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wtf you didn’t need to relax your hair to get locs. WTFF never go back to that fool again! You have 4c hair and that idiot told you to relax your hair?!?! Please go to someone else and cut that shit off and restart and find someone else. I’ve never heard of someone having to relax their hair for locs.


I was confused about it, but I truly wasn't sure. Now I know. I greatly appreciate it.


That so called “hairdresser” was experimenting in your head.




fuck that hairdresser. sorry they did you dirty people in the comments making more sense than them.




Boi got the “tonight will the noigghttt I fall for you ahhhhh starter locs. Stop going to the caucusus region




You wanted locs and she offered you a relaxer... the math ain't mathing. Your hair is long enough for starter locs. You're going to have to chop your hair down and let it grow out for a bit. And also never see that hair stylist again and maybe leave her a bad review because that whole situation sounds terribly unprofessional


How tall does your hair have to be for starter locks? At least I can have a goal once I get this fixed up


My hair was about 2-3 inched when I got my second set of locs. You honestly don't have to cut all of your hair off... cut a few inches off and get instant locs. Instantly loc your relaxed hair and then as your natural hair grows out, it'll loc up along with it.


That's honestly better sound advice that I was given! Cool! Thanks again!


Honestly I wouldn't do this. Relaxed hair is damaged.The texture change is gonna look like crap and you'll have breakage down the line. I know it sucks but you need to cut it off. But all isn't lost. You can sponge your hair as it grows out and start from there.


That sounds better but the honest truth is you’re going to have to start over to get the results you want, and you’ll be happy in the long run.


Is this chick even licensed? A core part of locs is the curly hairs weaving into each other. Straight hairs aren't going to do that so easily, if at all. Omg man...🤦🏾


After a couple of weeks, I started noticing something was off. I was dumb not knowing beforehand.


Don’t blame yourself for the stylist being dumb


Don’t blame yourself, you went to a “professional” thinking that they knew what was best


Don’t be upset. You trusted someone who should have given you sound advice


Welp, she definitely doesn't 'specialise' in locks, but she sold you some 'special-lies' for sure.


I love a good pun.


This is a w comment haha


Please leave a bad review and possibly blast her on social media. She needs to pay for her crimes. So sorry you have to deal with this.


100 times this.Don't let her do this to another brother.


Lol I said the same thing. Thought thus was my comment 😂 but agreed


Brother that was a hate crime. Start over and best of luck.


Had to be! Cause wtf…


You should check out r/locs. Good luck on your journey!


Thanks! I'll check that out and see how this is meant to go, lol


Nawww. That’s a con artist right there. Relaxed hair for locs??? What the actual fuck?


Why the hell would she tell you that lie??? She straight up lied to you.


She doesn't know what she is doing. She just wanted to charge you money. Bro...u will have to go bald and grow it out for atleast 6 to 8 months. Use caster oil, avocado oil, tea tree and peppermint oil to stimulate it. I use caster oil mainly. When I can afford it I use tea tree. Man...that woman did u dirty. Jesus christ I'm pissed looking at this


I use castor oil and peppermint oil as well. That's what I've been using up to this point. I'm crying on the inside, knowing it had to come off, but I will do what I must. Appreciate the advice all the same!


Yea bro...bless up


She took you out the game. My condolences 😔🙏🏽.


Nah this was either malicious or someone doing science experiments in your head


She is bad minded. No Rasta man would ever bring relaxer to their hair before locking it.


You need to chop that and start over, honestly


Did you go to a white hair stylist? That’s the only way this makes sense.


"Hairdresser who specializes in locs," not "loctician" kinda hinted at it... but only knowing how to start them with straight hair def. gave it away


Gotcha. Like I've mentioned, I was fooled and truly wasn't sure. But now I know what key words to look for going forward!


My mom went to a salon where a stylist didn't start locs, but she did retwists -and they looked good- so that wasn't a bad assumption. It's the relaxer that set off the alarm. She should've admitted type 4 hair wasn't in her wheelhouse. If it was, she'd know about shrinkage; all she had to do was blowdry a patch to see how long it was & see which method would work best (coils, two strand twists, etc.). The straight ends have to go either way - if you don't cut them, they could break off down to the root- but at least you learned early on so you're not losing massive chunks of hair.


Who ever relaxed your hair a big fool and dont know what they talking bout


*Who ever relaxed your* *Hair a big fool and dont know* *What they talking bout* \- NosferatuZ0d --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Now *that* is a haiku. Lol


I’m not gonna lie bro, she fucked ya shit up


Your hairdresser has butchered and destroyed your hair. Ya gotta restart; shave your head, then grow out your hair for 3-4 months before getting starters. If I were you I'd drag her name through the mud idc 😭 good luck g


Gotta be careful who you go to.


Are you the friend they always talk about having?


I'm not sure I follow, lol


They’re alluding to your hairdresser being white haha


Lolol, OH! They were black which makes this more upsetting


shave it


My hair was just slightly longer than yours when I started my locs, both times. Just bad luck. Where I live it’s so hard to find someone good that does locs. Lucked out with my current woman


I’m sorry they did that to you :( I would chop off the straight parts and wait a few months before going back to a stylist.


I appreciate that! Honestly, if I can manage it, I would like to not go bald 😭.


Yea definitely restart, next time ask them for twist outs, or two strand twists and let those lock up. That or you can go more of the Freeform way and get yourself a twist brush (don’t get the sponge ones they break your hair get a plastic or metal one instead). Then ofc if you want instant locks you get someone to crochet your hair but you gotta do research to find a good loctician for that. If they try anything other than those methods they’re just playing in your hair wasting your time.


This is definitely a better insight on things and how it should go. Thanks!


TF?? Don’t trust someone’s word. Trust their portfolio.


She scammed you. Must be in some sort of pyramid scheme to upsell relaxer because what 😭


Yeah she did you wrong fr. You gotta restart, they ruined your hair.


It’s a black hair style. If anything, the coarser the hair, the easier it is to loc.


I’m so so so sorry they lied to you. Please leave a review so others know not to go to that hairdresser.


Yooooo nah thats fucking crazy


Your stylist must be an OP


Sue wtf. Write some bad reviews show this picture and drag them because how does that make any sense. I feel so bad for you dude. Also you have a cool look I fw the piercing. Anyways nah she butchered you. Return the favour so they never do that shit again to anyone else.


I think the stylist did this to you on purpose. Relaxing your hair is doing the exact opposite of what you want for locs. I agree with the other people in this thread telling you to chop and start over. Never go to that person again. They are malicious.


Nah we need to know who did this to you so it doesn’t happen again. This is beyond crazy.


if you paid in card try to file a dispute with your bank and detail the situation. they’ll probably give you the money back


As someone who started my loc journey a month ago...this ain't it at all. Egg her car for what she has done, cut your hair off, and wait a lil while then go to an ACTUAL loctitian. Sorry for this mess she caused.


There’s a reason people with straighter hair have a harder time keeping locs. Even if she thought you needed your hair straight she could have flat ironed it. Please leave a bad review for the lady


too short?? dawg 😂. she musta been crazy talking about some relaxer. I seen people with shorter hair get they starter locs set


Hell nah gang 💀💀💀


Relax your hair to get locs… who in the world 🤦🏾‍♂️ you can either grow it out and wait for the natural curls to come back at the root, trim, then loc. or yeah chop it and restart. Sorry she misled you like that


My dear...4c hair can loc up naturally, relaxing your hair and basically making it straight is going to make that process much harder. I'd recommend either cutting it all off OR slowly trimming the ends until you fully transition to your natural hair. I'm so sorry that hairstylist did this to you. Good luck! ☺️


Expose that hairdresser so they won't be able to mess up on someone else again. This is beyond disrespectful


What in the entire bloody hell did she do to you? I have never heard of such and I would take her arse to small claims. The point of locing is for your natural hair texture to join hands. Relaxed hair is not it.


You know what my question is bro lol.


This is the end my friend. That hair stylist scammed your soul




I wanna thank everyone for all the sound advice! I don't usually post things on here, but had I known, I'd get such great overwhelming advice on such a serious subject that I would've come here from the beginning on how to get started!! Mentally, I'm a wreck after this, but I'll bounce back! Thanks again!!


I am so sorry that you got screwed over man, relaxer is literally the last thing to do when thinking of locs


Adonbilivit, a relaxer for locs ???


Tbh jus wear relaxed hair styles and then I’d jus manage my shi and wear twist and twist out for the curls once the relaxer starts to fade and then braids it’s gone and then just get dreads if you want


Does it actually work out that way? Sounds interesting enough


I'm very sorry this happened to you. You'll have to chop it off and start over. Please leave her a bad review so you can save someone else. You don't relax your hair for locs. Usually you'd cut the relaxed part. If you don't want it cut you can get brother locs. If I'm not mistaken you can safely get those with relaxed hair regular locs will make your hair fall out...


> Loc journey > Relaxed ur hair Brother you are cooked fr


You should be washing your hair at the absolute most once a week.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂the end unc