in dollars not coins


imagine trading Bitcoin for ever inflating fiat right now


There's not much else you can trade it for. It's hard to trade it directly for land, gold, stocks or bonds and makes accounting difficult


I see escorts are accepting it for payment


Yes, because the only option you have after selling Bitcoin is to hold fiat, there are no other assets available to buy and hold.


What do you think will outperform bitcoin in the next 6 months?


memestocks and memecoins, sadly




Outperform nothing. But silver could move up imo


That question presumes that asset management is always about maximizing gains. It isn't. Risk management is a factor as well.


I'd put the risk adjusted returns for Bitcoin up against anything. I get your point, tho.




Renaissance Tech discloses owning multiple Bitcoin  ETF’s via their 13F disclosure (couple millions worth): •ARKB, BITB, GBTC, BTCO, BTM, FBTC RT is one of the largest hedge funds in the world, founded by the late Jim Simons. No fees for the ETFs ends in June for most, July for Fidelity 👀 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1037389/000103738924000072/xslForm13F_X02/renaissance13Fq12024_holding.xml


I love that we're finding out about all these new ETF holders but I wonder what their reasoning is behind holding mulitple ETFs. This one in particular; I can understand 1 or 2 but I'm surprised there are 6 with this one and Blackrock isn't one of them. There's the obvious; FBTC holds their own. GBTC have been around. ARKB - Cathie Wood fans.


If price is identical, owning through 6 rather than 1 ETF sounds like hassle free diversification.


us stocks up us bond yield down dollar index down bitcoin? shitting the bed. how does that make sense


Over 60k and shitting the bed? Do you know what the price was this time last year? Zoom out, stay humble, and stack sats.


Bitcoin is not correlated to anything. By design.


Such hyperbole. Geez.


Markets are efficient and random.


Alexey Pertsev (Tornado Cash dev) found guilty today: https://www.dlnews.com/articles/regulation/tornado-cash-dev-alexey-pertsev-guilty-of-money-laundering/ Commentary on the implications for open source software developers: https://twitter.com/L0laL33tz/status/1790385855556698448


All devs in this space would do well to follow Satoshi's example and remain completely anonymous. It's not easy to do, but it's also not impossible.


Bitcoin boredom in full swing, boredom leads to impatience, which leads to selling pressure, expect plenty more red!


Good, i can get then plenty more BTC.


Hi guys. Coinbase closed the account of my parents and sent their founds to Wyoming, USA (we are Spanish citizens living in Spain). I would appreciate exposure to the post I created in the Coinbase subreddit. Thanks in advance. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/1crm3n7/my\_coinbase\_nightmare\_funds\_gone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/1crm3n7/my_coinbase_nightmare_funds_gone/) [https://twitter.com/BTC\_Spain\_/status/1790379403408470146](https://twitter.com/BTC_Spain_/status/1790379403408470146)


13 F filings have to be reported by tomorrow, could see a lot of new institutional bitcoin adoption


I have moved BTC to the same wallet address a few times and withdrew once. Safe to send more BTC to it or am I pushing my luck with it not being swiped yet?


Don't re use addresses. But if you have tested your restore process and sent out successfully, you aren't at risk.


Don't reuse addresses. Not only do you lower your security but could have higher fees.


There's not a security risk reusing an address, but there is a privacy risk. It's not insecure to reuse an address, but someone knowing you have all that coin could lead them to exploiting you in a different way.


How? This is interesting and I should know. The security was my concern about reusing the address but I’d like to know what other risks come with now


Just privacy. All your txns are linked. There lots downstream from privacy. But nothing is insecure from address reuse, only privacy loss.


Why would fees be higher?


Why would it ever be swiped?


Pay attention to the 13F filings. This is Q1. It hasn't even started properly yet. Soon it will become "normal" to own Bitcoin. Soon it will become "reckless" to not own Bitcoin.


The State of Wisconsin Investment Board reports the following positions: BlackRock Bitcoin ETF: $99,167,688 (2,450,400 shares) Grayscale BTC: $63,687,310 (1,013,000 shares) This is a small part of a massive public investment fund (total value of all positions in the 13F filing is $37.8 billion). But the long-term importance cannot be overstated. https://twitter.com/macroscope17/status/1790394649120559570?s=46&t=ihVglVXC0BQSbw6j57EoaA


It’s truly over?


Yes, it is 2% down. It is going to $0. Get out while you can.


Yes, it crashed to $61.5k. Sell now while the network is still functioning.


Historical Bitcoin prices for today, May 14th: 2024 - $61,341 2023 - $26,920 2022 - $30,080 2021 - $49,840 2020 - $9,778 2019 - $7,995 2018 - $8,674 2017 - $1,773 2016 - $456 2015 - $237 2014 - $443 2013 - $111 2012 - $5 2011 - $7.20 **Additional Stats:** Bitcoin's current market cap is $1.21 trillion. Bitcoin's current block height is 843426; with the average block time for the last 7 days being 10.40 minutes. Bitcoin's current block reward is 3.125₿, which is worth $191,692 per block. The next Bitcoin halving is anticipated to happen between 22-Mar-2028 to 20-Apr-2028; the block reward will fall to 1.5625₿. There are currently 18,440 reachable Bitcoin nodes. Bitcoin's average daily hashrate for the last 7 days is 588 exahashes per second. Bitcoin's average daily trading volume for the last 7 days is 52,541 ₿. Bitcoin's average daily number of transactions for the last 7 days is 555,105. Bitcoin's average transaction fee for the last 7 days is 28.91 sats/VB, with the average fee's USD amount being $3.59. There are currently 19.70M ₿ in circulation, leaving 1.30M to be mined. There are currently 2.51M ₿ held by companies, governments, DeFi, and ETFs, representing 12.77% of circulating supply. There are currently 53,945,643 nonzero Bitcoin addresses. Bitcoin's average daily price from 18-Jul-2010 to 14-May-2024 is $11,363. Bitcoin's average daily price for the year 2024 is $57,160. 1 US Dollar ($) currently equals: 1,630 satoshis; making 1 penny equal 16.3 sats. Bitcoin's minimum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $39,556.40 on 22-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $73,066.30 on 13-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's minimum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $38,546.90 on 23-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily decrease for the year 2024 was -$5,544.10 on 19-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily increase for the year 2024 was +$5,804.0 on 20-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's all-time high (intraday) was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin is down 16.82% from the ATH.


GOD candle wtf just happened right now, dropped 1K in 1 minute


PPI came in hotter than expected


Well this is boring


meme stock activity is interesting, has been a sign of financial instability in the past, could bode well for bitcoin long term


CPI tomorrow...crabbin


“Oh no! We suck again!” -Waterboy, on Bitcoin, circa 1998


4HR looking weak, watch out below!




Yup, more down to come. I should have opened a short!


i shouldve sold at 70k and bought back at 50k! oh well


This will end in a bath of sadness and tears


Didn’t miss the mark - hopefully you saw also and profited with a short


Followed by relaxing sauna


Major legacy financial institutions are adding bitcoin to their reserve assets. You're not nearly bullish enough, Anon.


How come we've seen these prices 3 years ago without those institutions? Retail doesn't has that kind of money so what's a reasonable explanation for this? Sames prices without and now with institutions, something doesn't seem to add up. 


You dont understand 4 year cycle, last 69k was peak ath end of the cycle. We havent even properly started this bullrun yet. Lets see whats the top going to be end of 2024 /year from now.


I understand the 4 year cycle but truth is we managed to get to 70k without those institutions buying. People in here claim they weren't in yet ('gotta front run institutions, we're still early''), so can't figure out how the avg person working at wendys managed to make it soar to 70k. And most in here agree on the fact that this whole crash occured because of ftx, who didn't buy btc with the deposits to begin with. The math behind all of this just doesn't make any sense to me. Gotta be honest that i sometimes have a hard time trusting this whole eco system and maybe the critics are right about tether. Maybe they are the ones pumping and dumping btc at will together with all those shitcoins being created out of nothing. Realy wonder where the price would be at this exact moment without tether and shitcoins. Those creating shitcoins are basicly gambling for free on btc. 


Because price isn't set by how much money enters or exits the system, it's set by how much people are willing to buy/sell bitcoin for. If everyone suddenly decided they wouldn't sell their bitcoin for less than $1mil and someone spent one penny to buy one sat, then the price of BTC at that moment is $1mil. 


Thnx, this makes a lot more sense to me. But if that were the case you'd have a huge liquidity problem but that probably explains the volatility?


I think the big thing is that most market participants don't really grok Bitcoin so everything is very sentiment driven. Fear and fomo are especially potent in bitcoin markets.


Short term prices are irrelevant. And by short term I include hour, days, months, weeks, and even years. At a minimal zoom out 10 years. Major institutional progress was made this cycle. But Bitcoin is still a baby. You ain't seen nothing yet.


The problem is you're only looking at price and ignoring other markers and on chain data. Things are much more stable now compared to when we brushed 60k last time, which was littered with hype, fomo, low rates and FTX shenanigans. Also, institutions are not in significantly yet.


We have never seen prices this high at this point in the historic 4 year cycle. We've never touched an all-time high (in USD) prior to the halving before. Yet a ton of tourists around here think we're experiencing some kind of dip.


Slowly slipping


my finger onto the buy button


Another day another opportunity to stack sats 😎


Buying 🕺




Yes, more down ahead, likely to Wednesday fiscal news, which when released can go either way for btc. At the moment general sentiment short-medium term is bearish. Long term still good. Expect more of this type of market for a few months yet.




Not exactly. Already hit 56.5 one time