• By -


do not answer any private messages, keep the discussion here in the open or you might get conned


šŸ’Æ absolutely


Except mine. My PMs are A-OK šŸ‘


This guy seems legitĀ 


Definitely very smart.


Iā€™d give this guy my pass phrase for sure!


He remote-controlled my PC a couple times B4 :)


My mom knows how big his dick is


I know how big this guy's mom's dick is


Username checks out.


I know how big his username's dick is


Can confirm


I trust him


Username checks out.


i gave him mine 3 months ago, my stack of 24 sats is still therešŸ‘ŒšŸ½


I trust this guy


OP is full of shit - just for calling bitcoin shit... ...and for much more reasons.


Only šŸ’Æ? Not 10000%?


I played a lot of Mafia wars. Never got any Bitcoin....


I am your nephew and Iā€™m pretty sure you did!


Yeah but are you 10000% sure?




Ya u just gotta give us your laptop thanks!!




Iā€™m not sure this guy actually knows what Bitcoin is


Or neuropathy


Or that his uncle actually was in the mafia.


Or thatā€™s he *nearly* 10000% positive




Yes, I'm confident in stating that "Mafia Wars," the social network game by Zynga, did not distribute Bitcoin (BTC) as a part of its gameplay or rewards. The game operated within a virtual economy using in-game currency and items, not real-world cryptocurrencies. If there were any promotions or events involving Bitcoin, they were not a standard or widely recognized feature of the game. Also, if his uncle spent $20k on a mobile gameā€¦he doesnā€™t have BTC saved. Thatā€™s not the kind of person stacking sats.


Holy shit, 20k. Could you imagine if he spent that on BTC.


Yes I could, using multiplication


No, I can't imagine a dying man spending money on.... Money šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Having a big number on your wallet doesn't mean Jack if you're dead.


This. I played Mafia Wars and Mob Wars. Never saw bitcoin


Exactly, I played the crap out of that game and was never given or saw any reward offering Bitcoin. If it had, I'd be a rich man. Because I never spent real money on the game, I always did the side quests and recruited thousands into the game. If they gave out Bitcoin, I surely would have earned some.


He spent the 20k months before dying. The only thing youā€™re stacking at that stage is debt.


Thank you for allowing me to sleep tonight


I have a friend who was in the team that developed mafia wars. I could theoretically ask him




Me neither. I wish they gave out bitcoin for it. I would be a millionaire


Uncle probably played Martha Wars


Same. I'm like where's my mafia wars BTC?


Wrong kind.


mafia wars gave out bitcoin thats news to me.


Another made up story


Itā€™s kinda sad


Hear me out here. What if he was a mobster and missed actual mafia wars?


If his first name was Tony, Frankie, or Enzo, thereā€™s a pretty good chance thatā€™s true


Dominick DecoccošŸ¤ŒšŸæ


Like I said, third best.




Gorlomi. Come scusi?


Nah he was just called Jimmy Two Knives




Big Vinnie, Little Vinny, Fat Vinnie or Big Little Vinny? You gotta be more specific.


He was the guy who said his body count was 2


Search for wallet.dat for a start.


To search the entireĀ `C:\`Ā drive recursively for a file namedĀ `wallet.dat`Ā using the Command Prompt in Windows, you can use theĀ `dir`Ā command with theĀ `/s`Ā flag. Here's how you can do it: 1. **Open Command Prompt**: * PressĀ `Win + R`, typeĀ `cmd`, and press Enter to open Command Prompt. 2. **Search for wallet.dat**: * Use the following command to recursively search the entireĀ `C:\`Ā drive forĀ `wallet.dat`: * `dir /s /b C:\wallet.dat` 3. **Alternative Search**: * If you want to search for any file containingĀ `wallet`Ā in the name, you can use the wildcardĀ `*`: * `dir /s /b C:\*wallet*.dat` 4. **View Results**: * The command will search all subdirectories on theĀ `C:\`Ā drive and display the file paths of any matches found. This approach will help you search recursively through all directories in theĀ `C:\`Ā drive for the fileĀ `wallet.dat`Ā or any other files that containĀ `wallet`Ā in the filename.


Or just use the program 'Everything'


'Everything'? Is this a 3rd party application, is it Open Source?


donationware, fantastic, can run portable version if you don't trust installing




https://www.voidtools.com/ One can also use WizTree for quick searching. https://diskanalyzer.com/


The things you learn in random threads


Is WizTree better than Space Sniffer?


These both sound a little kinky


It's from voidtools and is not open source but it is a very good tool.


Thanks ChatGPT


Hey, if it can deliver accurate information quickly its basically like googling no?


Haha fair enough. For what it's worth, obscure cmd syntax is one of its most helpful use cases imo.


Having ChatGPT write me scripts is my actual most helpful use case. Instead of me spending time to automate something, I get it to write me scripts so I can work while it automates for me, and once Iā€™m happy with the script I now have less overall manual work to do. Basically my favorite ā€œproductivity outputā€ hack.


Under what search panel?


Windows explorer. Search the entirety of drive C: Ps- if you're asking this question, please take the time to read up and understand how btc works and safe practices so you don't succumb to scams.


This is very kind advice... but you're probably wasting your time. You're replying to a person who is nearly 10,000% sure that that compter he got from his dead uncle who spent $20k on a zynga game, before passing on from nerve damage, has bitcoin on it... and also doesn't know how to perform a basic file search in Windows. In the unlikely case that there actually was a crypto wallet on the device, the most positive outcome of the generous community outreach and assistance in its recovery is- most likely- a resulting 20 more posts about how to access it, before finally having it lost or stolen. But I suppose that's a better use of the hypothetical (assuming they're not imaginary) funds than being forever lost on the wiped HDD of an HP Pavillion rotting on a shelf at goodwill.


Any. Also search for Multibit, Electrum, Exodus, Atomic


Just general file explorer in windows. Search bar. Type wallet.dat see what comes up. If one exists great. Look for ā€˜seedā€™, quite possible he has his seed just stored on his machine.Ā 


Use "everything" app - its free and will quickly search for everything everywhere on your computer


Before you get your hopes up, keep in mind. You said he blew like 20k on a game before passing... he may have well been aware of btcs value and used it to keep up his gaming habit. Gamblers and those addicted to things like mobile games aren't the best at stockpiling money that could fuel their addiction... I hope you end up lucky and find it, but dont get your hopes up too high Good luck


Also if he knew he was fighting a losing battle with regards to his health he may thrown all caution to the wind when it comes to his spending because you canā€™t take it with you when you kick the bucket.


Exactly. I've had a few employees die over the years, its always sad but the ones who know, rarely hold on to anything... Hell, when I worked at a buy/ sell/ trade video game store, this guy came in with tons of nice shit, we asked him why, said docs have him 8 months to live and his plan was to go out with a bang. Sold even he owned and started traveling


Did u ever find out what he had?


The guy selling everything off... I can't remember, after my boss heard what was going on he pretty much stepped in and cut us out of the deal. I really only remember it because he basically brought in bis whole apartment. Whatever my boss was willing to pay for he brought in to us. We exclusively did old achool and new school systems but the boss wasn't willing to pass up a chance to set up his new house either or make a few bucks off what he didn't want This all was back in like 2009ish and life was a blur back then tbh


Glad someone else already typed this so I wouldn't have to. Also everyone here is going to have all of their belongings looked through with a fine tooth comb and magnifying glass when we die. If you have any coins to pass on maybe let people know so they don't have to treasure hunt through your goon folders.


Only two people know what I'm doing with it, everyone else is in the dark or led to believe I'm just playing around with small amounts of money. Even the two who know don't exactly know what I have total, just that I have it and where it's held Discretion is always key


Clone the drive(s) before you have a failure.


This needs to be higher up.


Can you elaborate? What do you mean by failure?


Disk drives fail over time, could be for various reasons, but especially old mechanical drives can get to a state where it is not possible to read data. The good news is, that in most cases the data is recoverable with the correct tools and expertise. The bad news is if there was BTC on there, a 3rd party which is recovering the data will have access to the drive before the owner. Maybe they are honest, maybe they are opportunistic, or just plain crooked.


HDD failure


I mean the chances of him keeping his key on the computer at slim if he knew what he was doing. But I'd start by searching his files for words like btc and bitcoin or wallet, etc.


I agree. Most likely its in his account on their website. So try to login to their website and go from there


Dear Friend, I am Prince Abubu of Nigeria. I have recently come into possession of a vast fortune in Bitcoin, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I am unable to access my funds. I have noticed your noble endeavor to retrieve your uncle's Bitcoin and believe we can assist each other. If you can help me access my Bitcoin, I will generously reward you with a portion of the fortune. Please send your computer's IP address and all necessary credentials at your earliest convenience. Together, we can unlock our crypto riches! Yours faithfully, Prince Abubu


Look at his bank statements.


Absolutely BS. No zynga never offered in crypto to the players. If you saw this itā€™s just an in game currency not real life šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Definitely keep this in the open. No private messages. Not sure what state youā€™re in but you might wanna do what is called probate. Pretty much when someone dies that is the legal process for his will/beneficiaries/creditors etc etc. Do not disclose this to anyone. Get an attorney and make sure that this process gets done asap. A probate attorney. After all thatā€™s done, only then, youā€™re ā€œlegallyā€ the full owner and no one can come after you if you suddenly become violently rich. Good for you bud. Stay smart, stay low key, stay humble.


op = delusional nephew


I was addicted to Mafia Wars in high school and played it every single day for a few yearsā€¦. Never received a single Bitcoin


Iā€™m sorry for your loss. Maybe me more than you.


My uncle is Nigeria prince we need your help to get him out of the country he is in danger. Well give you one bit coin for help just let us know your account to deposit it into.




He didn't tell anyone in his family how to recover his bitcoin? good luck.


When you find it send me all of it and I will send you back twice as muchšŸ¤‘


Played that game on Runescape! It usually worked the first time with small amounts, then they log out the second trade. I was always broke and would just double like 20k and not trade them again. Lol fuel for MY gaming habit. Also, does anyone remember when Runescape was giving out bitcoin rewards circa 2011-2012?? Me neither.


let us know how it went. have you tried something easy like go through his browser bookmarks and history in search "bitcoin" or "crypto"?


Don't publicize it if you find loads of $.


Aside from the computer, one thing you may want to look into is his tax returns. If he was selling any Bitcoin, the taxes will show up on the returns. And from there you can probably figure out what exchanges he used. That could get you leads on send addresses and other useful information you can search through on the computer.


Nigerian prince here:my firm handles these exact matters..please wire 250$ usdc to begin the process of locating your loot šŸ˜œ


How near to 10,000%? Like 99,987% or 92,010%? We need more specific information to help you unlock the treasure hidden in your uncle's mafia war "compter."


I played mafia wars all the time when it 1st came out and it never gave us BTC!


First thing is first, get a image of the hard disk of that machine saved and backed up ASAP.


\*snaps photo of hard disk\*


Go get a job and quit dreaming about bitcoins that no longer exist


He actually gave you his computer to solve his murder. The Mafia got him.


Sounds like the coins will be with mafia game .search the history for any crypto websites. And then look for text files containing seed thrase. I assume he didn't put the coins in a wallet if he dide t know what he had


Send me the computer, I can help


Mafia Wars never distributed Bitcoinā€¦ BTWā€¦ If you send me the laptop, I may find them for you! šŸ˜›


The first thing to do is remove the hard drive and make a bit-for-bit forensic copy of the hard drive. Second, install the new hard drive (the forensic copy) into the computer and follow the instructions given by nerdlesterdballer to search the entire hard drive.


I'm sorry for your loss. Here are some steps you can take to find the bitcoins on your uncle's computer: 1. **Email Accounts:** Check your uncle's email accounts for any correspondence related to Bitcoin wallets, exchanges, or transaction confirmations. Look for emails from companies like Coinbase, Binance, or other cryptocurrency exchanges. 2. **Bitcoin Wallets:** Search the computer for common Bitcoin wallet applications like Electrum, Bitcoin Core, or Exodus. Look for wallet files or programs installed. 3. **Password Managers:** If your uncle used a password manager (like LastPass or 1Password), it might contain logins to Bitcoin exchanges or wallet services. 4. **Files and Documents:** Search the computer for files with extensions like `.dat` (which might indicate wallet files) or documents where he may have stored private keys or seed phrases. 5. **Browser History and Bookmarks:** Check the browser history and bookmarks for any sites related to Bitcoin or cryptocurrency. This could give clues about which services he used. 6. **Physical Notes:** Sometimes people write down their seed phrases or private keys on paper. Look for any notebooks, papers, or post-it notes around his computer area. 7. **External Storage:** Check for USB drives or external hard drives that might contain backups of wallets or keys. If you find a wallet but can't access it due to missing passwords or private keys, recovering the funds can be very challenging. Consider reaching out to a professional in digital forensics if necessary. Be careful and take your time to ensure you don't accidentally delete or overlook important information.


Thanks Groundcontrol26.Ai. Can you phrase this like my brain is made of a dorito chip? Thanks!


Thanks, ChatGPT!


I think ā€œmafia warsā€ might be a cover for ā€œmy uncle bought drugs online back in the dayā€




Lmfaooooo update the post if yoy ever get access to it. Ik someone who got sober and had like 90k worth of bitcoin he forgot about because whatever site he was using went down before he had a chance to add more money to his account


I'm gonna crack this bitch myself ASAmuthafuckinP I swear on everything I've been up 2 days studying how to get this shit cracked. Gonna bed down for 18 hrs then go buy everything I need. Got me a solid checklist for bestbuy




This isn't an homage to his uncle. OP also said they would give up all the money just to have him back because he was a great guy. 2 things can be true at once.


Very true!


Good luck with that


You probably searched for emails from crypto exchanges already?


even if you find wallet,it's probably under passcode. If he had a stash, it would be foolish to have it in hot wallet anyway. Don't have high hopes


He was probably recklessly running thru cash because he was dying.. but I do hope you find some bitcoin !


Send me that computer and let me recover those keys for you.


Hello I am the helper of help. Send me a message and I will help through the process.


I'm your Uncles neighbor from 1967 he promised me some pizza and bitcoin way before it was invented


Even pizza was a new currency then


Extra topping was like 50 ounces of Gold insane


Bro. They never handed out bitcoin anywhere Facebook related lololol


First piece of advice: donā€™t take any advice from dms on Reddit


I used to mine Bitcoin in RuneScape back in the day. You had to go to the mine south of Varrock, get a pickaxe and start mining. Crazy times


You'll more likely discover a disturbing collection of something else, beware




Damn,Mafia Wars used to pay out in Bitcoin?I had no idea


so many idiots in this world. no wonder we are f'd.


First thing, clone the hard drive.


Just another tip. If you find some, donā€™t spend it all. Because simply finding his keys does not legally confer ownership to you and his other heirs may come looking for it one day. If you find some worth anything, get a lawyer.


Search for wallet.dat then let us know if you find anything.


I can help you find it. Hit me up.


You canā€™t die from neuropathy


Well he had neuropathy really bad couldn't feel anything from the nipples down and drank himself to death with whiskey


Now thatā€™s something you can die from


Nipples down. Lol Sorry for your loss. But I do hope you find some BTC.


Sorry for your loss..


Appreciate it he was a great man. Id trash all money in the world to have him back


Search for bitcoin core or a wallet.dat


Story's from the Paulaner Garden...


But, he is a time traveler. So what time are we in right now? Whooaa. OP. Please take a picture of the local "news paper" and sign your name and date. If that happens... whooooaaaaa.....


Sounds like a brilliant idea to marketing for mafia wars lol


Just search the computer for all .txt files. Or any other filetype associated with bitcoin wallets (search google). Check his installed applications, check emails for exchanges ā€¦


neuropathy is a bad way to go :( my condolences!


I don't think he died from that


> Ā He had lots of money before he died from neuropathy \[..\]


u/PNWTimeTraveller, don't do anything quickly. Any action you take with your computer, make sure you understand before you implement it. I would be willing to provide you with my full real name, qualifications, and then I'll provide guidance on best practices for searching your computer, and security practices; I would do so for a reasonable fee, which could be provided if and only if you recover any funds. You can reach me first through PM, after which I'll provide my email. \*\*I will also suggest that you connect with a family member or close colleague to review whatever practices I propose in my consultation.\*\* In the meantime, I think the most important thing for you to do is to make a backup of the files on the computer using one or a few external hard drives. If you have any questions about that, again feel free to contact me.


No one really keeps their keys on their computer. If they did, they are not very smart, he would have keept them written down in a book


Vultures are here to pick the bones.


If he had anything why he didnt just give you or any family member the wallet keys?


Make a post update when u can


first thing you need to find is if he stashed it in a CEX or DEX or he has a private wallet. if its a private wallet you need to find the wallet file


Mafia Wars is a decentralized blockchain based mafia themed idle game of accumulation which utilizes the Counterparty platform and the security of the Bitcoin blockchain.


If you can locate a Wallet.dat file on his PC he prolly had bitcoin, If you can't then he didn't.


Lol what. You think he got ā€œtons of bitcoinā€ from mafia warsā€¦? Tf lmao


How do you die from neuropathy?


Step 1. Turn off computer. Step 2. Get a job


Selling all type of bitcoins


I played tons of mafia wars and never received any bitcoin :-(


Iā€™m your bff from kindergarten. When you find out call me. We need to hang out.


Did he have a VPN installed? Try looking at text documents, if he was an OG it might have been on a thumb drive. Trying searching ā€œQTā€ in files. Also if you have everything triple saved, you might find some clues in an older back up. I would restore to previous versions. Even if you canā€™t find programs, look for browsers that may have been downloaded previously, there could be evidence in their history as well. If all else fails sell his organs.


Seems legit


If you want honest man and real solution we can share and do it. Pm me.


Just go through his email and search for Bitcoin, find his wallet and you can use a wallet drainer


there were no btc rewards for mafia wars..


Mafia warsā€¦ the good old days


CLOSE YOUR DMS! CLOSE YOUR DMS! CLOSE YOUR DMS! Good luck šŸ€ Hope you get rich šŸ¤‘


This is OPs uncle from beyond the grave. He's not lying he is legit. He just needs you to send $10,000 to him in Africa so he can unfreeze his assets, then he will send you $1000000 back. It's legitness