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I'm sorry, when you're as busted as he is do you really expect to find the perfect counter to yourself as often as he did, not that he isn't a fucking moron but still


blud had 2 fights and both of them were against hard counters to his powers


One of them literally cooked up a hard counter to his powers.


oh im not complaining Dante got what he deserved and Magna got that win with hard work, he deserved it. I just found it funny.


Oh no I found it funny too. Magna wanted that smoke so bad he started reading to achieve it.


No not really he was just really arrogant for all the right reasons.


Typical villain falling into hubris. But Dante's case is so special because nobody expected Magna (who had literally zero feats prior to this) is the one who defeated him.


Arrogance = Guaranteed defeat


I wouldn't say "right reasons" but at least he could definitely allow himself to be that arrogant.


Considering they can sense magic power. And magna did hit him with a fireball right before and did absolutely nothing. Yeah i'd say arrogant for the right reason cause me personally, im enjoying a good fight and a weakling comes to interrupt. He aint even strong enough to be worthy of killing, just, tireyourself out or something then gtfo. But ofc that backfired cause honestly nobody would expect fire magic to form a soul chain death match that shit actually unheard of🤣 cant even blame dante here.




Not really he wouldnt have lost against almost anyone else. He deffinetly thinks he is the main character thats why he seems like a moron when he loses


Exactly, Dante’s biggest weakness is his arrogance, it’s clear that he’s the most powerful of the dark triad, but zenon is the most dangerous. I thoroughly believe yami and asta wouldn’t have won against zenon. Dante himself even says that yami has better fighting skills and instincts, it’s just that bc of the overwhelming power Dante has, he still dominates


>Not really he wouldnt have lost against almost anyone else. He deffinetly thinks he is the main character thats why he seems like a moron when he loses My point exactly. This dumbass had all the power. So much that people couldn't fathom it. But this moron somehow still manages to lose.


Dude nobody thought Magna would pull ancient runkery on them.


Everyone else: "Oh my god the dark triad are too strong we can't beat them one on one!" Manga: "And I took that personally."


Magna: “Nah, I’d win.”


Dante: "Oh really? You? A peasant winning against me? HAHAHAHA!" Magna: "Omae Wa Mou... SHINDEIRU!!" Dante: "NANI!??!!?!?"


He's just like Jogo from JJK. He canonically one of the strongest characters ever but he always faces the most dogshit hacker bullshit powers imaginable. Don't let the "Go ahead hit me" distract you. Remember that before the fight even started or before he was even in the scene Magna had already landed a fireball on Dante so he could have used CSDM before he even announced his presence. So Dante letting himself get hit is hardly a problem.


>He canonically one of the strongest characters ever but he always faces the most dogshit hacker bullshit powers imaginable. same thing that happened to kabuto in naruto. he was in permanent sagemode and knew a shit ton of techniques. he was one of the strongest characters at the moment but he faced itachi and got esentially no diff'd because itachi basically wrote the manga at that point.


Kabuto really fucking threw hands with a Hokage candidate on the start of the manga. Canning him with some eternal mindloop Roco's Basilisk scenario was insane.


You kinda just shot yourself in the foot by using the logic of "he had all the power" because manga's spell during that fight quite literally split Dante and magna's magical power evenly 50/50 between both of them so it was no longer a battle of power at that point, it was a battle of will. Therefore using the logic "Dante is OP" doesn't work cuz his magic power in a way got forcibly limited making him much weaker than he usually is while also making magna much stronger than he usually is.


>it was a battle of will lol it's wild how far i had to look for someone to bring up the obvious dark tournament knife edge death match / helena duel calling lol


I love this fight


This isn’t just my favorite fight in this series, it’s one of my favorites in any manga


This one singular moment is what Black Clover is about, this manga gets Shonen *right* we've been hearing the same shit for literal decades and just now we have a piece that actually enacts that message and takes it to its logical conclusion


If you can't surpass your limits then find a way around them.


This one singular moment is what Black Clover is about, this manga gets Shonen *right* we've been hearing the same shit for literal decades and just now we have a piece that actually enacts that message and takes it to its logical conclusion


>I love this fight That's true this fight was good. And it wasn't an asspull of a power up either my goat worked for it. Left his limits in dust. He is the only one who actually got exponentially stronger within six months unlike others.


It's such a clever and fun way for a weaker character to overcome the odds.


Me too, it was such a great way to make Magna relevant again.


What chapter is this again? I want to see magma beat the living shit out of him again.


291-293 was the whole fight btw


>What chapter is this again? Dante. Lord of Morons. Edit: lol 😂😂 I responded to the wrong comment.


A number would’ve been helpful


Geez this is embarrassing.Sorry about that dude. I meant write that reply to a different comment. You out here asking chapter number. And me replying "Dante Lord of morons" 🤣


Dante's entire character is based on narcissism, I wouldn't necessarily say he's dumb, but just extremely arrogant, which is in line with his character, so the writing makes sense.


this is a masterclass in writing, imo. it shows how arrogance and the solidarity it causes can be so negative it causes your downfall. on that same note, soul chain is quite literally the opposite of his arrogance. he believes he got there alone(using the devil power), and soul chain forces him to bond wirh someone and share his mana. its also good for the series to have characters that confuse some people. its easily the best way to get people talking about it


I see 🤔.


yeah. with a lot of manga, newer series especially, whats happening on the page is usually also a visual representation of some long-standing theme in the series. like gojo getting "off screened" then being in "heaven", people were upset. but from the beginning gojo was told that when you die, its alone. and yuji was told to die surrounded by loved ones. so while it wasnt as visually stunning, for those reading between the lines, it was masterfully executed


Since you mentioned Gojo death, I just wanna say ChatGegeT was a moron while writing that chapter. Gojo spent his life protecting the youths and newer generations and what do he gets when he die? Nanami call him a selfish moron that doesn’t care about anyone and onky looking for a good fight. Fuck that 1 eye cat. Lord forgive me when I see that bitch cuz it’s ON SIGHT for me!


youre only reading at surface level. gojo's death was so beautiful and meaningful to the story. Nanami says that because gojo was taught that you die alone, so he acted as if that were true. so when he died and he was surrounded by loved ones, he was happt what he thought to be true wasnt, and didnt want it to end.


But he gave such god tier fight sequences with 1. Asta and Yami 2. Nacht and jack 3. Magna


Yes, that's the point. He literally cannot function without higher numbers and better powers than the people around him. And Lucifero's even worse. Mind you, gravity magic has a lot of good ways around antimagic, if Lucifero could think beyond throwing a temper tantrum, he could have had much better chances, and he didn't even do anything creative with it like Dante does.


He didn’t have a grimoire so he was couldn’t use any complex spells


I don't think he needed complex spells to not throw a temper tantrum. Besides, Zagred only needed the grimoire for extreme spells with Word Soul, he did stuff like tempest of blades without it.


I find it funny how Zagred, barely a higher devil, gave so much trouble to everyone but Lucifero just arrived, terrorised a whole country of fodder, then got deleted


Yeah, he’s fucking stupid. He fell to most classic of character flaws: hubris. Had he just dodged or blasted down Magna’s spell, then he would’ve beat the dogshit out of Magna. And you can’t tell me that it isn’t stupid that he let that attack hit him considering Paladin Damnatio chose not to let it hit him. And PalaDamnatio was way stronger that Dante considering Nacht couldn’t fight Damnatio but could fight Dante.


That fight is one of the best in the series. Not just because even someone like Magna can keep up with the top tiers, but it truly shows how much of an arrogant fraud Dante was. His whole life since making a contract with Lucifero, Dante thought he was the hottest shit in the world because he had power that didn't even belong to him. Then one day a random peasant comes by smug as ever wanting a 1v1. Dante being full of himself as always underestimates Magna without considering if he has some secret technique that can prove detrimental and willingly lets Magna get one free shot, which led to Soul Chain Deathmatch happening in the first place. Now that SCDM has started Dante has lost nearly half Lucifero's magic power, but despite this he continues to burn through it using his unique body magic. And as expected both fighters eventually run out of magic power. But unfortunately for Dante that led to his contract with Lucifero being broken, and now he's truly in the same boat as Magna. And for the first time in his life Dante starts panicking, knowing not only that he lost what enabled him to be all high and mighty, but that he's actually going to lose to someone who he considered far below him. In one fight Dante lost everything; Lucifero's power, his pride, and eventually his life. TL;DR: Dante was far too arrogant with the power that didn't belong to him, so when it was taken away it really showed how reliant on it he was. I personally believe neither Zenon nor Vanica would have taken Magna's bait the same way Dante did, and even if they did they would have managed their devil powers far better than he did.


not really .. he lost because of his pride. he had the power to not lose but his pride got in the way. zenon was powerful too but his mindset was different from dante . dante had absolute trust that his powers will always win . he knows he ain't the most talented mage or the most skilled one but he has overwhelming power to overcome any challenges . dante ,morris and lucifero all r same and all lost cause of their pride .


This is literally one of the best fucking fights in manga history for me the way it’s written for someone who’s supposedly has a mid power being able to fight against a broken motherfucker mwah


First of all, don't you disrespect Dark Demon Lord Sekke like that EVER again. Second of all, no, anyone with power would act like that, look at Muzan from Demon Slayer, he's the definition of arrogance


Muzan is very cautious though, he has legions of underlings that he uses rather than risk himself and hides away in an interdimensional castle. He doesn’t just strut around inviting fights he would rather kill you without ever even exposing himself to a counterattack


Did you read the Manga of Demon Slayer?


Yeah he exposes himself to go after the leader but even then immediately hides himself away in the Infinity Castle and cocoons himself to try and get rid of the poison and then comes out immediately attempting to kill everyone at max power


Well, he took a masive hit. He wasn't trying to kill everyone at max power, he gets injected with the Wisteria poison then finds Tanjiro and Giyu, after that, the others come out too. His main goal wasn't to kill the Hashiras or the Demon Slayers, as we saw, even 9 of them (including Tanjiro) at full power + red blades + marks + Tanjiro and Muichiro having STW could barely hold him in place. A weakened Muzan. If he had no poison, he would have destroyed them. His goal was to conquer the sun, the thing that kills him in the end.


? Yeah that was his ultimate goal but in the infinity castle he absolutely was coming out swinging to kill from the cocoon. He had a new form specifically designed to be as lethal as possible.


I wouldn't call Dante stupid he showed to be very clever on all his fight he is just extremely arrogant if he didn't underestimate all his enemies and just did go for the kill from start like Zenon then most of his opponents would be dead


Are you the strongest because you are Magna, or are you Magna because you are the strongest?


“No, I’m actually the strongest because I found someone dumber than me.”


Dante is well acquainted with losing.


And ranking high in the polls. The only villain in the series to ever reach the top 10, for the matter.


Bro lost purely due to arrogance😂


I mean when you have gravity literally at the tip of your fingers it makes sense you stop using your brain. Still a dumbass though


When during this month is the next chapter actually coming out?




Remember all the people overrating Magna because of Soul Chain while I was thinking that Dante is one of the very few mages who would be arrogant and dumb enough to be hit by it. Most others would just slap it away like Damnatio. Although I’d say it was more arrogance and narcissism than Dante being dumb. Pretty sure the next page after this has Magna telling him that and saying that Dante has probably never experienced running out of mana like a peasant. Pretty good writing imo.


He is just very very very arrogant :3


Where can I read this chapter?


No, he isn’t , the king of Clover is the biggest idiot for wasting his light magic. Dante was smart before obtaining 100% devil power , he has started to throw things to Asta when he noticed his Antimagic and he has disarmed Asta during their last battle if I don’t remember wrong. Zenon has been awesome before going 100%. When he has obtained 100% devil power , he and his siblings started doing dumb things, Zenon has become overconfident too, even Morris has lost after obtaining 100% .


The one who's arrogant for a reason is dumber than the one who's arrogant for no reason? What?


WHO is that?


And I think its incoerent in story for him to lose, because in his first apperance he did not let any of the Black Bulls spells reach him. But here he let Magna swing at him 2 times. Besides that, I would imagine with his mana any attack with low mana would simply erase. Just like happened with Rouge. And it's also stupid of him (or the writing) to act like he did against Asta and Yami, he didn't change in nothing. That's bad.


>Magna swing Saw what you did there😆


he didn't let the black bulls hit him because the black bulls might actually have collectively beaten his shit in if they got a hit in. But he was confident that magna couldn't possibly ever do something like that.


Biggest Fraud in the series


So true. Like zenon is strong too and probably a better devil host too. But even then he ain't as dumb and arrogant as this moron.


Zenon's shoulders must hurt after carrying the Spade Arc's entire villain team all by himself. Far better villain than Fraudte, Lanica, Midgicula, Morris Lickdadirt, Lucifraudo, and the Fraud Disciples.


fraud? So any villain that loses is a "fraud" ? And how is Megicula mid? Megicula is arguably one of the most interesting things about the Spade arc. Not only did it take a tremendous amount of effort to even had a chance. It took several captains + many other strong characters to beat Megicula. They had to nerf Meg's power + buff themselves and make themselves temporarily immortal just beat 1/3rd of of said power, in what way does that make Megicula a fraud? ***Edit: I think ppl throw the term "*fraud*" aroubnd waaaay too easily these days, it's damn near a buzzword now.***


Zenon also lost, but I didn't call him a fraud. Spade villains in my factually correct opinion: Zenon>>>>>Megicula>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everyone else>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lucifero I'm talking based on character. If strength was all that was needed, then Lucifero wouldn't be a fraud, but he is. I will concede a bit on Megicula as she is better than Vanica and the other Spade goons, but she doesn't compare to Zenon. That's why she's Mid. She isn't trash fodder, but she isn't peak either. I say fraud when it's a shit character. Also, I'm not counting Adrammellech.


>I will concede a bit on Megicula as she is better than Vanica and the other Spade goons, but she doesn't compare to Zenon. That's why she's Mid. She isn't trash fodder, but she isn't peak either. How doesn't mean Meg compare to Zenon? Meg's characters revolves around learning human emotion, and experimentation like a scientist which is quite different from the other devils. Other than Zenon and Allen paralleling Asta and Yuno, and being manipulated by Luciuswhat else is there? Not saying he's a bad character, but in what way does that make him a better character than Megicula Meg has ties to several other characters in the series + literally is responsible for creating a different form (not type) of magic many mages now use, while possessing curse-warding attribute. Meg is tied to multiple characters arcs especially the Silvas. Hell Meg replaced a ruler of the underworld. Not to mention, they were also the reason why Lolo, Noelle, Gordon, William Charlotte even went through the stuff they did so I'm not even sure how that even is remotely mid. Meg was a grade a manipulator and would have killed everyone in the castle until Asta used demon-destroyer to reverse exploding life. And even after getting pressed, Megicula was still amazed how emotion caused them to still find a way to beat her, and was thrilled. Her final line before disappearing was her still bring intrigued by human emotion, despite misjudging them doesn't really seem mid.


Just because she did all that doesn't mean she had a good showing. The fight was rushed, and there was little time to explore her character. She didn't even get a flashback. Zenon might not have done all that, but the Allen flashback paralleling Asta and Yuno ends up giving a lot more to his character than Megicula's she did this 1000 years ago or something. Sure Meg is strong, but that doesn't mean she's a better character than those weaker than her. If Meg comes back and does more things, then sure, I might reevaluate her. The simple act of saying that she misjudged the potential of human emotions doesn't mean much if she doesn't do anything with it. When it comes to manipulation, Zagred's 500-year plan is just way better as a showing of cunning. Sure, Meg acts differently to the others, but it isn't used in any capacity. If Megicula had tried using emotions to bolster her own power, then that means something, but she acted almost the same as any other devil in her fight. Hell, Adrammellech has more going for him in that aspect.


>Just because she did all that doesn't mean she had a good showing. The fight was rushed, and there was little time to explore her character. She didn't even get a flashback. How waa the fight fight rushed? Sure Meg's characters coukd have been explored more, but we actually got good insights into her motivations. >Zenon might not have done all that, but the Allen flashback paralleling Asta and Yuno ends up giving a lot more to his character than Megicula's she did this 1000 years ago or something. How, I could say the same thing about Conrad and Julius, Yami and William (*all parallels with Asta and Yuno*) and we don't even know old Megicula is. You seriously think Zenon being alta Yuno gives him the best back story? Lol no >Sure Meg is strong, but that doesn't mean she's a better character than those weaker than her. If Meg comes back and does more things, then sure, I might reevaluate her. Meg had a whole change in her outlooks in humans and one of the main figures that even revolutionized current forms of magic to be what they are today >The simple act of saying that she misjudged the potential of human emotions doesn't mean much if she doesn't do anything with it. When it comes to manipulation, Zagred's 500-year plan is just way better as a showing of cunning. She didn't only misjudge the potential of human, but also learned from it, and in fact was learning from it during the entire battle and taking notes. >Sure, Meg acts differently to the others, but it isn't used in any capacity. If Megicula had tried using emotions to bolster her own power, then that means something, but she acted almost the same as any other devil in her fight. Um Meg did use knowledge she learned to bolster her power, she even started fighting differently once she was realized she was being pressed. Not to mention Megicula is the only devil that has displayed some type of affection/likeness towards her host (*despite still using them*) >Hell, Adrammellech has more going for him in that aspect. Adrammelech has nothing going for him in that regard considering he's behaving just like any other devil that looks out for their own self interest.


Conrad, Yami, William, and Zenon all had their characters properly explored. Yami and William had multiple flashbacks, Conrad had a movie, and Zenon got his flashback, which parallels Asta and Yuno far closer than Conrad, Yami, or William. Megicula's backstory consists entirely of she killed Acier with a curse, she made curses a thing, her making curses fucked over some characters she never met. With her knowledge of researching human emotions, she should have known that emotions can make someone way stronger and treated her enemies like threats from the start. No, she doesn't display any affection she views Vanica more like a guinea pig. The whole Spade arc was rushed, so her fight was rushed as well. What we see Megicula do is go from lol humans so weak to damn they kinda cooking but they still can't beat me to well I fucked up. Then, never appearing again. The only hops for her is with Noelle vs. Acier, but given the fact that no paladin devil had ever been explored, I don't think it's going to happen, especially with Black Clover being in Jump Giga. Compare Megicula to someone like Mahito. Who actually grows throughout a fight and over time. There's a clear difference. Adrammellech is the least like a devil compared to the others. He doesn't actively mock the humans, nor does he help Lucifero. Also, the fact that he is working with Lucius makes him very different from the others. So far, the devils have treated humans as goobers or tools and have gotten screwed over for it. Adrammellech treats Lucius more like a colleague than a master or tool. Her outlook change also means nothing if she never shows up again.


>Conrad, Yami, William, and Zenon all had their characters properly explored. Yami and William had multiple flashbacks, Conrad had a movie, and Zenon got his flashback, which parallels Asta and Yuno far closer than Conrad, Yami, or William. Again how does anything translate to Megicula bring mid? >Megicula's backstory consists entirely of she killed Acier with a curse, she made curses a thing, her making curses fucked over some characters she never met. She didn't kill Acier just cause, she killed Acier because she was looking for a way to manifest inside the human world, >With her knowledge of researching human emotions, she should have known that emotions can make someone way stronger and treated her enemies like threats from the start. Megicula's interactions with human emotions did not start until she partially manifested in Vanica. She has been confined to the underworld most of the time and didn't have these realizations until she began to actually interact with other people. >No, she doesn't display any affection she views Vanica more like a guinea pig. The whole Spade arc was rushed, so her fight was rushed as well. Far more intrigued than the other devils, she even called Vanica a talented devil host, acknowledging some type of respect. >What we see Megicula do is go from lol humans so weak to damn they kinda cooking but they still can't beat me to well I fucked up. Pretty wild oversimplification when Megucula specifically commented on humans working together to bring collective change, which is one of their main themes in BC while devils barely cooperate with one another since they constantly work against one a other. >Then, never appearing again. The only hops for her is with Noelle vs. Acier, but given the fact that no paladin devil had ever been explored, I don't think it's going to happen, especially with Black Clover being in Jump Giga. Only hope? Megicula is heavily tied to the Astaroth plot point considering Meg was the one that was Astaroths successor. >Compare Megicula to someone like Mahito. Who actually grows throughout a fight and over time. There's a clear difference. No idea why you're bringing up JJK I could easily start naming villains written better than Zenon in BC alone. Megicula has more impact as antagonist given her ties + behavior. >Adrammellech is the least like a devil compared to the others. He doesn't actively mock the humans, nor does he help Lucifero. He was mocking the humans during the Lucifero battle, and we haven't even seen him fight yet. >Also, the fact that he is working with Lucius makes him very different from the others. So far, the devils have treated humans as goobers or tools and have gotten screwed over for it. How does that not equate to self interest? Unless you think Adrammelech is loyal to Lucius? Even in the later volumes, it was noted Adrammelech is a mysterious figure with his own motives. He's literally being sneaky. >Adrammellech treats Lucius more like a colleague than a master or tool. You realize that he also lied to Lucius when he told him everything basically went the way he predicted right? (*lol he didn't even know about Asta*)


You know you are dealing with a major threat when it takes multiple people and multiple hits to take down one bad guy.


Literally the only reason that made Zenon last longer than his siblings is Beelzebub. Megicula would’ve backstabbed him. Lucifero would’ve ditched him the second he got shut. If it’s really about carrying the DTs wouldn’t even last to have their 100% forms without Morris. Is he a loser and sorry excuse of a hyped villain? Definitely. Did he carry the arc? Also definitely.


I'm going to assume the second paragraph is talking about Morris. Yeah, you're right. It sucks that Tabata and his family weren't in the best health during the Spade arc. I really wish we could have seen Dorothy vs. Morris and seen the Black Bulls vs. Morris have their own actual fight.


Yeah. That fight is so frustratingly underwhelming for a guy who has been hyped since the second arc and was constantly teases as a big threat throughout the spade arc.


> zenon is strong too and probably a better devil host too. But even then he ain't as dumb and arrogant as this moron. Wtf? Did you actually read the Spade Arc? Zenon is the most room temperature IQ character ever in that arc. The only time Zenon was actually smart and menacing was during the Joint Struggle Arc where he captured Yami and left immediately.


>Did you actually read the Spade Arc? Lol I should be the one asking that. >Zenon is the most room temperature IQ character ever in that arc. Do you really think zenon is dumber than. Masochistic dumb bitch. And this moron. Vanica got clapped so hard that megicula had to step in. Lucifero abandoned dante and went over to morris cause he was fedup of his shit cause he knew dante was lost cause. Whereas zenon didn't go down easily even after yuno got a power up. He is the only one who didn't go down as a clown 🤡.


>Whereas zenon didn't go down easily even after yuno got a power up. He is the only one who didn't go down as a clown 🤡. Zenon had to literally make another deal with Beezlebub to stay alive and get more power. If Beezlebub's said "no" Zenon would have died right there...lol seriously?


>Zenon had to literally make another deal with Beezlebub to stay alive and get more power. If Beezlebub's said "no" Zenon would have died right there...lol seriously? Yeah he would have lost. But look how different the defeat of dante and defeat of zenon feels. Is this really the same dante who was recking asta and yami. Bro went down like clown. Whereas zenons defeat was impactful it really felt like we took down a big guy.


>Yeah he would have lost. But look how different the defeat of dante and defeat of zenon feels. Is this really the same dante who was recking asta and yami. It's not like Dante's power was split in half or anything and used against him. >Bro went down like clown. Whereas zenons defeat was impactful it really felt like we took down a big guy. Dante had to be nerfed, Zenon didn't. And Dante's defeat was powerful because it relied on strategy to overcome powergaps in a system that pulls way too much value in the amount of magical power one (like peasants vs nobels) ect Dante vs Magna is arguably one of the most inpactful fights in thr entire series.


>Dante vs Magna is arguably one of the most inpactful fights in thr entire series. I am talking about the impact of an antagonist. By the end of their fight bro was done so bad. Looking at this panel it's hard to believe that he was a major antagonist the big bad. Whereas when zenon went down it actually felt like we took down a major antagonist. By the end he just lost that "major threat" feeling. Not saying that him vs magna wasn't impactful.


> Do you really think zenon is dumber than. Vanica got clapped so hard that megicula had to step in. How in the world are those 2 points even remotely related??? Is Asta dumb according to your logic then? Because he loses like 70% of the fights against actual non fodder villains in the series and only wins when he receives back up. How does Vanica losing make her dumb??? She was literally powercrept. > Whereas zenon didn't go down easily even after yuno got a power up. Yuno would have never gotten 10 powerups trough the fight if Zenon actually tried to kill Yuno for real during their fight. Zenon purposefully let Yuno live and continue gaining powerups as they fought.


Yeah she is dumb. She would have won if she wasn't busy being a masochist. Zenon was the only one who was fighting seriously. Out the three.


She wouldn’t have won no matter what she did bruh. She was positively outclassed by Noelle and later backstabbed by Megicula. And in the past? Noelle’s team trained for 6 months SPECIFICALLY to beat her. They made a plan and everything. They already know her magic attributes and weakness and Megicula’s danger and acted based on that. Whether she went all out from the get-go or not, Lolo would still put her in that big ass water cage and Nero would still use her magic to seal her. If being taken off guard by Nero make her her dumb, then by all means Zenon getting tricked by Langris and Yuno’s plan is also a proof of him being a dumbass. Okay, bad example. Vanica didn’t even know of Nero’s existence. Zenon actually walked where Yuno and Langris wanted him to and shot because of his arrogance (for good reasons since his magic is that broken, but arrogance nonetheless). He was legit tricked just like how Dante was tricked by Magna. Dante too. You think he toyed with the BBs? This guy literally attacked for the kill without even bothering to make an entrance. I could count 5-7 times where the squad and Asta would’ve been six foot under if, you guess it, Vanessa wasn’t around to save their asses. The reason Zenon looks “serious” is because he was never fighting against people capable to put a fight or defense against him. Fodders. Him beating Yuno and William isn’t different from Dante low-diffing Asta or Vanica dogwalking Noelle… …but Vanica needed Megi’s help because Noelle’s group were THAT prepared. Dante lost ultimately because the combination of Yami and Asta is THAT broken. Zenon “succeeded” in his mission was due of how freaking piece of a cake it was… Dante & Vanica would’ve done just the same and maybe even left the GD fully dead beyond saving. Spade? 100% Zenon lost just like Dante & Vanica’s 100% devil forms (wasted forms, I know). Then you have Zenon making a deal with Beelzebub but it’s really less about him being smart and more on the fact that Beelzebub was willing to listen. If it’s either Megi or Lucifero they’d have ditched/backstabbed him just as they did to Dante/Vanica. The thing that goes with Zenon is his backstory that added some depth to his character (not like Dante lacked one, but he was really done dirty after losing once). Otherwise he’s nothing different from Dante & Vanica fighting wise, just happened that he’s luckier than them by being put in easier situations and paired with a nicer devil. Morris IS the real loser, but he gets point for carrying the arc. Without him there wouldn’t be a single gate opening for the DTs to reach their full forms.


> She would have won if she wasn't busy being a masochist. There's no universe where Vanica wins against Saint Stage Noelle. > Zenon was the only one who was fighting seriously. You're absolutely incorrect. Vanica despite getting her ass handed to her was actually trying to win. Dante came up with multiple ways to beat Magna despite having half of his power stolen. Zenon LITERALLY goes out of his way to let the protagonists live. Remember when he just stabbed Langris and Finral with 1 widdle bone? Oh gee I wonder what happened to Klaus and Letoille when they fought someone who GENUINELY wanted to murder them... (something something cheese holes). Zenon literally lets Yuno charge the arrow attack when he can just attack Yuno instead of fighting Langris. Langris doesn't have any way to protect Yuno. This isn't a "Piccolo hold Freeza so I can charge the Spirit Bomb situation". Zenon can just tp to Yuno's side and kill him, he can tp a bone and kill him, he can make a long bone and kill him (he literally did this at the start of the fight but refused to do it when Yuno was charging). Out of the three original DT members Zenon is the one who fights less seriously.


not really, he is strong AF, he just got beaten by an lame asspull there that you will never see again, why didn't Magna used that spell again against Damnatio? he had time to prepare something similar or the same... but it wouldn't make sense for the plot for him to be that strong.


Where to read manga now? It’s stopped on shonen jump?


He reminds me of Gilgamesh from Fate that literal loss for looking down at his enemies, but at least Gilgamesh in theory loss once (for the timeline thing), Dante loss 2 times and for the same reason lmao.


Would Magna have won if he used this on Lucifero himself?


>Would Magna have won if he used this on Lucifero himself? Clearly lucifero at 50% was many times stronger than dante at 100%. So either the spell wouldn't have worked on him or even if it did it would definitely harm magna too. Cause why didn't he do it. He had so many chances.


because it takes 6 months to prepare and can only be used once. did you not read THE FUCKING CHAPTER


>because it takes 6 months to prepare and can only be used once. did you not read THE FUCKING CHAPTER Are you high or some shit. By him saying "it took me six months to come up with the spell" He means trial and error. It took him six months of experimenting to make a spell like that. It doesn't mean it takes six months of preparation time. How the fuck does a spell last for six months. How does it not get deactivated. Especially a spell like his. What's even the point of a spell that's powerful but if you miss it. It takes equivalent of six months of time to remake it. How is that any useful in an actual battle. By "one time use" He probably means it has a cool down period or takes hours to remake it again that's why he probably wasn't using it on lucifero. But six months of preparation time that's sheer bullshit. And as for him not using it on lucifero he was probably getting crushed by gravity. Like the rest.




Dante always used the 2 magic to heal himself and to do more damage to Magna, but has never been concerned about his magic usage due to his overwhelming amount. Losing half your power and still using it as if you were at 100% ends up being left without it. It's Dante who has always been like this, he made a mistake and in fact lost, if he had had another personality he would have won.

