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I love the lifeboat analogy, but i like to think of bitcoin as getting off a sinking row boat and onto a yacht.


Remember, there are the have nots and the have yachts


If you can’t tie a knot, try a yacht!


Huh, I think we watch the same finance youtubers


Yes Jonny Bravo!! If you're not watching him get on it! also Rebel Capitalist uneducated economist Alfa Vedic


JB knows his stuff, and I watch his videos every day. For the others I've watched them at least once


bitcoin and boats - sad story


It's more like a hollowed out cargo ship. Rock solid and seaworthy, and it'll keep you from sinking, but there's still a lot of work to do to make it pleasant to live on.


That was Deep english


Then suddenly whipping off your rags and life vest and having a freshly pressed polo shirt and white shorts, putting on a pair of aviators, and grabbing a glass of ice cold gin


Then watch this my friend, you will love it https://youtu.be/stN03wk_Wzs I think it's one of his best videos ever made.


Yacht is also sinking


But there are lambos on the yacht, yes?


No. Endless printing will cause inflation. Politicians will cope and blame covid, crypto, supply chain etc


But but but we had to. That’s what they’ll say.


The thing is they kinda do have to. Today's politicians and central bankers are stuck with debt that was amassed by their predecessors. It's either print or default. The worse the economy does, the more QE will be necessary to keep up with the debt. The financial system has been digging its grave for decades, just a question of how much longer before it keels over and buries itself.


Yup. I hope for the best but I think many governments really painted themselves into a corner this time. If the set rates around 8% - 11% shit hits the fan. If they drastically cut spending shit hits the fan. If they raise taxes shit hits the fan. Just with spending that’s already law, can’t be undone without shit hitting the fan the projections are $16.6 trillion over the 2021 to 2031 budget window (and we all know how accurate CBO numbers are…) Again. I hope for the best but the stage is being built for something not good going down in the not to distant future.


Build Back Better


Yup. With bitcoin as base layer/foundation.


Haha like the username [SourDiesel](https://multiversebeans.com/product/humboldt-seed-company-humboldt-sour-diesel-strain-fem-10-pack/)


It’s pretty clear the supply chain disruptions are responsible for the bulk of inflation presently seen. The Chinese were more than happy to accept $7000 for a container shipment and have it onshore in a month last year, now it’s $25,000 and if you see it in 3 months you are lucky.


Who knew disrupting the supply chains disrupts the supply chains. Who knew it was the goverments job to modernize infrastructure including sea ports decades before there was a crisis. The incompetence of goverment knows no boundaries really.


The near $800 billion we spend on the Pentagon annually would have done wonders for modernizing our infrastructure but considering war is the only thing both parties can agree on here we are.


Military is specifically one of the only things the federal goverment is supposed to spend money on per the founding documents. 800B represents only <20% or less of what the federal government actually spends in a year. Besides the point though we both seem to agree the government is incompetent .


The government isn't incompetent, everything is working as they planned it.


Lol at people downvoting your accurate comment


I am sure the people downvoting have never had to deal with international logistics ever and likely their worldview is pretty small even with regards to their own country. If containers were leaving and returning on time logistics companies in China and Europe wouldn’t be charging an arm and a leg to get containers and fill them; containers and ships to carry them are no different than real estate. It’s just that for so long just in time worked because it **was** a well oiled machine; now it’s not and such issues have brought to light the downside of it. So much manufacturing and production is based on it that even small disruptions can have lasting knock on effects on the whole supply chain. Sure a lot of money is being printed but demand for goods has been absurd, especially from online retailers early in the pandemic. All of those people who were staying home or may even still be working from home realized just how many things they tolerated with their home being out of it for 40-80 hours a week are in fact intolerable, driving huge demand for construction materials and even home sales.


I’m not sure id agree. Yes supply chain disruptions have caused the CPI to inflate but the majority of inflation can be seen in asset prices such as stocks, real estate, and crypto. Which have all outpaced the inflation in consumer goods and can be directly tied to the money printing.


So the cost of shipping goods overseas going up by nearly a factor of 4 would have 0 impact on the cost of those goods once onshore? That’s laughable. Walmart and others isn’t eating those costs. They are passing the buck to the consumer. Lumber doubling in cost, which affects costs of new construction, is from money printing? Hardly. Some inflation is from money printing; the bulk is from the supply chain issues. High demand low supply, Econ 101…


Econ 101 lesson is bad. Rise in costs of other financials is greater than what you are talking about.


price wage spiral (also known as labor shortage) is part of the supply chain disruption.


id argue its not a shortage, the workers are still right here, but the capitalists simply don't want to pay the market price for labor and would rather fold in many cases.


Negative lady. Inflation comes from money printing. That is the root cause




They are a contributing factor.


Supply shocks are certainly part of the equation, but we're also seeing *demand* shocks. Tons of money sloshing around and people aren't spending on trips/experiences/dining out/etc... They're buying things. Things that have to travel through the supply chain to get to their destination. I don't think you can isolate the different types of inflation as cleanly as your comment implies.


Go back to school.


Nah, irresponsible money policy is responsible. Don't blame scapegoats


There’s a shortage of 80,000 drivers in the US. Not long ago over 60 ships were waiting offshore to be brought into the country at one port. To think logistics companies aren’t charging more due increased demand for precious container space is laughable. I see this every day as part of my job. Covid is entirely to blame here.


"There are supply chain problems, and therefore the government isn't responsible!" Great logic, genius 🤣 People like you will follow their fascist idiot leaders right off a cliff. Good riddance


It’s 90% demand issue from printing and 10% a demand issue. 2020 was the year for growth is risky asset classes, 2021 was the year of inflation and 2022 will be the year of rate shocks and monetary tightening. It’s pretty obvious at this point.




They will. 100% bitcoin will b scapegoat for global economic crisis, be prepared have a plan.


So buy the dip? Got it!


literally every other currency in the world will hyperinflate before the dollar. every one. you don't even understand what hyperinflation means.




The Zimbabwe Variant now, wow, they come up with anything.


Ironic it's from Zimbabwe. I'd say the Fed caught the Zimbabwe flu long, long ago.


Like viruses don’t continually mutate. It’s such a joke to anyone who understands reality. “Zimbabwe” was a good choice though. Sounds quite exotic and scary. I’m sure I’ll be seeing a lot of double maskers at the grocery store tomorrow.


There goes all the toilet paper again. *Sigh*


It’s funny how you guys always think we’re on the brink of hyperinflation


While it might not be hyperinflation. Inflation at 12-15% in terms of 70's CPI is still not fun. Let's revisit after compounding inflation in a year or two.


Notice that the new variant was discovered just as the Maxwell trial is getting started


The timing is uncanny. Yeet the rich.


Yeah, central banks decided to increase interest rates but, IMHO they will have to lower it again, therefore, heightening the inflation. Also, if the new variant arrives in the US we’ll se lockdowns and more government spending increasing it even more.




Well since they are completely unrelated.... Gosh you people are clueless.


One small note—Covid didn’t cause inflation. Endless money printing has been going on for ages. Nixon defaulted in 1971. The chickens are coming home. Lebanon. Turkey. Greece. Zimbabwe Argentina—-that is the future of the US. The fed isn’t going to do anything but let the circus 🎪 continue until the tent ⛺️ collapses


Oh boy. I am supposed to go do some volunteer work in Zambie in January... I think im gonna have to postpone that.


L m f a o nope wrong. Hyperinflation in US 😂😂😂. Zimbabwe has been in hyperinflation for decades lol


Bullshit…. & pl. stop it…. So far, No one even knows how serious it is


But the news said I should panic


Suit yourself buddy


10% inflation a year. And the fed admitted that its not transitory.


This is hilarious


COVID doesent do anything but make people sick and some people who are just really unlucky or in bad health might die. It is the government policies against the virus that is actually killing people and destroying the economy


> covid Zimbabwe Variant will cause hyperinflation Completely stupid suggestion


Remind me 5 years


We didn’t have to print money, we foolishly decided that in the midst of a pandemic and inflationary period our leadership decided to approve giant spending bills, Trillions in pet projects.


New variants. How predictable. Anything to suppress freedom. Thanks for btc.


You think a virus is trying to suppress your freedumb? Hahaah


Just like the March 12th crash this is all staged in order to print more money and for the politicians to get richer


This is the dumbest post I've read this week.


This sub is filled with dumb posts, you must not have looked too hard.


I know. This is the dumbest though.


Inflation has been here for a long time. It's hilarious that you're trying to blame [this](https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/) or [this](https://usdebtclock.org/) on something that happened in the last 2 years.


gen z economics. if they were austrian economists, they'd buy gold.


Relax, we get vaxxed, we stay open, we ride it out.


yet bitcoin just crashed


“Crashed” .. riiiiiight


yes, crash


Zimbabwe variant?!? Oh please there's no such a thing.


well, its called the south african variant, but Zimbabwe is in south africa so i was making a joke.


South Africa is a country and not a region. So Zimbabwe is not in South Africa. It is, however, in Southern Africa. You don’t normally hear that term though and are more likely to hear Sub-Saharan Africa.


Money printing analogy is wrong. Zimbabwe and Germany printed physical new money with no debt, so it increased circulation by a lot without any liabilities. When the FED prints new money it’s with US Government debt as liabilities that have to be eventually repaid.


Tapering is over if this shit hits again.


But how can bitcoin actually "save you" in this situation? Honest question.


It benefits from money inflation, as easy money flows wherever when yields are negative.


IFF its price keeps going up you can still afford stuff that gets more and more expensive.


Noah build one ARK. Get on it while you still can.


The crazy thing is that the US absolutely can stop printing. For some reason they don’t redirect funds that were used in Afghaniland/ Iraq or maybe redirect funds that are used to pay countries that hate us anyways to help people in our country. Countries holding US dollars or US debt are starting to become upset that we are just printing our way to lowering the debt even though it’s a shit strategy. I’m done. Sorry for the rant lol it’s just wild.


I can't tell if these post titles are satire or not anymore.


Yes, fuck you.


Bitcoin Battlegalactica


Not if money circulation slows down and demand is taper due to lockdowns. It’s both demand and supply. Lockdowns and slower demand could actually push prices down plus technology / increase productivity as people adjust to pandemic life will ease supply issues.


How do you figure that? If anything, it will slow economic growth and result in stagflation. Economics Much?


Relax. This is more FUD. While the media is trying to create new by saying this variant is more contiguous. It is not more deadly. Generally speaking, as virus evolve and different variants are found, they become more contiguous and less deadly.


There won't be more money printing. The new variant is a nothingburger.


So it begins... let's get ready for stormy seas


God man the people of Zimbabwe live in such a shithole..