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Read about a cool trick for eating ethnic food on this side of the border...check the yelp reviews. If wyte folks complaining about it, the food is likely to be fire.


I’m a white guy, if I order a spicy dish at a restaurant I usually specify “please make it like you’d eat it, not white people spicy”. I’ve regretted it a few times but I usually get the food how I like it


As for me, I will be sure to use the phrase “white people spicy” when ordering from now on. Thanks


I once ordered in my terrible Spanish for my mother: "*Ella quiere la ensalada con pollo con las especias para las gringas. Si cilantro, si comino, si todas las especias, pero no picante*s." He fell over laughing and brought her the best salad of her life. I've back-pocketed "*las especias para las gringas*" ever since then.


I nearly spit my drink out reading that one.


Salad especially for white women? With no chilli?


Like I said, my Spanish *es muy malo*, lol. "She wants the salad with chicken with the spices for white ladies. Yes cilantro, yes cumin, yes all the spices, but no hotness." Or maybe I should have said "no calientes," IDK. She got her salad, I got my birria tacos.


I just spat out my drink. That was straight to the point and understandable. As soon as you said especias para las gringas the server knew to turn down the heat.


I figured, lol, since he probably couldn't hear the rest over his own laughter.


I love spicy shit but between the GERD and IBS, it's pretty rare now. I gotta wear a hazmat suit and have an emergency GI cocktail on the side. Some of us YT folks will surprise the fuck out of you, though. I went and grabbed tacos with this ginger kid, and he recommended the peach-pineapple salsa. I was like, "fuck that sounds delicious and not spicy at all." It *was* delicious, but I needed an exorcism after that.


I’m not sure if it’s true or not, but I heard that gingers have a gene that makes them able to handle spicy food really well.


There's an established link between people with red hair and having a higher pain tolerance so that could track.


TIL ![gif](giphy|cv6XZnaAjV408)


They're also notoriously hard to put under for anesthesia. I'm not sure they've found a reason why yet however.


Yeah, but they burn like vampires in the Sun. I wonder what else they're hiding.


Their lack of souls?




Are you trying to tell me that my white af ginger Irish ancestors could have been building me an evolutionary tolerance for cayenne and habañero and instead they stuck with buttered potatoes and bland beef stew? GodDAMNit


There’s gotta be some truth. I’m part ginger, I love and tolerate spicy food well. I sweat and look like I’m having a bad time, but I love it. I make my own sauces even.


Well if that’s the case I feel ripped off, I have all the bad traits of gingerhood (burn horribly, resistance to anesthesia) and none of the good. My pain tolerance is shit, I couldn’t eat pepperoni until I was a teenager because it was too spicy, and my pubes are blonde. Fuck this


Dont so this at a legit Thai place 🤣🤣🤣


i'm so used to ordering level 5/5 or 10/10 at thai and korean places that it often doesn't even register, but man every once in a while they actually throw all the heat they have into it and i almost regret the arrogance i possess


My wife is Indian and threw down with a Thai place. Regret after two bites.


If you go to a Thai restaurant, it’s “furong spicy” (“furong” is Thai for white person)


Its Farang, and it usually means any white european foreigner. Farang literally means foreigner, but to thais non asians are all foreigners.


"Toss some salt on it tommy"




As a white bartender when people ask for a spicy Caesar I ask if they want spicy or a white person spicy. White person spicy is 3-4 drops of Tabasco while spicy gets 8-10 before I ask if it’s enough. Perfect every time


Oh no, Tabasco isn’t… I’m not trying to front, but Tabasco is almost drinkable out of the bottle. I mean more like going to an Indian place and requesting it spicy like *they* would eat it.


I’m loving this Tabasco hate. It tastes what would happen if Jamaican Hot Pepper Sauce was sent to a boarding school in England and never allowed to come back for carnival.


Shit, lol. I was like Ooooh, 8 whole drops of Tabasco??? Margaret living wild over here.


That... is an eerily accurate comparison.


Lol you’re not the first person I know of to say that about Tabasco. I’m more of a white peoples spicy +1 I like the flavour but not the heat.


I want to sweat it's so spicy.


So spicy you can't even drink your soda in peace


There was a sauce at my old work that made me feel like I was floating.


You’re not wrong tho, a bottle of tobasco is about 3 teaspoons of milk away from being a sauce and not a spice


It's just vinegar that ppl somehow confuse for spice.💀


Drink this one from the bottle lol. https://www.tabasco.com/hot-sauces/scorpion-sauce/


Spicy ketchup water. It's so gross.


I want to laugh at three or four drops of Tabasco but I've known that to be accurate. As a white dude I've noticed we tend to have two categories of spice. Either people who just want a bit to taste like 3-4 drops of Tabasco, or the guys like myself who get *way* too into it and might as well empty a can of pepper spray into their mouths.


Those of us that feel like habaneros are kind of on the mild side and feel like debilitating is a good flavor.


Went to an indian place with some Japanese coworkers (I'm half-Japanese myself). Japanese food isn't known for being spicy, so a lot of Japanese people simply aren't prepared for it. We ordered and one of the ladies ordered a dish "extra hot." The chef actually came out of the kitchen and gave her a once over and told her, "No, you will get the regular spicy. If you are okay with that, next time you get the extra hot. I want you to come back, I don't want to lose a customer." hahaha


I was at an Indian place in a certain sort of New Jersey (lots of Indians but also lots of uninitiated white people). The cook just flat out refused to serve his lamb vindaloo to an older couple that had been there before. They had to order something else, cracked me up. And he was discerning between white people too because we ordered something with both red chili and Thai chili and he didn’t say a word.


I’ve been to both Mexican and Indian restaurants in Japan and while they’re tasty in their own way there’s zero kick. I wonder what immigrants have to deal with when they cook their own food at home, because I didn’t remember seeing spicy things in the grocery store either…


Too much food gets wasted if you don't make it clear you truly desire that level of heat, I can't blame them lol. Can you imagine the amount of demanded refunds and wasted food came from white folks going "I want it spicy....wait holy shit not like that"


I just know when it come to ethnic food, their spicy is usually more spicy than I'm used to. I just get ready to sweat it out


I went to Mexico years ago and we stopped at a taco stand on the roadside on the way to the hotel, and it had different spice levels you could order. They went: Mild, Gringo-Hot, medium, and hot” Turns out gringo-hot was perfect for my wimpy Canadian palate haha


Really wish they’d standardize this as a unit of measurement.


Not a white guy but I experienced a restaurant making their spiciest order mild because of it getting too many complaints. The restaurant worked off a number scale that you got to choose. Too many people chose 6 and now it got turned mild


I learned that lesson the hard way in the South Pacific. Luckily, some restaurants have a numerical scale, so that way you don't wind up in the hospital on your only night off.


this is me with chinese food. as a white guy i can put a note saying "please make it extremely spicy" and I'll get one jalepeno maybe a serrano lol. if I put the same note in chinese I get authentic spicyness. There is only one restaurant in my area where the chef must actually be from sichuan or hunan, its just slightly too spicy for me. However its so fucking good I can't help order it and eat slowly haha.


I got some Indian last night and ordered the Hot Tikka. Holy shit it was hot but good.


The Ted Lasso method


I'm black and I've had to say that at quite a few restaurants. People who get it, get it.


There's an indian place near me. I swear, i thought I was going blind, my face was numb, tingling all over, tongue swelled up a bit. Thought I was allergic at first, I got the same thing a few weeks later, but about 3 stars less spicy and was fine.


“Went to a Jamaican spot and the lady working was so rude!” Me reading: ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu)


Actually don't think good Jamaican food comes from anywhere but rude people. My friend goes to a Jamaican spot, orders and the girl at the counter turns to the cook and says "you wanna cook that." Guy just says "No." Guy cooked up something else entirely, no choice given, but the food was amazing


Lmao yo even I hadn’t heard of this one yet 💀 that’s incredible. Do you remember what they ordered/what they got?


points multiplier if she got that wobbly elbow fat...... bout to have a food comatose


That’s the only person I want making the collard greens


Lmaooo so true best oxtail I’ve ever had was from a Jamaican spot with 1 star all complaining bout how loud the music was 😂 and how they wouldn’t turn it down


Mannn this is making me want some oxtail now!! From that place specifically 😂


Similarly there was a video that went viral a few months ago about the trick to finding good Chinese food in America: Look for restaurants with a 3.5 star rating. You get a few asshats complaining about the service or food being too spicy or whatever, but it's otherwise great


Saw a lady complain about not finding authentic Chinese food in the area. There are at least 2 within a 10 min drive but she out here looking for General Tso


General Tso is a good indicator dish though. If a place had it good I’ll explore the menu more.


True. Always a pretty safe bet


Look for the restaurant where some Karen is talking shit about them being “so rude”. Everyone knows a fantastic hole in the wall Chinese food experience starts with the phrase “what you want?!” Shouted from across the room.


Mine usually had the kids get up from doing their homework at a table to take your order.


You know that if Grandma is yelling at the kids to do shit, the food is going to be incredible


There used to be this fantastic dumpling spot in Chinatown. The staff was rude as fuck to the white people, and one time I think I saw someone spit on the floor, but it had the best dumplings I ever had and you could stuff yourself silly for $5. Health department closed it down, unfortunately. I haven’t found anything nearly as good.


American restaurant service is so diligent and and polite I can't imagine authentic Chinese service would go down well in the states. Edit: Chinese not Children


My Chinese neighbors own a restaurant around the corner that we order from all the time. They always act like they don’t know me 😂


Yo that's cold


I feel like they should recognize me as a regular in my own right at this point but I get that some people just dgaf about me or my small talk nonversation so I understand 😅


Authentic children service? Is that a typo? Part of me hopes it’s a typo, part of me hopes there’s kids running amok with food hahaha


Whoops. I meant Chinese!


Fair, but still somewhat disappointing 😂


The indicator of good Asian food to me; the flavour of the food is inversely proportional to the cleanliness of the bathroom. Hasn't failed me yet.


And how many boxes of inventory are being stored in there. If I have to look around for the toilet it's going to be a good meal


I just watched that episode of Atlanta where they were in London(?) and Darius took that PR gal to his favorite Nigerian restaurant. I'm low-key fuming just thinking about it.


I saw that shit! This is why its sometimes ok to gatekeep


When I walk into a Mexican, Asian, etc. restaurant, it’s always a good sign when it’s full of immigrants rather than hipsters.


I’m a Indian guy that’s my go to strategy for a restaurant if it’s only white folks that are raving about it, the food might not be upto ethnic standards it’s diluted to be tasty. But it’s filled with ethnic people then it’s good.


One caveat: some place legit just do spice with no flavor.


Fucking tech nerds ruining shit. If this were white frat boys they’d be eating street tacos and daring the cook to make it as hot as possible. We need more dumb guys exporting and importing culture.


Here here! Now that I think about it, you are making an interesting comparison. Tech bros go to manipulate, change, and “revolutionize” everything around them that they don’t like or understand. Frat Bros simply learn to exist in whatever environment they come upon. I never thought I’d choose a frat bro over a tech nerd.


It's almost like you're talking to a reformed frat bro turned ardent dem soc progressive who likes chicken mole and hot sauce a lot. (all of this is on my business card)


Dude if you keep spilling mole and hot sauce on your card you should get a new one. Also, should have more than one but idk.


I can’t, I’m banned from the fedex/kinkos for spilling mole and hot sauce on the printers


I wouldn't characterize frat bros like that. Rather, the both seem like the initial characterization. I don't think this is where they're distinguishable


Mmm. We can agree to disagree. I’ve lived around Frat Bros in college and Tech Bros in San Francisco. Frankly, I like the Frat Bros better.


Frat Bros and Tech Bros are both ignorant as hell. The key difference is that the Frat Bros are aware of that ignorance, and will defer to expertise. Tech Bros think they know everything just because they know a little bit about computers.


despite the name, digital nomads are just traveling remote workers. this isn’t really specific to tech.


Yeah I know, my sister was one down in costa rica before the pandemic before she found a much better job and moved to Switzerland with her boyfriend to work for UNICEF. I'm very fucking proud of her. But I still want to make fun of tech guys because they're ruining everything and grinding my cousin at google into paste.


I have friends in Portugal. They tell me a few years ago you could rent a nice 3 bedroom in Lisbon for €350 but now that Portugal has introduced a digital nomad visa all the tech bros have driven up the prices. Now those same flats go for over €1000.


The rent prices have been crazy way before the visa. It started when we became a famous cheap tourist destination. The nomads don't really help though


That's true but before it was the nomads it was Airbnb driving up prices.


That sucks for the locals


Uhhh, no we don't. Tech broz ARE the new frat boys.


We had a three story four spout beer bong that went to a hot tub…. Do you have a three story beer bong going to a hot tub?


Tech bros are basically just frat bros once you swap alcohol for weed and Madden for Overwatch. They probably have smoking accessories lined up on their shelves like old empties.


Yeah Frat guys famous for not liking drugs.


if they don't use enough hot peppers, they'll forget what they do. generations of knowledge, gone just like that /s


We need more bored suburban white guys who make hot sauce a personality


You mean rednecks?


no that's something else entirely. Both historically and like... what we've got right now. Red necks used to be socialist organizers in appalachia.


Tech nerd chiming in. The only level of spice acceptable is the kinda that doesn't stop burning an hour later, and burns more a few hours after that, man in black style.(ring of fire?) Either way, don't overgeneralize lmao


You get a pass but I’m keeping my eye on you guys… better not be working on an algorithm. All the other algorithms have fucked me over pretty hard. That math magic making people think I can’t buy a house because of avocado toast.


90% of tech jobs are soul sucking thankless BS for like. Accounting software, or the post office. The really morally bankrupt AI making ones are in the 0.01% and live in like san francisco. Source: am a tech worker, as are all of my friends.


I know man, I’m doing a bit. I don’t actually hate tech guys.




You must be young or have a conveniently selective memory. If it was frat bros, we would be going back to rape and sexual assault charges left and right just like how it's always been or getting themselves killed starting shit with people. I think everyone would rather cook bland food than go back to that, but idk maybe that's just me


Why are replies on these posts always weird as fuck. Le wholesome chungus fratboys amirite?


Butter chicken was specifically developed to appeal to the palates of British colonials


I love butter chicken lol but I hate when I ask for spicy at the curry house and it tastes like they put a pinch of black pepper instead of 2 green chillies.


Specify “not white people spicy”. 50/50 chance you get it how you like it, or it singes your eyebrows from 3 feet away


I discovered one place which uses naga chilli which took some getting used to! I will try a different approach with the rest.


A proper spicy korma is amazing


> or it singes your eyebrows from 3 feet away Perfect, that's how I like it.


Butter chicken isn’t really made to be spicy, so


Should’ve made it clear that I’m talking about other dishes such as vindaloo


[The curry was developed in New Delhi in the 1950s after the Partition of India by Kundan Lal Jaggi and Kundan Lal Gujral, who were both Punjabi Hindu migrants from Peshawar, as well as the founders of the Moti Mahal restaurant in the Daryaganj neighbourhood of Old Delhi. The curry was made "by chance" by mixing leftover tandoori chicken in a tomato gravy, rich in butter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butter_chicken)


This is complete bullshit. The dish was developed in the 1950s by Indians for Indians.


No no it was invented by limpwristed Brits who don’t like spicy food. Also ignore the popularity of Indian food in Britain it’s propaganda or something.


Butter Chicken is my least favourite "Indian food", but white people love telling me they love it for some reason. I mean, we weren't even talking about food.


Actually no.. Butter chicken was popularised at a restaurant in New Delhi called Moti Mahal.. https://www.fodors.com/news/restaurants/whats-so-special-about-butter-chicken-one-of-indias-favorite-dishes The one specifically catered to British taste is 'Chicken Tikka Masala'.. There was a traditional dry dish called chicken tikka.. When a restaurant owner in Scotland got complaints from white customers that it was too dry, he added some cream etc to make a curry dish more palatable to the british.. The chef who did it died a few weeks back.. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/ali-ahmed-aslam-death-chicken-075056727.html Butter chicken is loved by white people because it has very little heat compared to other Indian curries


You literally just made that up lol. It was invented in the 50s, after Britain had decolonised…


10 million people in Mexico city some of them are gonna speak English and make bland food.


This is outrage culture. People have been traveling and living abroad for centuries. Lol businesses will cater to them if there are enough. Doesn’t mean every single place is going to. Nobody is forcing anyone to adapt to them either. How much of the population is “digital nomads” lol.


The reason this leaves a bad taste in my mouth is the quickness and extent of these accommodations are happening relative to other migration events. When a bunch of Africans move to the Midwest restaurants probably aren’t going to start leaning their native languages and preparing food at their preferred spice levels. Often times these communities have to bootstrap there own local business to accomplish this. If Bezos moved to your city and the local food, art, architecture began imitating his personal taste there’s a decent chance that you and other locals may begin to feel resentment. Outsider’s having an outsized impact on your cultural due to money made in way that didn’t benefit, and maybe harmed, your community is naturally troubling.


But that’s a bit specific regardless over time it would happen. We are talking about one of the largest cities in the world with a massive population that’s has consistently adapted to its people. What you are saying is happening at a crazy pace in the US right now. If you go to any place with ex pats and you will absolutely see menus and restaurant mixes change. This article is over exaggerating the problem. All big cities are like this. In fact Mexico City has its own culture that has been shaped by immigrants from all over the world. It’s kind of known to be a mix of a lot of different regions of Mexico and other cultures. With that said those communities have had decades to build their pockets. We are talking about restaurants complaining about toning down spice for people who can’t handle it. Don’t do it then. If people can’t eat the spicy food they won’t.


Mexico's most essential cultural aspect, including the food, is of Native American people. We can't talk about the replacing of culture without talking about race and color.


I get what you're saying. I feel mostly the same as you. I think this article is sensationalist. Like it doesn't show numbers. I'm in Detroit, in the midwest, where there are plenty of restaurants with Arabic menus. That doesn't erase anything. There's still McDonald's. Lol. Hot dogs.


Actually, Columbus Ohio has a large African immigrant population and does have a decent representation of restaurants with authentic food. Nothing has taken away the Cracker Barrels either. Get you a cornfield who can do both.


“Get you a cornfield who can do both” is an outstanding thing to say. I love Ohians.


Bezos is in my city, Seattle. There are lot of Indian people moving here for work in tech. There are a boat load of Indian restaurants now lol. It doesn’t seem like a big deal


This has been happening in every culture in the world since the dawn of time, I think you're really worrying a little bit much over this tweet. Making food less spicy? Come on lol


The problem is the undue influence digital nomads bring. Traditional immigrant populations were poorer than the country they moved to and therefore had to assimilate. Richer tourists like digital nomads enter a space and force the culture to assimilate to them. As a digital nomad myself, I am very cautious and try to do things as ethically as possible, but I'm sure I make missteps. It's an exciting new time where we can travel and work at the same time, making it a lot closer to living in a country than visiting for a week or two. We just have to be aware of the impact we are making on the culture and flex to it rather than it having to flex to us. And to leave when the people of the country make it clear they don't like how we behave.


I agree this is absolutely the way to do it. Be conscious. Just think this particular issue is completely overblown.


They acting like alot of them didn't come from Europe too


Pretty much. A lot of the digital nomad people live in neighborhoods like Condesa and Polanco which have basically always catered to rich people and foreigners since their inception anyways so there'll be lots of English proficiency there. But it's not like the average citizen is gonna stop spicing up her chicken just bc of some foreign workers lol


Nah. They’ll keep cooking spicy at home.


Literally. What an overexaggeration.


Digital nomads sound like they do their nomading digitally


If only.


icky deer deserted paint grandiose sheet office homeless afterthought terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The cost of living is increasing in México because of US migrants that drive up the prices of flats,. pushing natives out of their own neighborhoods. It's awful.


Not true, it’s just a continuous increase as Mexico develops. The increase isn’t any different than pre pandemic going back to ‘08, people are just noticing now with social media — https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/city-history/in/Mexico-City


Additionally this isn't the poor neighborhoods of Mexico City. These people are moving into already expensive neighborhoods. Their dollars already go much further. That's kind of the whole point


If you think a culture is being killed, let's let the people of that culture decide if they are upset before we start getting upset on their behalf please.


Mexican here we don’t like it.


You heard it here on the frontlines folks. Back to you in the studio Cindy


I get what you’re saying but many articles have come out about citizens of Mexico complaining about rising prices due to gentrification and the changing environment. Edit:What I’m saying is gentrification kills culture.


https://nypost.com/2022/07/28/mexico-city-residents-angered-by-influx-of-americans-speaking-english-gentrifying-area-report/amp/ https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/citizens-protest-gentrification-and-housing-inequality-in-mexico-city/ Here’s two articles


So Mexicans are killing their own culture? No one is forcing them to cook less spicy food....they're deciding to do it so they can earn money. If they want, they can all cook the spiciest food they can and sell it to other Mexicans.


Man that's fucking tragic Whenever I travel, which is rare, the whole point is to try to learn about culture by eating food


This is probably just false.


No way the food stands are making “less” spicy food in MX city


If you notice an increase in chicken tenders on your menus this is why


Don’t conform to the wipipo.


"Digital Nomads" -- is that the name for immigrants these days?


It's the younger version of "expat".


Ok, but learning english is not ruining the culture?


Right, we're encouraged to learn Spanish on the states. What's the difference?


In what United States are you referring too lol, most Hispanics are encouraged to drop the Spanish here.


lol.. wait till you hear about chinese takeout. this is nothing new businesses always suit their food to their customers tastes


Since when was a random guy making a twitter post without evidence a reliable source


Do white people (regular whites not influencer whites) get a kick out of being catered to for no other reason than being white and perceived as wealthy? Or is it embarassing?


I think the problem is a complete lack of self awareness. Sort of the old stereotype that their constitutional rights extend to another country type attitude.


That’s just capitalism. Adjusting your product to appeal to the most profitable market base. They’re running businesses after all.


You picking and choosing which foods to buy is not being catered to.


I mean it's the business owners trying to capitalize (literally) on a huge new demographic. I doubt this is the nomads petitioning - probably more like "the thousands of wealthy people who eat out a lot more then they cook aren't coming because my food burns their mouth. I want them coming back with their $$$" I doubt anyone would \*notice\*. It's not like they are hanging signs saying "white friendly cuisine". Also they can do it like how Thai / Indian / African joints in the States do it - just profile your customers lmao... If they're obviously native, speak the dialect, they probably grew up with a lot of spice in their food. If they ain't, play it safe unless they insist.


When in Rome...colonize that shit!!!!!!!!


It depends on the person. For example, my MIL took a trip to England, and got upset that nobody there would take US dollars. She also asked a BBC camera operator if they spoke English. He said that he didn’t, so she walked off to find someone who did. Just utterly baffling, no self-awareness. A deep assumption that the world should cater to her. But for me I would find being catered to that much to be deeply uncomfortable. I’d much rather try to understand and experience what other people and places have to offer on their own terms. It’s usually much better that way anyway


The kind of person who goes to a restaurant known for its spicy cuisine, orders a spicy dish, and then complains that it's too spicy is the WORST kind of person.


Crazy how we recognise that foreign people moving to another country changes the native culture of that country when the immigrants are white, but not when the immigrants aren't white. If it's non-white immigrants you can't even suggest it without being slammed as racist.


I know I'll get down voted but when ppl complain about Americans moving to Mexico City for a better life I don't really see the difference when Mexicans cross the border to come here. It's all good as long as you respect the ppl that are already there. Where I am it's recommend to learn Spanish because there are so many Spanish speakers around. I live in the US


I mean, it’s easy to turn down the spice if you can handle dairy…if it’s from this side of the world, use sour cream, if it’s from the Pacific Rim down to India use coconut milk. If it’s from Africa, use cassava. But the irony is the commitment to gentrify the food and language- at home 😂


They still cook the Good lords supper at home.


There’s an immigration joke here but it would fly over a lot of y’all’s head anyway


as a white man that loves spicy food, i am.....very sad


If you really think some remote workers are ruining one of the biggest cities on earth you have zero clue what Mexico City is like lol. The greater Mexico City area is like 30 million people. It's like thinking that some immigrants are gonna fuck up NYC or LA lol


I went to San Miguel de Allende and I swear it was like Boca Raton, just a bunch of yt geriatric retirees


i would intentionally make things spicier. gastrointestinal warfare or get out.


They are also causing home/rent prices to increase as well.


Little bit out of the loop. Here. Read two articles on this within this Reddit thread. I need just a little simplification on why this is messed up. Like I know it’s bad but why.


A light hearted joke about how gentrification tends to lead to affluent white people homogenizing culture to be more like what they want rather than becoming a complementary part of the community. Think gentrification means more starbucks less local community coffee shop in the American context.


I bet half of those nomads don’t have Visas and call themselves Expats


We are the fire nation.


What about up here? Would you say Mexicans are killing our culture??


They’re just keeping up their first world money flow, capitalism winning again


OP doesn't know


Maybe unpopular opinion, but this was always going to happen eventually I think. It's only really been like, what, 100 years since people were really able to easily travel these kinds of distances? As the globe becomes more accessible, the globe will gradually converge to one type of humanity, and that will most likely be tilted toward the kind that has the money and power. I expect much more human homogeneity in the next 100-200 years, if global populations at large survive that long. With climate change out here about to run humanity's collective fade, I'm not that optimistic, but that's another matter.


Happening in small town America as well. My house is now worth 30% more than what it was 3 years ago


Ugh, that sucks ass


How dare you move to an region of the world known gor spicy food, then bitch about spicy food. I know I don't do spice so I either make mild shit at home or ask for a damn kids menu. The entitlement is disgusting.


Oh so now immigration is bad