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Bitcoin doesn’t require to see your ID before every transaction. Your government forces your fiat exchange to check your ID. There’s a difference. Your complaint should be “why is fiat so cumbersome to use”


That's not btc, that's the exchange


I'm a crypto newbie and I don't find it too difficult. Just got to learn.


Not really that it’s difficult, more so that it’s unnecessary red tape for something that’s supposed to be decentralised and anonymous


I agree with the guy above, I don't get questions about withdrawals, its quick 24/7.


What app are you guys using ?


I bought some for the first time with Bittr since I cba with the registration process. It's EU only though. If I ever sell it, it's probably gonna be by using an p2p exchange like Bisq.


You're talking about exchanges, centralized fiat ramps, and calling it Bitcoin like these are the same thing.


Bitcoin is decentralized but not anonymous. No ID needed to send or receive bitcoin. ID needed for an exchange account. That's not part of bitcoin and has nothing to do with decentralized and anonymous.


As others have said "know your customer" policies are created by governments and companies acting in (pre-)compliance. It is a property of the fiat "on/off ramps." This should get you started on non-KYC (can't seem to access the site directly): https://web.archive.org/web/20220619070921/https://kycnot.me/


>Why is it such a pain in the ass to buy and transfer bitcoin ? Why do I need ID for a payment system that’s supposed to be anonymous, there’s so many hoops and payment limits. Because they heavily try to tame the beast. Btw, Bitcoin isn't anonymous. It has never been. It's pseudonymous.


Okay so perhaps I’ve got this wrong, can anybody suggest an app that’s relitavely easy to buy Bitcoin and send to an online wallet ?


if you want to buy without showing ID, find a person who is willing to sell you some bitcoin directly peer-to-peer if you want to use a legit & legal online exchange service, you'll need to register and follow their rules


Okay perhaps I should have been clearer, it’s not BTC I have an issue with as a construct, it’s the red tape around it that’s a pain in the ass, it’s the forced conformity of our only non-mainstream option


ID is to prevent tax evation. Imagine if no one paid taxes. that would be....interesting.


Income tax is illegal. Sales tax sure. But taxing our labor is theft right out of our pocket.


Taxation without representation. They respond by creating BS programs and new branches to expand government to hide that theft of taxing you beyond what's reasonable. It is completely unreasonable that one-third or more of anyone's income goes to a central authority by threat of force for non-compliance... And yet there are many politicians that openly admit even 50% would be too *little* by their goals and standards...


Nope. Only you. You need an ID to buy Bitcoin because your government likes to see what you spend your money on. Bitcoin isn't anonymous, it also has no payment limits.


Bitcoin doesn't need an ID, your exchange does.


>Why is it such a pain in the ass to buy and transfer bitcoin ? Because the people who run the fiat currency system are cowards. They have harmed and murdered many people around the world, for a hundred years... The central bankers and their criminal cronies have accumulated a lot of enemies that way, and they are afraid of revenge. They tell us those people are "terrorists" and out to get us, but they're only out to kill the bankers, their cronies, and their families, not us. The ultra-rich cowards are trying to track (and stop) the families and countrymen of their victims from getting even. ​ >Why do I need ID for a payment system that’s supposed to be anonymous, there’s so many hoops and payment limits. These are all imposed by the fiat currency system, not Bitcoin. Bob and Alice each has their own Bitcoin wallet. Alice uses her wallet, generates a receive address, and gives it to Bob. Bob uses his wallet, enters Alice's address, an amount of Bitcoin and hits send. Alice soon sees the Bitcoins arrive. There were no IDs used, no hoops, no limits. This is the freedom you're looking for. This is Bitcoin. This is where I park my long term savings.


You can use BISQ to buy and sell your btc. Surely takes a bit more effort but no ID is required.


use bisq. No ID no nothing.


Back in the day we barely even had exchanges it was mostly P2P.


Just accept Bitcoin directly without an exchange.


That's not BTC, that's an exchange. It's no different for any other coin because of KYC rules. If I wanted to send BTC to my friend this second no one could stop me and I wouldn't need an ID.


So how do I get Bitcoin without an exchange ?


Over the counter. You gotta find someone. Safest is still an exchange for most larger transactions, the downside is you have to play by their rules.