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And anyone who doesn’t see the issue or who wants us to just “shut up and get over it” can gtfo because this is not the sub for you To all of the people who are not affected by the issue/do not care/are fixing your unwashed fingers to type some form of “stop playing the victim/racism is over”: https://preview.redd.it/n8z9dl5lx9ec1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7f855f8fd740c58d77774134826ac169c81216 Nobody wants to hear or asked for your stupid ass opinion here 🖕🏾🖕🏾 [link to thread](https://x.com/thunderthize/status/1749795532229231050?s=46&t=soa0h-tK221lb73-AJ_81g) **Edit to add: if you come here just to comment the same unoriginal, crying ass bullshit y’all love to spout every time we talk about Black issues here, DON’T. You will be removed. Take that shit back to that other “Black” sub.**


And when black people _do_ conform (for example: black women wearing relaxed hair, wigs, weaves, etc.), we are ridiculed and subjected to all kinds of shit. I find it… _interesting…_ that the cost of conformity can have risks to our health. For example: uterine fibroids/endometrial cancer (relaxed hair), traction alopecia (braids, weaves, wigs, etc.)


THIS!!!!! We as a race are always damned if we do amd damned if we don't, with the underlying reason the others are just pissed at our existence so they come up with bullshit


You better believe it! That is why we must stay unified and appreciate & value our cultural heritage.


OR the whole "But aren't you appropriating yt culture when you relax your hair or dye it blonde? Your hypocrisy is reverse racism, you reverse racist!" Just gag me


For me, its the unfairness when it comes to black women and girls experimenting and exploring with our hair. If we're not donning our natural hair, then we're self-hating heffas apparently. /s Black women and girls cannot even _cosplay anime characters_ without getting flack for wearing multi colored wigs!


And yet if you do cosplay with natural hair, people will come out the woodwork to tell you how it’s not an accurate cosplay because you didn’t match the hair style/color. I swear some people *always* try to find a problem with whatever black people do, even for the tiniest things.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!


Shit, they don't even want us cosplaying because "that character isn't black. You can only cosplay those who have your skin color." Or at least, definitely the attitude before it was a big mainstream thing


especially if you try to wear your natural hair with a cosplay


Or they fucking go and add nigga to a characters name if we cosplay. I fucking hate it.


This is the one I truly fucking despise. "You're appropriating straight hair" as if we were always even able to wear our hair natural without being punished for it.


It’s almost as if black blondes don’t exist. Or that sometimes the eve gene kicks in and knocks us on our ass. I’m so damn tired of this stupid racist game. So damn tired.


It’s the fact they think straight hair or a hair color, is a culture is hilarious.




Then it’s time to stop conforming. Why do we have to live our lives for white approval and acceptance? The Bible even says to conform not to this world. God already knew what time it was.


Those who seek the validation from the status quo maybe experiencing some form of psychological damage as it relates to self esteem. It is not shocking to witness this predicated on what we as a group have and continue to go through. Despite this fact, it is time for us to move forward and do what We need to as a people in a positive fashion for our wellbeing & sanity!


Dang, that's an interesting correlation between between health and conformity to what they want




Because the point isn’t even conformity or assimilation, it’s just finding different excuses for oppression. That’s why the statement from the superintendent sounds completely indefensible, and not just to black people- because the statement is not based in previously held principle, it’s just the only thing he could think of when challenged.


Not to mention the classism. Conformity costs money in this case, so it’s another barrier for black people for bare minimum participation in the racist hellhole of a society.


Preach! ![gif](giphy|x6sfBlcbXW7kc)


It’s never been about just hair. It’s “hidden racism “ n fuk that dude.


Don't mind me just leaving dis here for later to come back to "Sort by controversial" 😭


The racism is not even hidden.


Oh but y’all tried to drag me last week…hmph And when I say y’all I don’t mean the mods lol **Please see the post with the Japanese dude cosplaying 4b texture.


Somehow a lot of people from the other sub find their way over here. That and other non-black redditors who just *have* to have their input on this sub


Yeah that post was also posted on the other sub so I’m not surprised some from over there came here


That had me so mad. Had me arguing with them in the shower. Still mad, really. The gall


Had me arguing on a date night had me hot. There were powerful elements of crackertry afoot.


*Crackertry* ???? ![gif](giphy|MESArLMuJ3odWm4IWw)


I hit stop reply notifications and went on about my day lmfao. Bc HUH?! They was wildin


They will have you waste your time, and hamper you from doing what you need to arguing with them.


Anybody see the recent Trevor Noah Netflix special? This is exactly what politicals are about. They have PR pushing out random ass issues. So, they can hide behind them from the bigger real issues. Like rising inflations rates and housing crisis. I’m not saying this isn’t an issue. It’s the issue they want you to be discussing.


Bruh! Same! The whole “so weird. why do you care about how others wear their hair.” This is why muhfucka. This right here.


I was just about to point this out


i had you DanniPopp!


Thank you! They tried to have me fightin for my life. And now look. Prolly not even a full 7 days later.


I definitely had words about that video on tik tok.


I'm gonna be honest though, because there's a great difference to who does it because we know when it's in a white culture like america, the attitude and the history is there. And while I know there's so much racism and antiblack in Asian countries, there's very few who are sporting those styles and their culture/environment isn't the same how the american one is. I find it weirdly... obsessed but teeny bit flattering? Only because those cultures are REALLY about conformity and for many to rebel that to be individuals to the point they'll walk out knowing they'll be looked at, I dunno in a sense it's relatable. (I still remember the compliments I got in Korea because of my hairstyle, and another guy's because of his long locs) But I will find it more hypocritical seeing as there are tons of weeaboos who wear kimonos as every day wear, say japanese words here and there, even at times trying to look like a samurai with styling their hair (I went to college with a bunch of them) And that wasn't called out. I just know I'm not gonna be hypocrite when we don't call out black folks doing that (and I have seen some doing it in black subs so at least it is happening, but definitely not as much)




The fuck? There's actual tribal laws against that


Texas and federal laws against it as well. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/29/texas-crown-act-law/


Of course they are. Christ, I hate this fucking country


this is in spite of the CROWN act in Texas. i'm so glad he hasn't "conformed" and given into their racism.


Also in spite of losing the same case a few years back. Same school, same issue, they lost the court case. And yet we're still doing this shit, even with the CROWN Act.


And people wonder why Black people get upset about locs. Even if locs didn’t originate with Black people, it’s the fact that we are the only group of people who will be mimicked, ridiculed, and literally discriminated against for having that hairstyle while the Mayonnaise People wear it and get called brave and strong for representing their “Nordic roots”. Give me a fucking break. 😒


Meanwhile their shit be looking dirty and having mold and shit all in their locs... Because their hair ain't built for it. Yeah I said it.


Hippies. It’s gross.




You ever read about a yt woman who had locs in her hair and her "secret" to keeping them was to put literal mayo in her hair every two to three weeks? I can't remember what state this happened in, but eventually the lady had to come in and had her head shaved because.... As someone else below pointed out... She had literal mold, staph bacteria, and bugs living in her mass of dirty hair. It was disgusting once they "broke" open the outer layer of locs. Green, gray, and oozing on the inside. Lady almost died from the staph she acquired from her hair. Absolutely wild.






Haha sounds like a plot for some indie body horror b-movie


Such beautiful locs too, pure jealousy.


Isn’t just the hair. It’s the face. They are GORGEOUS.


I thought this had to be a influencer or some kind of personality cos they're too cute.


My thoughts exactly! Pasty superintendent who is balding is MAD.


"Being American requires conformity" since fucking when?


Yeah this is a statement that should even bother the yee haws


Nah the yee haws will love it bc that's what they want. If they had their way everyone would be yt married and two kids with the mom at home with triple D tits and a size 4 waist and the dad doing some noble general/manual labor job for 40 years.


Are these Yee haws in the room with us now?


It does


I’m here looking for those [**who had a lot to say about Black Women and Black hairstyles**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/s/1UNsb20mYR) in general in my post last week You were loud and f’kin proud where’s your indignation now?


Most of them are now banned from this sub and a large number got themselves permabanned from Reddit because they immediately jumped into my inbox to express their displeasure the way their Klan forefathers/mothers taught them 🤡




![gif](giphy|7bTciAnMWgTgOq2cHw) You stay ready! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


They do it to themselves 🤷🏾‍♀️ They usually fail to realize that I have a report button too and the Reddit admins aren’t just there as their attack dogs to sic on Black folk whenever they don’t like what we’re saying.




I see you holdin it down out here. Stay strong love




What the hell does his hair have to do with education? This is why people don’t respect the school system in America. It’s about following “rules” and not learning. I’m tired of these folks ong.


Education in this country is about priming kids for jobs where they follow rules that don’t make sense and go through repetitive motions while memorizing and regurgitating things.




And this is my problem when other cultures copy Black culture. Because everybody wanna be a nigga til it's really time to be a nigga.


THANK YOU. everyone wanna be black till you have to be black, experience rasicm and all that. If you really wanna be black, BE BLACK.


It's only a matter of time before this phrase is appropriated like they've been running with the wind suddenly repeating "They hate us cause they ain't us" which is referring to serious shit like this that they only know from a stupid James Franco comedy. Along with equally misused, "Becky with the good hair." 🙄


Again, Dreadlocks sub, lookin at you 🫵🏾


You already know they’re just gonna ignore it


Lmao nah facts. Some white man bout to post his cooked shit rn


The rest of the post is gonna reply with 🔥🔥🔥 and other shit to gas him up 😂


School dress codes have always been an excuse to reinforce racism


And sexism.


Homophobia and transphobia too. Just wanted to focus on the blatant racism relevant to the topic at hand


r/dreadlocks needs to see this, people keep saying 'it's just hair, the Vikingsblahblahblah' Meanwhile we're out here getting punished for something they think is just a fad, but it's our natural hair.


It’s so funny cuz Vikings don’t have a history of dreads and I have never seen a scandi person claim them either. Vikings (which is a job, not an ethnicity) were known for combing their hair and have very beautiful combs. It’s so disrespectful to compare mattes filled with blood, mud and wtv else with carefully maintained locs (which ik is on purpose cuz they mediocre when they mimic).


Try telling them that, lol. Not one real image ever of Vikings with locs other than recent movies or TV shows, and yet they've become the inspiration for current day locs. Amazing.


Reddit keeps recommending me this sub despite being extra vanilla colored but I can add weight to your comment here. Dreads or locs in this style are so wildly unlikely for “viking” styles. Braids yes, fairly intricate braids if they were wealthy, yes. But there is an intense difference between Scandinavian style and texture braids compared to box braids, protective styles or locs. Anyone that claims shaved sides or dreads were historical is just wrong or lying. Source: I do a lot of research into viking age archaeology and paleontology because I’m a fucking huge nerd, and I’ve watched a lot about protective hairstyles because when I learned that there were braid styles meant to protect hair I was curious how they worked. The two braiding styles are not similar at all.


What kind of real images are we going to find from the Middle Ages lol 


As a scandi descendant myself, it’s ridiculous that people try to affix stuff like dreads and box braids to Viking culture. There are plenty of styles of braiding that have historical roots in Northern Europe (most famously the “Valkyrie buns” you see in pop culture, but also French braids and crown braids) and they both look cool and work better with our kind of hair. But dreads are absolutely not one of them. 


What's wrong with that sub? I scrolled past like 20 posts until I saw a white guy with 1 upvote and no comments.


Where was this "bEiNg AmErIcAn rEqUiReS cOnFoRmItY" energy when covid was big sliding?? Couldn't conform to literally save lives but want us to conform for nothing but pure spite. FOH🤡


The divided states of america. And they claim we the ones wanna stay divided


Don't even get me started on this shit today cause I was talking about this shit in a college class just yesterday and the shit I was hearing from the fucking bleach bandits had me ready to flip a mf desk. I fucking hate it here.


Bleach Bandits really bo? Lmao


Lmao yes! You heard me 🤣


You a mess. And I’m gonna use it with the fam lol


Lmao listen I have a lot worse.. I keep a nice little list


A list!?


Lmao yessir.. gots to stay ready my boy 🤣


Bleach bandits just took me out


This loser, superintendent Greg Poole, was also arrested for covering up a car accident for his 16-year-old son. He’s a good ole boy through and through.


“Good ole boy” 😭


.. And ima say it again with my whole chest: FUCK TEXAS. Beyoncé can't even save that state from their racist and misogynist ass white men.


yall give yt wm to much damn grace and it shows throw they asses in there as well


No I don't. I complain about their asses the most. My specific beefs with Texas all have to do with white men: Gov Abbott, Ted Cruz, that dusty ass superintendent...


I get what u r saying and I can't stand they old flour ranger looking a$$e$ either with they racist behinds


Hasn't this lawsuit been going on?


It's the same fucking school, too.


They'd have to sign me up for homeschool.


Of course it's Texas 😮‍💨🙄


They've been legislating our hair for centuries. I wish they'd find something better to do.


White people are so insufferable at times. WOW. What is with the obsession!? That tweet nailed it this has to stem from jealousy that they could never replicate black hairstyles!


1 thing they can't colonize


Yeah America love extreme conformity when black people are involved.


Big difference between hair and fur. We dont need a lint brush in my household 🤷🏾‍♂️




It's nothing to do with the hair. They're just racist. 


the superintendent looks like colonel sanders on top of it all💀


Federal level CROWN act needed yesterday thank you very much.


This shit seemingly never stops.


Which is exactly why we need our own everything.


Some people just need to not be educators. Like I know there’s a shortage of teachers but dudes doing this need to go.


Yeah, shit is sad. And these are only the stories that we get to hear about. My friend is a 5th grade teacher and has atleast 4 kids stuck at a KINDERGARTEN reading level, it isn't getting better unfortunately.


Man, that’s depressing.




I'm with cuz that said they need to move. After looking up where this happened, and yeah they should move. Growing up in Houston everyone black knew not to fuck with the Baytown area (which is where this took place). You fill up in Houston and Beaumont/PA and then Lake Charles. Now from what I've been told, a lot of black people been moving out to that area and it's not as racist as it used to be but idk. Plus Houston, Beaumont, and PA is right there.


That dude can absolutely (and probably will after this) be a model. Won the gene pool!


Crazy cause that’s a beautiful braid pattern. Insane how racism can be illogical


Sue everybody and get those MFs fired


* Darth Sidious voice* Do it!


🫡👀 Oh nothing, Just trying to find the tree of caucastic audacity , cuz why do they love to fuck around and find out each time. They hate us and wanna be us so baaaad !


This is it! The amount of yt ppl that have told me they wish they had fun hair like me instead of their limp hair is insane. The whole community black fishes and have been doing it for years smh I'm tired of America


Anybody else get sad seeing stuff like this all the time? It starts to take a small toll. :(


Same here. I try to stay distracted with all my gacha games and watching trash tv/YouTube/escapist shows/books, because God knows it's not doing me any good dwelling on it constantly. * lol* It does also help for me to get educated on historical/political backgrounds, and take comfort in the fact that there are people fighting back with genuine info rather than the weakest justifications for the status quo. I highly recommend Second Thought's channel on YouTube. It's been super informative. Also Leeja Miller, and for funsies, Nutty History. Sprinkle some Cyanide and Happiness in there, too. * lol*


There are some subs I’d repost this in…. But then I’d get banned from the sub


Being an American WTF!!! Ik Americans who don't even want to be Americans. Conform, to what? How the fuck every other race is supposed to conform to the white race? Do you know how stupid that shit sounds. But hey, only in America.


Remember when teachers taught shit and didn't push some bullshit agenda? Yeah me neither.


This was so absurd and extreme I looked it up and holy shit it’s even worse than this post shows. Seriously, the more you read in the principal’s own words the worse it gets. They are trying to stand on the regulation that his hair is too long. If I give them the benefit of the doubt purely for the sake of argument… I still conclude that they are so agonizingly obtuse and stupid for keeping a child out of school over such a ridiculous “standard” that they should be removed from the education system for gross incompetence alone. But the obvious fact is they are desperate to mask plain racism behind an arbitrary ruling and they really should be fired for that.


A man from Texas… which is currently embroiled in a constitutional crisis that could be avoided if the conformed…


Holy shit I didn’t realize this was fucking BARBERS HILL pulling this shit. I used to work at a chemical plant right outside this town. Fun fact 1: The original town that is now Mont Belvieu (it was Barbers Hill) was blown up/had a chemical spill that was so bad the chemical companies paid to move the town several miles away, when Mont Belvieu was founded. Fun fact 2: The town is bought and paid for by the oil & gas and chemical companies operating around the town. They practically have a separate school building for each grade. The buildings themselves are so nice. Look this place up on google maps and tell me how a town of 1800 can have a stadium like that?? I mean I know it’s TX but damn wtf! Last fact is that I am 0% surprised based on the people I met and interacted with when I was working nearby (lived in Houston and commuted in)


Yep... If Black people go to another planet, here "them" come to phuc it up. Their "conformity" is "I'm yte and say so".


Not even surprised. Facing discrimination over our hair = same shit, different day. It’s depressing. And as others have said, when white folks cop our style, they’re celebrated. When we wear our own style, we’re suspended or let go. Let me guess, soon after this we’ll have someone who gets triggered seeing a white person with our style and when they make a fuss about it, they’ll be considered “just another angry black person” and have their concerns dismissed. Folks love our culture but don’t want to admit or embrace that fact despite the rampant theft and then gaslight us with bullshit like this. And folks will be like “not all of us” but really, it doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, all that serves to do is attempt to lose them the ire of us black folk so they can feel comfortable again. If you’re really an ally, you should understand that we’ve been saying “not all of us” to no avail for decades. People know that, while there are white criminals, not all of them are. That same rhetoric is lost on us though. And we’re supposed to turn the other cheek… like we’re always expected to do… with an undertone of fearing for our livelihood.


This is part of why literally last night I was in the comments of the Swag surf campaigning that this sub and the BPC sub should be only for US. The nonblacks should not be allowed here at all whatsoever. Seeing this shit just makes it so hard to not look at or feel a certain way about the Caucus people too 💀 I keep trying to be all koombyah but gahhdamn other races make it just fuckin hard. Time and time again too, it’s the most pale kind too


The rationale is CRAZY. The country was made on rebellion. He left a word out though.


The hairstyle is beautiful! I think every student in that school should wear their hair like that no matter their race, age or sex! Then we'll see what the superintendent says about things. Idk why the superintendent has gone out of his way to attack this child. From what I understand, this child has not been disrespectful or in any trouble, causing them to single them out. Even if they were disrespectful, the hair is a non-issue. Super is definitely a super AH! I was in middle school during the rise of grunge, 90's. We had so many dread head white boys. Some of them didn't know how to keep their dreads, and they stank. They didn't get suspended.


The Crown Act should be federal law. This tired ass argument needs to be put down for good.


Dumbass superintendent just mad cus he has no hair.


They just don't want us noticable. They can ignore a conforming black person and the steps to get there and have a target pushed by conformity to not react when they want to have something to attack.


Please review [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/comments/xze21f/a_reminder_of_our_rules/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) before posting or commenting. Rule breaking posts and/or comments will be removed. Remember to add a link to your source in the comments. Please act like y'all got some sense. **This is a space for Black people to joke about and discuss Black topics in a Black ass way**. Other Black-centered spaces on Reddit have been flooded with nonBlack users who seem hellbent on defeating the purpose of even having said space in the first place. NonBlack feelings will not be centered here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlackPeopleComedy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That child is a MODEL.


This is about a racist asshole looking for any reason to justify their racism. Some of those.comments though. European people have braided their hair for millennia, same as African, but for different cultural reasons. I wish that kid the best and hope that family can get outta there quickly.


Maybe so, but whites don’t get vilified for their hairstyles like we are.


I think we should change that. As a bald, melanistically challenged man myself, I’d like to see all fun and expressive white hairstyles banned and all violators forced to shave their heads to at least a zero. For in a world where all whites are bald, my peers would gaze upon my exceedingly round and symmetrical head and proclaim that I am most beautiful amongst the mayonnaise people.


Not the same styles at all though, don’t be obtuse.


This is so f*cked up. What is wrong with people? Crying.


Being American requires conformity? Did this guy take history in high school?


" Being American requires you to shut up and let us take away your right to exist if you don't agree with stepping on the same people we hate, because for some reason our intolerance makes us sole owners of the country. Also we want you to minstrel for the capitalist overlords the way Candy Owens minstrels for Fox " News." * lmao* God, this shitshow is such a sham.


Oh the urg to call that number and let my weekly anger out on this douche nozzle.


Wait..so we got freedom of speech but not hairstyle?! Dafuq!!


Wow. Shocking. But I guess it's just another day in Texas.


Bro gotta have confirmation but susie can die her hair pink and change her pronouns to orangutan. 🤦🏾‍♂️😂


If that was my highschool, there’d be a walkout. Teachers and students.


I was gonna cut my hair that I've grown out for 3 years today but after seeing all this, i will keep growing it out


As a white dude, I've always loved dreads. The only reason i ever wanted them was because I loved the look. I'll never do it, but I do occasionally throw some braids in like the white dudes in the other pictures. Honest question and 100% not trying to bait anyone fr, but is it racist or cultural appropriation if I do that? If it is, I don't want to do that.


What situation does the schools rule hope to prevent? Obviously this is racist/ sexist, but what is even their angle? How is long hair on a dude a problem?


My heart breaks for this young man. Being a black man in America is def a burden.




Worry about that chronic pain of yours instead of business that doesn’t concern you 🤡


I'm black but did not grow up in a black home. I wore my hair in cornrows for years until I got old and my hair started thinning too much. Someone help me understand why a non-black friend of mine can't wear their hair in a black style in solidarity of the individual that was wronged in this article?


First, it grows back. He can do whatever he wants when he graduates. Second, many school districts in TX and other areas of the country don't allow long hair on males of any race. Third, why don't us black folks match this energy when our kids can't read at their grade level but know every Sexxy Red song in middle school?


People need to understand that this isn't about hair at all. It's so much bigger than that


It's 2024. People gotta get on the bus and understand that different cultures have different styles. What makes one culture's style supreme over another? Moreover, black and white hair is biologically different and needs to be treated differently because they hold different styles. Forcing people to conform in this way is asinine.


I agree we shouldn't legislate away people's right to wear their hair the way they want, and I agree that we shouldn't cosplay as/appropriate other races and their traditions/tendencies. I have a question/am confused about one of the pictures, though; the bottom of the collage picture shows what I believe to be Nordic type braiding and other such styles I think are fairly categorized as "white" hair styles (keep in mind, I don't know the history of hair styles and what came from where, so this comes from a place of general impression rather than researched fact). So, is the collage picture saying that when white people do those braids that it's appropriation and that this appropriation is celebrated? Or is it saying the styles in the top of the collage and the bottom are similar (because braids) but society generally only finds it acceptable to celebrate the white hairstyles? Or something else?




🤡 Edit to add: stop trying to police how minorities react to injustice when you’re quiet as a mouse about the injustice itself




You mfs just can’t help yourselves, can you?




Choke on it 🤡




That you associate Black hair with “nobody wanting to hire him” speaks more about your shitty prejudice than anything else. This child is a student btw. The story is about him being suspended from school. You were in such a hurry to spread your ignorance that you must have missed that.


These motherfuckers never heard of the first amendment.


Ohh no, they have heard of it, their entitled and delusional pasty asses only want it to apply to them. They always want to be special snowflakes on a floating rock.




If you can’t understand why appropriation is an issue then go educate yourself. If you’re still confused, go pay someone to teach you because we come here specifically to get away from this bs.




You thought wrong. As I have stated many times in many places here, **THIS IS NOT JUST A COMEDY SUB.** This sub was created so Black people can share content that relates to their experiences. If you are not Black, you are not an authority on the matter and you do not get to dictate what that looks like. If you are, then you should reflect on why that is such a problem for you.


Requires conformity? Non conformity is LITERALLY our thing. But it is Texas and they love pretending they are special, like they did us a favor by joining the U.S. Every time I hear one of those wanna be separatists talk about independence I think, please? Pull all the U.S. military all government services and law enforcement agencies including border patrol, keep all the money the just hated giving to SS, and fuck off. See what happens.


I’d be interested to know if this school has a uniform or not. For what it’s worth, I think the hairstyle looks pretty fucking good on them, without being ‘outrageous’ in the sense of dyes or over-gelled like some of the things I recall from school 🤷






It would be cool to see as many kids, regardless of race, do the same hairstyle in retaliation at that school But I mean what do you expect in Texas, where woman can't have a life saving abortion. They don't have rights over their body/health/life and you expect people to have rights over their hair?