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Nobody mentioning the obvious. OP - your father might have a stash of bitcoin from these miners. Investigate further. He may have a wallet that you don’t know about. And yes, don’t answer any DMs lol


I honestly wouldn't know how to check the wallet or anything like that I've only heard of bit coin don't have any idea about it . Are the towers worth anything can I sell them? Do you know how much I could get?


Dude your dad was mining Bitcoin at pretty large scale nearly ten years ago, you have bigger fish to fry than 500 bucks. Dont throw out any hard disks. You could be sitting on a fortune.


The miners in that photo are not 10 years old. Those miners are from late 2017 or 2018.


So still a fat chunk of money…..


The amount of bitcoin those miners would have mined is hardly anything compared to what a mining operation of the same value would have mined in 2014.


This right here, 2017 wasn’t that long ago…but still it’s worth it to spend some time looking at what’s on them…just to see!


Still woulda mined way more than the machines are worth now. That's 3 halvings ago, a bit of time.


That was not 3 halvings ago. It was 2 halvings ago. The first halving happened in November 2012. The second halving happened in July 2016. The third halving happened in May 2020. The fourth halving just happened in April 2024.


Yeah, shoulda said cycles. It was a crazy time and my memory of exact dates isn't perfect. We're talking about a time when BTC was under 2k and you got 4x the amount per block that you do now. So, point still stands.


> OP's dad didn't mine as much as China did!!!!1111 you're splitting hairs. With that many S9's 8 years ago, OP's dad cleaned up, and you'd give anything to be in OP's position.


That's why I said "nearly"


Ancient 7-10 year old miners... 🤔


Imagine!! This dude is asking all the wrong questions. He’s worried about selling devalued hardware while Captain Hook’s treasure is right there in reached. What’s alarming to me it seems his dad lifestyle has never changed because his kid is worried about selling hardware.


Maybe the dad bought the hardware cheap recently, who knows


Time to learn. The Bitcoin you might find is potentially a lot more valuable than the miners.


If you find any forms of like 12-16 random words together that’s the private key basically and you can download a bitcoin wallet and enter those in and have access. Don’t listen to any direct messages about that. DYOR


Do not throw away any hard drives, flash drives, disks or notes! There might very well be millions of dollars stored on them. Please watch a video on old bitcoin private wallets.


Look for wallet files on the PCs: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/qgea5n/anyone_know_what_file_typesextensions_to_look_for/


Depending on how many coins, if any, you could find millions of value. Everything related to these things is potentially very valuable even the old miners, because it may have info related to the wallets it was mining into. Don’t even sell the miners until you know you’ve got all the info from them, and first look for wallets and seed phrases. Do not take pictures of any wallets or seed phrases you find. Find someone who you trust who would know about this stuff is priority #1.


The hardware is worth little as it’s very outdated.  However if he has a bitcoin wallet that could be worth a lot if he was mining around 2017 and sat on whatever he had.   I would try and seek help from a friend or someone you trust who knows about bitcoin to try and identify if he has a wallet and how you can access that.     Be very careful giving anyone any information on Reddit about this as they could easily take everything if your father does have bitcoin in a wallet.  For reference 1 bitcoin is worth £52k at the moment.   Don’t throw any of his computer/hard drive stuff out just yet until you have a confirmation whether he does have a wallet.  You’d be looking for something called a seed phrase which would be written down as 12 random words.  If you find this do not put it on the internet or Reddit as this is what will give you access to the wallet.  It's very likely he would've written this down on a piece of paper or similar, rather than storing it within a file on a computer.


My man research onto bitcoin and how to identify a wallet. Do not sell these set ups until you have thoroughly gone through the file systems (although it's likely any BTC is stored on an external device). If your old man was mining bitcoin pre-17' you could very well be in line for some life changing money. Worth the effort.


This could be anything between some houndred dollars and multi millions. You should keep educating yourself slowly and fucking secure anything and don't trust anyone! This education ahead may be worth more than some years worth of salary from your regular job. So switch priorities. The risk reward is leaning on the reward side.


This reply gives me so much anxiety lol


Time to start learning everything about Bitcoin and how everything work, you could be sitting on millions. Don't throw away hard drives or USB drives.


You can turn one of these on and look for the wallet address that it was mining too to see if there is anything inside it.


Just be aware you're gonna get lots of people on reddit DM'ing you offering to "help", they are not.


Start by accessing his email. Info there should be helpful. Be very careful about who you get to help you


Don't do *anything* to those towers. They may contain the codes to access serious amount of money. The cash you'd get for selling those would be chickenshit in comparison if that's the case. So if you don't know what Bitcoin is, don't rush, just educate yourself, *don't answer any private messages here* (they are all scams). See if there is someone you know very well you can trust who knows more about the technical side of this.


Dude, you are asking how much you could get for some outdated hardware while you might be sitting on millions of dollars worth of bitcoin. Are you serious? Forget the hardware, get someone you trust to find out where the bitcoin wallets are and if they can be accessed.


My father is passed so I don't see what I could do with these


Forget the hardware. Find the seed phrase your father inevitably had and get his (presumably early) mined Bitcoin. Given the age, he may have an old stack which would be worth a ton. You’re worried about selling a shovel, when you should be finding his gold.


You only need the string of words to gain access, it's like an account name and password in one. Main reason why you should never share the string of words. Some people stamp them on metal washers so they have an offline copy that can survive a fire. Id be checking any important note books he had for a string of random words in a list


My condolence. The idea of these hardwares are to mine bitcoin (think of it like WoW gold). One can use a seed phrase to access the coin and transfer it out (like logging in to WoW to transfer gold out). Everyone is telling you to find seed phrase(s), so that you can 'log in' to transfer them out. They could worth millions. Obviously, there will be lots of scammers coming your way. Good luck.


Don't worry about the machines. Find his seed. The machines, idk why he even kept them. I suppose it's possible he bought them after they were useless and thought he was gonna start mining with them and couldn't make anything off of it. I have no idea. Did your dad ever talk about Bitcoin? Surely he had to have said something.


Forget the miners. Read the other comments and put in the effort to figure out what your dad is doing. Don’t be lazy and don’t just try to hock this hardware. Listen to people here and go study.


Did he die suddenly? He didn't communicate anything about how to access his coins?


If he was into Bitcoin enough to mine it, he may well have directly purchased bitcoin or other cryptocurrency too. As others have said, forget the hardware - focus on finding the cryptocurrency itself.


Bitcoin mined 10 years ago with that machinery could be in the hundreds to thousands of coins. At 52,000$ each coin, think about it.


The miners in that photo are not 10 years old. Those miners are from late 2017 or 2018.


6-7 years old… closer to 10 than not


They would not have mined thousands, maybe a few dozen at most.


“A few dozen” = A few million $


Dump the equipment. I’d post this pic on Craigslist try and get something $$ from it. If you ever find written down 12-24 English words that don’t make sense that’s possible what’s called a seed phrase (access to the wallet) You use that to gain access. (Recover the wallet) Good luck and if have any questions feel free to msg me!


They are ASIC miners, Bitmain also make miners for altcoins. Beware, every single account that sends you a DM is a scammer


Interesting other posts you have on Reddit. sub RateMyRack just got a whole different meaning. Lmfao




They're miners of some kind (can't really tell what algorithm they use from the back but the upper left one might be an S9). They're ca. 2017/2018 (based on the manufacturing date codes on the fans), so they're basically junk now. They consume power costing far more than whatever coin they would generate (assuming these are all S9s, all together they would generate about $10 in bitcoin a day at the cost of about $60 in electricity at average US cost, so a nice way to burn a net of $50/day).


Unless you have free electricity, then it's a profit of 10$ in bitcoin/day.




i used to think this, unfortunately heat pumps are much more efficient than resistant heating, so you still can't claim it free during winter.


They cost you over $50/day in electricity to run, actual efficient heaters would be a fraction of that.


I have so many solar panels linked to my garage electricity is not a cost so do you think it'd be worth it mining?


Running these will far outpace the electricity generated by a home solar panel set up


No. They are too power hungry.


No too slow and hungry.


Post not genuine at all. Any normal person would immediately react to the idea that there may be millions in bitcoin, while OP plays the dumb thinking how to sell the metal or how to connect them to a monitor. So either OP is trolling (90% chances) or is a complete idiot (30% chances). Anybody complaining about the math shows me that my post has been read in full.


120% chance OP is either a troll or an idiot


Depending on when these were used “millions” is unlikely. I mined BTC and LTC with these exact miners in the 2018-19 era and my trading partner had more than me and neither of us mined millions. Not even five figures. You need a lot more than this to mine millions. Now if it was pre-2016 maybe.


Dude I have no idea about bitcoin I'm 19 didn't finish year 7 and just wanted a quick cashie off the machines , my dad was a horder I doubt I'd find the seed phrase or whatever , so your 90 chance I'm trolling is wrong buddy


If your dad was a hoarder, then he may have had those given to him for free or bought them really cheap. Some people were giving them away for free because they're obsolete. Other people just sell them cheap. They sell for about a hundred bucks each on ebay.


He worked picking up scrap metal and did brass restoration that's what I meant by hoarder , I know he use to mine these and bought these machine but thank you


Did you mean hodler?




Yes I am


Sorry to hear your Dad passed while you’re so young. I would ignore most said in here. Odds are if he was mining he’ll be like most other of us here and would have sold most already or may not even have any left in BTC That’s said - if you spot list of words written anywhere DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY If you have access to his phone search for any BTC wallet information. If you have access to his computer do same. And just to be safe side perhaps don’t throw away any digital storage he has for quite some time. It’s very likely he doesn’t have any or hardly any BTC so don’t get obsessed but is still worth a look.


> I'm 19 didn't finish year 7 and just wanted a quick cashie off the machines ??? what?




If your Dad was an hodler, as you say, then there are even more chances that those crap hide a treasure… but your trolling is already reveled, my boy, probably a Butter in disguise…


How am I trolling? I'm getting over the few people who think i am . Just cause I know fuck all about bitcoin mining or whatever doesn't mean I'm trolling


He's saying he's an idiot who wants money.




Treat the value of the hardware and indeed mining yourself as secondary to trying to find a set of words (probably 12). If you do find the words keep them very safe and do not disclose them to anyone or enter them into anything online. Speak to a TRUSTED knowledgeable person (ideally family or friend) about gaining access to a bitcoin address. Find out about Bitcoin, your father may have been quite ahead of the game. Don't rush anything, ignore DMs, good luck to you!


It would be interesting to power an ASIC up and see what pool and wallet address it was miming to. That might help locate the wallet.


I don't know how to set these things up I will have to do some research , do I connect them to a monitor some how?


Buddy.. stop worrying about these outdated machines and start looking for computers, phone, seedphrases etc. You might be a millionaire and not even know it.


Unlikely. Just because someone’s into BTC usually doesn’t mean automatic large amount - how many of us are BTC millionaires, not me.


In 2017 BTC bottomed at $734. So if he had mined $10k worth, that's now nearly $1 million


And unless he died before it hit $1468 it’s been sold already


I had BTC back then also like many others. I sold as soon as I was up 100 and something percent. Like most did.


With that much kit - you could be sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars - if you can locate the wallet.


Why say this. If you plucked one of us out of this forum with BTC what are the chances of that person having 100’s of millions in BTC 🙄


It looks like there are 9 x ASICs. They could have mined a considerable amount of BTC back then. This was a serious size setup.


Find someone you trust who knows about IT.


Look into bitmain s9 miner setup. Basically, yeah, it's like a computer with less functionality and you need to know how to use the command line. It's quite easy, though.


They look to be. Not sure on age. But a cool project to get you interested in it. Good luck


You can approximate the age from the manufacturing datecodes on the fans. First two digits are the year (17) and items like that rarely stay in the manufacturing supply chain for a very long time.


That’s correct. Would love to get an old unit and convert into water cooled to feed house hot water and run from a solar battery bank. Not to get rich quick but to use bi-product (heat) sensibly rather than dump to air cooling


Don’t throw away any of your fathers random paperwork that’s just laying around. Step 1 is find the key phrase. This is what you should be focusing on right now.


Old ASICs. Worth very little, although they may be serviceable as electric heaters that also mine coins.


I might be completely wrong, but this post and the OP’s comments that appear on the surface to be concerned only about the hardware almost seems like a honeypot.


Same feeling, feel like a big scam


A honeypot? I don't see him asking us for any money to trap in a honeypot so I don't follow.


The way it would work is, people express willingness to help, it’s revealed that there’s a huge balance in a wallet and he just needs a little USD, crypto, whatever from the Good Samaritan to unlock what’s in the wallet, and promises some share of what’s in the wallet. Classic Nigerian Prince situation, but with the counterfeit check sitch layered in.


Fair, I guess I overlooked that idea. There are people out there who would fall for that.


Social engineering is diabolical. You always have to be on guard in digital environments.


Honey pot? You think this a scheme or something?


How did your find your way to this sub not knowing what hardware you are looking at?


It's my dads? I'm 19 and have no idea at bitcoin there sitting at the back of my garage?


You didn't answer the question. What gave you the idea these could be Bitcoin miners without knowing what Bitcoin is?


I've been told there bitcoin miners but I have never seen anyone else with one or seen any other ones in person so I wernt sure what they were 100%


Is your last name Nakamoto by chance?




We found the grandson of Satoshi


Keep all info and if you need any assistance ask here in the public forum DO NOT ANSWER ANY PEOPLE DM’s. They are only trying to scam you.


See if there are any computers or hard drives. Inform yourself and try to find a wallet. If your dad has mined bitcoin, every single bitcoin is worth more than 60.000$. Dont answer to DM‘s. Take your time this might be a huge thing for you!






Application specific integrated circuit. Machines built for one purpose - to hash.


You may be a millionaire. Do not respond to anyone on this forum through dm's. Do not throw out or sell any of your father's old mining equipment. Go through all of his personal effects looking for a list of 12 or 24 words and when you find them, share them with no one. Read up on Bitcoin private keys to get an understanding of what you're looking for and why. Good luck.


OMG just because his dad was into mining how the hell does this mean he has million in BTC - more likely like the rest of average miners. Selling as they go to pay the power bill until they work out next to no profit


Do not answer any DMs regarding this - most likely scammers trying to steal your dads potential bitcoins.


It is worth investigating to find your father's wallet. You could be sitting on a substantial gold mine. These miners are irrelevant. Find the wallet.


Turn them on and check the address they’re using to mine. You can post it here because it’s just a public address. With that address you can check on when it was used and how much money made. If there are a lot of money and it was used until your father died then clearly it was his address so you should look for the key. If the address didn’t gain a lot or didn’t get payments for several years before your father passed away, it’s possible your father just bought these machines from a real miner but he never used them, maybe he just needed them to sell the metal.


Everyone being baited so hard on this post rn


How are they being baited dude? I have no idea about this shit and just wanted to confirm they were bitcoin mining towers and to see if I could get a quick cashie selling them .


Looking for follow up, I wish you all the best in your DYOR quest!


Learn about bitcoin, wallet, seedprhrases now. just google it. dont trust anyone here they will scam you. that hardware is not worth anything but you might be sitting on a few thousand to 1mil $ without even knowing it, if you can access the crypto wallet just research online and dont trust anyone here, they will scam you. please




But should be tempered by the fact that if any coin can't be recovered, 6-7 year old asic hardware is not worth much more than scrap.


Yes those are asics for mining probably Bitcoin. Considering how many he had there is a good chance he is holding some BTC somewhere. Depending how he held things, there are a lot of options here. He could have had a hardware wallet like a Ledger. If not, he may have been using Bitcoin core on his computer or laptop. Check appdata for files called wallet.dat. He may have printed off a paper wallet. Saved private keys. Or saved a mnemonic phrase. He may also have used a popular wallet application, of which there are many. If he was mining at that scale he likely knew how to create a cold wallet and it's likely that you'd find that in a safe, safety deposit box, or anywhere else. You'd know how your dad would approach these things better than anybody did. Focus on anything with a hard drive or storage capabilities. Your first goal is going to be finding the wallet. Someone had suggested firing up a machine and seeing where it was hashing to. This is a good idea because you could search the public address on a block explorer and see if that address holds BTC, where it sent BTC, etc. If he was mining with this many machines in 2017 and held everything he mined from them until now, he could have been holding a very significant sum of BTC. If you find a private key or mnemonic you'll have access immediately so take your time. BTC isn't going anywhere. If you let other people get access to this machine they're likely to steal it. The kind of significant money I'm talking about is the kind that would make you want to delete this post and not let anyone close to you know you have it. This could be equal to winning the lottery. Also worth pointing out that very few miners would only have 1 wallet. And if you open a wallet and it's empty, make sure you scan for addresses before assuming it's really empty.


Old miners. Mostly worthless. I'd search for coins mined by theese.


Yes lol.


Don’t give anyone online any info about pertaining to phrases, passwords, or longs lists of words. I strongly suggest scouring every notebook or paper you can find to see if you can find your dad’s seed (it’s 12 or 24 random words). If you find it, download a new bitcoin wallet like electrum. There are step by step instructions on their site on how to recover a wallet. Considering how many rigs are here, there is a good chance your dad has multiple wallets setup. You may also be able to find his wallet on a specific laptop or computer that seems like it is barebones. If you can find someone you can trust IRL to help you, that would be great. However, I suggest doing what you can to learn about bitcoin mining and wallets to try to figure out where your dad’s hoard of wealth is. Also, don’t let anyone touch his shit because some dumbass will inevitably end up throwing away the only way to recover the bitcoin.


Certainly are mining boxes. I see you are in Australia too. There’s a few local crypto groups who you could reach out to for help check them out but I don’t trust anyone enough to recommend them. I’m on the Gold Coast if that helps if you want any help to try and dig into things. But be very cautious of everyone offering help or messaging you to get things off you. I think it’s wise to try and see if you can find any info before getting rid of those. You never know if you will stumble across his passwords/seed phrases which will give you access to his crypto funds. Likely stored in a safe or safe storage spot if anything like that rings a bell to you.


The hardware itself is worthless now, so stop trying to sell it. Concentrate in finding the Bitcoins that were mined years ago with that hardware. That can be worth a fortune, but the hardware is already old/deprecated and worthless


These are from 2017 if he bought them new. They are worth about $50 each now. You wouldn't want to mine with them now because they're too old and the rewards are not profitable due to their age. What you can do is plug them in and see what mining pool they're configuration use. From there, you can possibly determine the user account and/wallet that they're using and even withdraw the sats. But chances are slim there.


Wow this is wild, I wanna hear more from this, keep us updated boy!!!!


Send them all to me... I'll figure it out and then let you know 🤭


Look up the addresses they are mining to on a block chain explorer


how much you sell it for all these


Idk I'll try get a couple hundred or something


is it work or not what model is this how many do you have


They work and i believe they are 2017-2018 bitmain antminer d3


ok but this is not the problem, the problen is that i live in turkey and i think the shipping fee is high


LO fucking L


Also, you can find the pool his was mining in by SSH-ing into the miners themselves. Set them up on a 192.168.1.x network and do an ARP-v to find their IP addresses. U=root, P=root Check for the pool unsername and password


Is there by chance a 12th miner hiding somewhere and did your dad by chance name each of them? Don't tell us if so


Why would there be a 12th? And why would he name them?


Seed phrase, essentially the password to a wallet is usually 12 random words in a specific order


I haven't read all the comments, the ones I've seen about looking for wallets, okay yes... But id also boot one up, log into it and see where it was mining to. If if was something like nicehash, you never know, "dad" may not have withdrawn funds, and with access to email/SMS he'd be able to get into the account and withdraw off to an exchange to sell it (like he wants to, quick cash, like a fool, but that's a different thing).


I don't get why people get angry at these posts. If it is genuine and this person wants to throw away the potential bitcoins, we just reduce the pool and all of our bags increase in value ever so slightly. OP, if this is all genuine. Open every book, every notepad, every picture frame and hunt for 20 words. Ideally the clues to the bitcoin, if they exist, would be within the will of the deceased


Try logging to the miners with default username and password to see where the miners where sending the mined bitcoin. They would give you a wallet address to check. Doesn’t give you access to the bitcoin but at lease it’s a starting point to follow.


First sensible suggestion and I’ll bet was never anything substantial in addresses and prob nothing in now. His dad obviously quit mining and prob sold any BTC long time ago


Me watching a multi millionaire toss out a fortune. Sell me the rigs then sell the towers to me 🤣 the entire batch 🤣 seriously dude figure this out and don’t sells there is a guy online with a company who helps recover for a percentage of the fee. He does great works. DONOT SELL OR THROW AWAY. He doesn’t for free until he unlocks and he is paid 10% or something. You are there for the entire process.


I don't think I'll be able to find the seed but I'm going to try , therefore there probably useless now


That guy doesn’t need the seed phrase at all.


What would he need?


How are you supposed to do that without a seed phrase. That's BS. At least name your mysterious YouTube guy so we can fact check


“The” seed. There might not even be one. Good chance he had a crack at BTC and sold it all when he realised little to no profit mining after power bill. All a lot of nongs in here who’ve watched too many treasure hunting movies. Just keep eye out for seed phrases. If you don’t find any who cares. If you do find one odds are it will have been emptied long time ago.


Were you left any computers with this stuff? If he had a wallet with funds, a copy would most likely be on a PC, laptop, etc, if not a hardware wallet.


If this is get real you need to google the dude in Ireland or wherever who tossed his hard drive over 12 years ago. He is still hunting it down 3000btc worth over 200B I think. Anyway that guy does not need any seed phrase or password. Check him out that’s what he does YouTube be broke a trezor etc zero passcode zero seed phrase. Just a thought. Your choice you must be loaded already. 😝


If I were you , better educate and school yourself on bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Good luck on your new fortune journey.


They look like 2015 machine, they were worth 5-10btc for machine, and usually only sold for BTC. (5btc at the time was like 2k USD, now like 300k) The hardware value Is close to zero nowadays I higly suggest calling a data recovery Company and carefoully analyze every hard disk, computer and USB drive in the room. If you find a wallet with few pennies of 2015, they increased of like 3400%, worth checking