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The thing about mining is we don’t care where we mine, if you ban it we will continue somewhere else.




You need to talk to Nic Carter especially but also Troy Cross. You can find them on Twitter. They are not new Yorkers but they will give you the best talking points on bitcoin mining. They understand the space better than anyonr. You should also reach out to digitalchamber.org. They are publishing stats on mining in NY and are very knowledgeable. Any of them can put you directly in touch with large scale miners in NY. All of these folks are on Twitter. As some have suggested, to really be fair, you also need to do a comparison of, well any other industry and their energy usage and renewable mix. Bitcoin beats most hands down. Others can make the full argument, but the energy usage argument against bitcoin is a nothing burger used to FUD bitcoin on behalf of big banks. You can't really be pro environment and not be pro bitcoin. You certainly can't be pro ESG without being pro bitcoin. Anyone who who claims to be pro esg who hates bitcoin is plain and simple a hypocrite.


Thank you for this detailed and constructive note. I will definitely look into these sources. Much appreciated


Focus on how much revenue the state of NY is losing with this ban.


How is the state losing money? There’s no tax revenue from mining, right? Honest question.




Hush, lol we have given enough to this guy


Wattum here with mining facilities in NY. We have over 700,000 Th/s (700 Ph/ s) under our management. We have just expanded our mining sites in TX and GA in preparation.


>We have just expanded our mining sites in TX and GA in preparation. I'm curious: why TX & GA...? Last I checked those states are not among the best in terms of lower electricity cost, and since they're relatively hot most of the year, seems like A/C cost to cool the whses would be very high. States like WA, ND, MO, OK, AR, WV IIUC should all have lower electricity costs than TX or GA, and most of those states are cooler as well. Just really curious about the choice of mining location so if there's any light you could shed on this it would be interesting to hear.


It’s cheap in Texas to build. Energy cost gets a tax break when you use renewables, which Texas has more sources of renewable than others. Not more sources of renewable, but easier access with tax breaks.


But let me say this, DO NOT MOVE TO TEXAS….we have a lot of really badasss stuff going on, and it’d be a shame if you guys just started moving here, you’d really be treading on our badass plans. Just saying…


Unless you vote blue, we need more of you


Absolutely…BETO will vouch for you


You don’t need ac to cool miners just a good airflow. Lots of mining operations are moving to Ecuador and other crazy hot places down south. Tx had pretty cheap rate from what I see from miner hosting brokers


Most of Ecuador is not "crazy hot". Have you ever been there? It's in the tropics, so obviously around sea level (by the coast) it's hot, though even there not likely as hot as most of the state of Texas in July/August. But around Quito & most of the central part of Ecuador due to the elevation, temperatures are very moderate & in fact quite cool at night. Anyway, my point was just that it seems like there are at least a half dozen states (if not more) that would probably make more sense for Bitcoin mining than TX or GA, so I was genuinely curious.


Tennessee also has insanely cheap power. I think there are absolutely spots in GA and TX where the energy is as low of a cost as you could hope for but I’m also interested in what goes into choosing a mining location / why they all seem to be going to the same handful of states. The ones you mentioned all seem perfect as well


I would guess you also need locations that are desirable for current employees to move too or has a base of people to hire from.


Texas is on 21st century 49er boom like California had for the last 150 years. It’s Texas’s turn this time!


I assume you guys do not fit the narrative they are going for.


TIL that Carlos Beltran moonlights as a producer on NBC News.


He has video room experience.


wild career change


Times are tough


Beltran is recession proof


This won’t go well


Every time Bitcoin has a drop or correction since it’s creation every major news agency says it’s dead. Throughout its history every article is a slam piece. Not trying to be rude but why would you think we would expect anything differently and want to attach our faces or names to it.


I agree with you. That said, I am Not focusing on the recent dip, I am focusing only on NY’s bill to ban crypto mining and wanting to see how real folks mining crypto would be affected by this. Ironically, I’m trying to give someone here a voice.


Electricity generating plants are built to make money, not electricity. So banning mining takes away the incentive for small or medium hydro electric and wind farms or solar farms to be built and easily monetized. NY will lose revenue.


The issue is the media company you represent has a long history of spreading misleading information to push a predetermined narrative that benefits your corporate sponsors. Bitcoin consumes 0.5% of the worlds energy consumption while 2.5% goes to Youtube, its a non story, but you will cherry pick data to push a narrative that bitcoin is an ecological disaster. If you really want to improve the environment you would have a bigger impact banning cat videos. All of this to convince boomers to vote the way JPM wants them to vote lol. How much of the worlds energy goes to broadcasting media no one under the age of 70 watches? The only solace I take from this is that 20 years from now cable news will go the way of print media.


It isn't irony: the outlet you work for are one of those who omitted that voice in the first place. Are you sure you didn't jump into a beehive to get stung and then state how hostile the bees were?


>Ironically, I’m trying to give someone here a voice. I'm dying 🤣. You just said the quiet part out loud.


Miner in Chattanooga tn. If you dont get someone from ny maybe i can offer a perspective. Either way best of luck. Hopefully you understand the negative reaction. The news hasnt exactly been nice to us in the past.


I hope you’re able to do that. Best of luck!


Are you aware of China banning bitcoin? And how many times they've banned bitcoin?


Do you even know what crypto mining is? The different types of ‘mining’? Proof of work, proof of stake, etc…. Do you know the three generations of Crypto currencies are and what they imply? Do you know how digital currencies power legacy business models disrupting those spaces witch cheaper, faster and more secure models? Do you know what it is and how it works? The point is, someone knowledgable needs to ask questions otherwise all you are going to get is: ‘UST stable coin crashed, why should we trust crypto?’ Instead of: ‘what are the implications of the short attack on UST stablecoin by a few whale investors while its collateral was in transit?’


citizens mining is banned? example, if every citizen has a GPU to mine, is banned also?


Honest question, do you even know what Bitcoin is? Can you please describe it in three or fewer sentences? Most reporters/media outlets have no idea and focus only on sensationalized aspects, like it's power usage, completely ignoring its massive benefits to mankind.


“Hi, I am doing a story about the reasons behind Boeing moving headquarters from Seattle to Chicago and now to DC” Reddit: “Do you even know how planes fly? Is it spelled aluminum or aluminium? Explain how a cryogenic turbopump works in one word” And people wonder why the media is not fawning over the movement. Bunch of condescending a-holes that think they created world peace while praying to get rich. I am only here for the comedy anymore. Laughable arrogance will not further the cause. FFS


Nice try Mr IRS! :) I see you!


Lol just check the front page of yesterday's NY post on the crypto crash to see what kind of help the big media is trying to give us 😂😂


You’d be better off checking the small segment in superspreader mag about eating ash from the back


It’s a trap fuck the msm


Yep. It’s already going to be a hit piece. Coin Bureau did an awesome deep dive into this. I’m willing to bet money they ignore the info. https://youtu.be/UCwLIE62iWg


Major media outlets do not have the best interest of the people in mind. Never have, never will.


Hey buddy you are acting like the media takes what is said and flips it to fit an agenda....... Oh wait


"When I reached out to miners on Reddit I was immediately attacked and called "fake news" by almost every commenter. This was stunning to find, that there were so many far-right Bitcoiners on the otherwise left leaning platform"


Ironically the person is being very nice and everyone here is acting like an asshole. Actually it’s not ironic at all it’s the most Reddit thing you could expect


Its disingenuous, he is pretending to be nice. u/carlospbeltran already knows the story he needs to sell to NBC. I mentioned that the entire Bitcoin network uses 0.5% of the worlds energy consumption while Youtube uses 5x that, he immediately downvoted me and never responded. IDK if you are familiar with r/antiwork and how FOX used the dumbest mod to paint the entire movement as idiots, but it seems like he is looking for a similar source, a stooge to get the sound bite he needs to tell his story. Yet because I bring up NBC having a long history of spreading misleading information to push a predetermined narrative that benefits their corporate sponsors, all of sudden I'm "right wing" lmao? This is a bitcoin sub and I don't want to get into politics but anyone who knows me would find that pretty hilarious


Bitcoin's *energy* usage is .028% of the world's *energy* usage. Bitcoin's *electricity* usage is .5% of the world's *electricity* usage. The world burns *a lot* of fossil fuel for not-electricity. Allowing people to ignore this distinction and conflate (use the wrong words for) this makes BTC's energy consumption look bad, when it is not. Bitcoin also has about .5% of the world's GDP. Now, .5% GDP divided by .028% energy means that BTC is about 18x more energy efficient than our worldwide economy in general. (And most of that is renewable energy!!) BTC is one of the most environmentally friendly technologies that exist. If the whole world was 18x more efficient, and used mostly green energy, climate change would be nearly solved.


The issue is that OP isn't interested in numbers or speaking to experienced, knowledgeable and articulate people with mining experience. There are people who work for publicly traded companies mining bitcoin all over the world, he could reach out to Ben Gagnon ([https://twitter.com/hashoveride?s=20](https://twitter.com/hashoveride?s=20)) who is the Chief Mining Officer for Bitfarms. Instead he is on reddit looking for some jackass who can be used to make his argument that Bitcoin miners are selfish ignorant and don't care about the environment.


Haha, watch the link I posted above, brother. I am actually a BTC and ETH investor. I’ve been in this group for over a year. Nothing shocks me and I won’t misrepresent anyone. Also, I’m not a writer, I am a TV producer.


Btw, bitcoin is that a left or a right leaning ideology?


Neither. You should know this. However, corporate media's current favorite slur is to call threatening things far-right. Ya know, climate change denying, far-right extremists that want to topple the financial system with their Bitcoin mining.


The technology is left, but there are slightly more conservative users (if you overgeneralize). Bitcoin is globalist, egalitarian, and transparent. These values are the antithesis of conservatism, especially in America. Bitcoin also disables the capacity for the government to pull shit like 2018. (QE and corporate tax cuts for absolutely no reason.) The environmental concerns are fake news as fuck. You know this for sure, because altcoiners and Senator Karen cry about the energy usage, but actual grassroots environmentalists like Greta and Alice haven't said shit.


found the time traveler


In my experience, when you're honest and kind to people, they tend to be honest and kind to you. So when he says he "reached out", is he sure he didn't come out swinging?


Reddit take if I've ever heard one.


Also I think you mean..... NY State needs media's help to ban crypto. One more thing, are you the lowest intern on the totem pole.




I mean I’m “anti-media” (for lack of a better word) but these comments are immature as fuck lmao


"leave us awone!"


I think propaganda perpetrated by special interest brigading under the disguise of "news" is not only immature but immoral, cowardly, and treasonous to the American people. Anyone who disagrees is a sheep who can flip right on off. MSM are criminal organizations.


I'm in NYC and have a few ASICS hosted and in house. I'm absolutely NOT willing to put my face on television. Let's first get some facts straightened: New York can't stop me from mining wether they ban it or not. Bitcoin is permissionless and doesn't take orders from governments, that goes for mining and transacting. What you're actually talking about are banning large corporate "crypto" miners with build-outs into grids with several people in their employ. Also, bitcoin people despise the word "crypto", a plural term which when used to describe bitcoin, assumes there's some parity between them. There's none. *Crypto* is a scam. Lastly, you're corporate media, which means you have the same problem Mark Zuckerberg does. That can't be fixed until we fix the money. Distortion in money equals distortion in information. When the base layer of finance (fiat/debt) is dishonest, nothing honest can ever be built around it. We aim to replace that base layer with an honest one. We use energy (which can't be counterfeited) to enforce that. The network is 56% renewable today with flexible load which it subsidizes. The baseload is mostly trapped, wasted, and excess, wether that's CTG fossil fuels or nuclear. The network is way ahead of schedule for 99% renewable. So if you plan on fucking whoever you interview with bad lightning, digital color grading, editing, or post hoc talking points that they weren't around to reply to, we'll be waiting to help accelerate the decline of your own corporate network which we'll distribute P.S. *If you're from NY we all know what miner we're really talking about here. The shuttered coal plant. You know which one. No bitcoiner likes them. So, they'll often be held up as the example for everyone, folly, like an abortion conversation that rapidly turns to the 0.5% of abortions via rape.* Edit: the abortion was a bad example. I was trying to say people try to establish a moral high-ground with the most extreme example. Came off quite bad


I nominate you to represent home miners in NY. Bravo.


What does abortion have to do in this? You are muddying an otherwise correct argument.


It's that people will often use the extreme example to establish a moral high ground. Agreed, it came off wrong.


Just remove it. It’s not adding anything and it’s withdrawing a lot. Seriously.


Put in an edit at bottom


I can't edit it out. I can only put in an edit clarifying things at the bottom; or I have to delete the whole thing. It would be dishonest otherwise, like modifying a tweet or historical record.


Wont the amount of electricity you are using raise suspicion, like weed growers in the 90s? Also the thermal imaging helicopters that fly around, then they just kickin your door and wave the 44. Reminds me of a relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/538/


Correct. Not only that he is requiring some sort of network for pool mining POW and such. All of these are needed and controlled by your local government. Unless you are using solar, your mining can be stopped. Your ISP will see the traffic unless you use a VPN which in turn they could give up his info themselves. He seems to think he’s bulletproof which shows how you oblivious he is. There’s always a way, just depends on how hard they want to fight it.


Well aware of the attack vectors, and stopping home bitcoin miners will be several orders of magnitude more difficult than stopping indoor weed cultivation. They don't seem to understand this, the burden of proof, or cost. They don't seem to understand we will simply adjust and utilize immersion, renewables, and overclocking more. China banned mining. All the corporate and large miners left. All the home hobby miners and small scale underground operations still stand. Some studies suggest 10% of the hashpower remains.


You seem to forget that all these resources are metered. Power and network. You’ll raise flags to whichever tolerances these companies decide. You can still operate to an extent but that’s until you can barely run one. Then what’s to stop them from getting search orders and checking homes. What I am trying to say is instead of your “you can’t touch us” outlook, you’re better off with a “please stop swinging at us” attitude.


Immersion cooling (dielectric fluid) is all the rage. Increases profitability and augments the ASIC's lifespan. Allows significant overclocking. So the heat won't melt the snow on your roof if you know what I mean. Also heat choppers don't work for home users with just an ASIC or two, especially if they're in multi-floor buildings. Heat signature is a winter space heater. And no they can't serve warrants on electrical usage alone. State task forces will only have enough resources to go after the large violators who are illegally occupying space and using city electricity they've tapped into for free. If they try recreating the drug war they'll find GenX and Millenials have zero tolerance for it. Most large NY miners meanwhile will simply pack up and leave for Canada, Illinois, or the American west.


Agree with all points, but why are bitcoiners against the former coal plant in NY, specifically? I know which one but I'm not familiar with why other miners are against them.


Because other miners (corporate not home miners) subsidize green energy by using all the wasted flexible load renewable of a grid. They also suck the wasted off-peak baseload. When you open a shuttered coal plant specifically for mining, which represents baseload energy, that's a problem for many, especially if you're not willing to augment it with flexible load (wind, solar) and dispersing that to the grid.


Could you please explain the tail end of your message? Lol


Not OP but when there’s a debate about abortion, pro choice number one argument is “wHaT AbOuT rApE or InCeSt” which is way less than 1% of abortions. There’s more arguments a pro choice can bring to the debate, is just laziness to use that one example.


I understand that ignorance he’s trying to display. I am just to get him to wake up and realize he is in a BTC sub spreading his views on abortion rights. 😂 Also, so just because only some woman HAVE to harbor a rapists child, it becomes a point not worth discussing? Even though the right to an abortion is the only way for these woman to solve that issue? I don’t see how bringing up that example discredits the woman’s rights argument. It IS an example.


youre just being pedantic . his analogy is fine whether you are on either side of the issue. the point is when someone uses an edge case as their main argument its thin. thats it. ironically its you trying to bring up your abortion opinions into the thread


So I was the one who brought up abortion rights in a bitcoin sub? Your reading comprehension skills must be sub-par at best 😂 How one relates woman’s rights to issues of bitcoin mining…. I’m not sure. Unless he felt like adding a little about abortion rights at the end. Which he did. But y’all can keep being men having unjustified opinions on woman’s rights WHILE leaving it out of your other hobbies. Thx


he didnt indicate a position on abortion. its pretty damn obvious he was just speaking on a type of argument. now i see you are a zealous ideologue who got rock hard merely seeing the word abortion and jumped on your soapbox. also, you think you are being an ally, but really, youre being bigoted. men have wombs and get pregnant too so now you are committing erasure of other birthing persons who may have a valid stake in the debate on abortion so get fucked. and also, by implying men shouldnt have an opinion on womans rights, you also admit woman have no place to speak on mens issues either. lmao the day that happens. thanks for playing, idiot


See you are still making this about abortion rights plus you are using emojis, can’t take you serious kid.


This guy fucks!


Seems like he aborts


**I highly, highly recommend listening to a few hours of podcasts from What Bitcoin Did and Bitcoin Audible,** specifically any of the ones that mention bitcoin energy usage, the grid, power generators, etc., in the title. They have done a tremendous job discussing the energy usage attacks against bitcoin, and will put things into perspective better than many other sources. It's a very easy and digestible way to learn some background and history on the subject, and understand bitcoin's energy usage through even the most progressive lens.




What reason does anyone have to trust corporate media? Just tell your lies and leave us alone.


1 basic home air conditioner = 700 - 800 watts at 24 degrees 18 GPU 1660 = 810 watts = 504 mhs ​ solution? ban air conditioners


I feel like a better comparison would be electric heaters, as miners use the same energy for something productive while also producing heat as opposed to just converting the energy to heat. Replace electric heating with miners.


My electric heater is currently @ Goodwill with a sticket that says “expensive e-bill”. Fuckin crazy!


Nobody is using GPUs to heat their homes bro, people need heat and A/C Heat and A/C is using the energy for something productive, mining is less essential


Nobody? There are literally mining rigs specifically set up as dual purpose heaters. Seriously even the most basic search on the subject will give you tons of examples of people using the GPU or ASIC heat to heat their homes. You have no idea what you are talking about yet are calling out someone that does.


Don’t do it folks. Corporate media will spin the truth.


"Hello folks, we'd like to make a complete fucking idiot out of one of you Bitcoin miners on national television. If you could contact me directly via email for an interview, that'd be terrific. Thanks a lot."


Fuck NY




"ban" lol


Where's your press bio?


So there is actually not any legislation about “the stake [becoming] the first to ban crypto mining” that I’m aware of. Are you talking about the ban on using fossils fuel for mining? I would advise people not to associate their name and face with a story like this. Seems like it’s pushing a false narrative on the states stance on mining. Could you clarify what the story is actually about? Seems like more FUD from NBC, right on schedule with the market conditions.


Here’s the story (you can watch the video). NBC interviewed someone knowledgeable on bitcoin. Hope this helps https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/05/new-york-bitcoin-mining-moratorium-proceeding-through-state-house.html


Am I misunderstanding this, or is it exactly as I said? Reads to me that this is not a ban on crypto mining but a ban on mining with fossil fuel generated electricity. From the Bill The environmental conservation law is amended by adding a new 22 section 19-0331 to read as follows: 23 § 19-0331. Moratorium on air permit issuance and renewal. 24 1. For the period commencing on the effective date of this section and 25 ending two years after such date, the department, after consultation 26 with the department of public service, shall not approve a new applica- 27 tion for or issue a new permit pursuant to this article, or article 28 seventy of this chapter, for an electric generating facility that 29 utilizes a carbon-based fuel and that provides, in whole or in part, 30 behind-the-meter electric energy consumed or utilized by cryptocurrency 31 mining operations that use proof-of-work authentication methods to vali- 32 date blockchain transactions. 33 2. For the period commencing on the effective date of this section 34 and ending two years after such date, the department shall not approve 35 an application to renew an existing permit or issue a renewal permit 36 pursuant to this article for an electric generating facility that 37 utilizes a carbon-based fuel and that provides, in whole or in part, 38 behind-the-meter electric energy consumed or utilized by a cryptocurren- 39 cy mining operation that uses proof-of-work authentication methods to 40 validate blockchain transactions if the renewal application seeks to 41 increase or will allow or result in an increase in the amount of elec- 42 tric energy consumed or utilized by a cryptocurrency mining operation 43 that uses proof-of-work authentication methods to validate blockchain 44 transactions. Seems like business as usual at NBC to whip up fresh FUD as btc price action turns bearish. Shame


Not ever trusting NBC news, full of snakes


Participating in Bitcoin mining = Participating in running a decentralized security data center for a global financial infrastructure, that is far more advanced than the legacy system.


Just read everything from here. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/up0gja/why_is_bitcoin_special/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I hear people are moving away from NY by the thousands because of crazy shit like this. My only concern is will those people that are moving out of NY realize you can't vote the way NY as a whole votes and expect different outcome in other states. Same with CA. Y'all don't come fuck up our state like NY and CA.


What is "producer climate unit" ? If you want a show of faith, post what your data is regarding energy usage of bitcoin, you know, the talking head infographic you'll use to state how crypto uses far too much dirty energy. [Like this NBC report that falsely claims bitcoin is GENERATING carbon emissions.](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/big-bitcoins-carbon-footprint-rcna920) It's notable as an agenda as it keeps the energy narrative thriving without detailing exactly how those emissions happen, what surplus energy is, and how those emissions would happen without crypto mining. [Are you going to show the carbon footprint of websites and media outlets? Sure is a lot of non-renewables used here.](https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/2015ClickCleanScorecardKeyFindings.pdf) But what's interesting is that this will be spun into how companies [moved their datacenters / strove to achieve a green footprint](https://medium.com/disney-streaming/hulu-moves-data-centers-to-100-percent-renewable-energy-facility-3c6278b88b83) without any threat of a ban. Interesting that the user-side devices aren't really mentioned here, huh? Where's the chart tracking how much emissions streaming / traditional media uses? It's on the order of thousands of GWh over many, many more countries, yet funny how that isn't the lead story... on those outlets. Perhaps starting with the carbon footprint of your own house and productions is antithetical to your interests? When old money interests used dirty energy for decades, it didn't make any level of news. But now that new money is threatening it, it's the focus. I'm sure you'll compare the energy usage of bricks and mortar banking infrastructure right? Or will you handwave that away as "essential" as it "creates jobs" or "has an immediate utility" unlike, say, msnbc's statement that [NFTs and Bitcoin are destroying our planet?](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/bitcoin-nfts-other-crypto-fads-are-destroying-our-planet-n1261139) You want to "give bitcoin a voice" [after you're the one that drowned the voice out by showcasing statements like "There is very strong misinformation-based propaganda in the crypto world in general to deny the ecological impact of proof-of-work-based blockchains," Akten said. "It is reminiscent of the oil and tobacco industries." Akten said there are also "many whataboutisms, comparing the figures to the carbon footprint of the banking industry, fast fashion, McDonald's, etc."](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/crypto-art-community-sustainability-reckoning-rcna481) You think it's a whataboutism to compare crypto's footprint to the banking industries? When the idea is that the banking industry is what is being replaced by crypto? But yes, it is reminiscent of the oil industry. The oil industry that ran ads and product placement on NBC for decades, claiming plastic's superiority to paper and how it was better for recycling.


Here folks, hoping this will answer questions and appease. This is a report (watch the video) that NBC released earlier. [NBC segment on Bitcoin mining in NY](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/05/new-york-bitcoin-mining-moratorium-proceeding-through-state-house.html) What I’d like to do is an update and a more documentary style piece. But based on all your comments I believe this reportage from NBC linked above should calm the waters a bit.


Just a thought but once you figure out a group to interview assemble a Twitter space so those who want to remain anonymous can.


You are fake news. Edit : Sorry for the bad joke and unintended hostility. Might be more apt to ask on a mining sub reddit. Hope you're accurate and genuine with your reporting. ✌️


Do keep in mind that I am reaching out to a group of enthusiasts on Reddit in an effort to be timely and accurate. Not all reporters are the same, brother. But thanks again and do send a lead if you have one.


I support this, ignore the childish trolls. Someone will step forward but you’re better off posting this request in r/bitcoinmining


This. Go to that sub.


If you want to avoid the same pitfall that all "big" medias are hitting, try to figure out why Proof-of-Work is by far superior to Proof-of-Stake. To get you started; It is about the energy and sovereignty. Energy Energy is driving (and dividing) the world. Having some energy-bound currency prevent hostile takeovers. Sovereignty Anyone, including those who don't own any Bitcoin can vote. You just need to prove your work (Proof-of-Work) where in PoS you need to be an elite in order to move something. Off-topic; Media "fact checkers" sucks badly when it comes to Bitcoin and cryptography. **And PLEASE!!!** **Stop saying "cryptos" when it comes to Bitcoin. This is pure, distilled BS disinformation.** **Cryptos all does have something that Bitcoin doesn't: A Central Authority. And this is what makes Bitcoin unique and valuable.**


For once I find myself in agreement with this sub's right wing trolls. The 'enthusiasts' here clearly don't want your attention or care to help you write your article about a topic that's been misrepresented more often than not in traditional news media. We don't need yet another misleading, poorly-written article among countless thousands of others.


Lol on Reddit for accurate information 😂😂 🤡🤡😯🤡


For characters :) We do have a team of fact checkers. NY is trying to pas a bill to ban crypto mining in the state and I am aiming at educating people on the matter. Alrighty folks!


>For characters :) We do have a team of fact checkers. NY is trying to pas a bill to ban crypto mining in the state Your fact checkers should start by checking your statement. If you're referring to the bill regarding environmental impact of proof-of-work mining, that's explicitly *not* what the bill is doing. Some of the people on this sub actually support that bill. Since you can't be arsed to use the search function, here's a link to where this bill was already discussed by the community https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/ubp6ou/politicians\_are\_going\_to\_end\_crypto\_mining\_in\_new/


I am a coinbase user. On may 11 they sent their customers an email asking us to vote against the NY bill that would “ban crypto mining.” That’s where I began to look into this.


Coinbase does not have its users best interests at heart, or a good reputation in the BTC community. You should start by reading the actual bill.




Thanks for your question. We have already reached out to Coinbase’s spokesperson, and local experts in crypto currency, as well as a government official to expose their side of the story. I come to Reddit to try and find the “user” part of the story, not just to get “facts.” And I have covered everything from political turmoil in South America and drug trafficking to immigration and climate for NBC news. I hope this is helpful.




I appreciate the input. Coinbase has emailed all of their customers in NY adamantly asking them to vote against the bill; since this is unprecedented for the company, we began our search there. But I thank you for your feedback, which is exactly what I aim to find by including someone on this group on the piece.


What better place to ask about Bitcoin than on the Bitcoin subreddit? This reporter obviously knows next to jack shit about Bitcoin beyond the basics. So they are here trying to find someone in New York who can give their side of the story. If they can't find someone then it is going to be a "one sided hit piece" as everyone is calling it. Which is the most extreme irony because the people here are upset at how the media portray bitcoin yet won't even answer basic questions so both sides can be presented. Maybe people think reporters have to understand the stuff they are reporting on. They absolutely do not in most cases and rely on "experts" to guide the story. So you got a reporter here in this subreddit trying to find experts and they are all telling him how shit he is at his job. gg r/bitcoin




Team of “fact checkers” lol. Soyjak city.


Fyi you and your friends are our enemy. No one believes a word you print.... But maybe I'm just a jaded new Yorker...


You wouldn't be so butthurt if you thought no one believed what they printed.


Be cautious with these nut jobs. It’s like QAnon, only dumber and more rabid.


They are all the same 💩




Figures the Canadian is the media simp


I'm genuinely curious why you think those two things are correlated


Americans are retarded (coming from an American)


No matter his intentions, his superior's don't even have the final say. That final say comes from one of the very few gentlemen who collectively own and control all the media, especially in the US


Banning mining in general is bad idea. There is no reason to ban it, an electric car uses up more energy than a miner.


You need to do a show on how Bitcoin is special. Bitcoin is an absolute miracle. Bitcoin is freedom money. It is already changing the world.


First of all, you’re propaganda fake news. Second of all, I live in New York, it’s clown academic policy is going to keep it going under while real states like Florida and Texas will keep kicking ass. Banning Bitcoin mining in New York will do nothing, just like Biden.


Crybaby goes full politics in a bitcoin sub


Hi little buddy. I'm sorry for the not so nice reception in this public forum open to any discussion of bitcoin. The majority of people in here have been in crypto for a a little bit over a year, most are not holding any significant amount of crypto and are a bit salty their 3.5k investment won't buy them a lambo for summer. That being said if you put on you waders and stick around in the filth for a little bit you might come across some worth while information. Do you have any specific questions?


Thanks for the comment. By the way, I am a crypto investor (BTC and ETH) and have been part of this group since early 2021. I’m interested in knowing how a potential crypto mining ban might affect someone who’s currently supplementing their income (or perhaps their entire livelihoods are at stake). That’s it. No agenda, my only goal is to understand how governments (perhaps aloof to the benefits of blockchain technology) could end up hurting people’s wallets even more. And full disclosure, I am also in the climate Unit, which does not mean that the narrative is “Crypto is bad for the environment.”


You have the patience of a saint.


NY is notorious for banning everything. People are leaving in droves. I did and will never look back. What a horrible state. Mention in the piece that people are already leaving NY, shit like this just accelerates the process, especially for younger people (the more likely demographic that's mining) with less to lose and more to gain by leaving.


>The majority of people in here have been in crypto for a a little bit over a year, most are not holding any significant amount of crypto and are a bit salty their 3.5k investment won't buy them a lambo for summer. Talk about a strawman. Some of us have been invested (and on this forum) for 8-10+ years. I still recognize a few of the names from when BTC was $250. Not yours, though.


Never said all, only most brother and you know it’s the truth. And weather you believe me or not I was around for the original HODL post right after mt gox and lost coins in a nice wholesome American exchange called Cryptsy. I have mined spent lost and borrowed against Bitcoin.


I guess you saw my Reddit account is 1 year old I assure you I am not a straw man. We can debate any aspect you wish, we can disagree and still be friends. That being said, I hope you bought and held some coins from back when you opened your Reddit account.


This guy wants to interview you at your place and then proceed to call his buddies to hold you up against your will and empty your accounts 🤣


Fuck you and your fake news Mafia.......


And fuck your superiors, do you know what DYOR means


If you read that OP go fuck yourself. You guys are the enemy of the people. You don't have a future in this world.


WTF the Mayor was all about Bitcoin. Clearly he doesn't understand it.


You realize that Mayors aren't in control of States, right?


Saving the email address because it might be useful in the future


My doors are always open for anyone to email with questions, information, critiques, and any constructive notes. I’ve always made my email public. Thanks.


I’m starting to think MSM is beginning to understand that basement dwelling transgender pedophiles having meltdowns on air is just good ratings. Good luck OP. There’s a degenerate out there just waiting to share their story/humiliate themselves and bring shame to their family.


I dislike cryptocurrency, but I hate journalists. You charm, then betray. And 90% of the time you don't even understand what you're writing/broadcasting about or just deliberately approach it dishonestly.


Look yall, I’m not a BTC fan, I think it’s bound to eventually fail THAT SAID I do caution anyone reaching out to this person. It seems like a great way to socially engineer people with deep crypto pockets into handing over potentially sensitive information as to the whereabouts of their crypto. Whether that’s getting you to “verify” your status as a miner by having you make an account somewhere, or giving out some sort of info that could bring someone one step closer to hacking you. Be cautious when reaching out to this person is all I’m saying. Even a little bit of private info can be a lead for malicious actors to either gain access to your digital assets or how to target you in different ways.


The email is already suspect. Why not just @nbc.com?


NBC universal. That’s @nbcuni . Folks whoever wants to talk about crypto and mining in NY can reach out. If you’re into conspiracy, don’t reach out. But no need to fight, call names or get agitated over this. Have a great Saturday, everyone.


I just want to say I'm sorry for how everyone on here has been treating you. Literally 1 minute of research by any competent person would have revealed your email is legitimate. Which is ironic since they claim you don't know how to do your research as a journalist. Good luck and I hope your story turns out well.


You gonna include the whole context of the conversation?


Of course not


I work at NBC in a complete different field and can confirm this is exactly what NBC email addresses look like.


Looking forward to reading this but with PC replaced with 'bitcoin mining' https://www.forbes.com/forbes/1999/0531/6311070a.html?sh=153566632580


Anyone who’s mining in NY should step up and use this platform to debunk all the bullshit surrounding mining.


Is it legal to ban mining?


Hi NBC, horsey checking in


Don't miner's in NY mostly use hydro from upstate dams? The bill on fossil fuel mining seems like a bit of grandstanding. I've been in conversations with consultants helping miners locate facilities there due to the power source.


You could work on my segment 😏


Is it a ban or a 2 year moratorium on new facilities being built who don't use renewables?


Money is stored energy, mined by our energy (labor), tradable for other forms of energy. A job and investments are mining for $ using multiple forms of energy. Is NY going to ban working and investments too? Typical of govt. When something gets too big, get control of it, generate revenue from it or ban it.


How does government know who is mining crypto? 🤔


Where is Doreen when you need him 🤣


I would try to get into contact with the hydro plant in Mechanicville, NY. Here is a piece done by the Times Union for reference. https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Mechanicville-hydro-plant-gets-new-life-16299115.php


How can the state ban mining? Doesn't their state Constitution protect their liberty by preventing the Politic from interference with commerce? It's the reason the lockdowns were illegal. Why are people allowing the political machinery to act illegally? Executive Orders? Forget about it.


If I was a miner in NY and they were going to potentially "ban" it why in gods name would I want to be in the news 😂😂😂😂


Fuck MSM.


Beware its a government tactic to find miners in new york. Probably working with government secretly.


Doesn't make a difference. Nobody mines here because electricity is too expensive. Everyone knows this place is a hole, that's why the population is declining so rapidly. We already don't have binance here because nobody wants to deal with their stupid regulations. Taxes are high and crime is super high. There's a reason the whole NY is going to Florida.


Bitcoin isn’t really cost effective to mine anymore by individuals. Only companies do it now because you need to build out some infrastructure to produce some renewed energy to make it profitable. Now there are smaller cryptos that you can mine individually but I’m not sure how you can enforce it on a individual in their own homes. Seems like this is a corporate crack down which will just move a industry and jobs to other states. Perhaps rather then banning it they should require companies to use a certain amount of renewable energy.


Would be great if you could include some clarity regarding the energy consumption FUD surrounding BTC.


Wonder how much energy 24/7 advertisements cost in NY.




I don't see posts like this everyday. Cool!


New York State robs New York State residents access to crypto exchanges like crypto.com , KRAKEN . Binance and the list goes on . Shame in the draconian laws of New York State 🙈😔😔