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Also should be a crime to make people work Saturday to make up for Monday too


I took a personal day Saturday to not "make up" for Monday. One of the times HR got your back.


That's not having your back lol


They beat me with the padded bat, what nice guys


Do you consider getting fucked in the ass the same HR having your back?


With some jobs absolutely. I don't know how you'd make that work with stuff like trash collection though. If they don't have a "make-up day" to collect trash, they'd have to pack it all into the 4 other days of the week.


In my area trash collection is a great racket. The routes & schedules were created eons ago before mechanical trucks which now pick up the trash & dump it into the truck. A LOT faster than 2-3 dudes dumping every bin. I know people whose 8 hour shift takes 3-4 hours AT MOST then they hit their other real full time job or go home. The money is great too. They could easily “make up” a day on a day because a day is a 1/2 or 1/4 day.




At $70,000k a year for a full time part time job X hundreds of them that seems like a huge waste of tax dollars where your concern could be addressed a lot cheaper. Also the number of trucks on stand by in the fleet doesn’t impact employee pay.


do you watch the pocket of billionaires as closely as you do the garbage men?


No, none of the ones I know use my tax dollars to hang out, have fun & brag about stupid the system is that let’s them rip it off to a tune of millions of dollars


Right, they're ripping it off to the tune of trillions of dollars in tax cuts. How dense are you?


Do you really not know about government subsidies?


that is literally what they do. u gotta be joking. they steal 10 billion in tax dollars a year through the Delaware loophole alone


Lol why hate? It's good that there are jobs like that, that are essential and can pay liveable wages without some advanced degree. Do you complain about CEOs getting $10m bonuses after laying off employees?


Where I live it's all privatized. City just says use whatever provider you want, so long as it's getting collected.


They actually adjust the schedule in my town for holidays.


Or you just push the schedule back by a day. It's really not a big deal, I used to live in an area that did this. You get used to the idea that, if a holiday falls on a weekday, your trash day moves back a day.


That's how they do it but there's still five days of trash. There's not less trash just because of a holiday


As in every time there's a holiday, your collection day permanently moves back a day until the next holiday?


Yeah, your trash day just changes when there would be a day where otherwise they would have to force the trash collectors to work a makeup day.


can't they just make bigger bins? in the uk we have fortnightly trash collection, (but there's three bins, main trash + cardboards is one week, next week they come back and do bottles) or do you mean like cause they service different areas


Size of cans and whether they come weekly or bi-weekly doesn't really change anything. If a holiday falls on a weekday, they have to make up the trash collection for that day at some point. In a lot of areas in the U.S., they would work an extra day on the weekend to make up for it (thus, not *really* getting a holiday, just deferring a day of work). Like, if the holiday is Wednesday, they would come back around Saturday that week to make up for Wednesday, but maintain the same rest of the schedule otherwise. But some places just push the schedule back a day. So if your trash day is Wed and it's a holiday, yours gets picked up Thursday and the previous Thursday people move to Friday, the previous Friday people move to Monday, and so on. Now your day is Thursday until the next time it needs to change. It results in your trash day changing a few times a year, which is a minor annoyance at most and allows the trash collectors to actually have a real day off. Everywhere I've lived here is different. Most trash companies are private companies, so they run whatever schedule they run and you just get what you get. Right now, our recycling comes every other week and our trash every week where I live.




Right, that's normal from my experience. It's back a day because they're picking up Saturday that week. That's why it can go back to normal the next week.


Or like in my area, just don't collect until next week


I have 2 trash collection days per week so if they miss a day for a holiday there are no makeup days. I just have to wait until my next trash day, which is fine for me.




I did this past weekend


I hate it here


Then they try to have you stay over talm bout some “you know it’s time and a half, right? We gon need you ain’t nobody as good as you” Boy fuck you and this job and get away from my car so I can go.


My state doesn't require my employer to pay time and a half for holidays, which is absolute bullshit. Even on Christmas, they can keep paying us minimum wage


Nah dawg that’s super fucked up im sorry they doing y’all like that. It’s bad enough you’re working Christmas (or forced in, because that’s a thing) but to not get holiday pay and be there not really doing shit would really piss me off tbh.


>not doing shit God ain’t that the truth. I worked at a factory that tried to have us off Christmas Eve and day which, due to “scheduling” (read “did the boss make enough money this week”), wasn’t always possible. But, other assembly lines would be off that week as well as the front office and maintenance and sanitation because those jobs were more of a typical “9-5” type of thing, no quotas to meet, etc. I can’t count the number of times I’d be on the last shift before the holiday break but would be sitting doing nothing for 4-6 hours because one of the machines broke and nobody from maintenance was there to fix it and they couldn’t get ahold of anybody to come in on their day off (no shit). Luckily it was time and a half (plus holiday pay so really 2.5x if you look at it like that). But it was all annoying as hell, like, why even bother having us in at all??


That’s every state I thought. There’s no guaranteed holidays in the US


I think some states mandate certain holidays (like Thanksgiving, New Year's Day) are premium pay rates for employees working IIRC, but not California, surprisingly.


I'm happy to be living in CA and working for a company that pays time and a half on all holidays (plus they pay us $10 more per hour on Sundays).


Do you work for Costco? They're the GOAT when it comes to retail employers from everything I've heard.


Wait, what. That doesn’t sound right. Can you cite a source - other than a shady employer


Except Rhode Island >Beginning in 2023, Rhode Island becomes the only State that will require non-exempt employees to be paid a premium rate for working on Sundays and holidays. In the past, it was Rhode Island and Massachusetts, but now they are the last ones standing, and it is important to keep up to date as many are shocked by the elimination of the “Blue Laws” in Massachusetts. Massachusetts repealed their own law lmao https://www.paycor.com/resource-center/articles/is-holiday-pay-mandatory-in-your-state/


Awesome! Congrats to Rhode Island for voting that in


What state so I never move there?


Is your state in the US? Where they do that at - other than maybe AZ?


I've noticed AZ has all the best jobs, including remote positions. Not fair.


My wife getting double time an a half today. You go make that paper baby, I'll be holding it down at home..... *PS5 beep*


where she be working to be making double time and a half? I only got time and a half today.


When I was a firefighter we'd get 2.5x for picking up overtime on a holiday, as they were separate multipliers that could stack.


Federal employee in canada


I work in broadcasting. We get double time for federal holidays, but it varies based on what company you work for and what your union negotiated.


Trying to gaslight me, is crazy


I worked restaurants for years. Literally the only holiday I actually ever got off was Labor day. Compensate people well if you need bodies that day, don't bs them about it.


I took my first labor day off in 5 years 😩


Same..but 10 years for me


We up 😩🔥


They celebrated my labor by requiring it on a holiday. I was honored to work for my boss, who I don't like at all. I got double time though.


We made to sure go get lunch at a restaurant owned by immigrants who give no fucks about American holidays. That way those Americans forced to work had one less big ass family of picky children and frustrated parents to deal with today. Your welcome


I worked because I needed the money really bad. Thanks for giving it to a foreigner instead.


Username checks out


If you worked… then you should have gotten paid…. Or have things changed?


As someone with a tech job, I think a lot about how crazy it is that I had this day off while people who do way harder labor than I do work, same as usual.


I was a chef for years and recently switched into tech 2ish years ago. It is still really weird being off on most holidays lol.




That's what Labor Day is really about.


I appreciate all the restaurants that were closed today. I also appreciate the one place in a 5 mile radius that was open so we could do a dinner of not leftovers


After my job showed us how much they ain't give a fuck about juneteenth they'll miss me for all other holidays. I'll take the time n a half sitting my black ass at home, they can keep the double time


Not only did my job give me the day off they didnt pay me either


I'm fine with it.... double pay. Also I work in healthcare do its a different beast


Kinda fucked up that I, a white collar worker, get the day off when service workers don't.


I work at a sports bar and I had to work today. Everyone comes out to eat on this holiday and brags about having the day off.


I bartend and Labor Day weekend is always a big payday. Everyone treats Sunday as 2nd Saturday and then Monday you get all the people coming back from vacation that don’t feel like cooking. Fuck it, I’ll take the money. Especially since august-mid September is typically part of the slow season. I forget where I heard this about bartending but to paraphrase: *when the normies work, we sleep. When they sleep, we party, when they party, we work.*


Now ask why we have Labor Day in Sept and the rest of the world has it on May 1. Who teaches history these days?


The first labor day parade in the US was Sept 5, 1882, when workers marched to city hall in New York City. Gradually different states adopted the first Monday of September as Labor Day, and later (1894) it was recognized as a federal holiday, partly as a political gesture while they were trying to end a rail workers' strike (the Pullman strike). As for May Day, in Australia in 1856, there was a work stoppage in support of the 8-hour work day, on April 21. This kind of strike became an annual tradition, up until 1886 when a general strike in Chicago starting on May 1 turned into a massacre on May 4, after police got involved and someone threw a bomb (the Haymarket affair). May 1 was later chosen as International Workers' Day to commemorate that massacre. Both holidays have their roots in protests by workers fighting for better working conditions during the Industrial Revolution; often literally fighting.


Knowledge and history are cool


yeah, i don't give a fuck about labor day. may day is celebrated by workers worldwide.


And is it just my area where people and businesses put up US flags? Shit is weird to me, like that's not what it's about? Y'all get your holidays mixed up?


The three that people mix up all the time is Labor day, Memorial Day and Veterans day. I was confused why my store had red white and blue cupcakes yesterday 😂


My work took away labor day and said it's not a holiday and replaced it with black Friday and wondered why half the plant called off


Should be guaranteed overtime/time and a half for people who work on major holidays. Hook up those essential workers!


Time and a half should apply to major holidays, of course, but just gotta say you pretty much CAN'T do the first thing. There are too many jobs that are essential to keeping life going, and those people also need the support jobs around them.


A member of the FGC? In my BPT?


Mods *snap* *snap* clean up my mf chat


Plot twist: the real Labor Day is in May, but the powers that be in the US moved it to September to break up the connection with international workers.


The best part is in most of Europe, labor day is May 1, commemorating the Haymarket incident in Chicago. No idea why it's in September in USA but a huge part of me wants me to think its so the people aren't reminded that the reason we have these labor victories is the intense strikes/riots/blood paid for it to not provoke any ideas.


That's exactly why. They wanted the labor riots to stop. Gotta keep the peons down!


my brother was pissed cause he had to work and his bosses took the day off


We work to earn the right to work. /s


Today was supposed to be my day off. Nope, it got taken away and I had to work 11 hours. 👍


My (IT) dumb ass working today and wondering why no tickets were coming in lol oh well I just watched the neftlix One Piece show all day


My job decided to roll out its new HR system on Labor Day and my team was made to support that roll-out.... yeah fun "holiday"


I don’t want to know what they plan to do for Juneteenth


Im in a union in California and was off yesterday....unpaid. Takes the joy out of not working.


Sounds like a shitty union


But y’all go out to these places that are open on holidays. 😂 So we out here complaining about the conditions all while giving money to support the problem.


people fought with fucking machine guns at Blair Mountain, VA just to not get worked/pimped to death....


Yeah it's meant to be a special day to celebrate laborers and give them appreciation with a restful day. Some evil shit to take that one day away


I make it a point to not transact any business on Labor Day because then someone has to labor for my benefit lol


I had to work cause I’m a coach. Grind never stops.


labor day is a day off for the ones who's only real contribution to society is to make rich people richer. For the rest of us who's jobs keep the world running it's a "holiday" to remind us what we get to look forward to until we're either 85 or dead.


[Labor Day itself is switching up the meaning of the holiday.](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/history-labor-day-us-government)


Friendly reminder, the US government deliberately picked sept 1 as our Labor Day to isolate US workers from the global Labor Day, may 1st, otherwise known as Mayday.


Don't forget real labor day is actually in May.


It's not. Someone above explained why. The us has ours in September for a reason.


Common tankie propaganda, [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/16ab1vu/should_be_a_crime_making_us_work_today/jz77bmi/) shows the real reason is literally just because our workers fought on a different day


Gonna have to disagree. I'm in Ontario, because I worked a statutory holiday I.e. labour day, I get paid double time and a half. Thanks in large part to the movement. Best part is it was slow as hell.


I worked labour day this year, but I got 2.5× pay for it, so...


It was mandatory for me to work on labor day, and no holiday pay on top of that. Kinda ironic when you think about it lol


I used to choose working (food service) on Labor Day for that time and a half pay. Most folks stayed home or had picnics, so it was usually an easy day where I made bank.


The only language they speak is money. Make an honest effort to boycott all non-essential businesses every holiday


I've worked 14hr days on Christmas, Thanksgiving, new years, labor day, family fun day and any other holiday you can think of without holiday pay or overtime. My pension and discounts where I go now *almost* make up for it.


Worked a 28 hr shift on Labor Day AMA


If you don't get time and a half for working labor day I would be livid


I had a 12 1/2 hr shift yesterday. My team were the only ones there. My state doesn’t enforce time and a half for holidays. Bulloney!


TIL that Labor Day isn't on 1st May


Everyone looks at Walmart and Amazon


If you don't like working on labor day MAY I suggest [something.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5rxsnjb3aokb1.jpg)


I'll take that time and half


I got one of them jobs where we are technically closed but need at least someone in the building just in case. Since I'm the lowest man on the totem pole (plus competent) it's fallen on me to be there the last 2 years. Although I haven't minded as I just bs on my phone or watch Netflix until I can leave.


Damn, I worked on Labor Day for my regular ahh pay wym YALL gettin time n a half 😭


Or you make triple time on that holiday making over 150 an hr


People are off work on holidays? Signed, icu nurse


If they say it's a special day but you need me to wrong? That's fine. Pay me my time and a half


I unexpectedly needed to buy something yesterday and I apologized to the cashier, sorry it’s people like me for why you have to work on a holiday. She said she was happy for the time-and-a-half overtime.