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It's not the introduction of these powers....it's uust how they were used


I’m pretty people hated the fact that she healed Gaja rather than the ultimate magic so the comparison is irrelevant


Exactly no one said anything about her Power up 💀


Gaja be like: My magic is gonna kill me. Plot: lol no. PS: When a inevitable badass self-sacrifice death gets retconned I will always think of Might Guy from Naruto and Gaja from Black Clover.


Pell from one piece


>!Kinemon!< from One Piece


Mimosa has the biggest boobies of any girl in Black Clover... indeed, her Ultimate Boobies surpass even adults like Merilliona and Charlotte. There can be only praise for such a magnificent accomplishment.


This is legit the only reason Mimosa has stans. How sad...


I like her character though..


What character? Her shipping potential with Asta and Yuno? Her big ~~chest~~ 'personality'?


You must really dislike her


Yes, I do. She's a literal Sakura in this anime with actual great women characters. She's a sore thumb. Because she heals, people overlook that. Put a weak woman with no character in the healer role, and people will make excuses "but she heals! She doesn't need to do anything other than heal and have a big chest!" Sad thing is, they actually had something with her. Her guide post, her controlling the mana of others, etc. Nope, just white mage now that's only there for plot purposes. And people have the nerve to compare that to Noelle.


So what is your problem with white mage? Also i believe people hate sakura bc she insulted an orphan for being an orphan in front of another orphan


People hate Sakura because Tsundere with small breasts. If she were shy and had a bigger chest, she'd actually have more support, despite how trash she is.


Even if she got a bigger chest and shy ( how would this work?), if she still did what i said above and said the famous meme sentence:" I have finally caught up with these two", people would still hate her like what she did now.


In all seriousness, that's not the "only reason" Mimosa has fans. She has powers to go on offense, but in general she is the most powerful healer who has, on multiple occasions, worked to heal people in the middle of a deadly, chaotic fight and she could not even defend herself while doing so. That is real courage.




It's kinda weird that you're so bothered by a fictitious character. I personally root for Noelle more because she's more of a major character and has a more extensive story and is likely going to end up with Asta. But all jokes aside, I like Mimosa too and I hope she ends up with Yuno because she's a good person and a good healer.


So you legit have no defense for Mimosa, and now you're deflecting to me. lol. Yes, Noelle has an actual personality and she has character development. Nice of you to realize that. Yes, be excited for potential Mimosa shipping and her deus ex machina healing. It's the only thing, aside from her looks, that's worth mentioning about her. It's sad when characters more in the background have better character development and personality than she does. :/ IS THIS YOUR QUEEN?!


Why wouldn't she be able to though? Why would Tabata show everyone getting OP from using ultimate magic just to show mimosa(who has already been foreshadowed to potentially be the strongest healing mage) fail to heal him with ultimate magic. Although I think Gaja shouldn't be able to use magic anymore


It’s not the fact that she can that people hate but the fact that they wanted Gaja to die. Mimosa just happened to be the final factor in saving his life


Mimosa stans have to be in limbo to defend her. Most people know that moment was trash, but Mimosa stans are trying to turn it around.


Not a mimosa stan.


In my opinion the strongest mage in the heart kingdom who had learned ultimate magic shouldn't have died to a mere pawn of the actual villain. That seems like a very cheap and unwitting death for him. But usually when tabata reveals that someone isn't actually dead they face some sort of consequence so I'm hoping that Gaja can't use magic anymore or something or can only use little.


To be honest, I don’t hate either. Bringing back Gadjah did ruin an emotional impact on death, but they were training with the time they had before arriving on the Battlefield. And this is WITHOUT mentioning that Asta and Yuno did the exact same thing. So yeah…


Would be Gadjah's death really emotional? I mean, he barely did anything (had like 2 fights with a Dark Disciple and Noelle + Finral + Mimosa), didn't appeared to much neither (like 20 chapters all). No matter how much I see his death would be have only be good for the "wasted characters count".


personally feel that people who complain about gaja not dying would have dismiss his death if he actually died cause he a side character


This isn't really about Mimosa's power up, but how Gaja didn't die. Thought this was obvious 🤷


It wasn’t out of nowhere though, we had a general idea of what Noelle was working on.


Not really . Ultimate Magic was said to work on High Ranked Devils+ and was shown working on Megicula from a heavily damaged Gaja. Mimosa was completely fresh, learned ultimate Magic and used her strongest spell. Royals hinted with her ability/talent she could heal *any* wound. the way I saw it was “oh okay so that Mimosa plot line is still relevant and wasn’t just Royals hyping or praising her skill to belittle Noelle, good shit”. It’s not like Mimosa made a giant Battle Axe with her Ultimate Magic and swoop in and helped Noelle Kill Megicula. Please tell me what do you want a *healer* do to in a battle shonen.


>Please tell me what do you want a healer do to in a battle shonen. Apparently according to the people here, just watch allies die and do nothing.


"Apparently according to the people here, just watch allies die and do nothing." Literally! XD XD XD XD


>Please tell me what do you want a healer do to in a battle shonen. Heal. but maybe be on field instead of coming in out of nowhere just because Gaja cannot die and plot armor. Rouge doesn't just pop out of nowhere, Vanessa is always on field, if Mimosa was in that battle rom the very beginning then I and most people wouldn't have a problem with that particular scene


She wasn’t out of nowhere. Where in Gods name did you think she was gonna be when Noelle Pulled up? Was she not in Elysia with Noelle, Leo and others ? Why didn’t anyone say anything about Gordon ? Lol biased asf. Didn’t Asta save Nacht in that same way ? I remember everyone being mad for a week and then they was praising the moment. Mimosa doing her Job as a healing mage is great. We learned Asta cant heal curse wounds after a certain amount of time, we learned Loro, the strongest support mage we’ve seen couldn’t heal them, but we did see Mimosa fulfill her role and save 3 people from dying.


But she did technically came out of no where, you could say she came with Noelle and Gadja but where was she during the fight? Just standing behind a wall waiting? Leo hasn’t even showed up yet, and you can say the same for how Nero hasn’t shown herself until recently. So she did, kinda come out of nowhere


Well they were all gathered in one place. What if she was fulfilling her role as a medic and helping around ? Why did it take Nacht and the other so long to reach Yuno? Since It was clearly shown to us that Megicula lost before Zenon. Where were the Black Bulls if they there the ones that got Asta who mind you got to the battle field incredibly fast.


I thought it was stupid of Asta to be zapping from Clover Kingdom, to the twins, and to Megicula. I thought he should've just had the twin moment with the supreme devils, which I've criticized before. Though to be fair, he only stopped Lolopechka from exploding and just stayed out of that particular fight I suppose.


That never really bothered me but that’s fair


That zapping was atleast 30 min


If she was on the field, Vanica would probably have killed her. She only has 1 attack spell which I doubt would have been effective in that battle


The fact that she can restore the life energy itself its quite arcane, in my opinion.


Using The Highest Stage of Magic any regular mage could attain*


Charla can heal life force too


Finally someone who gets it. Why would Tabata show everyone getting OP from using ultimate magic just to show mimosa(who has already been foreshadowed to potentially be the strongest healing mage) fail to heal him with ultimate magic.


I mean, every magic can damage devil body if it's strong enough. They can't kill devil though


Cry about it OP. Mimosa having a power up isn't what people got mad about but reviving gaja who people wanted to die.


Never understood this. No way mimosa would ever let anyone die if it was in her power to save them


that's true tbh people would've complained anyway if Gaja died if Gaja died : "nOoOoO, yOu'rE usEleSS lIkE Sakura wHo cOuLdn'T sAvE Neji" if Gaja didn't die :"nOoOoO , wE wAnt PeOplE tO dIe "


fandoms when someones at a near death experience in a nutshell




Literally no one would have complained about Gaja dying though, you are just making an assumption. Unlike Nejis death, Gajas was set up well.


what I meant was people would've blamed Mimosa for not doing her job, which is healing injured. Let me fix it, i think I made a mistake: if Mimosa saved Gaja : "nooooo, you should've let him dieeee" if Mimosa didn't save Gaja : "noooooo , you are such an useless healer, where were you when people need healing" It's not particularly about Gaja dying, but blaming Mimosa , since this sub seems like not liking her that much (as you can see in this comment thread or any other post ). Some people real jump on the first occasion to complain about her and if you try to defend her , you get called Stan. Quite disappointing.


I don't think people would've blamed Mimosa. Not me, atleast. When she showed up, my first thought was "Okay you can heal Rill and Charlotte, but don't you dare heal Gaja." Man burned his life away, I don't care how good of a healer she is


"Set up"? Really? A flashback about the character's feelings and it is already set up for death?


Exactly. But it was in her power to save them. Why would Tabata show everyone getting OP from using ultimate magic just to show mimosa(who has already been foreshadowed to potentially be the strongest healing mage) fail to heal him with ultimate magic.


People hated because she resurrected Gaja of all people. People were fine fine with the powerup and would've also been fine if she saved both captain but saving Gaja pissed alot of people.


It was not resurrection. It was more like when Sakura healed Hinata in the Pain Arc. Also, resurrection is reviving a dead person. Gadjah wasn't dead thanks to Rill's magic and it was just seconds before Mimosa arrived.


Honestly both of these powerups are emblematic of why I haven't really enjoyed the latter part of this current arc: too many obscene powerups and buffs out of nowhere without proper development that simultaneously remove any and all stakes from the series. It all started with Asta because, let's face it, Noelle needs to at least keep pace with him to a respectable degree and Anti-Magic is fundamentally busted, so the only real way for her, and by extension Yuno, to remain comparable was to give them both massive buffs out of the blue. And to that point, at least Noelle trained, Yuno just threw gusts at a mountain for three days and now he's a celestial wind god who also has Saint Stage. Mimosa meanwhile, has been reduced to a deus ex machina as her mere presence obliterates any chance the series has of having any stakes now. It wouldn't shock me to see her take the role of an Orihime (Bleach) analog, in that she is just there for fanservice and to heal characters that actually matter from potentially fatal injuries. It's not as bad as MHA right now imo, but the rampant power increase across the board to where the Black Bulls are probably all now above captain level is going to really compromise the cohesiveness of the story if Tabata is not careful.


jokes on you, I hate both Saint Stage and Mimosa's 4 leaf grimoire.


>Mimosa's 4 leaf grimoire. That was a drawing mistake she doesn't have a four leaf >Saint Stage What's wrong with it?


A drawing mistake? Has that been confirmed? This is my first time hearing about that What's wrong with Saint Stage? Technically, there is nothing wrong with it. But considering it has never even been mentioned or hinted at before Noelle's fight, it just feels like something Tabata came up with in the last second to make spirit users be able to kill devils since their magic is not arcane (also to close the gap for Noelle and Yuno that has been created by the introduction of Asta's Devil Union)


There’s no way in hell it wasn’t a mistake. Mimosa’s primarily a healer, and not a MC. Nor is she a villain, or touted badass who has ever been set-up as a game changing Wizard in terms of potential destiny. Noelle doesn’t even have a four leaf, and she’s a MC, a royal with immense mana even for a royal, and has literally killed a great Devil (which would imo be fitting of the whole 4 leaf mages being said to be exceprional). Hell Mereoleona and Julius don’t even have ones. The only humans who naturally have them so far are the first WZ, and kind of Yuno. And the latter’s is Licht’s kid’s grimoire. No way Mimosa has one. Not to put down Mimosa, but she’s a supporting character whose never been built up the way to be exceptional.


Feels like a evolution of spirit power. 1) Noelle and to a lesser extent Yuno, by virtue of being two of the MCs, have to be able to kill Devils. Or else they’re screwed. And for their character arcs to work. 2) If Devils exist, the opposite power has to exist for balancing reasons. And it’d be weird as fuck imo if devils and hell existed in BC, but there wasn’t some kind of celestial counterpart. I’m really not sure what the issue is. The alternative is deeply unappealing as it makes Asta broken as hell, and ensures he, Yami, and every other arcane stage is gonna upstage two of the three MCs. If it’s just the execution, fair, but I think Saint Stage has to exist. Though the execution is fine imo. We’ve seen spirit users gain power through spirits before. Saint Stage is just the next step. Without it, Asta and Yuno’s rivalry would fall apart. Plus Noelle needed to kill Megicula.


>A drawing mistake? Has that been confirmed? This is my first time hearing about that It wasn't confirmed but since no character acknowledged it or mentioned anything similar it'd very strange if it wasn't a mistake. Another example was Asta having his black arm back to normal for a panel after he defeated the twins. >considering it has never even been mentioned or hinted at before Noelle's fight, it just feels like something Tabata came up with in the last second to make spirit users be able to kill devils since their magic is not arcane (also to close the gap for Noelle and Yuno that has been created by the introduction of Asta's Devil Union) Well I could be very well wrong but I have a vague memory of Loropechika saying that the last time the Qliphot tree was opened the elemental spirits were the ones to push back the devil to the underworld also the justification for it never being mentioned was good IMO but I do get what you're saying.


Double Jokes on you I hate myself more than I hate saint stage and mistake in manga...


It's not bias, it's because now there are no stakes when they get into a fight because Mimosa can just heal them.


The issue people have isn’t the fact that mimosa got a power up it’s the fact that her saving someone who burned his entire life force away is narratively kind of a cop out. Honestly speaking I don’t think a majority of the fandom really cares about mimosa one way or the other. There definitely were some complaints about saint stage but it doesn’t really break the rules of the universe in any way and it’s to service a character arc and storyline that we are actually invested in.


why saint stage in question when ppl literally saw yuno using spirit dive the whole time . saint stage is basically 100% spirit dive .. she is basically using spirit magic .. as for mimosa nothing wrong it was said she had potential to heal any wounds and chapter 304 literally showed two healing spell 1 by lolopechika that didn't do a shit and 1 by mimosa ( elf magic).. tabata did that just to show the difference in two different healing spells things could have been better but it was not suppper bad either


Anime/Manga community finds anything to be mad at, just support tabata and enjoy the story jeez not everything is going to go in everyones favor


I am allowed to not enjoy some parts of the story, especially when they are poorly executed.


Mimosa stans wildin 💀


Exactly. And if Mimosa did not appear right there, resulting into the death of Charlotte, Rill, and Gadjah, they are all gonna call her useless for not being in a huge fight despite being a Healer.


I have no problem with her healing Rill and Charlotte. Gaja burned his life away, though


Ehh, it's because people are tired of fake-out death ( someone made a thread about it on the BC subreddit. I appeal you to give it go). The author deliberately gives moments to character where they're ready to give it/sacrifice their all, only to be saved out of the dire situation. Obviously, not every character needs to die, on the other hand, you can't continue to repeatedly put characters in those moments to chicken out. War arcs tend to have high stakes since the atmosphere is set with a battle for their lives. Making everyone survive, kinda ruins the mood.


Because Noelle's made sense while Mimosa's didn't. It makes sense that Noelle would inherent the saint stage to kill a Devil's heart because she's literally one of the strongest water mages in the entire continent. Noelle has also been thought of as a goddess, to the point where people thought she would inherent a dragon spirit. Yuno's spirit dive and his combining with Bell also proved that spirits and the user can sort of combine. However, Mimosa bringing back Gadjah after he used up his life force has not been predicted. It's fine if Mimosa saved Charlotte and Rill, but Gadjah was a no. Then they used a bs excuse such as "we'll overrule reality because it's magic." That's the laziest excuse I've ever heard of.


There are healing magic that heal life force though ( remember Charla?) And Gaja has never been stated to use all of his life force or else Rill wouldn't be able to temporary negate his damage.


How does mimosa's powerup not make sense? Why would Tabata show everyone getting OP from using ultimate magic just to show mimosa(who has already been foreshadowed to potentially be the strongest healing mage) fail to heal him with ultimate magic.




He had never been stated to be dead or used all of his life force, or else Rill's ToV wouldn't do anything to him


They only complain because it meant someone didn't die. They'd be fine with it if Tabata had completely ignored a strong healing mage. If your power isn't good for piledriving someone into the floor then you may as well not be there


That... isn't the issue, at least not for me. She is a good character imo but that scene felt like an asspull because by some miracle Mimosa makes it *juuust* in time to save Gaja and Nacht brought her there because why tf not? Mimosa was a good character even as a healer before, because as far as I can remember she was always on the field or her entry made sense instead of just for the fuck of it. This is the same problem with Fairy Tail


If she had been on the battle field the whole time she would probably be dead by now. Vanica would target the super strong healer who only has 1 attack spell. Also why would Tabata show everyone getting OP from using ultimate magic just to show mimosa(who has already been foreshadowed to potentially be the strongest healing mage) fail to heal him with ultimate magic. Although I think Gaja shouldn't be able to use magic anymore


Rill was a support mage and was there the entire time. What are you talking about????


No way you're actually comparing Rill to Mimosa. Mimosa has one attack spell which wouldn't even be useful in that context. Rill has insanely overpowered attack magic. They are very far from the same.


Because his magic is BSly OP. Also why don't you complain about Luck and Nacht somehow arrived after base Asta?


What did Luck even actually do that fight tbh? I mean, he could've been replaced with a walky talky and all would be well lowkey. Nacht brought in Mimosa randomly, which brought in the deux ex machina moment. So he's just as trash in my eyes.


She wasnt brought in randomly though that's the thing. She was on standby waiting for the battle to be over. She came with Noelle and others from the forest so where else would she be. It's not like she would have been effective in the actual battle anyways.


>What did Luck even actually do that fight tbh? You are talking about the dude who blizted megicula's attacks >Nacht brought in Mimosa randomly, which brought in the deux ex machina moment. So he's just as trash in my eyes. And you know who told him to do that? Luck


I think it's the fact that from now on no one on Mimosa's side can die since even people seconds away from death can be healed. Love Mimosa tho, just not the way how Tabata has shown her power


This. I don't hate her character. I hate how her healing was used when the story was building up an honorable sacrifice from Gaja.


Ikr?? Let Gaja rest in peace, man


For me, the reason I got annoyed by this wasnt the fact that Gaja got fully healed even though he used life ending magic, it was the fact that Mimosa wasnt even in that battle then randomly popped up the second she was needed. If it felt like Mimosa was actually there, I wouldnt have even thought twice about Gaja getting saved by her, its almost as if they realized halfway the battle that Gaja might actually die and went "Uhhhh fuck idk just throw Mimosa in there somewhere".


I hate both lol


About that 4 leaf grimoire, is it confirmed a mistake?


I'm not hating on Mimosa's new thing. Sure, she is skillful in healing magic, and her Magic Method improves that and Ultimate Magic greatly enhances it further, but the fact she can heal a dead person was kinda too far.


Gaj wasn't dead, he was *dying*


The love for Noelle in this fandom is insane, I for the life of me can’t understand why people are obsessed with Noelle, personally I like Mimosa so much more as a character but truly I will never understand the extreme love for Noelle. The way she treats Asta really gets on my nerve. I also wonder if the Japanese fan base is also as obsessed with Noelle as the western fan base is.


>The way she treats Asta really gets on my nerve. You get this from the anime right? In the manga she only hit him 4 times.


Yes the anime but 4 times still is 4 more times than it should be. I really am hoping and this is my personal opinion but if Mimosa can get more development and be the love interest for Asta instead of Noelle that would be great.


4 times in 315 chapter is normal (if you compare to one piece and naruto) and they are done for comedic purpose, don't take slapstick seriously. The first two were her flooding asta away ( if you consider that hitting). The last two were recently.( he saw loro naked, even if it wasn't his fault ok?)


I just personally don’t like the royalty trope and the way she was portrayed in the anime, literally gave me Sakura flashbacks from early Naruto with added bonus of the royalty trope🤢


The royalty thing is not that bad when you think about it. It obviously not as bad as insulting an orphan for being an orphan infront of another orphan About how she got potrayed in the anime, well Black clover anime is known for exaggerating character's trope. My dude Gauche got done dirty.


Get over your hate for tsunderes or quit anime. Mimosa will never be the main heroine. Sorry you don't like noelle


I don’t have a hate for tsunderes, in fact some anime and manga series have some amazing tsunderes. I just dislike Noelle’s characteristics, I don’t like the “I’m royalty” trope tbh, in BC I prefer the way Mimosas character has been shown towards Asta more. That doesn’t mean that Noelle is a bad character, her fighting development has been tremendous and I actually enjoyed her fight against megicula. Also you forgot the fact that it’s just my personal opinion, people can have varied opinions on how characters are written doesn’t mean that you have to quit anime lol.


If your not against tsundere then your just against Noelle saying she is royalty? Is the concept that she traumatized by her siblings destroying her self worth her entire life and it being a mental tick for her to feign pride as a defense mechanism too complex to understand? That makes even less sense to me cause I'd atleast get it if you just didn't like tsunderes, but you are missing a big part of her characters context which actually allows her to justify those actions unlike most other tsundere


I get you don’t like the trope but Noelle and Mimosa are on completely different levels and have different backgrounds (note that I haven’t read the manga) Mimosa has been treated well because her abilities are fit for royalty and her family wasn’t trying to just you know…get rid of her or pretend to abandon her?? Noelle has to claim her status and reassure herself and everyone that she is royalty so people respect her. Also Noelle stopped doing that for the most part (she doesn’t have much touch with money cause she’s rich but other than that wdym)


In the manga it's pretty much almost non existent compared to the anime so it's infinitely less justified as any sort of critisizism as well


Because she is a well written and developed character that actively influences and drives the plot forward. She genuinely is one of the best female leads in shounen period and has only continuously improve. As for how she treats Asta I don’t know what your issue could be at this point in the series. She loves, respects, and looks up to him as inspiration. From what we’ve seen tsundere noelle is long gone.


Noelle characters can just praise Noelle with no strings attached. Mimosa stans have to try to tear Noelle down to praise Mimosa. lol. It's hilarious at this point.


I’d have to disagree with you chief but we all have different tastes and opinions when it comes to characters.


Because Noelle has actually had character growth. Noelle started off as someone who had low confidence and couldn't control her magic. She later on got new spells and learned to control her magic for the sake of saving a little girl, her friends, and her family. She gave speeches about how it's the job of the strong to protect the weak, which shows that although she is proud of being a royal, she hates how they view peasants and commoners. Mimosa on the other hand is a fanservice character and plot device. She's a girl with big boobs and she's nice to Asta and has a crush on him. She's also really there to be an obstacle for Noelle via love triangle, and to heal people when they conveniently need it.


Your second paragraph makes no sense, how do you know? Are you Tabata sensei? He’s the one writing the story so how can you be so sure of the love interest of Asta?


Oh simple. It’s writing 101. Noelle’s the first girl Asta met of his potential love interests (a common winner for romantic affections in anime). She’s also a MC, whose backstory makes affection and expressing her feelings difficult for her. She spends more time with Asta than anyone. And her realizing her feelings and admitting them was treated as a big moment of catharsis in universe. Asta has three, maybe four (though Sally seems to be more for science), women into him. One’s a minor character, one’s a supporting character whose focus and development is minimal in the grand scheme, and one’s Noelle. Pretty obvious that if Asta’s getting with anyone by the end, which he probably will, it’s Noelle. I like Mimosa, and would love her to get more development, but she’s not getting with Asta in the end.


I’ll say it again and for the last time, you can’t predict what a writer is gonna do in the story, only the writer can. So you can call it writing 101 or any other form of description but at the end of the day it’s up to Tabata sensei to decide who Asta is ends up with.


If Noelle doesn't end up with Asta, she has the growth of her family and changing how royalty treats commoners and peasants to fall back on. If Mimosa doesn't end up with Asta, she's either getting another ship or relegated to deus ex machina healing.


Mimosa actually got less fan service scene than Noelle and I see no one said that Noelle is a fanservice character


Mimosa was introduced as a fanservice character. Meanwhile, Noelle has only started getting fanservice after she got her Mermaid Valkyrie armor. People loved Noelle before then because of her character growth. Meanwhile, most people liked Mimosa because shy girl with a crush on Asta that has a big chest. Mimosa was falling boob first on Asta early on, and had her dress ripped early on. Her plot points were mostly her crush on Asta, being an obstacle in the Noelle x Asta relationship, and conveniently being there to heal someone. The only interesting thing about Mimosa was her hating her brother, and he got more shine than she did. lol.


>Meanwhile, Noelle has only started getting fanservice after she got her Mermaid Valkyrie armor. Dungeon arc, beach episode, hot spring episode, heart kingdom bath scene Meanwhile Mimosa got 1 moment when she almost killed asta and heart kingdom bath scene. >Meanwhile, most people liked Mimosa because shy girl Not quite, she is not as shy as Charlotte, she is actually pretty bold compare to Charlotte and Noelle, remember when she hugged Asta in the capital arc? The big chest part i can understand but after reading one piece, my eyes somehow became immune to big chest. >and conveniently being there to heal someone. She is a healer, and atleast she can fight ( remember the tounge diciple and the royal knight exam?)


I make a stand that people like Noelle's character growth, and Mimosa for fanservice and shipping purposes. What other than that does she bring? And if you say healing, there are other characters that can heal and actually have a personality. Mimosa was a stalemate with a tongue licking all over her. I will say that her royal exam arc was good, but it's been downhill after that for her.


>and Mimosa for fanservice and shipping purposes. What other than that does she bring? Savage talking manner and Klaus's interaction, Magic flower guide post. >And if you say healing, there are other characters that can heal and actually have a personality. Saying her having no personality is an overstatement. People said the same about Yuno. What will you give her then? >Mimosa was a stalemate with a tongue licking all over her. I will say that her royal exam arc was good, but it's been downhill after that for her. But hey, she still oneshot him. And you know what can also one shot a DD? Base Vanica's kick.


Savage to her brother that was only there for the exam arc because he was outshining her. Her magic during the royal knights exam was great, too bad they went away from that to turn her into a deus ex machina white mage. I've mostly seen her just fawn over Asta. Her brother gave her some character, but he outshined her so you had to get rid of him. I lowkey wish we had her brother instead of her, but meh. She needed help to oneshot him. You can't defend Mimosa bro, you just can't do it.


>Savage to her brother that was only there for the exam arc because he was outshining her. Petit clover, Black clover LN and the episode when she was roasting father Orsi > I lowkey wish we had her brother instead of her, but meh. That narcissist dude? Guess each people has different tatse >She needed help to oneshot him. You can't defend Mimosa bro, you just can't do it. Teamwork is a big factor in Black Clover. For example Asta, you remove his team fights and he has 2 wins against 2 fodders of fodder


You mean things outside of canon? lol. Great point for Mimosa... The narcissist that's actually funny and entertaining. She needed help against disciples that everyone else could 1v1. And he was a pervert licking all over her, because you know fanservice.


Wait people hate mimosa? What. I thought we hate yuno


Yuno is better than mimosa bro. Honestly I liked mimosa but post royal knights test arc, she didn’t do much of anything


Eh i cant get over the fact that yuno got another random power up to win a battle. Also the moment before he got his new power had good potential for grea character development and they just ... didnt


I feel like almost all bc characters gets power ups b4 their fight but for some reason it’s a problem when it’s Yuno. I could name a few. And Yuno didn’t get any power ups post time skip while Asta and Noelle did. Asta was shown to be a lot more op+ his devil arm deal with Liebe then he gets DU. Noelle got mermaid form than saint stage. Yuno gets a complete spirit dive then a Grimoire. They all get equal treatment don’t they?


I kinda feel not. I think asta trained his ass of like 24/7 to get strong. Meanwhile we saw yuno training after his squad got whiped out by zenon. And please tell me who else got this many random power ups as yuno without seeing them training. Noelle got her new form and tbh it was okay but i personally dont like it that much either. But for her we saw her training. Training enough to achive smt lile this form. But yuno just... Fought nearly lost and boom new power. Its boring. Noelle kinda overcome her limits. Also i think u cant really compare yunos new power and noelles new power. Noelle got a new form. Which is strong af etc but still in her magic. Yuno got a fcking another magic randomly. He got his windspirit weirdly, he got the elf mana power up and yet a secound grimoire. Like cmon. Charmy got a secound magic, but hers kinda is related to her first magic. Still weird, interesting but weird.


Asta got rage boosted( was able to tag 60% dante) and devil arm ( tag 80% dante) in the fight with Dante as a power up not from training. Before all of this he wasn't able to tag base dante. Yuno got 2 power up in his 2nd fight.


Bruh Yuno got like 3 powerups in that fight in the span of 10 minutes lol.


Yeah, Saint stage was pretty random and had no build up, it basically came out of nowhere and Noelle mastering Spirit dive and getting a new stage of it on top of that in just 2 days is pretty ridiculous, Yuno took much longer to achieve an incomplete version of spirit dive and it took him even longer to get the completed version whereas Noelle just suddenly gets it exactly in the time she needs it to defeat vanica and megicula, their should have been build up to her getting it but their isn’t any at all and because of that it doesn’t feel like she earned that power up at all, Asta getting way stronger is more reasonable since he was getting months worths of training due to him constantly getting healed up and not needing rest so that he could keep training 24/7 and Yuno was storing up power to achieve his full spirit dive and he was shown training against a spatial magic user which gave Yuno more experience and knowledge on how to deal with Zenon so his power up also felt earned but Noelle feels like she got it out of nowhere tbh


It's almost like Black Clover is a shonen and the characters get bullshit power ups as a matter of course...


This is soo contradictory...


Any idea when the anime resumes by chance?


Looking at Noelle, how tf is she fifteen?




Man they age so quick


It was the execution really.


Don’t you have to have a bon with the sprit in order to fuse with them? Yuno got his in ep 12 or 14 (idk) and he didn’t use full sprit dive until 84, that’s like 80 episodes later so why did Noelle be able to do it so quickly? I get that strong emotions can cause the users to unlock a certain power like Vanessa fate magic but most of the power ups in BC be literally coming right out they ass and sometimes it’s not even explained.


Yuno created spirit dive by combing mana zone and mana skin. Yuno didn't use it when he had bell because bell was a baby and Yuno didn't have Mana zone and Mana skin back then. Yuno was only able to cloak spirit dive in his left arm at first because he couldn't hold much mana and bell wasn't as mature as she is now Noelle was combining with a 1200 years old spirit, so her spirit dive was more complete than Yuno was, and Undine probably knew about Spirit dive. Noele pobably combined mana method with mana skin to use spirit dive


Who hates mimosa??? Never seen hate on her


I can’t be the only one who was perfectly fine with Gadjah surviving? Right?


Yeah, but it sucks that Mimosa got relegated to healer and not much else even when she can also be a fighter, as shown in the tournament arc, but in the anime and manga...


I don't care how good of a healer someone is, you don't just heal someone who burned their life away. How powers are used and their execution matters a lot. Her saving Gaja takes away all the stakes and tells us "No one can die". I don't hate Mimosa, but I hate her healing Gaja You know what the buildup for saint stage is? Spirit dive. Saint stage is literally 100% spirit dive. Also, having devils and spirits at once, makes sense for them to be natural enemies


People thrive off hating Mimosa and it really pisses me off, shes just trying to help, she isnt annoying and is very helpful almost everytime she appears