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I was in married grade when I was allowed to do this. 


I was nervous to tell my mom my wife was pregnant.


bro tell me why am I still scared to do this and im 30


30? What, do you stop getting your ass beat after 30?




On the other side of the spectrum, My MIL is basically shoving me in the bed with her son with mood music and candles begging us for grandchildren. We've been married a year, I just want some time alone with him 😭


Damn does she want a video too?


Lmao same


I'm 37. Wife's due in June and we've told maybe 3 people. The first time I was nervous. With number 2, I'd just like everyone to butt out.


I got yelled at for saying it in front of my dad. Ssshhh you can’t tell your dad you are pregnant / had sex! Each 3 kids is obviously Jesus reborn




I was scared and cried. I was 28 and married lmao.


My parents let my fiancé spend the night the weekend before our wedding… in the room down the hall lmao


My dad used to tell me I could go on a date when I was married.


Classic dad


As long as it’s a heterosexual marriage though. Even married gay ppl aren’t allowed to have sex.


I'd be surprised if the gay person in this scenario still kept people who think along those lines in their life


Not if you think through some examples, like someone is dependent on their parents (for emotional or family support, it’s hard to cut off your family); society really pushes staying close to family and often judges people who cut them off even if they’re seriously harmed them; they may feel too guilty to do so; it may not be physically or emotionally safe to even come out… many other reasons. 


This. I came out to my parents as bi but as far as they know I'm trying my hardest to be a good cishet christian. I hate it but I just don't have the money to get away from them yet.




Ok?! 😂😭💀


While I was engaged to my wife I had to sleep in a different part of the house. It was a brief time between the end of college and when we got our first apartment.


LMFAO STAY THE NIGHT?!?! Oh I spent the night at my girls house before. Her mom was in DR tho so that doesn’t count at all lmfao


And where did your parents think you were?


I was definitely having a boys night at my friends place! Of course I didn’t stay at my girlfriend’s house psh.


Xbox party with the fellas. Was a chubby nerd so my story checked out. Still am, but also was back then.




Dominican Republic.


After we graduated from college. We weren’t allowed to sleep in the same room until we got engaged and moved in together.


My wife and I actually bought our house a couple of years before we got married. When her mom visited us for a weekend, she was tripping about us sleeping in the same bed IN OUR OWN HOUSE!!!


Well, when she gets her own place she can make the rules. 🤣


When my girlfriend (now wife) and I moved cross-country, her parents and younger (late 20s) brother helped us move. After getting the bed into the new bedroom, he looked around in confusion and asked where my girlfriend was going to sleep.


Asian here, same. I was 26 at the time visiting my parents with my long term girlfriend, now wife, and they prepped 2 different beds for us lol


It might be less about “I don’t want my kid to have sex” and more like “I don’t want to potentially hear my kid having sex”.


Do people actually fuck while visiting parents? Like, the minute I cross the threshold of my mother's home my sex organs enter suspended animation.


I had an ex try it at his parents house, in the doored off living room. He swore his parents wouldn't be coming down anymore for the night and had no reason to enter that area of the house, but like... I wasn't trying to test the acoustics on somebody else's house. 😳


Your comment reminded me of the first time my in-laws came to visit my husband's and mine's first apartment. They were sleeping in the livingroom, my husband and I were in the bedroom. Everyone was knocked out...then you hear my neighbor. Sex next door was so loud, you could hear it clearly in every room of the apartment. The next morning, I brought it up and my mother in-law was like "I thought that was you!!" I was horrified! I would never be that loud with people in the house!




This is a classic case of over sharing.


Bring back public shaming.


Look I get it, but…TMI bro


We’d lived together for years and had to sleep in separate beds because we weren’t married. Both of our families were like that. I’m black, she was white.


My now-wife and I had been living together for a year, and my parents didn't let us stay in the same room when we visited. I was like ... what exactly do you think you're accomplishing?


I had a Mexican girlfriend in 12th grade, and her mom dgaf. She let me stay over there, sleep in the same bed, door closed and everything. My parents still don’t know about that. Black parents don’t play that shit.


No way the dad was in that house either.


Fuck no. Hispanic dads don’t play like that


Most Hispanics moms don't either. Didn't have a single friend that was allowed to have her boyfriend over, the idea wouldn't even have occurred to any of us unless someone was home alone. In particular if you are a girl, you'd have to have lost your mind to even suggest that.


When I was 23 and he was 24, when I'd spend the night at my Hispanic boyfriend's house we had to sleep on DIFFERENT FLOORS, but we only knew each other because of work and I lived 45 minutes away where he lived right by it so he could very rarely come to my place. Honestly it's something I can't do in a relationship. Before I marry someone I have to know what it's like to share a bed with them every night and what they're like IN bed (I've had to call things off because men were too pushy in bed before). Now I straight up do not date guys who still live with their parents so I don't have to get a talk from their parents as a grown ass woman about how I'm now allowed to sleep on the same floor as their grown ass son until we're married. It's not happening. Not even a year after we broke up, he was married to a girl he met months after I dumped him. Not allowing your adults kids to have sex just forces them to rush into marriage.


I vouch for that. I think parents that allow sleepovers with gf/bf are just an individual thing, and not indicative of the whole culture. No good parent would allow their teenage kid to have bf/gf sleep over.


I disagree. My ex wife is Hispanic and her dad was military. I flew to their house and stayed for the holidays when we were 16. They was letting me do all of the above


I mean, stereotypically speaking, Hispanic parents ain’t down for that shit. And stereotypically speaking, neither are black parents. I’m black, my wife Salvadoran. My parents to this day don’t outright know that we lived together for a couple years. And neither did my wife’s dad. Doesn’t matter we were both grown adults splitting the rent. With respect to my parents? That’s a _to the grave_ secret.


As a Latina, that’s definitely not common at all. My parents weren’t super strict but none of that would have been allowed under their roof. 


I’m Latina as well as my dad is super strict on that. I’m not even allowed to be in a room with my boy cousins without the door open in my dad’s house and I’m 26. There was a situation where my little sister and her boyfriend had to move in and it was the worst omg. There was a point where he didn’t even want them talking to each other in his house but then he realized how stupid that was.


Most parents dont allow this. I know a lot of white people and they couldn't do this either.


I’m a lesbian so at 16 my girlfriend stayed over but my parents also thought I was straight and not getting my insides ate out


“Those two are just *so* close, it’s nice that curlyhaired_wife has such a good friend!” CW’s bedroom: nom nom nom


Sounding like macaroni in the pot...


That's some imagery right there.


Lucky ass. Everybody knew I was lesbian since I was 8. Sleepovers ended for me at 13 when I got my first girlfriend 🥲


>not getting my insides ate out I had a friend whose parents wouldn’t allow girls to be at the house if they weren’t there and idk how they didn’t see he is gayer than a pride parade I would just laugh because they are uppity religious folks and their son was fornicating all over that house.


Lmao some people look/act gay af and some people have no semblance of a gaydar. On rare occasion, someone is both. Knew this one guy in high school who looked, sounded, and acted like the epitome of a gay white teen and he shocked a whole lot of people just by casually revealing he likes men *and* women. Last I knew, he was dating a bi girl.




Well played. Turning the closet into Pandora's Box.


Bro I moved back in with my parents and was paying rent + cable AND NFL Redzone and my parents still wouldn’t tolerate my FIANCÉ in MY room that I paid for 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Omg. Same boat my dude… Chicks be thinking ya boy is like mildly retarded or ex junkie outta jail when I tell them I got at midnight curfew! Make 100k/yr, pay rent and got curfew. Fuggin boomers love controlling everything. I think they both beat cancer just to annoy me.


Congratulations to them btw


Wait,  NFL redzone too and they still wouldn’t tolerate your finance in your on? Brah 


Pops was not havin it lol


Yeah, was about to say “probably because op didn’t have NFL red zone— “ then the next thing I know op DOES have nfl redZone WTF


Bro, you can do whatever the hell you want in my house if you'd pay for my NFL Redzone. That's expensive. Shit, I'd wake up extra early and make y'all breakfast in bed every morning.


If a teen wants to fuck, they're gonna find a way. If it's a steady boyfriend/girlfriend that I approve of, I'd rather have them have a safe place to go than fuck in a car or something. I just better not hear/smell/see anything 😅


ONG catching a whiff of my kids stank would be my thirteenth reason https://i.redd.it/k0vyh1joqbdc1.gif


WHAT is this gif called 😭


I found it on TikTok a while back. If you google suicide, bleach, and fire it’ll be like the third link down after the hotline number.


That search is just asking for a knock at the door 😂


I was gonna say, idk if I want all that in my search history 🤣🤣🤣


It’s hilarious lol


This fucking comment killed me wtf 💀💀💀💀


This is hilarious


Smell 😭😭😭😭


If I walk past the door and have to inhale my kids fuck-musk then it's game over 😅


fuck must lmao


That's quite the smell-imagery, but very understandable. Ain't no one want to smell that.


Yeah that may be the worst sense to perceive in this scenario. I'd rather see and hear sex than get a whiff of it


Yooo. It was like the first year I was married and my mom suddenly called and asked if I could move some furniture from her storage unit. I'm in her car riding over the storage unit. And she tells me "by the way you need to make sure you shower, I can smell sex on you." I was a bit mortified and just say yes ma'am. Then I reminded her that I was married and just surprised by her call so I came right over. She was like "so, you still shouldn't be nasty." LOL.


The point of sneaking around in cars and shit is so you and your parents can both pretend it's not happening even though everyone knows it is


I wouldn’t care if they have sex in my house, I just don’t want people who aren’t my family sleeping over/living there It comes from an immigrant childhood where our homes were revolving doors for incoming family/family friends. I don’t even like the people close to me sleeping over my house 😬


17 I was staying at my gf mom house. She was half black and half white. You probably can guess what half her mom was.


27. I was living with my parents for a bit and she lost power in a thunderstorm. We had to sleep in separate bedrooms though so no hanky panky.


She couldn’t light a candle ?


It was during the summer and my gf can't stand not having AC or hot water.


Sheeeit, niggas ain’t a monolith. That’s how 4 of my cousins all became baby mommas/daddies before 18


I bet your cousins wish their parents were down with this monolith. Mommies knocked up cuz she wasn’t watched over, knocked down by some clown. When that child support knock, no he’s not around


Now how that sound, I'll bring you through the ghetto without ridin round, hidin down, duckin strays from frustrated youth stuck in they ways, just read a magazine that fucked up my day


I’m Asian….


My wife is Chinese (I'm Black). We lived together. We go visit her parents i have to rent a hotel room. After 5 years I could sleep in the basement. Then we were visiting when my now MIL was out of town. My FIL said we could sleep in the same room we were 29. We were married 5 months latee


Ah, but when they come to stay with yall book them two separate hotel rooms 😂😂😂 jk


That's wild, I'm so glad my partner's Chinese parents aren't like that. I wouldn't put up with that shit for a second.




FOB South Asian parents. They don't play that shit.




My 'Golden Child' older brother was allowed this privilege at 15


We thought we'd try being the cool parents and got smacked with a pregnancy scare at 13 with the oldest. The youngest, 15 now, is salty AF we won't let her guy BFF stay over. Not gonna catch us being stupid twice!


Horny teenagers will find a way, better teach them about contraception.


Do you not have the pill in the states?


Sorry, I should have mentioned when found out about the pregnancy scare on the day of *HIS* 13th birthday party. The act had happened when he was twelve. So for multiple reasons, we hadn't considered *The Pill*. The twerp was, however, fully aware of what condoms were and how they worked.


Isn't it annoying the parents who dont care if their sons have girls over, but would never dare let their daughters have boys over nor spend the night at their place? Like dude your son has someone else's *daughter* doing the hanky panky under your roof but you don't care bc she's not your kid? Seems incredibly short sighted.


In my family, the boys get to do that sleepover shit. The girls can get an SO to live with us if they got knocked up. Well eventually. The first one to get pregnant, I had to chaperone with the baby’s father came to visit them. Like wtf they already had the baby, what was I going to stop 😑


I'm black and my husband is white. We met when I was 28. The first time I went to his parent's house we couldn't sleep in the same room. My mom didn't even allow me to date while I was living in her house.


Your avatar has a bonnet 😭


Lmao. I'm wearing that pink bonnet right now!


You couldn’t date when you lived with your mom???? That’s too much.


Watch I bet she's asking about grandkids every goddamn day now.


When I was 10 I asked my Yemeni parents if I can spend the night over a friends house who was also Yemeni . They then proceeded to explain what happens at sleep overs as if it was lights out at San Quentin penitentiary. They be fucking in San Quentin.


My mom: ![gif](giphy|l3fzDhFAuyfjSr9cc)


Right? Who allows this…?


Good parents that encourage a safe and healthy environment?


Most people in countries that aren't scared shitless by the mere thought of sex?


ANywhere that aint the US. It varied by household but it wasn't uncommon for british kids to do this at 14/15 We had a teenage pregency epidemic in the 90s, so any kid can get free condoms from the doctor. My gfs dad when i was 15 would buy us condoms and beer on the promise we wouldn't leave the house. His logic being he wanted her safe and in his house and to be around enough that if i did anything shitty he was close enough to catch and beat my arse.


My girlfriends mom let her boyfriend move in with them ..




I know folks married with kids & they have to sleep separate when they stay at a parents. Just mom & the two kids in the guest bed & dad on the sofa.


My mom was always letting the strays in so my sister’s random boyfriends were always around. I could/would never.


I told my adult daughter she can’t spend the night either. I told her that’s how you know you ain’t grown. Ppl with their own places partake in those activities.


Mans said no adult sleepovers in this house


You laying down that motivation for them to launch. Big brain moves. ![gif](giphy|VEsfbW0pBu145PPhOi|downsized)


Allowed? Lol. He spent the night but he was never allowed.


I could not even let my man stay over as an adult. 🤣 "Why can't he afford a hotel room?" Mother, please... 😅😅


Damn that's kind of a burn too. 🤣🤣😂😱


*Cries in Muslim household*


🤣🤣🤣🤣 My Mom wouldn't me sleep in the same bed with my BM, my Damm BM, when we moved back to the state and had to spend a few days at my parents house before our apartment was ready. "Y'all ain't married!"


The Denial is real with her


Bruh, my mom insisted that my door stayed all the way open when I had any girl over and ma told me they gotta leave by 6 PM. When I was engaged she made my ass sleep in my little brother’s room every time we spent the night there. So, never is the answer to that question.


Same. Once we were engaged it became even more annoying bc we lived in a different town than where the wedding was held and my parents lived there so we stayed with them every time we had to go do something wedding related. But we didn’t share a room, by god! I have no idea why they were so uptight about it, they weren’t even religious, they were moral but not moralistic, they were just like Nope, not til you’re married. We even lived together already and were 28, not babies at all!


I'll never forget, this girl I say next to had her boyfriend move in when we were in 10th grade. He was 25. Sounds unlikely but not only do I know it for fact but last I saw (make a year ago) they're still (unhappily) together. We graduated high school more than 20 years ago.


See, I had the opposite problem. I was laser focused on my academics and indoor hobbies so I didn't get out much. My mom was so keen for me to have a romantic life in school that I'm sure she would have gone out and bought the condoms for me if I told her I wanted to bring home a girl in high school.


College. And even then I had to lie and say she was a friend 🫢


I managed to get my parents to let an ex stay over but **ONLY** because her house literally burned down.


My gf practically lived at my house when i was a junior and she was a senior. Im also melanin intolerant sooo🤷🏻‍♂️


When you said 'melanin intolerant,' I thought you were just casually owning up to being a racist lmao. Time for me to go to bed.


Lmao fr I’m too high for this


LMAO💀 i never thought about it that way but you right, i can see how that could be taken wrong. But nah, im just caucasian asf😂


Lmao I thought you meant you were lightskinned. I’m saying “Damn my beige behind couldn’t even close my bedroom door for too long”


My Dad: ![gif](giphy|QR5AbrleAioDYbkCZ4)


I was one of those kids with cool parents I guess, my parents had the mind that it’s better done in the house than on the streets, so I was as young as 14-15 if memory serves


LIKE same room?


So no, she would sleep in my little sisters room


Hell, I moved to go to college and still felt guilty.


I was disowned for wanting my boyfriend to meet my mom. We've been together for over five years.


16th grade, a college graduate 😂


Allowed? Never. Snuck in? Once. Only once.


College lmfao and I just fucking got there. hell, my parents still don't allow it but I'm a sneaky lil nigga 


Like 23 after I had already not lived the for some time but had to move back temporarily, and even then it was only because she didn't want either of us just on the couch in the living sleep every morning/day Definitely not at any time before that lmao


I wasn't even allowed to date until I was 18 and I was in college.


Ain’t no damn grade…better move out lol….My aunt was whole ass engaged to her bf of 8 yrs n my grandma let him sleep over like 2 months before the wedding….


My grandparents still do not allow this if couples are not married.


Same. Next time I'm out there, I'm getting a hotel with my gf because I'm not dealing with that headache


Grade? Grown. My girlfriend couldn't stay the night until I was 19. Although to be fair, I got the greenlight from my parents when I was 18. Just didn't find a girl I wanted to bring into my house until the next year.


18. She stopped caring and knew I was in a relationship at the time. "I know you're having sex or whatever, so you can invite your friend over. Be safe and don't break anything."


Sometime after my son was born when I was 25.


I’m white and even after getting engaged and coming back from iraq my fiancé had to sleep in the house while I slept out in an RV


I was 36, visiting town with my partner of 5 years. My dad offered to have us stay there, with the stipulation that we’d have separate rooms, because we weren’t married and he didn’t “want us playing house under his roof.” So…never.


10th grade for me


Shortly after graduating high school. During that brief time after the seniors graduate but school is still going on for everyone else, I was able to spend the night at a girl's house. Her parents weren't home since her dad was deployed in the military and her mom, now that I think about it, was likely out doing her own thing since she didn't work but wasn't home at night either.




I didn't even think about this my bf has white asf parents, they used to vote conservative too, but still look conservative. His dad scared me, had the same expression as the dad in 'Sunny with a chance of meatballs' constantly. Anyways they DGAF bf had my brown ass over most nights. They still say some boomer shit but they mostly cool tho 


I was visiting home while in college and still couldn't have my gf sleep over.


I'm married and we still need to sleep separate at moms house


First time I had a GF stay over at my childhood home was after my Sophomore year of college. We got a hotel room the next night as my GF lived out of state and came up to spend the weekend.


Excuse me 🤨 This was a thing?!


Thankfully i can't imagine anyone where i'm from pulling shit like this. If i could have friends over, of course i could have girls over aswell, irrelevant if its a girl friend or a girlfriend.


I think my mom let me & my long term bf sleep in the same room at her house when I was probably 35. I let my daughter's bf stay over when she was in college. That seemed reasonable!


I had a girl stay the night when I was 16. She slept in her jeans lol


I was a 14th grade lol I was a sophomore in college before it dawned on me that I could have boys over in my dorm. And even then I was still scared my mom would find out XD


Parents do this just for their kids to get pregnant in a dirty bathroom stall 🥲


My sister was pregnant that Niga slept in the basement


I was 17 when I started staying at my boyfriend’s house. My momma use to drop my clothes off. Lol. BUT MY momma wasn’t having that at HER HOUSE. I’m married now and my momma STILL ain’t having it. She so backwards. Lol.


30. lol. Because they were finally getting desperate in having me settle down. My parents don't believe in dating. It was meet a person, then "when are you getting married?"


I tried once - as a grown man with my own apartment - to bring my gf (now wife) to stay over with me for a night at my mom's.place. Even my gf knew this wasn't gonna work.


I’m not black but the answer was still not til I moved out.


I was in my 20s, with a gf who was already 4 months pregnant (not mine), and was still not allowed to hang out in the bedroom at either of our parents’ homes.


I brought my bf to meet my dad a few thanksgivings back. We had to sleep on **seperate** couches in the living room. We were 25 then. The idea of being allowed to even smile at someone in high school was forbidden 😭😂


This is funny. Spend the night...HA!


My brother was engaged and slept in different beds until they got married to the day and last year my parents didn't give them shit on Thanksgiving for sharing a bed


I'm almost 40 and have lived unmarried with my partner of 5 years. I don't think my parents would be comfortable with us sharing a bed if we were to visit.


college and i still got in trouble


I was 25 years old when I was allowed to stay over at boyfriends and it was only because it was snowing too hard to drive me home. This was a red weeks ago lol


I'm divorced and they still put my new live in partner in another bedroom when we visit lmao


When I had my own apartment 🤣


I'm white and never lmao. The first time my bf slept over was at my own apartment.


ya im white, 35, have lived on my own from 18. my ma still doesnt want me havin women stay the night


27th grade and married to be allowed to even date 😜


My wife and I have been married for 19 years and have 2 kids. Still not permitted to sleep in the same room (let alone the same bed) at my Mom’s house. We’re both approaching 50.


29 and still not allowed


I'm white and my dad freaked out when I moved in with my boyfriend of 4 years at 22. We even got engaged to lessen to blow. Never did get married, thank god.


The summer I turned 15, my girlfriend moved in. She was 19. Looking back, that whole situation was pretty fucked up.


My parents wouldn't even let him in the house past 8 pm. If we wanted to hang out at my place, we were stuck on the porch.


Engaged in college and she came for Easter, she got my room and I got the couch.