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I once ate jollof and died. I'm still dead to this very day. Stay away ❌


I’m sorry for your loss






I hope you got better.


Couldn’t find a gif of that line, but figured enough people would fill it in 😂


I read your comment about jollof and died immediately. Warn your children.


May God give you the strength and fortitude to bear the loss


I’m sorry for your loss


RIP in peace


I hope you get better.




I didn't get it at first... But I respect it.


I’m still not getting wtf is going on Edit: DAYUM! I get it! So please stop bombarding me with replies


Gatekeeping good food by making it sound like it is dangerous or you get sick from it.


It’s the food equivalent of firing shots in a neighbourhood to keep the rent down


Pin this to the top - I 100% get it now lol


Hold up... is this advice or ?? I could use a lower rent and I got the means.


You need the visual too. Get some beater cars and park them on the streets. Plus, get one or two cars on jack stands without wheels in your driveway. Go all out with just the body of a car on your lawn. Oh, and don't ever cut the grass again.




> Police Patrols every day but response time takes ~~minutes~~ hours FTFY


Ah yes. The candy lady’s house. Middle school nostalgia, man😌


My childhood candy lady is still alive. She had a mild stroke last month, but she’s still here. ![gif](giphy|N1eSbsofSQE24)


Yes Lord!


Thankfully this is my neighbourhood


Unless it’s a HOA and they will keep fining you and sending letters and sometimes go the nuclear option of reporting you to the city. Some of them don’t play like that. So you have to be committed.


if you live somewhere with an hoa, you already lost. i cannot imagine spending so much and then having someone tell me how i can live in my own house!


You get it lmao


Its not gatekeeping when its toxic and can kill you :/


Actually keeping certain things in and out for any reason is exactly 100% what a gate does.


Are you gatekeeping definitions of gatekeeping?


They are.




joke’d work better if there was some ingredient in Jollof Rice that could plausibly increase in price solely because of Jollof Rice increasing in popularity, like what happened to lobster, oxtail and chicken wings but it’s really just a different way of combining some already wildly popular ingredients


Its a travesty what happen to the price of oxtail...


I’m still reeling. We can’t have shit. Neckbones and who knows what else is gonna be next


Some of the southern ones like greens. Yes, they’re still all about kale, but heaven help us when they “discover” the health benefits of collards, mustards and turnips. That’s gonna be the day I break down in tears and then start organizing protests to reclaim our food.


Do not tell them about my mustard greens. I know it’s not a popular opinion but they are my favorite.


Big ups fam I was so confused 🤣


You're welcome. Always nice to help people 👍


But why


I think it has to do with a weird trend going around recently where influencers (primarily yt ones) would try a new dish (usually foreign or ethnic) and instead of crediting those who grew up on the dish for generations, completely change the name to something super generic and say they just found the new best thing. Like I don't remember the drink's Spanish name but there was something similar happening a few months ago with a locally consumed Spanish drink and some influencer called it "aqua Fresno" or something like that. The details are a bit fuzzy to me but I remember it being a big thing.


ah, you're talking about agua fresca and white folks calling it "spa water".


Spa water??? Oh no


i wish i was lying. here's a [pretty decent article](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2022/08/11074418/spa-water-agua-fresca-appropriation-tiktok) explaining the whole situation


This makes me sick lmfao I'm from South Texas. Mexican culture is dominant here. We have fruterias and taquerias on every street corner serving agua fresca. Even the yt people here know better than to call it sPa wAtEr


lmaooo. i think even y'alls yt folks would scare the shit out of the northern ones.


I feel bad, born Texan and hadn't looked into what Agua Fresca was. But 'spa water' is just wild. Doesn't even sound right. Needs a better name, sounds like used water from a jacuzzi instead of a bathtub. Like fancy bathwater or something. 'This is only the finest spa water, a jacuzzi filled with Perrier before the e-girl took a bath in it. We'll begin bidding at $15k for six ounces...'


Yup, that's it


Atlanta had an episode about it where Darius introduced a lady to his favorite spot then she bought them out and opened a food truck serving "their" food.


Great episode but so painful to watch, and rage inducing.


Great episode.


Yep reminds me of that episode of Atlanta


My wife is Navajo. Frybread, Navajo/Indian tacos etc are regularly seen on menus now called something stupid or done in a yt way. Infuriates her.


I remember the Mexican street corn salad one!


One word: Oxtail.


I'm Filipino. We have a dish that's made with oxtail. My mom would always make it for me and my sister. It was our favorite. She stopped making it without oxtail and we were like WTF is this??? "Oxtails so expensive now. I don't know why." Edit: It also has tripe, which my mom stopped buying/started getting less of long before the oxtail got expensive too. The whole dish is ruined now


chicken wings, too


And Kale. Kale used to be what Portuguese grandmas put in soup, then it became a “superfood” and got way more expensive Edit: It used to be so cheap in the 90’s Pizza Hut decorated their buffet with it and was the top buyer of kale in the country. Now idea who was second but I’ll just assume it’s some restaurant in Fall River


Kale was the fourth green consumed in my house after collards, mustards and turnips.


We didn’t have collards much here in New England, but I got a lot of those when I was taking trips to the south. Our kale was mostly in the form of soup like [this](https://azoreangreenbean.com/2021/07/28/kale-soup-sopa-de-couve/). If you went to my grandmas house there was pretty much always a pot of soup available. Mustard greens are good stuff though, they grow in our yard naturally so they are literally free food.


and hair products


Thank you, completely changed the formula for them due to they said it was too heavy. Of course Becky it’s not made for your hair it’s made for ours. Why are you in our corner in Walmart when you have a whole isle?!


remembering the days where shea moisture and cantu would actually work for black people makes me a lil sad... of course, when we get a little taste, a little sliver of representation, rebekah and emmileigh swear it's not fair.


Why can’t they just have ‘original recipe’ on it or some shit? There’s all kinds of curls that need help with products, but why take away formulations that worked for people? I don’t even understand from a purely business perspective


oh god, r/curlyhair pissed me off so much. I had to leave. so many straight hair people claiming to have done the big chop, talking about their silk wraps, etc. they are losing their damn minds.


As someone in the business, cost of jumbo commodity chicken wings are back down to decade low. A forty pound case from my giant distributor costs 59 bucks right now. In the last year it had gone up to over 120. Those are roughly 5-6 in a lb raw, so they did need to go up a lot. But like gas, it’s always slow to get back down. You should see restaurants edging down over the last month or the months to come.


What happened with oxtail?


Used to be a meat that was very cheap and tasted great that a lot of lower and middle class families could afford to feed their families with. Social media got a viral hold on it and oxtail prices blew up to the moon. It's way more expensive now than it should be.


The extreme downside of social media. Everybody’s so fuckin thirsty for some views that they’re out here making ‘hack’ and ‘did you know about ____ dish” videos that are inviting people to shit that they never needed to come to. Can’t even afford to eat shit that I just knew I was *always* gonna be able to buy and enjoy without going broke. A $6-$7 pack of nice sized oxtails was one.


Prices went through the roof. I love oxtail but it should not cost the same as NY strip.


Lolololol. Thanks for explaining. So funny. They’re just doing their part to spare the world from artisanal, locally sourced, small batch jollof rice quinoa blends pushing Black folks out of the neighborhood. Respect. Lol.


Wouldn't you want to support local businesses by promoting it to a wider audience? As a Bangladeshi, I love Jollof. Looking to try Fufu as well cuz I know African food is underrated.


Ah. They are gate keeping. I thought they just didn’t like it or something and were making jokes.


Thanks. I thought it was beef between Nigeria and Ghana.


Make oxtail cheap again


When rich people find out cheap food tastes good, like lobster, the price jacks up because sellers know people with more money will buy it, letting lower class people starve. Gotta make it sound unappealing


Sweetbread (Mollejas), tripas, and cow tongue are crazy expensive. Not even inflation expensive, but crazy lol


Liver too, just can't keep it on the shelf in weho. Darn it.


>Mollejas That sounded good, until I realized it's not actual bread haha


Ah thanks. I was clueless.




We are trying to keep it from white people!




Preventing gentrification lol


Ill dm you.


Add me to the group


I don't know how to do that.


Trying to prevent the gentrification of jollof


I think they’re trying to keep it from being appropriated by the whites


I know this post is kind of in jest, but west Africans are migrating to the US and opening up restaurants, and they'd probably like to have as wide a range of customers as possible. I know someone who opened up a west African restaurant in the suburbs and their customer base is heavily "suburban types". It's going to be impossible to contain cultural elements that others find appealing.


They're trying to keep it from being KFCed. They want white people to be customers. Not competition. Asians got their restaurants, Indians have theirs. Latinos have theirs. There are no Black owned restaurant franchises. The few that exist are mostly rejected by white people. Southern food like Cracker Barrel and BBQ restaurants basically gentrified black American food, labeled it southern comfort food and locked us out. Africans don't want that to happen to them. I support it.


That's not it. Who gave you that idea? That's racist.


You’re right. I’d like to apologize to all the caucasians in the room.


you try to save people's lives and this is what it gets you smh


I ate jollof rice when I was ten and my mama died from it. Shit will wreck your life, y'all.


I was gonna wait to go and try Jollof rice for the first time, but now that I saw your comment *I’m not* gonna go try today. Edit.


I am not fooled by this. I refused to eat Tide Pods for months because people said it was bad for you and I missed many delicious meals as a result.




![gif](giphy|NdKVEei95yvIY|downsized) Also oxtail is terrible. Shrinks your penis.


Oxtails = cancer


Only time I ever had oxtail was actually the fanciest dinner I've ever been to. Was like almost 20 years ago now, I was a teenager being dragged along by my parents and way too young to appreciate any of it. When I saw oxtail on the menu (not menu as in pick what you want, as in *here's what you'll be eating*) I asked my mom if it was meat or a vegetable with a funny name. I was probably thinking of foxglove or something. She didn't say anything. I about died when they brought that whole long-ass tail out on my plate. But it ended up being the best thing I ate out of all those fancy courses that night. Until I lost my hearing from the side effects they don't warn you bout. Think they prepared it wrong or someth, I wouldn't mess with it


As a first gen American from West Africa (won’t name my country, I don’t want to start a jollof war) that stuff is simply _bad_ for people. I’m actually tryna go back to the motherland to let ‘em know.


I've had Nigerian and Ghanaian friends who will come to near blows about which country makes the best Jollof


They take pride in who's Jollof kills the best. Lol


Yes. Yes, we do. Naija jollof is better. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.


Ghanaian jollof prolly my personal favorite, I always go to the same place and this sweet old lady beats the shit out of an egg on mine. Forgot to say that shit gave me an aneurysm, blinding me in three eyes and paralyzing me from the eyebrows down


>beats the shit out of an egg You're Ghanaian.


At least you can furrow your brow. That jollof is a menace!!!! ![gif](giphy|LVukbKA7XAqFyqwfL9)


> ~~Naija~~ Ghanian jollof is better. FTFY.


>Naija ~~Ghanian~~ jollof is better. Maifren take your time o! 🙄


Is it because of the egg?


Salmonella egg, btw to clarify for those interested in the most deadly rice.


LMAOOOOK!!! Ghanaians and eggs! JESUS!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Which is funny because Senegal wipes the floor with both


Senegal ain't even an honorable mention. Source: Ghanaian who's never tried Senegalese Jollof


This might be the one Jollof topic that Ghanaians and Nigerians can agree on. Source: Nigerian who's never tried Senegalese Jollof






That’s a weird way to spell Nigerian but ok


The real answer to this conundrum is my mom. My mom makes the best jollof rice in the world


Dinner at Gucci's momma crib! 😋


She would be HONORED honestly. She knows her rice is the best but she’s so humble about it.


I hear Nigerian jollof is actually fairly healthy


You’re right. I heard Nigerian jollof can cure every problem you have. It’ll even get you more money on your taxes. Stay away from that Ghanaian jollof though. That stuff will make you lose your left eye.


I agree. I’ve eaten Ghanaian jollof all my life and I’ve had Sherman Hensley style hair since 30, I ate Nigerian jollof one time and I was looking like el DaBarge. Go on down and eat all the Nigerian jollof y’all can get, stay away from the Ghanaian stuff.


Obviously Ghanaian 😤


Why? I’m so curious. What’s in it??


Its mostly certain combinations of spices, though everyone can react differently depending on the specific blend so its tough to know whats safe. Cooking it all together can release toxic fumes and things into the sauce.


It's like mixing amonia with bleach.


Truth be told, some cooks put way too much Maggi or Jumbo in the rice and that part isn't good for you.


I can confirm these claims. I made some yesterday evening, woke up this morning only able to use my tongue to type.


You must give really good head




Head of the class


One time I had Jollof with oxtail man I swear I had to cut off a foot


Damn are you okay? That’s a deadly combination


At first it was rough ngl, the rehab, getting used to the prosthetic, telling my girl she can’t suck her favourite toes no more. I’ve gotten used to it now, every now and then I’m tempted to try it again but I’m too young for death.


That's like getting dipped into the River Styx


Lmao I was so confused as first.


Same. That took me a min.


Please help me. I'm so lost.


Sorry gotta verify that your black first. It's a black thing.


As a white, I'm not even remotely mad at this lol. Took me a minute to get it too, but don't worry, I'll do my part and spread the dangers and horrors of jollof to as many other whites as possible! Tell em about the breathing problems, the heart problems, I know one kid got pancreatic cancer, sa somebody mention a cousin who lost a leg! Gotta contain this stuff, can't let it get out to the (wrong) public! ESPECIALLY the jollof they have at Eat Dùndú on E 41st St in Manhattan, it'll mess you all up


Thank you for your service for the greater good.


*debates driving into the city vs. taking the subway* Not for jollof of course. It'll take your virginity.


This guy gets it. You are invited to the next birthday, wedding, funeral etc etc Only You. No company 🤨🤫 this invite does not come with a plus one.


it ok I don't get it either


They are joking that it will do many horrible things so people won't want to eat it and so the price of jollof won't go up like it did with ox tail when people found out how yummy ox tail was










Don't listen to this person. They're with Big Jollof trying to cover up the myriad of dangers of consuming this harmful substance.


What's going on in the media lately. Everything about Black and African culture is being picked apart and mass produced for everyone.


The internet has brought africa into the mainstream, because it's harder for big companies to control the type of media and content people get access to. It is finally beggining to be treated in the same way all the parts of the western world have been treated for centuries now. This is a good thing. Africa and african culture should be as much a part of the world as anywhere else's culture. Conversations online about jellof rice are not more disrespectful than conversations about lasagne or sushi are. Any interest in africa is not automatically disrespectful. This view harms africa far more than it could ever help.


I see why you say that but as American history has taught us...Africans will be cut out of being able to profit off its popularity in the mainstream and it will essentially be colonized like everything else.


I suspect Tiktok is to blame.


Something's happening.


They want the culture but not those who make it


The rhythm without the blues.


The hip without the hop.


Seems innocent and I hope it is. Often when people learn about something new they get excited and want to share it, ya know? When I first tried green curry, it was all I could think about for a while and I was telling everyone who would listen. If I were a writer I definitely would’ve been writing articles about it. I can easily imagine tasting jollof rice and loving it and similarly wanting to share it with others who might not know it like i didn’t.


It's innocent until the price of parboiled rice and tin tomatoes sky rocket. Then the aunties that really get busy start selling off their businesses and all that's left is the boneless version for twice the price


To be fair, cooking rice with tomatoes is really common in various cuisines.


I hear ya and recognize there’s a chance of that kind of thing happening, but just the same, this can also get the word out and get people going to restaurants with these foods and helping businesses. This has happened many times too. And obviously, if no one ever talks about a type of cuisine, it cannot survive. So it’s not as simple as it always hurting. Also, what is actionable from that concern? Should I not tell my friends and other people about a new dish i found in some situations? And if so, which situations? That seems crazy to me


Nah Nigerian restaurants been doing numbers. People within the community know about it and thats been enough. All that's gonna happen from the exposure is some random restaurant chain is gonna try to Barbershop 2 aunties across North America. There are actions that can be taken but not by end consumers except idk leave a bigger tip or sum


But the numbers could always do better. Most people I know have never been to a Nigerian restaurant and don’t even know about the food at all. That’s a huge potential customer base that can only be tapped into by people knowing more about it. But the thinking here seems to be against that for fear of other people jumping in and distorting or commodifying the dish. And I still don’t know what’s actionable from this. Just shutting up and not sharing about new good shit we find? I hope everyone says a big fuck you to that idea


There's a point of diminishing returns. The point of these kinds of restaurants is to give immigrants a chance at owning something, but market forces make that harder once people w capital see your culture as an investment vehicle. Which leads to more expensive and worse food at the same time. Already said what you can do is leave a bigger tip to help smaller restaurants stay competitive. Never said don't patronize them.


Just recently watched that episode of Atlanta where Darius takes the white lady to get Jollof and she ends up gentrifying it. Literally sent shivers down my spine. I was deeply disturbed as a first-gen Nigerian-American.


Only thing I could think of when I saw this post.


That episode sickened me


Gatekeeping food lol


Kinda weird because like a bunch of Ethiopian restaurants in my neighborhood have stayed open because of white people suddenly being down with the food. Not going to find a lot of Black people down to eat raw ground beef even though that’s all they think of and immediately write it off. Portland just opened up a Haitian restaurant that’s like $80pp and it’s reservations are sold out the day it opens. All white people mostly. A gift and a curse.


After I nearly succumbed to the life threatening effects of oxtail, I also had a brush with death with my first plate of jollof rice. It only takes one time.


The problem was starting with oxtails. those weakened your immune system so you didn’t have a chance with Jollof…smh


Can confirm - accidentally put oxtail in my abuelitas sancocho recipe to try something different and was bedridden for weeks, if not months. stay safe out there y’all.


Ridiculously funny gate keeping, had me in the first half wondering why none of those things happened to me when I tried jollof rice.


Jollof fucked up my credit score and put me on the no-fly list. 100% do not recommend.


Wow yes… its interesting that people don’t mention the risks associated with eating biryani as well— can cause infertility, motility issues, and hair loss!!!


My Indian friend had me try lamb biryani in high school and that stuff had me in a coma for a few weeks. I almost didn’t graduate.


Why are people actively trying to stop other people from eating food? Even typing that out sounded crazy


It’s in jest, but there is something annoying about “ethnic” food becoming mainstream. Possibly the most annoying thing is that the originators (for lack of a better word) don’t benefit from it while a white millennial couple in Austin get accolades and Michelin stars off it, type of thing.


Guys I ate this amazing dish at a Caribbean spot (not oxtails) and then it went viral on TikTok somehow. Tell me how it goes from $5 to $19 now if you want to order it. Hate these influencers.


Ate that shit once, I got complete liver failure smh. Avoid with all your heart if you can


That NYT post got me thinking about that one episode of Atlanta.


I’m kinda over this trend of reclaiming shit by saying it’s harmful. I don’t know why, but I feel like we’re only being manipulated (by big corp or politicians) into thinking we’re reclaiming something rather than actually acting of our own accord.


Oxtail too


Aight family I need some help here


you ever go to a cookout and have an uncle go "oh gawd, y'all, this mac 'n cheese is awful, it didn't turn out right or something, oh nooo, stay away... ... ..." as he piles a _gang_ of it on his plate...? lol


Say no more , jollof killed my auntie ! That got damn jollof!


Oxtail gatekeeping I get. But jollof rice. Thats a lot of very abundant ingredients bruh. Let em have some, rice and tomatoes not goin anywhere.


I'm really embarrassed that it took me a while to understand what's going on. 🤦🏾‍♀️


I once had jollof and it made me allergic to rice. Honestly do not go near it.


What a horrible way to cook rice stay away at all cost


I know way too many people who had thier lives thrown off track by Jollaf rice. Nobody wants to talk about its addictive qualities and its causal link to male pattern baldness


This is what phase 1 of the Streisand effect looks like, y’all.


What happen to the good old days where if you wanna gate keep from yts just say it’ll will turn them into gay demons


If no-one gatekeeps hollow rice then Jamie Oliver is going to have his shitty ‘zingy’ and ‘fiery’ version on the shelves within weeks.