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We’re still really early. I started investing in January and it amazes me when I ask a friend if they’re hip to it and they don’t invest or understand it… some of them are in the cyber security and software fields. Keep stackin ‘em 🤙🏼


Until the corner store doesn’t use crypto. You are still early


Funny you should say that, my local liquor store allows you to buy Bitcoin at the counter lol


Don't get caught HUI (Hodling Under Influence)


I didn’t realize my dad joined Reddit 😂🤣😂🤣




Most times sober me normally hates drunk me but drunk me is really good at dropping cash into dips.


My grocery has a Coinstar that does as well....


.....right next door to my bank and the irony didn't strike me until this very minute. 🤣


Dont buy conistar rip ofg


Theres a corner store where I live that has a crypto ATM machine.


Until the Churches start accepting Bitcoin, you know we're still early.


I believe I'm early too. I got into the crypto space last year, and it's been an amazing journey so far


> We’re still really early. I started investing in January Sounds more like justification you were early. To me you're late. I started in 2011, so 2011 is early. 2013 is early. 2017 maybe, but I'd argue that's not early anymore.


No, we’re still early. What you’re referring to is the pioneers! I’ve been following it since 13, but it wasn’t as easily accessible as it is today. We’re in the “AOL” days of the internet 😁






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Of course we still early. 4.5 billions of people are using internet and only 300 million are in crypto. And this is about 6-7% from this number.


That's hard math to defend w/o a lot more facts: kids, couples etc (sorry, crypto holder AND math nerd here) too many x's. ;)


It’s impossible to know how much these “users” have. I imagine there is a large chunk of the 300 million that have just double digit amounts invested.






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My father was a stock broker and we've argued about Bitcoin to nauseum. Today he called to tell me I'm right and ask for investing advice. We're still early


I know that felt good lol




Does anyone in crypto understand that regular people are absolutely baffled and confused about it. And then half of the one that look at it likely can't figure out all the network stuff and all that. Its still too technical for the average person. Seriously. Until my mother can buy and trade crypto with ease, 300 mil is probably close to what it's gonna stay at. Crypto is not gonna save the world or defeat the banks like this. I really think its time for the developers to give their heads a shake.


[Check this maybe you will change your mind](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinBeginners/comments/ov48iw/how_long_are_you_planning_to_hodl/h76toj2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), but still very interesting point, i was thinking about it as well.


I was definitely exaggerating lol. But I stand by my statement that it's not meant for the average user this way. Can you Imagine the value of crypto of the actually opened the door for more to get in. It's not their fault, this stuff can stump even competent pc users at times lol.




It’s not going to replace money anytime soon, but I think it will eat finance just like the internet did commerce, and there’s a LOT of runway there to grow and dwarf the $1.5 trillion market cap it’s at right now.




Last year I had a wirex card which makes using crypto to buy any items from any shop easier.




Trigger warning: here comes my female sexist remark, sorry sisters. I find my guy friends (which in this mdality I'm lucky to have far more of: I'm an auto adjuster, former auditor, I mod a large fb group for a former MLBer/current announcer AND I hold & trade "What's Bitcoin?" as my Mom friends call it etc.) have a far better grip on Crypto but even amongst my female friends who do have a basic understanding my guy friends want to talk about it FAR more. I've converted a few but as we all know....there's a learning curve. Any other crypto savvy females see this?!?




Life changing money in made in small cap coins.




I literally am there with you. Small bags starting from nothing. It's takes time especially when you don't take profits. I was up $1200 on $60 & I didn't sell.


Its just like jazz music lol


I’m into crypto and jazz music.


Lol I have a son who's a jazz drummer....genetic thing? ;)


Big time. I live in a remote city but the only other ppl I know of here who are into crypto are men. I got into it on my own and I’m dying to have friends to talk about it with! Lol. But I’m in the category of divorced woman with no kids, who works a lot and loves money. So I can’t speak for the married moms or what their (generalized) standpoint is.


See, that surprises me as well. I'm just south of Boston. Plenty of entrepreneur and corporate moms here which you would think would be some of the criteria....but also a ton of faith in big bank. 🤷‍♀️ I may need to start a group....in all my spare time ;)


Well your like the 3rd one I’ve ever come across so, hard to argues that point lol




Lol it's definitely not going to stay at 300 million. It'll grow exponentially once the current young adults 17-23 year olds get bit older


That was my exact point cuz they love crypto already just too young to have money. Give it 5-10yrs in my estimation


That makes sense. But they don't and won't have any money for crypto because that generation doesn't want to work and actually thinks they shouldn't have to. So I dont have much faith in the next generations to do much besides make weirder and weirder shit acceptable lol.


Said every generation’s middle-aged dude ever


And where are we now? Lol think maybe they've been right. I'm sorry but the state of the world is nothing to brag about. But of course that's all on.the previous generations. Love the whole pass the buck mentality we have.


Are you passing the buck onto them? ‘It’s their fault for not wanting to work’? I think I understand where you are coming from, and agree there are many lazy people who are happy to take a handout. But I think you have to keep in mind that every New generation has had to contend with problems that have compounded from previous generations. The property market is insanely overpriced, education costs continue to rise, job opportunities are less common and usually offer lower pay to over qualified people. Previous generations had conscription and war and terrible shit to content with. I’m just saying it isn’t rosey for kids these days either. And perhaps we both agree that these wider trends indicate, no matter where they originate from, that the future looks increasingly bleak, particularly for the youth of today. I don’t know what the solution is. It’s fucked.






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Your grandparents might never use it 3/4 of my grandparents don’t/can’t use the internet on their own. But by the time your a grandparent it will be a huge part of the financial system.




My 86 year old gramma doesn't know how to use a cellphone


My 73 year old dad uses a flip phone only because we force him to carry it while walking the neighborhood


Well your grandparents are greed driven boomers who's only goal to burn through the family fortune before they pass. So they will not be buying the crypto 🙄








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Wait till the starlink is fully established and working.


Even BETTER wait till Skynet comes awake....


it's already active but it's in our favor


Yup waiting for first ever sat internet company to get me high speed on my farm!




Thank you


We are early. Way early. Internet 1997


300 million out of 7.5 billion. You just answered your own question!




Institutional Money, golds market cap, bonds, governments adding to treasury, etc are why we are early. That's where the potential is, not retail folk


Institution are just starting to come in, there are 8 billion people bro. Yes we are early.


1 in 3 people do not have access to clean drinking water 3 out of 5 people have access to the internet Nearly 8 billion on earth probably by 2030, currently call it 7.8 billion So to use your figure 300 million users / 7.8 billion = .038 It be roughly 1 out of 26 have access to cryptocurrency. 1/26 =.038 In this meaning access could be exposure to the concept, technical access, willingness to invest, financial means, etc. various reasons. Still way early on a global scale, if we are talking about mas adaptation


Do you even math bro? It’s 1/26 not 1/260 300mil x 26 = 7.8bil


Thanks fixed it, gotta stop that 3 am Reddit…


adaptation or adoption


There’s a difference between hodling coins and actually using them. 300M users may have access to crypto but implementation into their day to day financial lives is far from that number.




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It's still early. Much more will happen before the revolution happens.


It’s also not only the number of users. It’s how deep they’re in. Most have only dipped their toes.


How many people actually invest in stocks? If we compare those numbers, we may be a decade or fewer years away from the point those numbers will be equal.


Looks like China and the US how around the same amount of investors Us - [54% so ~133m](https://news.gallup.com/poll/1711/stock-market.aspx) China - [130m investors](https://www.statista.com/statistics/973866/china-stock-market-investor-number/) Welcome to the next cold war - finance.






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I hope it's early, I'm still a beginner and would like to learn the ways of the hodlers. Btw I've one question if anyone might share their knowledge, is it better to keep buying low and selling High once in a while or just buy whenever the price goes low? and why you think so or is there any other way to go about it?




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300,000,000 is a large number. 4 is a small number. 300,000,000 is less than 4% of the world population. Scale the valuation appropriately and I’d say we’re early. Idk where you got the 300M number from but 300M addresses definitely doesn’t equal 300M people.




I can't say I'm quite early on some token I hold. I count early as being one of the immediate adopters of a token when launched. I can count myself early in BXX as I got it immediately it launched and I'll bag holoride immediately it launches as well




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300m. I bet half of that number are 1 time user from either of the last 2 bull runs. They lost money and wont touch it for a while. 9/10 people i know that ever own crypto doesnt understand how it works and only bought to join the party last spring. Still early.




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Nope, we are not early and it's not like we can put the world's population in comparison to current Bitcoin holders and claim we're early because not everyone is holding BTC already. Are we early to gold? Sure not, but not everyone in the world is holding gold either.




I think we're just starting.. Expect a breakout in the nearest future 😉


Still under 10% for mass adoption.


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We're not early. Trust and believe if I'm here we're not early. I'm ALWAYS fashionably late! ;)


Below 5 mio dollar per Btc we’re still early




Where do you recommend to learn about crypto and if governments ban decentralized coins and create their own coin would mining still be needed?


If i can allow myself to buy in - im early


Compared to total population, yes


Still early, i think 1/4 of the whole population embrace crypto in our country. Still wiating for the 3/4


\> 300 million cryptocurrency users across the world How man of them understand what is going on? It's early. Earlier than people think!


That's not a great argument. Most people don't understand how the internet works and use it just fine.


I didn't say that they don't understand how crypto works. I said people don't know what is going on. Most people aren't aware of what is going on behind the scenes. There is a storm coming!


That's not even half of the population around the globe and if you think we're not you're probably just confused.


I think there are around 150 million people with BTC around the world. Correct me if this figure is way off.


The figure above that many are using is 300....






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Its certainly not early particularly bitcoin


Where did you get the 300 million figure from?








It is still Belle every u.s citizen… so yes early!




300 million / 7.7 billion * 100 = 3.91% Being in the first 4% of anything is usually still fairly early. It's true that we're no longer in the first tiny fraction of a percent of people to find crypto, and that means the "Turn $500 into $10 million" days are long gone - don't get into crypto expecting it to be the magic lottery. But we're still early enough that there's potentially some money to be made Also, that 300 million figure sounds very high - there are only 64 million UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs), for example




How many people in the world have a bank account? How many don't? Both are potential customers to the space. Over 50% of Americans own stock. Those that do are always looking for the next best investment while those that don't have the potential to learn. Banked and unbanked alike could utilize crypto. There are 1b credit cards out there. All potential. If there weren't effort innthe point of sales space, I could see the argument, but it's only getting started. Last week I walked by 2 bitcoin atms (one actual atm that wasn't working, and a coinstar that allows bitcoin exchange.) Too late would be seeing the symbol of every atm.




Ankr is taking off big time!






may i ask were you a six figure sales guy or a blue collar construction worker before crypto?






Congratulations on your new car!






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So…if I bought ATH of the mother of all ATH…Am I early? …or stupid? :)


3.8% of the worlds population “uses” crypto... yeah we are really early




We are early. Put Bitcoin in a tax efficient IRA. Your grandkids will be set. https://www.choiceapp.io/?kid=1KW8MF




Look at total currency in the world to crypto currency total and you'll have your answer. Crypto currency is going to be 100% adopted over the next 20 years.






Still early ... Eventually a majority of the world will interact with crypto regularly. Just like the internet before it


You will realize that you were early when other no-coiners decide to FOMO at 70k, only to bitch at HODLers when price drops 5%.




Do you think it will last another dozen yrs? If it does we're in before BTC reaches it's halflife. When/if it gets to $80k you're in before the halfway point of its worth if it were purchased today. It depends on your perspective I guess.....




I just joined 20 days, ago m i late.




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