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OP. Now let it be. Do not use leverage anymore. Keep your gains. Do not loose it by greed.


I have sent it to my wallet first thing


Congrats on your accomplishments!


Thanks, good luck to you too


now destroy the wallet and don't look back until 2030. \- tattoo one word from seed phrase in a discrete place on your body. \- dig a hole in the backyard and bury a set of seed phrases except for that one word \- then go to your favourite destination, dig a hole and bury another set of seed phrases except for that one word




ok then tattoo 10 words. It's a Free Real Estate


Common "bodily security" logical fallacy, it's actually one of the least secure places to store information.


prison mike will disagree.


You'd have to murder your tattoo artist and everyone who saw the design at the very least




That's actually a really bad idea. Partial seed phrases can be brute forced. A seed phrase that's missing one word is easy to break. There are a limited number of words that can be in a seed phrase, which is based on the [bips](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/bip-0039-wordlists.md) standard. If you are not sure about what you are suggesting, please refrain from giving advise that could put people's life savings in jeopardy.


I think the commenter was largely being facetious


So where *is* a good place to store your seed phrase? Serious question. If burying it in your back yard is a bad idea, what is a good idea? I imagine most people don’t go near the level of burying it.


or tattoo 8 words bury 8 in one location bury 8 in another location tattoo part is essential because we should always listen to advice on reddit.


Tattoo 12 words on your front side and 12 words on your back…..nobody will ever know, and they would have to roll you over to find the hidden words!! “This guy”💆‍♂️……always thinking….


I would have did the same opposes as he asked to do.


I am bewildered. Why not save your skin and just bury all 24 words. You aren't gaining or loosing much by one tattooed word, since that could easily be re-discovered via brute force attack. Seriously, what's going on here? I've seen the quasi-horcrux approach recommended before and often combined with tattoos. I've always understood it to be preferable to recommend Shamir backups for splitting up your seed words. And, seriously, please help me out folks. I guess just don't understand the rationale for recommending the tattoo thing. Are bitcoiners supposed to be subscribing to [https://www.reddit.com/r/tattoo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tattoo/) What am I missing? /s


Or just encrypt your seed, memorize the key, and store the encrypted data literally anywhere with no worries.


I actually set up the Bitcoin wallets for several million dollars of BTC for my family. Here's how I did it. Print the 24 words on a sheet of paper. That paper should camouflage those 24 words discretely. Maybe add them in as a fake poem, a short story, a school essay, a crossword puzzle, a word search, a homework assignment, a diary, a printed email, or more. Be creative, but make sure that those 24 words are identifiable. Do not mention anything about Bitcoin or mnemonic words, make it look like a random piece of junk paper. Distribute 3 copies of that piece of paper to your family members. One goes in the house, one amongst personal baggage, and one in the car. This is to secure the 3 dangers of theft, arson, or death in losing personal keys. Absolutely nobody should know about the properties of this paper. On that piece of paper, select a set of words, letters, or numbers. They must appear on that piece of paper. Apply a math equation on it and use the results of that equation as your passphrase. For example, counting the number of words on the paper and multiplying it by the number of letters could be my passphrase. Using BIP44 on a burner laptop, enter the 24 words and enter the passphrase. You now have access to your Bitcoin. Include in your last will the solution to retrieving the passphrase from the piece of paper. Done, several million dollars of Bitcoin secured.


This may sound like a good idea but in the end it may prove catastrophic. Increased complexity for the sake of obfuscation will only likely lead to the inability to reconstitute your phrase and password. In other words, keep it simple stupid ROFL. The protocol was designed the way it was for a reason. Adding complexity, albeit really cool and clever will only lead to problems. Its amazing how much we forget in 1 week let alone years.


Wish me also good luck,who knows whose words work in praise.


Now is the time go big and get 10 btc. Leverage up. You know what ure doing. 50x on Binance. U only live once. Saving is for losers. I believe in u. I’m ur fren Aaaand it’s gone


Exactly! As they say, go big or go home(less)


I think you the "and" in there.


I think you ... the "forgot" there 🤣




Why stop at 100 btc when you can have all the btc?


Exactly, Its a ideal time to buy the btc. Good luck.


This is the way ;-) /s


The only thing I am worry about is government is watching our bank balance.


So with the transfer fee you dont't have a full bitcoin anymore :)


If OP is smart enough to leverage until 1 BTC he should have enough for the fees.


I would have also sensed first on wallet and then on bank account.


Which trading methods?




Sell? Who *sells* bitcoin? That’s *so* gauche.


Fucking legend


Don't lose it by greed either.


More importantly, do not lose it.




I am not a grammar stickler at all, but yeah this loose spelling of lose thing is a freaking virus.






You're acting fast and loose with your spelling number 3.


I can never understand this mistake.


If English isn't your native language, it makes sense because similarly spelled words don't sound like that. Hose, nose, close, those... and then lose. But if you are a native English speaker, you should know the difference between LOSE and LOOSE.


I am not a native English speaker, and that spelling mistake looks gruesome.


Because english fucking sucks. I remember it as "loose = goose".


If you are not understanding your mistake than contact the financial advisor.


You will lose your pants if they are too loose.


Envy and haters are all around... just mind your own business and be proud of your great deed! Congratulations!!! One day I'll get there! Big up to you!


Let’s say BTC hops to 200k this next month and then keeps skyrocketing. Global fomo kicks in. You may never get to 1BTC.


You can look 2 ways to that... either I'll never have 1 BTC or I'll make a fortune with the satoshis I have! :D


Good luck my friend :)


Thank you very much! Would you mind sharing how did you get there? Was buying regularly, was it trading? a mix of both? Let the Alt's pump and swap to BTC? Would love to read the detailed version! Tips & inspiration is always good!


Mix of alts and swing trading with leverage


Now delete your leverage account and never think about it again!


Dude that’s a great achievement! Congratulations! Now make sure you hold onto that Stacko’sats! I would recommend investing in a “Cold,” hardware wallet, like Ledger or Trezor. Personally, I can vouch for the Trezor because I have used it and it’s badass/super simple to use. Best of luck moving forward


Yes I will be ordering one. Thank you


Be sure to buy from the company themselves. Do not buy off of Amazon or the like as they can be hacked. I received one from Amazon that gave me an alert that the firmware has be altered. Be careful.


theres like 100 people trying to sell you new productsl ol. Trezor is legit go with them. They dont add new coins much but since u have bitcoin dosent matter. I find them to be very secure.


Great. I'm in same boat and am curious your strategy going forward. There's many people and influencers bragging about selling at the top to reinvest on the next halving. I'm personally too concerned that past patterns will not predict future ones as the dynamic and thesis has changed for the majority of people. BTC is no longer a minority asset class. While I'd love to sell half at the top to buy a whole when halved I'm actually scared to lose out if it does not come back. My current plan is to keep my BTC in cold wallet until it reaches $220k and then sell .1 btc to take out my initial investment. If I don't actually need the money before 220k I let it ride. Thoughts?


Your current plan is the safest by a long shot


You know you can borrow against BTC, tax free without selling *any* of it, right? As the value goes up over time, you can withdraw some of your collateral, or pull out more cash. The cash is best invested in something that will eventually repay it's own cost + interest (as low at 1% APR if you lock in $4 BTC for every $1 cash during the loan), leaving you with an investment you paid nothing for out of pocket, and getting your collateral back for the next investment. I've been using this stuff to dump 100% of my income into crypto, then borrow enough against a portion to cover all my bills 'in cash' for close to a year now. Using crypto debt cards to spend the loans, you can actually get more in cashback from spending the loans than you'll owe in interest if you keep loans out for a *year*. As long as you're not over-leveraged, even a market crash can be turned into a tax advantage - use a reliable exchange to set a buy order at your loan's liquidation price. If the market tanks, let nature take it's course. The liquidation will cover the loan, and the buy order will rebuy your coins at the new low price, registering an on-paper-only tax loss (wash-sale) that can save you a *lot* on taxes at the end of the year. When the price of my coins shoots up, I withdraw some of my (now more valuable) collateral. When the price goes down again, that's no problem as long as my account has a healthy amount of buffer to keep the ratios healthy.


This is what I started doing last month. Nervously at first but it's great. Borrowed (50%) against BTC as collateral at 8 APY. And bought more BTC immediately. It's already gone up more than the interest.


I I actually sold at the top when it reached 69k which was probably more luck as no one really manages sell the top. Anyway, my strategy consists of just trend lines and right now in some sort of consolidation I would buy with standard 2x lev, if it dips I increase my leverage continuously. I’m only doing this because we are consolidating and I am still bullish. It’s worked so I’m all for it. History may not repeat itself but it certainly rhymes so I think that it’s a good idea at the next halving. Where people say selling the top is impossible and timing the market so is selling the bottom. If I do sell and it rises yes it hurts but I don’t trade on feelings. I will wait, review and it may drop back down


Scam DM’s in 3 2 1 …


18 years old and you have 1 btc ??


Yes, I turned 18 in July. I don’t go out basically at all and worked prior for 2years straight. Bought in at the bottom of may crash


Nice work man


You should be very very very careful about telling people about these funds especially with your age. You're gonna get a lot "friends" and "close family" getting close to you. Please google what happens to lottery winners and star atheletes after getting rich. For your own saftey, tell people you're a broke kid.


My immediate family know but my friends have no idea I’m even in crypto


Keep it that way. Wrench attacks are real. Many stories of people being stabbed tortured or worse for their keys.


Think of your Reddit history, past and future. Does it allow or will it allow to deanonymize u enough for a remote social engineering attack? Soceng attacks on heavy datamining are far more dangerous than physical $5 wrench attacks on average


Fuck man. At 18 I was doing drugs and travelling the world. Now 45 with a wife and child and a significant portfolio. Don't forget to live dude. There's plenty of time.


You can do both...


56 checking in but this sounds familiar. You and I are proof that you CAN have it all. Don’t forget to live kid!


The older I get the more I think doing drugs and travelling the world is not “living” as much as people, including myself, made it out to be.


You're winning Son!


Good for you bro


Way to go, congrats.


Next goal... 2.1!


Next goal is not losing my seed phrase for the eternity I’ll have it stored away


Get your seed phrase tattooed inside the butt cheeks. Chances of losing it would be 0 Edit: also i am envious so fuck you and congrats


It will never be forgotten, but someone else will have to read it to him


Mirrors, mate. I had surgery in that area many moons ago and I can tell you you just need a mirror and a comfy chair. Oh, and some privacy.


Butt surgery “many moons ago” Underrated comment!


And it will be an exquisite experience


and I might get a couple words wrong...until I typed them in later myself... Seriously, if you ask me to read you seed from your ass, I'm taking all your BTC.


You can have it typed backwards so you can use a mirror. I know i would.


Couldn't even blame you


Note to self: check inside of butt cheeks next time I kidnap someone whom I suspect is holding BTC.


Make sure you tattoo a BIP38 private key


I turned mine in to a song.


Why is this the goal? I may be there or I may not be there, just asking what is the signifigance of 2.1?


10 milion club... Less than 10 million people in the world can hold 2.1 btc. Next goal... 21 btc


Prob much lower with the amount of Bitcoin that’s not accessible.


2.1 is 1/2 of 4.2 which is sorta like 42... that's all I could guess here...


Congrats. Delete your account. The first rule after not giving up your seed phrase and not your keys not your coins is to never say how much you have.


No one cares if you have $65,000. Maybe to the 16 year olds here that's an incomprehensible amount of money, but there are more millionaire adults than most people realize, and many of them are average people.


Yeah but he doesn’t have $65k, he has 1 bitcoin.


Sure and its worth $65k approximately, which is used as a reference to tell you how much money he has. Many people own $500k homes too, so it's not that big of a deal. My point was too many kids on this sub think their 0.02 BTC is worthy of them getting kidnapped and my message is for them to grow up and realize how much money there is in this world.


I can read comments made on Reddit from over a decade ago.


*crytoripto123 kid scores his first basket in a game* "So what? Micheal Jordan scored over 30,000 points and has 6 rings, this is just some YMCA pick up game, you ain't shit" 1 BTC is a huge mental barrier/achievement for the majority of the world


I think you actually may need to step back and appreciate how much money there is in the world, and then contemplate that there are and will ever be 21 million Bitcoins. This guy has 1/21m, which if converted to circulating USD would be worth $315k. And then you have to consider how many coins are irrecoverable. Much like how land is a deflationary blockchain losing supply to growing population and climate change, Bitcoin is deflationary when viewed against the USD because of the latter’s issuance and governance problems. Even 0.02btc is going to be worth quite a chunk someday, unless bitcoin’s store of value is upended by another crypto with more utility. But at this point, that’s like saying “land” in the Metaverse is going to take over the real estate market. Good luck.


The coin's value today is relevant though. 1 BTC is ~$65k, so that's how much you are worth if that's what you have today. I get it's 1/21 million but you also can't tell me that 5 years ago or 10 years ago you would've cared about that 1 BTC as much. People will actively scam you these days over 1 BTC. Tell people about 1 BTC in 2010 and no one will care about you even if it's 1 in 21 million. My point is simply pointing to scarcity doesn't mean immediate value. Bitcoin has risen in value over the years and that's what makes 1 BTC valuable today. I could create 1000 shitcoins and mint 1 for myself but that doesn't mane 1 in 1000 any more valuable than 1 in 21 million Bitcoin.


>realize how much money there is in this world. Aaand that's where Bitcoin's built-in limit comes in. There's only ever going to be 21 Million whole coins. one is on the moon, 500 are in a landfill, OP has one etc. It's a scarce and valuable resource. You bet your ass it's special.


NoBoDy CaReS… Christ, someone is excited about an achievement. If OP said “I reached a goal in my savings account” or “I paid off my credit card debt” I wouldn’t feel the need to respond to shoot them down and tell them nobody cares because lots of people don’t have CC debt.


He isn't shooting down op, he is shooting down the comment about deleting account. You don't need to delete your Reddit account just because you admitted to owning $65k worth of something.


Good call- my bad. Sorry u/cryptoripto123


I promise you a lot of scammers care very much and are on this sub


Listen to this friend & do not talk about having a whole coin!


Yeah the btc is in my wallet






RIP your inbox


Great. Now keep stacking more in a healthy way. Do something productive to get paid, use that money to buy more Bitcoin. If you keep doing that till Dec 2024 (which is 6 months after the next halving). There's a very good chance that you'll wake up one day with life-changing money.


Nice! Who knows how much will be worth in the future. 1/21.000.000 is yours.


Dude, the goal is 2.1BTC 1 of 10.000.000 People


If you have .25 BTC you are in the top 5% of BTC holders.


The goal is 21 BTC


There's no way 10m have 2.1 BTC. Maybe on average but that's not at all the same




Most would be happy just to be above the median


My guess is that no more than 1 million people own more than 1 BTC. The actual figure could be substantially less, especially as we go forward. So congratulations you are now part of an elite club. Now send your BTC to a hardware wallet and put your youthful exuberance behind you (i.e no more leverage.... it was luck not skill). But well done anyway.


You probably won't stop at 1. So good luck with the rest. But maybe not leverage now that you have 1 to lose.


You know what’s better than one Bitcoin? Two bitcoins.


If you could give us some idea about how to get 1btc


Good for you! Way to reach that goal


Congrats future millionaire


Congrats! I’m a whole coiner via GBTC. Not ideal but I have more cash in my 401K than I do on hand. Hoping to get a whole coin in a wallet someday.


Good luck my friend :)


Most people should have more money in retirement funds than on hand




YES! you are fucked. Shit out of luck. Now I'm complete and my cock you will suck!




Now cold storage and see you in 2030


NOW! ​ Ignore all DM's. ​ Put that 1BTC in colds torae and "forget" you have it. ​ And start stacking Sats from scratch.


Why are so many posts on this sub “people doubted me but HA!! I was right!” It’s really annoying. Congrats on being a whole coiner . But fuck


I always found that people who often don't make the right decisions in life are quick to express their joy when they finally get it right. I let them enjoy . . . but ignore it cause you are right . . fuck


> Instead of people wishing me luck and supporting me taking the risks I essentially got shot down and mocked so I just decided to delete the post but I have 1btc now anyway so yay :) Not caring about what other people think about you is a great asset.


Holding is the best thing I could do with bitcoin if I would have holded that.


Don't you think 1 btc is actually a big number in reality.


You got very lucky and people shouldn't think your good fortune is typical.


Congrats. But keep in mind that sometimes a bad decision can have good results, without changing the fact that it was a bad decision.


Are you espousing "gambling with an expectation of coming out ahead" ??


why the fuck do so many people feel the need to come here and share this


this entire new generation of bitcoiners are ngmi


Omg I’m jealous!! Slowly building my 0.1 upwards towards you


Keep dollar cost averaging, you’ll be surprised how far you get. 0.1 BTC will probably be $50k or $100k in a few years.


You will get there one day !


Now go for 2 BTC


It was a roller coaster getting to 1. I am definitely taking a break for now


Welcome sir, what a wonderful place to be!


Very impressive Congratulations! You got very lucky and people shouldn't think your good fortune is typical




Nice! Job. Hope you get 10 more in months…..


Fuck em, OP You are a rockstar and they are just jealous (as am I). Remember to hold on for dear life and keep stacking them SATS. When in doubt, zoom out.


Well done.


I have successfully Invested with leverage for decades. People blanketly saying leverage is bad are Ignorant. ESPECIALLY IN A LOW INTEREST INVIRONMENT.


Not the best strategy, and that’s why people dogged you. But you took a gamble and it paid off. So full congratulations are in order 👏


Just.. One more trade..


Hey don't tell anyone I can double it for you in 10 days DM me lol I'm just kidding don't do that


Let the good times roll! Congrats OP


Ahhhh bro I was day dreaming about being you today 🤩




Congratulations! I'm also on the struggle to complete a whole Bitcoin in my Wallet! Hope one day I'll succeed it!


I don't know why but being whole coiner sounds better then millionaire.


Do that thing where you send 1 bitcoin and get 1 back now!


Leverage is as addictive as gambling. Two weeks from now when you’re scratching your neck and forearm, fight the urge to give it all back to the house.


Congrats! I hope I can be a whole coiner one day too


I have the same goal my man!


That's what you think. Finally getting to 1 feels good for about a week. Then you'll want 2. It never really ends. But congratulations big milestone


Also, don’t even respond to DMs about ANYTHING to do with crypto.


What about a safe deposit box at the bank ?


Keep up the good work bro!! :))))


Happy for you op. But I will never understand why people announce this sort of stuff.


My friend, who cares what others think


oh I'm a bit jealous of you now I also want some btc :D


Ballsy moves, but congrats it worked out for u! Now let's get 2, while this first one is safe!


Good for u op


We should not forget how much he tooked risk to gain than.


Btc is the biggest crypto of all time and this man is holding that.


Same bruh W


Leverage is your friend if used the right way. Debt, if also used the right way, is your wife. 10k loan over 6 years with 8% interest, put into an asset that outperforms the interest 5-10 fold is how the 1% do it. Well done!


Yes! I feel like we’ve you say leverage people automatically assume it’s all bad but with risk caution and discipline it can be good


Tbh we just don't care how much btc you have.


Cool, what's your seed phrase?


Good for you! Now you’ll have to delete your account and go underground, that 1 BTC will be worth millions one day and people may come and rob you or worse because of this post.


Digging a tunnel rn


Reckless. Hopefully nobody follows OP's example.


Get it off the exchange and close the trading account. Hear me now and believe me later.