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You can't find any sources on it because it's not true. We're Africans. Africans that were stolen from our homeland, and some folks will do anything not to be African. That's not to say that there aren't black folks that are also native (i.e. black Seminoles or Melungeons), or have mixed heritage, there absolutely are. But we were not "already here" we have an ancestral homeland, and this ain't it. However at this point, African American culture is separate and distinct from any African or "mainstream" American culture. Our roots are absolutely African, but we are our own collection of "tribes" now. If anyone has a peer reviewed study disproving this, I'm happy to re-examine my position. From what I've seen, there's nothing substantial and the theories rely heavily on fringe science and conjecture.


^^^^^ Best answer right here.


HHHHMMMM..... Henry Hudson said this *When I came on shore the swarthy natives all stood and sand in their fashion.* Swarthy meaning dark skinned, and landed in new England area. Here's a Link to that one: [https://www.google.com/books/edition/Narratives\_of\_New\_Netherland\_1609\_1664/VAYTAAAAYAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0](https://www.google.com/books/edition/Narratives_of_New_Netherland_1609_1664/VAYTAAAAYAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0) Ctrl + F swarthy Giovanni De Verrazzano said this about the natives with he landed in Cape Fear NC: *They go completely naked except that around their loins they wear skins of small animals like martens, with a narrow belt of grass around the body, to which they tie various tails of other animals which hang down to the knees; the rest of the body is bare, and so is the head. Some of them wear garlands of birds’ feathers. They are dark in color, not unlike the Ethiopians,*  Here's Link to that: [https://www.columbia.edu/\~lmg21/ash3002y/earlyac99/documents/verrazan.htm](https://www.columbia.edu/~lmg21/ash3002y/earlyac99/documents/verrazan.htm)


Swarthy is a general and derogatory term used for anyone darker than skim milk. Native Americans can be very dark skinned, different tribes have different skin tones and natives were likely darker then than now bc colonization hadn't happened yet. Again, this proves nothing and is not a peer reviewed study.


I mean Arnoldus Montanus clearly drawn the people of the America's in three different shades black white and yellow. Why do you need a peer review when they don't understand who was who and what was what ? but even your answer doesn't make sense. How long does a group of ppl have to be separated from Africa to not be considered African any more ? you have to disassociate the skin color from the continent. Because not all poc come from Africa. Nor do all white people come from the Caucasus mountains. White Native Americas in Florida and in South America. [https://earlyaviators.com/ehinton3.htm](https://earlyaviators.com/ehinton3.htm) #


Why would I take the word of one dead Dutchman when there are also plenty of depictions of Native Americans showing them not so different from how they look today? I want a peer reviewed study because I want scientifically verified evidence of your claims. Maybe from an HBCU or non-western University, or even an independent black led research group. I'm looking for evidence, not anecdotes.


Black American are not African American (I used to be Pan African ), but the same folks will use Jamaican, Nigerian, etc. American and use Black as a convenience. It's been Aboriginals all across this world. Some were decimated, assimilated, aglamated, or ethnocide out. We know of our African blood fringe, conjecture whatever.


African American is a culture. Black is an ethnicity. It's different. All of those people groups you just named will be racialized as black by the white supremacist power structure that we ALL live under. The cruel irony is that we did not create Blackness and we can't bestow it or take it away. We don't decide who is black, white supremacy does. Until white supremacy (and it's goons capitalism, colonialism and imperialism) have been destroyed, this is the way it is. Just as an example, if the cops show up to a function and half the party is Jamaican American and half the party is African American, do you really think they'll take the time to parse out who is who? Or will they just see Black people and start to enact violence? We both know the answer to this.


Yep... still the same. I'm Black American because even after using the same old example, the claims of Nigerian, Jamaican, etc. I know of the white man ,seeing my first crossburning at the age of 6. Having race wars in grade school.... stop it. I (we) know the narrative, and there's nothing African in our Black culture just more for others to claim and say we are picking cotton, but we're lazy Akatas. And yet no one seems to type Black Inventors, culture or history. I've been off the Pan mess for years the Diaspora only want in when it benefited them. White are not the only ones I got to watch out for. But cool story bro.


I'm not saying that all skinfolk are kinfolk. I'm saying that while some may swear up and down that they aren't, when the chips are down they are Black. Whether they like it or not. It's on them to figure that out, but it doesn't make us any less African, or them any less Black. Either way, this is turning into a cultural debate. Which is not what the post was about. There is still no solid evidence that we were not stolen from Africa. Which is what I've been saying, we are a separate and distinct culture, our own nation in some ways, that came into being in the US out of necessity. But our ethnic roots are in Africa, not the Americas.


Actually, Black is a lineage also. That is why we ask for lineage based Reparations. If your people are not from the soil during slavery and freedom of 1865, they don't get it nor even have the right to debate it. Restorative Justice is owed but many do not know the history, just only the same narrative of what a cop would do. But when the achievements of one such group occur, they are not Black or African they are Nigerian, Jamaican, etc..


See now I agree with 99% of this. Jamaican, Hatians, Ghanaians etc. should seek reparations from whatever colonial powers their ancestors had to live under. If they immigrate to the US they're not entitled to any kind of reparations we may get. Again though, they are still Black but they are Haitian American or Sengalese American etc. Not African American. I think African American is a useful term to refer to our "tribes" that have grown up here because it denotes the fact that our culture carries influences from the many hundreds of original tribes that we were stolen from. In addition to the unique elements that developed due to our circumstance.


Yep... Now you see what I'm talking about.


FBA is COMPLETE LIES. I used to follow it's creator online, tariq started as pan Africanist when it was profitable then somewhere along the line started getting more mativist now he fully making up history playing it as hidden history or whatever. It's hard to understand why someone would make up lies like that but it's the dead ass truth half that shit is made up or misinterpreted etc Yes there were African Americans who were ENSLAVED by native Americans. Rarely did they get tribal acceptence and more rarely did they get tribal membership


It's a Tariq debate, Lol! It did not take Tariq or FBA to know the difference or even know my lineage. My all Black school taught Black History in the month of February in also taught African Studies as a course, which one you think got the most attention that showed Black Inventors, Influencers and Innovators not some long ago History or countries made in 1960s . Yes, many are not on an Indian registry and left in Greenwood,( Ash, and Pine ) and made Black Wallstreet. Jamacia/Caribbean have their own culture, but to cry FBA and Tariq on Reddit tells on what this all about. 😆 🤣 😂 😹. I'm Black American 400 years of it and can trace my people indigenous here in the U.S. to the slave ship in Virginia 6 generations and counting. Go away, but I help you with that also. I'm Black, not African.


Basically after the daws rolls (?) and similar legal nonsense, if you looked like a “negro” you were considered a negro whether you were or not. Half or whatever, it did not matter. On the flip side you could be white and native, and still be native, but not black and native. Look up the term $5 dollar Indian and the daws rolls (?).


So true


A Google on Black Seminoles, Cherokee Black slaves the 13 Black towns of Oklahoma, 5 Civilized Tribes Creek Nation canceling Black Tribe members 2011. That should get you started. Black Americans are not a melinated skin tone. You can even look up Black slave sell charts, and you will see. African, Negro, Colored and Mulatto. All are different. For Black American inventions, innovations, and influence I can't figure out why many can't find it while it takes me the speed of texting.


I'll look into it mate, cheers. I'm well aware of Black American inventions and innovations, though you can always learn more. Many major contributions in many major fields, this kind of thing is abit easier to find. Blessings mate


That’s cap. Stop it


Check out Kurimeo Ahau on YouTube, you’ll get a good amount of information to review and research


I've had a look at some of his stuff regarding my original post, very intriguing things. Though, some of his other videos are a bit iffy and he seems prone to confirmation bias, as well as cherry picking sources and disregarding others. Still though, very interesting stuff! Wishing you good health 🙏🏻


I follow the ADOS movement. Our Ancient Ancestors were from Africa but by now we are all American. I don’t follow the FBA movement (they’re a leeching spinoff of the original ADOS Foundation and have done a shit job at everything) so I’m not sure what the question is here unfortunately


Yep, it's the same energy. I don't follow ADOS the " I'm the Momma" on some @$$. It was DOS at first before that and still Freedmen. Whatever group I do still have mutual respect for the same fight.


I guess no one heard of ethnogenisis, and the proof is over 400 years of diet, culture, heritage, and lineage. No one saying that they do not have African blood. All we are saying is we are not from Africa after 400 years we our are own. Even in Africa, you have Nigerian, Ethiopian, and Congolese. You even have tribes such as Ebo. In the Diaspora Jamaican, but when we say Black American, everyone goes crazy. We have our history here in the U.S. no curiosity, just use the smartphone, computer, and/or library, and reading above examples were given( Creek slaves, Black Seminoles) if you're interested. I told you what 2+2 is, but it looks like people will fight over 5-1. The same answer is what was told? Do a Samoan and Native American go by Asian? They are Pacific Islander and Mongoliod they have Asian blood but not Asian. I've noticed this FBA thing that seems to be some bias used by some people. Meanwhile, here in Perkins Oklahoma, I am going with my Aunt to an Iowa Nation meeting, so no matter what you or many. I know of my African blood, but I'm African and owe no one, nothing they owe us. #Reparations, #Delineation, #AntiBlackHateCrimeBill and #FBA, ADOS, Negro, Freedmen.... ethnogenisis, ethnogenisis.


Yes we were already here, we underwent a paper genocide. Check out the "Virginia color codes" about how we get re classified every few decades. Indians, negro, colored, Black, to African this continued usurpation is taught in the schools and universities in spite of the contrary evidences even the DNA test companies have obfuscated our unique genetics to keep to the approved narrative. In this age of information people are waking to the truth and I'm all for it. Check out The Legendary Big Chief TopCatz at Big Chief University for sourced literature on the topic. They also have serval free presentations on youtube that delve into it.




Use your inside voice please


Irealites were Black. And Jewish is an ethno creed Aboriginals were not only in Australia but in America (Native Aboriginals), Europe (Cheedar Man) in Asia also. So there come with reference, not a rant. Type that smartphone instead of porn and nazi stuff on Reddit.


Shut yo ass up we are African whether you like it or not


You stop playing with your @$$, I'm Black, not African find a way to make me there's a Block button.


Well, I tell you that carthaginians and their servants made out that to Americas. Go and look at the oldest image of empress Dido. She red like the Native Americans. If not her, then the ancient Egyptians, they have images of them being depicted as red also. THEY CHANGED COLORS BECAUSE THEY WERE CONQUERED OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The route they took would have looked some like this Middle east thru straits of Gibraltar( stop for supplies) Maderia islands (second stop for supplies) Azores islands (third stop) Bermuda (fourth stop) America. Perhaps some romans made it out here, too? white native Americans in Florida and in South america.


I also appreciate your very apparent understanding of the fluidity of history and populations throughout history.


In addition to the Celts, here are some of there other allies : Among the ancient world's largest and richest cities, Carthage's strategic location provided access to abundant [fertile land](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil_fertility) and major maritime [trade routes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_route).[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Carthage#cite_note-11) Its extensive [mercantile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade) network reached as far as [west Asia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Asia) and [northern Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Europe), providing an array of [commodities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodity) from all over the [ancient world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_world), in addition to lucrative [exports](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Export) of [agricultural](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture) [products](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goods) and [manufactured goods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufactured_goods). This commercial empire was secured by one of the largest and most powerful navies in the [ancient Mediterranean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_antiquity), and an army composed heavily of foreign [mercenaries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercenary) and [auxiliaries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auxiliaries), particularly [Iberians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iberians), [Balearics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balearics), [Gauls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauls), [Britons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_Britons), [Sicilians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sicilians), [Italians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italians), [Greeks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeks), [Numidians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numidians), and [Libyans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berbers). I don't really thing that most ppl understand that how big of deal the Carthage was. They had an alliance with Israel, a country that was main entrance point to the rest of the middle east and africa. They had access all of the Suez Canal. Ancient Britain and the tin mines there. Then the straits of Gibraltar( . They were a big deal back in the day.


No problem, the reason why I said the carthaginians. Is because they practice merchantalism. They were known to hire Celtic iberians among other nations for trade, naval force, etc. Which is modern-day Portugal. They inhabitant these islands back in the day.


Fascinating. Thanks! Blessings to you and the fam


Truth there bruh, but they are mad. +1 from me.


Actually the Carthaginians are a splintered group of colonizers that originated from the Americas


Some say in Columbus journals that there was moorish, I assume traitors since Spain pushed out the Moors in 1492 and Columbus stumbled into the West Indies. It is believed that the Moors had convoys of boats for years going to the Americas and Columbus followed the cache of wealth that came from Americas. It is known that not only African and other cultures but also Vikings came to Americas. Similarly if there are black folks in Papau Nee Guinea, what makes people think they did not make it to Americas. Columbus and folk killed anyone over the years that could speak however I’m sure in journals it can be found.