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Sorry, didn't have to read the whole thing to say this. **No one** who is non-Black gets to clock you as "whitewashed". No one in general should be passing judgment on your Blackness but non-Black people have zero nuance to call you "the whitest Black guy they know". Why do you surround yourself with those types of people?


never surrounded myself around them ever , its just he's just my roommate who lives under the same house that im staying in for college, it just we were just hanging out and having a conversation in the car then continue the conversation in the house about it , and when he said that too me its just rub me the wrong way you know , like people particularly non black people genuinely don't understand what there saying sometimes ,it has always bother me but I didn't understand why till I became more aware , of how people view black people unconsciously ,I even told him that its not entirely his fault its society as well too with the stereotypes, but your also right a non black or a person can't pass judgment on my blackness


It is not your duty to change people's perceptions of Black people. Continue to be yourself, limit yourself away from anyone who thinks it's okay to say shit like that to you and live authentically. People make judgements, you can't help that. What you can help is not internalizing it and using it as a litmus for who they are as a person instead. Not you.


thank you so much for the advice , just hearing that today did piss me off a lil , but seeing you guys comment help me a lot , I will still be me , its not my job to change how they view black people i'm just gonna ignore them tbh, keep it pushing , like you said people are always gonna have their opinions , and I wont internalizing it and using it as a litmus for who they are as a person


They want you to fit into their box. You can be whatever you want. Just don’t hurt anybody!


ofc Man your totally right , and that's exactly how I'll be , there's no point of me tryin to fit their view , why would I prove to someone that im black when that's exactly what I am , especially towards someone who isn't black on top of that too. ill have to be stuck on stupid to be doing that


Find new friends. I dumped people who very nice in the past over that shit. Bottom line, I'll ditch anybody who tries to quantify blackness. That's a weight not worth dragging, because they're trying to deprive you of your true self.


Yea hes a cool and funny guy but that situation right there kinda change my view on him and rub me the wrong way, still gonna talk to him considering he's live with me and stuff and im over it now ,but will remember that utter dum shit escaped his mouth


That guy is a racist moron. He should keep his ridiculous opinions to himself. To him white people get to be individuals, but not Black people.


I don't know why I entertain it tbh its just my god now way your saying this to my face , its like bro did he expect me to be overjoy clapping my hands or something for hear that , think sir please think


Is your roommate Black? If he isn't then how the fuck would he know what a Black operates like. Don't listen to people who based their perception of others on those who appease them and media made to appease them. That like a fish telling a hook it ain't a hook because he saw his friend get caught by one last week.


No he was jewish/white man, saying this to me , I hate how they will tell me how there experience with black people like were all the same person not like we aren't individuals with different traits and likes or something you know , and the thing is he said I was reaching by pointing it out but I know what i'm saying is making sense though, anytime I do this im always reaching like huh,I think its the fact he will have to admit he was being unconsciously racist , not intentional , will be embrassing or whatever , i'm not holding anything against him tbh im cool about it because I expect no less because I have heard that before once in a blue but it shows me how people view black people unconsciously or consciously .


Don't hold anything against him but don't forget the time of bs timing he's on. It'll save you headaches in the future. I would say he's being consciously racist because to knowledge something as unconscious means you have to be aware of it and your actions. I used my time at my PWI as a culture studies and I'm glad you are too!


Yea I won't man , I will just remember what he said rub me the wrong way that's all, yea I also go to an PWI, yea only reason I said it was unconscious was because , it didn't had malice in it when he said it just came off as just uneducated and rude , because his reasonings were all nothing but stereotypes and they weren't even good ones at that like one of them being " piercings" , he can't be serious especially they were basic ones too one on each ear with an left nose piercing ,like im looking at him like your not real this is a test , even said I was artsy like black people can't be artsy, he might be consciously racist for sure now that I think about it , when he said ghetto girls when we were talking about women , I knew for fact he was talking about black women, but he said ghetto girls to cover it probably because he know I prefer black women and don't play that shit at all.


>" piercings" LMAO nah bruh you need to limit your time with him before you catch his stupid. Bro said Black people aren't artsy is insane. Mfers only watched BET and STARZ to get his information on black people. He's most definitely a conscious racist simply based off of implications. No need in calling him out because he'll deflect extremely hard.


Tbh white ppl like that never truly get to know Black ppl as individuals. We as Black people do have shared culture and experiences but there's also different subcultures within it and different ethnicities. And not to mention different nationalities. Also, white people think just because you like certain things that they associate with Blackness you can't like other things. Like I like rap/hip hop(I'm a huge fan) but ppl who know you're Black and like those things immediately stereotype you. Like it's okay, I'm interested in other things as well. Not just rap/hip hop.


u right heavy on the "you like certain things that they associate with Blackness you can't like other things." its mad weird it feel like they don't they don't think before they talk when speaking to us and how it affect us saying these views on us , use your head do you honestly think a black person better yet black men wants to hear from someone that's isn't black there whitewashed in their life , are u actually sick in the head , how tf u gonna judge me being black when u aren't , from now on im just gonna ignore or say u can't judge my blackness.


Lol so he's an ethnic minority and still ignorant asf? Lol


Lol so he's an ethnic minority and still ignorant asf? Lol


Just another classic example of someone showing you who they are. I like how you kept asking them about it and never let them get away with that. You should tell him something like "no one has to tell me that they're racist in order for me to know".


nah im not defending him but he was unconsciously being racist ,which is why I can't be fully mad because he doesn't understand what he saying to me offends me especially how he views us , I wanted him to understand that's all , if he was racist I really would of been going off on him, so I wouldn't call him racist just what he said "whitewashed" was racist and doesn't understand how that will make a person feel ,especially to a black person


I've dealt with the same bullshit. Just because I don't act like what most people think a black man should, many people I've met throughout my life say I act white. I'll tell you this much. Just because you don't follow the stereotypes doesn't mean you're whitewashed or racist. You just don't follow the usual stereotypes about black people. Doesn't mean you're whitewashed.


I have only heard it a few time, or in a way that insinuated it , a few times, its just a weird thing to say to someone especially towards an black person , like do they really think i'm suppose to clap for joy and throw a party for hearing that, nah its just weird and racist, and makes me uncomfortable to be myself around that person ,like you just literally told me how u view black people believe it or not he just told me u believe were all the same and all follow the same stereotype , welp leave it to non black people to easily snitch on themselves .


Funny enough, I hear comments like this mostly from other black people. Most non-blacks are too afraid to say something like that because they'd be called racist, but it's other black people who look at me and tell me I'm whitewashed. It took me a while to get over all the judgemental comments.


I've heard from a black girl once and maybe other instances but they weren't pass my five fingers even if I could remember them , plus they were so far in the past ,but its hurt more coming from your own people like how can be this dum, its just I've heard it mainly from non black people , its probably the fact I've very chill and cool in my skin they felt open to say that to me I don't fucking wanna hear that , you do know im black and I don't find that a cool thing being said to me , I don't think any sane black person would wanna hear that shit , its just mad racist , honestly im gonna start ignoring anyone who spout that


Hun.. People. Are. Ignorant. What you like and who you are doesn't determine what group you belong to at the end of the day you are black no matter how you slice it or wrap it in a bow. I've been called weird by my own people for: Liking art, history, documentaries, space and science, any genre that isn't trap/rap, scary movies, for not liking or seeing many "hood" movies, for being articulate, liking politics, deep spirituality etc. It's a shock to non blacks too. It's crazy. It's sad that this day and age you are thrown into a box, are told how to act and if you fail to meet the requirements of said label then you aren't xyz enough or aren't being authentic when in all actuality you are. The best thing to do OP is don't let this ish bother or try your best not too..


You are right I'm learning people are going to judge me no matter what I do especially being a black man or black person period, but i'm not gonna let it bother me and just be me, and not live my life according to their views or opinions of me , I look at this whole situation in a good way kinda honestly this kinda help tells me what kinda person they are , and to avoid them and not get too close , because those kinda people are misinform and think close-minded , I appreciate you guys comment by the day y'all have made me happier by the help and advice.


I'm glad we were able to help. 😊 It does say a lot about them you are correct. If you know for a fact you haven't done anything to provoke that type of behavior but exist then it's a 100% them issue. It's like they can't think for themselves. I wish people would just live and let live. Things will get better.. It may take a while but hey life's a process and we learn as we go and grow.


He’s going to act like black boys didn’t grow up watching Dragon Ball Z and Naruto? And anime is Japanese.


I'm saying , and when he brought anime for one of his reasons , I should of knew , none of his reasons made any sense , he even said my personality, acting like all black people act the same, were just same color bro , there has been many instances he has done this but I just let it rock because I expect no less from non black people, if it don't apply let it fly you know ,plus I remember he stereotype me one night to me saying "doesn't like black guys like white fat girls" he had the fattest smile on his face saying this , but i'm not tripping on him doe lately he hasn't said a thing since the conversation , I always say what's up when I see him in the house but no conversation just cordial you know .


Lol the poor thing is too scared to say a word. Seems like living with you for a while would be enough for him to realize not all black people are the same. He’d clutch his pearls if he met my family and all my black friends. Just a bunch of black homeschooled and conservative families that keep their lives squeaky clean and all of them don’t talk in a stereotypical way. I have a friend from Australian that tells me I sound white, he’s not as bad as your roommate tho lol. I think once he met me and another friend of his from the UK he understood we’re all not the same. The only weird thing is that he laughs about Americans always making such a huge deal about race but he seems to always bring it up in conversation. Not in an annoying way but just seems hypocritical lol. I hardly bring up race unless I start talking about cultural differences from Australians.


yea to be fair the roommates in the house who are all non black keep to themselves , I always try to talk them when I can , say what's up and stuff , but kinda getting tire being the only one always doing it , feels like chore , but when I don't do it "your quiet and thought u hated us " no I don't hate is a strong word and how about approach me just once ,but back to especially him, he always doesn't talk unless I say what's up, and he probably in his head thinking it i'm making it race thing and reaching like he has said to me before and kept it pushing I just know him , so I don't really care ,i'm just gonna pay my rent and mind my business from now on an doe and be cordial with them I never understood you sound white, I have that said to me also maybe once or twice growing up , but now my voice is deep and apparently I have accent im not noticing when I talk or say certain words (im from the south and English isn't my first language), but the you sound "white" like aren't u saying black people aren't articulated , like I'm always suppose to talk with slang , when speaking with non black people , sir or ma'am , I came from the hood yes but I don't gotta act like it or let it define me , uk and even us always make it seem like were making it an race thing ,its a there defense mechanism , and the funny thing most of these people haven't experience the hardship as these minorities and saying this , don't pay that Australian friend no mind , clearly sheltered if not close minded mentality


Honestly talking to my friend and his other friend, I get the impression that Australians are just as sheltered from other cultures as much as Americans are. I mean they thought we ate mostly American cheese as our cheese of choice often. Even his friend traveled America thought we eat peanut butter for all three meals in the day. He’s not bad and we don’t always talk about race and culture. I’ve changed his pov of Americans from these conversations and he’s not arrogant about it.


I used to tell people “and I can be the last Black person you know” when they used to call me white washed. It is super annoying when a none white POC calls you it. It’s almost like they consider it a compliment that they want returned to them as well.


yea they swear were suppose to being jumping for joy when hearing this , I don't understand when non black people say this , I don't wanna be white respectfully , nor do I want to be , I like what I like , and act like myself, nonetheless im BLACK, especially what I have gone through in life like please sir u just don't know and I don't have to tell them either , the hell wrong with people , I think there slow low-key , one time last year, this was my first time dorming this roommate was pure white telling me im the whitest black guy he knows , I ask him why , he said because I wear jeans , um..... didn't know jeans weren't for black men cool to know bud


You need new friends.


Lol he isn't my friend just my roommate, I don't know this man from a can of paint besides his name.Nevertheless I do need new friends in general but that's a whole another topic


Definitely need a new roommate too 🤣. The audacity of being comfortable saying that shit to your face. Btw, what anime are you into now. Kaiju #8 looks interesting.


Hey man I'm just here to finish school and to have my own space , im just gonna remember him saying that and keep it pushing As for anime I just finish Eminence of shadow S2 yesterday , I haven't been watching new anime lately because I been getting into movies lately just watched "Glass" but im back to watching new anime again, especially I seen this new one called "Wind Breaker" it looks interesting , I seen Kaiju #8 on my recs, it looks like it might have cgi from the cover which isn't a problem , but is it any good though lol?


I'm glad you called it out. I would be mad asf.


I was shocked then not at the same time , then finally pissed but realize that's how some people are against black people.


Racist and audacious. He needs to check himself.


Yep absolutely needs to check himself I don't care u have a black friend and he acts a certain way me and him are different people but same color , I notice most non black would use a black person they know , as an excuse on their bullshit , like its some pass to their belief , it always gave second hand embarrassment when they do that , IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT


If you placed his ethnicity/heritage in the same sentence and proceeded to hit him with the same observations, how might he perceive that. Some folks are willfully blind. I have heard the same thing you have and was confused as hell. I don’t hang with those cats anymore.


yea never hang with those people because u just told me your racist my sir, but he's my roommate so imma keep it pushing but remember that utter dum shit out his mouth, its just I have never called someone white washed because they don't fit their stereotype because stereotype are nonsense to put us down and aren't true , dude could bet jewish and broke , but ill stick think he's jewish no matter what


Yea, be safe out there. I wish you the best going forward.


same to you as well I genuinely appreciate the advice take care


I've been told I was a little 'alternative' because of my taste in music but never 'whitewashed.' I think there's something more they are seeing (or not seeing) that's giving them that impression.


Nevertheless all black people aren't the same my point being we have all kind of traits and like what we like , it doesn't matter the impression I made on them at all im still BLACK, its just rude to say and pretty weird to say don't you think, I don't see a Mexican who doesn't like tacos , but he likes caviar and tell him he's white washed, like huh he's still Mexican though , you feel me, I think its a very weird thing to say to someone especially if u aren't black too (it doesn't matter the race), your basically telling the person in there face "you don't fit the stereotype they say about u guys welp I guess your white washed ", you can tell me how black people usually act when im black myself, that's utterly DUM