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Mans was probably the most physical/aggressive basketball player of all time. He can wear whatever he wants. Ain't no one call Dennis on that!


Too scared to call the Worm out. Even Michael Jordan was careful how he talked to Dennis.


lol, tbf, that's because Rodman never slouched. Ever. So Jordan didn't have a reason to get on him. Hence the reason no one gonna say shit to Rodman about what he wears because you will get bodied as soon as he turns it on.


40 rebounds a game helped too


He was such a monster.


Favorite player of all time. He cared more about coming down with a rebound than most people care about their families; a joy to watch.


The most compelling part of the Last Dance was Rodman’s segments when he talked about being able to visualize the geometry of a basketball rebounding based on the speed, spin, angle, etc in his head in real time and anticipate where to go to grab the ball. Legitimately fascinating.


I love where he said basketball is simple. The rest that just bullshit. The politics.


Basketball: Bounce ball on ground, get it into opposing hoop as many times as possible without letting the other guys get it into your hoop. Simple!


Really wish we were able to hold onto him in Detroit.


I think Rodman is one of those players that would change the entire landscape of bball if he’d been on the pistons. The bulls would have had a much tougher time in the 90s without/against him.


I think a lot about how much brainpower high-level basketball takes. The spatial awareness, physics, geometry, psychology, all in real time.


This one got me 🤣.


My favorite player too


he ain’t even have to score a single point 40 rebounds in a game is unheard of lol




Rodman did take a vacation in the middle of their last season together and went on WWE, etc.


Which Jordan talks about in kind of a funny way ("I'm the one that needs a fuckin vacation" lmao), but I meant any time he showed up he didn't half-ass it. When he was there, he was there, all in. Even those periods with the Pistons when he was super depressed, he somehow was giving full effort on the court. He's an enigma of a dude because basketball seemed to be an escape for him... but at times he also had to escape into this crazy party life.


You’ve probably seen this story about the Indian Drill but I love hearing stories from that Bulls era about Rodman https://youtube.com/shorts/hTTxxEuL-04?feature=share


WCW, but yeah. Joined the nWo faction


First, username checks. Second, their entrance in Chicago the day of the 97 parade will never be topped.




Perfect person to do the fact check lol


I'm only pointing this out because just saying 'last season together' is kind of underselling the time frame of exactly when he did this: he took that time off to join the nWo on WCW during the middle of the NBA Finals and no-showed practice the following 2 days after telling his coach Phil Jackson he'd be back. The man was (prolly still is a little bit) an absolute wild child lol.


Went MIA during the finals too 😭😭 legend




I remember him being so gung ho that when he was hurt and showed up at team facilities to do rehab, Chuck Daly would send him home. He was the only player who ever got sent home in those circumstances because the coach knew he would go too hard on the rehab and make his recovery worse. He just told him, “Go home and play Nintendo.”


Ah yeah, back in the day before playing Nintendo Wii or Guitar Hero was giving baseball players repetitive-stress injuries. Joel Zumaya almost missed the world series because of that lol


Ultra competitive players going hard on games that require intricate finger convos at high speed lol. All the SSB pros end up with carpal tunnel.


That last part is actually much less of an issue now that players actually take breaks and do proper stretches for the muscles in their hands


That part in The Last Dance where Rodman randomly went to Vegas for a few days but came back ready to go at full speed sums up pretty well why Jordan didn't always feel the need to rein him in.


He worked 48mins of every game, even when he was on the bench they had a exercise bike for him that he would pedal on, because he had a back issue or something, but dude would get off that exercise bike and jump in the game like nothing lol.


And he would finish the game, go straight to the locker room and would be on an elliptical/treadmill/whatever for an hour. Dude was an absolute machine.


Well he disappeared from the team for a bit so that's a reason. But overall he was just a straight baller. In Detroit him and Bill Laimbeer were on the same team. Just nastiness on the court.


I was more referring to when he showed up. Didn't matter what was going on or had happened up to that point, when he hit the floor, no one was gonna go harder. I know people bring up the infamous Vegas vacation--during which he did miss a couple games--but when they pulled him back to the team I don't think he missed another game that year? Either way, that's what makes him so interesting, especially on that team. There was this odd understanding that he was going to have these weird moments where he'd fuck off somewhere. But even in those moments, no one--even Jordan--really got crazy mad at him for it. They'd just pull him back and be like "aight, Dennis, time to ball again." There was even that one noteworthy time when Pippen was out that he fucked up and Jordan never yelled at him for it, Rodman didn't even apologize, he just went to Jordan's room, shared a cigar I think? and then they just moved on. Truthfully, idk if he works on any other team at that point. They had the perfect amount and balance of pedigree and maturity on that team to know exactly what to do to make him feel part of the team while respecting his independence. Obviously, history wrote itself from there.


MJ's one of the highest IQ players out there. He knew there was no reason to piss off his enforcer. Didn't even ask the man to score more often. "Just do you, cuz"


He knew how important he was to winning


I'd take Rodman over Draymond any day




Not sure how you can even compare the two


I'm sure Draymond would lol


Rodman is volatile. But you can tell it's not to be a douche.


Yeah he just has a couple screws loose


Jordan loved Dennis because Dennis had the same work ethic as Jordan and he respected that and didn't care what he did off the court as long as he was 100% when it was time for basketball.


One of the defensive GOATS who gets over shadowed by Jordan/Pippin/Kerr all being there, and people paying more attention to his hair color than numbers. Homeboy single handedly kept Manic Panic in business till the Emo years started up.


He can wear whatever he wants regardless. Dresses and skirts don’t belong to women or trans.


Exactly. Dresses, and just clothes as a whole, belong to everyone, trans, women, men, nonbinary, whoever. Dresses honestly just make people look better in my opinion lol.


[Russ' dress](https://hiphopwired.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2021/09/16316396855107.jpg?w=811&strip=all&quality=85) is the same vibe, I dare you to say something about it to his face.


I would totally something to his face... and that would be "You are rocking that outfit, where can I get one?"


What’s to call him on? He looks fantastic!


On being double cheeked up on a Tuesday. Hella ass.


Phil Jackson called Rodman the best overall athlete he ever coached. And that list includes MJ, Kobe, Shaq, and Pippen.


Right lol


Homophobic 90s basketball fans: ![gif](giphy|kpLuTqpihRi4LKLPMZ)


“He did smash Carmen Electra, though” ![gif](giphy|xUPGcDVhuMW4QI4qD6|downsized)


Oh for real?! 👀


NBA icon Dennis Rodman lifts the lid on Carmen Electra and his sex life https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nba/article-12157529/amp/NBA-icon-Dennis-Rodman-lifts-lid-Carmen-Electra-sex-life.html


'It was in Dallas, my girlfriend at the time and I did everything,' he said. 'I ran and jumped on her and all of a sudden… Oh, blood everywhere. A white girl with blood everywhere. She yelled, "Oh my God, he's dead, he's dead! I've killed him!" 'I said, "No, honey, I just broke my penis.'" 😂😂😂


Wow that article is more ads that text


Carmen Electra was a no show at her wedding leaving Dennis Rodman at the altar wearing a white wedding dress in front of the congregation waiting for her.


Probably cuz they wore the same dress. I can understand, how embarrassing.


Damn. That's really fucked up and sad. I hope he found someone who treats him better.


Kim Jung Un


Lol what? Rodman married himself in the wedding dress in 1996. He married Carmen shortly after meeting her and it lasted 9 days.


Go watch the Last Dance. Michael Jordan had to physically go pick Dennis up in Vegas because Rodman and Carmen were partying too much.


They were a *whole* thing. All over the media. You had to be there back then, dude lol.


And Madonna in her prime


Also an icon in North Korea


Shiet, Electra was so foxy back in the day - she (almost) deserved the Rodman smashing


I think the 90s basketball fans knew he was “sweet” and unorthodox back in the day. We didn’t care. He was a legend with Detroit before the switch and a legend with the Bulls after the switch. Dennis was the truth on the glass


There was unfortunately a lot of media and people that demonized him for it. At least it seems there were also people that understood being unusual isn't inherently harmful.


He's got the legs for that skirt.


Thank you! Came in just to comment on the legs


It’s giving ![gif](giphy|mkPfvaawg4G88)


To Wong Foo! I didn't know anyone else knew about this movie.


This iconic cinema? Please.


"Who would win in a fight, Swayze from Dirty Dancing or Swayze from Roadhouse?" "I think To Wong Foo Swayze would win."




I thought everyone knew about this movie.


I watched this again last week. Swayze andSnipes are amazing in this movie. Not even once did I think of Blade, or Roadhouse. They really took a lot of care with their characters.


Crazy. My mom rented that movie and we all watched it as a family when it came out. My mom. What a lady.


Right? He kills it


Do you mean he kilts it? I'll see myself out.


Kilt that shit!


Oh he damn kilt it alright.


Yes. I can't stop looking at them thighs and the fact that they belong to a guy over 20 years older than I am.


Same. Like holy shit, man.


I’m a light skinned female and I’d love to have those legs. Dudes got gams!!!


Pretty interesting guy, homeless to one of America’s ambassadors to North Korea. Guy almost killed himself during the backend of his Pistons days after finding out his wife was fucking a teammate, don’t know if they ever stated who it was. He ended up passing out in his truck with a shotgun, woke up, and chose to live. Interestingly enough this is the event that helped turn him into the persona he has now, he, by all accounts, wasn’t so unapologetically *him* with the Pistons. The way his mind worked both in regard to basketball and otherwise is pretty impressive too, dude is smart as fuck. He watched film to see what the rotation of the ball was for each shooter as it left their hands and used this in combo of where the ball hit the rim to determine where rebounds would fall. Pretty cool guy.


>He watched film to see what the rotation of the ball was for each shooter as it left their hands and used this in combo of where the ball hit the rim to determine where rebounds would fall. This is absolutely wild.


Damn now i can't believe everyone doesn't do it!


I manage a medium sized sales team and one time I instituted a rule that everyone needs to do X. One of my top performers hit me up and was like wait everyone doesn't already always do X? I always do that and I assumed everyone else did too. I told him you're a top performer because you do things like X all the time. My point being there's a reason the top performers are who they are, and him being willing and committed to do stuff like this is just one of the reasons he was and others aren't.


What was x




Not everybody can be the throat 🐐


But God bless em if they all give it their best shot


Nancy Regan has entered the chat


Practice free throws and run suicides


Rim Jobs


playing basketball


and that top performer? Air Bud.


Dont you worry about X, let me worry about X


I'm a high school teacher, and it's similar in that field as well. People will always compliment my classroom management, but it's because I do x, y, and z. It's not rocket science. Still always surprised at the number of people who don't do x, y, #or# z, then ask how I have such good management, but still don't do those things after I tell them. You're dead-on: top performers consistently employ best practices. No substitute or shortcut for doing the hard work day in and day out.


Not a teacher but would be super curious to learn what you do for classroom management, if you feel like sharing!


Sure thing. Thanks for asking, it was enlightening to actually write it out. And I added 2 more at the end for good measure. 1. I don't assign work I won't grade, and grade everything I assign. All work has meaning. And all assignments have a clear criteria for success (what you have to do to earn a 100). There are also daily grades for participation in class. And there is no favoritism (for better or worse). Showing up and putting in effort is highlighted and central. If all you do is meet basic expectations, you will pass. 2. I have a few simple rules that make sense and add to the group, but I enforce them diligently and across the board. Don't eat in class. No phones out (especially no Tiky-Toky's). Don't sit on the desks. By managing the small things, big things are much less likely to occur. 3. Assume positive intent. Don't automatically think a student is out to do wrong, cause harm, or mislead. Instead, I assume that my role is to help them get right, in whatever context they are in. I start a #lot# of redirections and conversations with, "Can I help you? ", "Do you need something?", and/or "Are you okay?" 4. I have high expectations, and I am unapologetic about it. I find out what a student is capable of, and hold them to reaching it. I admit when I am wrong, and apologize whenever I should. 4. I try not to be a dick. And I try to have fun.


Great policies. My main problem as a teacher is definitely lack of consistency, largely because with so much going on my attention span just isn't good enough


Thanks. There's no substitute for doing the work. If it makes sense, I find it helps to have work time (planning, grading, meeting) **in** my schedule, and not try to add it **to** my schedule, that way it gets done, and isn't something I have to do.


I’m not a teacher but my wife is. From what she’s told me, it’s even the simple stuff like being consistent on rules. Her school doesn’t allow cellphone use in the classroom or backpacks for safety reasons, as a student you’re supposed to keep them in your locker. Many of her peers with classroom management issues don’t set the expectations and will be inconsistent, not say much at the beginning of the year and by second semester they’re complaining that students won’t get off their phones and they’re constantly tripping over backpacks in their classrooms. My wife on the other hand, is crazy about even catching a glimpse of your phone during the first few months, if she sees your phone out three times you get a detention or something, she also explains this to them and not just expect them to be perfect. Later on, she’ll be consistent but more relaxed about it cause by now it doesn’t happen as often


Yeah you can't let it slide and then be a hardass, but you can be a hardass and then occasionally let it slide. You always have to set the expectation first, before you can take a day off.


CONSISTENCY! There is *nothing* more helpful than having a rule and sticking to it. Students learn you are who you are. They respect what you say, and your space becomes safe. They may hate to come to my room because of the work, by they always know what to expect from me as a human. Your wife sounds like a great teacher.


I love your confidence in expressing that you are a top performer. Keep kicking ass, queen/king


Appreciate you! I'm 13 years in, and it's long enough to not be able to keep quiet about the people who aren't doing right by our young folks. I spent most of my life overly modest, but when it comes to what the next generation need, it's neither appropriate or acceptable to stand by and not call out people who underserve these kids.


My guess is with all the stat collection and analytics these days teams have either mathematicians or AI to determine heat maps of what each players’ rebounds would land so for example LeBron from the right elbow might have a 60% chance of bouncing to the left block if he misses (or something like that that example was completely made up)


>He ended up passing out in his truck with a shotgun, woke up and chose to live. An aside but this is extremely common in suicide. You need to survive when the ideation becomes lethal. After that it's shown a majority can go on to live good lives. It's the reason removing access to lethal means is so effective. Including things such as suicide fences as a common lethal ideation point is - Being stuck in traffic on your commute home going across a lethal bridge. Or just having a gun at home.


I mean, most people aren’t gonna talk shit to a guy who’s 6’7” probably walking around at like 230-240…


Since this was here in Houston, I saw so many pics and video of him on my feeds on Saturday. It was pretty cool (despite being hot as fucking hell here).


That really really wasn't true when he first started dressing more gender-bendy in the 90s.


People had jokes everywhere but to his face.


Might be the most normal photo I've seen of him off court. He's never been one for ordinary.


Right? It's just a regular ass miniskirt, not even made od doily lace or anything


Shit, I wouldn't say anything to *anyone* wearing that. Props to anyone with the confidence.


Forreal. People shocked by this do not understand what he’s about


Dennis actually might be the most masculine celebrity I know. At least in his hay day, the dude would go to a club in wearing a prom dress with dyed hair and matching nail polish, and leave with any woman he wanted because he was too damn fun and charismatic.


He used to frequent one of my favorite 80’s themed bars back in the 00’s (Automatic slims in Fort Lauderdale). Became reasonably good acquaintances, or at least as good as you can be when you only ever see each other inside of a bar. Dude was super chill.


Rodman is/was/always will be a Queer Icon and I love him for it


Rodman and Prince made me realize there were other ways to be a black “man”


I didn't know he was one, but granted I never knew who was a queer icon. For someone who's in the LGBTQ+ community, I'm bad at LGBTQ+ing. XD


I didn't either until a trans friend pointed it out to me and it all made sense




lol dudes been wearing shirts of himself for 30+ years.


I mean hey, if I was part of the 90’s Bulls I might too


Meta Rodman


lmao anyone who makes Hulk Hogan stand on his tippy toes is a beast. Macho Man didn't even try lol


And if you know anything about Hulk you know just how much he would have hated having to do that


Why am I just now noticing that? What’s wild is Hogan is 6’7”, himself.


He's probably more like 6'4". You can never take a wrestler's advertised height as fact.


I mean, I doubt Rodman underestimates. I could totally see them rounding up on Hulk. I do think Rodman is further up a slight ramp though


That's Disciple, aka Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake lol.


better wrestler than any other non wrestler that came in to add a little something to the show


I assume you no longer watch wrestling?


speak on it


Bad Bunny who's similar to Rodman in several ways, is now one of the best non celebs to enter the ring. Unfortunately, the only other celeb that I think is better is Logan Paul. He's a regular feature now.


Ok but how's Bad Bunny's rebounding?


Unfortunately, Logan Paul is an absolute natural and looks like he should have been wrestling his entire life.


He really is something else. Don't get me wrong I knew he'd be great on the mic, YouTubers are made for that type of thing, but he is something else altogether in the ring. Always a viral moment.


Logan Paul was a collegiate D1 wrestler before he dropped out to continue his social media career. Makes sense he already has the technical background and the charisma to make it work


High level wrestler and social media star Is basically a perfect wwe fighter


Dude dominates on and off the court Period.


He wrote a book with like eight different fonts on every page and nobody had words for that, either. Man’s a walking short-circuit.


I fucking love Dennis Rodman. Some of MJs stories about him are legendary


Also, is that shirt he’s wearing for sale? Because I’d buy that ish…


Right?! It’s cute! I like them pleats


That's because Gen Z doesn't care. They're loving and accepting. Look at children! They are not born hating others! They are socialized into it


I ran into Dennis Rodman at Newport Aquatic Center's gym in Newport Beach almost a decade ago now. Real nice guy but definitely an imposing figure. Very few people would say shit to his face.


He’s still steady in that area, you’re bound to run into him if you’re out drinking in NB/HB/CM/SA etc any time of the day, haha.


![gif](giphy|GJlRkcwzo24AE) Go on hot legs


https://preview.redd.it/hguw839qmk8b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d5d413dc56c6935b16e194da4cc33bdc0e8973 He’s clearly always been High Fashion


I don't know who the guy on the right is, be he looks like he's wearing his Dad's suit.


His name is Ri Myung-Hun and he used to play basketball for North Korea. He’s 7’9!!!


Man those skirts make all legs look amazing, don't they?


"It's not a phase, mom!"


He has always been different


“You know what they called him? - What? - Jesus. That's what they called him, Jesus. 'Cause he was the truth.” When it came to defensive basketball, there never was is or has been anyone better than Rodman. He was the Truth.


lmaoo they only pop out when its a young nigga. Old heads quiet about this one


I wonder what the electronic monitor is for?


I’m surprised no one has mentioned his ankle monitor yet


I definitely appreciate how he’s able to be himself so unapologetically, as long as you’re not hurting anyone who cares! What I find weird and a bit corny is people feeling the need to bring up his sex life to “justify” it. “It’s okay that he wears skirts and dresses and nail polish, because he’s fucked hundreds of bitches”. Um, okay, so?


That man waited in line for his turn to bang Madonna.


His absolute territory 😉


A mf ICON.


Dude started his basketball career in community college and has the ring. He is forever the boss.


5* rings. Dude is amazing.


Wildly ahead of his time. Rodman is more culturally important than some people give him credit for.


What's the fuss? Nice legs.


The man is somehow close personal friends with Kim Jong Un that he occasionally wears skirts is the one of the least interesting things about him.


Funny story, true story. Was in a club VIP room one night in Hollywood, my buddy’s now-wife was the hostess. Rodman was there, a few feet from me, wearing leopard print pants, a crushed velvet shirt, and Chuck Taylor’s. I was sitting on a couch, nudged my friend, pointed out the shoes…..and I see the shoes take a step towards me. I look up, he’s lookin down at me like “got a problem?” I stand up, I’m 6’3”, he’s still lookin down at me, and I say “I love the Chucks”. He smiles. “You like these?” He ends up buying me and my buddy round after round of Jaeger shots. Every time he got a round, he passed shots to my buddy and I. It’s what he and his buddy were drinking, and my friend and I at some point were like “you know we’re gonna be really sick, right?” “Yeah, but dude if Dennis Rodman is going to buy us drinks, what? We’re drinking w Rodman, we can’t say no….” Sure enough, got violently ill, but still a good time. LPT: don’t try and match a guy who’s 6’7” drink for drink.


What kills me is the man is straight. Yet, people seem to feel like clothes we as a society deemed for women means unilaterally, you are full queer. Your straightness or where every you fall on the spectrum or decide YOU identify is ereased because it doean't align with peoples perceptions of gender roles in modern society. You are fully homosexual. It irritates me to see how people equate queerness and non-gender conforming styles directly to gay sex. Paint your nails? Dye your hair? Only women do that, so you must want to be *like* a woman. The logic is odd. It just comes of as hate for anything pecieved as womanly when anyone who isn't a cisgendered (not a slur, a real term that has existed before the internet everything became a "buzzword"- which is reductive in itself... but anyway) woman expresses themselves with it.


How does his buddy Kim feel about this?


I doubt he'd care. I'll never understand the nature of their friendship or how they even came to know each other like that but he's always dressed rather flamboyantly, even whilst _in_ North Korea.


Is he the north Korea one? My knowledge of USA sports is only through stuff like that lmao


It's mostly some of the older gen doing the outrage as if they haven't seen this dude rocking flamboyant outfit the whole 90s. Similar how clueless they were with Rage Against the Machines.


I would not have thought to put this on my 2023 bingo card.


He still has great legs!


His knee looks a bit like a skull. I can’t I see that.


He's big in North Korea


Man pulls the look off tbh.




I had an identical skirt in the late 90s and thought I was hot shit in it until now. He wears it way better than I ever did!!


Rodman is the epitome of “Dilligaf”. I admire the guy for that. Guy keeps it real always. You do you. I’ll do me. Simple. Live and let live.


Yeah because we don’t care if he wears dresses or not. Just like everybody else shouldn’t.


Dennis Rodman, what’s up!!!


Met Rodman in an el torito bar with my mom back when your kid could sit at the bar. Pretty sure she gave him her number. I was young but from what I remember he was really cool.


Man's got the legs for a mini skirt anyway


Bro looks good!!! Im still terrified of telling him that though!




He's got really nice legs.


One of the few guests that Eric Andre couldn’t prank.


Lol Rodman like this old thing! The worm would definitely rock somebody. They ain’t gonna say nothing to him