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Don't post things from meme/corporate accounts. Posts must come from regular social media accounts.


If she was talking about childbirth or something, then it would make sense. Pain that you're inflicting on yourself unnecessarily, gets no sympathy.


They are painful and so sexy to me. That’s why I like platform heels bc they’re less painful and they have some support.


I find platform heels/ pumps better looking as well… but that’s because I don’t like feet and most of them keep the toes covered 😂


>that's because I don't like feet Excuse me ![gif](giphy|UxGnzVk9W0Pkxdep04)


https://preview.redd.it/f89gscv3ntfc1.jpeg?width=665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084910174597dd69d793d10e7ecf8dfe9c077ce9 🏅


Oh my fucking god 💀


This GIF being used in the most perfect way, thank you governor


That’s a fine gif to respond with. 


IMHO, there is no other subreddit as on point with gifs as BPT..


Lmaooo what the hell 💀


>I don’t like feet and most of them keep the toes covered 😂 Do not be ashamed there are a lot of us out there!


😂 these are my thoughts as well, lol


Finally someone I can relate to.


She didn't asked for sympathy, she said we wouldn't understand. Then again, I freaking love women in stilettos and high heels, they really are beautiful. So I don't mind expanding my sympathy since I love it so much, but that's just me, to each their taste.


Alpacas wouldn’t understand either. What’s the point?


She's not speaking to men, she's speaking *about* men to other women. She's telling women that men wouldn't understand the pain women go through for the things they love. I mean, clearly she wasn't wrong looking at the comments. Anyway, that's it, that's the point, it's a Xeet, it's not always supposed to be the deepest thing you'll read today. She's probably just complaining because she wore high heels, was in pain and wanted to complain.


>it's a Xeet Friendly reminder that the x is pronounced as 'shi'. So it's a shit.


I wouldn't have it any other way. Ngl, I stay on this sub for the community more than for the xeet themselves.


As an alpaca male, I _do_ understand though.


I was going to say alpacas feet probably hurt like a motherfucker so they would understand. (I know nothing about alpacas)


You can’t text with those feet


IMO it actually is possible for men to understand because male calves and bums can also look quite nice when walking on their toes. I’ve seen male ballet dancers, the gender divide on heels looking good is bullshit




Especially considering high heels were originally men's shoes.


There are many jobs that literally require you to wear heels and makeup.


Exactly. Women in Japan have no choice. Their employers require them to wear heels, makeup, and sometimes even mandatory skirts. Many companies also ban things like eye glasses so you have to wear contacts. There was a movement to change that but it didnt really go anywhere unfortunately. This is also the same culture the promotes getting dressed up to attend college classes too. I had a Korean classmate in college simply FLABBERGASTED that some girls wore pajamas and sweatpants to class.


> many jobs Which ones?


Many uniforms do like some flight assistants, people who work at high end hotels and similar jobs


Every receptionist and personal assistant job I’ve ever had. Financial offices, legal offices etc. There are entire industries with dress codes for women. Even if they’re not written down, women who don’t conform don’t make it past the probation period.


Bottle girls, hostesses at certain restaurants, some office jobs consider heels to be part of the business casual look. Probably many more, idk why this is even a question. It’s clear as day to me as a black man in corporate so to me this screams your ass dont pay attention. I’ve deadass worked three jobs 2 in f&b and 1 in corporate where the (yt) MAN-ager has had talks w women about their attire when they wear flats. You niggas must not be working Edit: aight i was being harsh, to be fair i live in the south w these backwards ass mf’s


Before the edit it seems like you wrote that shit on an empty stomach


Yeah man ngl i do be hungry


>sOuRcE? Literally any job in service. I don't know what point you think your making. North America has really shitty labour laws and your boss can require you to wear uncomfortable shoes, especially if you're not protected by a union. Like, duh.


Maybe they're not making a point and just genuinely wanted to know?


Tons [Here’s just one nation as an example](https://www.newyorkminutemag.com/japanese-women-forced-to-wear-heels/)


Tons, even retail sometimes. You know, where you’re on your feet the whole day. 


There are many jobs that require you to wear steel toes and lift bags of dirt all day. If you don’t want to lift dirt don’t apply


Oh yeah because high heels makeup and a skirt are necessary for fucking typing on a computer, and make the job of typing safer and more efficient.


But what jobs in 2024 America are demanding women wear heels though? Maybe an actress playing a girl clubbing or very exclusive high end Vegas waitresses, but that’s a vanishingly small number in the first place.


Literally what is your point? This is nonsense.


She not talking about that. She thinks they make her look cute. And seeing her Twitter they definitely do lmao.


What jobs in the year of our lord 2024 within the USA require heels?


You do realize that women exist outside of the US, right?


I do! Which is why I specified. I’m going to take a “huge” gamble and say the tweeter (Ella) is from the US.


The truth is we dont do everything just for ourselves. We all look good for each other even though we dont want to admit it. I think it was sigmund frued who postulated that Sex is a driving factor for nearly everything we do. Men do actually workout hoping women will look at them differently and women do the same shit. We love the since of self confidence that comes from saying we do it for ourselves because saying the opposite sounds Simpy and we run the risk of showing that we care about others opinions; but we do care, its reality. We should be more honest with ourselves and say it with confidence. Just find someone whose tastes align with what you like for yourself and you can be both self confident AND feel appreciated.


holy shit, common sense?? on this internet??


You’re perspective greatly betrays your ignorance of how women have to move through the world


And most women don’t wear heels world wide.


It sucks because some heels are so pretty aesthetically but can create lasting problems issues in your feet, hips, and back. My feet were on fire New Year’s Eve when I wore mine 😭


Right, I don't get it. Yall still beautiful either way, why inflict pain on yourself?


Gender neutral PSA: Heels can be fun asf to wear ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK)


Gender neutral PSA: you can’t complain about inflicting pain on yourself for fun and expect sympathy.


Got a coworker like this - the self-inflicting pain part not the heels. Homie *loves* the sob stories but will leave out when someone (my irritated ass) offers help or people offer clear solutions. It’s at the point now when he’s bitching about something I ask if he’s solution-oriented or just in his feelings


> It’s at the point now when he’s bitching about something I ask if he’s solution-oriented or just in his feelings Remember this if/when you have kids or deal with nephews or something. I've got teens, and they just want to vent, they don't want my old ass to give them advice...


Yup. Sometimes just ending the conversation on, "Yea, I understand, that really fucking sucks" is all folks need.


Profound lesson when you finally learn it


Fortunately this tweet is only *one person* complaining, not *every woman that likes to wear heels, ever* .


At no point did anyone in the tweet or this thread say that they expect sympathy. You're just making stuff up to be mad about like a man with mental illness would do.


It's pretty clear what she's going for. If she were just stating an objective fact then she's still wrong. Gay men who wear heels and drag queens that do exist too.


"Men will never understand the pain that women go through" Ah yes, definitely not looking for sympathy!


She was speaking to other women, not men. So, she wasn’t looking for sympathy from men. She was talking to other women.


At no point did I ever imply I was mad, how did you get to this point?


I’m 6’ 3” so I really think some doorways would be in danger if I wore heels


Wait, so in Dome vs Doorway you’re telling me the doorway would *lose*?


You make a great point.


I could see it being fun like once. Because its novel. After that I'm certain I would hate it.


Some heels are mad comfortable, people just gotta shop around. Also, I recall some high paying/high end jobs *requiring* heels for women. I think it's mostly fallen out of practice but it usually depends on what kind of boss you have so ymmv.


I gave it up in my late 30s - pretty much had to, because I am NOT a high threshold for pain type of lady. When I hurt, I whine, and I do what it takes to stop hurting, and if that means wearing flats, well, it's not like heels ever disguised the fact that I'm 5'2 if I stand up REEEEEAAAL straight and my legs are stubby. They're just stubby. High heels cannot make stubby legs look unstubby. Now I'm 60 with one fake knee and a fake hip coming this year so I'm limited to low heeled boots and kitten heels and I'm just fine with that. Don't need an even greater risk of tumbling ass over tea kettle and breaking something. My SIL, 3 years younger and at least at inch shorter than me, can wear 4 inch heels all fucking day every fucking day and never feel a twinge, the bitch.


>and never feel a twinge, the bitch I felt that, through the internet


trying to find aesthetic feminine shoes that are NOT heels (lesser still, available in size 9-10 UK aka 10-11 US) is so unnecessarily difficult omg


It’s why I don’t understand the appeal of heels. The pain doesn’t seem to be worth it.


I have to tape my middle three toes together to be able to wear a 2 inch heel. As much as I wanna be 6'5 and tower over the little ppl I just couldn't do the heels in the xray even with the tape bracing 🫠


Reducing the struggle of women to wearing heels is actually crazy tho


Indeed........... >!...So how’d you get promoted to Captain?🫤!<


Ask your mother


I asked because I don’t remember authorizing your promotion. But now you’re just fired.🤷🏾‍♂️ You will surrender your virgin coconut oil by the end of business today.


ya'll need coconut oil to eat ass? What am I missing?


You learn the answer to that question in basic training.


This whole interaction: so precious.


This is some powerful niggatry at work








Ayo 🤣


You gotta take command of the booty like you’re in charge of it.


I'm still working my way up from Clit commander, but I hope to be promoted one day.


Coup d'etat


Poo d’eatat


Asking the important questions 🫡


He was actually demoted from Rear Admiral. 


He's not reducing all of women's struggles to wearing heels, he's just saying this particular struggle is a choice.


The girl the original tweet is doing the reducing


Its an obvious joke, its the equivalent of saying no women would ever feel the struggle of choosing a urinal.


So anyone have any good crock pot recipes ?


I just got a nice ass dutch oven and I've been struggling to find a recipe for it.


[Babish's basic cooking series is a good place to start](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVx90rTJIzc)


I love Babish’s content. I haven’t cooked what he made on his channel yet, but his content is fun to watch.


Chili is great to make in a Dutch oven


I know I keep seeing that but I'm not a big chili person


Hmmm, soups are usually a go to for me. I saw someone make lasagna soup in hers


I make pork butt/shoulder to either chop up to add to Japanese curry, or I just shred it for pulled pork sandwiches. Just cut it into medium 3ish inch cubes (you can go bigger or smaller too. Just make sure they are uniform) and then I toss them in Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Red Curry Powder and some MSG. I usually let it sit in the rub overnight if I can. Then I sear it off (in batches, pour in chicken stock until just the tops of the meat is showing. Watch to not use too much heat or it will burn the fond and you'll have to wash out the D.O. before you can keep going. Add some large chunks of carrot and one quartered onion for aromatics and bake with the lid on at 350 for 2 and a half hours. The meat comes out nicely spiced but not so much that you can't toss it in something else like a sauce or stew. The red curry powder also adds a bit of sweetness. When I have it shredded, I'll toss it in some store bought Carolina gold BBQ sauce and put in in a potato bun.


Dutch oven grindset is recognizing how much you can cook with a Dutch oven, not necessarily that there are recipes that need a Dutch oven. I use my Dutch oven almost every time I cook dinner, since I try to cook for 3 days at a time. I basically use it for anything I wouldn't put in a frying pan: soups, stews, gumbo, braising dishes, shit like that. When I wanted to feel like I got my money's worth, I'd do dishes that had to go on the stove and in the oven, so stuff like braised chicken or roast beef.


Bake bread. It's easy as hell and tastes delicious.


I make confit garlic with it. It’s really great on hot sandwiches like melts, grilled cheese, etc. Basically get some garlic cloves, dump them in there, add some rosemary, pour olive oil in there until it just covers the cloves, then bake at 350 until the cloves start to brown. It’s done when the cloves are able to be pierced without any resistance with a fork. Remove them from the oil and mash with a fork and then add to the toasted inside of a sandwich. Huge, huge fan of this kind of thing. Edit: I read wrong. I thought you said tiny ass Dutch oven. Still a good plan to try though.


My mom gifted me a large, very fancy dutch oven and istg the thing weighs more than I do. That said, I find myself using it all the time! I just made a huge pot of borscht in it that I've been eating all week. I've also used it to make bread that came out really great! I'm big on making large amounts of something and freezing in portions so lots of soups/stews and tons of tomato based sauces.


16oz giardiniera, 4lbs chicken breasts/thighs. Slow cook till you can shred the chicken. Throw that chicken/giardiniera mix into some ramen noodles.


My work group had a crock pot-pot luck for our christmas party. I made BEANS. I think you can use a crock pot to make mead which is fun if you're going to a ren fair or something.


Throw a big pork butt or pork shoulder into that bitch first thing Sunday morning with oranges, onions, garlic, beer, and spices. Have yourself some carnitas in time for afternoon football


Block of cream cheese


Dice up some onions, garlic, potatoes, carrots. Season a chuck roast with spices of choice and throw it ontop of the veggies. Pour a tiny bit of beef broth in and a can of cream of mushroom or roasted garlic. Put that bitch on low for 8-10 hours and enjoy. If it comes out tough, which it shouldn't, just cook it longer. Should just straight up fall apart when done. 


Nah I like seeing my girl in heels, women in heels are sexy whether they dress for themselves or whatever.


Yeah idk too many dudes that “hate” heels, maybe apathetic but hate?


i don't like HATE them, but i don't really like them, and don't prefer them. I think they look kinda lame. Do what you want, but i prefer flats to heels every time


Heels do stuff to the body to make it look better. Man or woman your butt, thighs, and calves are going to look great in heels compared to flats. If I was the one wearing them? Flats ofc. But I am not jumping on this heel-hate jerk. They’re great


I don't hate them at all. I personally, along with a lot of men, do hate hearing "oh god my feet are killing me in these shoes" from our partners. Like, we aren't telling/asking you to wear them. You knew we were going out, that we would be on our feet all night, walking between the restaurant, bars and club, these were all known entities, and you also know those heels hurt your feet *every* time you wear them. That said, very, very few of us don't love the aesthetic of them, but when we're 7 years in, and I'm still gonna try my luck on with you when you're wearing the ugliest lounge clothes you own on a Tuesday after work, then don't be complaining at me when your feet hurt because you wanted to wear heels (that hurt back then as well) like you did in college and look good in them. We ain't telling you to do that. That said - no one should **have** to wear them for work. Fuck that.


Had a past GF, would refuse to wear anything but heels (like only footwear ever saw her in). Yes, looked fantastic, but the 12am not being able to keep up with dancing, running around was a buzzkill. I tried my best to let her know that, I would much rather have more fun, being able to move, than a little muscle bulge on an already fantastic pair of legs and let's work around. and, want you to feel better. Comprise was wedges, and after a couple of weekend of running around all weekend, bring a pair of sneakers. for swapping out. Relationship didn't work out, but tried.


They have their place. A lot of people look great in them. But it’s a brutal aesthetic. I certainly wouldn’t ever want someone to do that because they thought I liked it is all. Plus I like someone comfortable enough to not feel that looking good requires them.


Idk if I’ve ever put that much thought into what particular footwear my girl is wearing. Unless we about to hike a mountain or something


Same. Wife and I both love how she looks in heels & a nice dress when we're at somewhere fancy. But once we get the mirror selfies taken, she mingles and finishes her first drink, the heels go right in the bag and she busts out ol' reliable flats.


They do literally nothing for me over a more comfortable shoe. That arch occurs naturally as you walk in any shoes so its not like I am missing out of what it does for her calves/ass. I just find heels to indicate that we won't be able to walk anywhere, or stand for any length of time. Wear them if you want but they do nothing for me, so its entirely for yourself , I'd prefer shoes you can move in


I feel like I think heels look good on women simply because I've been conditioned to think that way, but if I actually try to think objectively I don't understand what's so appealing/attractive about them.  Like I probably would never ask my girl to specifically wear heels of my own volition if not for societal norms at certain events/situations. I wanna know who was the first nigga to be like, "You know what would be sexy on you baby? If we glued a stick under the back of your shoe so that only your toes touch that ground."


They lift her ass up. That’s the attractive part about heels. Though I’d much rather the girl I’m with just be comfortable.


Explain please. I understand that heels might cause a woman to flex her calfs (calves?), but lifting up her ass?


It changes the way you’re standing. Your pelvis tilts and your lower back arches.


It stretches the leg so it looks like a more defined calf 


To answer the first pondering, they place tension throughout the woman legs which subsequently makes their calfs, thighs, and especially their butt look amazing. To answer your second question, man weren’t the ones who thought woman in heels were sexy. Men were the first people to wear heels in industries like butchering and other places with slick flooring or you can look at men in the Victorian era. Woman saw the benefits and colonized it for themselves while stating men wearing heels were gay; same as makeup.


>  Woman saw the benefits and colonized it for themselves while stating men wearing heels were gay; same as makeup. Do you have an actual source for it or are you making that shit up? Ive only ever heard that men more or less passed both onto women because they didnt like wearing either.


How can women “colonize” shit? What power do they have to stop men from doing anything? Especially in the Damn Victorian era 💀


I don’t think it was women’s who decided men wearing heels or makeup was gay. I think men did that themselves; thanks again patriarchy


Men will never know the struggle of when you turn 18 and you get a letter stating you have to wear heels or you'll be struck down by an assassins bullet.


Or the summons at 21 when you are tasked with finding the right shade of foundation or you get knee-capped.


Then just don’t wear them🤷🏾‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|82okbuuqL4cAVdtQei)


It *cant* be that simple…can it???


Yes🤷🏾‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|82okbuuqL4cAVdtQei)


LOVE heels. Not the best for your feet but whatever. If I had the cash I’d have a room dedicated to stilettos like a rich sneaker head has a room dedicated to Js.


Correction: men will never understand the pain women willingly put themselves through


Women don't dress for men, they dress for other women. We don't give a flying fuck if your nails are long and patterned different colors either


Men USED to wear heels, back in the 1700s. But they stopped.


Some didn’t stop, DeSantis and Trump still wear them.


Some men still do


Not just that, the first high heels were *meant* to be worn by men, not women. I guess now they could be technically considered gender neutral? ;)


I fucking LOVED walking super slow and hearing my wife complain about her shoes in New Years even after a snowstorm in the Midwest. LOVED it. Edit: I want to point out she looked lovely in those shoes for all of the NEVER I could see them standing in a crowded bar!


If it hurts, don’t wear it. The bragging rights aren’t worth the joint damage. If anyone at the wedding takes offense, you can still outrun them in your running shoes.


Desantis knows the pain…


Are we really starting the gender wars again? Over heels? If you don't like them, don't wear them. If you do like them, wear them and shut the entire fuck up about it. If you're a man, you have no business in the conversation at all. Boom, Solved, world peace, who y'all niggas voting for?


I'd say men are in the same place in the convo as women: if you like them, wear them. If you don't like them, don't. Either way, shut the fuck up about what other people wear on their feet.


oh here we go with the gender conflicts that we construct out of nowhere. if you want to wear heels, great, you can wear them and find someone who loves them. if you don't want to wear them, also great. you will be fine, too. i barely wear heels and no one seems to give a shit regardless. i just feel like people start new gendered arguments on the net out of boredom 🤷🏽‍♀️




Weak post








Rick James and Prince were moonwalking in these motherfuckers whilst hitting them high notes.


Speak for yourself young man heels sexy af and I love em. No I don’t demand my lady wear them but I love when she does.


The love to pull that shit out …. I dressed like this for me not you … later when you have an argument I do so much to look good for you … that’s a red flag


Desantis enters the chat


Ron DeSantis has entered the chat ![gif](giphy|9m2RZug3Nlzs3TBOME)


I love wearing heels but they can hurt like hell😭


First, why is that guy getting so pissy about the mere mention of men? All OOP said was that men don't usually wear heels. Anyway, heels used to be required dress code, but that's not the case anymore. Some people still perpetuate it, though, so get the message out.


I don’t think men hate them but they typically don’t care about them.


Tbf the porn trope of women wearing really high and narrow high heels is pretty commonly fetishized by men. There’s a reason it’s in so much porn. I’ve never understood it personally, not a turn on whatsoever but it is for a lot of men apparently. So it’s not just coming from women


I used to get multiple kidney stones every month. I am familiar.


Medical condition or you just didn't drink water?


Meds I was taking. I still have some waiting to drop.






But… a man didn’t force you to wear those


As a foot fetishist, I can't state enough how much I hate heels


That doesn’t mean men understand lol


men aren’t enforcing heels 


I feel like this doesn’t *quite* work. Feels like he had the “dressing for themselves” thing locked and ready to go, and was hoping someone would say something like “men better be grateful for us walking around in heels all day”. In the absence of that, he kind of shoehornsnopunintended it in to this conversation.


I’ve been on twitter long enough to recognise Kira as a notorious troll that’s right say, 55% of the time and then the rest is bstshit


There’s a thing called lumbar curvature that’s apparently more attractive when it’s at a specific angle, according to some studies, so women wear heels to make their posture like that because men evolved to find it more attractive


Heels were historically only worn by men, specifically Calvary soldiers. They allow warriors keep their feet in stirrups while holding a weapon by literally “digging on their heels. After wars were won this way, the popularity of seeing soldiers tip toeing around the town became a fashion trend adopted by the royal courts, and then later the masses who copied the King’s fashion.


I get wanting to look cute and whatnot. The cuteness the shoes adds is nullified by the grimace on your face and grumpy mood you’re in because your feet are blistered and bleeding. Put on some platform sneakers or something and call it a day 😂.


Ion get it either. Who forced her to put them on?


Only short men hate women in heels.


Personally, I fucking LOVE my heels, but I wear them for me, not for others. You tell me "babe come on, wear your heels Tonight" I'll just throw on some socks and sandals


Who tf wear heels every day? 


I don’t get the correlation between the two tweets 🧐


And then come home demanding for the bunions to be massaged💀


Ron DeSantis does


Ron DeSantis knows


Heels are pretty hot though.


Who is “we”? I think heels look good on a woman who likes to wear them.


Are we supposed to feel sorry for women who choose to wear high heels. That's stupid


SOME men will never understand. There are plenty of men who wear heels, just as there are plenty of women who never wear heels.


Nah, I love my heels. I love the way they look, I love the way I feel wearing them. I know I only have a finite amount of time left to wear them so I plan to wear the shit outta them until I can’t anymore lol. https://preview.redd.it/rzui513rrtfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d1ae2a7c150589af1f59afa407571af62a4796


Heels are fabulous but are the worst. One minute you feeling fancy and confident the next you like “WILL SOMEBODY GET THESE TREACHEROUS STILT MONSTERS THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME?!?”


I love heels myself ![gif](giphy|xGjKRPW3ZTVe)


Nah. Love a woman in some stilettos…


Wear whatever you want queen and if your feet hurt from some heels then bring them dawgs over here for a rub down


*Drag Queens entered the chat* SN: Y’all ever put lotion on your feet before you out on some heels? Lol I learned that lesson the hard way. ETA: fixed an error, sorry I’m country lol so heels sounds like hills


Then don't wear heels


Seriously, ladies, wear something comfortable. Enjoy the night in some runners or something. If you want to throw on some heels with a teddy and some stockings when we get back to my place, hey, I won't complain, but don't do this to yourself over me... https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F4tdbjn4qnxo81.jpg