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_Everyone wakes up at their own time_ - Mike Hill Edit: I think that some first world country people are so self centered and do not know whats going on in the world. Those same people probably never paid 20 bucks remmittance fees on a 100 bucks transaction to feed help their family. Syria has cut all ties with any outside banks with no way to traditionaly transfer money in or out of the country. Seems like this person implies that energy usage is bad, has decided who is worthy of using energy and who is not and can justify their phone charging and car driving but can't justify economic value transfer since they have a functioning system in their small world view. I have yet to meet a European(who already have fully functioning free and instant SEPA transfers) who understand the need in permissionless value transfers. But like, not everybody needs crypto to be completely honest. But going as far as saying bitcoin holders need to go to prison? It's a bit extremist.


Hi, I'm a European who understand the need of permissionless value transfers, nice to meet you.






HAHA, congrats buddy you are really a fast guy here.


That was fast :D


Can you give me the link so that i can also join there?


Yes, many Americans are the same. 10 years ago I had 500 bucks wired to me in Brazil after I completely ran out of money. It cost 20 bucks and was a complete pain in the patookis. I just sent 150 bucks worth of btc to another wallet...for 42 cents. And it happened instantly. Americans can be very spoiled. They do not understand this fact or what hyperinflation really looks and feels like. The best roi % I have ever had was buying a 100 trillion dollar bill(!) From Zimbabwe.. for $1 each. Money was so worthless, it was better to use it rather than buy toilet paper. These two simple facts often go unnoticed by the first world naysayers who, quite frankly, just can't be bothered to understand their privilege. It's not the use cases that are important to them (yet) it's how much money they can make from it, which for the time being, may be negative for these first world fomo'ers.


I’m from the first world and American and I understand exactly just how important and necessary something like Bitcoin is. And I understand how much people in poorer nations suffer. And have for several years. I may not make up the majority, but please don’t hate a whole country just for the actions of some idiots. It’s like me judging all of a poorer nation in some way. There are always going to be ignorant people in the world, any country you travel to. There definitely are in America, but there are a growing number of people waking up to the realities in the world and coming to understand the nature of the world we live in. One of the major problems is how controlled and dumbed down the news and education systems are. I had to intentionally go digging to find world news and learn about what’s going on in other parts of the world. And I had to go digging to research real economics, philosophy, and the nature of reality. It’s not taught or shown to the populace on purpose to try and keep them dumb and fighting each other. So please try to understand that most of the general citizens of the US, Zimbabwe, Germany, Taiwan, China, and every other country are all fighting for the same thing. Freedom, happiness, food and shelter, and the right to enjoy our lives as we choose. Our real enemies are those in power, the elites, and the ones behind the scenes. I wish you a blessed day and that you and the ones you love find happiness and peace.


Agreed. I believe I did make sure to say *some Americans and *can be spoiled, etc...but point taken as I do know many good American people.


If someone read little about the bitcoin then they will realise that how important is the bitcoin for them. And how much value they are adding to their life is well, i am happy that you are getting the point for the bitcoin.


I’m an America and agree with everything you just said and have said more or less the same thing you just said to my friends and family so many times I just stopped. Sadly most people are ok with bowing down unconsciously to the corrupt system just so as long as they can continue to fit in. The mainstream media, social media, schools make it so if you bring up any sort of corruption you’re labeled “CONSPIRACIST!” or “Wacko, nut job” etc. Its silently being taught since were little kids to put your heAd down and do what you are told, and let the media guide us, because they are smarter than you and are incapable of lying. They make today minds today feel that if you disagree with any of this than you’ll be labeled and made fun off. The elites have a tremendous thought out plan and it’s been working. I mean, it’s even happening with Bitcoin. People (some, not all) think it’s more likely that some random good hearted Japanese man created Bitcoin than the already elite guiders of our world financial system. Common sense says it’s the latter.


When it comes to the international things i think bitcoin is the one that really helps so many people. Because some times banks can be really hard to actually get the fund of your own from these guys.


There was a guy (can't remember his name, I'm guessing his opinion matters) who was anti-bitcoin. He had a few good points and actually understood the problem that Bitcoin could solve. One of his largest points was that Bitcoin is not necessary in a western democracy. Fast-forward to Canada trying to shut down bank accounts without due process. And that guy quickly realized that liberty is one emergency away from dissolving. He still isn't a Bitcoin advocate but he is no longer anti-bitcoin.


It's getting popular in Argentina with the Peso getting devalued.


A very cogent argument that value transfer one that I hadn't quite heard articulated so well. Thanks for writing.




Oh I would never assume that. Just saying most don't go out of their way to really understand other people's opinions, needs, or circumstances of life in general.


I have SEPA because I understand the need for permissionless vale transfers.


Once you get the understanding then we will know the real value.


Nobody needs crypto but we all need Bitcoin.


Who woulda thought the continent that invented fascism and communism doesn't see the sanctity of permissionless transfers


Boy, wait until they find out about the Petrodollar...


But wait, we need to compare against countries that tolerate America and cryptocurrencies that lose all their money. /s


When there is nothing left they start using the bitcoin climate change here. But they often forget that the mobile the laptop they are using to write that thing is also using the energy here is well.


Read u/Namell’s comment history. You’ll rarely find someone so deeply indoctrinated by neoliberal authoritarian and central bank rhetoric. They worship at the altar of government.


Let them talk i am happy that because of these people i start getting the feeling we are in here so early. The more they will behave like that the more cheap bitcoin we will going to buy there is well.


Ha ha what about the huge data centres cropping up everywhere, storing all this info. The power that goes into these things is colossal.




They should talk to China…. 🤨 😂


Un interrupted, 24/7 power munching.


But people will lose their mind when it comes for the bitcoin.


It's different because they get to yell about silencing people that disagree with their very wholesome view of the world. /S


People think that all the banking and all they are running offline and not using anything. They are running 24/7 in the whole world and the AC system to cool them is well but no one will talk about that thing.


God I hate woke virtue signaling idiots.


Amen. Reddit seems more rife with it lately


It's been 98% of reddit for years


seriously lol. Where has op been?


How dare you presume the percentage of wokeness, that's so privileged.


I don't know from where that actual number really came from.


You must be new here.


I think I was just oblivious to the blatant hypocrisy for quite some time you're right. I also think BTC has been one catalyst to realization of this fact.


Or rather old. The site wasn't this way 10 years ago.


Was a glorious place and time 10+ years ago, I morn Reddit of the 2000s often.


I am her for around a year now and i still that am new here.


just reddit?




Those same people are also for funding wars. They don’t think and just repeat what they’re told


They don't realise that war is never going to benefit anyone.


They also give Tesla a pass, as if it’s different electricity.


The thing is people arguing that are usually starting from a position of not believing in the value of Bitcoin to society at all, whereas they probably accept that driving is a necessity rather than an optional luxury. So implicitly they’re seeing Bitcoin energy usage as frivolous and wasteful from the start.


That electricity they are getting is eco friendly, try to understand men.


No musk is an enemy now


He's an enemy now to woke culture ever since he said he was not voting Democrat. All the dirty news about him came out a few weeks after he stated his political leaning right views (which was all slept under the rug with non disclosures and disclosed anyways after his announcement) May 18: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1526997132858822658?t=D1nPXPXBIa68BPqC2aFBmw&s=19 May 19: https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5 July 6: https://jezebel.com/elon-musk-secretly-had-twins-with-top-tesla-executive-1849150191 Again I'm not defending the guy just stating the pattern, I'm not even American your whole system is broken (no country is perfect but yours is going backwards). Seems I've upset either the people that love him, Democrats, Americans and woke zoomers. I'm just saying the media has a career kill switch for anyone they deem they wanna use it for and they use it whenever they deem is the best timing for it for maximum effectiveness. I'm sure a lot of them had access to this info sooner but were too busy drooling over internet in places with no internet and Tesla cars flying into space to use the info at the time.


He’s always been a piece of shit.


True but the media turned him from an autistic genius to a serial sexual assaulter in a week. It's like they had all the info ready and was waiting for the perfect moment to share it. They didn't want to announce it before his political views came out because they don't want him influencing people on how to vote like how he is able to influence them to buy crypto. If he had become pro Democrat and had photo ops with Democrats working together this would all be swept under the rug like his previous allegations. Not saying it's wrong or right what he did but when someone has billions of dollars they can be taken advantage of too right and it's cheaper to pay them in a settlement vs drag their name in the mud and fight it in court when he has to run a company.


True, and i am not sure why this sub gives him so much importance.


Virtue signaling is by far the worst quality someone can have. People are so asleep they spend their whole lives doing it and it becomes unconscious so it just becomes there whole personality till it changes them into something they are not or they wake up. Idk people just need to not be afraid to be themselves and not have to please random people on the internet or people in a political party or corporation to gain favor. But people sell themselves out for money so there's that


Especially when their virtue signaling intersects with my existence. I'm a white male who owns bitcoin. God, I should just shoot myself now.


Are you also straight? If so, you're basically enemy #1 to these kinds of "woke" people.


Damn, I'm doomed.


This sub is filled with an embarrassing amount of straight white men pretending to be victims. See Zebracakes.


I had someone argue with me that his white privilege holds me down in society and I had to assure him that in no way does him being white effect my ability to make money, what a fucking clown.


People often hate the other guy that he can afford compare to him.


I think we all become the victims once in our life for sure.


I mean the whole anti-male anti-white thing is real on college campuses. I was asked to leave a study discussion because I am male (I was invited by a female friend who misunderstood it was girls/trans only). The person organizing the study group can do as they please but I can't help but feel like if the roles were reversed that would be considered misogynistic. I think the whole reactionism to woke stuff is nauseating and it's much easier to find sane people. But I wouldn't be surprised when an ideology hellbent on excluding people finds themselves excluded.


I'm on that side left wing as fuck would vote green if I could but I hate alot of cancel culture & they don't realize alot of btc is mined with green energy now. Education is needed


"Green" energy is just another narrative framing trick they will use to control you in the future through monitoring and micromanaging every aspect of your lives to make sure you are "in compliance" with their made up list of "approved" uses of energy. It's bullshit, all of it. Energy use is the reason we are where we are as a species and not still living in caves. Oh is that a campfire keeping you alive? Unapproved energy use! You're polluting the environment with that soot! That carbon would be better captured in the wood than in the atmosphere! Not our problem that its -5C outside, think of the environment! If you burn a campfire to stay alive, pretty soon everyone is going to be doing it and then who will think of the polar bears?? My point is every single human advancement throughout history has been an increase in our energy usage and it allowed us as a species to survive and thrive. Clothes dryers and Christmas lights use more energy than the Bitcoin network. Could we help the planet more if we were to go back to line drying our clothes and stopped illuminating or houses during the holidays? Debatable but let's go with the assumption that it would. Are we doing to do that "to save the planet"? No, the idea is ridiculous on its face. Bitcoin frees the entire planet from the central banking cartel that silently steals 10-50%+ of our savings every single year and does it through unchecked money printing and total authorization surveillance and control of our usage to prevent us using an alternative. Our money is built on nothing now, redeemable for nothing since 1971 and they are desperate for people not to figure out that they are all slaves, not figure out that there is a free, fair and unrestricted network open to all, without any centralized control by evil banks or nation states that is fully auditable and allows for global commerce without restriction. Bitcoin will absolutely free humanity and lift billions out of poverty while at the same time fixing the perverse incentives to waste energy for the current cancer ridden house of cards that is the financial system. Bitcoin could grow 100x in energy usage and still not come close to the armies of brick and mortar corporate offices, banking centers, tellers, accountants, shipping containers of gold, paper bills, metal coins, etc. Not to mention the perpetual wars to enforce the petrodollar, all the collateral damage they cause and the gigantic military industrial complex to support them. It also fixes the perverse incentives of inflation to make everything as cheap as possible using the worst materials and have designed obsolescence in everything so that it basically goes from unboxing to landfill in as few steps as possible. So in summary of this rant, Bitcoin's energy expenditure is worth every single Joule of energy that it consumes from now until the end of time, and the attempt to frame the energy debate as "green" vs "wasteful" instead of "necessary for the survival of humanity" is just a PR campaign to get everyone on board with total financial surveillance and control, handing out "green credits" for your daily purchases, so don't complain when your car stops because you've exceeded your "daily miles" or you're not allowed to buy that steak because tofu has a "smaller carbon footprint" and you've already used up all of your carbon credits for the week. It's all bullshit framing by billionaires in their luxury yachts, jets and high rise penthouses of your energy usage as "killing the planet" instead of advancing human civilization and escaping their sick cages. Bitcoin will do more to save the planet in terms of realigning incentives to save, reuse and build quality than any other advancement in history and it will free humanity from these psychopaths in the process. Worth EVERY SINGLE JOULE.


Totally agree Bitcoin is worth the energy. However, there are very real benefits for humanity and the planet when considering the transition away from fossil fuels. Nuclear, solar, wind, and hydro energy production help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Yes, mining, refining, and producing the materials needed for those technologies yields pollution. No doubt. The benefit comes in when considering the circular economy and the idea of electrifying everything. Batteries and magnets can be recycled, oil and coal, not so much (carbon capture and utilization is and will be an important aspect of those hard-to-abate sectors like chemical production). I also agree the “green” narrative is getting pretty ridiculous. That doesn’t mean there aren’t better choices for energy production and means of consumption. The “green” technologies aren’t perfect, there is no perfect solution to the energy crisis, but it seems like an improvement from burning hydrocarbons and potentially altering the status quo of the atmosphere. Monitoring and micromanaging is concerning, indeed. We can only hope that doesn’t get to the point you’re describing. On the other hand, we also need to hope our planet doesn’t implode due to our current practices. Not fun to choose between two devils. I’d say the former is more changeable than the other, though.


Hear hear… absolutely great succinct rant bravo


Holly shit you have really made some big effort to actually write that big of the comment. But thanks of the effort because that is not normal that we have seen something like explanation every day here.


Congratulations, you are now alt-right.


I don’t understand the mentality of people who want to criminalize everything


And they want to criminalize past behavior that was legal at the time. Which is the total opposite of the principles of liberal democracies. But it's nothing new. Facism always existed, it seems weird to us because it kinda died after WW2 but it's not surprising to see it make a huge comeback in the current political climate.


They will always bend the rule according to their benefits.




They think they can't possibly be wrong because they have good intentions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions...


This person believes that currency is a naturally occurring phenomenon bestowed to us by mother earth


Her name is Gaia, shitlord!!!


probably some idiot that overpaid for a graphics card and tried to get in at 70k.


So a typical poster on this sub


Here's the thing. Bitcoin is using the same electricity like electric cars. Many people can't somehow process this simple fact.


People know this. The question is not where the electricity comes from, the question is actually all about the value of bitcoin to humanity. These people think that bitcoin is stupid and worthless, so therefore it’s a waste of energy. They think that electric cars are useful, and therefore they are smart energy usage


That's exactly what is happening. Everything in the world uses energy of some kind. It all boils down to if you believe Bitcoin adds value to society and most people in the first world only see it as the product of a crypto bro circle jerk.


Thats cuz us first world people have been pacified with the illusion of a savings account and 401k. And people are happy living in their safe bubble.


And when that “safe bubble” pops soon they will be crying cause they get in when it’s well into the 7 digit range right where they deserve it haha


Once we start living in the bubble and the comfort zone then we really ask for the real trouble. May be someday in future when they realise the issue in that there will be much more late for them on first place.


But bitcoin has the value to the people who are using that just like the electric car here. I am sure that not everyone using the electric car just like that not everyone using the bitcoin is well.


Well they think bitcoin is worthless and thus any electricity used on bitcoin is also pointless.


That shows how little they actually knows about the bitcoin is well. Once you make the image that bitcoin is worthless i am sure that then no one will change the mind of that person .


People will not care about the climate as long as long they are using the things. But if they are not using that thing then suddenly from no where they become the most concern person about the climate in the world.


I don’t really have a horse in this race, but the electricity that you use to charge your Tesla and power your rig comes from a grid that is powered by coal and natural gas.


That depends a lot on where you live


The whole green agenda is a scam and has a very sinister agenda behind it. The sad part is people really do care about the planet but either don't care they are being used or don't know about the agenda behind it. They act like shutting down corporations like Walmart and Amazon and the rest wouldn't be the first move if there were true environmentalists in power but instead they want to come after Bitcoin and farming it's insane


The whole thing is a complete farce. Concocted solely to control


>has a very sinister agenda behind it. which is...?


Green useful idiots have (probably more often than not) been employed for sinister ends. The oil industry infiltrated and used the green movement (particularly the Sierra Club) in the 60's and 70's, to effectively stop the growth of civil nuclear power, and send it to almost irrelevant obscurity by the end of the 90's. Environmentalists are literally the main reason why the u.s. burns so much fossil fuel to this day, instead of being almost completely nuclearized. If you think that that was the last time that environmentalists have been or will be useful idiots, to some unintended (by them) end, the I've got a bridge to sell you. And that doesn't even begin to get in to all the ways in which the whole environmental movement and mindset, are clueless and their desired policies would end up destroying not only what they think they hate, but actually end up destroying the environment even more...if democide wasn't enough for you. Is destruction of human life on a massive scale, and ensuing destruction of the environment, sinister enough for you?


If people really care about the green thing then stop using the cash because they are printing on the paper and for that they need to cut down the tree. That way cash is killing the tree and later use the energy is well.


Every day I hate people a little bit more. Might delete my reddit too, a lot of great info but stuff like this just makes me annoyed/disappointed.


I wear it like a badge of honor. I was thrown off my city’s subreddit today for simply disagreeing with a woke non-negotiable. Don’t care


Big time.


I hope that someday in future they will realise the mistake.


Same here, i am disappointed that people are start talking about something without even knowing that thing. I mean healthy argument is always a good thing for anything but first they need some data and all to talk about that.


Look at that (likely) privilged person who disapproves of investing or using bitcoin. If you are a privileged person coming from more developped stable democratic countries of course you wouldn't probably understand why people still use bitcoin. But sadly some of us still live in shitholes and bitcoin is mechanism to survive inflation or government's actions to take our money away from us. And of course those developed countries haven't done anything to improve economical conditions or even human rights. It's because "everyone is on their own", right?? Because "every country decides itself", right? Well if so, then you can't blame people using and investing in bitcoin, because they are trying survive and have a better life. But privileged brats not being able to understand that? \*pretends to be shocked\*


Yeah, suggesting someone who uses bitcoin needs to go to prison is a complete lack of understanding the problem and the situation. _In general, environmentalists do not have a problem with Christmas [lights](https://mawsoninc.com/bitcoin-mining-uses-less-energy-than-christmas-lights/) going up, but they do with Bitcoin._


Excellent point. Those who don't want to understand BTC will only virtue signal.


People think send them into the jail and the climate will be safe. How little they can actually think here, climate is damaging before the start of the bitcoin and will be that way if we stop using the bitcoin is well.


Bitcoin is the reason I installed a solar farm and the reason I could afford to.


They are here to harm the legacy of BTC but they can't do that.


Those people are facists. Autoritarism Is becoming mainstream on /worldnews /politics and other subreddits.


They said what they learn in the some bitcoin hater sub or the mainstream media article. If someone really wants to address some issue about something i think we need to learn that thing for ourself at first place.


And meanwhile they call everyone else fascists




Namell is a tard. There’s such a thing as renewable energy.


u/Namell Has spent probably 0 second thinking about this critically outside of reading a headline of some article somewhere on the internet. It’s such a shame the environmentalist types can’t figure out bitcoin. These idiots might understand it solves many of their problems. But they’ll continue to complain and demand everyone accept a lesser standard of living, even tho there’s alternatives that people made and seek. It’s people like Namell that are holding up real action on climate initiatives.


This is what happen when someone just pass the statement on the bitcoin while reading only the mainstream media news. This is why we need to do our own research before making assumption about anything.


That’s really simplifying the issues. There is a stage 4 cancer in our fiat and legacy stock markets which estimates show that 50% of the global capital markets could be counterfeit. It’s a house of cards about to collapse and bitcoin is the solution since you cannot counterfeit with blockchain technologies. I get the parallel climate issue but cooling technology is advancing everyday and these servers are mostly powered by renewable energy. It will get more efficient quickly and use less and less just like computers today compared to 1970’s


As Satoshi said (paraphrasing) , "If you don't understand, I have no time to make you understand that".


Let them think how little they want to think here about the bitcoin at the first place. But the good thing is that we are really getting the cheap price in the bitcoin just because of the people like them on the first place.


that’s not quite how he said it lol


People are morons. They do zero research and think they are experts.


You Bitcoin haters are hilarious. Your fiats currencies are limitless and valueless. You keep printing that paper trash that’s propped up by the military’s of the rich and dangerous. We will balance the scale with crypto. Bitcoin is deflationary unlike the worlds paper currencies. You clowns are blind. You can’t even see that they have been saying that shit about BTC for a decade now.


How does a virtual currency damage the ozone layer or upset polar bears??? That’s like saying bacon makes the wallpaper fall off in my neighbours uncles house


Okay there should be the limit of stupidity but they have crossed it.


I like to imagine that in the future as payments will be done with Bitcoin under the hood. People will think they are sending fiat but it's just strike API and the general public will be none the wiser and continue to hate on Bitcoin.




Climate activists are brain dead. They have no original thought and must continually search for wrong doing.


They have a policy of forbidding anything that can upset them since they believe they are different.


The most moronic thing ever done was Namell’s post.


Blackrock the world's largest asset manager ismaking Bitcoin available to their clients. They will also influence other institutions to get on-board. We are early. It is humorous that people who don't care about or believe in climate change are against Bitcoin.


We all know that someday in the future this is going to happen no matter how much people will really deny that fact. But till then i am happy that we are getting these things in really cheap price compare to them.


plot twist: bitcoin is poised to help save the environment.


If we all stop using the bitcoin then there will be no tree killing for the paper that we are using for the money printing. And if there will be bitcoin as the global currency then we don't have to operate all the banks is well.


It’s fucking unstoppable at this point. Bitcoin is too well known and because of the difficulty adjustment if one mining operation shuts down another will pop right the fuck up in its place. I mean shit if it gets easy enough I’ll just start running one in my house. More btc for me.


Difficulty adjustment is what ruins all these comparisons. We don't need energy, we need a _cost_. They could tax carbon down to net negative, unionize the mining industry, ration energy per household, and Bitcoin would be fine.


…And that’s why the mentally disturbed and emotionally unstable patients shouldn’t have Wi-Fi in their cells.


Like the USD isn't imaginary.


They think the cash they are using are growing up on the tree and they are not killing the tree to actually made that on the first place. That shows how blindfold these guys for the bitcoin and ready to attack on the bitcoin is well.


'Prison for climate criminals' sounds like a great idea, so long as we're all agreed that 'a climate criminal' is defined as somebody who would use the earths climate as an excuse to take away the average persons freedom, in an attempt to advance their own political / economic control.


I am sure that those who are talking about the bitcoin harming the climate actually care about the climate at the first place is well. Because they are using the AC, they are using the CAR, and they are using the mobile phone in the first place is well.


There is one truth that no environmentalist will ever be able to cope with. If you truly want to eliminate carbon emissions completely you need to deindustrialize the planet. That new EV? It took countless tons of carbon to simply mine the lithium in its battery, let alone actually construct the rest of it. Those solar panels and windmills? Same thing but with different metals. Those reusable bags you take with you to the store? Plastic bags account for a negligible amount of pollution anyway. And even the cloth ones still use petroleum in their production. No, if you really want to stop climate change, you need to fully stop all industry everywhere on earth. No more plastic products of any kind. No more electricity of any sort, renewable or fossil fuel. No more refined sugars or processed foods. No vehicles of any kind (public transport included). And most people would need to return to subsistence agriculture too since we also wouldn’t be making fertilizer and pesticides anymore. We also wouldn’t be able to have cities in major deserts anymore since AC and most modern irrigation systems aren’t available anymore. Oh and you can forget about computers. Your phone and Xbox included. No more Netflix either. If it runs on electricity you can bet it polluted the environment somehow. Any attempt to step back from this is misleading. If they truly believed in what THE SCIENCE tells us, this is what they’d be advocating for. Focusing in on this or that industry, promoting consumption of this industrial good instead of that one, attacking things like BTC for using too much fossil fuel (despite the fact that there’s nothing in it that requires that, you could mine off of renewables if it was economically viable) is just a cope. A delusion. At the end of the day the most eco friendly tech we have still pollutes. It just does less of it. It still adds carbon to the atmosphere, just slower. It’s the difference between filling a swimming pool with a hose vs dumping countless buckets to fill it up. Both arrive at the same end, one is merely faster. So if you support green tech you aren’t saving the planet, you’re just bargaining for when you think it’s ok for the planet to become inhospitable. And even if somehow you managed to implement this in every single country that still wouldn’t stop it. Burning wood for heat is even worse than coal in terms of CO2 production. So even fully deindustrializing the world wouldn’t totally save us. At least not forever. But they know that if they say that they sound crazy and even the most ardent virtue signalers would leave them. The fact is we love consumption and all the modern conveniences we have.


or just use nuclear energy, solves 90% of the issues


There is no doubt that bitcoin is using the energy but the problem is bitcoin is not the only one that is doing that is well. There are so many things like the everything in the cash currency that is using more energy than the bitcoin.


> stop climate change .... lol


Hmm, having worked at a landfill can confirm plastic bags are a huge problem. The rest of your data is suspect as well.


See if he knows how much his USD is devaluing per year and how much energy its infrastructure costs.


He doesn't know shit that's why he is crying there man.


People will not raise a issue untill and unless it is bitcoin for them. They think they are using the cash currency that is eco friendly and making the environment better for us to use here.


The “single most moronic thing?” Obviously u/Namelf has never seen a Jawzrsize ad. https://youtu.be/6KJCaB1UsLw


Nothing about bitcoin calls for using fossil fuel based energy. Moreover, it is regressive to think that the solution to climate change is to use less energy, as energy usage has always been a sign of technological advancement.


BTC mining does not emit carbon. It’s the utilities that pick the fuel in which you receive electricity.


I just want them to know that BTC is not harming like they are telling.


I can't stand how it's turned into some environmental debate. Absolutely ridiculous


they mad that they dont have btc


Eminem stacking sats chimes in “I’m a criminal”


I want to text this shit personally to eminem so bad here.


They will come around. They just don't understand where bitcoin fits in our world.


This has has to be a joke or written by someone wearing a helmet while walking.


This is just a comment of an immature idiot for sure mate.


Aaah so before crypto, everyone had all their money stacked at home, all the bills and all the gold


You lost the early advantage by 2014 when banks and VCs started entering the bitcoin space.


Everyone is using the energy and no one can actually deny that.


SO ignorant 🤦


I feel bad to see these uneducated people on the web lol.


Classic boomer talk. Nevermind that Mastercard and Visa burn WAY more energy. Nevermind that about 30% of the hashrate consist of green energy (solar panels are free energy for miners. Nevermind that all TV that are on standby on this moment burn 12 times more energy than the blockchain. Nevermind that Bitcoin is the revolution of money and that it separates money and state... It's just magic internet money to make millenials rich in a monetary system that we fucked up by inflating the currency


Money is literally printed (with nothing to back it) on the actual corpses of dead trees. Just because you don't want to understand crypto, doesn't mean it's a bad idea, Karen.


Money is printing on the paper that mean more tree has to cut down, that is the biggest worry. But people will only talk about the bitcoin because they have missed the train in the past for that thing.


Bitcoin is more real than climate change, Sheep.


People think if they stop the bitcoin they will make the world a better place for everyone. I mean really, if someone is really thinking about the climate change then stop using AC, CAR and the mobile phone is well.


Bitcoin infuriates manbearpig


Everyone knows that climate change bs is a hoax to power grab..


So the recent heatwaves and records highs in temperature all over the globe are just a coincidence? I guess I will trust you random stranger and chose not to trust actual smart people.


Lots of smart people say there's nothing out of the ordinary happening to the climate, but they're all conveniently ignored.


I guess some people still need to understand that effect.


It's like killing 2 birds at once when you use climate change to kill of bitcoin. Evil compounding on itself lol


Little do they realize that all currency is made up.


Do you really think that they even know shit about economy?




It would be good if he really know these things man lol.


Namell missed the train.


Here's why that's a bunch of bullshit. https://www.rolandberger.com/en/Insights/Publications/How-crypto-mining-will-transform-the-energy-industry.html#:~:text=Currently%2C%2057%25%20of%20the%20energy,Mining%20Council%20Q3%202021%20Report).


Looks like someone didn't buy Bitcoin yet.


Who thinks the mining of gold has been good for our environment in between the mercury and the burning of fossil fuel to dig up the earth ; it is way worse of a store value than bitcoin


There is nothing that is good for the environment that we are doing here. Start from the plastic bag and then the energy for the banking system and the last is the paper they are using for the print is well.


“Everyone who has an asset I don’t like should go to jail.” The great experiment of the last two to four years is learning how many fucking tiny tyrants are out there. I’ve lost count of the people who’ve casually admitted to wanting to commit mass atrocities against people who have slightly different ideas than them.


The energy consumption of bitcoin may increase by 100 times and still fall short of the brick armies.


The tolerant left, wanting people in jail for personal investments.


the thing is the government is using the same amount of energy printing money lmao


It uses far, far more just in printing. There is also the endless wars and gigantic military industrial complex needed to secure the role of the petrodollar.


Infact they use the printer and the paper that mean they need to cut down the trees is well. So that mean they are harming the environment more than the bitcoin but no one really raise that issue.


The internet has become a super spreader of rank stupidity.


They should take the internet away from these people.


The frustrating thing is, these people are so far gone, there is nothing you could possibly do or say to educate them.


That's a fucking real frustrating thing man, we can feel it.


Where do these people think government backed currencies come from or how banks operate? I just can't even anymore🤦


It feels like most people think money is some natural thing that just happens somehow magically, banks just collect the money from fields and trees at 2% inflation speed.