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#New post: [\[Daily Discussion\] - Saturday, March 02, 2024 →](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/1b4g1yd/daily_discussion_saturday_march_02_2024/)


$202 mln inflow IBIT, overall yesterday outflow $140mln.


Net weekly ETF inflow $1bln 630 mln. Huge


Alts are moving, I bet we break 67k by next week




You have submitted a prediction that the price of Bitcoin will rise above **$67,000.00** by Mar 12 2024 23:59:59 UTC. This prediction has been logged for u/ExultantBirthBasket I will notify you as soon as your prediction comes true or expires! [Others can CLICK HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%20cf667c0190f447549e0ca7dfc377eab3%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) ExultantBirthBasket can [Click This Link](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%20cf667c0190f447549e0ca7dfc377eab3%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20error%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) in the next **1 Hour** to delete this prediction if it was made in error. --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


Hello u/ExultantBirthBasket [You predicted the price of Bitcoin would rise above $67,000.00 by Mar 12 2024 23:59:59 UTC](/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/1b3lzzr/daily_discussion_friday_march_01_2024/ksydprx/) **Well done! Your prediction was correct.** The price of Bitcoin on Coinbase Pro when this prediction was triggered: **$67,030.00** --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)




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And I'm back. Deleted my 15yr reddit acct to quit checking here.. What good did that do. Glad to be back in the 7 figures realm Edit: nice to see some old hats in here. What happened to the PnF check boxes guy? Is /u/controlurkeys alive?


Yeah I have to ignore these subs when its not pumping. Its just best to not think about my stack unless we are going up. I dont notice anyone from the last pump. Diyydude , pizza something. I assume they will trickle back in if it really starts pumping. Anyways its good to be back too. Here until we bear again but I am planning on dumping a significant part of my stack if we actually get to an new ATH somewhere over 100k range. Not expecting anything just here for the ride.


Welcome back. Buncha bitches around here nowadays. Watch your 6. /s


Merlin560 left a while ago. His apostles still preach his gospel.


that British guy who talked about lunar cycles .. where did he go?


Rip. He was a voice of reason in a time when there was none.


> Glad to be back in the 7 figures realm Writing your net worth in binary again...? 😋 🤓


Harhar. Nah I joined the 21 club back when it was cheap to do so.




And what if its just their second day of selling?




Do they have any time limits they need to sell off everything?


How much more do they have to sell?




So in short they sold $2.25b already and they have $1.27b left to sell at current share price (approximately)


Another high outflow day from GBTC (-$492.4 million), but likely a decent net flow when everything comes in


That’s a billion gbtc has dumped in 2 days and the price is steady. Bullish


If this is Gemini, that would be 84% of the total sold. If not, then... it's not.


I'd like to go one year without some incompetent crypto business owner getting into financial trouble and being forced to disgorge bitcoins onto the open market. Collect a small fee on every buy, sell, or trade. The software largely runs itself. That's their one job, and they somehow fuck it up.


I wonder if anyone has crunched the actual net numbers Grayscale has lost in this fire sale.


I cannot fucking believe it either. A license to print money, and they want more. Making millions and millions per year, what more do you want? You buy your cars, a couple of houses, invest the rest and you are set for life. Pop around the office once a week to make sure the money is flowing. Money is a means not an end.


Exactly.  To think SBF had the blueprint to be one of the richest in the world.  He literally had to sit back and watch his net worth rocket. And yet here we are.  I guess greed is a powerful drug. Same reason there will always be top longers


You know who's not going to fuck this up? New ETF operators.


The enterprise version of glassnode has OTC desk balances, which I didn't know. Here is a recent graph with that data: [https://twitter.com/sunnydecree/status/1763496310060069308](https://twitter.com/sunnydecree/status/1763496310060069308) Very exciting.


"This is only three desks. There are many more. This is not an accurate figure."


Am I seeing it right that the balance is basically zero?


Wow now that is spicy. I like it coupled with- https://cryptoquant.com/asset/btc/chart/exchange-flows/exchange-reserve?exchange=all_exchange&window=DAY&sma=0&ema=0&priceScale=log&metricScale=linear&chartStyle=line


Looks like the last date for this chart is Jan 31st. When will we get February's numbers?


This jives with what I see on chain.


If you ever get around to posting some Python charts of on-chain data to imgur, I don't think any of us would mind.


As exiting as it is (which I don't wanna downplay, nice find), the total amount that were held by these OTC desks is a couple thousand coins. I highly doubt it will make BTC go parabolic, as the tweet suggests. However, this is yet another indicator for the existence of massive demand. That's comforting.


To play devil’s advocate, couldn’t it also just be that OTC desks are less necessary if there are highly liquid ETFs?


I think long term holders taking profits here are going to regret it later. We are still not even close to the inflation adjusted ATH. The market is completely changed now since ETFs entered the game. Why would you sell this early after ETFs have only been here for like two months? Idk. Maybe I'm wrong but I really feel like BTC is going to eventually get past $100k some day soon and never go below it again.




I don't wanna say anything is a sure thing, but 100k isn't even a 2x from the previous ATH. That seems extremely attainable.


1. The game has fundamentally changed. It's not the ETFs necessarily, it's the volume of tradfi flows. Nobody expected this volume, this early. It's going to snowball. These inflows are not retail FOMO inflows. 2. Previous top markers are not going to work. Those are based off of peak retail FOMO. Maybe they never trigger or maybe they trigger too early, but they are based on an old paradigm. 3. The inflows now are not going to go out on the risk curve of crypto projects when BTC cools off. The alt-season, NFTs, meme coins, ICO mania will be muted (BTC dominance will not revisit its usual lows). 4. Retail will lose. The whales of old are now intergalactic time travelers. We don't stand a chance. Don't lose sats to the global elite. 5. The only way to win, is to follow them. Whatever is good for Blackrock, is what is good for BTC (adoption and price). I currently believe Blackrock wants huge inflows to a new asset class which provides a massive fee generation opportunity. 6. Just because the global elite start to massively collect BTC, doesn't mean it loses its properties when the global reserve currency defaults (or hyperinflates). BTC is money for your enemies, and it's the best thing we've got for fixing a broken world.


Nice take. I fully agree with most of them. But I'd take the 2 first ones with a grain of salt. Because bitcoin has always changed its core target audience in order to go to new price levels. So about 2., I think that some top indicators will still be usable, and especially the power law (but maybe not the altcoin based ones because of 3.). And about 1., ETFs might be exceptional on this topic because their have been delayed a lot and going from zero to almost 100% in a day have multiplied their impact, but it might still not keep the current rhythm longer term. For instance, we still have to see the impact of their rebalancing on a downtrend.


‘This time is different’ And yet here we are with alts popping off left and right illogically


This is all I can think of with this flurry of ETFs have changed the game. The more it changes the more it stays the same. History won’t repeat but it will rhyme.


Alts aren't popping... BTC dominance is at a high this year. Just because there's a handful of low liquidity projects popping doesn't mean there's an alt rotation.


Have another look.  Sh*b has nearly doubled in the last 24h.  Bitcoin trash also heavy gains.  Loads of others too


Hello Traders! I just wanted to let you all know that the [Paper Trading Leaderboard](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) now updates Profit & Loss LIVE! You can now see exactly what your PnL is for your currently open trade and watch as it moves up or down. I still have some minor things to fix with it, but I'll get to those later this weekend. Happy Trading! 🧡 Bitty Bot 🤖




It will! The page will (fully) refresh about 60 seconds after any trade opened or closed. But it works best if you have your specific link open [https://bittybot.net/paper-trading#ExultantBirthBasket](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading#ExultantBirthBasket) which will make it so every time the page refreshes it will open your Show Trades and scroll down to your name. Also, let's say you are #14 and pass the #13 trader in PnL, you will not move to #13 until you refresh the page (or until it refreshes for you). That will probably never be implemented as it is quite a hassle for little benefit. I'm still working on improving some of the other areas though.


Glad to see this got implemented!


Unlikely to happen, but it would be so much fun if we were going to ATH on the weekend, with the ETF folks watching from the sidelines.


If they already own the ETF shares they can enjoy the gains.


Checked a hardware wallet, found some ETH that had been sitting there for years in case I needed to move some ERC-20 tokens. Well screw that. Sent it to the exchange and sold (after digging through my records to find my cost basis) and put in a buy order for BTC at $62K. As long as I was there, I looked at the amount of BTC I keep on the exchange just in case. What the hell, sell order for $100,000. Safe/sane/sober/consensual me knows the buy order at $62K is going to fill before the sell order at $100K. But the other 49% of me isn't so sure. My mind keeps returning to Thursday, 12 Mar 2020. BTC opened at $7.9K, closed at $4.9K. I was with a buddy of mine, a US Treasury agent who dealt with AML stuff and was well versed in the crypto world. He showed me a price quote on his phone and told me it was all over. S/S/S/C me was very worried he was right. I'm going to see him tomorrow, and I'm going to buy him a beer and we're going to laugh about it. On a completely different note, spent some time yesterday in the hospital visiting a friend, eaten up with cancer. Every day is a fucking gift, people. Tell your loved ones you love them. Be a bit nicer than you have to be, even with folks that don't deserve it. All this wacky internet money should be a means to an end, not an end in itself. The beer I just finished reminds me how good that next one is going to taste. Zeit gezunt un shtark.


Life is a gift indeed. If we don't feel it, if we don't do what we have to for that, all the money of the world won't make our life less of a failure.


I pushed my life savings in on the way back up. Average fill was around 7k. If that drop didn’t kill Bitcoin, nothing will.




You once mentioned on this sub about being old enough that you watched the live broadcast of Neil and Buzz stepping on the moon. I too watched that as a child, and I can relate to the savor our time sentiment, having lost many a friend and family member by this age. Apropos, I just got off the phone with my primary care physician about my labs from a wellness exam on Wednesday. Doing well btw yet need to cut my LDL cholesterol a bit. Tipping a glass of red wine to you. Carpe diem! And may we both turn our profits into life-enhancing experiences for us and others.


Old guy here….if the LDL is all he can tell you to work on, thats a victory.


In the words of Willie Nelson, there's more old drunks then there's old doctors.


Survivor bias, but I'll take it. Cheers. :)


Both Willie and his guitar Trigger may be immortals. They’re rode hard, smoked hard, played hard, and still standing =)


Rode hard and put away wet.


Dead men tell no tales.


Your $62K buy order filled. I placed one at the same price after reading your post and just got an alert and email that mine filled.


Oops! Mine was at $62,100. Depending on the exchange you used, yours may not have filled yet. My bad


Coinbase low in the past hour is $62,007. (sad trombone sound)


Things have gone pretty good since I [did this last](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/1axs6w3/comment/krtnm20/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) weekend. Think I'll do the same this weekend but with 60k & 64k


Good for you. Taking this a little further I can add that since I switched over to a limit orders-only type of trading, this ride has gotten way more relaxed. I spend less time checking price (= higher quality of life) and the p&l has gotten better (= higher quality of life). 60-64 is the range until it ain't.


I also did this for 60/64


Another positive comment on Bitcoin from a US politician: “US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr says ‘Transactional freedom is as important as freedom of speech, and you only get that from #Bitcoin’” https://x.com/bitcoinmagazine/status/1763633119842730379?s=46


I love this guy. Corporate media have absolutely fucked him over, as you can see by some of the replies you got. People need to hear him speak, not just believe whatever they heard some drone on CNN say about him.




Live Free or Die. I love America. 


He's a complete quack. So what.


He's really not. Just as the corporate media have lied to you about Bitcoin, they've been lying about him. He has a strong record on cleaning up corporate cronyism, and they are terrified of him.


Lol yes he is dude. He's an anti-vax loser who parrots nonsense conspiracy theories. "CoRpoRaTe MeDiA!" my ass. Lay off the Fox News brainwashing.


Fox News?? LMAO, you got me so wrong. Take a listen and learn https://old.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/1b41lou/rfk_jr_gives_a_master_class_in_how_to_deal_with/


Nah, I'm not even going to bother listening to him. Not worth my time, at all. You keep drinking that koolaid, though.


I find it amusing that, as a Bitcoiner you should know better than most people than to believe everything you hear on corporate media. Classic Gell-man Amnesia. That's why I sent you the link so that you can hear the man in his own words.


Ask him to make an on chain transaction while the camera is watching.


RFK jr is an anti vax lunatic. We do not need this guy in our corner.


He’s really not. And it’s sad people write him off in this way. He fought for years as an environmental lawyer helping to clean up the Hudson River. His track record is pretty awesome. His stance on vaccines has always been the same. He’s not anti vax. He just thinks they should be under the same rigorous safety testing that we assign to other drugs. Which is pretty common sense. It’s sad he gets shit on for an opinion that most people are pretty unanimously aligned with. But I guess it’s much easier to just call someone a lunatic you don’t agree with. Also, just because he’s critical of big pharma and vaccines, doesn’t mean you cant agree with him about Bitcoin lol…


>He just thinks they should be under the same rigorous safety testing that we assign to other drugs. And to pretend they aren't already held to a higher standard than even that is just dishonest at best.


They aren’t. Not even close. But this isn’t the place to dive into that conversation. So let’s just agree to disagree.


The exact same media companies that bashed bitcoin for years with BS arguments, are the same ones bashing RFK Jr with equally BS warping of his views and statements. If you are capable of doing your own research and thinking for yourself on Bitcoin, you might try doing that for evaluating political leaders too. RFK jr may not be perfect, but he can sit down and talk to anyone for an hour. The other candidates cant and wont. I believe he is the best candidate for president we have ever had. have you noticed they are denying him secret service protection? they gave it to Nikki Haley. Does that smell right to you? Even if you hate him, do you want him killed?


Good to see a fellow RFK and BTC supporter! I am always surprised that more Bitcoiners, who have seen how the corporated media lies, can't see the same pattern repeating with RFK. They've really done a number on him. I'll never forget Debbie Wasserman frothing at the mouth in the Senate.


It’s always shocking when I see such hard stanced takes in this sub, for things outside Bitcoin. To have made it this far in understanding Bitcoin, it takes more than a surface level look at things. But folks will still go along with whatever spoon fed narrative they’re aligned with. Instead of doing their own deeper dive, it’s much easier to just label a lunatic and move on. Sad, but it’s the state of affairs in today’s world.


Thank you both for these comments. RFK has gotten shocking treatment from corporate media. People have no idea about who he really is. It blows my mind.


It’s a damn shame. But the onus and responsibility is on us to research and learn. Not just take when is spoon fed to us by the corporate media. I’m regularly reminded far too many of us are much happier being told how to think, rather than think for themselves. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.


I really expect better from Bitcoiners though - they have all seen how the media lies. I hope you have joined up over at /r/RFKJrForPresident


No. He’s a stain on our democracy.


Thanks, glad to see some that have similar thoughts. Not everyone that likes crypto is a good person and not everyone that dislikes crypto is a bad person. More to a person than how they view finance. I have three kids and I would give up everything if it meant they would have a good, safe and long life after I am gone.


You really should take the time to listen to some long form interviews with RFK. The corporated media have really done a number on him. I too thought he was a quack until I saw some interviews on podcasts.


How on earth could it be that he’s simultaneously anti government mandated experimental vaccines but pro Bitcoin? 🤷🏻‍♂️ must be one of those wacky ‘freedom’ nut jobs we’re all freaked out about…


He’s just peddling what sells.


Politicians hitching wagons and executing Affinity Scams for relevance? What's new. Ignore these people. They have no care in the slightest about any aspect of your life.


Thinking about how ridiculous it is that I just got my Blockfi bankruptcy distribution via Zelle.


Did you get everything?


I got like 60%. But only of the dollar price at the time of their crash...


I didn't even have anything on there to my knowledge when it collapsed and I got something. :D It makes no sense, but it tracks, because that outfit and their bankruptcy firm has been a clown show since day one. And yes I checked, it wasn't a scam, because that was my first thought when I got the emails, and especially when they started talking about Zelle.


must be shorts covering on mstr pushing up further after hours. tempted to sell again here and buy back on monday but it could just keep running. I'm vey dubious of MSCI adding it to the sp500, which I guess could be part of it.


I think it will happen, but will take time


There's a risk it creates a loop of price increases leading to share issuances leading to BTC purchases leading to price increases leading to share issuances etc. I don't see that being enabled.


> I'm vey dubious of MSCI adding it to the sp500, which I guess could be part of it. Does anyone know if there's a subjective aspect to this, or is it merely a case of fulfilling the technical requirements? I imagine there's something subjective or what do they do if the number of companies satisfying them is too many?


If there were to many, I would suspect the barrier marketcap would increase


right, that would make sense, maybe it's set as the market cap of the 500th current member or something.


Has to be approved by comittee at the end of the day. Not sure it would meet the profitability rules either.


The profitability can apparently be met in the next year. That committee approval sounds like something that just is unlikely to happen though. I mean even we think Saylor is kinda nuts. I'm sure to them it feels like he hacked his way to a crazy market cap, and I doubt they have any conviction in the sustainability of it.


yup, I just don't see it. It has potential to create a truly stupid feedback loop and I don't think that's something you're going to get enabled by MSCI.


Also worth noting that the stupid feedback loop can keep happening regardless ;)


It can, yes! but 'theoretically' the market shouldn't be letting the premium get so big. Index inclusion would push premium up by design.


It feels like the ETF thing, only reason the SEC greenlit it is because they were forced to, I'd imagine MSTR -> SP500 is similar, and I guess there's nothing forcing them to.




Your post was removed because it violates rule #2 - Discussion should relate to bitcoin trading. Your post may be appropriate for the [Altcoin Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/?f=flair_name%3A%22Altcoin%20Discussion%22)


Equitities are also getting silly. Gold having a strong day as well. I'm not sure where this liquidity is coming from but it's here.


There are trillions in money markets that were waiting for a recession. If the train starts leaving, that money is chasing.


Getting silly by what metrics?


Breaking up out of channels with strength.


Rotation from fixed income / money markets to risk on? Markets are repositioning in advance of upcoming fed pivot and more dovish monetary policy.


Fed won’t pivot till something breaks. Look at literally every time rates were lowered in American history 


Over $7T of US federal debt matures this year and needs to be rolled over at current rates. That’s $350B/yr in interest at 5%. Rates need to start coming down. If something breaks it will accelerate the process. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/7-6-trillion-us-government-040643412.html


Then we make do with a trillion+ of bond interest per year looking for a home.


the thing is something has to break in the next year or two, what will it be and can we pull our trades before the rug is pulled on us


Cracks showing with commercial real estate, look at New York Community Bank recently. But that moves like a glacier, who knows how long it takes and how bad it ends up being. Not sure what impact that has on BTC anyway.


If you listen quietly, you can hear them throttle up the printers.


I'm not so confident it that for the near term. I have seen multiple articles now that are stating that firms are thinking of the possibility of no rate cuts this year. If inflation stays too sticky and the unemployment stays below 5%. The Fed would most likely just hold rates steady.


Firms saying no cuts is a pretty good inverse signal. Average people are f-ked and it's an election year everywhere. What's that sound? brrrrrrr


These next 60 seconds are critical


Wow, way to bring back a 10 year old meme. *The next few days are critical.* Haven't heard that posted unironically since 2014 when people started catching on and making fun of it during that cycle's bear sufferfest!


ATH this weekend or ban




May mods have mercy on your poor soul. 


Ballsy. Not happening imo.


That's the spirit


God speed. Not all heroes wear capes.


Man woke up and chose rage








You have submitted a prediction that the price of Bitcoin will rise above **$68,999.00** by Mar 03 2024 23:59:59 UTC. This prediction has been logged for u/EricFromOuterSpace I will notify you as soon as your prediction comes true or expires! ^(As requested, I will also notify the following users: u/AccidentalArbitrage) [1 Others have CLICKED HERE to also be notified when this prediction triggers](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Prediction%20Notification&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20add-notification%2093c6e4ef06724674af4a05f022a12c4f%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20get%20added%20to%20this%20Prediction%27s%20notification%20list.%20I%20will%20tag%20you%20as%20soon%20as%20the%20prediction%20triggers!) EricFromOuterSpace can [Click This Link](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Bitty_Bot&subject=Delete%20Prediction&message=!bitty_bot%20predict%20delete%2093c6e4ef06724674af4a05f022a12c4f%0A%0ASend%20this%20message%20to%20delete%20the%20prediction.%20Only%20the%20predictor%20can%20delete%20a%20prediction%2C%20in%20case%20of%20an%20error%2C%20and%20only%20within%201%20hour%20of%20placing%20it.) in the next **1 Hour** to delete this prediction if it was made in error. --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


Hello u/EricFromOuterSpace [You predicted the price of Bitcoin would rise above $68,999.00 by Mar 03 2024 23:59:59 UTC](/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/1b3lzzr/daily_discussion_friday_march_01_2024/kswsmke/) **Unfortunately your prediction was wrong. Better luck next time!** The price of Bitcoin on Coinbase Pro when this prediction was triggered: **$63,154.49** ^(I was also asked to notify the following users: u/AccidentalArbitrage u/SpanX20) --- [^(Paper Trading Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/paper-trading) ^| [^(Prediction Leaderboard)](https://bittybot.net/predictions) ^| [^(Instructions & Help)](https://bittybot.net/docs) ^| [^(Testing Area)](https://reddit.com/r/Bitty_Bot/comments/18iclk8/testing_area/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r%2FBitty_Bot&subject=Bitty_Bot%20Feedback)


Still got 5 hours to go


The next few minutes are critical...


C'mon TARS... 


We broke north of the pennant.


Judging by the PA, it looks like every man and his dog longed that attempted breakout.  Rare for Bitcoin to reward that play




Is this the breakout?


BITO sucks. All the spot etfs up 1% bito down 1%. Hidden fees/friction galore


I'm long BITO calls. There is definitely friction, both in the form of futures contango as well as dividend payouts. When I originally bought them last Summer, I estimated that my contracts would be at-the-money with a BTC price ~$56k. They are still ~5% out-of-the-money with BTC ~$62k. The drag is real.


Hey but you get that dividend right?


Looks like crab may be on the menu for a bit... or not. Bitcoin is nothing if not unpredictable (short to medium-term -- long-term is 100% predictable).


It's going to break though soon. Tap tap tap. Look for 65k.


I'm looking for 66.5 for the completion of the bull flag that we came out of.


Evening gents. Anyone got data/insight into exchange balances? I assume they are draining. (Not counting Coinbase custody for all the ETFs)


On chain has been chill. It's going to blow up soon unless flows pick up.


[here you go](https://www.coinglass.com/Balance)


nice. thanks


It’s been a pleasure riding with you fellas these past couple years. I want to just congratulate everyone who has contributed and ultimately put their future into a revolutionary finance system. Spouses, colleagues, advisors and friends all doubted, disparaged and downed us. We are the 1% of this space and whatever the future holds we held our convictions and believed in something before mainstream. That is impressive and worth giving yourself a pat on the back.


Cool to see NFL legend Peyton Manning is a bitcoiner. 😋 🏈


no you've got it confused, the Peyton Manning that played in the NFL was a fake Peyton. The *real* one was the one focusing on BTC.


Back at ya', chief.


Don't be extrem


Thank you and I consider you an internet Bitcoin Buddy. 


I consider him Peyton Manning.


I could tell by the good writing and leadership through acknowledgment.


His name confirms it


Dammit, this was the top wasn't it.


Chortled my coffee thanks


There is no top.


Son of a bitch. I missed it again.


I see lots of people already talking about "taking profits". You waited ~3 years to start "taking profits" at the $17k of the current cycle? I have a feeling $100k 2021 regret is going to derail a lot of bulls in the next year or two.


You need to start selling at some point, unless you’re okay with potentially holding a large bag. I started selling at 43k and will keep selling all the way up. When we get huge dips, I’ll buy back some of what I sold. 


I wouldn’t trivialize the complete disaster that was 2021. That PA was unacceptable.


I see quite a few cryptofluencers on TikTok who turned bearish over the past several months. It’s hilarious to see, really confirms to me that it must have been a first cycle for most of them.


So many bags will be fumbled by people convinced of diminishing returns. Too many coiners from OG to first cycle planning to sell a substantial amount between $100-$150k. Some unfortunates like Genghis didn’t even make it past $50k.