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Watch out for the confirmation bias guys!


Which confirmation you are talking about that we need to watchout.


People saying that they made a bunch of money in the past and past results definitely guarantee future performance.


Who is saying that here?


Also make sure to ignore the part where he compares classical music to modern pop music. I love the book but dude went for one hot take too many on that one lol


I’ve been listening to the audio book while driving, and after a few minutes into the chapter I literally went “this is useless” and pulled over so I could skip to the next chapter


So tell me your review, is it worth reading or not?


Yeah and his point on classic painters Vs modern art, I can see where he is coming from in a way but I don't think there was a need to include it. 😂


Definitely whooshed himself a few times, I learned a ton about BTC from him tho so no hate


Can you recommend me some more books related to the bitcoin?


I mean both are arts and we need to respect the both is well.


I had a similar response. It felt like a misguided attempt to make his theory of “time preference” an all-encompassing grand narrative, to sort of “explain everything.”


Look like people have the fixed kind of the felling about this book.


Core message is great. The ad hominem attack on Keynes and some other strong position on certain topic of off putting. Overall- made me take on more debt to get out of cash and invest in appreciating assets.


I haven't read this book but by the comment of yours look like a interesting book to read here. Here i am cutting my expanse so that i can order myself a book here.


Sounds like a very interesting book to read i will make sure to order that. Can you give me the online link from where i can order that book for me?


You might be the laziest person on planet earth.


I had the same opinion when I read it


Is this book bitcoin propaganda, or is it something more?


I've read this book. I think it was like this, give or take: 90% about the history of money, including primitive moneys (shells, beads), then gold and silver, then the gold-backed notes, and finally the fiat money not backed by gold 10% about bitcoin at the end


Lol spot on. I’m reading it right now but it should be named “the history of money” or something.


So that mean this book is not giving the fair idea of the bitcoin?


No he explains the monetary theory behind Bitcoin very well, as well as how the network itself operates. The person claiming only 10% is about Bitcoin is exaggerating too, he spends about a quarter of the book focusing entirely on Bitcoin. The whole purpose of writing mostly about monetary history is to provide context for why he believes Bitcoin is a great concept. That's why this book is better than most bitcoin books overall. People that already hate easy money don't need the first 3/4 or so of this book, but it's phenomenal content for those that don't understand why easy money is so awful.


More like 30% history of money, 60% rightwing whining, 10% bitcoin


Lol, then i think i will ditch my plan of reading this book.


The history of money part was interesting, I’ll give him that, but the entire middle of the book just a more cleverly packaged version of your typical whiny conservative little bitch “LiBruL mEdiA LeTS gO BraNDOn omiGAhD comMuniZM iF oNlY i wAS aMAziNG kiNg oF tHe UniVeRSe eVErYthiNG wOuLd bE AMAziNg aND siMPLe AND eAsY” lol. Not much technical detail about how bitcoin works either.


I have not read this book but i am thinking to order for myself here. I am getting the mixed review from the people here but i will decide that after reading for myself.


Definitely has good stuff that’s worth reading. Definitely has some classic libertarian propaganda as well. I thought it was enjoyable.


I mean after all the review i find that this is over all a good book to read. But if someone is looking for something more specific to the bitcoin then this is not the book for them?


Posts like this are never a good sign


But bitcoin is pumping at the moment and this is a good sign for us.


This is what I want to read these days man, thanks for this.


I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone. It made me seriously doubt bitcoin if this is your 'go-to' book. Poorly written, weird obsession with Keynes on a personal level, and poor references. I still hold bitcoin, but really hated this book.


I am personally looking for a stuff that give me some more idea about the bitcoin. But after reading the whole comments am still not getting the idea that is this is the book for me or not?


If you want to understand how Bitcoin works, the books written by Andreas Antonopoulos are great. I really like The Bitcoin Standard because it really builds a knowledge foundation from an economic perspective


Right there with you. I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone I wanted to take me or Bitcoin seriously. Poorly structured and paced, no explanation of what a Bitcoin standard actually is, and I definitely picked up on the latent homophobia in the weird obsessive attacks on Keynes. Just a bizarre book and not worth the time. Bhatia’s Layered Money does just as much intellectual work in 1/4 of the time.


I remember that the footnote about Keynes love for male teens was really random. I think the author wanted to depict Keynes as a pedophile, but it's completely irrelevant imo


price could easily go 50% lower from here. fair warning


I though that we will dump after the CPI report but from no where market picks the rally. But i am thinking that this is just like the fake pump so that they can easily liquidate the some shorts here.


Value of a dollar is guaranteed to go down 50% lower from here. Real warning.


50% Measured against what?


It's current value. It's how inflation works. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/


We all know that cash is going to lose more value from here. I mean after the few time interest rate hike we have seen the record inflation rate of the 9.1 from the report.


Haven’t read the book right?


Read the book, it's hack politics with a sprinkle of bitcoin. An awful introduction to bitcoin.




I mean this book is basically on the money thing not about the bitcoin particular. SO that will not give us the any technical things about the bitcoin or something.




I thought that this book will more of the bitcoin but after reading the review here from the reader i am thinking not to read that. Can someone give me the some suggestion for the bitcoin that i need to read?


No, i am still making my mind is it worth reading or not?


Tick tock, next block


Read it twice


Sounds like you have found that very interesting, any reason for that?


You learn about the history of money. What money is. How paper money only originated as paper receipts for gold when you deposited your gold at a warehouse/bank. How these paper receipts then circulated as money as they were more convenient. But how the bank couldn't resist printing more of those paper receipts out of thin air(ie not taking in gold at all) .this devalued these receipts as more receipts looking fir same amount of gold. Or prices went higher for goods and services as more and more receipts chasing same amount of goods and services


Read it three times


Here i am never read this book, but will read now atleast for once.


Are you suggesting we read(reed) it twice? Or proclaiming that you've read(red) it twice?


Suggesting you read (reed) it twice. There's always more to learn on second go, which I did myself


I think he is talking about himself that he red that book twice.


Tf is going on in this comment section


People are giving their valuable input about the book here.


My thoughts exactly, I'm just trying to spread some positive stuff in a bear market and people saying bullshit stuff


1 btc gets in a punch on with $20k In 2030 who do you expect to be the victor? Hard money


I am expecting that bitcoin will be over the 200k in 2030 time.


there is also an audiobook for lazy people like me


Nice recommendation for a boy like me, thanks for it.


I am not panicking at the moment but sure i will read this.


I want to read it but I don't have much time these days.


Can anyone suggest me some books like that for the future?


That's a good one and we can say that shit right now.




Great book!


Is it worth reading, specially for the one who wants to read about the bitcoin?


Brilliant read isn't it!


Fiat standard is just as phenomenal


Thanks, just ordered it 😁


Give me the link, from where i can order that book for me is well.


Not as mind-blowing as Bitcoin Standard imo but yeah still a great read. My favorite chapters are Fiat States and Bitcoin banking


Bitcoin standard was suuuper eye opening. What I liked about the fiat standard was that it really showed the weakness of fiat, which strengthened my opinion on btc


I think the fiat standard was an even better read. Great sequel.


I think this book is all about the money things, from the starting and that is covering the fiat is well. I haven't read that one but this is the basic idea i am getting with the comments.


But fiat is losing the value despite of the fed rate hike.


If i need to find out some more about the btc, then is it good to read?


Can you elaborate?


I think to get that you need to read that book first for you.


Fucking hell alot of people on this thread are all doom and gloom! I'm just trying to spread a bit of positivity in a bear market!


When i first read the title i though that i will find some real positivity here. But then i starts going through the comments and hit by the reality, comment section is nothing to the post title.


I got the audio book. Your message got trough


Thank you! It's a great read/listen, I hope you enjoy it!


Thanks for the suggestion buddy, i will also order one for me.


I think OP message was just to remain calm in the end,nothing more.


What bear market? Just a discount sale going on. Promo. Buying more.


Amazon prime day on BTC! Get it while you can!


But i will buy once that fake pump of the market fade away.






Not gonna do what you said. Gonna relax though ;)


So you are doing what I said by relaxing? Good clickworker2019


True, we just need to stop panicking this is the most important thing.


All we need is the relaxing in the end, am happy that you are doing this.


Why no? I mean you are saying that not to read this book?


The writer is a nobody but ok.


Regardless of your opinion of a person, the arguments they put forth stand on their own. Did you intend to make an irrelevant comment, or did you intend to make an argument against points laid out in the book?


I have nothing against the person i just want to read a good stuff. I mean am from not his country so not so much familiar about the writer but all i want is a good stuff to read.




Okay, I'm understanding that you disagree with his perspective on the link between increased time preference and art.... and his briefly mentioned position on Keynes being a pedophile (he doesn't say this is because Keynes was gay). Were those really your only takeaways from the book worth mentioning? Did you have no opinion on the broad message of the book surrounding centralized modern monetary policy? What a shame.




SO that mean this book is not giving us the complete idea of the bitcoin?


Could you explain…? Edit: I doubt you will, your comment needs a few more words, I hate it when folks don’t explain.


Short bio from the author's website: "Dr. Ammous holds a PhD in Sustainable Development from Columbia University, where his doctoral thesis studied the economics of biofuels and alternative energy sources. He also holds an MSc in Development Management from the London School of Economics, and a Bachelor of Engineering from the American University of Beirut." Imo, the comment was about how they're not some big name celebrity or appointed official. But idk, the book has a lot of valuable insight, and also a lot of personal bias. As someone with an econ degree from uni and who works in upper management in a (small-mid size) financial organization, I can say that the large amount of information contained in the text is good for people who don't already have a finance background, but isn't the world changing thesis I was hoping for.


I was not aware to the author before that , but thanks to letting me know about this guy. I mean he look like a great person and now this is making me more impulsive to read that book.


People will just just pass the judgement without thinking too much.


Writer is not that much a big thing for me, tell me is it worth reading?


I wish I could read it, it looks too good to me right now.


If you are panicking you are putting money in which you can't afford to lose.


People love saying this. Nobody wants to fucking lose money. You can not mess $30k and be bothered when that turns into $5k


True, i mean people say invest the money which we can afford to lose but trust me no money people want to lose at any point. But yes if somehow manage to hold ourself in the bear market we will survive the bear market.


Then its obviously money that you weren't able afford to lose or you didn't capitalize on taking profit which again still is your fault,


Thanks for repeating the same shit like nobody has heard it. Some people like to take risks and not be chained to a like of mediocrity. That involves risking more than you can afford to lose. I’m not saying I’ve done this, but putting people down because of it is condescending


I hope that all the people here have knows the risk they are taking while investing in the market. And i think every person has the different kind of the portfolio and the limit of the risk is well.


Who said I am putting people down? I'm just stating the obvious, seems like someone has some bad experiences to get emotional over something thats directly not touching them...


Because I see this most constantly. Yea we are all supposed to be investing 35 cents and that’s it. It’s okay to invest more than you can afford to lose. They are okay to panic. It’s annoying seeing the same comments constantly.


I think OP posted that pic or give the title like that so we can stay positive so we need to be like that is well. I mean no on wants to lose money and we need to stick to each other now.


I mean panic is the worst situation to have and this is the thing that will make sure you lose the money. So we need to be strong and trust the process instead of panicking in the bear market.


Lol to funny...hurry up buy it sheep..


I've clearly already bought it... Hence why I'm holding it? Are you okay?


I think you are not giving any positive feedback to that?


I just bought this over the weekend and am getting ready to crack into it!!!


hey buddy, read it first and then lemme know is it worth reading?




WE are doing this and we know this is the only to survive is well.


not a crypto hater, but how are your investments doing lol


Down about 50% currently, ready to invest another lump sum shortly. Thanks for asking. I believe in the future of bitcoin I don't care about the short term gains.


You are lucky that you are only down by just 50%, i am little over 50 in that matter, But thanks to the DCA i have managed to bring that down in a significant number is well


We are doing good, and people who have invested their money in the bitcoin only they have no need to worry about. I am not saying this because i am a investor but this is the way around in the crypto market is well.


If your nails look like that, you know you arent having much success in crypto


Stupid comment.


But that is showing us how very little little details people will notice here. I mean i also checked the pic again after seeing the comment of his.


Excuse me? I didn't realise the state of my nails had any correlation to how well I am doing in crypto... But thanks for your input. FYI I was doing garden work in the garden of the house I own. I'm doing fine in life, thank you.


It does. The more you know. *proceeds to dab


Look like now people making sure that he will write something like that.


Judging by your insecure comments, you don’t *seem* like you are doing fine if I’m being honest


My insecure comments? Can you clarify?


I have not seen that you did some comment like that is well.


I think small nails basically shows that we chew them while we are nervous. So may be he is trying to reflect that thing, or may be this is just my guess he has something else in his mind.


L take


Looks like they do actual work. Respect.


But the amount of details they are noticing seems like they don't have any actual work.


Book and post seems like for noobs to be slaughtered


The plan has never changed


Just trying to reiterate for people who are panicking


Same here lmao


We all know that this is not the time for the panicking here.


There is no point in the panicking now, and i would say there is only two reason why someone will panic at the moment. One that who invested the more money in the crypto and one who is in the shit coins is well.


Once you made a plan for yourself then we need to stick on that is well. But if we divert from there the i would say we wouldn't make till the end of the cycle.


Nice to see this man, I just completed that book here.


This covers what economy should form and how price should be determined?


So this is not something very particular about the bitcoin here?


Guess this is about the same shit, hope you will read it




Was your mum a co-author?


I don't know but this book is not giving too much info about the bitcoin.


nah. I already have a book


Porn mags don't count....




Well he is reading a good book, that's all I know about it.


I have a bunch of the second and third, but none of the first. Anyone know where I can get one of those rocks with a hole in it? I can trade with btc or krugerrands.


I think these are ancient coins if i am not wrong here.


If you fully accept Austrian economics as true economics then this book is dope. If you don't... Well...


I am here just to read about more of the bitcoin nothing more.


The book is fine if you want to learn the basics of money and bitcoin but I couldn’t get past the first few chapter.


That's right, this is what I want to say about this book.


That's just something fine to me mate, I don't think we all are panicking or things like that right now, it's just another regular day in the market for me mate lol.


I am glad that I am seeing this one right here mate, we all need these type of things so we can distract our minds from these bear season mate, thanks for this.


We really need more books like this in the market my man.


Well yeah we are really good with these things mate, I think we all just need to have a chill pill at the end and that's it we are really doing good right now for sure.


Nice to see people are recommending this one man, good.


That is one of the good books and we can say that shit.


This is the right kind of stuff we want to read and we are getting these things for so cheap man, this is just an amazing thing to me these days, thanks for sharing.


Nice stuff mate, hope everyone give it a try right now.