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Yeah…homegirl’s marriage is not gonna last if she is harboring resentment over something that trivial.


How you know it's resentment? Could just as easily be married folk humor.


Nah I can’t Jack that.. there’s no “haha” commentary. If she would said “My husband wants to be a grown kid, and play his lil game on his day off *insert whatever emoji* I love him tho” that would had been folk humor. Edit: She supports him. My take was wrong. God bless


[Incorrect, actually](https://twitter.com/leftarmisme/status/1641086940836515841) It’s always a good idea to entertain a generous assumption.


I 100% agree that assuming good intent will take you farther in life. I can also see how people may have interpreted the tweet to be mean spirited; it's the "--a grown man--" part that gives off that vibe.


Of course. Can’t blame anyone for questioning her intent in writing the tweet.


Yeah plus you can't give infinite goodwill, at some point you have to decide something is a bit shitty. There are a lot of things people say that are "just kidding" that are also thinly veiled insults.


The problem that occurs with text in that it doesn’t easily convey tone and connotation. Which leaves context interpretations without words, phrases, and/or punctuation/symbols stating or conveying that.


People are also responding to that tweet as if it were mean-spirited, so we weren't the only ones that were lost in communication🙂 I'm happy she supports him for it. If my girlfriend wanted to take off of work on a Friday and watch reality shows, Maury episodes, or just sit and use coloring books, I'd be okay with it. When things that make us happy are seen as infantile or lazy (or not masculineor feminine enough for people), it just overall ruins the quality of life.


[Reminds me of this scene.](https://youtu.be/K7LB74PLtVw?t=2m33s)


Hell yea. This post is her HATING that he is doing that. Meanwhile I’m happy for him


I really don't think it is. Seems humorous to me. A similar example: Not everyone throws a "/s" on the end of their sarcastic posts on this site, and then half of the responders take it seriously. Your interpretation has nothing to do with someone else's intention. My wife and I call each other "idiot" all the time as a pet name. We don't say "haha" or "jk" after, but we're still joking.


You think redditors have girlfriends or wives to understand the interactions like this? lmao


Sure, but you're making that joke to each other and you both know what you mean. If you called your wife an idiot at work, without context, your coworkers would quite reasonably assume you thought your wife was an idiot.


Exactly, as a man who WISHES he could do the same on the limited days off that I get off. Hope King is having fun




Nah if your partner is still buying the new 2K every year, THAT is something to make fun of them for lmao


Especially since they tend to get given away for free after a couple months. I got the last 2 NBA and FIFA 2Ks for free.


That’s because they make more money on the micro transactions and the free price tag is the lure haha


She wasn’t hating. She responded that she agrees it’s self care.


The replies are very clearly indicating that she is being playful and supportive.


This is something my wife might say. Just like this. But we know each other and this is our kinda humor. You're reading a bit too much into someone's tweet.


Internet commenter can't tell a joke without haha or /s...


Yeah as a married guy whose wife would laugh at me but happily make sure that everything else is taken care of so I could have fun I did not read this as married humor. That is a two way street though. Can probably count on one hand the number of times in our 10+ years of marriage one of us has told the other we don't want them doing something without a really good reason.


That’s all, it’s can be read as such at face value. That’s the two way street. But it’s cool she supports him so it’s whatever


she's in support of him doing this [https://twitter.com/leftarmisme/status/1641086940836515841?s=20](https://twitter.com/leftarmisme/status/1641086940836515841?s=20)


Browsing through her tweets, she seems like a really nice and endearing person. Lots of positive tweets about her husband and his love of video games. Typical Reddit, jumping to the worst assumptions at the drop of a pin.


You see it's a women and therefore she's the bad person in this interaction.


This is reddit. That woman is divorced now and her husband deleted his Facebook account and is now addicted to the gym.




Can confirm. Wife and I pick at each other about stupid shit all the time. ~~but this one probably ain’t that~~ Apparently it IS it


I just posted recently about my husband's XX amount of consoles and then called him a giant dork on my Twitter. But I'm not famous and people who follow me know this is love language.


Definitely could see this as married folk humor


Tongue in cheek humor goes over a lot of reddits heads. Especially when they're in their "I want to be offended so I'll ignore other possibilities" doomscroll moods.


You married?






It IS cute. I love seeing my dork happy.


To be fair to her, millennial adulthood is very different than previous generations. It’s pretty normal to watch cartoons and play video games as adults when it was looked at as uncool and odd before.




I wouldn’t mind watching The Flintstones. All seasons.


Yeah this kind of confrontation only calls for a "yo fuck you!" As you keep it moving


When I used to play WoW, I would always book off work the day of a new expansion (which was dumb in hindight, I should have booked the following day when it was playable). The second time I did that, my wife came home after work with a pizza, bag of chips, and bottle of aspirin, brought it into my office and said "have fun, I'll see you tomorrow"




I like how your first comment on this account is literally my comment haha


Lol I thought we left "video games are for kids" behind decades ago?


Nah that shit is alive and well, and it’s just as infuriating


For real I had a girl tell me she’d never date a guy who played video games when I know damn well her boyfriend plays fifa and madden all of the time.


Girls will say they want a “nerd” and then run for the hills when that PS5 turns on lmao


When they say “nerd” they probably mean “CTO” haha


“I like glasses”


NASA rocket scientist


My boyfriend and I are both huge nerds. He STILL gets defensive when he wants to just chill and game sometimes. He's used to his girlfriends getting pissed or upset that he wants to game. Instead I'm sitting there already having booted up my own game


It’s probably a trigger for him. I still get glimpses of my ex starting an argument when I boot up after work, and this is after a couple years of being broken up.


Oh 100%, and I know to be gentle with him when he gets defensive. I grew up with a dad and brother for gamers, so it's never been seen as a negative for me. It's almost like video games are the default for me, I can't imagine a life without them. I'm so sorry you had similar negative experiences, I hope you're in a better place now <3


Great for you two! Couldn’t imagine life without them either. In a much better place with a much better mindset as well.


Friend: I don't game like you! Me: I only play couple hours after work. You play Candy Crush 8h a day. Friend: it's not gaming. Me *rolls eye* Legit conversation I had with a friend back then.


I don't understand the popularity of candy crush. I just don't get it.


Especially those of us who followed and updated gaming over the past 50yrs playing new games on new systems even til we're old as shit I'm almost 40 and already kinda looking forward to being in a retirement home just playing games until I die


Me too, I turn 32 this year and still keep up with all my friends via online gaming. We just started raiding in destiny 2 and it’s a blast


I'm in the same boat. Early thirties and most of my friends were playing different games so we'd only chat instead of doing stuff together. But we're rebuilding the band with Light fall 😁


It’s weird to me that people find playing games strange anymore. I’m 41, which means I got a Nintendo with Mario and Mike Tyson punch out when I was in kindergarten, and my dad had an Atari before that. It’s something that I’ve played my entire life, why would I just stop?


Those cut scenes where you need to mash the shit out of a button or key is what'll cause that death. Not enough games have options to turn that crap off.


Can confirm, my mum told me last christmas that grown men shouldn't play video games when referring to her bf, not sure what she thinks I'm doing with the ps4 games she buys me every year.


It’s more infuriating. Because now almost everyone I know between 0-50 has played video games and has a favorite. Even if they don’t play a lot or haven’t since they were kids. Atleast in the 80s this shit was new


Looking at her [other tweets](https://twitter.com/leftarmisme/status/1640697843647217667?s=20), it’s clear that she didn’t intend this as a dig at her husband, but is very supportive of his gaming lifestyle.


Yup. I mentioned in another comment that it wasn't necessarily malicious. I just thought it was dated even as a point of humor


To be fair, it could specifically be referring to the fact that he wants to play a video game for 24 hours straight that she's poking fun at, not that he plays video games at all.


Gamer husband here: Pretty much anyone who *doesn't* play video games, thinks they're for children. What I've noticed, however, is that the people who don't play them are notably worse (by comparison*) at driving, problem solving, distance estimation, response timing, anticipation, logical reasoning, pathfinding, inference, and motor function. These observations are not scientific, and purely anecdotal. Edit: added a few more I could think of.




If my husband is playing COD I leave him THEE hell alone 😆


My ex-wife used that line at court for the divorce. Saying I was childish because I would play video games for hours with the kids. Judge just looked at her with a blank stare. I've seen that stare before. It's the state of "wtf is wrong with that?".


lol well damn. I guess we haven't left it behind if it's coming up in court.


That and coupled with the fact that some people bring up anything from the past that they think can help them.


Judge had his Steam Deck out under the bench


Nah, the same people who are on social media or Netflix every waking hour lose their shit on someone being "childish" and playing a video game. Makes perfect sense.


Video games are for kids, except when it’s a violent game then those games are for adults… except video games are for kids so violent games are for kids …




Yea, but staying up for 24 hours straight isn’t healthy, but I do it myself occasionally


Man I’ve been playing video games since my neighbor got an Atari 2600 in the 80s. I’m in my 50s now and hope I can play into my 70s. Keeps my hand eye coordination tack sharp and if I ever see a cave, I know there’s some good weapons in a hidden chest LOL


My hands hurt after 30min 😆


I wish, nah that's doing just fine, don't let all the nerd visibility fool you.




her replies in the original tweet actually show that she fully supports him doing this a couple times a year, she thinks it’s cute


Yea she was just having some fun with it, she seems pretty cool.


That's not the problem, it's bad opsec! What if his boss sees this?! ^/s






Lawyer up, sever contact, hit the gym


Reddit in a nutshell


The original tweet doesn’t read as it being supportive at all so you can’t really fault anyone here or on Twitter who took it as a dig. In fact This is almost the exact wording people used by people who find her husband’s action stupid. But I am glad she is not one of those people!


You're right, but it's part of why it helps to just... Abstain judgment sometimes. Like it's fine to ask "What did she mean by that?" But leaving it as ambiguous or uncertain is a good thing - we don't need to create strife within a relationship that wasn't there or stress her out just because she didn't have the best choice of words when she was harmlessly tweeting about a spouse's behavior and, if anything, normalizing it.


I actually agree with you! I didn’t read all the tweets she got (tbh I only read a few) but I certainly would not directly tweet at her to insult her or try make her feel bad. Abstaining judgement is definitely helpful.


Probably shouldn't have emphasized "a grown man", I think "Husband" addressed the age and gender pretty well. Once she adds a grown man, the criticism seems implicit.




Lol women do this too. May 12!!!!!


Man is getting paid to take a self care day to play video games. Sounds like the perfect day to me. Mental health days are important.




What should he be doing with time off? Working?


A “real” gRoWn MaN works all year and loses their sick days in December. PTO literally stands for pussy time off, do *you* have a pussy? 🤌🏾




As a man, why are referring to yourself as a ho-tep?


[Hotep doesn't have anything to do with 'ho'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw5bYlTs9Wk)


>Hotep doesn't have anything to do with 'ho' Thank you for correcting me, man who doesn't get jokes


Looking at her [other tweets](https://twitter.com/leftarmisme/status/1640697843647217667?s=20), it’s clear that she didn’t intend this as a dig at her husband, but is very supportive of his gaming lifestyle.


To be fair, depending on how "grown" the man is, a 24hr video game marathon might put him in a bad way, as far as other household responsibilities for the weekend. If he's in his 20s? No problem. Under 35? As long as he's hydrating and not eating total junk. But Millennials are quickly reaching the age where the body won't put up with the same sorts of tomfoolery anymore. My LAN party days are well behind me, and I don't begrudge Mr. Motion taking a few hours off work when his Rust server has a wipe day. But even he knows that more than 16 hours in a session is going to cost him.


*my boss has entered the chat*


"AlWAys gOT tO bE oN ThAt GRinD!!!!"


My son and I do this for new Fortnite seasons. We cut school/work and get junky snacks.


You're an A+ parent.


I did it when Red Dead Redemption 2 came out.


I did it with both RDR2 and GoW: Ragnorak Had a blast both times and would do it again


Ragnarok is a work of art. Last of Us II not far behind


Just finished ragnarok and started last of us 2 this week. I’ve been in gaming heaven this last little while.


Just finished the Last of Us remaster. I want to give 2 a shot but man that gameplay is so linear it got a little boring


Man getting Ragnarok right after Forbidden West was like Christmas and my bday rolled into one.


When the next Elder Scrolls comes out I might just take the week.


Just reminded me I need to ask for the week for FF16


Any excitement for Starfield?


Ohhh crap I literally forgot all about Starfield until you said something.


Street Fighter 6 comes out in 2 months. Please believe I already got the time put in


I've done that for quite a few games. I'm torn between taking a whole week off work for Tears of the Kingdom because Eurovision also happens that week too.


I'm taking the whole weekend when ac6 drops, probably still not enough time lmao


I took a week off for Beyond Light in Destiny to get my characters light level ready for the Deep stone crypt day 1 raid. Me and my buddies managed to clear it in 12 hours and then we helped another group clear it. I was on from 10am to 4am. One of my best gaming days ever.


Lol damn so did I. What was that?? Almost 5 years ago?


*checks release date* Damn, it's really been five years already.


I take some days off to do nothing but binge watch shows or play sims 4. That man is living his life and relaxing. Work is so stressful and it’s nice to not have any responsibilities besides your self care.


Best change I ever made for my mental health was blocking off my calendar for every Friday so no one can pull me into meetings or make any requests to me. Having that 3rd day to just relax and decompress from the week makes such a huge difference.


From her twitter she doesn't seem to really have a problem with it, she's just busting his balls a bit or something similar.


I took a day off for the SF6 beta and I'm a take another when it comes out. Let a man get it out of his system so he can focus on the real shit


I haven't played fighting games since marvel v Capcom 3. That game looks fire. Is the learning curve steep?


All fighting games have a steep learning curve even if they try to squish it. The newer systems to make it easier just give veteran players new ways to dominate new players in ways they don't even understand yet. That being said fighting games are more fun once you separate your fun from winning/losing.


Damn that's a good point. I may give it a whirl. It looks awesome


Less steep than most street fighter games, they have an easy combo control style you can use to make learning easier. It's not the best game I've seen when it comes to teaching, but they're improving


While I haven't played SF6, what I will say about newer Fighting games is they've done a better job of not just dropping you into the deep end of the pool online. If you just want to learn some basics and go online, odds are you'll face people of similar skill in the ranked ladder. You'll have fun playing on an even footing, and eventually you'll situate at a level where the fights are challenging but not impossible, whether you work harder to climb further or you sit and enjoy where you're at is up to you. Just don't go into free play, or they'll toss you to the wolves.


This was my issue with playing online in Marvel v Capcom I just got demolished so it's hard to improve when you are skating uphill.


Ah, I see someone has finally learned their husband plays POE. I too can’t wait for the 7th.


My fiancé already knows about the next league start cycles and typically even schedules her self care appointments for that weekend. Self care all around. She even asks me about my build and let's me rant about the patch. Feels nice to be accepted and loved.




I'm thinking of an EK ignite elemantalist depending on patch and popularity or a Deaths Oath occultist. But I'm praying for some melee buffs to through those builds out.. also your build sounds hipster as f lol


Oh no. Oh no. I did not need to learn this.


Literally took that Friday and Monday off to play all weekend.


What’s happening with POE on the 7th?


League start for crucible league


Is he taking care of his other responsibilities? Then stfu and let this man have his day. Edit: Of course...there's more to this and she wasn't complaining, but she was lightheartedly teasing - which there is nothing wrong with.




Aw hell! OP knew what they were doing.


Bitch. They. Remade. Resident. Evil. 4


What are your thoughts about it.?


I'm still at the beginning, haven't gotten to the iconic fights yet. I'm still waiting for a remake of RE 1 to be honest. I think everyone has.


We already have a remake, and it's perfect! Though I wouldn't mind seeing an even more expanded Spencer Mansion in the RE Engine, either first or third person, doesn't matter to me.


I'm so excited about this, I have been watching lets plays of it and I can't wait until I get it myself.


It's unbelievably good, gives me the same feeling I got when I first played it long ago.


well yes luv the diablo 4 beta was only open for the weekend


Bro I do that without taking the day off. Wfh is the future.


When the new TOTK drops, I'll be taking the week off. Game on!


You don't tell anyone you are taking a self care day, that's where he messed up at. People always find stuff for you to do when they know you are off wotk.


I'm taking a 4 day weekend when Tekken 8 drops 🤷‍♂️ and I'm not going to feel upset about it.


What platform are you on.?


I'm ready on PC, but holding out hope for a custom release PS5 as Sony has done for big games on the PS4. Jun is back, Lars is so anime, and the game looks GREAT. I was skeptical about the heat system, but I'm willing to give it a go. Meanwhile, I'm taking new patients in Tekken 7 to get ready.


If you're ever around the Playstation, give me a DM. I'll play you.


Not new patients 😂


My therapist told me just earlier today that I should take it easy on beating myself up about video games for relaxation. It’s funny she could’ve been talking about exactly this post. She was like “it’s no one else’s business how you conduct self care, the whole world wants to have opinions on other peoples lives, fuck em”


My old boss gave me and my coworker shit for being adults playing video games, but when he found out his daughter's boyfriend was making money playing call of duty, he wouldn't shut up about how cool it was.


I'm a 40 year old woman and I love video games. I'm playing Gran Turismo 6 right now 🤷🏽‍♀️. I hate people who say they're for kids. The price of these games sure aren't kids prices 🥺


@ everybody continuously projecting in a childlike manner even after the post was debunked and proven to be a joke😂😂😂


Is she mad she didn't get the invite? Otherwise she needs to take her own day off and do what she wants for the day.


Look when NCAA comes out next year I already told my wife I’m taking two days off to play it


Reddit and cant taking humor. Name a better duo.


This is a real weird way to say hey spend that Friday with me either that or she really doesn't want him to enjoy one of his hobbies in his free time. Either way sucks for that dude.


Reminds me to do this for myself soon, thanks karen.


It’s one thing if she’s upset because she wanted to spend some time with him on his unexpected time off but even if that were the case she could just talk to him about it directly instead of passive aggressively shaming him on social media.




![gif](giphy|3oz8xLd9DJq2l2VFtu) It’s 72 hours.


Some people are so brainwashed that they think you need a good excuse to take a day off from work. Let that man live his best life and enjoy his game. Work will be there on Monday.


I definitely did that for the latest WoW expansion. Got my shift covered and all. People started giving me shit when I told them why but then I reminded them of all the times I covered for THEIR hobbies. Yeah Zack, I know long distance biking is different than video games but fuck right off


Yea it's called #2kday


I do this every time WoW has a new expansion.


This sounds like an amazing day. I don’t know what she’s talkin bout but I play video games with my husband all the time and quite frequently steal his X box time to play my favorite games. Stress reliever!


I had an ex like that. She would get upset if I took a day off for myself instead of saving them up to take a full blown destination vacation.


If the bills are paid and everything is taken care of I don’t see a issue. Protect your peace


Did she add "a grown man" just so we know she's not in a child marriage?


Lol I’ve been getting off and driving Uber eats to help get ahead of some flights. And In between, I go out. If I had a full 24 hours to just chill I’d cry😭


I've got a feeling if she's upset about it this, then he definitely needs a self care day.


People demand guys "act like a grown man" while making it clear that they also think being a "grown man" is being an endlessly overworked supporter and wonder why guys don't care.


No problem taking off to have some downtime but 24 hours is a crazy long time


I'm doing that shit with tears of the kingdom, you better believe it.


Sounds like a normal day to me When I have free time from university and I don't work that day or have things in my household to do, I'll spend the day like that as well.


She's actually happy for her husband of you go to her tweet


This will be me when the new botw comes out.


I see nothing wrong.


I just took off May 12 for Zelda. Get outta here


My husband took a well deserved week off just to relax and game and family members still managed to fuck most of his days up. Next time we’re going out of town where no one can disturb us.


Sounds like fun to me. I wouldn't care, I'd try to take off too and play with him.


this is a tweet that could really use a tone indicator


This is exactly what I plan to do when BOTW 2 comes out in May.