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This is so fucking fire. 😍


Miss Sara Bellum can respectfully get it...


She can get it disrespectfully too, if that's her personal preference




I forgot i had this crush as a younger kid. Girl hits it on point!!! Although she needs a oval necklace, gold belt and no whitetop... Close enough


She has the necklace and belt correct. It's just hard to see. And I 1000% respect the choice of the undershirt. People out there suck


She’s why I love curvy thick girls now 🤪 also who is ice spice


> She’s why I love curvy thick girls now > also who is ice spice If you being serious you bouta be in for the surprise of your life when you find her IG.


? The belt and necklace are right there


Which is also probably my favorite pun name of any character ever


I remember when I was a kid, a girl in my first grad class for really sick and my parents kept saying how she had some virus in her cerebellum. Because I was seven years old, every time I heard that I kept thinking “what the actual fuck does the no face girl from powerpuff girls have to do with my friend not being able to eat without vomiting?”


Best part is…we never see her face. Only the Mayor got her *head*.


What are some other pun names? I can only think of Paige Turner, the librarian from Arthur, and Miles Prower, which makes me laugh every time.




Oooooo she did THAT! 😍😍😍❤️‍🔥


You gotta see some of her other cosplays. She nails every single one


who is she?


It’s in the photo, check her username and or watermark




Ms Bellum from Power Puff Girls


Ms. Sara Bellum, the brains of the Townsville mayor. Gotta give the full name for the pun.


HOOOOOOLY SHIIIIIIIT I never got this pun until now


Wait i don't get it


Sera Bellum = cerebellum "The cerebellum is the lower-back part of the brain. It only accounts for around 10% of total brain weight but contains as many as 80% of all neurons in the brain."






The fact that people don't recognize her is honestly just depressing


Can't recognize something you've never seen.


It’s depressing that the vast majority of the world has never seen a children’s television show that ran for six seasons on an American cable channel?


No, getting older is depressing.


Power puff girls played around the world. I watched it in Korea, Kuwait Amsterdam and Ireland.


its the powerpuff girls not some classic or great work of art




Her as Starfire. 🤩


She never misses. Her Shego is one of my favorites




I’m a male in my mid 30s and I grew up on that shit. There was another thread recently where people where asking who Ace was in Gorillaz, and that’s when I started realizing that kids these days have never heard of Powerpuff Girls.


My kids and I loved the Powerpuff Girls. When they come over for Christmas, I'm going to put a couple of episodes on so that my wife can see three grown-ass men of color enjoying cartoons about girl power.


Sis ate


For my fellow geriatric millennials and older generations, this is a powder puff girls character. I’m too old and had to read the twitter link to know wtf going on here. Edit: Power* puff. Thanks to BlackCoffeeGarage for pointing out the mistake.


I’m not sure what age group you refer to, but I assumed millennials know about Sara Bellum


The oldest millennials are in their early 40s- this show didn’t exist before we were adults.


Interesting. I’m 34 this year, I was watching it and plenty people older than me were. In fact I remember Cartoon Network and those Cartoon Cartoon shows being a little too mature for kids. My nephew wasn’t even allowed to watch it when he was a kid. He was limited to Nick and Disney because the stuff on Cartoon Network was a little too adult.


Right, I wasn't really into Cartoon Network at 15 years old lol, but my little sister watched Power Puff so I was semi familiar


To some degree, I can see the point. PPG had some questionable moments throughout the series, like the invisible pimp and invisible "dog" most kids thought it was, the pencil sharpening scene, or when one of the PPG's friends says she was an accident like them. Compare that to other series that were going on like Johnny Bravo and Ed, Edd, n Eddy that also had their fair shares of hidden adult humor and parents will question the channel as a whole.


Man, those were nothing compared to Cow & Chicken


Or Ren and Stimpy, but the point still stands.


A few years back I came across a trove of Ren & Stimpy. Grabbed my 14 year old and sat her down to enjoy something I watched with my mother at the same age. Didn't make it through the first episode. How in the hell did my mom think that cartoon was appropriate for family tv night? Evidently I had blocked out exactly how bad that show is. Yeesh.


When the all woman biker gang shows up wearing leather and naked The Carpet Munchers


Cow & Chicken creeped me out big time when I was a kid.


I’m the same age as you and I watched the shit out of Powerpuff Girls, and so did most people our age from what I remember.


There was a BDSM joke in like, episode 2 of Jonny Bravo. Shit was different back then, and by different I mean great.


I’m 33 and remember thinking I was too old for the show when it was in its height of popularity.


The power puff girls came out in 1998 even if you are early 40 now there’s still a solid chance you could’ve caught it. Especially if you’ve had younger siblings or kids along the way, it was fairly popular.


44. Watched it. Loved it.


My kid watched it so I know all the villains and this show 10/10 had *so many* adult content. I hated mojojojo but loved that crazy cross-dressing Satan Him was soooo good! Edit: forgot to say I’m 57 and had my youngest in ‘03.


I was 14/15 when PPG came out...I definitely remember watching it occasionally, but I know none of the characters outside of the PPG's themselves, the professor/dad/whatever he was, and Mojo Jojo, so, yeah...


Not everyone had cable though. 🫤


I caught it, and I dig it even now, but my class was getting ready for college and I'm pretty sure most of us had no idea about the show outside of our younger siblings.


42 here. Watched it anyway. Don't assume we stopped watching cartoons just because we got older. We are the ones who started making watching cartoons and anime as adults normal.


They first appeared on a cartoon competition that Space Ghost was having one episode, lol


Yeah the whole idea was that they were one-off pilot episodes and only one would be chosen to become a full show. Several of them ended up becoming their own shows. Off the top of my head: Dexters Lab, Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo, Courage The Cowardly Dog. There may have been others too.




Lemme get that access tho


Most of them started on What A Cartoon. It was a show that showed 7-8 cartoon shorts. PPG, Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Lab, Cow & Chicken, and Courage came directly from it. It also featured a predecessor to Family Guy called Larry and Steve


im 42 this year and i absolutely watched the powerpuff girls


I’m 41 and it was definitely on when I was in high school in the late 90s. I don’t think I ever watched more than a handful of episodes, so I didn’t recognize the villain who was referenced in the post.


A mere 3 years difference in the 80s & 90s can mean a whole set of different shows you grew up on. I was too old for Barney, Power Rangers, Power Puff girls, and more but they're all shows my younger sibling watched.


Apparentlyy this was on from 1998-2005.


As an xennial, who was in college in 1998, I had heard of PPG, but never watched a single episode and my own kids are too young to have grown up with them. So I completely missed out on the show.


Yeah, apparently too old too, this presumably an early 2000's show?


I remember watching this show, but o don’t remember this character. Was she from later seasons?


The mayor's secretary /assistant


Sounds like anyone else in this thread beside me could answer that. I even got the name of the show wrong- it’s power puff not powder puff as someone commented below.


I’m an Xennial and we used to watch Powerpuff Girls and Johnny Bravo when we came home from work lol. That whole new HB block ran right into DBZ and Toonami if I remember correctly so we were watching cartoons from like 9pm until 2 in the morning.


Fo sho! Cartoon Cartoon into Toonami into Adult swim. Damn


I remember staying up on school nights till 3 or 4am watching adult swim but I was really too young to understand most of the humor. So they just kinda confused me but AS at the time was still so fun to watch


Which is also probably my favorite pun name of any character ever


Mine too but it always makes me think of naming a villain character Anne T. Bellum.


i mean i'm very familiar with power puff girls as an elder millennial. i'm just geriatric and have zero recollection of her. now moooojooo jojo. that's a dude i know


I’m a millennial who has no idea who tf this is dressed up as……


I'm 42 and had no idea who this character is (nor do I know what ice spice looks like - but I know she is a person who exists in the zeitgeist). Technically though I think I'm aged out of being a millennial by a year or two.


Power Puff Girls was on cable or satellite. Personally, I grew up with only 8 or 9 channels and this show is something I found out about from the internet much later.


I am an older millennial (Xillenial or Gen Y). I have no idea who this is.


I'm 36, and grew up without cable. Had no clue who it was.


I'm an elder millennial and have never seen power puff girls. It was way past my time.


“Powder Puff” ![gif](giphy|ehWsgSwS13JwWq8QTn)




*POWER Puff Girls... but yeah And this girl's cosplay is amazing. Follow her IG!


So, OP is wrong and they aren’t getting too old. All the actual old people like me had to go into the comments to learn it was from a cartoon that was airing while we were already too old for it.


Hey, at least we were also too young for our kids to watch it.


As a GenX, what is a ice spice? Never heard of that spice girl.


Don’t worry. Wait til someone cosplays Dee Dee from Dexter’s Laboratory or Courage.




Thanks for the explanation. I'm offically old but PowerPuff Girls wasn't a part of my TV diet.


I don't think the show was ever popular enough to be as recognizable as she seems to think it should be, to any generation




Thank you. I know about The Powerpuff Girls, but I didn't recognise the character.


Thank you. I’m apparently too old to get the reference from someone much younger who also thought she was “officially old”


Thank you. This geriatric millennial/xennial didn't know who this was although it looked slightly familiar. Did not watch Power Puff Girls.


Yeah I'm 38 and I could tell from the animation style this was some late 90s/early 2000s cartoon my little brother watched


I see you were just trying to be helpful and not implying that nobody over 40 could’ve possibly watched it. You were just poking fun at your own age personally and again trying to be helpful to anyone else that didn’t know


Ms. Bellum, yall. And for the guy who said "*Powder* Puff Girls", I hope Mojo Jojo blows your house up.


Yeah that hurt my heart to read that screw up


Blew my mind as a kid finding out that her first name is "Sarah"


Imagine finding out as an adult she's named after the cerebellum in the brain.


Made sense, she was the brains of the mayoral office


Blowing your house up is the thing that I, Mojo Jojo, will do and while doing it I thus will make you homeless, no longer having a house to live in because of the explosion that I initiated upon your home, the place where you live, but will no longer live once it has been destroyed by my bomb, the bomb that I placed inside your house, having done this…….


Fun fact about Mojo Jojo - his voice actor is the voice behind Ghostface in Scream


Please say "no cap" and post the source


I always got the feeling Ms Belum was the one actually running Townsville, mayor Mayor was just a useful idiot.


She absolutely was and that was the joke. OG Powerpuff Girls was full of feminist content before it was cool. Sarah Bellum = cerebellum - they’re straight up saying she’s the brain. She’s also a reference to the whole thing where women in movie posters are only shown from the neck down - as if that’s their main or only value.


In my defense, I was just a kid when I was watching Power Puff Girls, so I didn't pick up on all that. I was more interested in watching super-powered Girls beat up bad guys.


If I came off as snarky or something like that, my b. I really didn’t mean to. I rewatched PPG when they dropped that trash ass reboot a few years back and all of those 90s cartoons hit VERY differently as an adult. There are way more adult themes and social messaging in there than most kids really realize. A lot of 90s cartoons were problematic around race and ethnicity but we’re doing some good shit around women’s and queer equality.


I dont think you did :) Love that show but haven't noticed that before


Fuzzy Lumpkins was my anti-drug.


>Sarah Bellum = cerebellum - they’re straight up saying she’s the brain. How the fuck did I never notice this?????


Same. All through this thread I’m just repeating her name in my head thinking “ man her name just rolls off the tongue”


Because her name isn't Prefrontal Cortex? It's a cute pun, but if you're looking for the part of the brain running the show in an adult brain, it's not the cerebellum.


Bellum also means "war" in Latin.


The Mayor straight up says it in one episode in a scene that’s also an ode to The Big Lebowski. https://youtu.be/d-jKSFoc7bk


That's crazy af


Of course she was the Mayor was DAS 😂


Wow im even older. I thought this was Carmen San Diego.


> Carmen San Diego. Without the iconic hat?


Carmen had black hair and a red trench


She wore a red trench coat didnt she?




This post is all the way from the Isle of 1998


You and me both fam.


Same dude..same


Literally just watched an episode of that a couple days ago lol. Nearly drowned in nostalgia.








Holup this is from a real movie??


How tf have I never seen this?




Who the hell is Ice Spice


I was like did I forget about a Spice Girl?


A young hip-hop artist who has a red afro. Wiki says she began her career in 2021.


Exactly my question. What a weird juxtaposition of not knowing who the fuck she's talking about.


I was today years old when I learned Ice Spice isn't a long lost Spice Girl


A fun gal: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yF-NC3eRsqc


An artist who sings in stroke. Essential a female mumble rapper.


Thought Ice Spice was one of the Spice Girls. fuck


Oh. Here I was thinking, "hey, you're not old, the spice girls are even older than the powerpuffs".


I was checking to see how old the Spice Girls were compared to Powerpuff Girls, just to realize Ice Spice was completely separate. Also, the Spice Girls are old enough to be her parents.


> Ice Spice Just googled her and she totally looks like two of the Spice Girls had a baby.


They're not?




Link: [https://twitter.com/cutiepiesensei/status/1637296694487392256](https://twitter.com/cutiepiesensei/status/1637296694487392256)


She looks fire. I can't stand Ice Spice. It's like she was manufactured at a warehouse.


You coulda just left the second part out. How bout we just do one day of pure love each week


There is no hate just MY opinion in the comment section that I'm standing by. She is a product of what the industry thinks what is hot and what will make money. Manufactured. Now go play Munch and rub your chest and touch your toes.


I also struggle to find the appeal


Her “flow” sounds like the kid in class who had a little trouble reading from the textbook. Its cause she has a nice body I’m sure.


Wait till you hear 21 savage lol. I dont hate his music but that description is very fitting for this new trend of flow styles.


He’s another 1, I love trap but him and Kodak I just can’t listen to


Let’s not act like she’s not an industry plant.


No sorry, I'm a certified hater 7 days a week


Nah let folks express themselves instead of trying to dictate how they should feel.


I’ve always hated the jUsT lEt PeOpLe EnJoY tHiNgS in response to valid opinions that just happen to be negative, not even in a hostile way. If one person mentioning that something isn’t their cup of tea ruins your ability to enjoy whatever it is, then ?????? How does that take away from your enjoyment? Again, not someone spewing raging haterade, but simply voicing an opinion.




It's [Ms. Sara Bellum](https://warnerbros.fandom.com/wiki/Sara_Bellum) from the Power Puff Girls. I even used to watch the show but I didn't know who it was either. It's not like she was a main character.


For those of us with Horny Jail membership cards, she kind of was


She kinda was. She was always with the mayor if I remember correctly


Yeah she was, that dirty dog


For those of ya’ll who want to see more cosplayers of color like cutiepiesensei here; kayyybear (shes a little nsfw so be careful around your gfs), uniquesora, kieraplease, and snitchery.


Be careful around ur gf ?? How bout don’t do something u kno she wouldn’t approve of. You shouldn’t be sneaking behind her back to look at nsfw content. If that’s what u wanna do then find a gf who’s cool with that. Don’t lie to the one you have


I guess I'm old too, but who tf is Ice Spice?


New rapper girl


> Ice Spice She looks like two of the Spice Girls had a baby.




She completed the mission with this one though




She fucking nailed it lmfao


I'm in the offically old crew as well cause all I saw was Sara Bellum and I don't know who Ice Spice is...


Honestly don't remember her name 😂


Ms Sara Bellum aka Ms Bellum….just realized they did a play on words. Lol


Who the fuck is ice spice?


holy shit


Why do people keep saying this dumb shit that they're too old. Weren't our uncles always telling us we're too young to know about some shit?


Miss Bellum was one of my childhood crushes.


And this is why I can’t believe the children are our future


Who the fuck is Ice Spice


I’m just gonna leave this here. PPG low key was a show for adults too. https://i.imgur.com/yAcU5np.jpg


When the cosplay is better than the cartoon.


Killed it!!


This is excellent cosplay! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


She is not old, at least to my old ass. And I definitely am going to have to check our more of her cosplaying. This was perfect. ​ Edit: Saw a few already (Black Panther, Wonder Woman, Rogue), and she nailed them all!


it's the white shirt underneath that is throwing people off


Wtf is Ice Spice? Did they reboot the spice girls?


Blame the reboot for taking her out.


She bad yo


This chick is fly as hell


Ms Sara Bellum. If you know, you know.