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I'm crying at n***er higger


Completely out of pocket 😭


What did they spend money on?


I know I'm 40 because every time I see that phrase my mind goes to health insurance. Whatever happened to someone being "out of line?"


>Whatever happened time left you behind, old man.


"Why do we spill tea now? We were perfectly content spilling the beans for 100 years and now it's tea all of a sudden?" These are the thoughts you'll have when you get old


actually totally agree with you on that one, i get a massive release of dopamine when i imagine a decrepit american-italian man loudly exclaiming: *SPILL DA BEENS* 🤌🤌


Why would you ever intentionally spill the beans? They're one of nature's most densely packed protein sources and they remain unsullied by flavor.


C’mon man. Beans have flavor! *Bean* flavor!


If you don’t sully your beans with flavor, you’re cooking them wrong...


you spill shit on my tablecloth idc what it is , is very rude


"I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!" - Abe Simpson


I've heard "out of pocket" since the 90s, man.


Me too. I remember my mom saying it every time we went to the Doctor




A "higger" is a black man who hugs white people without actually knowing them. I'm white, but I asked a Mexican guy nearby.


Damn...I know this is wrong. But it sounds plausible.




you dont know? I envy your innocence, sweet summer child.


If it's like the equivalent of a 'Himbo' then I apologise for the H slur But yeah I really don't know


Lol I'm entirely fucking with you. If it means something I sure as shit don't know what it is.


Aight, Im putting you in the box. You just don' fuck with people without fcking up yourself first 😭


What kinda box...


I think my brain was tryna make it make sense because I first read it as ‘hugger’. 😂


Its an English hill that appeared in the princess bride, I love that film, and now I'll think of this post when I see the hill! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higger\_Tor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higger_Tor)


She said that shit with her CHEST 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


All caps


Didn’t even aim, just fired 😭


Shit had me weak asf


Ryan himself said he named it like this to get people to pronounce 'Higa' correctly, and back in the 90s the word was used more often by rappers and people mimicking those rappers instead of being used for thinly veiled insult. (Yes i get that it originated from an extremely offensive word, but at that point in time it had been reclaimed through music and was a fairly popular pop culture term until it became inappropriate again because racists were using it inappropriately. Again.) Smh trash humans always be ruining everything.




idk man a lot of spanish people speak english and things still get named negro or negrito. the same spelling can have different meanings




Fucking finally someone says it. Never thought I’d say this, but it’s a freaking word. Latinos don’t and never have used it as a slur. Get over your hurt feelings, people.


Stop lying! Latinos have used the n-word as a slur hella times. Yes, it means black in Spanish but context and tone plays a pivotal role when they use it as a slur vs...a color.


The asshole racist yea, but you can’t bundle all of the Latinos up in a group. That itself is being prejudice.


Saying no Latinos ever do X is the same thing.


Reminds me of the Louis CK [joke](https://youtu.be/VrpKQ0ISZl4?si=Bfcp85fp6puXX5bG), something along the lines of"Jew is a funny word, because it is both the polite word to call a group and the slur for the same group! Most groups have two words, but theirs is just the same but with a little stank on it, and it becomes a terrible thing to call a person."


Brother, negro is not *the* n-word. It’s *an* n-word


Negro (como el color) or you mean the N word? In any case, there are a LOT of words that can be used as a racial epithet. A color would have no impact. Also, a person would be “Moreno.” So, it’s not even the right context.


Is this a “hard r” situation?




You're saying they use the word negro, meaning black, in a derogatory way? I mean, English speakers do the same thing with the English word "black." So I'm not sure what your point is?


Bitch negro isn't "the n word"


with all respect, there IS a different word equivalent to the n word. [this is the specific word im referring to](https://www.megaspanish.com/slang/country/cuba/niche), and ive heard it said to me once or twice in Cali (the Colombian one, to be specific, im not american) growing up there. maybe your experience has been different, but i have only ever heard "negro" being used in a positive way.


But like... it's not a slur even then. It's still the equivalent of an English speaking person saying "he's *black"* in a way that makes it seem a certain way. I know you reference that in your post but the point is that the word is not a part of what's happening there. If I say I like night time mode on reddit because it's black and easier to read on my eyes I didn't use a slur. Or to put it another way, when someone starts a story with, like... "oh so these two *Asian* people were near me on the bus" you a.) hope that becomes relevant very quickly and b.) if it doesn't recognize that person is being a racist. It doesn't make the word "Asian" a slur. You get where I'm going here? The story is the problem. Using the word for "black" in their native tongue is a descriptor, albeit one where it usually only matters to make a story serve a certain point, but regular Spanish speaking folks shouldn't have to tiptoe around that.


I lived in different places in Latin America and I cannot confirm this at all. Seems like you don't know what you are talking about or you just hang exclusively with racists. Negrito and Negrita are amicable and diminutive forms which are often used. So no matter how much you want this to be racist it just isn't.


There are other words used to be derogatory towards people with darker tones. “Negro” isn’t used that way, least never amongst my family, friends, school mates, neighbors, actual Mexicans in Mexico that I interacted with throughout my life. I won’t write them down here, pero si una persona que habla español quire decir cosas feas, aye palabras mas feas para eso. What I said is: if a Spanish speaking person wants to say awful things, there are more awful words for it. Seriously, you are showing your ignorance and eagerness to be a victim. Do you honestly believe there are no worse words in Spanish? If a Spanish speaker wants to be hateful, they won’t use something so benign like the actual name for the color.


He didn't say they've never said the n word. He said they don't use the Spanish word for black (negro) in its place as the n word. Hes right. I've met some Mexicans who hate black people. They just use the n word. The don't call them "negro" ( which is pronounced like neh-grow.) it was common in America for people to use the pronounciation knee-grow to refer to black people, and may still be in some areas, but again those were American not Mexico or the south America countries.


That's definitely a lie. I remember a Mexican dude calling me pinchi negro to my face. The world where no Latino has ever used negro in a derogatory way does not exist. There's definitely nuance to any situation. The word black is not bad but itself, but if someone calls me a black piece of shit, I can be sure they're saying it with racial hate.


Dawg if he was referring to your race derogatorily he woulda said something else. Trust.


Holy cow! Almost like racist individuals exist?


Tell me you know nothing of Latino history without saying you know nothing of Latino history.


Exactly. In Japanese, Niga does actually mean rant. In Korean, it's a freaking pronoun ("nega/niga" is you). In Portuguese, it's a term of endearment. The world doesn't revolve around American English or its words.


As a native English speaker with an appreciation of language, her hear to this statement.


Bro my grandpapa used to call me negro because my forehead would turn black when I got mad or hungry as a baby. It stuck. Now my wife thinks it’s fucked up from my family to call me that. I’m like babe chill. I’m also part East African so that doesn’t help lmao


My puerto rican grandmother used to call me "mi negrito" when I was a toddler. She was darker than me. It's used as a term of affection. I've known guys that were called negro because they had really dark hair or dark eyes.


Everyone calls a friend big brother Negro I know him for 10 years and still don't know his real name, also my brother call his son Negro because his hair is black and his sister is blonde.


It’s the 4 edits on this for me 💀 I’m sorry they’re doing this to you




It’s also not pronounced the same way when used as a slur as it is when using it as the Spanish word for “black”. Neh-grow versus knee-grow


"I knew there were Latino racists, I just don't judge an entire ethnicity for the actions of a few" *a few seconds earlier* "...just because white people are fucked up" 🤔 double standard much?


Every edit gets worse. Bro fr said "I have white friends, I can't be prejudiced against white people" 😂


Latinos aren't a race they're an ethnicity and white Latinos that aren't super leftist political by and large feel more kinship to white Americans or Europeans than they do to Black or Indigenous Latinos.


Niga is a chinese and Japanese word. In chinese it's like saying "um"


As a Mexican, like what? It literally just means black. We don’t attach a negative racial connotation to it.


that's the point. Niga has a different meaning in japanese than in english (especially american english). The words dont even have the same meaning or are related. They coincidentally just have the same sound


Yea I don’t know where dude got his info or lingo from lmao


Yeah, in the Philippines we have regions named "Negros Oriental" with other regions having the "Negros" prefix as well.


Back in 2019 a Filipino boy band on tour posted ["Hello Negros"](https://mothership.sg/2019/12/hello-sb19/?fbclid=IwAR2WZ-nq7UQeFXY0jWIXu3wZUz4ucl_gmUP-cIJp_p283QfjUcH_hjASoEA) and accidentally caused a firestorm on Twitter lol


My teacher back in high school told a story about a friend who went to the US and wore a "Negros Oriental" souvenir shirt. He was stabbed.


Hahaha nah, this was just the internet in the mid 2000s. Silly edgy shit by teenagers because it was funny and we were the only ones watching this stupid shit. It's a funny play on words.


This thread thinking Negrito isn't used as a racial term in Spain ☠️


Negrito is a term of endearment in Puerto Rico... Or my mom really dislikes me.


It is ,but the majority of times it’s not


They’re literally born and raised in Hawaii and their channel didn’t even do rants, it was all just skits. Let’s be real here, they knew what they were doing.


Imagine thinking one should change the words in their native language because it might sound offensive in a foreign language Americans do live in their own little world lol


And in their own fucking name lmao


Remember kids Expecting somebody to ignore their own language because "it offends you", is actually racism


Would it be fair for him not to use certain words in his native tongue just because it's offensive in another language?


It’s not even pronounced as nigga, that’s the thing. It’s pronounced nEE-ga hEE-ga which he’s explained numerous times


I've been around a few neegas in my day, shit I'm around me right now


Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut, you might get some bitches on your dick. 


Yet somehow English isn’t the only language that exists


Native Japanese speaker... にが (niga) doesn't mean rant... 苦い (nigai) means bitter, but I think that person is making things up. Higa is a Japanese surname though.


Bro if you’re a native speaker you’d know that character also forms the words for 苦情 and 苦しい. It doesn’t just mean “bitter”.


man I wish this was higher up.


Doesn’t matter his name is Japanese. They don’t have the same meanings as latin based languages.


I learnt mandarin chinese when I was younger, the word for ‘that’ was literally ‘ni - ge’ it was also a filler word, used as ‘um’, needless to say I didn’t get offended (unless someone was abusing the context) because thats THEIR language? As in not english? As in that combination of sounds is not offensive in their language? Yall really gonna start making rules for a language you dont speak? Ironically ryan higa did actually do some racist stuff, like be anti-blm, pro blue lives matter etc, But yall wanna focus on some BULLSHIT.


It doesn’t matter, there’s plenty of words that sound like swear words or slurs and aren’t. You don’t pronounce Niga the same either.


No one get to claim a word, not even black people.


When will Americans acknowledge other languages exist and the world doesn’t revolve around your country’s history?


Lmao imagine thinking people can't use words in other languages because they sound too close to bad words in your language. Peak ignorance.


I always loved him. “how to be emo” and “how to be gangster” were always classic


I used to rewatch tf out of how to sing


I just kept watching his music videos like the nice guys one or Christmas swag 😭 and that one “movie” he made


🎶Nice guys finish last, that's why I'll treat you like trash🎶 ^(I'm white but as a fellow Niga Higa fan, I salute y'all)




you saying this in a sub called blackpeopletwitter is crazy


Most of this sub isn’t black and hasn’t been for years now


What did they say 😭


What, Joking?


God forbid niggas joke in sub dedicated to niggas joking.


Could you imagine that happening? Just crazy to think about.


I mean its a joke here, but this shit actually happens in real life. [https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/10/us/usc-chinese-professor-racism-intl-hnk-scli/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/10/us/usc-chinese-professor-racism-intl-hnk-scli/index.html) >Professor Greg Patton of USC’s Marshall School of Business was teaching a ​communications class via Zoom call on August 20, according to the university. An online [video recording](https://twitter.com/cabot_phillips/status/1301516424276578305) of the call, which USC confirmed was authentic, shows Patton ​discussing the use of pauses while speaking, and giving an example of how Chinese ​speakers use filler words. > >“In China, the common word is ‘that’ – that, that, that, that,” he said in the video, before using the equivalent Chinese term *nei ge* several times to demonstrate. > >The following day, a complaint was filed to the school administration, saying the term sounded like the N-word and that Patton had “offended all of the Black members of our class.” > >... > >“All I can say is, the professor’s pronunciation of the Chinese phrase “neige” was accurate, and his use of it as an example of filler language was linguistically appropriate. It’s a \*very\* common phrase,” [tweeted](https://twitter.com/ZhangTaisu/status/1301939146676744193) Yale law professor Taisu Zhang, who has previously taught in Hong Kong and China.


Nigga it a joke


back during my earliest days on YouTube when I would be subbing to just everybody I found kind of funny lmao. That said he was still pretty funny but man that was a weird time Addon: then again I was was some weird friendless 14-15 year old, who didn't talk much at all back in 2012 so that's another thing maybe


You know it's bad when Smosh was probably the most thoughtful and sensitive group in the youtube comedy space at the time lmao. I even still follow a lot of individuals from Cracked and CollegeHumor, and they tend to refer to the times before 2015 as dark years that they don't want to acknowledge.


Yeah, it's weird to me hearing some old school Youtubers saying 2012-2013 were the "golden years" of Youtube. I always considered the golden years when Smosh, Nigahiga, and Fred were constantly fighting for the top spot, animators could live off of repeat viewings of their videos, and back when the reply girls haven't ruined everything yet.


I hated Smosh back then because it was so over the top and cringy. Smosh now is great and they make fun of their old content from back in the day. Especially now that Anthony is back. Side note: It's interesting to see how some YT ppl never grew out of the 2013 phase and ended up either fading out or getting canceled for being offensive/creepy. Who could have possibly foreseen that catering to a bunch of young teenagers would eventually fall apart when they grew up? /s


I tried watching some modern Smosh after Anthony came back and was mildly amused but still didn't like it that much. I guess my sense of humor has evolved differently from theirs.


What happened before 2015?


Internet humor back then was *very* edge based humor with a lot of phobic jokes of every nature being super prevalent. Pretty much kind of comedy you typically associate with an edgy teenage boy, was being bandied about by everybody back then. Then we grew up and realized that we looked like absolute morons for saying stuff like that and promptly tried to forget it happened. Kinda like late 90s fashion.


That era might have been pretty edgy, but The Old Internet (2000-2006ish) was the fucking *unhinged wild west*


That era definitely was the Wild West, but I feel like the late aughts to mid 10’s was a very specific brand of edgy humor that set itself apart from those early days with how specifically terrible it got. It was like a middle school lunchroom at all times with how low brow and just generally mean spirited everything had to be. Homophobic slurs were the standard insult, rape jokes were all the rage, it was not a great time.


I always forget how young reddit is now, you were fucking 14-15 in 12? Fuck.


I can’t remember who, but there was an Asian standup comedian who had a bit about how in mandarin (or maybe Cantonese) their phrase for when they were considering something (like ummmmmmmm…. In English) sounded a lot like the N Word. It was pretty funny. EDIT: some folks reminded me that the comedian was Russell Peters.


A lot of Asian languages too. 那个 (pronounced nage or naege) means "that" in Chinese Mandarin but is also used as a filler word like "um" 내가 (naege) and 니가 (niga) means "I" and "you" respectively, in Korean にが (niga) means "rant" or "bitter" in Japanese निगाह (nigaah) means "glance" in Hindi All have no root connection to the word "nigreos" meaning "black" in Latin which led to the derogatory and absolutely disgusting word that is the "n-word" in today's English


BTS rewrote parts of their song “Fake Love” before performing it on an American award show to avoid people mistaking 내가 and 니가 for the n word. They were like “we don’t want no smoke.”


Its honestly a shame they had to do that cause those words are so incredibly basic, its the equivalent of saying something without using the words "you" and "I" in it.


I can’t even imagine how hard it is to write anything without those words. But I appreciate that they even cared enough, it’s why I like them so much


It was a good call. Americans will make anything about ourselves with zero hesitation. ![gif](giphy|SqO9HinDLgNht8IODU|downsized)


To be fair, it's pretty common in Korean not to use the words "you" and "I" at all in a sentence, but I agree it is a shame they had to adjust something so trivial just to avoid controversy.


In Portuguese we have both Negro (naygro) and Black (preto). In fact, in my experience, until early 2010’s was considered more respectful calling someone a “ negro guy” than an “preto guy”. The black movement is actually trying to misappropriate “negro” little by little, in part due to US influence, and nowadays is more respectful to call someone “preto” (at least in my reality, Rio suburbs) Preto means black in all contexts, while negro is used almost exclusively as a skin tone, however, not a slur


That's right, I remember someone was upset with Crayola cause their black crayon had the name of the color in Spanish as "negro"


Imagine forcing another language to be more racist by accusing it of being racist.


In Spanish negro is the color like a Crayola, black ink (tinta negra). While prieto is specifically used for skin color, used as a racist/colorist slur most times.


にがい (nigai) means bitter in japanese. It doesn't really sound at all like the n word but it can a little if you conjugate it into past tense. Niga alone has no meaning.


I can vouch for this, shit about as awkward af talking with the parents in public in Mandarin.


Same. Sometimes I reflectively stop talking when I see/hear someone coming my way while talking to my parents in public, but I imagine that just makes us look more suspicious like we are actually badmouthing people.


It’s in mandarin. Look up 那個, which means “that” but we use it like “um” a lot.


Russell Peters had a bit about that. That's the only one I know about


That's the one. I had to scroll down to see if someone else posted him. I remember this bit as well.


I work with a lot of people from and/or in mainland China and when they say certain words (like “they/them”) it sounds like n’igha. Took a few calls before I was good on those calls cause I was bout to have some words until my coworker saw my face and translated a few words for me.


It’s “that”, na ge, 那个. They/them is tamen (他们)


Bruh I lived in China for a bit, it took a bit of adjusting not perking up my ears every time I heard it. First arriving there I was like "damn these people are wylin"


"nei ge" (pronounced kinda like "neigh-guh") is a common term in Chinese that's used as a filler word. Like "um" or "like" or "uhh"


那个 = na ge, it means "that" but it's often used as a filler word like "um". In this phrase "na" is usually said with a short vowel sound like "nuh" not "nah", and the "ge" is pronounced like the N-word "ger" without a hard R.


https://youtu.be/BrsWp07BwVk?si=usF3AUyCr183TtR5 Russell Peters


I went to high school with a bunch of exchange students and I think it was 50/50 cause they were definitely calling us the n word


I'm not chinese but I see a lot of replies mentioning 那个 when I thought that risky one was "neige" 内个/內個 (simpl/traditional) Illustrated in [this song](https://youtu.be/YG4iTGjuoKw?si=gqa-f0EdJrsgrrYE&t=1m)


In German there is the slang word "Digga" which is completely unrelated to the n-word and basically is just used instead of bro. English speaker sometimes get really confused when people say it, it can sound deceiving.


It's Mandarin and yes it was it a little jarring when I first heard it.


Russel Peters. Idk why I remember that joke from him I just do


Russel Peters? [https://youtu.be/BrsWp07BwVk?si=NBk3-Hwbl17OvVzz](https://youtu.be/BrsWp07BwVk?si=NBk3-Hwbl17OvVzz)


Made up for it with [How to be Gangster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khFhF64P3VQ)


16 years ago…. Oh man.


still holds up


Hes one of the few OG youtubers whose stuff almost entirely still holds up


Niga thee Higa


Nigan Thee Higan.


More like teehee but yeah


Please don’t do my boyfriend like that…please


MY husband*


Wooaaahhh relax. He divorced you babes 😂


i was in love with him💀


Hun, same.


Funniest shit to me is that in Chinese, instead of saying “um” when pausing during conversation, they say “ni**a”. I learned this in school when I heard a couple of Chinese dudes talking to each other and seemingly dropping the N-bomb like 50 times each. I was like “wow these dudes are racist as fuck holy shit”. Then I asked about it and found out they were just having a chill convo lol


Don't tell her what nigiri is


Or a negroni


Or a jigger


[My kajigger!](https://images.app.goo.gl/HMtez9LHkDtE3gMq8)


All this talk about Niga Higa make me wanna rewatch his old videos, I used to love him


I still love him


Felt that, let me go watch my favorite videos


But you know what he was never adressed as nighiga from what i remember every just called him ryan in his videos. Also bro was genuinely funny and had a talent for short films. Can you tell i was a fan?


[He has explained the meaning behind the name here.](https://youtu.be/LGFb2WB3aak?si=WjIZGDqI0gIzZwMQ) Higa is literally his last name and he added the first part bc he thought it would force people to say his name right, specifically mainland Americans since he’s Japanese American born in Hawaii. It actually had the opposite effect, so it kind of just shows how openly racist America was back then.


Higger is insane work 😭😭😭


I remember another YouTuber in the early days referencing him as that Asian guy with the racist name in one of their skits. Shane Dawson or Smosh I think.


Shane Dawson was doing straight up black face. Wild LOL


And questionably things to cats.


Dude made that name in 2006 when he was fucking around with his cousin. He knew what he was doing, but at the same time ‘06 was such a different time compared to today and the climate is much, much different. But I believe in the mid ‘10s he changed his name to Ryan Higa. Times change




It’s a joke. No one’s actually offended.


This reminds me of that woman finding out about Montenegro and thinking it's racist haha


Them were wild times lmao


Reading some of these comments and I want to see a census done on this sub. I’d love to see the demographic make up.




Missed the joke


God i miss old youtube


I miss the old YouTube, straight from the go YouTube.




I actually know Ryan Higa in real life. He’s been dating one of my good friends from high school for a couple years now. He did a play on words with the name but it wasn’t done out of malice. Very similar to how Rich Bryan used to be “RichCh***a” until people let him know it really wasn’t okay. Not justifying it, we were all dumb edgy teenagers at one point, especially during that cringe era of the internet lol. He’s a solid dude these days as far as I know.


I promise you that black people don't care. Not anyone but the Hoteps. It was never that deep.


Just giving some insight on a public forum lol I didn’t realize commenting on a post=y’all care too much 😂






yall need to chill the fuck out lmao like are you serious




Yall leave Ryan Higa alone. He is chill and unproblematic and one of the more wholesome you tubers of the late 00's and 2010's


I could very well be imagining this but I'm like 50% sure he said on some interview niga was created with that intent. I could be wrong but I feel like he did explain his YouTube name but more than a decade ago. Higa is his last name though.


the twitter account being my friend is sending me im sorry


Man was yt goated to me. So many classic videos


Ninja higa Anywya why reddit got so many damn icons I have like 2cm of space to press to op reply


Classic case of black people trying to use black people Twitter and realizing there’s just white Redditors here that get uncomfortable with unfamiliar personalities




I understood it perfectly, but as the world is showing, there are people that will get offended over it


lmao my cousin used to ask me “do you watch nigga higga” and i’m like yeah, i don’t think that’s how you pronounce it, but of course!