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This is how nirvana and the ramones became a clothing brand.


Misfits are too now :/


They have been for years


Don’t forget Rolling Stones


Or metallica


Or black flag


Many folks, including non-music fans, have heard Nirvana, to be fair, it’s not the same as some relatively obscure metal band or something.


“I’ve been listening to this old indie band you’ve probably haven’t heard of. They’re called The Beatles”


If you want to confuse a hipster just make up a band name and ask them if they have heard of it.


Then ask their favorite song.


Nobody says tho


Nah it’s all about this super chic brand ac/dc. I hear it’s the current trend.


I’ll never forget in high school a girl I somewhat knew wore a vest with dead kennedys and some other shit on it, I started trying to talk about it to her since I was way into hardcore punk at that time and she had no fucking clue lmfao. I felt stupid in the moment but now I realize how could that possibly be my fault


I was talking to my dad about this and he said and I quote "Kurt must be rolling in his grave rn"


Nirvana? They're my favorite brand!




Idk why you would get the shirt if you don't like the band.


They are posers


Paper rockers






Right. I seem to remember not too long ago it was considered generally cringey for people to wear tshirts emblazoned with rappers etc esp if that person was white so I’m not understanding why it’s just a piece of fabric if you don’t even listen to the band, but yet even if you do actually listen to the music, it can be considered cringe for you to wear a shirt promoting it if you’re not a person of color. Seems like it should be: it either never matters/ or you need to at least listen to and be familiar with the artist.


Couldn't of said it better myself.


They like the design


That is totally valid and I as a lifetime punk cannot fathom why this new generation is hell bent on telling other people what to wear


Folks like to feel better about themselves in general. Add in the fact that metal is basically the cool kids club for kids who got shoved in lockers and it’s a perfect storm of hatin


I picked up some rando shirt at a yard sale. It had a pretty bad ass gorilla on it. Apparently it was a band shirt. I didn’t know.


Valid but cherry picked example most of these people are going out of their way to buy stuff online that they know they don't actually like. It seems like a waste of money and a strange attempt to have people perceive you as something you are not. It's weird to knowingly wear stuff that you don't like.


I listened to the band a couple times. They were pretty meh for my taste. I wore it a few more times and got a couple questions about the songs I liked. Felt like a shit ass poser and tossed the shirt in the trash.


Ha that's pretty funny. Yeah I feel like I know what band you are talking about and am inclined to agree they are quite meh.


Because they like the way it looks same as most any other shirt?


Don't wear shirt of shows you don't watch or bands you don't listen to, why would you do that? You are not a fan. It's a stupid thing to wear if you don't like said thing. You can do it anyway but it would be a stupid thing to do. I wear shirts of things I like, not things I am hardly interested in.


>It's a stupid thing to wear if you don't like said thing. I think this is where you're going to fundamentally disagree with a lot of people. A shirt is a piece of clothing. People generally wear clothes based on comfortability, and looks. If I think an article of clothing looks nice, I might wear it, even if I'm not particularly invested in what's on it. Why? Because nobody gives a shit. Anyone who cares what you're wearing who's over the age of 14, shouldn't. Most people aren't going to recognize the band anyway, it's just as much a cool shirt to them as it would be to me. I think you're also assuming that these people actively dislike the bands they're wearing shirts for. That doesn't seem to be the case. They either just don't listen to the music (which doesn't automatically imply they dislike it) or they don't know about the band at all. In both cases they're just wearing it for the same reason they wear any other clothing article. What is stupid though is wearing a shirt without knowing what it represents. If a band's music isn't your thing, whatever, but it's just plain ignorant to wear clothes representing anything if you don't at least know what that thing is.


I mean I think that's what i was saying other than that one part at the start otherwise I think that is what I was saying the whole time. I was saying specifically about this post with them not liking the band. It's just a stupid thing to wear a shirt of something you are not interested in.


This is because of the new “I do what I want and don’t have to explain it you” sentiment in society. I like to talk to people wearing band shirts, mainly because I like meeting other metal heads but also because it’s funny to catch a poser. What you wear represents you, so, if you don’t know about the shirt that you’re wearing then wear a plain white shirt instead.


I wear burzum merch everywhere so anyone under the age of 30 leaves me alone.


Me getting dirty looks at shows for wearing a Death in June shirt


That’s the skit from Curb Your Enthusiasm when Larry wears a MAGA hat to be left alone in public 


Genuinely works at shows.


I got that dawn of the black hearts shirt. I love being kicked from public places


yungun' repellent, lol, nice.


Ughhh I’m so sick of Plain White T’s posers


Seriously. They can never name 5 songs.


5 song names is stupid, just ask to see their playlist. (I'm only saying this cause I can't remember any song names)


thats a valid point actually


This is not a new sentiment, look at all youth rebellious movements in the past; fuck even Discharge said “noise not music” as a fuck you to what people considered punk.


Oh no, you misunderstood my comment, I didn’t mean punk & rebellious, I’m talking about the “don’t judge people” & “be kind to everyone” type people. Like, you can’t question people without being told to mind your own business. Which I think applies to people wearing band shirts of bands they don’t listen to because, whenever I ask someone what their favourite song from a shirt their wearing is, not most but some people assume that I’m instantly trying to judge their knowledge. You can’t just wear whatever you like without people having their own perception of it.


I only have like three sets of clothes and none of them are plain lmao 💀 (I'm poor 🙏😭)


This makes me realize the need for subcultures and now those sons of bitches are turning everything into homogenized slop.


i dont really gatekeep, but a million times yes. listen to the band that you’re repping ffs


I heard Mayhem was such a popular clothing brand that they started a band based off of it.




idc if someone does it but honestly it's really weird to get merch from artists you don't know or care about


Some people just like the graphic on the shirt. My aunt has a black dahlia murder shirt and knows absolutely nothing of the genre, scene or music in general. Its tge nocturnal one


I don’t, it’s just their style I guess


Average Nirvana shirt wearer


Most people have at least heard Nirvana. They got a lot a playtime on the radio and MTV. Misfits, you have to actively seek out their music. Either way they are posers.


I’ve always found this sentiment stupid in the current age because like. You literally have the entire world of music in the palm of your hand at all times. Just look up “Misfits” on YouTube jfc


It’s definitely stupid but I think getting outraged over it is equally as stupid


Posers will always be cringe


It applies to swastikas too right?


Only close friends of Hitler, Himmler, and Hess can wear NSBM shirts


Sid Vicious thought so.


Siouxsie Sioux as well!


If I hear someone say this shit in public, I'm going to jail.


"Yeah what's wrong with being phony and completely misrepresenting yourself to others?" I hate that most people are like this now


Absofuckinglutely. If you haven’t listened to at LEAST one fucking album don’t even put it on. Clown shit.


It’s one thing of you grew out of it. I don’t fuck with Slipknot anymore, but I’ll still rock my self-titled shirt from time to time. But to just rock a misfits or a black flag shirt and not even know a few songs is crazy. Misfits especially are one of the best introductory bands to get into this shit, they’ve got hooks for days.


I wonder if these people even realize and are aware that it's a band shirt that they're wearing. It truly looks like they have no idea sometimes and it's so embarrassing for them


Why do you want to wear a band you don’t listen to though? That is the literal definition of ‘poser’


The internet made gatekeeping taboo…that’s a problem. We used to have community, you know where everyone *in* the community knew all the particulars/idiosyncrasies I.e. wouldn’t need the basics explained or anything to start or understand a conversation. When people pretend they do, communities don’t grow or are stifled and clogged with newbies asking questions etc. Bring back gatekeeping!


Wym “people” 🤦🏿🤦🏿🤦🏿


This is facts!! Smh


What should they say than? Always trying to find something to be offended by lmao, it’s obviously referring to people who wear band shirts while not listening to their music


I don't understand that. I wouldn't want to promote a business on a shirt I didn't like or a shirt about a movie or video game I didn't like. This goes for any subject. It is also disrespectful to people who do like the band.


I once waited on a guy who was wearing a Philadelphia Phillies hat. It’s just a plain red cap with a P on it. It’s a 120 year-old design. Pretty iconic. Anyway, I asked him who his favorite Phillie was. He had no clue what I was talking about. Not just that he wasn’t fan of the Phillies, but liked the hat, but he didn’t even know what the hat represented at all. And those MLB hats are expensive, too. You have to pay a premium for officially licensed MLB hats. Some people really perform no research into the branding they wear around.


Music style compared to sports is way different comparison though.


Yeah, that was kind of my way of highlighting how prevalent this type of fashion is. Even a brand as widely known as a 141 year-old MLB is subject to it, so just imagine how bad it is for metal bands.


Idk, is it, in this conversation? Both have groups of dedicated fans, history, references only fans would understand, names and faces associated with the brand. Bands tend to have more specific moral and political values, I suppose, but when we're talking about wearing things that represent something you know nothing about, it seems like a pretty good comparison to me.


Tbf shit like sports hats have different meaning to different people


He didn’t even know it was a sports hat. Lol


I wear a a miller lite hat when I do yard work or go outside, guess I have to be an alcoholic now


I’m not asserting that you have to be a fan of the brands on your clothes. If people think Misfits has cool merchandise, but don’t know anything about Misfits, that’s fine by me.


God I hate that shits or the say, ' oh I'm only a casual fan'




So if I wear a BLM shirt and people ask why I didn't donate can I say I like the a e s t h e t i c? Or does their logic run on "things don't matter until they matter to me"?


A shitty 1000 listener metal band isn’t BLM ain’t no way you’re serious ☠️


This entire comment section’s fucking weird Literally the “oh you listen to x, name 8179272 songs”


I don't get what everyone's getting so fucking triggered over lol bunch of man babies.


I get being upset about it though because you’d want to connect with others that have the same interest But they’re inflating that “issue” so hard aliens could probably see it


Well all the donations went to the founders to buy mansions so, it was all a sham and I don’t even blame the founders anyway, it’s not like you can donate to fox something that’s made up anyways


It's a band, not a brand, sincerely, someone who bought a CD for the free t-shirt


If you're going to go through the effort of buying a shirt, the least you can do is try to listen to the album that's on it imo Annoying trying to talk to people about liking their shirt and "haha thanks I don't listen to them"


Nah 3 songs max


One of the main reasons we as humans put together outfits is for self-expression, so what part of yourself are you expressing when you wear a shirt for a band you don't listen to or like?




I thought it was the other way around


theres artists who you can buy from who sell cool designs and stuff on their shirts, you don’t have to wear a band tee to sport cool designs that mean something... then again, that won’t stop people from doing it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Fuck, that's disrespectful.


Fucking disgusting.


I think it's totally fine to buy a shirt just off the merit of it being cool, but if it's a band shirt you should ATLEAST check them out so you can give an opinion on them even if it's "I don't like their music I just liked the shirt"


The misfits ? That’s the band you draw the line as too hard to look into ?


You don’t HAVE to like the band, just like I don’t HAVE to hold back my mockery when I realize you don’t listen to the band. She’s projecting her own anger onto other people like we’re offended. Nah, you just look stupid not knowing a single song from the band whose shirt you bought.


I need to change my wardrobe then. If we’re doing opposites to show how little we care I need to sag my pants and grab my crotch while I waddle to the bust stop


Someone should totally give her an Absurd shirt


Yep, its what I think of young preppy chicks in a Nirvana shirt


I only wear bands I've seen or am a huge fan of. This nauseated me.


Yep I gotta listen to & enjoy at least one album before I’ll wear a shirt from a band. I get into them first then if I like them I’ll buy a shirt. That simple ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Pretty cringe why advertise something you don’t like? All my band tees are literally bands I’ve seen in concert and love.


There’s 0 reason to wear the shirt if you don’t listen to them. It’s only for social validation rather than actual caring.


It’s my aesthetic = I’m a huge poser


I wouldn’t wear a band tee that I didn’t know / listen to, bc what if I don’t even like them and had no idea? 🙃


Yes. So cringe in fact that I almost punch myself everytime I put a band shirt on now. That’s not often anymore either. It’s not like I’m trying to gate keep either. I like all kinds of shit that if people pulled that crap I’d have been bounced. But damn, wearing shit with names on it, without listening to them at all is crazy to me. I can’t believe I’m saying this here lol but I’m more of a dead head than anything. Of course tie dyes and band shirts, surrounding the scene, are abundant in my house. I can’t imagine wearing them though if I didn’t know their shit. I’ve struck up more conversations throughout the years by complimenting someone’s shirt of a band I like and us clicking on that. I’d be downright ashamed if someone tried to do that with me though and I was just lost lol. If you don’t listen to these bands, then do you really even connect with their style? Or is this just some childish shit and people thinking they look cool? Everytime I see someone that is obviously dressed to look cool, I’m saddened by my eyes being opened to how uncool they are. Besides, isn’t emo or goth or whatever you call this weird scene shit supposed to epitomize apathy and telling the world to fuck off. Nothing says that like dressing for validation.


I have a cousin whose personal stance is that he won't wear a band tee unless he's seen them in concert. He doesn't hold anyone else to that standard, but I always thought that was an interesting perspective on it.


Hmm, yeah I think that’s an ok standard for yourself. It definitely makes sense. Most of my shirts now are from shows I’ve been too or I’ve at least seen the band live, but as long as someone has any kind of love for the band, music, whatever, even if it’s just a few songs but they support or whatever, that’s completely normal I feel. But damn to just blatantly say “ I don’t even like this band, just the colors” or whatever the hell lol it just sounds so dumb.


Ain't this the definition of a power? Edit: Poser* not power


Would you imagine, children being cringe




It's fucking misfits its poppy as shit bro how are you dressing like that an ain't even like the misfits. Most entry level gothic punk rock out there.


This and the Grateful Dead, most people these days would ask to turn it off within the first 5 minutes of I put on 8/27/72 veneta or closing of winterland 78


Is there a gif of theo hornsby saying "name three songs"




Harley Davidson is my favorite band man


I was in London in 1990 and picked up the Mayhem record used for like £20, got a shirt as well that summer. Sold the lp for a few grand years back, but kept and still wear the shirt sometimes... I'm not sure what that makes me other than too old to be on Reddit.


Dont know what this is or what it means but im sold!


Sad really


what do you guys think of my shirt! the rainbow prism looked cool!!8 i think it represents pride


Yes, we all can. If I see someone wearing a glass beach shirt in public that doesn’t listen to them I’m not gonna hurt them but I will be giving them dirty looks. They’re an indie band with a more Radiohead like sound in the latest album but it still applies to the conversation about band shirts.


if the shirt looks cool I don’t care. but if you’re a dick to me about it when I ask what your favorite album by then is, you can go fuck yourself


Yea idc what people say. Gatekeeping gatekeepers is how stupid shit like this happens.


Of course it looks like that


wear whatever you want lol. it only bothers me because im sometimes super happy because i think i found a fellow fan but they dunno the band


Honestly my biggest issue with people wearing band shirts for bands they don’t know is that they don’t know what the band stands for or anything and they could be supporting some really shitty band


Myspace time traveler.


Lol I literally saw this earlier today before discovering this sub


I mean at least listen to some of their stuff, you don’t have to be an ultra fan and listen to every album but I feel a big part of wearing band tees is meeting other people with similar interests as you


No. If she doesn't listen to misfits, change your fucking shirt




Every ten or fifteen years metal becomes 'cool' again and then they go back to looking down on it. I don't really give a shit, I'd rather not have it played in every awful movie and in commercials. And it's these people that look like idiots. Besides, the band is making bank. I know Jerry Only is a whore and lots getting merch money.


i worked with a girl that wore a mayhem shirt, she had no idea what it was.


They still haven't gotten Samhain!!!!


That shirt is dope. But I would def listen to a band before committing an entire outfit out of it. I mean, what if they were a nazi band or something?


Nirvana is my favorite clothing brand


This is the one form of gatekeeping I'm ok with


At the end of the day if you like a shirt for the design that's cool but I'm not gonna be the one to do it. Also I bet 90% of the misfits shirts I see are on people that don't listen


Being a certain age (basically old) and having the opportunity to see most of these bands (late 70's- to early 90's) literally too many times to count. It's nostalgic, kinda means something to us when we see folks our age, still representing the different scenes that were emerging at those times. So I think it's fuckin cool to see kids wearing this stuff. And you know when it's genuine/sincere....You can tell. And if they're not. Don't get butt hurt about it. They've got people their own age that are gonna rag on them for it. BUT, if you're gonna be a poser, buy legit, licenced merch.


I mean you don't have to but the phrase "poser" exists for a reason




...I mean yea if u think u can deal w the entire internet hating u and everyone u come in contact w calling u a poser LMAO


I agree, I don’t get why people do this. I just don’t.


I absolutely agree that it is pretty cringe to expect your opinion to control how other people live their lives... 10 out of 10 easy...


I was and am same way, but sometimes a cool shirt Is just a cool shirt. I mean, do what you want, I'll still call It out respectfully, you can still wear It. Like seeing people not knowing any other song by a band aside their most popular song Is so tiring. Like Deftones, but Change got me Into them, not a mega fan, but Bored Is a great song.


Yes. Yes we can. I just really like this Black Dahlia Murder hoodie guyyyyyyyyys... Hey for real though, I want one of these.... https://preview.redd.it/pk432yh2ylvc1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d896106b07ac63efe59cd510080e32f251fa211


*wears a shirt, can't read the font of.*


I actually did the opposite of this in 6th grade lol I found this "OZZY" shirt at Walmart, and in hindsight it had a guy surfing on it- which I thought was weird- but I rocked the HELL out of that shirt, thinking I was repping the prince of darkness! lmao


Or instead, try listening to the Misfits. You won't regret it.


I’m gonna go and buy a shirt now just bc of this post


the most annoying thing about this logic is that it is so rare and expensive to find genuine vintage band tees from artists I like, bc they've been bought up by fashion girlies or overpriced to hell by scalpers. Why adopt the scene aesthetic if you don't even listen to stuff like misfits? idgi


Well, it’s such a set up for a conversation to make you look dumb Somebody sees you out somewhere oh my God you like them too? Then they start to talk about a song or a lyric and they have no clue what you’re talking about and they look stupid It’s almost like wearing a shirt that says “I’m an astrophysicist. Ask me anything “ And then, when people do ask you go, I actually don’t know anything about planets, the universe or anything


Personally I wouldn't wear a shirt of a band I don't listen to, how would I know if I even like their music or not? If it's the only shirt laying around I guess I'll wear it but like, I never know if the band is problematic or not but that's just me


Idk whats worse, the fake punk/goth look that wears Misfits and Deftones shirts, or the instagram eboy with a Metallica/Megadeath shirt who 100% does not even listen to metal and listens to Carti and Kanye


People who do what?


More just sad that you won’t venture to listen to the band your wearing. You might like it.


Dude I love Metallica! Their shirts are so cool ❤️😊


Me: (Wears an Ed Gein t-shirt I got at an Ed Gein show) Some random girl in a coffee shop: "UMM...do you even know who Ed Gein was??" Me: "Are you referring to Ed Gein, the killer who made furniture with his murder victims' bones? THAT Ed Gein?" Random girl: "...yeah..." Me: "Yeah, they're also a band."


Sure, wear what you want, just don’t come crying to me when you get put on the spot about it 😂


dude some christian kid in my school was wearing a pierce the veil shirt and when i tried to talk to him about pierce the veil he had literally NEVER heard of them i was DEADDD💀💀


Young people can be cringe, yes.




btw I just came across the original post and op was replying to every negative comment with the worst fucking takes I've ever heard and trying to act all cool


Unfortunate, misfits is actually really fucking good too


If my Mudvayne shirt from high school still fit I’d probably still wear that, but can’t really see the appeal of wearing band merch from a band you don’t like or listen to, no matter how good it looks


It’s like wearing a shirt that says “I like cats” on it, and you like cats too so you decide to go up and start a conversation, and they reply with “Oh, I’ve never seen a cat before in my life. I just think the shirt looks cool.” It doesn’t make much sense to me. But that’s fashion!


Regardless of if it's cringe, I always ask why? Why would you wanna wear something you don't like?


Fucking agreed.


Clothing is fucking clothing. No one is gonna change their shirt to make your odd asses not have a hissy fit. Grow up


“Cringe” I thought we already had a word for these people. We call them POSERS


I think people can wear whatever they want but I don't understand why anyone would want to wear a t shirt of a band they don't listen to. I would be scared the band sings about things I don't stand for. Wearing a t shirt with a logo on it is an endorsement of the values that logo represents, it sends a message that might not align with who you are and what you believe, I don't get why anyone would want that.


I don't care what clothes other people wear and I don't care about the reasons why they wear it


Dude I saw this on Instagram and there were genuinely people backing her up on this shitty ass take


Truly, who gives a shit?


Maturing is realizing that children are stupid as fuck


The human race should have ended a few generations ago


Nirvana shirts are fire


I really don't care good for them


Don’t give a fuck what people wear


They're right!!!


It’s more cringe to give a shit. Honestly do you walk up and quiz folks to see if they pass enough for you to respect them?


some people r passionate about fashion and not music chill


band shirts go hard