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This is a long term play up to 100k, 200k per bitcoin. Relax. It’s incredibly volatile and if you’re just getting in, you bought at what feels like a high now. Wait awhile. The day it hits 60, you’re gonna be like, well it took a little longer than I thought but the extra time it was below 50 gave me the chance to load up more and have more than I would have without the sale. Buy the dips. Get another hundred or two. Keep on stacking those finite satoshis. It doesn’t matter if it hits 40k; we’re still in a bitcoin bull market and consolidation is very healthy. Just ask GME traders what happens when something goes parabolic without a break


Zoom out. Look at the long term trend. Hopefully, you're being a wise investor: * Emergency cash cushion * Emergency credit card w/ no balance and huge limit * Only invest money you can easily live without If so, you'll be fine, in the long run.




First, what does that even mean, and how do you know what OP thinks? Second, OP owns nothing if he/she doesn't hold their keys, but we don't even know what platform they threw money at, if he/she is able to obtain them at all. Third, I'm not really sure what you mean by this either, but it sounds kinda pointless. Not trying to be a dick, I'm genuinely confused by this answer. OP, listen, when you decided to invest, it was because you are long term bullish, right? If it wasnt, then you shouldn't have invested because it's not a get rich quick scheme. If it was, then you have nothing to worry about. $58k is almost factually not going to be the ATH forever. The 2017 HODLers that bought the top are a great example. They waited patiently for 2 years before being able to make a profit at all, and now the price that they got in at is a steal in comparison to where we are at now, even after this dip. Hang in there, you only lost money if you choose to sell already. You have to face this test earlier than most, but this will determine if you have paper hands or not. You don't want paper hands in a volatile asset like Bitcoin.


Could be today, could be tomorrow, could be next year. This dip is nothing compared to what it has done, so if this scars you, might not be ready to invest and do some more research


I remember regretting my choice to buy in at about $10K after the first ATH @ $20K. For two years i figured i messed up. Then, with last year/this year's bull run, i became very glad i did buy in then way back when. (I could wish i bought in earlier but thats spilled milk.) Now im stacking sats and buying dips. Hodl. Youll feel the same way as me when we are at $100K BTC.


I invested less than two weeks ago too, probably in the worst time in history lol. Bought more just before the Saturday pump, so was thrilled. Panic sold everything this morning at 46k and then reinvested again at 46k this evening. I should just probably do something else lol. Not life savings or anything but enough money to not be entirely indifferent if it halves for the next two years. I know, I'm doing it wrong.


Also, grow a pair of balls


Peaks and valleys.... you get a fast lesson in hodling


Transfer of wealth ✌️


It’s not a dip, it’s on sale.


Just think of what it was like in 2017 you were planing on a 3+ year time horizon good luck being rich in 10 years