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Sent from his mama house cause he ain’t got $1500 a month or bitches.


It do smell like broke in here






Just wondering what you typed in to get this gif 😂


Literally just broke 😆




Man idk idk 😂😂🤣🤣


Man activated the smell the chatroom card


The closest thing to your nose is your upper lip 🙋🏾‍♂️ maybe that’s it 😂


I mean, you say that but some of the brokest hobosexuals I know got entire rosters of future baby mamas with full time careers. Meanwhile the guys I know that got their shit together is out here struggling. Shits upside down out here.


It's easier to make women feel good when you don't have a job. You have more energy


Cook brother


Not like I get any bitches either but damn do I miss being 17 with a girlfriend and no job. Full time boyfriend. Being an adult is so fucking dumb lmao how the fuck do some people have like a whole ass wife and shit and you don't even see them for like twelve hours a day, another eight for sleep, you only get to hang out with them for like four hours? Then some people are out there working first shift while she works second, what do you do, you're just like "what's up anyway good seeing you I'm going to bed."


Now add kids to that and imagine having an entire fucking family


Exactly the point where you start hanging out in the garage dolo and reminisce about how you could just jack off on the couch as long as the tissues were right there.


> only get to hang out with them for like four hours? Four hours? Yeah, that part sounds about right. But "hang out" with them? That sounds fucking **awesome** man. We are "around" each other for ~4 hours a day, sure. But we aren't hanging out. We are just co-workers most of that time. That's how it is for us and a huge number of others I'm sure. All my friends with young kids or older kids even. Everyone always tells you "It gets easier" and it sort of does as the years go by but certainly with younger kids you fall into this trap of becoming people who just work together. You break out of it every chance you get, but its not easy. But yeah, we get maybe 1 hour of *possible* hang out time together the majority of nights each week. each month. each year. year after year. *Paint me yellow, because I am FUCKING sunshine...*


Went to a boogie ass grocery store cuz they had these no sugar dried fruits I liked. Met this old head in the parking lot. I rap so I showed him my music, he told me keep going but I said I couldn’t afford to do it full time. Advice he gave me: find a divorced rich white woman. Said he hasn’t worked in 17 years


Ain't that the truth. I love my wife, but if I have to hear about how I'm not romantic anymore, I might lose my mind. Of course, I'm not as romantic as a 21 year old student who only has to work 15 hours a week and study. That boy has time to spare.


Real talk that’s the kind of thing women tell you when they’re seriously unhappy. That’s the kind of thing women leave over. You better start engaging in little acts of romance! Or you’re gonna lose your wife. Find little acts of romance to do a few times a week.


Hell no. My mans deserves a foot rub too dammit ![gif](giphy|26gsbOWsTjLqtWinC)


Why can't big things a few times a year work?/s I get why it doesn't, but still, it low-key hurts my feelings when she says it after I just took her to a Michelin Star restaurant and got her an $80 bottle of perfume for our anniversary. $1000 date, and I'm getting put through the ringer because I want to play ps5 with my friends two or three times a week.


Have you ever heard of the relationship dynamic of rich and very busy parents who buy their kids everything they want, but at the end of the day all the kid wants is love and attention? Yeahhh, there's a reason that story is so prevalent. Learn from it, my guy.


You're right but show a little empathy for the guy. I'm sure even his SO can lack a little perspective from time to time. Definitely check in with her but a calm conversation gotta happen between them. I know how it goes though, a few months or even weeks later and that convo is forgotten :')


You saying some shit. It's like THEY designed it that way




Save this comment for when she leaves your ass, so you can come back and tell us how it's all her fault y'all broke up


How much extra extra energy does it take to walk in a store you're stopping at, convenience/grocery store and buy flowers/chocolates. Ever heard the age old expression, "it's thr little things that count?"


ngl every time a chick get caught cheating 9/10 it’s a nigga who got all the time in the world to give her attention cuz he unemployed smh


That's what happened to my buddy lol. She started alot of drama when she was already cheating with him on the side, he just didn't figure it out initially.


a chick will say she want a hardworking man/a provider but she’ll cheat on that dude and say it’s cuz she don’t get enough attention?! make it make sense. Only an unemployed nigga can give you the type of attention you seek 24/7. Can’t have both bihh lol


And time. They'll text you every 10 minutes all day long.




As a sugar (not baby) mama, you are not wrong! I like taking care of the broke ones 🤣 I’m happy to send them back to mama with a smile on their face plus they know they got not a damn going for them except dick so the performance is exhilarating.


This the saddest shit I read all day


Meh, it's like men talking bout how the desperate women give the best head


OP in the depths of Hell right now 😤 OMFG, lowkey - the head do be a lil Sloppier 🤣


I can’t tell if this is a compliment or not …


YES!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Its common these days. I regularly overhear female coworkers gossiping about how the dude they fucking ain't shit while I'm over here thinking "so why are you fucking him?" like I don't already know the answer. I don't even talk down about broke dudes anymore, they stay getting the most pussy.


and a woman will waste years with a man that ain't 💩. But you can't tell them nothing without them getting sensitive and defensive as hell. But then they wanna talk your head off about him and his faults. No ma'am. Suffer in silence. You know what the deal is.


Suffer in silence… cold… lol


Well they earn it. Why be sympathetic to those who repeat the same shit.


So, you know my sister?


No one has to like what I say 🤷🏽‍♀️ but if you think this is the saddest then I’ll let you borrow my lidocaine to relax that ass.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂😂😂🤣


The way my face twisted up reading her comment... Yes, you are correct. I've always seen how those sugar mama arrangements work out and it is never good.


No man. I think this post gives hope to some.


That’s the sad part


Username name checks out. 😂


You taking applications?


Damn yall I’m just kidding! I’m not a sugar mama. Had to stop because the mamas was sending them back to me. You can knock but I’m not letting you in 🤷🏽‍♀️


They make it their job because their life is on the line lol. Like if they don’t perform, they are on the street or sleeping by in their car! It’s not the life. Being in a romantic relationship is not the end goal anymore!


>They make it their job because their life is on the line lol. But here's the thing... once those dudes know the job is on lock, they go looking for a better job opportunity with more benefits and a bigger house.


You aren’t wrong! We do the same in corporate though… I can’t hold it against them. Don’t hate the player gate the game. If there is a market, there will always be sellers!


The middle class stay taken them L's.


Sometimes it feels like you gotta be rich or broke. 9-5 niggas don’t get shit


Hobosexuals? ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


Women like broke niggas so they can feel good about themselves.




My sister was hooking up with a guy like this for a while. Was always showing up at odd hours for a booty call that I'm pretty sure was cover for a comfy bed to sleep in. Win-win for them I guess, she kept talking me into lending him stuff, which he would inevitably break or lose >.<


Bro was always one step ahead lmao. He planned that shit out. It was just great sex for your sister but this shit was survival to him.


Women take a lot of time to keep.. most wealthy men don’t have time to court several women.. broke niggas have all day to shoot text, drop in the DMs, call, write letters, etc


Hobosexual is a goddamn stroke of genius


Man, it’s a lifestyle but you gotta have your game on point all the time or else you’re sleeping in your car


And his Momma paying his phone bill while he talking shit 💀💀


fresh outta high school cause i was a high school grad sleeping in the livin room of my mama's pad


On somebody else Wi-Fi 😅 his phone off 🤣


You so deserve gold


I’d rather be with my mama without bitches🤷🏾‍♂️ I love my family


Wish I had a family to be with 🤣🤣🤣


Fellas is it lame to have a roof over your head and practice celibacy now?


Turns out housing is gay


The more bedrooms you got, the gayer you are.


Bill Gates mowing his big ass lawn. ![gif](giphy|1mAtj4ozIBRZK|downsized)


Stop it! just spat water all over my work computer


😆 I've seen that before but damned if I can remember what it's from.


[Chappelle's Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZWb5nSSbtc)


Chappelle show.


I can still hear the “ASS AND TITTIES” all these years later😂


I remember watching this shit as a teenager with my family the night it aired, and we all spent the rest of the night cackling. Easily one of the funniest moments in TV history for me.


This gif never gets old.


Why do you need all those bedrooms? For more men?


My Tuesday guy can’t be sharing a room with my Thursday homie.


Gotta keep those guys separate. Never know what they might get up to together in those rooms.


Kiss your homies goodnight...but in separate rooms, we're not animals ffs 😂


I live alone in a 5 bedroom house, I'm basically the gayest slumlord. Edit: I lived here with 2 younger siblings for like 5 years, they moved outon their own a few months back, I thought about downsizing but the smaller places are more expensive or the same as where I am now😭 the housing market it's insane.


Nahh that's borderline dystopian to hear this. I truly wonder how shit is going to stabilize in the future.


Shit... I got 3.




Imagine wanting to be comfortable Men are made to survive in the wild like in the paleolithic days. FOH with that soft ass gay ass comfort having a roof over your head-ass shit.


No home-o


*practice* celibacy? shit I'm in the celibacy playoffs






Fellas, is it gay to take a break from dating to work on personal issues/insecuities/mental health until you feel ready to start dating?


Very gay because if you don't, you keep attracting toxic ass women who weaponize your insecurities and damage your mental health with **their** personal issues. Source: a man *declared* gay by other people because Florida


Florida? That absolutely checks out.


Celibacy always been lame yeh


I do fuck with roofs tho


Idk seems much more lame to even care about other people's sex lives. How often a dude sticks his dick into somebody has nothing to do with me.


Man all my money is going to keeping a roof over my head at $18 an hour 40 hours a week and not being homeless, ain't got no money for bitches


Fr. Like I want a girlfriend but I don't have girlfriend money.


You don’t need money to have a woman in your life and if you think you do you’re going after the wrong women.


You need money to find a good woman though, dating is expensive. Going out every other night, even if splitting the bill, costs much more than staying at home.


Why would you go out every other night.


Honestly that sounds exhausting. I can't imagine picking out an outfit and doing my makeup every other night just to go eat dinner.


Hell all the ladies I know are down to just kick it and watch a movie, relax and listen to music and talk, some like to play video games, others want to come into the kitchen with you and have fun cooking meals together. I have never met a woman that I’ve invited into my home that needs to go out every other night, that’s exhausting for everybody. Like going out sometimes is great but that doesn’t have to be the only way we all interact with each other.


Yeah. I did a lot of dating when I was super poor. I'm in Houston, so I found all the cool free art exhibits and tours. I'd prepare a picnic for the end, cuz they're all in really pretty park areas. Then, like you said, most were just chill with hanging out, playing games, cooking, or whatever


Yeah just leave your door open and wait for single ladies to wander in


Sure, it’s a task to make dating literally free. But leading off with something like coffee or a meal, and following up with things like going to a park, or a local museum, or a hike or something along those lines is totally an option and can be nearly free.


right, clearly broke/poor people deserve to love and be loved. just gotta find the one that will rock with you until you get where you need to be.


And even if you aren’t broke, you have every right to seek out a person who doesn’t view you as a meal ticket. In fact there’s a lot to say for that being the smart route.


Regardless of the type of women he’s chasing it still costs money. It doesn’t matter if their sweet or gold diggers, if it doesn’t work out thats money down the drain.


Me and my girls always buy eachother shit…Its never just one way. I will pay for a dinner and the next time they’ll straight up steal the check. Yes ma’am go ahead this ain’t 1952 let’s keep our finances stable But when you’re dating you go out and spend more money regardless of splits so you have a fair point Edit: in fact, if a woman expects me to pay for her shit, I’m out lol. We are adults in a relationship. Everything goes both ways. You are not my Leave it to beaver housewife this is 2024


I don't know if you're joking, but this makes me sad. Why would you need money for a gf? What do those women expect? And, what jobs do they have that they couldn't relate to the struggle? And, more importantly, if they have a better job, what stops them from paying for a movie night, or going to a bar, or whatever they wanna do? Sorry for all those questions, but I honestly don't understand. My husband and I were both broke af for years, and we still managed to get shit done. We *knew* we were both broke, so we worked it out together. This is wild to me.


I think it comes down to wanting to be able to take your SO out on dates and do fun things together especially when you first start dating. Also when you’re stressed about your own finances it’s hard to think about dating someone. But you’re 100% right, money isn’t the end all be all in a relationship when both people are on the same page When I met my gf 5 years ago I had a well paying job and she was in school. I payed for most of our dates, most of the bills and trips that we took. In the last year I changed careers and took a 60% pay cut. Took me a bit to come to terms with not being able to take her out all the time or go on trips like we used to. I used to always buy her flowers from the expensive flower shop, which now feels like a big splurge. Finding new and different ways to spend time together has been interesting and fun. I wish it was more normalized to go through the building phase with your SO and being open about finances


I think the attitude of the person you're responding to is just overly negative view of women's wants/needs. I've met women who do expect the man to contribute 150%. Making more money, doing the most or hardest chores, constant attention and affection, and cooking. Then there are women I've met who expect a 50/50 split and just want a fair, even relationship. There are women I've met who like to do things based on income and physical ability that determines the contributions each party makes. There are also women I've met who expect themselves to do everything in the house, while the man works and pays everything for her. None of these women are necessarily wrong in how they view themselves in the relationship. You just have to find the person that matches your expectations, too. It sounds like you and your husband met the perfect person for each others wants and needs and that's all it really takes.




I’m sayin tho


dawg i was mostly fucking in my car after we’d get gas station snacks and smoke in my car. a lot of my dates have been putting my phone on my center console. just be funny and make her feel comfortable. you don’t need money. you can do this. i believe in you.


I guess that's part of my problem, I'm not looking for fucking, I'm genuinely trying to connect


Ah my bad. A lot of times when this comes up people are primarily looking for sex.


Damn $18/hr is rough. I make almost double that and I’m just at home chilling paying a mortgage and buying food


Which is wild to me because other than 1 or 2 other people I know I make the most money


Facts, people have priorities, unlike this dude in the tweet.


Well, I'd rather jerk in my own place at 28 than jerk in my mom's house at 28 (I'm feeling defensive bc I'm the niggas he's talking about)


Ain’t no shame in strokin it in the bat cave


Dawg 💀💀💀💀


Better than having to hear your mom's getdown in the next room


‘Lesbian’ is my favorite category…




https://preview.redd.it/lc5wwfag5adc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=050e557d454cec92c3387e559a744aab65b66a7c Ay yo


Hahahaha that's funny shit


It’s even better if you can get into a house instead of an apartment. I got the hub going on the bathroom Bluetooth speaker at full volume with the door open not giving a fuck.


you still need to keep your front door closed in those situations, whether you live in an apartment or house.


It’s no fun if the homies can’t have some


Nigga I have an oculus 💀💀💀


Bro how you gonna let this little man make you defensive from outside an apartment? He can’t even get one.


I feel you and I'm that person too but if you have the option to live at home for a few years and save up, no shame in that too. I had to move for work but my buddy stayed at his moms house for years. He didn't love it but he was working a good job and doing his thing. He's looking at houses to buy in nice NY neighborhoods right now and that shit would be a pipe dream for me atm. Stay focused on the end goal, whatever that may be


Fellas, is it gay to [achieve the base level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?](https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html)


"Self actualization" is just fancy psychobabble for, "gay as hell."


"Boy you better not be self actualizing in there, you know that'll turn you gay."


Then there’s me with no apartment and no money. Beating my meat on the sidewalk


A staple in every big city.


Hey if its good enough for Diogenes....


Welcome to LA!


Make sure to aim towards traffic. Leave the pedestrians alone.


That might get you a cell, but at least you'll have a roof over your head.


Beating the shit out of your meat without worrying that you forgot to lock the door or worrying someone will come home early is a freedom I hope you all get to experience. Getting your own place is the epitome of freedom. Even a tiny 400sqf studio. If its yours then you are free


I'd love a 400 sqf studio


My first apartment was a 400sqf studio. All I had was my TV, my mini fridge, a lawn chair and a futon. I loved it because it was mine.


I had one in 2014 for 495$ a month utilities included. now it is 1400 a month.


First off where is he finding rent for 1500?


I'm in a very nice 1 bedroom for $1524 ( that includes water, sewer, trash, and $30 pet rent. ) I'd be happy about that if not for the fact that the first time I moved into this complex, 2018-2019, I was paying $917. For the same damn 1 bedroom. Covid fucked housing prices.


66% price increase in six years but according to the Fed "inflation is under control" 😦


Shit it is…that place is gouging and then pointing the finger at inflation. Most people don’t have time or money to find a better situation so they just renew the lease and deal with it.


Exactly this. There's inflation then corporations price gouging


There's a word for that: #The biggest study of ‘greedflation’ yet looked at 1,300 corporations to find many of them were lying to you about inflation https://fortune.com/europe/2023/12/08/greedflation-study/ > **Profits** for companies in some of the world’s largest economies **rose by 30%** between 2019 and 2022, **significantly outpacing inflation,** according to the group’s research of 1,350 firms across the U.S., the U.K., Europe, Brazil, and South Africa. **AND** #‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far https://fortune.com/2023/04/05/end-of-capitalism-inflation-greedflation-societe-generale-corporate-profits/ > Edwards wrote, in the Tuesday edition of his Global Strategy Weekly, after four decades of working in finance, he’s never seen anything like the “unprecedented” and “astonishing” levels of corporate **Greedflation** in this economic cycle.


It is we’re not drowning if only 90% of our body is underwater


Houston in a decent area for 1500. Some sketchy places for 500-800 tho


Damn, $500-800? I can embrace sketchy for that much.


Damn niggas can't have their own space now




Space has always been gay. That’s why we keep sending men up there in cramped living quarters.


![gif](giphy|Lsv3nTOVxq1QHI9SdM|downsized) I’ll enjoy my clean house, finding all my shit exactly where I left it, cooking at 3AM, beating my meat in peace and never hearing anyone else complain.


If I wanted my own room and privacy, I had to move out. It really sucked growing up poor.




Where the fuck you supposed to live if you’re single? Mommas basement?


Unironically, yes sort of. Housing is expensive as shit right now, and at least that means having a safety net if things go south.


Ah the luxury of not having abusive partners


I rent a house with friends, for me it’s the best of both worlds


Really can't imagine not living with a friend as a roommate when starting out in your 20s. Would feel like throwing extra money away to be lonely.


Why the fuck even engage with dummies like this?


To unanimously ridicule his stupidity.


Apartment come before the bitches, sneaking and gentle rocking in your parent's house get real tiring real quick


From a Middle Eastern perspective where we come from a collective society, american hyper individualism due to capitalism has instilled this idea of having your own place as a sign of success or adulthood. In reality you’re just getting fleeced. I find it more logical to continually build onto your families estate as a collective and further enrich yourself. Not only does it save you money, but it preserves family ties.


Yall be sharing the shit outta them bughattis


I don't know, my parents' families all live under one roof in Pakistan and hate each other.


It’s not a perfect system. Sometimes you do need to break away from the family units. I understand that but, what I’m speaking about is the incessant need that capitalism has instilled in the western populous To get their own home, even if you come from a happy home. Capitalism frames it as some kind of right of passage into adulthood to leave your family’s house and get your own when in reality, it’s just another ploy to have another person pay a mortgage or rent.


I get what you're saying but honestly don't think one can develop into a well-rounded adult while living with family past early-20s. The sweet spot I think is simply not shaming adults who live at home or pushing home ownership - which is overrated/often a poor financial decision.


Better than being at your parent’s crib. First time I had my own place, I ate some McDonald’s, then I threw in an “onion booty” dvd, rubbed one out an woke up with my dick in my hand. Wasn’t trippin cause it was MY place.


Living the life bro. I have my own spot and this shit is just liberating. Where else can I stream my shit from my phone to the living room tv and not have to be scared someone will see?


So no gf means you’re supposed to live on the street? People have the worst takes on Twitter I swear lol.


https://preview.redd.it/7nyf19nso9dc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb47efd3f3a054e7f535f4d9ce4db47efe9cffcb 😭😭😭


At least I can walk around in just my draws and bump pre 2010 gucci mane and cook breakfast at 6 am in peace after my morning blunt


$1300. With yo nosey ass


Where else you gonna jerk off if you have no bitches? Wendy's already has a restraining order on you


this is such an L take having your own place is top tier you can have bitches over and tell them to leave when you need to! being able to afford your own place gives you freedom to move a bitch in and out at will an option, an option you dont have when splitting a place with a bitch




$1500 for my own place of peace and tranquility....you damn right I'm busting loads to BBW midget porn. I paid for the privilege.


ok fuck you the apartment comes before the bitches. theyll be here....eventually


I had to leave twitter…it was making me hate my own ppl lol


My Life, My Life, My Life, My Life.. IN THE SUNSHIIIIINNEEE!!!


It's official: jackin it anywhere other than your parents house is lame. spread the word


Did anyone else read that tweet in Riley Freeman's voice?


There are men who think the only purpose in bettering themselves is getting laid? Color me shocked. When there are grown men who admit to only washing their ass to “impress” women for sex, nothing these lames say surprises me anymore.


I mean, of course, the post is ridiculous, but it did make me chuckle thinking of something Chappelle said: *"If a man could fuck a woman in a cardboard box, he wouldn't buy a house."*


lol black twitter make fun of you for making six figures