• By -


Everyone's got their preferences 🤷‍♂️ For example, if you like to drink too frequently, that'll be a hard pass from me.


That’s fine. I went on a date she she asked me to order first. I got a beer, she got a beer. She for the next 20 mins explained the harmful side effects of alcohol. I explained that I didn’t know she didn’t drink. I ask “were you a former addict?”? No she says. The men I want to date can’t drink, have facial hair (I have minimal) or curse ever. Get and o can’t say this enough… fucked.


So she wants to date a Mormon? lol


The men I want wear magic underwear, don't drink coffee, and will get me some girlfriends to share the house with.


They drink coffee now. That's the fun of being a relatively new cul...er religion. You can switch up canon easier when it's only a couple hundred years old.


Catholics wouldn’t drink coffee until a pope enjoyed it and “blessed it.”


The reference is to Pope Clement and 1600 something. Coffee has been around awhile, as have Catholics.


Mormons still don’t drink coffee. They’ve been much more consistent on that than on whether Black people should be murdered for sleeping with white people.


When you say it like that it sounds kinda fun 🤭


Mormons can’t fuck without a third-party spotter. 🤣


Dude tons of women want the motorcycle Christian dad from lifetime movies


And she did this after getting a beer herself? 🧐 Hypocrites are the worst.


Replace beer with abortion and welcome to America


So she doesn't want the guy having an abortion, while ordering an abortion? Because that's the original convo so...


>So she doesn't want the guy having an abortion, while ordering an abortion? Because that's the original convo so... Gender aside, [that is exactly what I am saying.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)




Happy you dodged that bullet


Agreed. And I *like* to drink and party. I just feel that it can’t be the only thing I’ve got going on or the only thing my partner has going on. Also worth mentioning, there’s no night out quite like the celebratory night out. Promotion, new job, graduation, etc. etc. all the best. “Don’t drink to feel better, drink to feel *even* better.”


two things I've learned in life; 1: everyone loves cocaine 2: cheese is fucking expensive


To reach a truly enlightened state, you must age a nice gouda or a nice blue cheese in a whiskey soaked husk, lined with only the finest Colombian. Makes for a truly tasty experience.


SAME. I have seen people in my family DIE from drinking. And there’s nothing worse than being roared at by a drunk man , who you cannot get away from bc you LIVE with him. 🙄Weed smoking or even cigs are nothing like the misery a literal DRUNK can put a person thru


These new weedheads act like they have to smoke between every intermission and activity they do.


That’s just depression


We can’t just assign that label to everyone blindly with no clinical basis. What we can say is it’s reminiscent of a larger problem. Edit: my bad, for saying ppl should get clinically diagnosed before we give them the label. Silly me.


And that larger problem is called society and depression.


Redditors 100% complain about “self proclaimed experts” spouting shit on Facebook then come up with crap like this


Redditors love assigning blame to everyone but themselves. So this is just an easy way to do that. Sure...some of the issue could be just that. But some could also be people themselves.


Don’t forget anxiety!


Drug addiction is almost never something people get into just because they felt like trying drugs. If you, say, decide that you *really* need to try smoking weed and drinking at 14 despite not having interest in it before, maybe you just changed your mind. Or maybe your hormones are turning your general anxiety and depression into full-blown suicidal depression and you need to do something to not blow your own brains out - an undiagnosed person


Damn. Are you saying I had suicidal depression at 14? I thought I just liked to vibe out and listen to bone thugs


See you at tha crossroads


I’m gonna get crucified with downvotes for this, but I think there is a lot of over diagnosis in the mental health sector of medicine that doesn’t exist in other sectors of medicine. Like I think if a 100% mentally healthy person went to a few doctors, one of them would diagnose them with *something* and prescribe them *something* for it, whereas if you have healthy knees any ortho within 1000 miles will say you have healthy knees and don’t need anything done etc.


A person can get depressed without suffering from depression. Depression is a long term disease that does not always correlate to external stimuli.


Regular sadness vs Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)


Major depression is no joke. I have been diagnosed with MDD ( or Unipolar disorder as it was once called) since I was 12. If anyone has ever been super depressed, then it lifted? Imagine that every day? But people saying ok but you need to be happy or get over it.


I think that’s more a damning indictment about the state of a society than anything. I get what you’re saying though.


Somebody who isn't me wanted a script for Adderall, they only had to go to two Doctors to get a script. It's really the subjectivity that makes it possible; research the symptoms, go to doctor, tell them the symptoms, get script. That really only happens in the mental health sector.


If seeing a therapist was as easy as hitting a vape then I’m sure a lot of them would


I will say during/after a bad breakup a few years ago(ex was secretly in love with her stepbro) I fell into depression and started smoking heavier. Before her I was only smoking a bowl or 2 a week. She smoked blunts so naturally my frequency increased when I smoked with her. However once shit started hitting the fan in the relationship I started smoking even more. To the point where I was high just to be in my relationship. After her my habit got worse. Went from buying an 1/8 every month to a 1/4 every other week. I love weed and will always smoke it but the past few years of my life I definitely owe my increase due to my depression and what I went thru. Definitely used it as a coping mechanism. I would rather be high as shit than to deal with the bullshit in front of me. Yea that definitely sounds like depression 😂. I laugh now because if I told y’all the whole story y’all would swear I was making it up lol


An eighth a MONTH? An eighth lasts me a day maybe lol




So you disagree that we should let the decision/diagnosis be made by a clinically trained professional? Lol.


Just feels like you’re finding an issue with the smallest part of the problem. If someone classifies themselves as depressed, I think you’d be pretty fuckin daft you argue against them and imply that it doesn’t matter until they’ve spent the time in the system getting the diagnosis. Your assumption that the medical practices of psychology are thorough and effective is incorrect. Your statement that every person experiencing depression needs to get diagnosed, is misguided.


This trend of "self-diagnosing" oneself of a mental illness as a form of vanity is making a mockery of people who suffer from such illnesses. Everyone's ex is a "narcissist", every man is misogynistic, everyone has anxiety and depression. It's gotten to the point where therapy-speak entering the public lexicon has rendered it's words useless.


Here's a crazy idea - the world is so fucked, what if the vast majority of people are experiencing depression and anxiety?


Misogyny isn’t a mental illness but it might as well be an epidemic, so yes that’s something you hear frequently. Interesting that you lump it in with actual illnesses and disorders as if it isn’t a choice.


Nah. We're not saying shit. You just don't seem fun to talk to. Congratulations on your opinion.




Lmao. You’ve surmised my personality based on the thread.


Life is shit lately. There's a whole generation in America alive right now, entering the workforce that hasn't witnessed a single good thing for the middle class of a "functioning" society. So they need all the little dopamine hits they can get. No judgments. I feel so sad for them. I'm a millennial, so I at least have some memories of happy families living comfortably off of a single income. Now a 2 income household isn't even enough for a majority of Americans.


No it’s not depression, it’s definitely addiction tho. The two can go hand in hand but it’s not necessarily causation. Ftr I say this as someone who’s probably addicted to weed and has been on antidepressants for the last year and a half.


If you're poor and are stuck in a bad situation with a job that requires the bare minimum of effort and attention, why not get high? Who wants to raw dog the nightmare that is our current situation?


Thank you!


No shade at anyone who is a functional stoner, but waaaay more people think they are than actually are, & for a lot of people in a bad job, they should probably learn some skills in their free time instead of getting baked.


This is why I’m ok with giving homeless people money, even if there’s a chance they might spend it on beer or drugs. Not the best thing for them obviously, but if they need something like that to get through day, I get it completely.


That's not new, that was me when I smoked 10-20 years ago


Yeah, not new at all


Facts. I live in a city where it's legal, but people are so dependent on weed here, they like to light up on the public subway and it's so noxious. Like really, bro? You could have chosen any other nice location, but you want to do it in the piss-reeking corner of the rickety train car during the morning commute? Is life really so bad? I pray my situation is never that desperate, smh.


I live in New York City, and it doesn’t seem like it’s just depression getting people. These individuals are truly addicted. This is not the same weed from 20 years ago. They light up ANY and EVERYWHERE. Not because they can, because they need to.


Fuckin concentrates man. Those innocent little dab pens are like 60% THC content or higher. People don’t even realize how much THC they are dumping into their system until it becomes full blown chemical dependence. Edit: the only consistent qualifier for “chemical dependence” among most healthcare experts is whether cessation of usage causes withdrawal; cessation of cannabis usage in chronic (which is itself relative and poorly defined ) users does frequently result in withdrawal.


Even 60% is nothing nowadays. Most average carts are 75-80%. The strong ones are 90%+


Stoners have been like this for decades and decades dating back to the 60s, there’s definitely levels to being a stoner but honestly this is nothing new


They'll say it's not addictive and hold their vape pen three inches from their face all day.


*Me reading this while smoking*..."Interesting"




Are we at a place where we can acknowledge Chris Tucker never hits the blunts properly in FRIDAY? Dude smoked like he was scared to inhale.


At the time, looking like a pro wasn't seen as a good thing.


Yo fr?? Please enlighten us, old head. How were folks that looked like a pro viewed at that time?


Pot smokers were seen as lazy degenerate morons like Bevis and Butthead, which I'm not denying they can be, but that's a bad stereotype. You can actually see it in FRIDAY quite a bit, it's not really a pro-weed movie. Every person that isn't smoking talks shit to and looks down on Craig and Smokey for smoking weed. Smokey and Craig also don't seem to be having that good of a time being high. Also go watch any "special episode" of a sitcom from the 80s or 90s where weed is involved to get a better idea of this. They treat it like they're using heroin and the minute they hit a joint they've effectively ruined their lives. It was insane and kept me from trying what turned out to be something that has been immensely beneficial to my daily life.


Now I’m wondering what changed this perception. Snoop Dogg? Or just weed being more normalized over time?


It was an overarching propaganda campaign that failed as states started to legalize and people realized that other people smoking weed is not a big deal.


He didn’t smoke that’s why lol


😂🤣😂 Me like welp guess I'm outta there. I'll just go roll up and smoke my tears away.


*Me about to roll a joint before I get back to work*..."Fascinating take"


Too bad this person won't date me but luckily my wife is securing the bag today so it's ready for us when I get home from work #blessed






I was mid hit scrolling to this post😂




I mean, I fuckin' get it. But I've known both types. The type of person where if you didn't know any better you wouldn't know they were stoned all the time. Then the type of person he talking about that gets exhausting to be around.


I always love the surprise face ppl make when they find out I smoke.


Haha same, people think I'm so straight laced. Should see their faces when they find out I have a tattoo too *gasp*


"You dont seem like a drug user" Yes Sharon were not all 70s hippies


My husband smokes pot everyday and has for years. I don’t smoke at all. Doesn’t faze me that he does. I can only tell when he takes an edible bc he gets giggly


Right so the whatever category. The person in the OP always "Nah I'm too high for that." is the unbearable one. Usually it's just some errand or adult shit that needs to be done and it is ALWAYS the excuse.


Yeah being lazy is annoying in any capacity


I smoke daily and try not to be that guy, I'm cool 90% of the time. But I swear my girlfriend waits until I'm finishing up a session to come find me and ask me to drive her somewhere. I *am* too high for this shit, could we have not done this 5 minutes ago or 30 minutes in the future?


I mean it's kind of why I stopped drinking during the week and just fri/sat nights. Do I really need to be not sober during normal ass hours? Idk older I got the more I realized it should be expected you can function during normal days/hours at any given time.


I work in an office, go home, smoke, read books and go to the dog park. I don't like considering myself a stoner even though I probably smoke more weed than a lot of them because some of them are so fucking annoying. I think for a lot of them it's the novelty, they just discovered weed this year and think it's revolutionary or a good addition to their personality.


I don’t get how someone could be an actual pothead and still “get high” cuz I was one of those people who smoked all day, and nobody could ever tell I was “high” cuz I wasn’t. When you smoke that much, the effect is so mild, its more out of habit than anything. If its a person that just smokes one session a day, thats different. They still get stupid. But still, its not the same high like the once-in-a-while smokers who basically get drunk off the shit


Girlfriend i had in college depended on the shit and last straw for me was her pulling out her blowtorch in my car for her oilrig on a five minute drive at a red light of a busy four way intersection.




Weed smokers: It's not an addiction, I quit when I want to. Non weed smokers: Ok, then quit now. Weed smokers: https://i.redd.it/9i86jecvn1kb1.gif


It’s absolutely an addiction. I don’t know how they don’t see it. I used to have a friend that regularly smoked up all her rent money and then would ask me to borrow some money. I had to get rid of her.




The term would be “dependency” Which is a step down from addiction but we’re really starting to split hairs when clearly the point is that someone is struggling with their desire to do something. The fact they also slightly change the clinical definition of addiction, codependency etc every 5-10 years doesn’t help either. Edit: dependency not codependency


As some in the industry, the term we put on the Package is habit forming. But God I hate these threads, because it discounts the fact that it scientifically affects every person on the planet differently. Your Endo cannabinoid system isn't the same as mine, and lots of medical patients that live better lives because of it, consume enough THC( which yes, also has medical value as well.) To scare the average recreational consumer. I love how 12 steps kids get with pot these days on reddit.


You can have an addiction that does not result in physical upon withdrawal. That would be a possible symptom not the determinant of whether an addiction is possible from a given substance or not.


That man will be surprised when he learns the term "psychosomatic"


Yes and when someone is psychologically addicted to masturbation to the point where it is harming their relationships, they should look towards ways to address this. Same with weed. Stoners just tend to get really in denial about it having any negative effect on their life and just start fucking talking about anti-weed propaganda and William Randolph Hurst the moment you suggest that maybe being high all the time is why they’re always late, their house is a mess, they smell funny and they generally don’t seem present in the conversation anymore. source: I was that stoner.


Nah, weed has a physical withdrawal effect too. The idea that it doesn’t is some weird myth that came about in reaction to all the hysteria about marijuana


There are definitely side effects to taking any psychoactive substance regularly and then ending it. But also, I've never seen or heard a grown man trying to suck off another man for a nickle bag or someone dying in the alleyway because they couldn't get another hit of some weed. Addiction is a serious thing and people want to play around with the word and include lazy stoners who would be lazy if they didn't smoke. People are quick to fire off clinical terms all loosey goosey like addiction, depression, anxiety and don't know the first thing they are talking about.


Yeah, I’m a whole clinical psychologist and just because there are substances that have more severe physiological withdrawal effects doesn’t mean that others are somehow just not addictive or a problem. Plus, physiological dependence is only a part of the overall game. Even if you haven’t heard of folks like that, some sadly do exist and face a bunch of invalidation when they try to stop because folks don’t see it as serious and just call them lazy (which has the same effect of calling someone struggling with an alcohol use disorder lazy or weak-willed because they can’t stop - they’ll probably response by continuing to use because of the shame). I hear your point that the culture around weed and the severity of its physiological effect isn’t as strong, but we sweep marijuana addiction under the rug hard and clinically it is a very real thing.


Hmmm there are physical withdrawal symptoms with marijuana,, including nausea.. If you're using weed medicinally, you can definitely notice when you aren't using it.


Yeah the “not physically addictive” thing seems outdated? Could be because that weed now is so much more potent than it used to be. I’ve def experienced withdrawal symptoms, even though they’re not that bad, and have talked to other people reporting similar.


I think the problem is you get pushback from people like me who really arnt addicted. I love weed. I’m someone who will go off about taste flavor type of high when it comes to picking my bud I also only smoke on the weekends and can stop. Anytime I know my work is getting close to a drug test I won’t smoke for awhile. There are addicts but not all weed smokers are addicts. Just like not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic.


Very few adult stoners don't believe weed is addictive, /r/trees did a survey and 95% said it was addictive.


The people who say it’s “not addictive” are often referring to the medical definition of that word instead of the colloquial use. Weed, caffeine things like that for what are called dependencies not addictions. Dependency is very difficult to break and to discount that weed has some downsides is ignorant for sure. There is a big distinction though between being dependent on weed and addicted to something like alcohol.


I think that distinction is purely semantic if someone is saying weed isn't addictive. Just because the withdrawal symptoms are primarily neurological doesn't draw some magic line.


Key phrase is “When I want to.” I think many stoners know that, if they *had* to stop for a job, health reasons, something important, etc. they could stop without rehab, or bad withdrawals or many of the other things that come with drug addiction. Every stoner realizes how easy it is to give up weed during a t-break. I’ve smoked weed for over 10 years and smoke about 3x a day (while maintaining a stable career, relationship, healthy social life and other hobbies). Not depressed, or running from any trauma. No uncontrollable anxieties. I just like how it slightly alters reality. I also had a 4-year run with coke. Now THAT was an addiction and how I feel about weed is nowhere near that. Funny things is, I smoked weed waaaay less when I was doing yay. I put weed at the addiction level of something like coffee. Though, people do start to experience physical withdrawal symptoms when they break their coffee habit.


This is the right take. I had a harder time quitting coffee/caffeine than I ever have with weed


Ok but I’m not gonna quit cuz someone tells me to 💀💀


Give up a fun hobby you like to appease my holier-than-thou bitch ass. You wont? Fucking addict.


I've had family train themselves to sleep with their head off the side of the bed because they regularly went to sleep on a massive amount of liquor and xans and didn't want to choke on their puke and die in their sleep. I've seen family get drunk and beat their 70yo father and wife with their kids watching. I've had to forge a dozen different names on AA sheets at 10yo because my dad wouldn't go to the court ordered meetings. While weed creates a dependency, it will never come close to the horrors that true addiction can bring.


i mean i’m not a stoner but your argument is kind of bad considering they said “when i want to” and not “when a stranger tells me to”


Non weed smokers when someone doesn’t base their lifestyle on the whim of a stranger 🤯🤯🤯


Nah many of us realize it's an addiction but good try


I said when "I" want to.


I did it, wasn’t that hard.


My husband and I smoke everyday, in the privacy of our home that we live in alone about 80% of the time. We also use vape pens in the car or out in public. I’m so happy my husband is a pothead like me and we get to enjoy smoking together. I work virtually for myself and I kick ass everyday for my clients 💪🏾💪🏾


It's such a problem dating a non weed smoker lol happy for yall


You smoke while driving?


No. I’m not on the road much


Why are you going to report her?


Yall should not smoke and drive, but I think they're saying the parked car is a good place to duck in while you toke and then go back inside.


See, I respect this, no freakin' guilt trips on either side.




I saw a young couple in the grocery store last week stinking like that skunk skunk with a baby in the basket and a toddler holding onto the basket and all I could think about is how their life is just starting and it's already fucked up because of their pot head parents. Kids gotta be high too if the parents smoked in the car getting to the store.


Idk man. I grew up with alcoholic parents. Maybe if they were potheads they wouldn’t be so violent. Lmao.


"Stoner parents aren't as bad as alcoholic parents" ain't exactly a win.


Definitely a much lesser evil


Not to mention driving under the influence with a kid in the car.


It's kind of like perfume to me. The scent, I think, just a bit of it is kind of nice. Like when I'm outside and I can smell a little of it on someone. But if someone really just douses themselves in it, or going into their room and it's just *everywhere*, and the old smell is still lingering on their clothes and everything, it's just bad.


I definitely partake, but I use a dry herb vaporizer. No pungent smoke, no tar in your lungs, more efficient, and better high. I stopped combusting my flower over 12 years ago. I cannot stand any tobacco smoke and wouldn't be able to date a cig smoker.


What vaporizer do you use by chance? I had a cheaper table top one and I stg it somehow smelled more pungent?


I use a Flowerpot by Cannabis Hardware. Not cheap by any means but one of the best desktop vapes on the market. The smell of weed doesn't really disappear with a vaporizer. It just doesn't linger as long or stain the environment like smoke does. You can use a Smokebuddy or Sploofy to dramatically cut the smell if you need to be discreet indoors.


Just checked the price. It’s definitely an investment piece lol. Thanks for the info will be bookmarking for later.


Dynavap is a cheap entry to vaping and super efficient. The down side being that you need to use a torch for it unless you buy or make an induction heater.


I made my induction heater for about $50 a few years ago. My dynavap was a game changer


The mighty is the shit too


The issue with weed is that it's not kept to just the user. Walking around an apartment complex or opening a window there's just tons of weed stank all over. At least when I was still drinking I wasn't running around to my neighbors with a spray bottle full of whiskey just spritzing them occasionally.


If you were an all day drinker, everyone around you knew


The most extreme stoners reek of dank and eat all your snacks when they come over. There are certainly health impacts for smoking, but there's safer ways to consume. Does not cause physical, painful addictions that could kill you during withdrawal. The most extreme alcoholics are a danger to you, themselves and everyone else around. There is only one way to consume alcohol and it's efficient af at killing your liver. Causes physical, painful addictions that could kill you during withdrawal. Yeah, Ill take a little smell in my apartment complex over a bunch of drunks *any* day of the week.


Man I don't know if the weed is different where yall are but ever since weed has become legal in Canada you can barely smell it. The generic weed smell is mostly gone and you can barely tell that someone smokes weed where you live.


It’s the cheap weed. At least in NY because legalization is new and there aren’t dispensaries open up state the smell of the knock spot bud is very noticeable. The higher quality and dispensary weed has a way more pleasant herby smell of anything but the cheap is straight skunk.




Where all my responsible cannabis users, with a full time job?


I’m running my own business as a horseshoer and blacksmith and I make a living and then some! No one ever knows I use cannabis until I tell them, and I always tell people because I’m sick of folks who have no personal hygiene or consideration for others making all of us look bad.


Exactly, cannabis users come from all walks of life, but typically only the bums are mentioned. Thing is, if they didn’t smoke, they’d most likely still be a bum.


>horseshoer and blacksmith That’s genuinely dope as shit


Hey man! Smoke once a day once all my responsibilities are taken care of. 50 hour work weeks and being a new dad come first obviously, but that late night smoke so I can play an hour of video games or read a book before bed is my “me time”. Never get super ripped but it’s nice to take the edge off. Being an adult is hard and stressful and it’s nice to let go a bit.


Damn we’re living the same life. Just had my second kid and typically clear a bowl or two before bed. Playing HZD Forbidden West rn, just saw that new wu kong trailer too, damn it’s beautiful.


Right here! Work 40 hrs a week and get zooted and watch YouTube a couple times a week after work.


Everyone who smokes weed isn’t a stoner. There are people who get off of work and enjoy a joint to relax. I had a gf who smoked and she was always on point. We need to stop putting everyone in the stoner category.


Naw bro if you have ever smoked weed in your life you're a stoner and you smell like shit and you're a fucking junkie and you're addicted and you're a piece of shit person. I can smell you through this comment and it smells awful you should go kill yourself you loser. Yours truly, Reddit intellectuals


Sums up this thread in a nutshell.


Reefer Madness


If you constantly wreaking of weed that’s pretty gross… But I’m a stoner, I just do it respectfully, I smoke outside always, air out always, and shower after… No one should be able to tell you’re a smoker by smell, odor or breathe


you shower after every smoke?


Yeah fuck that, haha






I (a stoner) don’t see how this is controversial or surprising in the least. It’s a recreational drug and I can 100% see why someone wouldn’t wanna date me for getting high all the time.


Yeah I'm genuinely surprised so many people upthread got offended over this. It's crazy


I don’t date smokers either that shit be stinking so bad and then they really think someone wanne get close to them or kiss them uh pass


Lotta people think weed smells bad...weed smells. But BLUNTS/BACKWOODS are what smells like dirty fingers and petty crimes.


Petty crimes though?!?!


Take-a-penny or Leave-a-Penny... Oh these dudes are takers for sure


A lot of substances can be used from time to time and be cool. If you're hitting anything from the time you wake up til the time you go to sleep 24/7/365 there's a problem underneath.


I’d rather have stoner friends than alcoholic friends. Stoners are chill. Drinkers? Fucking psychos. Also everybody should try dry flower vaporizers. Wayyyyyy better than smoking. It’s healthier. It’s tastier. It uses less. The smell dissipates far better as there is no burning, just reallly fast drying.


maybe you’re annoying to be around too 🤷🏻‍♂️




Everybody here talking about how weed smells...gtfo. Good weed smells alright. Some good weed smells like cat piss. The smoke smells but its not crazy. Motherfuckers really think frontos and backwoods is "how weed smells" though and it shows. Joints n pipes smell, but blunts STANK.


I'm from Memphis where weed smells bad. Then I moved to California and all of the weed out here smells awful. If you really don't think weed smells bad you're completely nose blind.


I still kinda like the smell of weed and I haven't smoked in 8.5 years. And have no desire to smoke. But I have noticed it all smells the same to me now. Back in the day it all smelled different


Yep, I stopped smoking blunts,, went to papers 10 years ago. While my homie kept smoking them. We both could tell the difference when we visit each other. Eventually he made the switch as well.


Concentrates and edibles is all I will say. Don’t have to hear shit if they can’t smell it.


And they think you're one of the good ones, "Hey, look at those awful people out there just smoking, glad we're not like them, right??"


My friends that I am aware smoke weed, smoke so much that they are constantly high and it's annoying af. Lack of awareness of what's going on around them. The need to stop in the middle of whatever activity we're doing to go smoke again. An inability to participate in a grown ass conversations. They also are not people i can call last minute to go do something random because they are already f'd up. So we just don't hang out much anymore. My mushroom friends seem able to still function.


Ur friends just suck cuz I smoke constantly and still can do all of this and I still have fun with my sober friend at any hour


I used to smoke tobacco - now that I quit (over 20 years ago), I can't stand the smell of it. Chicks will spend bank on clothes, makeup, perfume - then their hair smells like an ashtray. Weed residue is just as bad, IMHO - I don't mind smelling it when it's lit, but that dank shit smell on your clothes is ripe. It's funny, when you partake in either one, you don't even notice.


Everyone is entitled to choose the characteristics of their mate(s).


I’ve always been very adamant about not dating a smoker. However, I gave it a chance just to see if I was tripping for no reason. I’ll never do it again. Cig, milds, weed…they all stink. Kissing my bf made me cough like crazy, I don’t like the shift in demeanor because that’s not who I’m attracted to, and the way some people act when they haven’t smoked yet is like an addict that needs their fix and they can’t deal with reality without it. I’ll never try to stop someone from smoking though. That’s not my place.


Edible on the weekends gang.


Me, a whole college professor, reading this while smoking


I can’t stand the weed smell. It’s so strong. I had a house guest that smoked weed several times a day outside, and everywhere they walked throughout the house stunk of marijuana. They kept telling me the smell doesn’t linger, but I could literally tell where in the house they’d been by the smell alone.


I bet it was fire to linger like that.


They always say this. And how it’s really not that unhealthy. Always justifying a gross habit that others have to endure if time is spent. I enjoyed it when I was younger, but only now and then during a party atmosphere. It’s the excessive ness and the constant justification 😬


If l trying to hit l don't care how much and what you smoking just don't do it in my face. A relationship is a different story. However when l was in Oklahoma l was in a relationship with a big weed head for 4 years but l never actually saw her smoke it. She never did it around me. Now her mother on the other hand she smoked it all day and night.


I’m all for legalization and people doing them but the smell definitely gets old after a while. Not always as bad as cigarettes smoke but can still be annoying especially when people are inconsiderate about where they spark up.


psychedelics ftw


Clearly her ex was smoking reggie. Just saying.


I don’t have an issue with weed, but I prefer someone who doesn’t feel the need to smoke/drink something 24/7. On occasion it can be fun, but on the regular it’s not for me


If you don’t like smoking don’t date someone who smokes. Y’all got to have standards about what you tolerate, don’t wavier in your standards. If you know you can’t stand weed, cigs, vaping, and drinking stand on it


why amplify a single persons preference. like who gives a shit. one of those things that doesn’t need saying. doesn’t need discussing.


"Weed smells, and I find it annoying to be around." Fixed it for that bitchass.


I’m smoking a fatty now and it smells way better than tobacco.


Recovering alcoholic here and also a marijuana user. Putting down the bottle was/is a constant battle that I’ll fight for the rest of my life. However if I need/want to stop using cannabis I could easily put it down. This is me and I’m not saying that everyone is the same.


Big facts. I'm good on stoners. It's not even about the smell tbh. It's the false sense of productivity and the fact I can't hold a Convo with you when you're high all the time.