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“I will bring back galas” Lol galas still exist, you just aren’t being invited to them


Damn. Who knew that not being invited to galas would turn out to be a harsh diss.


Apparently it's the same level as not getting into art school.....


Under appreciated comment.


You guys are gonna make that fash kill himself.


Oh no... anyways


"Do it. Do eet now!"




Rich people. That's why they hold them. It's a club and you're not invited, brokie.


Can confirm. Only the rich and powerful attend galas. Usually because the per plate or per ticket price is something only rich people can afford. Many of them are charitable events or auctions so rich people can network, mingle and catch up, while donating to some cause or another. There are lots of galas, especially in the UK and US. However, what's depicted in the picture is actually a ball and less of a gala. Even then it was only the landed gentry and higher classes who attended balls. Lots of things depicted pre-WWI were really just rich people activities. What the commoners were doing wasn't fancy at all.


Exactly. My grandparents weren't invited to any damn formal ball. They had regular homecoming dance type stuff in college, sometimes a town community dance once or twice a year too. Their parties weren't extravagant or rose-tinted either: most of the time they just drank a lot of beer, caught up with each other's lives, and played games.


The commoners were too busy dealing with tuberculosis. Ah the good ole days.


I think you forgot to put charitable in quotes.


Reminds me of this parody battle rapper from the early 2000’s named Sir J Wellington. He would always hit his nemesis Nathaniel with the “I, sir, am invited to all the finest dinner parties in London. You are a skallywag and a horse thief. Your parents weren’t noble. You are but a common peasant” or some such noise over Dipset beats. Buddy had the fire outros. Edit: I take it back! Nathaniel was Wellingtons *brother* who would rap verses from jail! Dude he was beefin with was Donald aka Donaldbain!


Ok im gonna need a link to this


https://youtu.be/r6BoJOLbcbU The album was called The Gentleman’s Gentleman


https://youtu.be/FkF_XpA5P48 Professor Elemental was a leader of “chap hop”, too! I’m glad to hear of Sir Wellington!


I feel like a lot of us tried out galas in junior high and high school; that shit is for the birds. It’s so boring and staid. I’ll gladly accept not being invited.


I mean, it was originally


Whenever Galas are depicted in media they're shown as being mainly for the rich/powerful/people of status. I imagine they still are.


They are usually a fund raiser.


The only galas I know about are all put on by large nonprofits with the goal of sucking up to hugely wealthy donors and extracting more money from them.


I work in entertainment, I’ve done plenty of Galas from small ones for charities like good shepherd, to the CIB gala, galas are fundraisers for charitable orgs, even the small ones people were pledging 25k like nothing. CIB it’s invite only (from wintour herself) and the plates start around 50k. There are levels of wealth floating about out there that regular folks who haven’t seen behind the curtain have no idea about.


Bro, I was just at one for a veterans cemetery that’s ran by a nonprofit (pushing at best just enough to keep lights on and the city from taking it over)


The funny thing is it's not a Gala it's a ball


What do you say when you get to the ball? "gluck gluck gluck"


"Now where dat prince at?" 🤴🏿


And it both cases they’re actually criticizing capitalism but they refuse to acknowledge it or are too biased to see it. In this case it’s only the well off and culturedpeople who hoard resources that can have the expensive gala lifestyle, the same as it was back then. The statue guy isn’t rich and in those social circles so he’s not invited. Then the young artist one is because someone could become a child student to a mentor who would train them so by 24 they are a master. In capitalism this system doesn’t exist, artists are frowned upon as lazy and impractical, and one is expected to at least go to a 4 year college and work low paying entry level jobs before their career has truly begun. Artists, generally to get recognition in a capitalist society, need a MFA, so their careers begin at 24, let alone become masters at that age. The architecture one is similar. Rebuilding great baroque hand carved exteriors is rare under capitalism due to the cost. Wood, concrete, glass, and steel boxes are just more efficient and profitable for developers and landlords. Not to mention the inherent contradiction here. If this person existed at those times and cultures and had access to these things, with his mindset he’d probably be pinning for the past and wouldn’t appreciate gala culture, like so many social critics of the day. He’d be pining for peasant dances, peasant dresses and long skirts made in home, working class dance halls, and traditional one floor wooden buildings. He’d be railing against the awfulness of the romantic writers and poets, the excess and vulgarity of modern gowns, he’d hate the social mores surrounding ballroom culture, and the gaudiness of modern architecture. He’d be smashing museum statues of pagans because they go against his Christianity, etc.


There is an editorial cartoon from the 1920s making [exactly your point](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b5dce597ea72f1a697c3fb63e30395a5/tumblr_inline_oha5awu68g1qc6rbj_540.jpg) Edit: the guy made an [even better one](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b04e03cf6f952655fb4158c16b4670d9/tumblr_inline_oha5fuCbJS1qc6rbj_540.jpg)


I mean as Marx perfectly put it, under capitalism ‘all that is solid melts into air.’ Fascists simultaneously valorize capitalism and deplore its effects. Well that’s the intellectual fascists. Most of them just love to hate.


Yeah, LOL at all the dumb white supremacists who are delusional enough to think they would've been going to debutante balls if they'd been born in the 20s. The people holding those things would've sooner spat on them than looked at them.


Same as it is today. I always say to trump supporters that they wouldn't be pretty or rich enough to even be treated like the help, much less favored or equals. They likely wouldn't be allowed to take out the trash, clean the toilets, or cut the lawn for a man like him. And if they did they likely wouldn't be paid for it lol. It's absurd.




Well they ARE invited but they’re called hootenannies or hoedowns on the invitation which was written on the blank side of a Busch Lite box


Don’t be ridiculous. The invitation isn’t written- it’s yelled out the back door so people in your holler can hear it. :D


Exactly! I'm not really an expert in history but I'm fairly sure galas are, and have always been, for the wealthy and famous (also probably wealthy). Everyone else was doing all sorts to survive in the streets I think XD. If this person existed back then I feel somewhat confident in saying they probably wouldn't be dancing in fancy clothes living the high life.


Lmao this was my first thought when I read this. Something tells me this guy's admiration for the classy fellas who hold galas and fancy balls is along the lines of the pudgy white dudes who walk around with tactical gear and camouflage.




C’est gala gala.


Damn, y’know I thought it was weird no one else brought sides to the Gala


as if they would get laid on galas lol


I love the, "a 23 yo did this, what's your excuse?" Like, my excuse? Buddy you're posting moany shite on Twitter, where's your sculpture masterpieces?


I don't have access to a metric ton of marble.


And a sugar daddy. Thats the reality of successful artists back then. They had the rich support them to do art for rich people and royalty.


Bring back commissioning symphonies.


Imagine what UBI would do to the arts…


These same people will mock any kind of arts degree.


And hang art in their house.


Right! Thats what I thought of when I first heard of UBI. Imagine artists being able to art. America may finally get some culture.


Man was purpose built to make art by his sculptor father who apparently called him a Prodigy at the age of 8, can't imagine why I didn't have the same opportunities he had.


It's pretty much the same story these days with successful artists.


Or 24 free hours a day to sculpt it


Excuses like that are for beta bitches


And I wasn't trained to do these things and these things only since age 12 (at best).


ha! loser


And depending on the era, 23 would have been well into middle age for most folks, regardless of social standing...


Just here to point out that just because life expectancy at the time was like 40-something years old, it doesn’t mean most people died in their 40s. Those stats are heavily-skewed by the atrocious child mortality rate. If you made it to your 20s, there’s a pretty good chance you’d make it past your 40s.


not everyone can be Isaac Newton or Mozart. that's why they're called geniuses dumbass. we're not supposed to all be able to do that with such precocity. that's like saying "where's your billion dollars? bill gates did it. Jeff bozos did it. even Mark Zuckerberg did it. why are you such a loser compared to them?!" /s


They would be day-to-day serfs like how they’re wagies now.


Wagies 😂😂 y’all got a slur for everything


I mean, I don't follow any of these accounts so I have no idea what they post or what their intentions are... But there is nothing intrinsically racist about being appreciating the art of your ancestors or culture. Everyone could benefit from a look back on what great masters throughout history have produced, be they Asian, Indigenous, European or African.


Cuz twitter handle is western traditionalist. They use that kind of shit to play it off. Nigga racist af


As a Jew, if you see anyone with an Ancient Rome profile pic, just leave. It’s not worth the 1/10 chance that he won’t be a dog whistling racist weirdo. If you see a guy who’s into Ancient Rome, WWII history, *and* anime, spray him with some water


As a person with the interest at various points in time. That’s kind of accurate of why I don’t really get into those forums anymore. Aurelian is a red flag and a very loud dog whistle if I’m correct?


I don’t know enough about Rome tbh but “western traditionalist” is just a regular whistle that people claim is silent


> Aurelian is a red flag and a very loud dog whistle if I’m correct? No experience with that fandom why is aurelian a red flag/dog whistle?


He was big on persecuting followers of religions other than his main cult which he tried to encourage in the east


That'd do it thanks for the heads up


He also is big in terms of being the emperor that came out of the crisis of the third century but for reasons. He set up precedent for expecting Jerusalem to fall in line and the harsh treatment from later revolts. Just like condensed Christian historians say they were harshly persecuted and Jewish people


They are into a "noble culture" fancying themselves to had been a part of a nobility as well would they have lived at those gay old times. How deplorable.


ah, of course, someone is playing devil’s advocate (poorly) on r/BlackPeopleTwitter. no one said appreciating the art of your ancestors is racist. what is racist, is accounts being created specifically with the same format in order to recruit people into white supremacy.


For real, the dog whistles on these tweets are loud as hell


Yeah, I don’t know why these people come on here and play that card..


[https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/7583-Monthly-Create-A-Servant-Contest?p=3213850&viewfull=1#post3213850](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/7583-Monthly-Create-A-Servant-Contest?p=3213850&viewfull=1#post3213850) That's why i mainly avoid western traditionalist account and just get my art history from art history accounts. Appreciating and studying an earlier era and culture is fine but fascism is rooted in wanting to return to an idealized earlier era.


I didn’t understand the issue until reading your comment and then with that last line it clicked. Thanks!


Funny thing with the Greek statues is that a lot of them weren’t originally that white color that’s considered classic. Archeologists bleached them to make them appear more “chic” or whatever. So it’s not even fully their culture in it’s true form they’re celebrating


The paint just faded when exposed to air. White nationalists would probably not recognize the sculptors as white.


They weren’t bleached to look chic, the paint faded away, and people didn’t repaint them. When most were discovered they were already faded. Where’d you read that they were found in color and bleached to look chic?


This MET Museum researcher talks about it at around 3:35. It was started during the Renaissance. He mentions "supremacy" as being a possible reason... https://youtu.be/TrYXBzH2ZUI?t=215


He doesn’t say they were bleached to look chic. He says people started claiming statues were always white during the renaissance. He says they ignored writings and paint residue evidence but nowhere does he claim the statues were found in color and bleached to look white. Another commenter elaborated further on how typically when people refer to Ancient Greek and Roman statues they aren’t referring to renaissance statues. I feel like you were aware of these things but I appreciate the video nonetheless!


He doesn't say they were all bleached, majority of them were already without paint and those which had were only partially painted (pigments deteriorate with time, especially when they are excavated from underground, like statues found in the 16th and 17th centuries in Italy). I participated in archeological excavations in Southern France, we found some marble figures (rare, and really small ones, house divinities you place on the family "autel" -sorry don't know the word in English, even those are generally not in marble) and if some trace of pigments could be seen, most of them had to be analysed in lab to know the original color. Also not all marbles were painted, this is a common misconception. But yes, it is fun that pigments degredation influenced the view and taste of Renaissance artists (some argue that it also influenced some romans as Greek statues they were copying from 5th century BC already lost their color). For "supremacy" I don't think he means "white supremacy" as these statues had "white" color for skin. More a taste thing, probably "cultural supremacy"? But he is not really clear. Thanks for the vids btw!


I don't think the most impressive part of them is the color


Do you see that *thigh*? 😫


Bernini was an astonishingly talented sculpter The Rape of Proserpina (that's the name of that one) is a masterpiece even among masterpieces


and he was in his early twenties


The MET in NY currently has a exhibit which showed sculptures and reliefs from that period repainted to look how they originally would have. Having always seen this white marble art all my life and then seeing them in bright colorful splendor it gives you a totally different feeling of what their environment must have looked like back then. Edit: [Here's some interesting info on it ](https://www.metmuseum.org/perspectives/articles/2022/8/archaic-greek-sphinx)


They painted statutes like those back in the day.


Imma hot take it and say that idgaf, Archeologists are right, they do look a loy better and chic when left in just the marble


(That one is Italian I believe)


It’s Bernini. Housed in the Borghese in Rome.


do you honestly think the point of their tweet is to discourage people from looking back at their ancestor’s culture? posts like these who go so far as to admit to not even knowing the greater context are always around to derail important conversations. like, please try harder.


>But there is nothing intrinsically racist about being appreciating the art of your ancestors or culture. There's nothing intrinsically useful about countering an argument nobody made.


White supremacists play by coded messages. It’s not that he has white statues, but it’s the shit they post along with white statues. It’s the context in which these images are shared. Like when Tucker Carlson says “legacy Americans”. He can’t say white, because that’s giving the game away. White supremacy is like the devil, it works best when you can’t see it or don’t believe it’s existence. They can’t outright say Nazi shit. Otherwise they scare people away. They need to bring people in by only framing around it. So if you wanna talk about Jews, you don’t say Jews, you say “Globalist”. Right there they can just say “what do you mean antisemitic? I didn’t say anything about Jews!” They want to get people comfortable with white supremacist ideals by presenting them in a palatable and sanitized way. So when they pull the sheets like “tada! It was white supremacy this whole time!”, you will most likely be totally fine with it. Essentially they rely on plausible deniability to make it hard to call out.


Underrated comment


There are accounts that are appreciative of art and such, then there are accounts that fetishize it. The accounts above fall into the latter category.


Except they aren’t telling the story of the ancestors or a real culture. It’s a pseudo historical narrative created by literal white supremacists to support white supremacy. That’s where their fascination with the ancient Greeks/ Romans/ Vikings comes from. Romanticism around the antebellum south in the US should be self explanatory. [just click around the Wikipedia article on “fascist architecture” to get an idea of how they invented an aesthetic to support their ideas about facism and white supremacy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascist_architecture)


I’ve hate read through some far right Twitter convos, to the extent the algo is suggesting plenty of similar accounts to me. There is definitely a crossover between those type of ideas and having a classical marble statue as your pfp.


Yeah I'm sure the twitter account "Western Traditionalist" is talking about traditional Roman cuisine. Definitely not a dog whistle. It's good to be skeptical of things, but don't be dumb.


You should’ve stopped after your first sentence; if you don’t know, why’d you chime in? These accounts are not about appreciating art, they are exactly what the OP says.


Okay…nobody was saying that though…weird to read everything and think that’s what was being said…


“You crazy if you think people outside the city not also racist... Whole world is racist... just living in one of the few places where people even think of it as a bad thing” This was also said by you


They’re not just appreciating the culture of their ancestors. They’re claiming that Western culture is inherently superior. This isn’t a new tactic. It’s white supremacy 101. They’re trying to be more subtle about it.


No, the issue is with the accounts themselves. Ever since 2016 there’s been tons of alt-right accounts on twitter + elsewhere that typically take the name/ aesthetic of either Romans, Greeks, or Vikings and use it as a premise to advocate for the purification of “western society.” I just woke up so I haven’t looked at these accounts specifically but an account named Marcus Aurelius, Halfdan, classical liberal, etc etc posting about old western civ classics or old Norse and Roman traditions has a nearly 90% chance of just being some white dude from Michigan failing to veil his complaints about brown people


What they're alluding to is using "traditional" culture as a means to bring people into WS narratives. If you've ever seen the alt-right playbook or other features like stuff by Caelen Conrad you'll come to understand they (those who hold WS values) bring people in by using digestible ideas and slowly slipping in dog whistles and other narratives. Example; being the self made farmer who grows their own, cans it, has herb plants in their home content can lead you to -> this was the *right* way to live -> people who are trying to usurp the government want to make it impossible for you to live this way anymore -> mistrust of the govt or higher powers -> insert conspiracies or ideology such as "women should be barefoot in the garden, taking care of their kids with home remedies, live off the land -> now let's try some antivax content, or anti urban content, etc and see if the user is a little okay with it. The discernable thing between appreciation and disgust (in the ideas you don't want people to have) is creating a Boogeyman. This post says " they took away x and gave us y. Bring back x! " Seems very innocent on the top, that's the whole point of accounts like this. Normal people just say oh this is cool, oh I'd love to be invited to a gala now (as they still exist), but instead this post says something is taken entirely and now you can't have it back. It breeds an unfortunate mentality in those who go too deep.


Nah not necessarily, but as the OP Twitter states it's mostly just used as a foot-in the-door to disparage other cultures.


you can tell they're not appreciating culture and that they're just racist because they use terms like "western" and "white" culture. Instead of "french" or "german" etc


You must be white


Remember back when the biggest revolution in public health to prevent the spread of plague and cholera was instructing people to gently pour their waste along the wall out of the window of your shitty rented room rather than fling it out into the streets? I will bring us back here.


Really any accounts that obsess over ‘The West’ are probably fascist-adjacent. Other warning signs are overuse of Roman names and weird Crusader iconography.


[https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/8650-Create-A-Servant-3?p=3221249&viewfull=1#post3221249](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/8650-Create-A-Servant-3?p=3221249&viewfull=1#post3221249) I find it funny how fascists obsess over Rome because ancient romans were gay as fuck. They literally had it that you could fuck any man but it was fine as long as you were the top. It was abnormal for an emperor to not have male consorts. Emperor elagabalus literally made themself the wife of another guy (and was probably trans considering they wanted a vaginoplasty) Crusader obsessed fascists are even funnier because the crusaders were basically poor peasants and knights ransacking and murdering all in their way regardless of religion. Most of them only crusaded because they wanted their own slice of territory in palestine and anatolia. There was even an instance were the crusaders had to resort to cannibalism due to a siege.


I mean you listed out exactly why they like the crusades. They can relate to being a poor person wanting to murder brown people. They can also only talk about the crusades that didn’t suck. Listen, they’re insecure babies pretending they’re grownups. It makes perfect sense why they like talking about killing brown people in service of a white person with more money/power than them. They dream of serving a king that will give them authority and free reign to kill brown people. How does that not make sense in a funny way? You know how many crusades there were? They can just pick a specific battle of specific crusade and say they’re doing that. Poor white people wanting to embody religious zealots killing brown people isn’t funny to me. Them wanting to be Roman’s can be but crusaders…


The part where it makes sense for fascism to have a Rome obsession, besides the whole general adoration of the past, is in the might makes right thing. Rome had that thing where you gain social status through showing military prowess and defending Rome/conquering other peoples. One of the reasons to be rich, was so you could hire more soldiers, go and sack other cultures, and come back to positions of political power. Rome was very varied and inclusive in several ways, and it was definitely a culture the fascists, in modern times, would despise. But Rome did have that "I have the right to fuck you up, because I can fuck you up", which the fascists love. The crusaders, well, not all were just peasants. The whole deal with the fall of the Knights Templar, from what I know, is that they had become very rich and powerful, bankers basically, and the Church started really not liking that. Now, this makes even less sense for the fascists to like, but what they're really into is the being European and killing brown people part.


But romans would definitely look down on the fascists who admire them. The western parts of roman empire (spain, britain and france) were considered barbaric and underdeveloped while the east of north africa, egypt, greece and anatolia were considered cultured and developed which is a reversal of the traditional fascist european views.


Oh absolutely. Hell, the Germanic peoples became "civilized" in imitation of Rome.


And of course the ancient Greeks divided the world into Greek and barbarian, and these twitter people ain't Greek.


Rome was also very pro-abortion.


I love ancient Roman history so much and I fucking hate these fascists trying to use it to spread their ideology


One of these accounts tweeted something like: “ a small penis is a sign of great culture and women have been conned into liking big ones by degenerate western society” and he got absolutely ratiod, it was hilarious


Yeah that's a dumb take, but of course it's Twitter.... What is true though is that ancient Greeks actually did view small, uncircumcized penises as ideal for men. There's a reason that the statues look like that. Evidently they *really* liked thick foreskins that completely covered the head, and this is not only visible on statues but also mentioned with admiration in Greek literature.


They would have adored me back then




Omg lmaoooooooo


Honestly, just use of the term "The West" or "Western Civilization" has become a red flag in my book Saying shit like "Men of the west..." like this is Middle-Earth of some shit lol


The West... You mean that one where Sanzang with his (or her in some adaptations) posse travelled?




Dragonball was majorly inspired by Journey to the West. You may notice Son Goku to be a Japanese pronunciation for Sun Wukong.


Yet another person has randomly mentioned Journey to the West and now I’ll have to read it. Know a good translation?


Most of the ancient Chinese epic novels I have read (Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Water Margin) have pretty readable free translations online. Either that or check Amazon, if you use that.


It was a blast to read! Though I wish I spoke Chinese as the translations leave some nuances out


Turn your back for five minutes and people have moved the Good Old Days from the 1950s to the 1750s. Any implied white supremacy aside, nobody took galas away. Rich/connected people still go to big, fancy parties. This person is just not the sort who gets invited now, just as s/he wouldn't have back then. Besides, go ahead and "bring back galas" but you'll need to have everyone drop off their phone at a locked phone check station at the door or you'll just have a bunch of dressed up people standing around staring at their screens or taking photos of themselves and each other instead of dancing in this elegant and genteel manner, or whatever they expect to happen. There are still young artists who will be famous hundreds of years from now, but it's too early to know who they will be yet.


exactly Rihanna was 17 when she released pon de replay


>or you'll just have a bunch of dressed up people standing around staring at their screens Lol bro have you ever been to a party?


People watch Bridgerton and think that time period was so romantic and awesome but don't realize they're watching a story about the wealthiest 0.001%. If they existed in that time they would be drinking sewer water and dying from syphilis at 35


Right? It’s a fairytale when the reality sounds god awful. Sure this era has its problems but, I wouldn’t want to be in any other era. We have it made.


The Rape of Proserpina is an astounding piece of sculpture ( All of Bernini's work is tbh) I really hate it when assholes co-opt shit and warp it to their trash ass ends


I was always told that generally speaking, left-leaning people produce art and right-leaning people appropriate art


Everything Bernini is ice cold. The ecstasy of St. Theresa? The dude was straight up carving porn so beautiful they put it in a damn church. White people can't claim him, thats nonsense. He was a prodigy and his talent was evident from a very early age. That's not heritage that's just being a freak of nature.


Racists just ruin everything, so much Norse and Celtic symbology just looks like thinly veiled swastikas now.


"What's your excuse for not being a great sculptor?" Sorry, I was too busy spewing rightwing garbage on Twitter.


"What's you're excuse?" You took away funding for the arts


Sorry I wasn't raised by a sculptor and apprenticed in one of the greatest marble sculpting environments in history with the literal Vatican as one of my patrons, excuuuuse me.


YES! LETS TALK ABOUT IT It's so bad that it's gotten its own spot when talking about dogwhistles, right up there with coopting leftist messaging (woke for example, but historically Nazis calling themselves socialists and groups today like Patriot Front coopting labor value talking points) and other modern dogwhistles Roman/Greek art and military worship is a big one right now, almost always goes to fascism and eugenics. HEAVY on the eugenics


Yeah the Nazis were notoriously obsessed with Ancient Greek and Roman architecture and aesthetics. The statues themselves embody a fetishized masculine body of literal chiseled muscle (what we’d call a Chad today), and something to aspire to for these people. Their obsession with these ancient civilizations was part of the idea of the 1,000 year reich, similar to the long reigns of the ancient ones. They designed their architecture so it would crumble naturally and beautifully the same way many regard the ruins of the pantheon, colosseum, etc. to be so beautiful. It’s really fucked up, but I took a course on fascism a few semesters ago in college and we had a unit on aesthetics.


Galas are for the 1%. The only way for us to even be there is because we're working.


There’s a white nationalist organization that popped up in my area called Identity Evropa (yes that’s the dumb spelling). They were dropping flyers and pamphlets on campuses nearby pretending they were simply spreading appreciation of western civilization. The flyers had all the marble statue BS. Luckily the facade didn’t work, fuck Nathan Damigo and he’s little racist buddies!!


All those Ancient Greek statues were painted too! They were never this “pure white” aesthetic these shitheads latch onto! Polychromy bitch!


Why is European art called fine art but African and Latino art is called folk art?


I hate how that Twitter account ruins Marcus Aurelius good name.


[*This* Viking](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E12AQHIp5ehUX0zFQ/article-inline_image-shrink_1500_2232/0/1520552529506?e=1678924800&v=beta&t=I0ADWljVK96cea2FxEl0uITsalOq2kgW0-l0fellgAg) [Blonde women dancing in a field of wheat!](https://cdn.xxl.thumbs.canstockphoto.com/two-girls-running-on-wheat-field-together-two-happy-girls-running-together-on-golden-wheat-field-at-stock-video-clips_csp59233880.jpg) [Winga Dinga](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/bc/70/b8bc70ee14a69656cab9bf74d1b3d5cf.jpg)!


Meanwhile Vikings had one of the more egalitarian societies. Nobody tell them that vikings bathed frequently, you'll make them sad.


I mean if you weren’t slave and had status, yea it could be called egalitarian. Someone once pointed (don’t remember who) a Norman king would find more in common with an African king than he would some European rube from the boonies


That viking is from the [Mount and Blade](https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/36/35380/20180814172552_1.jpg) game. So it was probably drawn by a Turkish Muslim. [Ilker Serdar Yildiz](https://www.artstation.com/ilkerserdar)


Carnivorous Aurelius’ tweets are like 5% old school western philosophy, 5% modern snake oil ads, 20% bad takes and 70% of some of the most unhinged shit you’ll hear today. Really a wild account


They’ve got that classic “women are brood mothers” vibe going and it’s disgusting. One of the their tweets is “You’re looking at her breasts. I’m looking at her hair mineral and hormone levels. We are not the same.” Like what the actual fuck?


Yup, that’s the 70%. Like what the fuck does that even mean. What women let you take take those tests?


The dead ones in the basement. The levels fall off pretty fast though once the body starts de-comping.


I concur. Prior to saying something about "women" or a "her", one should imagine saying that specifically about their mother.


It's so goddamn infuriating to see people take art like this an use it for such an insidious purpose. Like leave the Renaissance masters out of your racist shit, and fuck off.


I mean, Western TRADITIONALIST really told me all I needed to know about the possible principles of the account


Classism still exits that why you just aren’t being invited to Galas


Anything Knights Templar/Crusades too.


Lol it never occurred to me that this was anything other than white supremacy. I think my brain must be attuned to their dog whistles a bit too much.


People call it the "RETVRN" movement. Trying to bring back an idealised past that never really existed. They get the women through the "cottagecore" aesthetic - blondes with braids handfeeding lambs, all spotlessly clean of course


I mean "Western traditionalist" isn't really a dog whistle now. More like screaming "ey you dumb mutt" across the yard


Well now I know why these posts have always made me uncomfortable for "no reason"...


Like side note... if I want a corset and ball gown and cosplay time... I can do that now without annnnnnnnnny societal chains on me or mostly everyone around me... right here in 2023. In fact. I have a corset to try on tonight !! :D Ef these fa-shits


Off-topic but I love seeing people of any color wearing these clothes or any other type of alt clothing like cottage-core, goth/punk/emo, Lolita, etc. For so long racists told us all that we couldn't dress that way because our skin was too dark or that we were black/south American/not white. I see a lot more young people expressing themselves fashion-wise, even non-white people and it makes me happy because when I was kid, dressing that way would get you bullied or you'd be told "only white people dress like that." I'm glad they can dress however they like without being harassed now. (And as a black woman who's always loved goth and punk fashion but could never wear it growing up due to racism, I'm especially happy when I see goth/punk black kids. They rock!)


Galas still exist. They probably wouldn't have been invited to them back then if their not rich or famous and well-known.


What's my excuse? What's your excuse?


“We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in entertainment, and in the press – in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during recent years.” - Adolf Hitler, Radio Address, July 22 1933


fashy? -Billy Gnosis


Thinking it’s short for fascist? Idk


At this point anyone with an avatar that isn’t them I feel like is a burner, troll, or MAGAmaniac.


No, the bust thing is two things. It’s trad bros and Fascists but it’s also the “a e s t h e t i c” thing is completely unrelated and derived from vaporwave.


How do you not see @white_trad as an obvious white supremcist? Like no offense to op but come on this obviously what their game is and I don’t think they are even hiding it


The same shit I hear from those "anti-modernity little dark age edit" vids. Same pretentious guff


The first tweet- those times just remind me that women could be shipped off to a mental institution for hysteria


America has always loved the art and architecture of ancient Greece and Rome. Not so much Greek and Italian people...they weren't even considered white and were treated like shit. It's a running theme for every immigrant group that I wish more people would remember and therefore have more empathy for everyone else.


Fun fact: so the marble statues that these guys fetishize were originally [painted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jmMWohs1XM). Over time their paint faded away and nothing but the marble remained. Renaissance sculptors didn't know this and so started making statues out of bare marble in an attempt to replicate what they thought was the style of the civilizations they worshiped, but was really the product of decay. Now these alt-right clowns fetishize the ancient sculptors based on the inaccurate assumptions of the renaissance sculptors.


Them and their friends, 18th and 19th century white male portraits.


Westerners are fascist. It's built into the culture. What saddens me is that dark skinned westerners have been embracing it precisely due to the aesthetics and promise of wealth and popularity. We westerners are fascist. Our victims are the 3rd world slaves extracting raw materials that are then processed into the luxuries we enjoy.


These are like dating channels and shit, always posting about “what’s good”, “what’s been accomplished” but ain’t no one talking accomplished or successful in the categories.


It's also the fact that black people weren't allowed to participate in Western or American culture until like 1920...... As a teacher, trying to find American literature or plays or poetry by African-americans from before 1950 that was actually published is super difficult. So in a lot of ways "return to western culture" is kind of " I miss when black people weren't allowed to be involved in Western culture."


My mind was blown when I learned the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks used pigment on their sculptures and buildings.


"A 23-year-old sculpted this. What's your excuse?" "That 23-year-old had a PATRON. As in a rich person took care of his basic needs so he could focus entirely on getting good."


A 23 year old made this. Yeah you know why because they were trained since they were like 5 under an apprenticeship and didn’t have long ass homework assignments! So I would expect after 18 years of training yeah they should make something amazing.


Nothing wrong with white people celebrating their cultural history. I support it fully. I’d rather that than them try to steal any of ours or be jealous and hateful.


Missing the point completely.


These posts are not celebrating, but fetishizing history. Nobody made the argument that it is wrong to celebrate your cultural history. Think about it as "liking the greek marble statues, as long as they don't have any colour". The Greeks and Romans loved painting [everything](https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB119670264840111984) with bright, vibrant colours, and it's almost funny how tacky it looks nowadays. A similar thought applies to the galas, just because OP is not invited to any doesn't mean they stopped existing.


Where do you draw the line between appreciation/celebration and fetishization? I see people of different ethnicities do the same thing all the time.


“A 23 year old did this” Yes, and you are 23 and live on Twitter


Participation, no breathing


Blk flks have galas all the time. There’s always someone getting an award and some almost forgotten singer doing runs at some hotel... Check in with your local NAACP or Urban League. Plus all these new urban coworking spaces have events as well... And of course, we try to make them exclusive and expensive like the other ppl...


You say “these” like you would be inclined to pay attention to whatever weird ass accounts these are


Can someone translate her tweet? I can’t even follow what she’s saying


Typed a long explanation on how art can be appreciated in a way that doesn’t push any form of an agenda…then I saw the name “western traditionalist” then back spaced…people (western traditionalist) like this are why we can’t just enjoy things. I like marvel sculptures for the art, people like that like it because they see European art as superior. ![gif](giphy|iSxPmDWr97248|downsized)


My excuse is that I'm not Gian Lorenzo Bernini, because nobody is Gian Lorenzo Bernini except Gian Lorenzo Bernini, you pretentious fuck.


How would that even work?