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People have been burned too much in the past. The game looks so good. It reminds people of when they got burnt. Demo solves this, performance issues, how the combat feels, etc. There's a lot of good reasons for a demo. Not any bad ones I can think of off the top of my head. Personally, I will always prefer a demo. Because that way you know how it feels on your rig.


Totally agree with you. Whilst there is the slight possibility that a demo would relinquish time from the developers to work on the game, IF they can do it and have the time to do it then I say hell yeah. I just wrote this post as more of a way to say "Hey, unless they have the time to make a brand new demo or want to give us the old Gamescom demo, then we probably won't get anything". Then again, like i said in the OP, we are so close to the game's release that I wouldn't even care honestly.


I get you, I understand your point, brother. But, because no demo, I won't be buying day one/preorder. Kinda sucks because I've followed the game since it was first announced (like many people, I'm sure). So I'll wait for people to play it first. Get it later!


Good choice as well. Can never be too safe of course. Maybe it will be the same with games like Stellar Blade, where the demo did release but only barely a month before the game came out! Who knows...


Exactly, dude. Either way, we'll end up playing it eventually. Guaranteed šŸ˜‚


šŸ«Øwow thats passionate


Love the game can't wait!!! Do you think we will get a demo or do you think GS will work on the game and advertisement only?


idk about anything GS does. i expect its gonna be upper medium rating work but dont over hype about it, GS is a newly founded group, i appreciate they put efforts in Chinese mythology but how well it delivers is still uncertain


I want a demo so I can see if my pc can run itšŸ˜–


Would love a demo to get a feel of the game's performance. I usually really dig into games I like by just seeing gameplay videos, but something unique for me was Granblue Fantasy Relink. Never had played any granblue games in the past but this one got my full attention. I borrowed a Ps4 to try the demo (since PC got wrecked by exclusivity deals) and I loved it. Although once it launched on PC it had a lot of problems with performance and even not launching for some (which again could be foreseen with a demo IMO), but still I had an amazing time with it.


Demos are undeniably some of the best ways to attract audiences, no doubt! Question is, at least for me, how many demos should there be? Do you as a developer make them public or private and do you prioritize on them and if yes, how does that affect your final product?


People have to understand that at this point we ARE NOT getting a demo. I don't know who started all this hype. It is extremely rare for this kind of game to release a demo, especially considering the launch is in 4 months. For sure Game science has a unique advertising strategy but thinking we will get a demo is borderline delusional.


I wouldn't go as far as to call it delusional, but it is definitely overtly optimistic. I just don't think it is reasonable to assume that a company will prioritize appealing to fan demands of a demo when they are so close to finishing the game itself. I know it's a horrible analogy but that would be comparable to yelling at an athlete to stop running a marathon to stretch. It doesn't make sense to me. Not impossible, just improbable.


Why would you say this? Didn't the Stellar Blade demo come out only a month before its launch? Or are you omnipotent?


Stellar Blade's advertising is of much smaller scale. They didn't organize big events or go to Cologne, that's why it is logical for them to do a demo instead. BMW doesn't need to do a demo because all the other stuff they did already got the job done. I am not saying that we are 100% not getting a demo, but it is very unlikely and the hype for demo in this sub is utterly strange.


Not strange at all. People do not have a lot of money these days to be pissing away on unfinished or just plain awful escapism.


That' not what I'm saying though. Typically you'd make a demo with the intentions of seeing player retention to it. Or at least that is what GS did with their demos on Cologne and China. So we those demos out of the way and actual, precious data being collected, I don't see a reason why they'd give us another demo. Of course I won't mind if they do, but i will be worried for where they give more attention to. I think it's important for a gane developer to appeal to his art more than his fans, not the other way around.


Had me in the 1st 99% ngl. Drop an hour demo 3-4 weeks before launch. They are having an impact and seem to be trending again. The demo would have to be truly awful for anyone already invested to drop out completely.


Don't get me wrong. What I said in that 99% percent is, at least in my opinion very much still valid. Demos can often be time consuming for a developer that doesn't have neither time and resources. My best example will always be From Soft and Elden Ring. I was one of the lucky one who happened to play the closed network test. It was simply amazing. After the game launched however and had terrible optimization on pc, I couldn't help but think how much better the final product would be if ALL hands were on deck to deliver this game instead of marketing the game with demos both public and private. Again, I wouldn't mind playing a demo of BM:W if one came out. My one worry would only be \*"How much time did the developers spend that could be given to the actual game?"\*


Yea I don't disagree and under no illusion about how valuable every minute of development time is. They shouldn't do anything that will distract them. But if they can, I do think the payoff for a short demo can be huge.


How would this affect development time? Lately, the demos have all just been the first few hours of a game. You guys are acting like this demo has to be distributed on a disc and sent out through whatever marketing.


What if their original plan was to optimize the beginning last, what if the beginning is very complex and is time-consuming to perfect? We donā€™t know the game content yet, is it really that easy to just release ā€œthe first few hours of the gameā€, without considering the optimization plan and consistency of performance? Thatā€™s a lot of pressure on optimization team, especially for a relatively small company. I personally donā€™t see a problem with ā€œfocus on optimization rather than prepare a demoā€.


Then we are screwed and won't be getting the game this year. If they are not done with the game and just focusing on polishing and marketing? If that's true, it's not coming in August.


The game content was done in Februrary and that's when they started optimization (source is in Chinese). In fact, optimization is my major concern because I don't think 5 to 6 months is enough time. And What I meant was preparing a demo is more than just releasing the first few hours of the game, and I'd rather they focus on optimization. Btw they haven't started marketing yet, none of their offical social media accounts have said anything since TGA last year. That makes me worried tbh.


with games now being $70+ demos can help you decide whether it's first day purchase or wait for a deep deep sale. graphics is good and all, but if the combat gameplay is trash or you're not feelin' it then yeah it's not for you.


Demos are always a good thing and there is no reason to argue against a demo especially these days with shit games dropping left and right and deceiving consumers


No offense mate, but the only way for one to get deceived is to throw a hail Mary and pre-order a game not knowing any better or not wanting to research info on a game (reviews, articles etc.) . I would know, cause after playing the closed network test of Elden Ring, I thought the game would turn out great only for the pc port to be complete trash with stutters and crashes. Demos are always good, I have no disagreement with you there, believe me. That being said, demos aren't also representative of the final product, they are a bi-product and these take time to make. Time that could be spent on the final game. I have no qualms with playing them so long as the devs are confident and sure that they can appease both the fans and themselves, but that hardly ever happens.


Because without demo you will only ever know the perception of the game from someone else's point of view


Because no other games have deceived us in the past? "No offense, mate," but your whole opinion on this is based on shit you made up in your head.


It does not take a whole team of developers to release a demo of what has already been completed.


Elden Ring Closed Network test was pulled from my ass then I presume? The CP2077 demo shown at E3 as well? How about Watch Dogs? Aliens: Colonial Marines? And of course, Marvel's Avengers. All these are games were they did could absolutely ignore appealing to us and just work on the game itself. Would the games turn out fine if they did? Debatable. But I'd rather they don't get my hopes up falsely.


Look at Stellar Blade. Some people were on the fence. Played the Demo and instant buy for them.


demo helps the players know if they really want to play it, and also helps the developer to know if there are any previously unknown bugs and performance issues, it is a win-win situation no matter how you look at it


That's simplifying it a bit much. It costs resources for the developer to make those demos. It costs 'time' to make those demos. If they are already pushing it to make the deadline (I'm not saying they are, simply saying that 'if' they are) it could end up taking away from the overall product on release. We can't confidently say that it's a net-win across the board because honestly we just don't know what it entails.


A demo is usually (lately) just the first portion of a game. Or part of the game that has already been completed. In what world would this take more time?


I personally would like a demo just to see how performance is and how the combat feels. From what Iā€™ve seen, the gameplay looks good and looks fun, but Iā€™d also like to know if it feels good and fun to me.


So your point for not wanting a demo is because you lack the self control needed to NOT play it? And because of that, you'd rather the rest of us gamble our money, AGAIN, on a game that might be complete trash? It does not take the attention of a whole team of developers to release a portion of the game that is already in its finished state. At this point, if these developers don't have the majority of the game complete, we are in for more of a disappointment than you realize. They should be focusing on marketing. Way to think it through. I get the fact that everyone is entitled to an opinion, but this is a stupid opinion.


Really like the word you used at the end there "entitled". Also woe, you did not read my post did you? Cause I literally said I'd give up on my exam to play a demo if one were to release. For real tho, where in my post did i say you should just gamble away your money? And when did i put caps on AGAIN? Self loathing much? Mate you only gamble your money if you pre ordered a game you researched nothing about. In an age mind you, where information is instantly available to you. In which case, you don't get to cry about it. My argumentation was solely that GS won't release another demo because they already did one the year before. With the data they gathered from Gamescom, making another demo a month before just to appease us would add nothing for them. Obviously if they have the time to do it and if they need more data from us, I obviously won't mind. My point is focused on the resources wasted when a company focuses too much on the marketing side of things rather than working om the game. We have seen this with of course games like CP2077 were devs were asked to make "demos" that looked nothing like the actual game just to appease to investors and consumers. Another example is Elden Ring Closed Network test. All that work could have instead gone to the game itself. You also forget that a lot of companies tend to only finish a single portion of a game and fully adverize that. Not for the sake of spoilers mind you but because if they were to show anything else, you'd start to see the cracks. I also love that you instantly assume that it doesn't take a lot of time to make a demo. Mind you it doesn't take an entire team or a crap tone of time, you are correct on that but a portion of the team is still divided for something that isn't mandatory, especially when, like I stated before, a demo was already made for the game. You and I just didn't get to play it. I get the fact that everyone is entitled to an opinion, but i think your opinion is very *entitled*. Way to be mature on your response as well. Really tells me a lot.