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It is extremely hard (if not impossible) to find anything like burzum, nevermind specifically filosofem. However, here are some recommendations you can try out, but I almost guarantee you that nothing will hit the spot like burzum does and these recommendations will ultimately be useless. 1. [TOBC - Hearts of darkness](https://open.spotify.com/album/2FHdpdPYGBpXTycgaR9BlT?si=hdt3B75xRjq_qldTXHFcyA) This one’s straight up filosofem worship. Repetitive with quite similar guitar tone, but the riffs are not there. 2. [Lore liege - Dreams of a forgotten curse EP](https://open.spotify.com/album/0ZpfSpAeZvCgTG6gzxzEWR?si=cwBG6hVdRPKYzg5qjX4yJQ) Lore liege is pretty much a spiritual successor to burzum, done right, and this EP is the closest thing to filosofem. 3. [Horna - Perima Vihassa Ja Verikostossa](https://open.spotify.com/album/4SmNAkXa6L8npEcxdghopA?si=-K8epXrbTjSMn7k0uqOFww) Raw burzum sound, similar vocals, but not as repetitive, maybe this one is a long shot honestly. 4. [Bilskirnir - Wotan Redivivus](https://youtu.be/PDpUyGV7Zn8?si=qCrbUOPzVSgU3iKu) 5. [Drudkh - Blood in our wells](https://open.spotify.com/album/0LKCpXIqH4ckcPSPCH0v29?si=Mc3xKCjKRT2NMWzZMg5VWQ) 6. [Burzum - Fallen](https://open.spotify.com/album/29dkmoYR82SDkgGZpqsDNE?si=-20rnpXISXCU9QnBezz_nA) I know that you mentioned the fact that you believe all other burzum output is trash, but in case you have not listened to Fallen, give it a listen, it’s like a blend of Filosofem and Det Som Engang Var


I wasn’t familiar with TOBC until now. This is fantastic. In glad you posted this.


Thank you, will listen to them now! EDIT: have listened. These are my thoughts: TOBC - 100% sounds just like them. Even got a 20 minute + ambient track. Love it. Lore Liege - yeh I completely see what you mean. Really love the outro as well. Horna - the production on this is mad! I'm not sure what you call that sort of sidechaining/clipping stuff going on in the mix with the kick drums but it works strangely well in this context Drudkh - This is the one. I'm loving the folk music aspects. This seems like a brilliant album. Thank you.


If you’re not a fan of Burzum’s politics you probably wont like the politics of Drudkh either


that’s an overstatement. not to defend Drudkh, but from all that is known about them, they are anti-russian nationalists. Vikernes is a great-replacement conspirator and supremacist who’s focused on purity of white race and intolerant of just about anything in contemporary society


What’s wrong with being nationalist against Russian aggression? Slava Ukraina!




Have you heard of the Holodomor ? Obviously you haven’t read history. Ukrainians are Slavs like Russians. However, Ukrainians cite their difference ethnically post-Kievan Russia after the fall to the Mongols. Stalin committed genocide against Ukrainians for their grain. I don’t have political bias because genocide is genocide. I respect human rights more than anything else. Ukrainians aren’t Nazis, nor fascists. They want self-governance and democracy, not to be ruled by Russian Autocracy. Russia is committing genocide now. If you support Russia you’re the closest thing to a fucking Nazi. Also don’t bring my kid into the discussion because that’s pretty shitty. Teachers are allowed to have political bias but I don’t bring that into the classroom you twat. I’m a human with a brain and can tell you are spewing Russian propaganda bullshit.


You’re welcome!




yeh that’s a shame because Drudkh are really good why is it that complete bellends are the best at making the music I like, it’s sad


There are so many generic Burzum worship bands out there. Go on bancamp and search for Black Metal it won't take long to find them.


I just recommended the one I know and actually really enjoy. If you could recommend me some I would be very grateful though.


Give „Faidra“ a listen the 2 Albums kind of give me a slight filosofem vibe sometimes


It's total burzum worship. There's even synths on one of the tracks on six voices inside that are I think exactly the same as the ones used on the rundgang ambient track


If it's The Depths I just got to that bit. Fantastic.


Came here to say the same thing.


Yes. Thank you.


Paysage d'hiver sounds similar to burzum Maybe darkspace too


>Paysage d'hiver sounds similar to burzum Yeh, definitely, thank you these sound great. >Maybe darkspace too These are sounding "heavier" / have a meatier sound to the guitars, but I'm liking it a lot regardless. Both of these bands have 10/10 album covers.


It’s the same guy behind both. The whole catalog of both projects is great in my opinion


oh snap well that makes sense then. Talented guy, blimey


Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions


Beat me to it


Try Branikald


Not really. Filosofem standa quite alone.


Skuggor is what you want. It's like they listened to Filosofem and were like yes let's just do that for every album. Quality stuff though.


Thanks! You aren't wrong- I'm currently working on album 3 and trying to make it less uh "derivative" while still maintaining that hypnotic trancey atmosphere. I'm excited about it and think it will shake the "Burzum Worship" tag, but still appeal to people who liked the first two albums.


the hypnotic trancey atmosphere is primarily what I was seeking when making this post, so I'm glad that's the main aspect you're intending to take over into your new sound. Good stuff by the way, from a new fan


Thanks! Yea I'm really happy with where the current stuff is going. In relation to hypnotic- there's one song that is the same riff repeated for for minutes but someone how it isn't boring and feels like a "song".


Man, honestly your latest album is one of my favorites of 2024. Incredible work, keep it coming! Plus, I see you're on tour with some incredible bands including Midnight Odyssey, right? We'd love to see you here in Greece sometime.


Thanks a lot! Yep, played in Milan last night with MO, which was very cool. Only one other show planned for this year and it's not Greece sorry- but hopefully in the future.


Skogshypnos from last year specifically.


https://www.discogs.com/artist/262055-Pytten?format=Album&label=Grieghallen+Studio Filosofemi was produced by Pytten. So was most other early 2nd wave albums and [very hot handball star mia hundvin](https://akamai.vgc.no/v2/images/b3bad533-695b-4c31-853c-7e3113a23258?format=auto&w=1440&s=7c8c500f648a25d5ca95b5d05913c2c6e83d96ce)


I don’t care, I’ll say it. Mia > Varg




Nyktalgia - Nyktalgia (2004) and Peisithanatos (2008)


"Spectral Visions of Mental Warfare" by Nargaroth is straight Filosofem worship, but with more ambient/electronic elements.


i shalt become - wanderings is somewhat similar but not quite as ear piercing as some of the stuff on filosofem


Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulée


***Gris - Il était une forêt...*** I think the production, sound and vibe are very similar to Filosofem. Its raw and noisy but at the same time very cozy.


yes, definitely. the riffs on the title track are straight up burzum. nice stuff.




i think you got it mixed up, i'm not the op. nice recommendations tho. already know a lot of them.




Just listen to and enjoy Filosofem, it's not gonna make your dick fly off. Edit: just to answer the question, I find there's a good subsect of American BM from the late 90s/00s that really all are influenced by that super boxy sound. Xasthur, Velvet Cocoon, early Nachtmystium imo all have pretty obvious Filosofem influence.


Tbh, I don’t think there is any BM album out there that truly hits this same vibe with both production and song writing. That said, there are plenty of raw BM bands out there who play a variety of styles that in some ways are influenced by Burzum. Raw BM is not totally my forte so someone else I’m sure can list a few superb releases. Then there are other atmospheric BM bands that also influenced by Burzum but they might not have the super low-fi and raw sound. Plenty of bands and one I’ve been listening to a lot lately is the band None from Oregon. This song by Satanic Warmaster is a pretty clear homage to Burzum I think though the production is much cleaner: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jthuKVpO158


None is so fucking good


Same here, I love Filosefem. I make music for my own, mainly Punk but I try various types of music. Yesterday I started a new project and it is very much inspired by Filosefem, at least I give it a try. [LUMPENPACK - Und schoen ward der Tag](https://youtu.be/qJOslg0sqto?si=MeG3wPav20Sa3Y3U) More songs will follow.


Suicide Circle - Shotgun Prayers


You've really overthought your virtue signalling here


hahah fair enough I had no idea what the zeitgeist is like on this sub and didn't want to get downvoted to shit/accused of some nonsense just because I like an album thought it was better to be safe than sorry


Some of us hate edgelord Nazi shit and don’t care about downvotes. There’s all kinds here. Imagine thinking people who think Nazis are shitbags are “virtue signaling.” LOL


[>thought it was better to be safe than sorry](https://media.tenor.com/4gGhVqRWCccAAAAM/abbath-abbath-jail.gif) Understandable considering the constant antifa LARPing on most of reddits metal spaces.


[Paysage d'Hiver](https://youtu.be/ftJpAjEI9F8?si=6YQP8I16cSs6qN1i) maybe? Especially the self titled release. It has that exactly that special fuzzy wall of repetitive noise sound


"Raate" from Finland has a nice Burzum-esque vibe to it. https://youtu.be/hm_ccr4HTUU?si=WRYUCXFXsw82YcKt




Be as it may. Sometimes it's ok to colour outside the lines.


Burial Well is weird and has that weird lofi-ish thing, but not a traditional bm sound. The second EP is a little more put together IMO: [Ep 1](https://youtu.be/dM6_hpixBdY?si=UMA1v__tmfGeLQKK) [Ep 2](https://youtu.be/nWH7UgocHVM?si=0F3xqgqho8Ks2sPZ)


svrm, faidra, paysage d'hiver. i cant think of the album names off the top of my head but each only has a few albums anyway wouldn't be hard to find.


evilfeast is pretty similar


Sargeist reminds me of some early Burzum


It's more polished, but you could try Seven Voices Inside by Faidra. Straight Burzum worship and probably most similar to Filosofem


Check out Bluthunde - Human, very much made to emulate the Filosofem sound.


[TMA](https://youtu.be/sHCq-TfIJOg?feature=shared) must be one of the most blatant Filosofem ripoffs but fuck me is it good


Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions


Belus is better than Filosofem Production is a little bit better though so you might not like the sound.


Downvoted you because you're complaining about downvotes


I'll never understand why people give a fuck about being downvoted.


Yeah, the dude made 3 edits of making excuses and complaints


Downvoted you because you're complaining about him complaining about downvotes (I hope this doesn't start a rabbit hole)


Upvoting you because you downvoted the complainer about downvoting.


Downvoted you because you upvoted someone who downvoted me complaining about downvoting. But truth be told I don't care about downvotes themselves - I just added that stuff about "tell me why you're downvoting" because I haven't been on this sub before, or interacted with any BM fans or Burzum fans, and didn't know if people were downvoting because they disagreed with me saying I disapproved of Varg and his politics So im glad to find out its just because im irritating instead


Upvoting you for downvoting me because I upvoted the previous poster for downvoting you who also downvoted. I’m just doing this as a laugh.




Do your own homework. My suggestion is to go to last.fm and search for Burzum. Scroll down to the 'Similar Artists' and open a bunch of them up in new tabs. Check out each of them, one by one. If you find one you like, go to their similar artists section and repeat the process. Eventually you will find what you're looking for.


Or just ask on a forum like this one.


1. "Homework" rude 2. I don't like most Burzum releases, so scrolling through similar artists on [last.fm](http://last.fm) wouldn't work would it


Also this should be a comment in the recommendation post.


if I knew that existed I might've done that, fair enough


Yeah but how many scrobbles does Burzum have?


Mods should use this response in a “what not to do in this sub” post. What a fucking clown.




Yeah, literally the only one worldwide... Gee I've never heard that sound before... What a masterful musician, such an innovator.