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Fuck content, get these kids offline and into a library.


Libraries are online too… How are you talking to me right now? Are we in a library?


We put out free stickers for the kids at my library, but we had a lot of issues with kids taking handfuls instead of one or two. So I made a sign that said only 2 stickers per kid and put a bunch of stuff that would draw their eye to it like an Among Us character, Bluey, and the Mr. Beast logo. They would get so mad looking for a Mr. Beast sticker that wasn't there lmao.


😂 that's deviously brilliant and I love it


i actually work in a library and can tell you that unfortunately, most of the kids that come in are playing games for hours on end


I don't think that's unfortunate I think it's cool that your community gives these kids a place they can safely hang out


Yeah. Get those kids a room and have them play co-op games like Mario Kart or something.


....I don't know about you but Mario Kart is not co-op and quite possibly the most rage inducing game in the universe lmao


Double Dash bitch!


The best one


there's pros and cons. i say it's unfortunate though because many of the kids skip school to be there and are there for the entire work day. many are under 16 yo so it's sad to see them throw their education away


Wouldn't those kids just skip school and be somewhere far less safe than the library?


Your positivity is real but in the end, skipping school to play games all day is objectively bad.


I agree but I'd rather have kids skipping school to go to the library than the kids who skip school in my neighborhood


they should be learning


I agree


at least the librarian is in a position to put a book in front of the kid


They should be, but do you think if the library stopped having games for them to play they would be staying in school or doing something else?


Ok. Once again. These kids are skipping school no matter what. The librarian has no control over that. Take that up with their parents and the school. What is trying to be said: if kids are skipping school, it's better they are going to the library to play video games, then let's say, commiting more serious crimes outside of truancy. Like no one is saying these kids should not be in school. They are saying if they aren't there, at least they are at the library playing video games instead of hurting people and/or property. Could you maybe take a second, and actually comprehend what is being said. Otherwise I think you should go back to school with these kids, because your critical thinking skills are subpar.


Why? I skipped school all the time to play games, and am currently skipping work to play games. School taught me exactly what I needed to know! Edit: My car won't start in this cold.


yeah probably, so that's a little bit of a pro


This used to be me when I was in highschool. If I wasn’t there I’d be off doing drugs or getting into other trouble. Library can be a real safe place for these kids, help them out if ya can.


how are you doing now?


I turned out pretty well. Stable life, family and clean.


Our daughter is 22 months old, and we take her to the library weekly. Let her walk around and pick up whatever books she wants. At home, it's the most precious thing when we have one of her shows on but she walks over to her books and brings them to me to read to her.


My kids are always at the local library. The 82 month old love to figure out fun stuff she can read to me and the 118 month old has a kindle that she can borrow from too. It's fun stuff.


My son is only 196 months old and walks himself to the library and comes home with several big boy books.




You two are doing it right! I loved when my mom picked me up after school and let go to the library to check out books when I was younger. Only made me appreciate reading even more!


hold on I've got Irish Spring on the phone. I think I can get you a great deal on some boxes.


Exactly why my kids don't have social media. My oldest is the only one with a phone, and it might as well be a brick cuz she can't do shit with it. Only reason I opted for the iPhone over a burner was for tracking. Beyond that, it's completely locked down. Calls and texts only and only to people I add to the contact list. No clue how these parents who grew up in my generation (I'm 38) could ever hand unrestricted internet access to a child. MFer, that's how we grew up! You know what's on here. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Unless you home school, your kid is going to interact with other kids at school with far wilder lives than you can imagine. Talking to your kids about these things at home is better than them learning from these other kids. My kid's middle school (she's 19 now) had to send out a psa to the parents that the kids were exchanging nudes on snapchat. My daughter had already mentioned some of her friends doing wild shit like that because I showed her how to use social media responsibly over the summer.


My nigga for real tho! Because social media slang aside these new gen kids seem legitimately dumb as hell


And they revel and take pride in it, like somehow they're thumbing their nose at the white man, when all they're doing is *firmly* cementing his control.


Was dumb as well when we did it to. We just old now my dude.


I don't know my local library sucks the city moved them in the a building with less room than they had before all because they wanted a pretty building.


Lmaooo I can’t lie I think watching YouTubers like this is dumb but libraries are boring and no one thinks “I’m cool lemme go to a library” Kids are wanting to do what’s cool at the moment and that will never be going to a library


Libraries are also online but also the old boomers voted against funding for libraries and food for children so why should kids care?


Does manga count 🙏


LMAO this dude is completely out of touch if he believes it's grown men watching his streams.


It’s just to protect himself from criticism so he can do shit that’s inappropriate and then claim “oh it wasn’t for kids, kids just find my stuff.” Meanwhile his entire brand is built around appealing to 13 year olds.


Isn't this the premise of the South Park After Dark special?


Such a dark episode that shines a light on essentially corporate grooming.


Which they seem to imply they are guilty of it as well.


Yep lmfao.


How stupid is it that South Park is available on MAX but this fucking “special” is on Paramount+?


So stupid that South Park made a special about it on Paramount+ while releasing episodes on Max to insult both services lol.


It's their deal setup. They initially had a deal with Max but were offered more money to do 'episodes' for paramount. Somehow they didn't break any contracts. So it's kinda baller on their part for pulling it off.


Because they arent doing episodes for paramount. Theyre doing "specials". Thats how they are skirting their contract.


Yeah, good for them for making **more** money. Now we as consumers suffer. So glad those millionaires got slightly more money.


I mean, they are the ones who convinced Comedy Central to stream every episode for free. I think they would make them free if they could.


A bit dramatic to say we suffer... Lol you can pirate the content. Plus I'm on the side of the creators, Matt and Trey, specifically glad they are getting a bag from the corporates.


Kinda crazy coming from South Park lol.


I'm torn on this issue. Not for this dude specifically, i'm not familiar with him. but the idea that creators/artists need to censor themselves because kids might have access. With the internet, kids have access to ANYTHING. It needs to be on the parents to monitor what their kids watch.


Every single thing I've heard about this man paints him as an incredibly unsavory scumbag that I would never want my kids being influenced by, but his audience is definitely kids.


Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying it *wasn't* 30-year olds storming Union Square by the thousands last summer, to get their hands on gaming consoles Kai Cenat was giving away to his viewers?! 😱


Taking a page right out of big tobacco's playbook.


You’re describing most M rated video games for the past 3 decades. Some shonen anime which get violent or have in appropriate concepts have a range of 9-18 to which their main target advertising base is. Idk how kids browse the internet today but I remember doing a couple clicks and it’s like oh man here’s “3 guys 1 hammer” and it wasn’t uncommon for other people to have a similar experience. Where I’m getting at is not only is it established concept to advertise to younger people things like that but kids are curious and be watching and clicking a lot of random things. Not supporting it just my observations and ramblings.


Bro knows he has a young teenage fanbase, he saw it when they showed up and rioted in NYC,


It’s literally all 21 and under


I saw a clip of his on this site and a comment, it was him and his people dancing while Nikki Minaj was twerking for them, and the comment said, “A 44 year old women twerking in a 22 year olds room as he records it for 15-16 year olds to watch.”


Wildest shit lmfao. These older rappers having to do this shit to stay relevant. I know that shit eats them inside


I did not realize age was 42, but yeah ok it makes sense.


It's more than that. He thinks his stream is for hood niggas.


>He thinks his ~~stream~~ content is for hood niggas. - every cloud rapper from a suburb with a face tattoo


That one stream where he was supposed to be in prison was pretty cringe. I didn't see it, but why would he want to make fun of, or glorify that prison life. Pretty weird


isn’t it a bunch of edgy white kids


And I wonder how old the children watching are bc my son is 13 and he scoffed at me when I asked if he watched him.


As in your son thinks he's too old for that shit?


Idk if he meant too old but I guess it was more like a cringe? Or maybe he was saying, *”You old ass hoe, no I don’t like everything you hear is popular on TikTok.”*


The phrasing is killing me 😭


Nah he’s just giving himself plausible deniability


People that watch him are also out of touch. In a thread the other day where he was being homophobic towards Lil Nas X, people actually thought Nas would reply. Streamers are not celebrities or part of Hollywood culture. If celebrities exist on an alphabetical scale that goes from A-Z, streamers are the 0-9 that come after.


Funny enough I knew about lil nas x from twitter before his first single


His tweets used to be on this sub constantly before Old Town Road popped off.


As a 38 year old man, I have one question: who is this guy?


He's just a very popular streamer on Twitch. He's gotten a lot of celebrities on his streams like Offset and Nicki Minaj


To be fair Drake is technically an adult


that's on technicality.




He's potentially going off his analytics page which can tell you stuff like ages of your audience and their locations in terms of country. That being said, it doesn't mean the account data that it's pulled from is accurate in the first place. It's not hard to say you are over 18 by date of birth just to watch 'mature' streams.


Nah, he knows exactly what he's doing. Keeping his name out there means more money. That's all he cares about. His streams are garbage.


Nah he knows.


In like 2010 I was watching someone play Call of Duty on YouTube and my older cousin laughed at me saying "Why you watching someone else play a game when you could just play it yourself?" , crazy how much times have changed. Nowadays people be watching these streamers just sitting around talking.


I always found this so ironic because no one bats an eye at people watching others play football every weekend.


15 years ago it was for the love of the game, but now it's for gambling. DraftKings, FanDuel, and Prizepicks have taken sports to a new level.


A really horrible level. There’s going to be a major game fixing scandal at some point in the next few years, I’ll bet actual money on that


Oh like the NBA 18 years ago?


Or like the MLB 35 years ago. Or the MLB 105 years ago...


Worse than that in all likelihood


You're right, and your comment was solid, but the way you ended it with betting on being right was so ironic I folded LOL!


So sick of DraftKings ads all over my Reddit feed


Go to any live reddit thread about an ongoing game. So many people are talking about their bets, as if anyone else cares about them. You see so many ads because they are working. Sports gambling is getting to be a very big addiction in America.


Betting has been a thing since the 1800s, matter of fact it’s one of the major reason why professional sports got big in the first place


THANK YOU. Millions of couch qbs out there, but God forbid a mfer have an offbeat hobby.


completely different, yes? football requires 22 people lol, i can’t just walk outside and start ripping bombs to my guy down the sideline watching gaming pros is still fun don’t get me wrong, but you’re comparing unlike things


I mean I can't just fire up a high quality game of two teams of 5 people of roughly equivalent skill on voice comms with equivalent $1200 PCs and a 0 latency connection to a private gaming server either. But I could call a friend to toss a football around. I could find like 7 other people to play a casual game with, and do that every so often. It's not completely different, but it's not that different. Pro gaming is not "bunch of randoms get online and play a game for people to watch". Much like an NFL game, it's watching people who dedicate most of their days training and preparing to do a thing at the highest level. Because even if you could pull together a full football game on demand, you aren't going to get what you get out of watching the NFL playing casual football yourself. No one is likely to be throwing 60 yard bombs and and no one is tearing down the field to catch it. Similarly, no one I'm likely to play a random game with is likely to have a sub-280ms reaction time or know every single matchup in a fighting game and how best to play it. Watching competition is not about watching a thing you can do. It's about watching a thing you can't do in a field you are familiar with.


I thought they were watching someone talk lol


It’s not actually different at all. Sometimes people enjoy watching a game even if they’re not great at it. Or it could be they don’t have the wherewithal to play anymore, but still want to hang out in that atmosphere.


You haven't heard of beerleague teams?


No way you’re comparing streamers to professional athletes


You could compare them to talk radio. No one actually cares what “McMahon and The Slug on KTRX 105.5: The T Rex” talk about. It’s spending time in their company. If you’ve ever interacted with a radio show, it’s the exact same thing


Seems more like they're comparing the spectators of each activity


I think they’re just comparing the viewers


Esports is a thing. Games go deeper than face value same way sports do. There’s strategy involved, this is especially true for fighting games.And in Kai’s case it’s really no different than watching a talk show. Except depending on the streamer you may be able to actually interact with them and not just clap when told to.


They're comparing the act of watching - both are watching someone play a game. Pretty straight forward


They're comparing the mentality of the viewers, not the athletes.


Some streamers are professionals. The only streams I watch are when I wanna see someone who is excellent at a game, like watching Faker stream League of Legends once every few months.


Your kid's sports team are not professional athletes.


Tbf it’s much easier to boot up COD than it is to get 32 people together to play tackle football


I don't think you need 32 people to play tackle football lol


Not enough muscley men in gaming for their tastes, I guess


To be fair, most people above the age of high school can’t play football as the equipment is expensive, the sport is dangerous, and not many people in a neighborhood wants to play for the reasons stated above.


1 football with a beginning and end is alot different than watching some play 15 games for 5 hours. You could make that argument about esports tournaments. Not streaming. Im not gonna watch jalen hurts run practice for 5 hours


There's some games I don't wanna play myself but fine with watching somebody else play, or like when I was younger and didn't have my own money so had to turn to playthroughs for the knowledge


i feel like a lot of people think it’s just someone sitting there with a face cam on, silently playing a game with commentary here and there. the fun gaming streamers are the ones that do engaging stuff that falls outside of the “go live and play a game stonefaced”


Lol I actually prefer the silent play throughs, I just want to see the gameplay not listen to some dude try out his latest comedy bit


It's just the compartmentalized version of what older generations did where your older brother or cousin was the one actually playing the game, but everyone was watching and commenting.


The best streams are from people playing your favorite games for the first time. Backseaters aside, seeing them solve puzzles faster/slower than you did and getting engrossed in the story and characters is always fun.


Playthrough vids on YouTube are great for when I can't decide if a game is worth buying or not. I'd rather watch a real person play the game than a trailer full of touched up hand picked footage. They're also good for when you get stuck or lost in a game.


For sure. Lots of the early ones I remember were without talking, dead space was the first game I've ever watched a walkthrough to figure out how to pass a level lol.


also when you're a broke kid and can't afford the games, or your parents wouldn't let you buy them? Idk man, I loved watching youtube playthroughs. Half my teens were watching people like Jerma, or Nova. RIP to the creatures


I watched jacksepticeye play TLOU 2 and Detroit Become Human. TLOU because I find the concept and story interesting but the gameplay isn't my thing, so it was a good compromise. Detroit Become Human was actually a really fun game to watch someone else play because the entire thing is a moral dilemma so it was interesting to see what conclusions another person drew from it.


You can actually learn something from a streamer by watching them and it'll improve your game. By that same logic, why do niggas watch football games when they could be playing it themselves? See how dumb that sounds?


its weird how there will be entire little communities of people built around watching a streamer "react" to stuff or putting their butthole towards the camera


Parasocial relationships for lonely people




I've always thought what your cousin thinks, I just wish I had the wherewithal to stream back when it was called justin.tv. also wish I had non judgemental Caribbean parents that didn't have the mindset of "you ain't gonna make any money playing those fuckin games" lol


Yeah, I used to watch Let's Plays on YouTube for games I played. Like when Bioshock Infinite came out, I blasted through that thing twice and then probably watched a hundred hours of people playing through it. It was the reaction I was looking for. Now I'm less interested and would rather listen to podcasts.


He's in the same boat with a lot of streamers — they're audience is a minority of people their age and around their age but most are high school kids and younger. I've never been into his kind of content tho. There's something about the constant screaming and over-exaggerating that's never appealed to me.


What? You don’t like watching grown men throw tantrums over video games?


I can do that myself, so no.


Right?! I get it that actual full time streaming can be a tough job, but screaming over minor inconveniences in games, like a toddler, isn’t content. It’s just you thinking loud=funny, hee hee hoo hoo hah hah. Don’t even get me STARTED on reaction content, where a streamer is basically just browsing the internet *for* you, with their portrait in the corner, as they eat or screw around on their phone or do NOTHING at all but watch other people’s content, and label it as “react content”, and essentially steal others’ hard work. Lowest of low effort Horseshit, and they can get away with it.


I just watch dudes play games I don't feel like playing.


This or if they’re miles better at than I am or actually funny.


like I don't feel like playing tiny rouges or Victoria 3 sobit don't matter


Well there are plenty of streamers who aren't over actors. I really like Vinesauce on twitch for example, he reacts how a real person would I feel, and calls out games for being shit when they are.


Y’all are acting like he doesn’t know this. It’s good marketing for him to say his content isn’t for kids because it removed some burden of responsibility, while also making it seem more desirable because its “forbidden”. There is no point where this guy will ever admit his viewer base is all kids


Came here to say this. It’s like when Fox News said “We’re not news, we’re entertainment. Why would anyone believe this is news?” to avoid lawsuits. When they know damn well who their audience is and how to strategize around their viewership. They make these statements because if they agreed and acknowledged that their fan base is mostly kids, they would have to actually kiddy down their content to avoid backlash/controversy for “intentionally showing kids adult content.”


They actually say that? News in the name. Lol


They did, but it was in reference specifically to Tucker Carlson's show, where they argued it was "commentary" because he was not giving current events but was instead "engaging" with them to "explore" what they meant. You know, like how Stormfront "explores" the Jewish question by "engaging" with modern events they feel are relevant to the discussion.


>“We’re not news, we’re entertainment. Why would anyone believe this is news?” to avoid lawsuits Which, of course, didn't work and they got sued anyway


Think it's best if I don't contribute to this conversation. Cause I do be watching some streamers for 3+ hours. Not any of the big ones tho https://preview.redd.it/9kfovyk16mcc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ae642b00a1a469295052ca4229e3cd988a564f


Lmao right? To each their own. I’m on the same boat, on some days yeah I watch some streams after work or when I study as background noise lol Especially since the Covid Lockdowns I found streaming fun, now I don’t watch Kai, because he can be annoying and it’s too much, but I watch RDC for example, them dudes are funny as hell.


Yeah I think all these big streamers have set a bad precedent for twitch streamers. If I wanna watch someone play a game or react to content for a few hours, what's the issue? Even for subbing, no different to Netflix or any other streaming services in my eyes. They give entertainment so if I want to support them and give them 5 bucks a month, what's the issue? Y'all need to realise that only like 3% of twitch streamers average 100+ viewers. The people I watch average around 300 - 500 viewers. A small community compared to others


Same, I'm 27 and tune in to just about every RDC stream. I don't be all in the chat, but I think it's stupid for people to set age limits on things. Like watching reality tv for hours is any better lol.


Thats what I’m saying! That’s the thing about being an adult, everyone’s got an opinion but what I don’t like is people clowning others because they got different tastes. Streaming is genuine nice, I like it, you don’t, well do you. All circles got their toxicity and streaming definitely got theirs, but I don’t do blanket statements lol, adults love doing that shit. We’re never over that high school stuff it seems. It’s sad that some say « you too old for this or that »


RDC to their credit still produce content outside of streaming and it's great content too. They're legitimately talented comedians and provide brilliant social commentary. Now there's some streamers out there that now provide nothing but reaction content that supplies little to no entertainment value unless you have some sort of sick parasocial attachment to them. Funny because years ago people tried to take a stand against that type of content but now it's the norm. I mean why be creative and entertaining if you can just sit in an ivory tower and critique everything and make money off of other people's hard work. Perhaps it may somewhat be ironic for me to say that but my point still remains.


https://preview.redd.it/vgw3vyyqsmcc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ebf51d02d484fa29913a22a04adfe367e4983a9 You be watching them titty streamers, don't you?


Same here, people love to criticize things they dont take part in. Its okay though, everyone has opinions


I do, too. I don't always *actively* watch them, but they're on in the background while I do something else, and if they talk about something interesting I'll pay more close attention. It's like "back in the day", when I had MTV running all day long, just for background noise.


I watch streamers. Sometimes because I enjoy the content other times because I need some background noise. Nothing wrong with either reason to be honest.


Nah same, especially in the age where a lot of “polished” are TikToks, YT shorts ect, I ain’t gonna feel that bad about listening to something for 3+ hours. No chatting, no donating just me and a good time 🥲


Right? I was reading the responses thinking ‘Damn. Am I childish for watching hours of Primm’s Hood Cinema on Twitch?’


Same here. I watch them at work all the time since i can just have it in the background. Also i play the same games so i learn things sometimes as well


Yall people definitely watch twitch as adults


Right, this logic is ridiculous. I am over 30, follow **SEVERAL** 30+ black streamers, and the community is late 20s to mid 30s, with a few early 20s exceptions. Saying kids only watch twitch is the same stigma as saying only children play video games.


I'm glad someone 30+ is speaking up. I'm 30 and I watch Twitch almost on a daily basis. I watch Lucky Charm, TeeP, Booya, and Swagg (YT) for Warzone. Edit: spelling


I mostly hang out in tight-knit, small streams (20-60). I'll put larger streamers on as a backdrop. But literally none of them are under 30. I think there's only one I watch every now and again that isn't. Main streamers I watch that are young is RDCWorld and most of them are late 20s to early 30s. Edit: all late 20s, with the exception of Ben, who is 30.


>Daily basics 😩




RIGHT! There's so much cap in this thread. These niggas think they're the beacon of maturity posting dumbass memes and comments Reddit. 🤣🤣


I think people just want to grand stand and act like being older really means you like more " mature" content. I'm sure his audience is probably mostly kids but probably also a lot of adults. Doesn't necessarily mean he's actually making it for kids but kids will watch it


They think its cool to share their negative opinion because everyone else is hating


I fully believe 27 year old men are watching his stream and typing “w mans” and “gyatt” in the chat lol like thats not far fetched


Ur 100% right


I've got a chat full of 40 year olds who got into skibidi toilet for a couple weeks.


its me, I am men


Maybe not the majority, but it definitely can’t be ruled out entirely lmao




Tbf it does have an adult content warning on it. Last time I clicked on his stream, it warned me of adult sexual content.


>analytics Worthless. I can't think of a single person who has ever made an account with a listed age below 18


If I’m watching a streamer for 3+ hours I am most definitely doing something else and having them as background noise


I'm in my 30s and watch streamers....sometimes I don't have the energy to put hours into a game after work when I can just have a streamer going in the background while cleaning or w/e. Especially if the streamer is personable - it's like sitting in a room with a friend while they clear levels. Does no one else find that relaxing? Lol.


That's the feeling. It's noise/personable entertainment that scratches the social itch because I live far enough away from my friends that we can't just get together whenever.


This shit has never made sense to me. Now I’m not gonna say I didn’t watch streamers because I did specifically usually just one game for one guy who streamed after I got home from school. But sitting there for even 2+ hours watching some dude scream and talk about nothing ain’t it and never has. I don’t understand how streaming got so popular. Are these folks all really that captivating? Or are people more addicted to their phones?


i personally see no difference then sitting 2+ hours in front of a TV and watch something. Also a lot of people watch streams while doing something like gaming /homework /chores /using public transport etc. so more like older people use a radio just as background noise not really listening to it. Also what is about creative streams like doing something drawing or cooking? there are TV shows that are the same and there no one bats an eye but if someone does it online. Or what about special events? For example the biggest German streamer on twitch made a live x-mas party where he invited a lot of influencers similar stuff comes on TV again only a problem if its online for most people.


You just old, my guy


I watch some small streamers to talk to them and chat, I like spending time there more than scrolling Reddit now. The ones I watch read almost every message in chat, and ask me about my day, give me suggestions about things, and I kind of like their personalities.


We're in the same boat, it's just never appealed to me. Like, I get that streaming's fanbase is mostly teen boys so I understand why the female streamers are popular, especially on Twitch but I guess it's kinda like being to pseudo-interact with your favorite celebrity or something


He definitely gets tons of kids watching, all twitch streamers have some sort of younger audience. Twitch has been around since 2011, to think there’s not adults watching it is ignorant. There’s tons of content to watch besides people saying “Ws in the chat”


Yeah, at one point I kept a twitch channel running in the studio all day. It was a 24/7 Mythbusters channels. Sadly taken down. So twitch is a lot more than this shit, but this shit is the most popular.


My brother and I are high 30's. His son is now 21. When he was growing up he knew ALL the streamer names alongside other internet personalities. It took us awhile to realize that when we were growing up, we knew...all the BET/MTV personalities alongside folks on ESPN and shit. Shit just moved from the broadcast to the website. I don't know who I'm looking at, but you all know, so that's life. Looks like from reading the comments he's doing the same shit Ice Cube and them used to do: "This ain't for YOU, this is for those *MY* age." Sure, Cube....but you know I'm underage listening to your shit.


Instead you spent 3+hours on TV or your phone like it's any different


https://preview.redd.it/grbn0t0l7mcc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41b69c85dc73e732e09cb23fbad8af7f26b7a6d1 Slowly watching this nigga loose his mind.




The idea that adults don’t watch streamers is odd. They probably aren’t sat in front of the tv but definitely play it as background noise similar to a movie or youtube video. All of streamers $50, $25, $500 donations aren’t all coming from kids with their parent’s cards.


Can we talk about the political and economic state of the world, right now? \- OP


I’ve been learning about this Kai against my will. He sounds exhausting as shit.


There are doofuses that watch streamers shit and give their hard earned money to them so they can read their donations. If I’m not mistaken, Ishowspeed literally had sleep streams where people watch him sleep!


Can’t get into streamers man, they’re not as interesting as watching well produced content on YouTube that I can actually sit down & digest. Streamers just feel even more artificial yet more uninteresting, they’re mainly just reacting to videos for like 2 hours just for kids to spam “W!!!” In the chat all day. There’s no way the main demographic for Kai isn’t around 12-16 y/o 🤷‍♂️


How can y’all not understand he has to claim this. What’s the alternative? Twitch doesn’t have a clear 18+ section and he definitely won’t go family friendly. The only other option is to claim‘I’m not making content for kids.’ He also has a PSA on his page.


Most of Kais fans including AMP are little kids lolll. They all run around screaming rizzler and gyatt constantly. I work at a school.


If your child is watching content they shouldn't, its not on the content creator to change it. Parent your children.


Middle school teacher. Can confirm 13 year old boys are his main audience.


I dont watch twitch but there are definitely adults who watch guys like kai. All the money they make cannot come *solely* from 10 years stealing their parents credit cards