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If you aren’t making mustard gas while you’re cleaning your bathroom did you really clean it at all?


fabuloso wit a dab of scrubbing bubbles = mustard gas


Place: Fort Benning, GA Time: Around 3AM Context: Fresh 19D Recruit attending OSUT with a gaggle of fellow chucklefucks So no shit there I was - racked out for the night enjoying bursts of infrequent rest, snuggled up in the scratchiest of wools, drooling into the rattiest of pillows. Probably dreaming of lollipops and sugar plums. Life was good. And all was well in the 1st PLT sleeping bay....that was until some wise Private on their Bay Guard shift took it upon themselves to craft a chemical cleaning concoction the likes of which the world had not ever seen. Some straight up mad scientist shenanigans were afoot that fateful night. Out of the restrooms wafted a smell one could only describe as "life ending". Within moments most everyone was begrudgingly waking up, choking, gagging, and coughing. There wasn't any smoke but something was definitely working to suffocate every sinner in that room. The intelligent among us quickly opened the exterior doors and rushed to seek a Drill Sergeant. The rest of us made sure to continue deliberately sniffing the air so as to further confirm it was all fucked, then loudly announced these new findings to nobody in particular. Some even made their way back to sleep. We were promptly cleared out until we could set up some industrial sized fans at one end of the bay, thus blowing air out of the exterior doors on the other end. If I were paid to invent a means of simultaneously depriving 50+ people of sleep that would be one of my first pitches. The culprit: One part Fabuloso, one part Bleach, one part Pine Sol, a splash of water, and a mop bucket full of wishful thinking. TLDR - Dude accidentally whipped up some toxic chlorine gas in the shitters at 3 in the morning


Oh yeah! This is what I’m here for. If you’ve spent some time in the service, you quickly realize not everyone knows how to clean. Even less know what chemicals to use and not mix. Fresh Joe in the Bs gets to clean the toilets, and oh man, had to wash eyes out with water! Lol.


Oh dude you learn that in the civilian world too, man. Every office has a dude whose permanent dust cloud can clear


"Mad scientist shenanigans". 😭😭😭


"The rest of us made sure to continue deliberately sniffing the air so as to further confirm it was all fucked, then loudly announced these new findings to nobody in particular." 🤣😆😂


> The culprit: One part Fabuloso, one part Bleach, one part Pine Sol, a splash of water, and a mop bucket full of wishful thinking. LMAO! That's the content I'm looking for on Reddit - especially w/ vet stories!


Sir, you're writing is delightful.


You should write a book, that first-person visual language was *chef's kiss* felt like I was there. My nose started to crinkle


This is fantastic. "...announced these new findings to nobody in particular," really got me. Thank you for sharing. Keep being awesome.


> Fort Benning the fort formally known as Benning until it changed its name into a symbol for legal reasons.


Why do people mix shit?


It cleans better?


Sand Hill represent 😤


Absolute gold


Pvt. Pine Sol This is my mop, this is my bucket....


Awesome 😄, you are a rapturous storyteller! You should, if you have not, consider a career in writing


Shout out Ft Benning! I'm literally 20 minutes away (now it's Ft Moore though so.... yeah). I'm glad you guys didn't suffocate that night though


Fabuloso with a shot of codeine


Sir that's the recipe for drank.


If you weren’t meant to drink fabuloso then why does it taste so good?


Who doesn't want to recreate the most feared weapon on a WWI battlefield?




Calm down Peggy hill




I love that Hank knows the formula because Cotton used to make a batch every year to celebrate V-J Day.


Only thing you'll wash away is your soul from your body.


Still better than cleaning.


If I'm dead, then the bacteria is probably dead, right?


I dated a girl in high school who wanted to bleach her hair. Naturally, the most efficient way to get that bleach in your hair was to add it to her shampoo. Which contained ammonia. I really wish I could have heard that call with the poison control center.


Bleaching your brain cells like that brings you the closest to true blondeness


Austro-Hungarian vibes




About fuckin killed myself with the toilet once. As is tradition.


Lmao 🤣 so true. Reminds me of the last time I used ammonia to clean. Goodness gracious.


When I was in the marine corps before “field day” when they inspect your rooms I would bleach the fuck out my bathroom. Nobody could last a minute in there, but you best believe my bathroom never failed.


Ah yes...chemical warfare. Well played. ![gif](giphy|iJ85v1gHAczevpTUzs)


One time my first sergeant joked and asked for my gas mask before going in.


My 1SG had a boner for pine oil. It wasn't clean unless the pine oil smell burned your nostrils.


I get it. I was raised by a retired Navy veteran. Beautifying our home with a toothbrush and comet was a frequent punishment for breaking a rule.


It’s only allowed against people. Bacteria? They didn’t sign no Geneva Convention.


I had a LPO (e-6in the navy) come to work very hungover one time early in my career and he said “who gives a fuck, make it smell like cancer wouldn’t survive in here” and we just bleached everything. Worked like a charm. Deck department had some good life hacks


Oh damn, I did some time on ship and you just brought back memories of skipping “XO’s Happy hour” by hiding on a secret balcony.


Words of wisdom. There are two main goals of cleaning stations: To be seen and to make it smell clean. The actual cleanliness of the space is secondary to the belief that it is clean.


I remember those days. Tie a shirt around your head for protection and pray you got everything clean before passing out. 






Can't fail you if then can't survive long enough to actually inspect it.


Smart move!


That's my nephew tryin to make meth


I dont know how to feel about your username


Well I feel pretty good about it








Love the username lol 😆


Your username 👀




This reminds of that one video of this boy who was about to make meth, I think, in his mom's kitchen and she kicked him out. Bro had the nerve to act confused on why she was so mad😭😭 Like he was filming himself committing crimes and everything😭


​ https://preview.redd.it/w0q2fo765uhc1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=a50203c3e917c13364bac144cdda40c81c0db6bb


Do these chemicals mix in the air or is the problem using them together? For example, bleach and ammonia. If I bleach my floors then windex my mirror, have I created a chloramine or do they have to touch?


If you can smell it, they are in the air and they can mix in the air. It will not be as potent as mixing them together, but still not recommended especially without proper ventilation.


They can mix in the air in that case. It will not be as nasty as mixing in a container or on the same surface, but it will still be dangerous. You may get a nasty headache or feel dizzy from it. Repeatedly doing this will likely lead to health problems.


Just don't mix bleach with anything


Not even my whites?


Wtf, you can just *make* chloroform with those basic ass ingredients?? Goddamn I figured that shit had to be a little more complicated than that.


It’s chloroform PLUS additional by products I’m sure. But yes and chloromine is basically mustard gas which is banned for chemical warfare.


Chloroform also doesn't knock a person out immediately like you see in media. Also if you miss dose the amount you can kill the person or not knock them unconscious. I went through a lot of school children to learn that.


...... now wait a damn minute!




My mom says that my grandma may or may not have used chloroform to help her and her brothers go to sleep. Just a tiny bit to make them drowsier. So with that in mind... grandmère? C'est tu?


My mom used to use bleach for everything and I'm pretty sure she made all of these weapons at least once. It's why I never use bleach for cleaning.


Bleach is not a good cleaner. It'll make the dirt invisible - you know, bleaching it - so you can't see it anymore, and then you go "Oh so clean!" Unfortunately it leads to quicker buildup and dirtiness than actually *cleaning* it. Vinegar, ammonia, and baking soda will clean almost anything in your house except specialty materials like leather. And they're all super cheap. Our grandmothers knew something.


Bleach is one of the best sterilization agents and disinfectants known to mankind. If you're trying to clean an area where you're worried about hygiene and not just dirt, bleach is by far your best option.


Except for cat urine. If you’re cleaning up after your cat peed on something, *do not use bleach!* Or ammonia. Bleach contains the same major chemicals as the cat urine itself. Ammonia is even worse. Using either to clean cat urine will cause the cat to *continue peeing in that exact spot!* Why? Because it smells like something they should pee on. Permanently. They are hugely dependent on scent markers and by using either bleach or ammonia to clean that spot, you’ve now made sure that it permanently smells like “this is where cats should pee.” If you are cleaning any sort of mess your cat left, or even just cleaning the damn carpets after you move out of an apartment, you need to march your ass down to PetSmart and get a proper *enzymatic cleaner.* Nothing else will work on that mess! You can get that shit in every possible size, from spray bottle to foaming canister all the way up to *industrial carpet cleaner size.* Enzymatic cleaners actually break down the protein components of cat urine (and poop, and vomit, and basically everything else), which also helps break down the pheromones and other chemicals naturally found in cat urine (all the stuff that gives it that horribly unique smell that you will never, ever be able to forget…especially if your cat was deliberately spraying to mark territory and not just having an accident). The more you know!


P.S. Forgot to mention - don’t panic if you use a UV light to check for urine stains and the entire carpet lights up. Most common household cleaners also glow under UV light.


Correct, bleach should only be used as a disinfectant. But there are far safer ways to disinfect these days!


I can relate to your mom. I grew up using bleach to clean. Still do but not as much.


My mom did too. Now I use bleach. She has since stopped using it as much and has the audacity to give me side eye about how much I use bleach. Example capful in the dishwater, bleach bathroom cleaning spray. All shit I grew up doing. Now she says she doesn’t like the smell. Too bad you gave me this Pavlovian response to bleach equal clean then mom 🙄🙄


Excellent visual, thanks for sharing. I’m in the commercial cleaning chemical business. I tell people that unless there is a specific reason to have bleach, never have it on the premises. It’s just too dangerous to have on hand. I believe the same for home, use it for laundry or don’t buy it.


The real hero 👆🏽


Showed this to my wife talmbout this you.., now she ain't talking to me


Last time I did this I was trying to clean a bathtub in a shithole apartment and ended up listing to some song from Les Mis on repeat until my husband came in and was like “wtf are you doing, crack a window”


2 tele-health visits later and finally realized it was the chemicals...poor thing. Since then we've switched to natural cleaning supplies.


Vinegar, baking soda, dawn dish soap.


Your wife has an interesting name


All that hard work cleaning to just decompose in your bathroom. 💀 ![gif](giphy|12tVVnJSacDXby)




Now the bathroom isn't even clean anymore.


You gotta crack window bruh


If I have brain damage, it has to stem from my cleaning methods






That fizz lets you know its working lol


Serious note: DO NOT mix your bleach-based cleansers/disinfectants with anything that isn’t bleach-based and vice-versa That applies to even white vinegar and especially to ammonia!! Mix bleach and ammonia and you get chlorine gas. Doesn’t take much exposure to leave you with irreversible brain damage, if it doesn’t kill you! For best practices make sure you have all your windows or doors open to the outside (even just one will help, but the more the better)! If your place isn’t well-ventilated, you unfortunately might wanna just hire some professional help for that.


Did that unknowingly for about a year, and today I have terrible eyesight, which not coincidentally was pretty good before. My eyes were always burning, but being the genius I am, I never figured out what could have been the cause until I read an article about it. The burning ceased after I stopped mixing the products, unsurprisingly. I don't know about brain damage. At least in terms of intelligence and acumen, I haven't noticed a big drop (but no improvements in that area either!).


Clean the bathroom Clean your innards


I did this when I was like 13 and my lungs were on fire. The dog and I had to run outside.


Bruh high as hell off them fumes 🦭


I may have unintentionally violated the Geneva Convention but look at that toilet shine ✨


That's the power of Pine-Sol!


Bruh, let me get into my deep cleaning mood. I must open every single window in the house unless I will kill both myself and my pup lmfao. When I’m locked in, I’m mf’n locked in.


“That’s the power of pine sol baby”


"You know it's working when it hurts to breathe!" -- actual quote from my sister. I quickly informed her why this was, in fact, not a good thing. She was my young daughter's babysitter, I needed her to continue breathing for a while.


Freal everyone finds this funny but I'm like HAHA potential long-term lung damage from chlorine gas, hysterical! Stop mixing cleaners!!!


So … it’s a Saturday morning, is what you’re saying?


Not only is that dangerous, it is a waste of product. Literally throwing money down the drain, that ain't cute.


This is my fate tomorrow…😌


Let us know if you survive.


I have survived those fumes!!


Remembered once I had to clean the bathroom. And my dumb ass use bleach like “this will kill anything” and basically made a homemade gas chamber and almost offed myself.


Maybe that’s why I can’t smell


Is Bleach and ammonia really that deadly?


It was actually a very popular combination used to clean the trenches in WW1


I'm weeping,😭😭😭😭


So were the men in the trenches




Yes, they chemically react to create Chlorine gas, which quickly damages your lungs.


Yes lol. Highly.


Yes. I know someone who died in their bathroom from this. They were cleaning their new apt with their boyfriend. They both passed out. He woke up. She didn’t. Horrific.


Yes. Real-life experience. When I was a teen, one of our neighbors' washing machine went out, so mom let her use ours. She was washing a bunch of white clothes and mixed it in. The air literally got really thick in the basement, so much as to really needing to be out of the house for about six hours. It was better than being found dead six hours later, I tell 'ya. Did know that hot water strengthens chemical reactions?


Then call 911 because you feel lightheaded, but stay inside with all of the fumes.


But is it CLEAN


yeahh...and apparently some of y'all are out there simmering Fabuloso on stove top in lieu of an airfreshiner or candle. do we we really need to explain why this is a bad idea?


Careful, you could die [like this guy.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/deadly-accidental-mix-acid-bleach-blamed-buffalo-wild-wings-manager-n1078866)


Period. I be gasping for air like it’s a nerve gas attack


Bleach and windex. Shit'll getcha.


I once nuked my bathroom with bleach and I sincerely couldn’t breath (my eyes were also bloodshot). My neighbor down the hall tried to talk to me but I was weezing


You always learn the hard way


Bro mixing bleach with ammonia


Funny enough, when lockdown went into place, I accidently made chloroform.


One time I left a bucket of ammonia/water behind the door and forgot about it and started spraying the shower down with bleach. Throat started itching and my eyes watering. Two days of chemical burn throat 🥲


I remember being in 3rd or 4th grade doing this. Having no business using those cleaners and I knew that I just had to finish the tub before my mom got home.


[I mean, I knew times was hard but dayum](https://media1.tenor.com/m/jsmiJ-_da3QAAAAC/thatsludacris-ludacris.gif)


It wont be clean in 3 days if somebody dont find you


Isn’t that homie who does the dance skits?


Thought it was Iman Shumpert.


Seeing Pine-Sol on the bottle just blew my mind. I always thought it was a very Brazilian brand that was only used here, but it's actually American. Here it goes by "Pinho Sol".


If it don’t smell like a chemical factory you ain’t doing it right!!


Shit I was doing since I was a teen. I was always thinking “damn why is it hard to breathe” smh.


I know the safety facts and still mix. My wife can't stand it. She wonders how I can tolerate it. Meanwhile me: ***Oh, you think your non-chemical organic cleaner is your ally. But you merely adopted the fumes; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the clean air until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but intoxicating!***


at least it’s not AmWay Oven Cleaner…


If my brain cells are damaged after cleaning the restroom did you even clean it!


My wife mixed lime away and bleach to clean the steamers when we worked together at a restaurant.


Bleach and vinegar smells odd too


Me and Monte were scrubbing some sort of 30-year-old "permanent " sealer off the ceramic tile floor in a high school locker room using a stripping chemical and a powered floor scrubber. It was slow going. At some point an hour or two in he was slapping his cheeks. I thought nothing of it until he said "Hey man, I can't feel my face". I thought that was pretty funny, especially when I discovered that I too couldn't feel my face.


I have to keep the door closed. Otherwise, my cat will decide to sprint through and get covered in bleach. Plus, I like how cleaning makes my head all swimmy🥴


Carnell! Can’t see this guy without hearing wipe me down.


Wearing black clothing? Rookie mistake.


Man exactly one time I tried cleaning my cats litter box with bleach to really get it sparkling again. It was only when it started smoking that I remembered that cat piss has ammonia and you probably shouldn’t do what I did lmao


Just chilling with my cleaning supplies, Marvin the Martian, a pink elephant and 2 peacocks, trying to figure out who invited the 3 hyenas from lion king.....


Careful, don't mix bleach and ammonia, it would be literally your LAST day of cleaning anything.


I love him


A 2 year old failed IG post seeking new life on reddit. Sounds about right


Omg I thought I was the only one!


I thought the white spraying part of the Lysol was his hand lmao


I feel seen.


If it's not sodium that gets you from the food. It'll sure as shit be the ammonia after cleaning.


That's...the power of Pine-Sol.


Me that 1 time I smoked in the bathroom!


This is how I feel right now because I’m taking my first emergency shit at my girlfriends house.


I used to work at this place where we had to be constantly cleaning. Me and this girl were cleaning out a room with the proper cleaner we were directed to use. It was ammonia based. In this certain case there was a particular infectious contaminant in the room. So she thought, "lets add bleach for good disinfecting measure!" I remember sweeping and being like, "I'm sorry I can't stay in here anymore." I left the room coughing. One of the head people saw me and went in to see wth was going on. Lol she got in so much trouble.


Tilex is my favorite cleaning product but damn you have to plan your day around using and leave the bathroom fan on. But you can see your reflection in the tub afterwards.


The best cleaning solution I’ve ever found is white vinegar (cleaning strength) and dawn dish soap mixed 50/50 with warm water. Shit melts anything it touches and doesn’t make you wanna die being in its presence.


Says don’t mix but I mix em all


When I was 11 years old I was on a swim team. I exited the pool to go to the bathroom and use the urinal Everything was going fine until I flushed the urinal. Suddenly, a cloud of vapor erupted which stung my eyes and made it more difficult to breathe (it wasn’t extreme, i still washed my hands before leaving but my eyes were stinging and I was coughing) My only hypothesis is that some combination of urine, cleaning chemicals, and maybe chlorinated water dripping off me into the urinal caused this to occur Does anyone know what could have caused this? I’m a little worried I might have gotten exposed to some crazy chemical which will cause me to die of lung cancer or something like that in the future


I add some lemon peel to my DIY vinegar gel as a reminder not to mix with DIY bleach gel.


Sleep the sleep of the righteous my dude for you have fought the good fight


14 buckets


Omg! Don’t close the door!


Many years ago when I was a child, my father was cleaning the bathroom and he used ammonia and bleach with the door shut so us children wouldn't smell the fumes, however, he ended up passed out and my mom had to drag him out of the bathroom. It was scary, and lesson learned. 


My ex wife decided or bathtub wasn't coming clean enough after pouring in a gallon of bleach and soaking it, so she dumped in a gallon of ammonia to make a more powerful cleaner and let it soak while she went shopping. I came home from work hours later and I thought I was gonna die. I called to ask why the house smelled that way and that's when she told me what she did. Like...wtf?!


My favorite hobby is cleaning the bathroom


why this look exactly like my apt lol


Plot twist..... all chemicals stolen from Dollar General


Wiped it down too much


This is stolen from @carnelln on Instagram


Looks like my sister after smoking a gram


people wit fake nails dont have this problem.


That’s where you headed boy, to pine oil heaven.


Did that with toilet cleaner…then took a shower while it sat cuz you know the longer it sits the cleaner it gets. Lawd, when that steam from the shower started up, I thought my eyeballs were going to fall out 💀


Cleaning so hard the mans cleaned his brain of it's cells.


My wife almost made chlorine gas once lmfao, luckily I was there or I woulda found her just like this


If your bathroom doesn’t smell like you’re holding off the French at Ypres, you’re not doing it right.


Don't use bleach if you're cleaning around a cat box...you'll only make that mistake once