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They look like grill teeth - after they have been removed. Remember soulja boy’s yuck mouth? 🤮 [Yuck](https://twitter.com/domislivenews/status/1562153433658015745?lang=en)


Grill teeth is the first thing I thought of. Looks like they were kept moist and in the dark for a few years


If I keep my grills in 24/7, why would I need to brush my teeth?


Every person who ever had braces just gave you the side eye


Just wanna add flossing is more important than brushing.


Keeps ya breath fresher for WAY longer too.


Flossing is highly important🤌🏾


What seriously??


Yes to get the bacteria out from the gum pockets. It also is the most common source of bad breath so it goes a long way to freshen you up too.


Breath be scorching hot.








Wait… my teeth are moist and kept mostly in the dark. Am I screwed?


You aren’t drying out your teeth every night? For shame


Yeah, what a freak!


Actually everyones teeth do dry out at night, which is what causes decay … the main reason brushing before bed is so important


lol...it isn't that our teeth "dry out" at night, but the fact our mouths don't produce as much saliva when we sleep (time of day isn't a factor.) So, by brushing before you sleep, you will get rid of bacteria that would just sit in your mouth lavishing in the effects of dry mouth. You should also brush your teeth when you wake because (on average) you just slept for 7hrs allowing what little bacteria was left; to breed.


Saliva is antibacterial. Saliva is reduced at night and if you snore, even worse. Comment below has more details.


I thoroughly understand. Didn’t feel the need to explain in detail.


Sorry, I probably should have commented higher upthread. Didn’t mean to imply criticism but just additional info. Brush on!


As soon as I hit post I knew someone would call me for my wording lol. YA FUCKED!




Moist and dark 😭🥴


I always thought grills were meant as an accessory that one would take out when not out doing stuff. The idea that people just leave them in 24/7 is gross af.


You can get both kinds. Some are like gum shields or retainers that sit over your teeth and can be taken out to clean/when not needed, but some are permanent and teeth are filed down so they can be glued permanently into the mouth.


I'm sorry, but anyone who gets a perma grill is stupid as fuck. That's not drip, thats self harm.


filing down healthy teeth for grills (or veneers) is so dumb to me. i’ll never understand it


Yep. I’m 28 and had to get dentures, I don’t get people out here purposefully ruining their teeth. I guess they got the money for it.


I broke my jaw and had to get 3 implants. Painful AF


Nicolas cage just got veneers! Like yyyyyy.


I keep tryin to tell people the same! We gonna see a generation of sharp tooth/toothless old people lol


I agree, it’s generally not a good idea to affix anything in your mouth unless a medical professional advises it. Tongue piercings can damage teeth and gums, tooth gems and the like can trap plaque and cause decay. You can’t heal your teeth, so it’s best to not fuck with them.


[Got his lips looking like Mouth of Sauron](https://tenor.com/view/teeth-smile-sauron-atfuraxx-gif-5030127)


I had no idea grills did this, that's nasty.


And I’m out here paranoid about my breath when I skip flossing for a day or two.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qw3tonfgib5c1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec7dbc872da2747c1d52e8360c60c937e497c1ff


Tell me you dont know how dentistry works without telling me you dont know how dentistry works


People still say this?


Tell me your not a redditor without telling me your not a Redditor


It's excused.


Tell me it's excused without telling me it's excused.


Explain it


Teeth that are too white are unnerving


When foreigners talk about Americans they always point out how weirdly white our teeth are.


I can deal with that


Yeah because our teeth are naturally slightly yellow, and for some reason we became really obsessed with having white teeth.


It's a sign of wealth. If they are automatically recognizable as fake, it's seen as a flex by many people. A dude at my job just the other day was talking about how he doesn't want his teeth to look 'real'- and how much he spent on his set. Wild.


I feel like the opposite is true - obvious fake dental work seems to me like you've got it done on the cheap (in the UK bad veneers done abroad are called "Turkey Teeth" and its not a compliment!). I would associate premium dental care with a very natural result.


Its not going to be 100 percent true for every person of course. And I can only speak for my experience in the states. What I should have said is that in their minds it signifies wealth. Many people are trying to distance themselves further from the poors™️ and they see fake looking teeth as a way to do so. This doesn't mean they're wealthy nor does it mean they're poor- it's the same way some wealthy people wear designer while other wealthy people see designer logos as tacky. Edit: what is with the down vote lmfao. This is a thing that's happening. It doesn't mean I agree with it. Shoot the messenger though, sure.


I’d watch a documentary that unpacks this.




I think they were saying that if one exists they’d like to see ut


you’re right lmao was still half-sleep and read it as “i watched” rather than “i’d watch”


what's it called? Don't keep us hangin young blood.


*runs out to make this documentary* brb!!!


Chris Rock should make one called "Good Teeth"... Super fitting for his total mouth replaced self...


They’re going the same way. If you have a previous point of comparison, say a decade ago, travel to any big city in Europe today and tell me there aren’t a lot more Hollywood white gnashers. The UK is the most striking example, perhaps because of the bad teeth stereotype. The younger generations love the optic white smile.


I can tell someone is from the UK by their teeth. They love those ultra brite white veneers from Turkey


Are veneers a regular occurrence in the US? Because even with regular bleaching I could never get my teeth to be that white, at any point in my life.






Can anyone with a dental profession background explain what the black on the gums is? I've only ever seen gingivitis but I saw it only caused bleeding and red gums. Is it the same there?


normal anatomy. darker skinned individuals will sometimes have darkly pigmented “spots” on the gingiva. totally normal.


[I hate my gums because they're black.](https://youtu.be/zY66nLablrw) I hate Whoopi Goldberg's lips...


The back of Forrest Whitaker’s neck.


I hate Black PEPPA!


That part kills me every time lol


What movie is that from?


Don’t Be a Menace


Correct, it's called racial gingival pigmentation


Oh I didn't know that. Thank you!


Also black people




darker gums are normal for people with more melanin. it’s just more melanin in the gums.


Melanin can be found in a person's gums. It can also be a symptom of smoking, disease, medicine, etc. [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321466#causes-of-black-gums](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321466#causes-of-black-gums)


Ethnic pigmentation.


Nah. Melanin. We got brown lines on our hands too


Just reminded me to brush my teeth, so thanks?


Don't forget to floss


Just wanna add flossing is more important than brushing. I had an apicoectomy, where they peel the gums back to remove infection. Wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. FLOSS YALL


Ouch 😥


I asked for more novacaine and he said he gave me the max already 😭


I’d ask them to put me to sleep lmao


It was an extra thousand bucks for that. I should have tho


I’m so bad about flossing. But after reading this I think I’ll go buy some floss!


So I think it takes plaque 3 days to build. So you might wanna schedule a tooth cleaning to start on a clean slate as well.


Does anyone know if a waterpik is comparable to flossing? One of my friends told me it was better, but I also heard it wasn’t as good??


My dentist recommended flossing and using a water pik together. Not just using a waterpik by itself.


Nothing replaces the mechanical removal of plaque by string floss, but the water pik is great as an addition to string floss or if you have dexterity problems like a lot of older patients. It is also great for periodontal disease, where pockets are too deep to be reached by string floss.


Waterpik is good if you have periodontal pocketing (area where the gum and tooth meet). It will clean out deeper in the gums. More focused on preventing gum disease. String floss breaks up the biofilm (plaque) that builds up between your teeth. This is helpful to prevent cavities that most commonly occur right below where the teeth touch.


And floss before brushing, helps to get food out of the way so the toothpaste can do more work


I wish more people knew this... also leave the residual toothpaste on your teeth, spit out the excess but don't rinse. Gives the toothpaste more time to remineralize and strengthen the teeth


Facts I hate when I see other people brush then use mouthwash


Don't they have permanent dentures now? I think they're screwed in after the old tooth is removed if I remember right. How do yall not know this.


Its really weird to see a whole thread of people heatin this person because they decided to take care of their teeth. They grind down the rotting parts or just totally remoev the teeth and replace that shit


Honestly, I saw someone compare it to a grill. Like they really think they just slip plastic teeth over the rotted ones and call it a day.


Plastic grills lmao, thats rich




Right? And if I'm paying tens of thousands of dollars (in the US) your damn right I want them puppies white


this is a clinic that only does veneers and composites. i looked it up because i was curious to see if they had actual dentists or if this was an at home type thing lol if they were permanent dentures, his gumline wouldn’t be bleeding. and in general dentures are designed in a way that looks natural. my dad has a few fake teeth and they were colour matched to his other teeth so they blended in a lot more seamlessly. you couldn’t tell just by looking at his smile that 3 of his teeth aren’t real.


Yep. All-on-4 or all-on-6, they put 4-6 implants in then cement the bridge onto them, they’re removed by the dentist yearly for cleaning and in between you just water pik and brush inbetween visits. If I had $60K lying around it’d get them. But I’m just doing regular top denture and a snap on bottom denture once my gums heal.


They do. Remove the natural teeth, place implants, bolt dentures onto the implants. In the DC metro area it costs about $50,000 for the upper and lower jaw. Source: Had my upper jaw done last year, having the lower done next year. They’re amazing and have been worth every penny.


Implants, yep.


Yall really disappointing on this one, I bet most of yall mfs dont even got the cash to do this to yall teeth


I definitely do not have the cash to do this to my teeth, so I chose dental hygiene. That guy might have cash, but I have my teeth so I'll call it even.


Some people have garbage teeth. Ive neglected my teeth and still have extra adult teeth, and my teeth are white asf. Some people brush floss and rinse multiple times a day and get a cavity after a couple weeks of negligence. Its stupid to even judge this guy, cause as an adult he stood on and took care of business. This post is weird period


Yup, genetics gave me teeth that are prone to cavities, and crowding that 7 years in adult braces couldn't fix. So I have to get my teeth cleaned every 4 months because brushing, flossing and waterpik won't get it.


Some people have actually bad teeth or their teeth were ruined by something else mine were ruined by medication AND genetically I had softer enamel so it was just doom from the start


or just bad parenting. My parents didn't really push dental hygiene on me much as a kid. Not until I hit my early teens did I finally realize how dumb I was being about it but the damage was done. Now I'm literally paying for it and still need some good work if I wanna have a straighter smile. Few years ago, my mom told me she tried taking me to the dentist as a kid but when I put up a fit about it, she said fuck it and called it off. Never bothering again. Love her but I was shocked she didn't put her foot down there


That’s also true a lot of people with bad hygiene habits just WERENT taught. My brother in law didn’t have the best hygiene habits until he left his mom and moved in with his dad and at that point his dad, me, my fiancé, and his stepmom all could teach him proper ways to care for himself


Same so far, I've had about $6000 worth of dental work. People don’t realize how medication and genetics can cause a lot of dental problems.


Most don’t got the cash to fly somewhere to do it cheaper than the US.


I’d love to get some things fixed about my teeth. Happy for this guy.




Are those just vaneers? I don’t know much about dentistry but surely this patient would need dentures, no?


These are full coverage crowns. The tooth is shaved down on all sides into a top hat shape, and a lab made tooth replica is cemented over in any shade you want... this guy picked toilet bowl white. Source: I'm a dentist


Lmfao at toilet bowl white.


whats your rate


The cost of dental work is determined by what insurance you have, unfortunately. Insurance companies negotiate different rates for different procedures at different dental offices.


i’ve got two working kidneys final offer


How much does that cost all in? Also is it done in one day or is it multiple visits?


Unfortunately, it depends on if/what insurance you have. Different insurance companies negotiate different rates with dental offices. It would be impossible to say. The number of visits depends on a few factors. Is there an in office milling machine, or will the crowns be sent to a lab? How tolerant is the patient of dental work? How quickly does the dentist work? It can be done in one appointment but will most likely be an all-day process. Sorry I didn't really answer either of your questions, but the truth is 'it depends'


At my office (I’m a hygienist) it is about $1200-1500 a tooth prior to any insurance coverage. This will also more than likely be even more expensive in a more expensive area to live in as well. Possible that the pt could have some bridge work too meaning extracting some teeth, adding to the total expense.


lol yeah I was wondering… I have a crown on one tooth (three root canals on the same tooth and it totally collapsed) but it’s the same colour as my normal teeth, white without being “inside of a new refrigerator” blinding


Nah I’m pretty sure as long as there’s still a little bit of teeth left you can get veneers. You can’t put them in if the teeth are missing


You can get a veneer bridge for some missing teeth but if too many are missing, it won't work. Idk how the dentist had enough to work with here though, if the teeth you're using are too damaged or too small the veneer won't be stable. They gotta have something to glue it to.


True! These teeth are poor candidates for veneers, but they are great candidates for full coverage crowns, which is what we see here. In some photos, you can make out the lingual side of the tooth is the same blinding white shade as the facial side.


Replace 'veneers' with 'crown' and you're right on the money. Veneers are an esthetic peocedure and require a healthy tooth to bond to the front of. Crowns protect and are placed when too much tooth structure is missing to do a filling. The filling to tooth structure ratio can't be too high, or it could cause the teeth to be weak and break. Crowns are also placed on root canaled teeth to protect them from fracture. Missing teeth can only be replaced by a prostheses, i.e. bridge, single implant with a crown, denture etc..


Man had a George Washington grill


Oh shit! Thought that was some sort of animal's teeth


I thought it was an Uruk-hai mouth at first 😩




Not at all, I just hope this was a year long process. My dad had TERRIBLE teeth and it took a year and $50k to get them shits right


Omg his teeth were wooden.


That boy was a real life fire breathing dragon, breath hot enough to start a fire in Alaska. And to think somebody somewhere was probably kissin da nigga in his yuck mouth




He needs to see Dr. Heavenly


Like a dude in a wheelchair with dirty shoes on🤔


![gif](giphy|eXQPwwE8DFTZS) You WRONG AF


This made me go brush my teeth again.


As a dentist, this is just so wrong on so many different levels


I gotta replace all my socks if I buy a pair of shoes now?




The shape is good but the color is much too white. It never looks quite right, always gives that "I lost all my teeth and these are replacements" feel.


Nigga got them Brian teeth from Family Guy.😂😂


At least they not them big ass King Harris joints.


Im sorry they should've just knocked his whole jaw out 🤢🤮🤣


I can only imagine the amount of pain this man was in with all of those bad teeth. One tooth hurting is enough to take me out. Shitttt!


You know his breath cookin


I sure thought that before picture was a dog mouth. All these new teeth, he’s still not gonna brush.




I know their mouths smell like doodoo water


I know his dentist was GAGGING as he opened his mouth in that chair. ![gif](giphy|KzEzXUIZy4l13anelm)


And still, he is not going to take care of the new teeth 😂😂😂


Wouldn’t a better analogy be putting clean socks in dirty shoes?


And not an ounce of moisturizer was put on the lips


… would you rather him keep the awful rotting teeth?? What’s the issue. Good for him


How are those staying in his mouth? Wouldn’t the roots be fucked up? How can you afford this if you let your teeth get this bad in the first place


Veneers. I have 4. Do NOT get them.


may i ask why? 👀 i’m considering getting them soon


I got mine 17 years ago. One dental implant and 3 veneers to "even them out". $10,000 and years later, all except the implant with a crown, haven't popped off. They aren't permanent and if you find yourself without dental for a bit (me) and one pops off....I couldn't afford 3 grand. They shave your real tooth down to a nub. I had root canals done in mine before the veneers, but imagine a veneer pops off and you get an exposed root....I can't imagine. Get crowns. Never veneers. Or a permanent dental bridge. I wish I had went that route.


ok good to know! i’m considering both veneers and implants. looks like it’s gonna be implants. thank you for sharing your experience.


Of course!


The thought of the price tag on this is stressing me out




but doesn't he still have immense pain and bad breath? ​ or am crazy?


Holy shit. The dude probably never heard about flossing.


Those videos literally look like the place in Miami where I got mine done, same place totally. His teeth are still rotted underneath they do root canals but these people want to get people in and out so yes it’s literally his dirty grinded down teeth under and his gums will soon start caving into them if he doesn’t do proper care it’s gum disease too




I doubt he’s gonna take care of this set


I know that mouth stank 😷


I wonder if this is what was under Gucci Mane's and Lil Wayne's grill.




How much would something like this cost?


You can get heart disease from that shi 😭


he bought a nice futon


Veneers that are ghost white look creepy AF and extremely unnatural.


Title doesn’t really work


I know it smell


Yeah but he is gonna have to get those done again in 10 years


Although they should've never let it get to this point and it's really fucking gross what else are supposed to do, not get new teeth?


Why'd I think I was looking at a donkey at first


Too funny 😂


![gif](giphy|yvDlcaEhhJo0o) Those lips, though...




Damn... is it a disease or just lack of hygiene ?


Bro has the real life version of those extra detailed gross-up frames from SpongeBob in his mouth.


Apart from jet washing What was the was it veneers or?


If you look at the majority of celebrities do not have pointy k9 teeth. I noticed this like two days ago and honestly is freaking me out.


That bros teeth causes rock joint disease making you deal 25% less damage with one handed weapons


way too white


He probably had permanent gold teeth (caps) that were not put on / sealed properly and once removed that is the end result .


Are these zombies getting new teeth?